1c enterprise 8.2 management of a manufacturing enterprise. The main differences between 1C:UPP and 1C:Accounting. Warehouse and inventory management

Maintenance of already sold software solutions based on "1C:Management" manufacturing enterprise"will be carried out as usual.

In individual cases (when expanding a business, connecting new enterprises, divisions), it is possible to purchase additional licenses.

For advice, please contact the 1C-Rarus branch in your region or the central office in Moscow.

1C:Enterprise 8. Management of a manufacturing enterprise (1C UPP)

The software product allows you to automate all departments and accounting circuits of a manufacturing enterprise in accordance with Russian and international standards. The greatest effect is achieved by implementing “1C:UPP 8” in holdings and network structures.

The creation of a unified information space at manufacturing enterprises makes it possible to cover business processes of all divisions, subsidiaries, branches, etc. This provides extensive opportunities for analysis, planning and resource management of a company (group of companies) to increase its competitiveness.

Implementation 1C:Enterprise 8. Management of a manufacturing enterprise (1C:UPP 8) allows you to automate the accounting of the following departments and services:

  • Directorate ( CEO, financial director, Commercial Director, Production Director, Chief Engineer, HR Director, IT Director, Development Director);
  • Planning and Economic Department;
  • Production workshops;
  • Production dispatch department;
  • Chief Designer Department;
  • Chief Technologist Department;
  • Chief Mechanic Department;
  • Sales department;
  • Logistics and technical support department;
  • Marketing department;
  • Warehouses of materials and finished products;
  • Accounting;
  • Human Resources Department;
  • Department of Labor and Employment Organization;
  • IT service;
  • Administratively maintenance department;
  • Department capital construction;
  • Information and analytical department;
  • Strategic Development Department.
Program "1C:Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8" is divided into separate subsystems responsible for solving groups of similar problems: control subsystem in cash, personnel management subsystem, subsystem accounting etc. Such a division represents a certain convention that makes it easier to master the application solution.

Program 1C:Enterprise 8. Manufacturing enterprise management (1C:UPP 8)
allows you to qualitatively improve and optimize product production:
  • reduce the level of downtime of equipment and highly qualified specialists;
  • reduce order fulfillment times;
  • avoid disruptions to the sales plan due to overload of production resources;
  • optimize material movements and warehouse balances;
  • make the production process transparent and manageable;
  • reduce production costs;
  • improve product quality.
"1C:Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8" (1C:UPP 8) increases capital turnover, allows you to effectively manage investments, control costs and, in general, significantly increase the manageability of the entire business and its competitiveness.


To scale and expand the number of workstations, you can purchase additional licenses.

So where do we start? Let's start with how both solutions describe the economic model of the enterprise.

In 1C:UPP we have parallel independent maintenance of management and regulated accounting. To do this, in the documents we indicate the compliance of the management unit and divisions of the organization, and also use the “Reflect in” flags to regulate in what type of accounting the documents should be reflected. Thus, synchronous parallel reflection of data in different types of accounting is carried out.

The construction principle in the 1C:ERP configuration is different. All economic activity reflected within operational accounting. The concept of economic activity and the principle of its financial assessment are clearly separated. Wherein financial assessment can be given according to any standards (RAS, IFRS or any accepted internal standards of the enterprise). Moreover, this financial assessment is done using the deferred method.

How does this affect the structure of the enterprise? First of all, departments and divisions of organizations are divided according to the tasks they solve. Organizational structure organizations is reflected in the list of “Divisions”, this directory solves the problem of personnel accounting exclusively.

Enterprise structure - used for prompt reflection of accounting documents in the system and for maintaining cost accounting for both management and accounting purposes. The composition of such units is determined by management goals, so in a sense, operational and management units form a single whole.

All transactions are reflected in operational accounting. This allows you to manage the enterprise and make decisions based on the analysis of all data. If some transaction needs to be reflected only for the purposes of regulated accounting, for this purpose certain transactions are provided for documents that are indicated in them, and the document is reflected only for regulated accounting. As a result, information on such documents will not affect operational management data.

1C:ERP is advisable to use for those enterprises where the accounting principles for management and regulated accounting correlate with each other.

Reflection of trading activities

An important issue for any company is the reflection of trading activities.

What are the main differences?

V 1C:UPP trading activity with counterparties is carried out within the framework of the counterparty, agreement. Mutual settlements can be detailed before the order, invoice or payment document.

The concept of Partner (new directory) has been introduced into 1C:ERP. This is a directory of holding units or group of companies. The Contractors directory is actually a legal directory. Persons For each partner, you can define one or more counterparties. You can track mutual settlements by partners.

The main tool of 1C:UPP is the buyer's order. Within the order, you can use reports to track the volume of deliveries and the amount of debt. And when making payments using settlement documents, the number of days in debt.

In 1C:ERP it is possible to track orders by status: agreed, approved, for shipment, etc. And what is important, business processes for order approval have appeared. The mechanisms for visualizing the status of an order in the list of orders have been expanded (pictograms reflecting the importance of orders, color markers, obtaining transcripts of orders by pressing one button), which allows the user to quickly assess the situation. Convenient mechanisms for prompting work with an order have appeared: if an order requires a mandatory advance payment, it cannot be transferred to execution until payment is registered, respectively, in the implementation generation workplace this order will not be reflected. All this reduces the erroneous generation of documents without complying with delivery conditions.

In 1C:UPP, to track conditions under a contract (obligation to sell certain products or make a sale for an amount), conditions are specified using the document “Conditions under contracts”, and control is carried out by the corresponding report. There is no automatic tracking of compliance of a specific implementation with the conditions or order in the functionality.

New tools have been added to 1C:ERP - standard and individual agreements. Partners can be assigned one sales condition, uniform discounts/markups, which is fixed in a standard agreement. And these indicators will apply to all legal entities (Counterparties) included in the holding or group of companies.

A separate individual agreement can be established for an individual counterparty.

A mechanism has been implemented to monitor compliance of sales or deliveries with the agreement specified for a partner or counterparty. Control is carried out on the volume of delivery, price and conditions (advance payment, assigned discounts, etc.)

In 1C:UPP, discounts and markups can be assigned for a counterparty, for an item, or a price group of an item, for volume, by period.

In 1C:ERP, the mechanism for assigning and calculating discounts/markups, the conditions for assigning discounts/markups using the displacement mechanism (one discount/markup displaces another if the condition for its application occurs) has been significantly expanded.

Also, many users find it very convenient that 1C:ERP implements a mechanism for downloading prices from Excel.

Inventory control

In 1C:UPP, warehouses are a mandatory accounting section. The need to keep records of characteristics and series is specified for each item. You can maintain an order warehouse (use an incoming and outgoing warehouse order, where the storekeeper indicates only the counterparty, incoming/outgoing items and quantity, while price indicators are documented by the accounting department). Whether or not an order warehouse will be used is determined by regulations at the enterprise. In addition, the decision to issue or not to issue orders is made in each individual case, so there is no system control that after implementation a warrant is required or upon receipt the storekeeper created an order - no.

In 1C:ERP, warehouse accounting is enabled optionally. Thus, if a small enterprise does not have separate warehouses (one warehouse), there is no need to separate storage areas by territory, then warehouse accounting can be disabled. This does not mean that reports on warehouse balances cannot be obtained - they are generated in a standard manner. They just don’t have information about which warehouse this balance is in, because... warehouses are not important.

The maintenance of characteristics and series is retained, but these parameters are set for the item type. By series, accounting can be kept informatively (for reference, only for issuing a document) or fully (with receipt of balances for each series).

Maintaining an order scheme in 1C:ERP is optionally enabled for each warehouse. In addition, you can determine for which transactions orders are required - for example, only when written off from a warehouse. The storekeeper's issued sales document is an order to issue an order, which is reflected in his system desktop.

The operations of shipment from one warehouse and acceptance to another warehouse are also separated. This is convenient when warehouses are remote from each other and you need to understand that goods and materials have already been shipped from one warehouse, but they have not yet arrived at another warehouse.

1C:ERP implements a cellular warehouse. You can keep records within the warehouse by premises and work areas.

You can store goods in cells in 2 ways:

  • by reference placement method - in this case, the goods are taken into account in the context of a warehouse (premises), the balances of goods in each cell are not controlled, only the specific storage location of the goods is determined.
  • method of address storage - in this case, goods are taken into account in the context of cells, and control of goods in cells is carried out.

The first method allows you to simply quickly find the product upon shipment, and the cell upon receipt. The second method is aimed specifically at automating and optimizing the processes of placement and selection of goods, taking into account various strategies, and allows you to control weight, volume, cell fullness and other parameters.

Organization of operational management in production

Since ERP-class systems are intended, first of all, to solve the problems of manufacturing enterprises, then issues related to the organization operational management in production are of greatest interest. What are the main differences between 1C:UPP and 1C:ERP?

In 1C:UPP, all processes are based on the structure of the product. To use planning mechanisms, it is necessary to specify specifications for manufactured products in the system. Because of this, the system places very high demands on the detail of master data, down to each technological operation performed at each technological work center. This approach ensures only strictly sequential execution of the order: first we must complete the full development of technological documentation, and only then begin to manufacture the products that interest us.

In 1C:ERP the approach is different. In fact, the emphasis is on managing production processes. Two-level control is presented, i.e. inter-shop planning and management within the workshop.

Inter-shop planning is the definition and planning of the implementation of production stages; at this point it is enough to describe the products according to the stages being performed. For each stage, you can specify the output products, materials and services that will be required at this stage, as well as the labor costs that are required to complete it. This is a description of the production process. When describing it, you can take into account those factors that are not clearly indicated in the technological documentation and indicate the most realistic deadline in terms of duration.

And the direct execution within the stage of each operation is delegated to the workshop level and detailed technological documentation for the implementation of each stage can be issued at the beginning of its implementation. This allows you to organize parallel work on the product, from the moment the production process begins, to finalize the technological documentation for subsequent stages.

For management at the workshop level, a tool has appeared - a route sheet (for production accounting mode 2.1) or a production stage (for production accounting mode 2.2), in which specific operations to be performed are determined within the execution stage.

The production schedule in 1C:UPP is an operational production schedule that is planned on a continuous time axis. When creating it, the availability of work centers is assessed. Such a schedule is very sensitive to deviations that may occur during its actual execution, and are also presented high requirements to the efficiency of feedback for organizing replanning.

In the 1C:ERP application solution, the production schedule is built by intervals. Those. planning is carried out on a discrete time axis, which is divided into planning intervals, which are set individually for each department. Availability control during scheduling is performed for work centers and material resources. This approach means initially introduced temporary redundancy. However, in combination with the operational reflection of the implementation of route sheets/production stages, where deviations in the execution of stages are recorded, it allows reducing the number of cases when re-planning is required. The freedom of the local dispatcher allows the program to be executed within the planned period.

Among the line of software products "1C:Enterprise 8", perhaps, it is the program "1C:Manufacturing Enterprise Management" is the most user-friendly, functional system, with a huge amount opportunities that anticipate the needs of most Russian enterprises. In comparison with other programs, 1C:UPP is an ideal program for automation large enterprise, factory, plant, holding.

In specialized circles you can find the following abbreviations of names used for symbol automation systems based on the 1C:Manufacturing Enterprise Management program: the 1C:UPP system, the 1C:UPP program, 1C:UPP, or even just UPP.

If this is available software product there is no need to load information from several databases that are different in structure and functionality, and there is no need for their subsequent synchronization. All information on the group of companies is located in a single information space, and access to the program functionality is differentiated by accounting areas, job responsibilities by means of the system itself, such as setting up the interface, separating access rights. Thus, you can limit users’ visibility to a certain list of organizations, divisions, warehouses, you can differentiate the visibility of an enterprise’s counterparties by responsible managers, and the like. And this is not a complete list of the system’s capabilities for setting user restrictions...

The name of this software product may be misleading for some readers, and a very reasonable question arises:

Is the 1C:UPP program really intended exclusively for production automation?

Naturally not, on the basis of the 1C:UPP system, the automation of holdings and complex hierarchical structures of branches is quite successful.

A set of positive reviews dedicated to automation based on the 1C:Manufacturing Enterprise Management program testifies to the success achieved by the NovoeO company in the following areas:

  • Construction of an automated accounting system for a trading holding company.
  • Automation of a construction holding company.
  • Automation of an investment company.
  • Automation of a production enterprise with pronounced industry specifics.

The 1C:UPP program is an automated accounting system that implements the management of subsidiaries in order to generate consolidated reporting both for each enterprise individually and for the holding as a whole.

Why was such a universal business control system called exactly " 1C:Manufacturing enterprise management"?

The process of automation of a manufacturing enterprise is considered the most complex, most multifaceted and quite unique process. It is production automation that requires special specialized resources with certain knowledge and experience in production management.

During the construction of a universal automation system for a production enterprise, developers software package 1C:UPP carefully worked out the relationships and interactions of key subsystems:

  • Accounting;
  • Tax accounting;
  • Payroll calculation;
  • Personnel Management;
  • Cash management;
  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM);
  • Supplier Relationship Management (SRM);
  • Procurement management;
  • Inventory Management;
  • Repair management;
  • Sales management;
  • Supply chain management;
  • Control retail trade;
  • Sales planning;
  • Procurement planning.

As you have already noticed, these accounting blocks are universal and are found everywhere in enterprises of any type, structure and field of activity.

Naturally, each enterprise is unique, with its own industry characteristics, needs, and often even legal regulations.

Accordingly, if possible automated system 1C:UPP covers the needs for automation of a manufacturing enterprise, which means the functionality of the 1C program with minor modifications usually provides automation management accounting, accounting automation, automation tax accounting Your enterprise.

In fact, the program "1C:Manufacturing Enterprise Management" is universal, for 1C:UPP in accordance with statistics About 3,000 enterprises in Russia and neighboring countries have positive reviews. Among domestic products on the Russian market, it is difficult to find an ERP-class software product that combines such an optimal balance of functionality, price and quality.

What will automation based on the 1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management software product give us?

  • First of all CONTROL!
  • Improving operational efficiency.
  • Reducing costs.
  • Process control.
  • Reflection of the real picture of the enterprise's activities.
  • Calculation of the profitability of business lines in a short time and with a given level of detail (up to the actual cost per unit of semi-finished product, product, service).

Many organizations use an application solution in their activities "1C: UPP". What it is? What benefits does it provide? Let's find out in the article.

"1C:UPP": what is it?

The application solution allows you to create a comprehensive information base that meets domestic, international, and corporate standards. The created system ensures normal financial and economic activities of the organization. It displays the key processes occurring in the enterprise. At the same time, the information system makes it possible to differentiate access to information and provide the ability to carry out various operations in accordance with the status of employees.


In corporations with a holding structure, the information system can cover all divisions. This significantly reduces the complexity of accounting due to the reuse of a common array of information by different structural units. All divisions maintain end-to-end tax and management accounting. However, structural units generate regulated reporting separately.


One-time registration of a business transaction is the main feature of the application solution "1C:UPP". What it is? A business transaction is recorded once and is reflected in all reporting documents. This eliminates the need to re-enter information. A document serves as a means of registration. At the same time, to speed up work, the default information substitution mechanism is widely used. New documents are filled out based on the previously compiled ones.

Data ratio

To understand how to use " 1C:UPP", what is it, you need to study the options that are present in the application solution. It adopts a certain ratio of information from different records. In particular, the applied solution ensures the independence and comparability of indicators, the coincidence of quantitative and total parameters of assets and liabilities according to documents in the absence of objective prerequisites for their discrepancy. Information entered by the user is under operational control. For example, when registering cash payment transactions, the 1C:UPP program checks the availability of funds. In this case, already completed requests for expenses are taken into account. When registering the shipment of products, the system checks the status of mutual settlements with the recipient. Application solution "1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management" comes with a set of interfaces. This provides each employee with priority access to the information they need.

Record keeping

Settings "1C:UPP" allow you to maintain regulated documentation in national currency. Can be used in different departments of the same information base various systems taxes. In some structural units - OSNO, in others - simplified tax system. These are not all the possibilities that the application solution provides." 1C:UPP". Accounting An organization can be conducted on the basis of various principles of financial policy and tax accounting. In addition, UTII may be applied to some types of activities.

International standards

In 1C, reporting can be carried out according to IFRS standards. To reduce labor intensity, accounting is carried out non-operatively, using recalculation of information from other documents. In the process of creating a solution" 1C:Manufacturing enterprise management" modern international methods(CRM, ERP, SCM, etc.), and experience in effective automation of processes accumulated by the developer himself.

System components

IN " 1C:UPP" for beginners provided practical recommendations on the use of automation mechanisms. They can be divided into two large groups. The first includes mechanisms for non-operational accounting, the second - for the implementation of operational tasks. The application solution provides for a conditional division into subsystems. This allows you to perform groups of similar actions. All this greatly facilitates the development of the product. During current activities, the boundaries of subsystems are almost not felt.

Where can the product be used?

The activities of many departments of an organization can be automated using 1C. Reporting in the system is usually generated in the following departments:

  1. Sales.
  2. Marketing.
  3. Finance
  4. Materials and finished products.
  5. Personnel.
  6. Administrative and economic.
  7. Capital construction.
  8. Logistics.
  9. Chief mechanic, technologist, designer.
  10. Economic planning.
  11. Information and analytical.
  12. Strategic development.

The management team also uses the application solution in their work. As the developer believes, the maximum effect of using the product can be obtained by organizations with a large number of personnel (up to several hundred people), in network and holding corporations, in companies with hundreds of automated sites.


Management and managers responsible for business development receive ample opportunities for planning, analysis, and flexible control of resources in order to increase the company's competitiveness. Heads of departments, employees directly involved in production processes, sales, supply, etc., can use effective tools that increase the effectiveness of work in the relevant areas. Accounting service personnel receive automated accounting tools in accordance with legal requirements and corporate company standards.

"Performance Monitor"

This report allows you to:

  1. Capture all activities at one glance.
  2. Detect deviations from the plan, growth points and negative dynamics in a timely manner.
  3. Clarify the information provided.
  4. Use a set of performance indicators included in the demo system" 1C:UPP". Instructions, attached to the product, will allow you to quickly understand the features of using the parameters.
  5. Quickly develop new performance indicators.
  6. Provide several options for documents different types activities or areas of responsibility.

The demo system contains 42 ready-made parameters. They can be uploaded to the company’s working database using built-in information exchange. At the same time, this mechanism allows you to easily introduce new indicators for a specific enterprise.

"1C:UPP" - nomenclature

The product uses two equivalent methods for setting accounts. The peculiarity of their use is that they cannot function together. The developer settings provide a recommended option - the "Setting item accounting indicators" register. Invoice recognition is carried out only when filling out a document. In this regard, the data in the tables will be hidden. It is possible to define accounts yourself, otherwise the system will take them from the “Parameter Settings” register. To change the methods, you need to open the tabs "Enterprise" - "Products" - "Accounts", after selecting the necessary data will be reflected in the table. In the register, you need to create a list of accounts to be inserted into the configuration documents. Each cell contains information about accounting items for material and production resources used in economic transactions (purchase, sale, transfer, and so on). Accounts can be assigned to each individual item or to a group, warehouse or warehouse type.

Additional options

The program independently generates an extra record in the document, which is not associated with any group. Why is this necessary? This is necessary for automatic entry of invoices into the register if a new group is created in the directory that does not have data in the document with invoices. For the convenience of accounting in one system for several divisions that have the same nomenclature unit, you can specify different items. This option is used when different operations are carried out with one type of product.

Settlement with counterparties

How are records generated in 1C:UPP? Postings are generated automatically if information for contracts or counterparties was not entered manually. To enter the section you need to open the corresponding tab. This is the document “Invoices for settlements with counterparties”. This section is used to register information that is automatically applied to various configuration registers. Account information can be assigned to a specific company, partner or group, individual agreement or transaction type.

Trade control

The application solution allows you to automate the analysis and monitoring of operations in combination with management tasks By:

  1. Sales and purchasing planning.
  2. Control of relationships with clients, mutual settlements with counterparties, supplies and inventories.

This ensures effective management activities modern enterprise. The application solution supports several types of trade: wholesale, including sales on prepayment, on credit, retail (at remote locations and in trading floors), commission, including acceptance of products and transfer of them for sale.

Order monitoring

Fulfillment of requests on time and transparency of operations is one of the most important areas of the enterprise’s work. The order control functionality implemented in the application allows you to optimally place information and reflect information in department plans, in accordance with the stipulated strategy and activity pattern. When registering applications necessary products will be reserved automatically at the warehouse. If the required products are not available, an order is placed with the supplier.

Pricing Policy

The application solution provides various functionality. Among them:

Pricing control

Information about the selling price of products is entered into the system using a special document. This is the “Setting Item Prices” register. Information system stores several types of selling price for each item. In the configuration you can enter wholesale, retail, small wholesale and other prices. The user can add other types. For the convenience of implementing the cost formation policy, the application solution provides for the following types of selling prices:

For the latter, the percentage of markup or discount is indicated by which the basic parameters will be adjusted. For settlement prices, % will be the default value. It can be reset during the calculation. For internal control the planned cost indicator is used. This parameter allows you to exclude unprofitable sales. This is especially true in cases where the selling price falls below cost. Products are released at one price or another. It is selected at the beginning of filling out documentation for the sale of goods. Discounts are generated in a separate register.

All economic activities of the enterprise are reflected in accounting. The accounting principles implemented in the configuration fully comply with Russian legislation and at the same time meet the needs of the business.

The configuration includes a chart of accounts for accounting, configured in accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation “On approval of the chart of accounts for accounting of financial and economic activities of organizations and instructions for its application” dated October 31, 2000. No. 94n. The composition of accounts, the settings of analytical, currency, and quantitative accounting allow you to take into account the requirements of the law. The user can also independently manage the accounting methodology as part of setting up the accounting policy, create new sub-accounts and sections of analytical accounting. This does not require special knowledge or configuration skills.

Accounting is maintained in accordance with Russian legislation for all areas:

  • bank and cash transactions;
  • fixed assets and intangible assets;
  • accounting of materials, goods, products;
  • cost accounting and cost calculation;
  • currency operations;
  • settlements with organizations;
  • calculations with accountable persons;
  • settlements with personnel regarding wages;
  • calculations with the budget.

Accounting automatically reflects all business transactions of the enterprise, registered in other subsystems, and ensures a high degree of formation of financial statements.

Accounting is one of the most critical areas of an enterprise's activities. Accountants must be provided with a reliable and effective automation tool.

The main way to register business transactions in accounting is to enter documents into the information base that correspond to the primary accounting documents. Accounting entries for a document are generated automatically, provided that the document contains the indicator for reflecting the business transaction of the document in accounting. Some documents may not be reflected in accounting.

Direct entry of individual accounting entries is allowed.

Supports accounting for several legal entities in a single information base. This will be convenient in a situation where the economic activities of these organizations are closely related to each other: in this case, in current work, you can use common lists of goods, counterparties (business partners), employees, own warehouses, etc., and generate mandatory reporting separately.

Accounting entries

In traditional accounting, entries are used to record business transactions only in the ledger accounts. In the configuration, the posting functions are expanded: posting can be used to reflect business transactions also in analytical accounting. This is achieved by using additional details in posting - subconto.

Subconto is an object of analytical accounting, and the type of subconto is a set of similar objects of analytical accounting from which the object is selected. Types of subcontos, in particular, are lists of the company's counterparties, warehouses, divisions, employees, a list of inventory items, settlement documents with counterparties, etc.

Subconto types are attached to accounting accounts directly in the chart of accounts.

You can attach up to three types of subaccounts to one accounting account.

An accounting entry can contain a large amount of information.

In addition to the debit and credit accounts, a transaction can include up to three debit subaccounts and up to three credit subaccounts. If for any posting account in the chart of accounts the attribute of quantitative accounting and the attribute of currency accounting are indicated, then in addition to the ruble amount, the posting record can indicate the quantity and amount in foreign currency (by debit and/or by credit).

Thus, posting is a powerful tool for reflecting business transactions simultaneously in synthetic accounting and in several sections of analytical accounting. But the versatility of this tool does not create additional difficulties for the user, since, as a rule, transactions are generated automatically.