February 23, a funny skit about army education. Scenarios for Defender of the Fatherland Day ★ (February 23). Women in the army

And so, let's think about how to make February 23 not just a holiday, but a fun and funny holiday. While you were thinking, we came up with our own ideas, which we posted on this page. Watch them and amaze men with your originality.

Modern scenes for February 23rd for a corporate party from women. Funny, new for men!

Well, not much time is left for the fair half of humanity to prepare for February 23rd. But men expect a holiday from their colleagues and girlfriends Have a good mood. And here the girls really can’t lose face in the dirt. And if so, then here are new sketches for February 23rd for a corporate party from women to make it fun. Funny and amusing scenes will help you congratulate your male colleagues on Defender of the Fatherland Day and make this evening unique and unlike anything else.

The first scene is a musical congratulation.
What's a holiday without a song?! And on the occasion of February 23, we need to perform beautiful, funny, but military and festive songs.
For this scene, the girls must learn some kind of dance, for example, change the usual soldier’s march to something bright and danceable. After all, the song is such that you want to march. The song itself is a reworked song based on the tune - a soldier has a day off. Our version of the song says that today is a holiday for men and girls dress up in honor of the holiday. So you can turn the march into how girls put on makeup and dress beautifully.
Here are the lyrics of the remade song:

The second scene is congratulations from famous women.

What man doesn’t dream of being approached by some famous woman? In this scene, all the secret desires of your men will come true.
To make this scene bright and funny, you need to rehearse and find outfits for the characters. And the images here are as follows: Venus, Vasilisa Krassa, Scheherazade, Isolde and Pamela Anderson. These are the girls who decided to congratulate the men in honor of Defender of the Fatherland Day. You girls will have to find outfits for their images and select candidates who will cope with the role. And then everything is simple - after the host’s words, the girls take turns coming out and giving their speech. The men admire and fall to the floor in amazement.
Text for the scene:

Scene three - girls discuss gifts for men.
In this scene, three girls sit and discuss what to give men on February 23rd. During the discussion, they come to the point that the best gift for them would be love! Do you agree with this?
Watch the video skit, memorize it and do the same performance for your men:

Scene four - girls are drafted into the army
This is a fictional scene, because in our country girls are not drafted into the army. But in honor of February 23, we will show men how real girls are chosen to serve in the army!

Military registration and enlistment office. There is a table. A nurse sits nearby. On the other side of the nurse are girls who are being drafted into the army. The doctor runs in and says to the nurse:
- Lyuba, what happened?! Why was I called to work so urgently?

- urgently, because a new draft has been announced. And they called me - it was Monday, it was still a working day.

- ah, because of this or what? So this is nonsense. Now we will quickly send everyone to the army. (addresses conscripts) Do you want to join the army? You are all healthy!

The conscripts shout indignantly:
- no, we don’t want to, we are unfit, we are sick.

- who is unfit there? Come on, give me your medical history here.

The doctor takes a medical history from one conscript, lifts it up and looks at it. Speaks:
- I can not see anything.

Then he puts the story aside, and a thousand rubles remain in his hand, which he also holds up to the light and says:
- ah, now I see, I see that you are all glowing with happiness, since you are not fit for the army. This is confirmed by three zeros.

The conscript leaves the stage with joyful cries.

- so, who else is there with us? Ah, it’s you, my soul! Come here. Look (shows a photograph), what do you see there?

- I see love and two people in love.

- look, what an imagination. And I see my son, my boy, who shows promise and enters higher education educational institution! And here you are, who interferes with his life. That's it, it's decided - you are fit to serve on a submarine!

- maybe in a submarine after all. And not on her?!

Everyone will serve in a submarine, and you on a submarine1 will know. How to ruin a child's life.

Doctor addressing nurse:
- Or maybe all of them to the navy, for three years?

Conscripts in chorus:
- no, we can’t, we all have love!

Everyone has? Is everyone in love? Then you don’t need to come to me, you should go to a venereologist first. Check your love...

The conscripts leave the stage. Doctor:
- dear men, remember that serving is not just a year, two or three being away from home. This is a year, two or three years to protect us, girls who are waiting for you and believe in love! Happy holiday to you!

Defenders of Rus' (or “Three, even Four Heroes”)

(scenario for a separate issue on Classroom hour, for a concert on Victory Day, on Defender of the Fatherland Day)

Methodological justification:
I consider it most correct to suggest to my colleagues - creative teachers and parents of schoolchildren - not huge scripts for entire holidays or concerts, but similar mini-scripts for individual performances, based on the fact that:
- texts of a smaller volume in the time pressure of teaching and parental life are easier to get acquainted with (and assimilate their content);
- a competent (and over time, sooner or later, we will all be like this) screenwriter (or director) is looking for content to realize his idea, looking for and training co-implementers.

The proposed text may work here in Russia (after all, “where you were born, it worked there”) class teachers, directors school holidays (they often have to become head teachers for educational work), and also - creative parents, arranging home performances with children (and not just family scenes) and workers of summer children's health camps.
The text is quite easy to understand teenagers(up to Mitrofanushki), and even developed 3rd and 4th graders, but still recommended schoolchildren in grades 5–9(it is the most difficult thing to select the repertoire for this age, trying to interest the children, to find a theme and language that would become competitive with pop lightness, given its often low standard).

Including a performance based on the proposed text in a concert or class hour, dear adults, note on every detail (costume, hairstyle, facial expressions, intonation of reading or recitation in the rhythm of a sounding orchestral phonogram - let’s add to Chekhov’s wish “Everything in a person should be... not only beautiful, but also sincere,” and especially when addressing a patriotic theme).

Target– to educate schoolchildren (both spectators and listeners and performers of the 4 proposed roles) with a sense of patriotism.
- to form (or to update) historical knowledge (names and exploits of people who have become a symbol of Russia’s military glory and love for their country);
- using the example of Russian folklore (Russian folk song “Stenka Razin”) to introduce young people to the traditions of Russian culture;
- present to schoolchildren examples of decent humor (different from the primitive or vulgar that has filled the stage and TV);
- provide participants with the opportunity to demonstrate their creative (actor, make-up artist, costume designer, sound engineer, etc.) talents.

The number is being performed to the tune of the Russian folk song “Stenka Razin”(“Because of the island to the core”; which is important to do, given the sad situation with real, and not popular Russian folklore, which includes, talented and appropriate in the context of the plot of the fairy tale, E. Leonov’s performance of this song in the cartoon “The Magic Ring” ").

As a musical introduction that creates a heroic, heroic atmosphere before the start of the number, it is better to use the beginning of the 1st movement of A. Borodin’s “Heroic” Symphony or the 1st movement of “Symphony” in G minor by Vas. Kalinnikov (in this case, in the prologue the main, powerful theme is heard, and in the epilogue - in the moment after the 4 verses have been spoken - a secondary, lyrical part).

Instead of an illustration!:
This song adaptation, like the subsequent ones (and, no matter how you insist, they will be), is fundamentally not accompanied by ANY illustration, so that each reader has his own, UNIQUE imagination (for this idea the author himself and those who supported him, handed over two “Nickies” at once).

1st verse(Kutuzov sings and wheezes; eye patch):
Sasha Nevsky bequeathed to us:
“Who will come to Rus' with a sword,
Not with football - but with sharp, vile -
He will fall by the sword."
I, Field Marshal Prince Kutuzov,
I invite everyone to Moscow,
But who without asking (I'm talking about the French)
I'll tear up the cocked hat.

2nd verse) Peter I (the role is played, that is, the one who knows how to stand on stilts, or a person who has signs of lankyness, sings and yells):
I am Peter, who is the First,
Open the door, Europe!
What, they closed? It's nerves,
But don't play the fool here.
No problem, let’s wave out the window,
Move over, brother Swede!
There is a little strength in Russia,
And Lomonosov, eh! and a bear!

3rd verse(Marshal Zhukov, pathetically and sincerely):
Well, I’m Georgy Zhukov,
(continues with Kutuzov and Peter I) Everyone is glad who recognizes us...
(Zhukov alone again) But not the one who went to Berlin,
He ran away from us with his tail between his legs.

4th verse, composed of saved letters; We even entrust the performance to an unsightly boy whose name consists of 1–4 syllables):
I’m Kolya (I’m Peter; I’m Seryoga; Immanuel, etc.), well, if necessary,
And I study in forty-seventh * .
(all in chorus) But if necessary, let’s stand together
We are for Rus', for our city!

* “... in the 47th”, since this is the number of the school where the author of the words works; but without any problems, *2nd, *6th, -*8th will rhyme in the same way.
For op-amps with numbers ending in 1, 3, 4, 5, 9, you can offer the following option:

... And I study in the **th place.
But if necessary, we will stand together
For you, O my Rus'!

For Defender of the Fatherland Day, we offer you a scenario with competitions for holding a holiday in high school.

There is a bench on the stage (or three chairs in a row), three girls are sitting on it, resting their chins on their hands, and sighing heavily. There may be kokoshniks made of painted cardboard on the head, or each girl may have an artificial braid woven in, lying on the shoulder; in this case, it is appropriate to make a blonde, brunette and redhead. If possible, throw Russian scarves over your shoulders. Girls can dress however they want, the main thing is to indicate that they are almost Pushkin’s “three maidens.”

1 Maiden (yawns):

Girls, it's boring...

2 Maiden (sighs):

Very boring…

3 Maiden:

What people say is true

Choosing a future husband

Difficult if there are no guys!

1 Maiden (sarcastically):

You're logical, honey

Amazingly smart

But while we're chatting with you,

If only you could weave canvases!

2 Maiden:

Well, for you, friend

Feast on the mountain then merit!

3 Maiden(jumps up, indignantly):

That is, to put it simply,

Should I give birth to a hero???

No, girls, you are really onto something! Maybe we will first choose suitors, such good fellows, so that they will have blood and milk, and a chamber of intelligence, and a heroic horse to boot...

1 Maiden (sarcastically):

Yes, yes, and half the kingdom, how did you forget!!!

2 Maiden:

Enough with the constant teasing, let’s actually come up with something. February 23 is Defender of the Fatherland Day, so it’s worth finding out who our best defender is here. I propose to introduce four nominations: “Tsar”, “Tsarevich”, “King”, “Korolevich”..

3 Maiden:

You present it constructively!

1 Maiden:

And now I’ll come up with tasks that even Vasilisa the Wise won’t be able to cope with! Here, for example: let our candidates for defenders write how to properly cook pasta and fry eggs! In the meantime, our kings are trying, he will perform...

While the children are completing tasks, amateur performances can be performed - dance, song, magic tricks. It is advisable that this be a gift from girls to boys.

“Culinary” competition

Within five minutes, young people must outline on paper the process of preparing pasta and scrambled eggs, and for the correct answer it is worth taking the exact recipe - the boys will probably make a mistake in the technology somewhere, so it can turn out to be quite fun. The presenter girls collect the leaves and read them one by one, commenting. The one with the recipe closest to reality wins.

1 Maiden:


2 Maiden:

Are you starting again? It's normal when a man doesn't know how to cook, the main thing is that he has potential! It's good that they even know what scrambled eggs are!

3 Maiden:

Girls, do you know what else I would check? Thinking! Let's give them puzzles and let them figure them out in five minutes!

Competition “Puzzle”

The next competition requires popular puzzles - it could even be “Rubik's cubes” or rings with strings that need to be untangled. If all the guys cope with the task, then it is worth assessing the result by time - who completed it faster. By the way, then, after the end of the competition, you can give such puzzles to all the boys as a gift, there are a lot of similar toys at quite affordable prices, so as a small souvenir for the holiday this is not a bad option at all.

1 Maiden:

Well, I must admit, our princes think well. But, of course, I would come up with some other trick.

2 Maiden:

Who would doubt it... But I also feel that something is missing.

3 Maiden:

I know! You’ve heard the expression: “Men love with their eyes, and women with their ears.” We need to give them a task so that they read with expression a poem dedicated to women, and whoever does it best wins!

Competition “Poetic”

You will need to prepare four different poems about love by great poets in advance. Preferably approximately the same size. You can take Shakespeare's sonnets, because they are written in one way of versification. Or vice versa - poetry radically different in style. For example, Mayakovsky has very beautiful lyrics, and they can be read very expressively. It will be enough for the children to read the poem to themselves once or twice and start improvising. Of course, it is very difficult to determine who reads better, but you can ask a literature teacher or class teacher to judge.

1 Maiden:

How fickle they are after all...!!! (turns away, pretends to sob)

2 Maiden:

What are you doing?

3 Maiden:

Don't pay attention, she was the one who was moved. But I’m impartial, so I think it’s time to determine the winner.

Voting in three competitions can be made uniform, or each competition can be judged by one teacher, or by the audience judging by applause, or by the presenters themselves. The main thing is to remember that all competitions are comic, so it’s quite possible to “play the fool.”

For the 1st place “Tsar” you can make a crown, and, if you suddenly succeed, get a fake gray beard. If you don’t have a beard, then it’s quite possible to make one from an ordinary washcloth, to which an elastic band is sewn. These “regalia” should be left as souvenirs to the competition participants.

"King" - 2nd place. The Russian Tsar, as a character, is, of course, more important in Russia. Therefore, the title of king is awarded to the runner-up. You can also put a crown on his head, only narrow and wide, and throw a “royal robe” made from a piece of fabric gathered with an elastic band or ribbon along the neckline over his shoulders.

"Tsarevich" - 3rd place. Here you can play around and present a young man, for example, with a Frog Princess drawn on whatman paper with an arrow in her mouth or paw, and write a funny phrase like: “You’re lucky, I’m yours!” or “The prince did not look for a ford, but wandered into a swamp after an arrow. I was always waiting for you, I was unapproachable!”

“Korolevich” - 4th place. For this young man, you need to prepare a ribbon over the shoulder, with medals sewn to it, and an epaulette - a cardboard oval - trimmed with blue fabric and yellow fringe. You will need to attach it to clothing with double-sided tape, but in any case, this will not last long.

One of the presenters or all three, reading a quatrain, congratulate all the young people on the holiday:

Guys, we are confident in you

Although you are not all tested,

We look at you with confidence,

And we don’t dream of titles.

We are already sure

That you will defend the Motherland,

We look at you with confidence -

Truly, not “seemingly.”

This is how humanity is designed

That anything can happen in the world.

And defending the Fatherland

Remember - you are his children!

After this, the girls can give the young people souvenirs as keepsakes.

Great competitions for boys on February 23

"Italian" weaving

Weaving as a form of folk art appeared in ancient times, because even primitive people realized that all kinds of things or food could be stored in objects woven from twigs. For weaving the most different materials- this includes birch bark, willow twigs, vines, fishing lines, twine, ropes (by the way, we owe the last type of weaving to sailors, and maritime knots). But so far no one has tried weaving from... spaghetti! Therefore, participants in the competition can be asked to weave all kinds of knots, which are given specific names by weaving masters:

  • eight;
  • tie knot;
  • kalach;
  • Capuchin;
  • Tatting.

Movement at an accelerated pace

Contestants can be asked to depict the simplest movements, but at the same time resort to a trick well-known among filmmakers - how to “scroll” their gestures in accelerated mode. This technique was used by many directors and cameramen shooting comedies - for some reason it always made the audience laugh. Participants need to “speed up” two or even three times, but at the same time show the simplest movements, for example.

February 23 is a serious holiday. But even on this serious holiday it’s not a sin to laugh. Therefore, our original sketches for February 23 will make your holiday funny, and at the same time beautifully congratulate everyone on Defender of the Patronymic Day. The first scene will tell you why it is better to follow orders in the army, rather than wait until a volunteer is found. And the second scene will congratulate everyone on the holiday. And he will not just congratulate you, but will do it on behalf of Masha and the Bear. You and your audience will be very pleased, and this day will be held in the most solemn manner.

Scene 1 – On the potatoes!

There are soldiers standing in a line on the stage, maybe 5-7 people. Place the smallest one in the center of the line and preferably make him a botanist. The soldiers stand at attention, the commander walks around them.

Commander: I ask again - who will go to the potatoes?

In response to silence. Suddenly one of the soldiers asks.

Soldier: Comrade commander, why should we go to the potatoes? After all, we are soldiers, our job is to protect the Motherland.
Commander: An order has come from above, so we need to help our collective farm harvest the crops. So I ask again - who wants to go potato farming?

Silence again, all the soldiers avert their eyes from the commander. Suddenly one soldier asks again.

Soldier: But the collective farmers don’t help us serve, so why should we help them harvest?
Commander: Private, where are you, in the army?
Soldier: Yes sir!
Commander: But in the army, orders are not discussed, but rather carried out. So, who wants to go potato farming?

Silence again. One of the soldiers asks.

Soldier: What happens if no one goes?
Commander: Someone must go, the order must be carried out. I’m asking for the last time - who wants to go potato farming? And then we will draw matches.

Silence again. The soldiers who are standing near the botanist push him out of formation.

Commander: ABOUT! Private Petrov! Voluntarily? Commendable, commendable!
Private Petrov: So I say, well, what’s his name. Yes, that's right, I want to go potato farming.

All sorts of shouts and jokes at Petrov can be heard from the ranks.

Commander: Put conversations aside. Private Petrov!
Private Petrov: I!
Commander: Private Petrov. Turn left, step onto the bus and onto the potatoes.

Petrov goes left.

Commander: The rest of you, listen to my command. To the right, march to the potatoes on foot.

One of the soldiers speaks.

Soldier: So we didn’t want to go for potatoes?
Commander: That's right, you didn't want to go, so you'll go on foot!

On the stage in one corner there is a table, chairs nearby, a samovar or a kettle on the table, cups, a bouquet of flowers, cookies, jam, honey in a vase. On the wall nearby is a calendar with a large number 23 on it. The bear is walking around all dressed up and important, getting ready for a tea party. Masha comes out from the other side of the stage. As usual, she is skipping, looking around, singing something to herself. Masha approaches an imaginary door and knocks.

Masha: Knock Knock. Is there something? Bear, open it already.

At this time the bear became alarmed, hid, he did not expect Masha to come.

Masha: Well, bear, open it already, it’s cold outside, it’s winter outside.

Mishka sighed, shrugged, spread his arms to the sides and went to open the door. As soon as he opened the door, Masha immediately ran past him and ran up to the table.

Masha: Bear, what do you have? Some kind of holiday?

Then Masha approaches the bear and examines it from all sides.

Masha: And he dressed so beautifully, like some kind of groom. Oh, I know it's your wedding!

The bear spreads its arms to the sides and shakes its head negatively.

Masha: No?! So it's a birthday! Hurray, let's celebrate!

Mishka again spreads his arms to the sides and shakes his head negatively.

Masha: Not a birthday? What then?

Mishka takes Masha to the calendar and points to the number 23.

Bear shakes his head again and begins to explain in his hands what holiday is February 23rd. He depicts a soldier, a soldier with a weapon and so on.
Masha looks at him, then begins to twirl her finger at her temple.

Masha: Are you sick?

The bear covers his face with his paws, then goes to the shelf, takes a book from there and shows it to Masha. He opens a page and points his finger into the book. Masha is reading and muttering something in a low voice.

Masha: I realized that today, February 23rd, is Defender of the Fatherland Day! And we will celebrate.

Misha nods his head approvingly and invites Masha to the table. They sit down, the bear pours tea for Masha, Masha raises her glass and speaks.

Masha: Happy holiday to you men, Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day.

Key tags:

We offer mini-skits for February 23, 2020 for schoolchildren in grades 5-6, which can be staged at the holiday in honor of Defender of the Fatherland Day. These fun miniatures are sure to be a crowd pleaser.

Miniatures for February 23rd for boys from girls at school

One of them says:
- It's good to be a boy! You don't need to braid your hair every day.
– And you don’t have to help mom in the kitchen. And wash the dishes after yourself...
- And clean the house!

Girls sing a song:

Are our boys done?
Of freckles and firecrackers,
From rulers and batteries
Our boys are done!

From what, from what, from what
Are our boys done?
From springs and pictures,
From glass and blotters
Our boys are done!

Then a short skit is performed for February 23rd for grades 5-6, in which boys participate.

- But we can assemble a construction set in a few minutes.
- And go from start to finish computer game!
– And fight back to those who hurt our girls!
- And when we grow up, we will join the army!

One of the girls objects:
- Well, some will go, but some won’t!

The guys perform a comic mini-skit on February 23, 2020 for grades 5-6, in which recruit Vanya, his father, mother, sister and grandmother participate. Children sing a song based on the song “How my dear mother saw me off.”

- How my own mother saw me off,
Then all my relatives came running.

- Oh, where are you going, my son?
Oh, where are you going?
Shouldn't you, Vanek, become a soldier!

- In this army there will be fighters, tea,
- They, grandson, will manage without you.

- You shouldn’t go there, Vanya-brother,
Come on, come with me to kindergarten.
We'll play tanks, eat porridge,
Shoot with a pistol, listen to the nanny.

- All my friends have been serving for a long time,
Well, tell me, you are my father, why am I worse than them?

- I served, and let our Vanek serve,
This means that the Motherland needs such a soldier.

- He will freeze, he will get acute respiratory infections.
Dress warmly, my grandson.
(Puts a scarf and hat on Vanya, hands him a string bag with stewed meat and a bunch of bagels).

- Here are supplies for you, brother, in abundance,
Well, here's a bottle of kvass for you.
(Gives Vanya a bottle with a pacifier).

– Don’t forget to take the first aid kit with you!
(Hands Vanya a large cardboard thermometer).
Return to your home, you are a hero!