1 characteristics of the enterprise. Practice report: Characteristics of the enterprise, its functional activities and management features. Analysis of the main financial indicators of CJSC "RTK"

Various organizations participate in the life of any society. They are created for different purposes. But all of them are designed to provide material or spiritual benefits to a person and provide services.

The types of activities of such social units are so diverse that it is difficult to even list them. This could be an enterprise that produces all kinds of products, or a public sector institution (school, hospital, etc.). It can also be a club or party where people gather to freely express their views and communicate with like-minded people. The characteristics of an organization make it possible to understand what type of activity it belongs to, what all structural units have in common. Man is a social being. Therefore, we simply need this type of communication as an organization.

General concept

To understand the basic characteristics of an organization, you should first know the definition of this social unit. The word organize comes from Latin. Translated, it means “I inform”, “I arrange”. This is such a variety social system, in which a specific group of people come together to achieve a specific goal. They implement their thoughts, opinions, and actions according to certain rules and laws.

This form of communication between people is the primary unit of society. The organization acts as both an object and a subject of society. Its boundaries are determined by the sphere of activity in which its goals are achieved. This community of people may consist of several structural elements, and also be part of an even larger general group.


The characteristics of the organization include a number of features. It should be said that this open system. This is explained by the fact that any organization interacts with the rest of society. To do this, three actions are implemented inside it. Initially, this isolated unit consumes and accumulates the necessary resources from external environment. These can be raw materials, materials, information, etc. Then the attracted resources are processed within the organization. Products are produced, services are provided, certain views are formed, etc.

Such an organization has its logical conclusion. This is a return of resources. This social category directs the result of its activities to the external environment. Moreover, the company does this in order to obtain economic benefits. The service sector also sometimes has the goal of profit, but there are also organizations that were initially created to provide services for their own sake. This is their purpose of activity. Some associations are waiting for the final result in obtaining spiritual values. It all depends on the views and beliefs of the community.

Two views on the definition

general characteristics organization should be given based on the definition of this It can be understood in two senses. The first approach considers the interconnected parts of one whole. The internal order of the entire group is ensured common goals and laws of behavior. The second approach defines organization as a process of all actions aimed at the formation of specific connections. The essence of this view is to increase the quantity and quality of communications over time. This process occurs in a certain space. To operate such a system or process, people are guided by both creative inspiration and clearly regulated rules and regulations.

Main characteristics

There are several signs by which a community of people is determined. This is a characteristic of institutions, clubs and so on have a number of common distinctive features. These include the availability of resources, openness to the external environment, and horizontal division of responsibilities. Also, one of the main characteristics is the structure (presence of divisions, several participants). This also includes vertical division of responsibilities and the need for management.

Resources are the first criterion that characterizes an organization. An example can be given in the process industrial production. In order for a company to manufacture products, it requires materials, equipment, technology, etc. From this criterion, the following immediately emerges: since the organization requires resources, it has to interact with the environment.

In fulfilling its functions, the company organizes the work of all divisions, each of which does its own job.


The general characteristics of the organization reveal the principles of the flow of all its internal and external processes. To be able to work towards achieving their goals, a group of people must take all actions deliberately. For this purpose, coordinating and implementing bodies are appointed. Managers make decisions about the direction of activities.

Performers must implement this plan in accordance with their clearly established responsibilities. Moreover, they must do this work efficiently and in full. This is how any organization functions. This allows you to achieve your goals with a high degree of probability.

Company goals

Each organization, as already mentioned, gathers to realize its goals. This is the main landmark towards which a specific set of people is directed. For example, economic characteristics The organization is always given on the basis of such an indicator as net profit. This criterion can tell how the whole system worked.

But there are organizations with other goals. For example, a school strives to prepare greatest number excellent students, give maximum high level education. Goals can be intermediate, gradually leading a group of people to one common solution to a global problem. Without aspiration and movement, no company of people can exist.


To achieve its goal, a community of people must solve a number of problems. These are steps on the way to the main result. The characteristics of the organization presuppose that the entire process of activity is carried out according to a certain scheme. To work successfully, you must first create and think through a mission. It shouldn't be abstract. To achieve it, an action plan is created. Goals are divided into tasks, the solution of which can achieve the desired result.

Next, managers and performers are given information about their responsibilities. In order for them to perform their functions, all connections between structural divisions, technologies, norms and standards of behavior are being developed. The organization then absorbs the necessary resources. The entire system performs its assigned tasks, moving towards ultimate goal. Only complexity of actions, coordination and control help achieve the goal. The characteristics of the organization depend entirely on this criterion.

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General organizational and legal characteristics of the company

The object of the study is an enterprise for the production of granite products. LLC "Kamnerez" is a limited liability company. The organization was formed in accordance with Federal law“On limited liability companies” (On LLC) dated 02/08/1998 N 14-FZ in the city of Chelyabinsk.

Legal address: Chelyabinsk, 454106, st. Kashirin Brothers, 44

Types of activity (according to OKVED codes): wholesale trade, including trade through agents, cutting, processing and finishing of stone.

Company registration: Kamnerez LLC was registered on May 15, 2007. Registrar – Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service for the Kalininsky District of Chelyabinsk.

OGRN: 1077447010112. INN: 7447112941. KPP: 744701001. OKPO: 99268297. OKATO: 75401364000

The founder of Kamnerez LLC is individual– citizen Russian Federation. LLC "Kamnerez" has a current account for its main activity, a round seal, an emblem with its name, and other stamps and seals. The legal status is determined by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the Charter of the organization, constituent agreement, other regulatory documents.

The supreme governing body of a limited liability company is general meeting its founders.

The Company sells its products, works, services, production waste at prices and tariffs established independently or on a contractual basis, with the exception of those prices and tariffs established by authorized government bodies.

The Company has the right to freely choose its suppliers and buyers, both in the Russian Federation and abroad. The company may belong to unions, associations, concerns and other associations.

All work in the company is performed by participants, full-time employees, as well as persons hired under contract agreements in accordance with current legislation.

The Company maintains operational records, accounting and statistical reporting in accordance with the procedure established by current legislation.

Goals construction organization LLC "Kamnerez":

1. Increase in market share.

2. Preservation and maintenance at the required level of all types of financial resources.

3. Attracting valuable resources: qualified employees, capital, modern equipment.

4. Improving operational efficiency.

5. Obtaining a stable profit.

The production company "Kamnerez" is engaged in the manufacture and wholesale granite products.

The subject of the company's activities are:

1. Paving stones

2. Basement slab “rock”

3. Curb stones

4. Granite slabs

Analysis of the dynamics of the main economic indicators of the enterprise

Appendix A presents financial statements companies for 2011 – 2013.

For the period 2011 – 2013 The company's revenue from the provision of services increased by 31.18% from 178,051 thousand rubles. in 2011 to 233,568 thousand rubles. in 2013, which is associated with an increase in demand for products in the market, the cost of services grew at a lower rate than sales revenue, the growth was almost 27.2%. As a result of all of the above, sales profit increased by 42.1%.

Table 1.1 – Assessment of the main financial results for 2011 – 2013

Indicators 2011 year 2012 year 2013 Absolute change, i.e. Growth rate, %
Revenue 178 051 224 363 233 568 55 517 31,18
Cost of sales 130 590 157 833 166 125 35 535 27,21
Gross profit (loss) 47 461 66 530 67 443 19 982 42,10
Business expenses 3 101 3 374 3 358 8,29
Administrative expenses 47 967 56 511 58 452 10 485 21,86
Profit (loss) from sales -3 607 6 645 5 633 9 240 -256,17
Income from participation in other organizations -253 -84,90
Interest receivable 17,16
Percentage to be paid
Other income 22 956 17 570 18 556 -4 400 -19,17
other expenses 17 961 9 688 10 254 -7 707 -42,91
Profit (loss) before tax 1 249 14 093 14 492 13 243 1060,29
Current income tax 3 412 2 898 2 862 7951,11
Net income (loss) -170 10 630 11 552 11 722 -6895,29

Let us note the positive trend in profitability of activities developing at the enterprise. Sales profit in 2011 amounted to 3,607 thousand rubles. (loss), and in 2012 the profit amounted to 6,645 thousand rubles. Note that 2013 ended with a good amount of positive profit of 5,633 thousand rubles.

The positive amount of net profit in all periods (except for 2011, this year there was a loss) is due to high income from core activities and a positive balance from other activities.

Table 1.2 contains an analysis of the dynamics of financial results of Kamnerez LLC for 2011 – 2013.

Table 1.2 – Dynamics of financial results for 2011 – 2013, %

As the results of the analysis of Table 1.2 show, the dynamics of revenue and financial results in general are very positive; we note that revenue grows on average annually by 14.53%.

Chapter 4 Human Resources Management

Analysis of the financial stability of Kamnerez LLC

Absolute indicators of financial stability are indicators characterizing the state of reserves and the availability of their sources of formation. Data for calculating absolute indicators for LLC “STONE CUTTER” are given in Table G.4. (Appendix G).

Having calculated absolute indicators financial stability and indicators of the provision of reserves with sources of their formation, we can conclude that the financial condition of Kamnerez LLC at the beginning of the reporting period can be characterized as a crisis, associated with a violation of solvency, in which, however, it remains possible to restore balance by replenishing sources own funds and an increase in own working capital, but at the end of the period the situation is improving favorably and the financial condition can be described as simply unstable.

Having identified the financial situation in which the enterprise is located, we will calculate relative indicators of financial stability. The results obtained will be reflected in Table G.5 (Appendix G), where we compare the values ​​of financial stability coefficients with the normative ones.

The data indicate that the company can be called financially independent. This is confirmed by the high value of the autonomy coefficient. However, in general, it can be noted that almost all relative financial stability ratios by the end of the analyzed period deteriorated and are at an insufficient level.

Chapter 7 Marketing Management

STEP analysis

To analyze the environment indirect impact We will conduct a STEEP analysis of Kamnerez LLC within the Ural region, we will show what factors and how they influence the sale of the company’s granite products in Chelyabinsk region. The results of the STEEP analysis are given in Appendix K.

S – Social factors influencing the activities of the organization.

Unemployment rate. As of January 1, 2014, the unemployment rate in the Chelyabinsk region is 3.55%. There are 64,633 unemployed people registered with employment centers.

By tracking the unemployment rate in Chelyabinsk and the region, it is possible to predict the number of vacancies that will be required to expand the activities of Kamnerez LLC, and accordingly, fill them.

T – Technological factors.

Degree of development information systems. If there is a developed system information technologies the ability of consumers to access information increases many times. The speed of interaction between elements increases, efficiency increases. Let us note that the company Kamnerez LLC has its own website http://www.kamnerez74.ru/, which is very popular in the granite products market.

E – Economic factors.

Reducing the refinancing rate. A reduction in the rate helps to obtain loans from commercial banks on more favorable terms.

Inflation rates. According to Rosstat, in 2013 the inflation rate was 8.8%. In 2014, the government expects price growth to range from 6.5 to 7.5 percent. Thus, we can expect an increase in the purchasing power of citizens and legal entities.

E – Environmental factors.

Strict environmental requirements and production restrictions. Tightening production standards construction work and granite products leads to an increase in the costs of manufacturers for the development and implementation of environmentally appropriate production standards, and this, in turn, for the company’s products.

R – Political factors.

Antimonopoly legislation. In accordance with the Federal Law "On Competition and Restriction of Monopolistic Activities in commodity markets" dated March 22, 1991, enterprises are responsible for collusion in pricing, as well as unfair advertising.

Tax law. The adoption of a law on supporting small and medium-sized businesses will allow organizations to further develop, gain new positions in the market, and the emergence of new competitors.

Environmental legislation. The state establishes strict environmental requirements and restrictions, trying to regulate the level of pollution environment. The company must comply with all environmental laws and comply with all environmental requirements.

Environmental and political factors have a highly unfavorable impact on the organization of Kamnerez LLC. The state actively influences the activities of the enterprise, strives to prevent collusion in the market, and regulate environmental pollution. The most positive impact on the company is the modernization of technology and the growth of household incomes.

Key Success Factors

Key success factors are factors common to all enterprises in the industry, the implementation of which opens up prospects for improving their competitive position. The point is not whether a particular firm can or cannot currently implement these factors. The challenge is to identify the factors that provide the key to competitive success in a given industry. Identification of CFU for a specific industry is the first step, which should be followed by the development of activities for mastering CFU specific to the industry. This work represents an essential part of developing the strategic plan of the enterprise, taking into account the nature of the goals and objectives of development, as they are imagined by the management of the enterprise. CFU should be considered as the foundation of the developed strategy.

To complete the industry analysis, we will formulate the key success factors in the industry (Appendix K).

Chapter 8 Problem Analysis

The structure of the enterprise's balance sheet is typical for enterprises engaged in production, namely: a fairly high share of fixed assets with a significant share of inventories of industrial goods. The results of the analysis of the comparative analytical balance showed that the company invests the profit received in expanding the production base in the form of OS, which is apparently associated with intentions to expand the range of services offered;

All profitability indicators were low in the reporting period, especially the efficiency of financial and economic activities, products and revenue, but their dynamics were assessed as positive.

At the end of all of the above, we will distribute the identified problems by degree of significance (Fig. 8.2).

Figure 8.3 – Algorithm for increasing financial stability

Thus, a set of measures has been defined to improve the financial and economic condition of Kamnerez LLC.

We see the most realistic option for improving the financial condition of an enterprise and increasing business efficiency in the investment expansion of the enterprise’s activities, namely in the implementation of an investment project for business clustering, portfolio diversification and development of the enterprise’s innovative and technological base.


The study was carried out using the example of the enterprise for the production and sale of granite products, LLC "Kamnerez", the analysis carried out in the work is focused on strengthening the market position of the enterprise and improving the financial condition. The goals and objectives set in the work required the use of STEP analysis methods, the BCG matrix, KFU, as well as methods financial analysis activities of the enterprise.

The work examines the general organizational and legal characteristics of the company, and we also conducted an in-depth analysis of the competitive positions of Kamnerez LLC in the market.

An analysis of the external environment showed that the organization is experiencing difficulties as a result of a decrease in the solvency of the population. Therefore, it is recommended to use the capabilities of developing technologies to balance the preponderance of negative factors.

Analysis competitive environment showed that the level of competition in the industry is quite high, so Kamnerez LLC has to maintain its position by expanding the range of services, improving their quality and promoting them to the market.

An internal analysis of the company Kamnerez LLC showed that the main omission of the management is the lack of a clearly developed strategy for the organization; accordingly, the connections between the main subsystems of the organization are broken.

Organizational culture and structure comply with generally accepted standards, which is a factor contributing to faster and better implementation of the strategy.

An analysis of the organization's strategy showed that the most optimal for implementation may be a strategy of deeper market penetration (according to Ansoff) and a strategy of focused differentiation (according to Porter).

Using the BCG matrix, we identified paving stones as a market leader, the sale of which brings significant profit to the company; investments in granite slabs are a priority.

As a result of analyzing the resources and capabilities of the organization, we identified exactly those key competencies that give competitive advantage the one under consideration production company Kamnerez LLC, and, accordingly, are the basis for the successful implementation of the strategy.

A general analysis of the financial and economic activities of Kamnerez LLC allows us to state that:

The structure of the enterprise's balance sheet is typical for enterprises engaged in production, namely: a fairly high share of fixed assets with a significant share of inventories. The results of the analysis of the comparative analytical balance showed that the company invests the profit received in expanding the production base in the form of OS, which is apparently associated with intentions to expand the range of services offered;

A three-factor model of financial stability, calculated for Kamnerez LLC, showed that the enterprise is characterized by an unstable financial situation. The calculation and analysis of relative financial stability ratios shows that all eight ratios are outside the recommended values ​​at both the beginning and the end of the analyzed period. At the same time, negative dynamics remain for all coefficients.

All relative liquidity indicators are within the recommended values;

Calculations of the factory's creditworthiness as a potential borrower showed that, by almost all indicators, it can be classified as a high first class of borrowers;

Results of coefficient calculations business activity indicate that: there is a decrease in business activity, an increase in the production and financial cycle;

All profitability indicators are low in the reporting period.

Thus, based on the identified problem of low economic efficiency of activities, measures were developed to improve efficiency: operational and strategic (formation of a business plan for the introduction of new equipment and its implementation).

It was revealed that the most realistic option for increasing the economic efficiency of the enterprise Kamnerez LLC is the investment expansion of the enterprise’s activities, namely in the implementation of an investment project for business clustering, portfolio diversification and development of the innovative and technological base of the enterprise, this explains the role of the business plan in the enterprise . A properly drawn up business plan should increase the efficiency of the Kamnerez LLC enterprise.

Based on an assessment of the strategic position of the enterprise Kamnerez LLC and the use of a marketing mix, a business plan for an investment project to increase the economic efficiency of the enterprise through the introduction of new equipment is proposed.


The object of the study is manufacturing enterprise LLC "Stone cutter" The subject of the study is the economic efficiency of Kamnerez LLC.

The purpose of the pre-diploma internship is to assess the role of the business plan and its impact on efficiency at the Kamnerez LLC enterprise.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

1. Present the organizational and economic characteristics of Kamnerez LLC.

2. Conduct market research and identify the competitive positions of Kamnerez LLC in the market.

2. Assess the financial stability of Kamnerez LLC.

4. Identify problems of the organization’s efficiency and propose a business plan as a tool for increasing the economic efficiency of Kamnerez LLC.

this work is the basis for further diploma design, in which the investment project and its impact on economic efficiency LLC "Stone cutter" The thesis project will consider the forecast financial condition companies taking into account the implementation of the project and without it.

Chapter 1 General characteristics of the enterprise

practice report

1. Characteristics of the enterprise

The wholesale trade center “AVS Land” is one of the youngest enterprises of the “AVS Group” group of companies. It was formed in February 2005. Today AVS Land is one of the most profitable suppliers for the Urals and other regions of Russia.

The company is located at the address: 620033, Yekaterinburg, st. Hardware room, 5T. tel./fax: +7 343 369-48-00, 369-49-00, 3-600-600; e-mail: [email protected] ; http://www.avsland.ru/; Head: Kalashnikova Elena Viktorovna.


TsOT "AVS Land" organizationally legal form registered as individual entrepreneur Mustafina Kristina Ravilievna and has a certificate of state registration series 66 No. 004028369 dated January 25, 2005

Address: Ekaterinburg, st. Baku Commissars, 64, apt. 28

The scope of activity of AVS Land is wholesale trade in consumer goods. Direct deliveries from the manufacturer allow us to timely update the product range, taking into account the most current needs of the company’s customers. The company has the opportunity not only to place orders for the product lines needed at the moment, but also to control the production process, which has a positive effect on the quality of the product. "AVS Land" is one of the most profitable suppliers for the Urals and other regions of Russia.

Wholesale trade center "AVS Land" offers a wide range of products, numbering more than ten thousand items and updated depending on the upcoming season: everything for sports and outdoor activities, household goods and tools, household and garden tools, New Year's paraphernalia, textiles, souvenirs and much more.

AVS Land created comfortable conditions for the company's clients: the office, showroom and warehouses are located in one place, qualified consultants will help you understand the variety of products presented.

Using the photo catalog on the website, the company's clients can place an order, get advice from specialists at the Wholesale Trade Center, and also find out all the necessary information about the company and the products offered.

Mission of AVS Group: We achieve success and contribute to the development of individuals, society and the state by effectively managing economic, political and social resources.

Goal of the organization: Carrying out its activities within the framework of the wholesale and retail network "China City", by 2010 to occupy 2% of the market volume of everyday goods in the Urals Federal District, using its own capital in circulation.

Main goals:

Increase the client base to 1,000 clients;

Increase the assortment to 10,000 items;

Have 100% staffing with 90% compliance;

Achieve maximum growth of economic indicators:

Increase operating profit margin:

Fact 2007: 12%

Plan 2008: 16%

Plan 2009: 17%

Increase asset turnover:

Fact 2007: 2.6 rpm

Plan 2008: 3.6 rpm

Plan 2009: 3.9 rpm

Increase turnover and marginal profit.


Determine the needs of enterprises for consumables;

Attracting new groups of clients;

Develop customer service.


Go to new level customer service through the implementation of the online store;

Develop sales technology using an automated system;

Optimize warehouse space;

Mastering direct import technologies;

Contract manufacturing;

Purchases of goods for sale through retail trading network"China town";

Modern logistics.


Personnel policy (certification system, competencies, personnel training program, motivation);

Corporate culture.

Ensuring the investment attractiveness of the enterprise;

Normalization of working capital turnover;

Optimize the budgeting and planning system.

Main activities of the enterprise

The company carries out wholesale trade everyday goods.

The main functions for the enterprise are:

determining the needs of wholesale buyers;

establishing permanent connections and sources of purchasing goods in order to fully satisfy these needs.

The company acts as a customer of consumer goods; its functions include the purchase and delivery of goods from manufacturing enterprises. It also performs the function of ensuring the relationship between manufacturing partners, sellers and buyers - to find optimal distribution channels for products.

The enterprise maintains operational control over both the shipment and sale of goods. Each warehouse (real and virtual) is assigned plans and schedules for the delivery of goods to individual customers for a month, a week, and on individual days. Based on data from waybills and other documents, the actual volumes of goods shipped are determined. Based on these data, deviations from the plan for the supply of goods are established (in terms of assortment and total supply volume) and measures are taken to improve the supply of goods. At the warehouse, in addition, they carry out operational control over the movement of goods and the state of inventory in a comprehensive assortment, the data of which is used in everyday trade and commercial work with customers.

Based on statements from bank accounts (Internet Bank) and documents attached to them, the company promptly monitors the progress of receipts Money behind goods sold, implementation of the plan and dynamics of trade turnover. This information is used in the operational analysis of distribution costs, financial results, solvency of the enterprise and the development of measures to improve its economic activities.

The use of a special program developed on the basis of the 1C:Enterprise program allows you to automate as much as possible the operational analysis of goods purchases, shipments, product distribution and turnover. Using the program, you can, in particular, carry out operational control over the number and amount of issued commodity and settlement documents for shipped goods, accounts receivable and payable.

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