120 Mbit to MB. What home Internet speed do you really need? Bits, kilobits, megabits

Today, the Internet is needed in every home no less than water or electricity. And in every city there are a lot of companies or small firms that can provide people with access to the Internet.

The user can choose any package for using the Internet from a maximum of 100 Mbit/s to a low speed of, for example, 512 kB/s. How to choose the right speed and the right Internet provider for yourself?

Of course, Internet speed must be chosen based on what you do online and how much you are willing to pay per month for Internet access. From my own experience, I want to say that a speed of 15 Mbit/s quite suits me as a person who works on the network. Working on the Internet, I have 2 browsers turned on, and each has 20-30 tabs open, and problems arise more on the computer side (for working with big amount Tabs require a lot of RAM and a powerful processor) than in terms of Internet speed. The only time when you have to wait a little is the moment you first launch the browser, when all the tabs are loaded at the same time, but usually this takes no more than a minute.

1. What do Internet speed values ​​mean?

Many users confuse Internet speed values, thinking that 15Mb/s is 15 megabytes per second. In fact, 15Mb/s is 15 megabits per second, which is 8 times less than megabytes and as a result we will get about 2 megabytes of download speed for files and pages. If you usually download movies for viewing with a size of 1500 MB, then at a speed of 15 Mbps the movie will download in 12-13 minutes.

We look at a lot or a little of your Internet speed

  • The speed is 512 kbps 512 / 8 = 64 kBps (this speed is not enough for watching online video);
  • The speed is 4 Mbit/s 4 / 8 = 0.5 MB/s or 512 kB/s (this speed is enough to watch online video in quality up to 480p);
  • The speed is 6 Mbit/s 6 / 8 = 0.75 MB/s (this speed is enough to watch online video in quality up to 720p);
  • The speed is 16 Mbit/s 16 / 8 = 2 MB/s (this speed is enough to watch online video in quality up to 2K);
  • The speed is 30 Mbit/s 30 / 8 = 3.75 MB/s (this speed is enough to watch online video in quality up to 4K);
  • The speed is 60 Mbit/s 60 / 8 = 7.5 MB/s (this speed is enough to watch online video in any quality);
  • The speed is 70 Mbit/s 60 / 8 = 8.75 MB/s (this speed is enough to watch online video in any quality);
  • The speed is 100 Mbit/s 100 / 8 = 12.5 MB/s (this speed is enough to watch online video in any quality).

Many people who connect to the Internet are worried about the ability to watch online video. Let’s see what kind of traffic is needed for films of different quality.

2. Internet speed required to watch online videos

And here you will find out how much or how little your speed is for watching online videos with different quality formats.

Broadcast type Video bitrate Audio bitrate (stereo) Traffic Mb/s (megabytes per second)
Ultra HD 4K 25-40 Mbit/s 384 kbps from 2.6
1440p (2K) 10 Mbit/s 384 kbps 1,2935
1080p 8000 kbps 384 kbps 1,0435
720p 5000 kbps 384 kbps 0,6685
480p 2500 kbps 128 kbps 0,3285
360p 1000 kbps 128 kbps 0,141

We see that all the most popular formats are reproduced without problems at an Internet speed of 15 Mbit/s. But to watch video in 2160p (4K) format you need at least 50-60 Mbit/s. but there is one BUT. I don’t think that many servers will be able to distribute videos of this quality while maintaining such a speed, so if you connect to the Internet at 100 Mbit/s, you may not be able to watch online videos in 4K.

3. Internet speed for online games

Connecting home Internet, every gamer wants to be 100% sure that his Internet speed will be enough to play his favorite game. But as it turns out, online games are not at all demanding on Internet speed. Let's consider what speed popular online games require:

  1. DOTA 2 - 512 kbps.
  2. World of Warcraft - 512 kbps.
  3. GTA online - 512 kbps.
  4. World of Tanks (WoT) - 256-512 kbit/sec.
  5. Panzar - 512 kbit/sec.
  6. Counter Strike - 256-512 kbps.

Important! The quality of your online game depends less on the speed of the Internet than on the quality of the channel itself. For example, if you (or your provider) receive Internet via satellite, then no matter what package you use, the ping in the game will be significantly higher than that of a wired channel with a lower speed.

4. Why do you need an Internet connection of more than 30 Mbit/s?

In exceptional cases, I might recommend using a faster connection of 50 Mbps or more. Not many will be able to provide such a speed in full, the Internet to Home company has been in this market for many years and completely inspires confidence, all the more important is the stability of the connection, and I want to believe that they are at their best here. A high speed Internet connection may be necessary when working with large amounts of data (downloading and uploading it from the network). Perhaps you are a fan of watching movies in excellent quality, or download large games every day, or upload large videos or work files to the Internet. To check the communication speed, you can use various online services, and to optimize the work you need to do .

By the way, a speed of 3 Mbit/s and lower usually makes working on the network a little unpleasant, not all sites with online video work well, and downloading files is generally not pleasant.

Be that as it may, today there is plenty to choose from in the Internet services market. Sometimes, in addition to global providers, the Internet is offered by small-town companies, and often the level of their service is also excellent. The cost of services in such companies is, of course, much lower than that of large companies, but as a rule, the coverage of such companies is very insignificant, usually within an area or two.

Russia has very good and, no less important, affordable home Internet. Seriously! In villages and very deep provinces, things are, of course, worse, but take any city, even a small one, in the European part of the country and look at the tariffs. For 300–400 rubles a month you can bring Internet to your apartment at a speed of around 25–50 megabits per second, and with some promotion even 100 megabits.

For comparison: in “civilized” countries fast internet(both home and mobile) costs an order of magnitude more. And the concept of “monthly data limit” still lives there. We only have this left with mobile operators.

However, being cheap is not a reason to pay for something you don’t use. Even a hundred rubles saved warms your wallet, and therefore the tariff for your home Internet must be chosen based on your real speed needs. Let's figure out how many megabits per second are required in different situations, and start with the basic concepts.

Megabits, megabytes and real speeds

Data size is usually measured in bytes. For example, an HD movie weighs from 700 megabytes (megabytes) to 1.4 gigabytes (gigabytes), while a Full HD movie weighs from 4 to 14 gigabytes.

Data transfer rates are usually specified in bits (not bytes!) per second, and sometimes this causes misunderstanding.

Byte ≠ bit.

1 byte = 8 bits.

1 megabyte = 8 megabits.

1 megabyte per second = 8 megabits per second.

If the user does not distinguish between bytes and bits, he can easily confuse them or mistake them for the same thing. In this case, it will calculate the approximate time for downloading an HD movie via torrent something like this:

  1. The film weighs 1,400 "megs".
  2. Internet speed is 30 “megas” per second.
  3. The movie will download in 1,400 / 30 = 46.6 seconds.

In fact, the Internet speed is 30 megabits per second = 3.75 megabytes per second. Accordingly, 1,400 megabytes must be divided not by 30, but by 3.75. In this case, the download time will be 1,400 / 3.75 = 373 seconds.

In practice, the speed will be even lower, because Internet providers indicate the speed “up to”, that is, the maximum possible, and not the working speed. In addition, interference, especially over Wi-Fi, network congestion, and limitations and characteristics of user and service provider equipment also contribute. You can check your speed using, and increase it using.

Often the bottleneck becomes the resource from which you download something. For example, your Internet speed is 100 megabits per second, and the site sends data at a speed of 10 megabits per second. In this case, the download will occur at a speed of no more than 10 megabits per second, and nothing can be done about it.

What internet speed do you really need?

Obviously, the above table requires clarification.

Questions and answers

What to do if the Internet is used on two or more devices at once?

Let’s say you are watching Full HD streaming video on a smart TV, your wife is surfing YouTube on a laptop with an HD screen, and your child is watching something from a smartphone or tablet, also in HD quality. Does this mean that the numbers from the table need to be summed up?

Yes, that's absolutely right. In this case, you will need about 20 megabits per second.

Why do different sites have different speed requirements for watching videos of the same resolution?

There is such a thing as bitrate - the amount of information with which an image is encoded per unit of time, and, accordingly, a conditional indicator of the quality of picture and sound. The higher the bitrate, the, as a rule, better picture. This is why on torrents you can find versions of the same movie with the same resolution, but different sizes.

Additionally, there are super-smooth 60fps videos. They weigh more and require faster internet.

Is it true that online games are so undemanding of Internet speed?

Yes, for most games like CS, Dota 2, WoT, WoW and even GTA 5, just one megabit per second is more than enough for multiplayer, but in this case, ping becomes decisive - the time it takes for the signal to travel from you to the game server and back. The lower the ping, the lower the latency in the game.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to know in advance even the approximate ping in a specific game through a specific provider, since its value is not constant and depends on many factors.

Why during video calls does the picture and sound from my interlocutors go normally to me, but not from me to them?

In this case, not only incoming, but also outgoing Internet speed becomes important. Often, providers do not indicate the outgoing speed in the tariff at all, but you can check it yourself using the same Speedtest.net.

To broadcast via a webcam, an outgoing speed of 1 megabit per second is sufficient. In the case of HD cameras (and especially Full HD), the requirements for outgoing speed increase.

Why do Internet service providers start at 20–30 or more megabits per second in speed tariffs?

Because the higher the speed, the more money I can take it from you. Providers could keep the tariffs “from the past” with a speed of 2–10 megabits per second and reduce their cost to 50–100 rubles, but why? It is much more profitable to increase the minimum speeds and prices.

In order to take into account all the nuances when choosing an Internet tariff, you need to know a few facts about the principles of network operation that will help you use the services more efficiently.

Megabits and megabytes are different things. 1 Mbit/sec is approximately 8 times larger than 1 MB/sec. It turns out that with an Internet speed of 8 Mbit/sec, we get a real speed of about 1 MB/sec. A 5 MB music track will be downloaded (or fully downloaded) in 5 seconds. Thus, knowing your needs on the network, you can calculate the time it will take to complete this or that task when current tariff.

The ultimate Internet speed is determined not only by your ISP. Its performance is affected the most important factors, for example, network equipment, speed of the remote server, wireless signal strength, speed of the end device, etc. If your provider proudly claims 50 megabits per second, then when watching a movie online, you may simply not get that speed, because the computer with the movie is somewhere far away. The server is loaded with distribution of this film to several thousand, or even tens of thousands of the same users.

This is comparable to a wide pipe through which a small stream flows: the source (server) is not capable of giving more, and all the extra space is empty. A similar situation arises if you are with a tablet across 2 walls and a layer of furniture from the router - the speed of the Wi-Fi channel will drop, and no matter how fast the Internet reaches your home, it will reach the device at other, lower speeds.

An important indicator of communication quality is ping. Essentially, ping is the speed of accessing data on the Internet, i.e. how quickly the request goes through. If at high speed If the ping is high, then it will be of practically no use: requests will go through slowly. A high ping has a particularly negative effect on regular web surfing, where every mouse click is sending a request, as well as on online games, where the synchronicity of what is happening in real time depends on the ping.

One of the most frequent and demanding user tasks is online video. If with music everything is not so fundamental, because... Since the size of the compositions is small, then with a video you must always pay attention to the quality in which you watch it. The higher the quality, the slower the buffering (loading) of the film or video occurs. For example, 480p quality requires almost half the speed compared to 1080, although many reputable sites automatically set the video quality, so the problem has become less significant.

Torrents are the most reliable speed test. Here the users’ computers act as a server, and the speed of sending information to your computer is summed up across all servers. As a result, the overall upload speed can be very high, capable of loading any Internet channel.

Taking all these factors into account, the following recommendations can be made.

  • approximately 5 Mbit/sec will be more than enough for web surfing and simultaneous listening to music, and the Internet channel can be shared by several devices with such tasks
  • 10 Mbit/sec can ensure uninterrupted playback of FullHD video on 2 devices, and on the third you can view pages quite comfortably
  • 20 Mbit/sec is already a serious speed that will allow you to watch a FullHD movie with simultaneous torrent downloading, and you can still safely hang up your phone and tablet on the channel and comfortably watch Youtube. The speed is excessive for correspondence and web surfing.
  • 40 Mbit. Old routers simply no longer support such speeds. Needless to say, 40 Mbit/sec is enough for everything. It can only be recommended to users with special tasks, such as an FTP server or working with files in cloud systems. You should not take this speed if you are just listening to music, chatting on the Internet and sometimes watching movies. This will be an overpayment.
  • 60 Mbit/sec and higher. Yes, currently some providers offer such numbers, and they are really rarely needed. It happens that the provider promises even 100 Mbit/sec or higher at night, but to support this speed you need expensive, powerful routers and “gigabit” cables. Almost everything mobile devices will not be able to open up at such a speed, and the computer needs either an expensive motherboard with a 1000mb network card, or a gigabit network card.

Taking into account the average statistical requirements of Internet users, modern conditions Internet speed of 15-20 Mbit/sec is sufficient for almost all tasks. Most often, large numbers mislead users, as if promising that “everything will happen quickly.” But providers know very well that only a quarter of the same 60 Mbit will be used, so in fact they supply you with 15-20 Mbit at a price of 60. Most often, the difference is felt only when working with torrent clients, but for most users it is hardly worth the overpayment.

An increasing number of people have the opportunity and desire to connect to. To do this, it is not enough to have a computer connected to the virtual web. It is also very important to choose the right Internet provider so that you don’t regret wasting money and time in the future.


First, collect information about the presence of providers in your locality. Find out from friends and reviews about the work of providers, the quality of services provided, the positive and negative aspects of each. After that, having decided a little, go around or call each provider you previously selected. During the conversation, you need to find out the cost of services per month, the conditions for their provision, what speed you will have on a particular tariff, the cost of connection and terms. Be sure to find out whether you need to install any other device, its cost, and the guarantee for its operation.

Find out separately how and through what cable the Internet signal will be supplied. Quality and speed depend on this. Give preference to the one that runs twisted pair cables to its clients. At this time, this is the most secure, cheapest and highest quality method of signal delivery, and at speeds of up to 1 Gb/s. Signal transmission via television cable is possible at speeds of up to 30 Mb/s, and via telephone lines up to 10 Mb/s.

You will need

  • Online tests to determine connection speed.


Now there are those that were created on the basis of testing technologies. As a rule, testing sites allow you to perform a large number of checks: you can find out your ip, connection speed, information about installed software (operating system, -browser). Some testing sites allow you to create accounts so you can monitor your connection for constant changes.

The operating principle of speed tests is to measure the speed while transferring a test file. Most often, such a file is a document that is less than 2 Mb in size. For example, the site speed.yoIP.ru with such small files. The site speedtest.net is no different from the previous opponent. To calculate the connection speed, you must select up to which the calculation will be performed. After clicking on the test start button, after some time, you will be able to see the real speed. You may also encounter a ping value that is unknown to you. Ping is an equally important indicator; the lower the ping value, the faster the site will respond or when you click on a link.

Video on the topic


  • how to test the adsl modem connection

Great amount Internet providers and the tariffs they offer are, of course, a plus for all consumers. From all the variety you can choose exactly what you need. In order not to drown in the ocean of offers and find the most profitable option, use the tariff plan selection algorithm.


First, decide why you need the Internet. Perhaps you will check your email twice a week or use ICQ for half an hour a day. Or maybe you need to download gigabytes or work online for eight hours every day. Depending on your needs, it will become clear what exactly to pay attention to when choosing a tariff plan.

If you work occasionally, for a short time, and at the same time send and receive a small amount of information, you will be suitable with time-based or per-megabyte payment. In this case, you will only pay for what you have time to use, and the savings compared to monthly advances for unlimited plans will be noticeable. However, it is worth considering that most often when calculating time spent and downloaded numbers are rounded up - i.e. If you spent 1 minute and 36 seconds at the computer, you will have to pay for two minutes.

For those who like to sit in front of the monitor for hours, unlimited offers and options with included traffic are suitable. Relatively inexpensive tariffs offer the user a package of included traffic (as it increases, the price also increases). After reaching the “ceiling”, each “piece” of downloaded information will be paid separately.

Among unlimited tariffs there is also a choice. They may contain a certain amount of built-in traffic, after which the connection speed will drop significantly. There are also plans that offer you speed and an unlimited amount of information sent/received. The higher the speed offered, the more you will have to pay as a subscription fee.

Video on the topic


Providers often indicate in the tariff specifications that the speed will be “up to so many Mbit/sec.” This only means that the speed will not exceed the stated limit, but it can easily drop below.

Helpful advice

Some tariffs provide for an increase in connection speed at a certain time of the day (usually at night) or allow, for a fee, to increase the “flight” speed for several hours or enable unlimited for some time.


  • what internet tariff to choose

The Internet is an integral part of the life of every modern person. Access to global network gives us the opportunity to quickly and easily receive information from all corners of the planet. But what to do if you can't connect to the network?

You will need

  • Internet connection.


To check Internet access, on the computer where you plan to establish a connection, open the Start menu, on the left side of which select “Connections”, and then “Show all connections”. In the “Network Connections” window that appears, double-click on the connection you want to check. If, when creating a network connection, you made a shortcut on the desktop, then double-click on it.

A connection window will appear in front of you, in which you will need to enter your login (user name) and password (they are necessary to register the connection you created in the provider’s network) and, if necessary, select the “Save username and password” item, which will remember the data you entered for further connections to the Internet. Once you have selected everything and entered necessary information, press the "Call" button. This will connect to the provider.

However, the appearance of a pop-up tip next to the Internet connection does not yet indicate that the connection to the network has been successfully completed. You need to check access by opening one of the electronic pages. Launch your browser (Opera, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Google Chrome) and go to some website. If it opens, you will be logged into the network. If the connection is not established, check: - whether the network cable is connected to the modem connector or telephone line(one of the most common problems of lack of Internet access);
- whether the username and password were entered correctly and whether they were entered at all.

Sometimes the lack of Internet access is due to problems with the network card. Find out if it is connected (right-click on the “My Computer” -> “Manage” -> “Device Manager” -> “Network Cards” shortcut), if everything is ok with it, etc.

From time to time, personal computer users need to know the maximum possible connection speed or downloading files from the Internet. The contract with the provider can be used as a source of such information. But it is much easier to find out this value using special services.

You will need

  • A computer connected to the Internet.


People are most often interested in Internet connection speed in order to calculate the time it will take a special program to download a specific file.

In addition to the contract for the provision of services by a high-speed connection provider, it is recommended to use special services. If in the first case you need to find the above document, in the second, just open your web browser and enter the desired Internet page address.

Launch any web browser installed on your system and open a new tab by clicking on the plus image or selecting the corresponding item in the context menu of the current tab. Enter the following address http://speed-tester.info and press Enter. On the loaded page, pay attention to the left column, scrolling through which you can see four different connection speed tests.

Each of these four tests is unique because the sum of them can accurately tell you the actual speed your ISP is delivering to you. For example, the first test is the fastest and consists of instantly receiving a file small size. The second test is characterized by receiving large batches of files, etc. As a result, you will get the total speed, by the value of which you can judge whether the connection is fast or slow.

But this service does not display all the values ​​that may be of interest to the average user. A more advanced analysis can be obtained from the following link: http://speedtest.net. On the loaded page, refer to the map and select the city in which the central office of your provider is located. After some time, a summary table will appear on the screen, in which the following parameters will be indicated: ping, and incoming speed.

Video on the topic

When connecting to the Internet for the first time, do not rush to sign an agreement tariff plan. First try to clearly define for yourself what you need from the Internet, what this or that tariff plan depends on. As a result, you will understand much more from the specialist's explanations.


First, clarify for yourself what goals you are guided by when connecting to the Internet. For example, if you want to connect to the Internet in order to use mail, Odnoklassniki and periodically watch articles on a narrow set of sites, you are a “Beginner User” type. If you view the Internet as a means of entertainment, through which you download movies and watch news, you are more like the “Ordinary User” type. If in your daily activities you need to download large quantity photo-audio-video files, as well as participation in online games, you most likely fall under the “Active User” type.

Once you set your goals, figure out how much information you will consume each month. To do this, use the following approximate calculations: one text page of a book or essay takes 10 KB, a photograph with mobile phone– 150 KB, professional photo – up to 10 MB, one song – on average 5 MB, one video – up to 1.4 GB. Accordingly, if you are a “Beginner User”, you need traffic of approximately 2 GB, if you are an “Ordinary User” - 4-5 GB. If you are an “Active User”, your traffic varies between 10-20 GB and more.

Good afternoon!

Almost all novice users, having connected to the Internet at a speed of 50-100 Mbps, begin to be violently indignant when they see a download speed not exceeding several Mbps in some torrent client (how many times have I heard: “The speed is lower than advertised, as advertised...”, “We were misled...”, “The speed is low, the network is bad...”, etc.) .

The thing is that many people confuse different units of measurement: Megabit and Megabyte. In this article I want to dwell on this issue in more detail and give small calculations of how many Megabytes are in a Megabit...

All Internet providers (note: almost all, 99.9%) when connecting you to the network, the speed is indicated in Mbit/s, for example, 100 Mbit/s. Naturally, when a person connects to the network and starts downloading a file, he hopes to see such speed. But there is one big “BUT” here...

Let's take such a common program as uTorrent : when downloading files in it, the “” column shows the speed in MB/s (i.e. MB/s, or as they say Megabyte).

That is, when connecting to the network, you saw the speed in Mbit/s (Megabit), and in all downloader programs you see the speed in MB/s (Megabyte). This is where all the “salt” lies...

Torrent file download speed.

Why is network connection speed measured in bits?

A very interesting question. In my opinion, there are several reasons here, I will try to outline them.

1) Convenient network speed measurement

In general, the unit of information is Bit. A byte is 8 bits, with which you can encode any of the characters.

When you download something (i.e. data transfer occurs), not only the file itself is transferred (not only these encoded characters), but also service information ( part of which is less than a byte, i.e. it is advisable to measure it in bits).

That is why it is more logical and expedient to measure network speed in Mbit/s.

2) Marketing move

The higher the number that people are promised, the more people will “fall for” the advertisement and connect to the network. Imagine that if someone starts writing 12 MB/s, instead of 100 Mbit/s, they will obviously lose the advertising campaign to another provider.

How to convert Mbit/s to MB/s, how many megabytes are in Megabit

If you don’t go into theoretical calculations (and I think most people are not interested in them), then you can present the translation in the following format:

  • 1 byte = 8 bits;
  • 1 kByte = 1024 bytes = 1024*8 bits;
  • 1 MByte = 1024 kByte = 1024*8 kBit;
  • 1 GB = 1024 MB = 1024*8 MB.

Conclusion: that is, if you are promised a speed of 48 Mbps after connecting to the network, divide this figure by 8 - you get 6 MB/s (This is the maximum download speed you can achieve, in theory*).

In practice, add that service information will also be transmitted, loading of the provider’s line (you are not the only one connected to it :)), loading of your PC, etc. Thus, if your download speed in the same uTorrent is around 5 MB/s, then this is a good indicator for the promised 48 Mbit/s.

Why is the download speed 1-2 MB/s when I am connected to 100 Mbit/s, because according to calculations it should be 10-12* MB/s

This is a very common question! Almost every second person asks this question, and it is not always easy to answer. I will list the main reasons below:

: if you sit down at the most popular time (when the maximum number of users are on the line), then it is not surprising that the speed will be lower. Most often, it is in the evening when everyone comes from work/school;
  • Server speed (i.e. the PC from which you download the file): may be lower than yours. Those. if the server has a speed of 50 Mb/s, then you will not be able to download from it faster than 5 MB/s;
  • Perhaps other programs on your computer are downloading something else (this is not always clearly visible, for example, your Windows OS may be updating);
  • “Weak” equipment (router for example). If the router is “weak”, then it simply cannot provide high speed, and the Internet connection itself may not be stable and often break.
  • In general, I have an article on my blog dedicated to slow download speeds, I recommend you read it:

    Note! I also recommend an article about increasing Internet speed (by fine-tuning Windows):

    How to find out your Internet connection speed

    To begin with, when you connect to the Internet, your taskbar icon becomes active (example icon: ).

    If you click on this icon with the left mouse button, a list of connections will pop up. Select the one you need, then right-click on it and go to the “Status” of this connection (screenshot below).

    How to check Internet speed using Windows 7 as an example

    How to check your connection speed

    It should be noted that the declared Internet connection speed is not always equal to the real one. These are two different concepts :). To measure your speed, there are dozens of tests on the Internet. I'll list just a couple below...

    Note! Before testing the speed, close all applications that work with the network, otherwise the results will not be objective.

    Test No. 1

    Try downloading some popular file through a torrent client (for example, uTorrent). Typically, a few minutes after the download starts, you reach maximum speed data transmission.

    Test No. 2

    There is such a popular service on the Internet as http://www.speedtest.net/ (in general there are many of them, but this is one of the leaders. I recommend it!).

    To check your Internet speed, just go to the website and click Begin. In a minute or two you will see your results: ping (Ping), download speed (Download), and upload speed (Upload).

    The best methods and services for determining Internet speed:

    That's all for me, high speed and low ping for everyone. Good luck!

    Today, the Internet is needed in every home no less than water or electricity. And in every city there are a lot of companies or small firms that can provide people with access to the Internet.

    The user can choose any package for using the Internet from a maximum of 100 Mbit/s to a low speed of, for example, 512 kB/s. How to choose the right speed and the right Internet provider for yourself?

    Of course, Internet speed must be chosen based on what you do online and how much you are willing to pay per month for Internet access. From my own experience, I want to say that a speed of 15 Mbit/s quite suits me as a person who works on the network. When working on the Internet, I have 2 browsers turned on, and each has 20-30 tabs open, and problems arise more from the computer side (working with a large number of tabs requires a lot of RAM and a powerful processor) than from the Internet speed. The only time when you have to wait a little is when you first launch the browser, when all the tabs are loaded at the same time, but usually this takes no more than a minute.

    1. What do Internet speed values ​​mean?

    Many users confuse Internet speed values, thinking that 15Mb/s is 15 megabytes per second. In fact, 15Mb/s is 15 megabits per second, which is 8 times less than megabytes and as a result we will get about 2 megabytes of download speed for files and pages. If you usually download movies for viewing with a size of 1500 MB, then at a speed of 15 Mbps the movie will download in 12-13 minutes.

    We look at a lot or a little of your Internet speed

    • Speed ​​is 512 kbps 512 / 8 = 64 kbps(this speed is not enough for watching online videos);
    • Speed ​​is 4 Mbps 4 / 8 = 0.5 MB/s or 512 kB/s(this speed is enough to watch online videos in quality up to 480p);
    • Speed ​​is 6 Mbps 6 / 8 = 0.75 MB/s(this speed is enough to watch online video in quality up to 720p);
    • Speed ​​is 16 Mbps 16 / 8 = 2 MB/s(this speed is enough to watch online video in quality up to 2K);
    • Speed ​​is 30 Mbps 30 / 8 = 3.75 MB/s(this speed is enough to watch online videos in quality up to 4K);
    • Speed ​​is 60 Mbps 60 / 8 = 7.5 MB/s
    • Speed ​​is 70 Mbps 60 / 8 = 8.75 MB/s(this speed is enough to watch online videos in any quality);
    • Speed ​​is 100 Mbps 100 / 8 = 12.5 MB/s(this speed is enough to watch online videos in any quality).

    Many people who connect to the Internet are worried about the ability to watch online video. Let’s see what kind of traffic is needed for films of different quality.

    2. Internet speed required to watch online videos

    And here you will find out how much or how little your speed is for watching online videos with different quality formats.

    Broadcast type Video bitrate Audio bitrate (stereo) Traffic Mb/s (megabytes per second)
    Ultra HD 4K 25-40 Mbit/s 384 kbps from 2.6
    1440p (2K) 10 Mbit/s 384 kbps 1,2935
    1080p 8000 kbps 384 kbps 1,0435
    720p 5000 kbps 384 kbps 0,6685
    480p 2500 kbps 128 kbps 0,3285
    360p 1000 kbps 128 kbps 0,141

    We see that all the most popular formats are reproduced without problems at an Internet speed of 15 Mbit/s. But to watch video in 2160p (4K) format you need at least 50-60 Mbit/s. but there is one BUT. I don’t think that many servers will be able to distribute videos of this quality while maintaining such a speed, so if you connect to the Internet at 100 Mbit/s, you may not be able to watch online videos in 4K.

    3. Internet speed for online games

    When connecting home Internet, every gamer wants to be 100% sure that his Internet speed will be sufficient to play his favorite game. But as it turns out, online games are not at all demanding on Internet speed. Let's consider what speed popular online games require:

    1. DOTA 2 – 512 kbps.
    2. World of Warcraft - 512 kbps.
    3. GTA online – 512 kbps.
    4. World of Tanks (WoT) – 256-512 kbit/sec.
    5. Panzar - 512 kbit/sec.
    6. Counter Strike - 256-512 kbps.

    Important! The quality of your online game depends less on the speed of the Internet than on the quality of the channel itself. For example, if you (or your provider) receive Internet via satellite, then no matter what package you use, the ping in the game will be significantly higher than that of a wired channel with a lower speed.

    4. Why do you need an Internet connection of more than 30 Mbit/s?

    In exceptional cases, I might recommend using a faster connection of 50 Mbps or more. Not many providers in Kyiv will be able to provide such a speed in full, the Kyivstar company is not the first year in this market and completely inspires confidence, all the more important is the stability of the connection, and I want to believe that they are at their best here. A high speed Internet connection may be necessary when working with large amounts of data (downloading and uploading it from the network). Perhaps you are a fan of watching movies in excellent quality, or download large games every day, or upload large videos or work files to the Internet. To check the connection speed, you can use various online services, and to optimize the work you need to perform.

    By the way, a speed of 3 Mbit/s and lower usually makes working on the network a little unpleasant, not all sites with online video work well, and downloading files is generally not pleasant.

    Be that as it may, today there is plenty to choose from in the Internet services market. Sometimes, in addition to global providers, the Internet is offered by small-town companies, and often the level of their service is also excellent. I am served by such a small company. The cost of services in such companies is, of course, much lower than that of large companies, but as a rule, the coverage of such companies is very insignificant, usually within an area or two.