Agronomist is the profession of the future! Specialty "Agronomy" (bachelor's degree) Agronomist universities

The most common entrance exams:

  • Russian language
  • Mathematics (basic level)
  • Biology - specialized subject, at the choice of the university
  • Chemistry - at the university's choice

The living plant world is not just part of the ecosystem, without which life on the planet would be destroyed. Thanks to plants, food, clothing, and various materials used in industry and economic activities are produced.

Many representatives of the flora are successfully used in the manufacture of medicines. They are needed to create a healthy atmosphere of life and human development. We must not forget about the aesthetic component: plants decorate this world, making it pleasant for visual perception. To ensure that the planet remains green and people can use natural gifts, the specialty 03/35/04 “Agronomy” was created. It solves a wide range of problems related to vegetation.

Admission conditions

This course is designed to enable the young professional to learn to appreciate natural bounty while exercising sound control over the supply of its gifts. He must understand the vulnerability of the plant world, take care of its preservation, but taking into account human needs for its fruits. An in-depth knowledge of natural sciences is required for the applicant.

What subjects will he take upon admission:

Future profession

A graduate of the direction is a generalist who has acquired a significant amount of knowledge and also learned specific skills. He will be able to engage in production activities in the field of agriculture, correctly selecting methods and technologies for caring for plants, caring for them, and protecting them from possible pests. The course involves training in organizational and management skills.

Therefore, many former students successfully head agricultural enterprises. Some bachelors prefer to pursue a research path, engaging in thematic scientific research.

Where to apply

A full range of necessary subjects are taught to future professionals in the following universities in Moscow and Russia as a whole:

  • Russian State Agrarian University;
  • Peoples' Friendship University of Russia;
  • National Research Tomsk State University;
  • Yelets State University named after Bunin;
  • Ingush State University.

Duration of training

A graduate of the eleventh grade will be able to master the bachelor's program after studying for eleven years as a full-time student. Evening/mixed/correspondence form involves studying for a year longer.

Disciplines included in the course of study

Young specialists in the process of mastering the program study the following key subjects:

Acquired skills

Upon completion of the course, the accomplished specialist becomes competent in the following issues:

  • recognition of diseases and fungi that affect flora;
  • searching for the cause of vegetation disease;
  • the ability to recognize types of animals/insects that can become pests for plants;
  • pest diagnostics;
  • recognition of types of vegetation damage;
  • pest recognition by type of damage;
  • phytosanitary inspection;
  • agricultural protection crops;
  • forecasting the appearance of pests, preventing their spread;
  • assessment of plant resistance to pests/diseases;
  • working with soils: processing, protecting plants from weeds;
  • testing new pesticides and their use;
  • creation of a plant protection complex.

Job prospects by profession

The graduate of the course is a professional who has a wide range of skills and is armed with knowledge that is applicable in practice. He can find work in various fields, not limited to agriculture. For example, someone realizes himself in the fascinating business of selection.

If a specialist is concerned about environmental problems, you can use the acquired skills in the fight for environmental conservation. Traditionally, there are vacancies for former students in government agencies, research organizations, horticultural, floriculture, and vegetable farms.

What do graduates with a bachelor's degree do:

  • ecologist;
  • pesticide testing/production specialist;
  • agronomist-herbologist/phytopathologist/entomologist;
  • agrochemist;
  • agricultural engineer

The salary for a bachelor starts at 15-20 thousand. But if you have professional competencies, you can make a good career and earn at least 30 thousand.

Advantages of Master's Degree Studies

In order not to limit yourself in professional growth, it is worth mastering the master's program. It will allow you to deepen your specialized knowledge and gain valuable experience. Here they are sure to get acquainted with world achievements by studying the publications of domestic and foreign colleagues. This makes the specialist a truly valuable personnel, capable of being guided by the developments of recent years.

In his work, the graduate will be able to use the latest techniques, apply information technologies to broaden his horizons and obtain the latest information about the industry. He will be ready not only for practical, but also organizational, managerial, and research activities. He will also be entrusted with teaching work to develop new generations of professionals.

An agronomist is a specialist in the field of agriculture, agriculture and the cultivation of plant crops, responsible for obtaining a high-quality harvest. His professional responsibilities include conducting scientific research, organizing activities to combat plant diseases, pests and weeds, developing technologies to increase soil fertility and productivity, preparing soil, seeds, fertilizers, etc. In addition, the agronomist is responsible for developing a plan for planting, cultivating and harvesting field crops, monitoring the implementation of the plan and maintaining reporting documentation.

The work of an agronomist involves qualitative and quantitative calculations; it is necessary to clearly understand where, what crops and in what quantity should be sown, therefore the agronomist must have good analytical skills. Often, the responsibilities of an agronomist also include working with a team and related equipment; a competent specialist must skillfully plan and organize their work. Observation, a well-developed eye, accuracy, responsibility and diligence will help the agronomist achieve high results.

Where to study for this profession

The work of an agronomist requires a higher specialized agronomic education. This direction is represented in agricultural and agricultural universities of the country. In Russia, a diploma in agronomy can be obtained at the following universities:

  • Russian State Agrarian Correspondence University
  • St. Petersburg State Agrarian University.
  • Kazan State Agrarian University
  • Ulyanovsk State Agricultural Academy named after P.A. Stolypin
  • Far Eastern State Agrarian University, etc.

Pros and cons of the profession

The profession of an agronomist has both its advantages and disadvantages. For example, despite the fact that this profession is not popular with the public, a highly qualified specialist will never be left without work, because working with agricultural products will be relevant for a long time, because it literally feeds people. Both government organizations and private farms need agronomists. In addition, the work of an agronomist is varied; he spends most of his working day in nature. However, this advantage smoothly flows into the disadvantages of working as an agronomist. Thus, his working day and success at work are highly dependent on weather conditions. The probability of an error may be high, but the responsibility for the error falls entirely on the shoulders of the agronomist.

Career. Places of employment

Agronomists work on farms, fruit nurseries, greenhouses, large agricultural complexes, etc. The career of an agronomist develops according to the following scheme: assistant - junior agronomist - agronomist - senior agronomist (chief agronomist of the enterprise). At first, the salary of an agronomist will be quite low. All agricultural workers face this problem. But in the future there is a chance to rise to high positions and receive appropriate wages. The average salary of an agronomist in Russia is 30 thousand rubles. Assistants and beginning specialists can count on 15-20 thousand rubles per month. Experienced professionals receive an average of 80 to 100 thousand rubles monthly.

Related professions

A person with a specialty as an agronomist can master related professions, such as livestock specialist, biotechnologist, etc. These specialties, however, are more related to scientific activities and involve work in laboratories, that is, in general, their areas overlap, they can do the same thing that an agronomist does, but such professions are more related to the theoretical component of this area, while an agronomist - practical profession.

An agronomist deals with a fairly large volume of tasks - he manages the planting and harvesting of agricultural plants, the preparation of fertilizers, pest control and other work that ensures high yields. At the same time, many specialists are also engaged in scientific research in the field of selection and development of new species and varieties of agricultural crops.

Therefore, the profession of an agronomist is quite multifaceted and requires a wide range of knowledge: understanding of chemistry, biology and botany, climatic conditions and modern technologies, organization of labor of subordinates and logistics flows.

Places of work

Currently, the position of agronomist is available in many enterprises that grow plants - state farms, collective farms, greenhouses, nurseries, farms, etc.

The following specialists are also required:

  • processing and trading companies involved in agricultural products;
  • research institutes specializing in the selection and development of new agricultural crops.

History of the profession

The beginnings of the profession of an agronomist appeared in those days when people just began to cultivate wild plants. After all, it was necessary not only to choose harmless crops, but also to figure out which of them are most effective in satisfying hunger, when it is best to plant and harvest them, how to care for them, etc.

In Russia, the first agronomists appeared in the 2nd half of the 19th century - A.T. Bolotov and I.M. Komov, and the names of their followers K.A. Timiryazev, who studied the nutritional needs of plants, and I.V. Michurin, who developed new varieties of fruit and berry crops, is known to almost everyone.

Responsibilities of an agronomist

The duties of an agronomist typically include:

  • drawing up technical specifications for testing manufactured agricultural products;
  • consulting clients and company employees about the technical and consumer properties of products;
  • development of new experiments, support of agricultural tests and interpretation of results;
  • quality control of work and products;
  • feed procurement and its automation;
  • organization of feed storage;
  • purchase of seeds and fertilizers and assessment of their quality;
  • control of fuel, fertilizer and seed consumption;
  • land reclamation, etc.

In addition, some enterprises expect agronomists to perform the following functions:

  • adaptation of agrotesting results, preparation of presentations and writing reports;
  • participation in exhibitions, seminars, round tables and other events.

Requirements for an agronomist

Typically, the requirements for an agronomist look like this:

  • higher education (agronomics, agrochemical, biotechnological, chemical);
  • experience in the specialty.

Some companies additionally require:

  • knowledge of foreign languages;
  • experience in a narrow specialization (for example, in a company engaged in milk processing or the production or sale of fertilizers and seeds);
  • knowledge of the basics of landscape design and floristry;
  • experience in planning and budgeting.

Agronomist resume sample

How to become an agronomist

You can become an agronomist by graduating from a specialized university, technical school or college. A secondary specialized education will be enough to find a job without much difficulty, but for serious career growth, a higher education is simply necessary.

Agronomist salary

It is not easy to understand how much agronomists earn, since their income varies significantly depending on the region, the type and size of the enterprise and the professional experience of the specialists. Therefore, an agronomist can receive 15 or 100 thousand rubles a month or even more.

The average salary of an agronomist today is about 35 thousand rubles per month.

Today in our country the work of an agronomist is not particularly popular. And completely in vain. An agronomist is an extremely difficult job, but the main thing is that this work is creative. After all, if we summarize all the responsibilities of an agronomist, then his task is to feed what is only growing year after year. Agronomists know when and how to plant crops, what and how to fertilize them, when to harvest them, how to protect the harvest and how to maximize it.

History of the profession

The word "agronomist" comes from the Greek words "agros" and "nomos", which literally mean "field" and "law". The work of an agronomist has always been respected. The work of these people helped to survive in difficult conditions at that time.

This profession existed even before the advent of writing. Then knowledge was passed on from father to son. Even in ancient states such as Egypt, China, India and Rome, people knew many techniques for improving productivity, knew how to properly cultivate the land and grow crops. The agronomist was a very respected person. There is also evidence that the ancient Slavs already had knowledge of agronomy.

Who is an agronomist?

An agronomist is the most important specialist in agriculture. It is his task to develop new methods for increasing productivity, cultivating species, and developing new agricultural plants that were previously unknown to this area. In one person, an agronomist is a scientist-breeder and a foreman in agricultural work.

Responsibilities of an agronomist

As the plants grow, the agronomist can determine by external signs whether the plant is sick, whether it has been attacked by pests, whether it has enough nutrients, and if not, then which ones are missing. The agronomist monitors changes in the soil and takes measures to enrich it with fertilizers.

An agronomist must be well educated, since without special knowledge it is impossible to determine exactly how factors such as rainfall, air temperature, the presence of mineral fertilizers, and the time of planting and harvesting affect the harvest. Such a specialist has a very interesting job. An agronomist tests new species, new conditions and methods of cultivating the land. He plans agricultural activities that take place all year round. This is an ideal job for someone who loves nature and loves experimenting with plants and watching them grow. In addition, it is the agronomist's responsibility to develop the best fertilizer formulations for a given area and for specific crops. He also controls the process of growing seeds and ensures the creation and proper storage of the seed fund.

An agronomist is a researcher who analyzes pest control methods, develops and implements new ones. It is the agronomist who decides what needs to be sown and where. The decision is made based on observations of the average annual temperature and humidity. The geographical location of the area and soil characteristics are taken into account. In case of failure or a bad harvest, the agronomist must find out what the reason is in order to take into account all the mistakes made in future work.

Features of the profession

Along with the skills of a good manager, an agronomist must also have a good understanding of natural processes, a good knowledge of biology, chemistry, and be able to adequately respond to rapidly changing conditions. And the main thing is to love nature, there is no other way. An agronomist must constantly study, subscribe to professional periodicals, and improve in his profession. After all, both the chemical industry and mechanical engineering do not stand still. In large farms, the agronomist is the number one figure.

An agronomist cannot be an allergy sufferer, since this is not desk work, and you will have to constantly be in the field, where you come into contact with pollen, dust, and chemicals. Also, this work is not suitable for those who “fall apart” after getting their feet wet or standing in the wind for some time. The work is physically difficult. In addition, in our country, agronomists often earn little. The salary of an agronomist in Russia is from 10 thousand to 30 thousand rubles. Some financial support from the state in the form of awards or grants is possible, but this will not make the agronomist a wealthy person. But the demand for such specialists has been and will always be, under any government, during any crisis. There is no place for a white collar worker here, but the results of your work are visible and there is a sense of the importance of your work.

How to become an agronomist

Both universities and technical schools and colleges train agronomist specialists, and it cannot be said with certainty that the first option is better. Already the student practice of an agronomist can show which of the students is suitable for what. Sometimes a technical school graduate, hardworking and passionate about his work, turns out to be no worse, if not a better specialist than a university graduate. In addition, you can limit yourself to agronomist courses if you have already obtained a related specialty: biologist, veterinarian, livestock specialist.

Even in ancient times, people noticed that the quality and quantity of the harvest directly depended on both weather factors and the natural features of the area. Therefore, man carefully monitored these dependencies and applied his observations in agriculture. But if earlier each farmer could rely only on his own powers of observation, today the entire agricultural industry is focused primarily on the research and achievements of agronomists.

Even in ancient times, people noticed that the quality and quantity of the harvest directly depended on both weather factors and the natural features of the area. Therefore, man carefully monitored these dependencies and applied his observations in agriculture. But if earlier each farmer could only rely on his own powers of observation, today the entire agricultural industry is focused primarily on research and achievements agronomists– specialists who dedicated their lives to the development of agriculture.

It is quite natural that this profession is chosen mainly by residents of villages and villages, who have been accustomed to working on the land since childhood, love and know how to do it. However, in recent years, there has been a popularization of the profession of agronomist among city children, who consider this work not only useful for society, but also an excellent opportunity to return to roots and communicate with nature every day. True, only a few manage to realize themselves in this profession. And all because, when choosing agronomy as their life’s work, many of the future specialists have little understanding of the specific features of work in agriculture. As a result, they simply find themselves unprepared for rural life. So that you do not find yourself in a similar situation, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with all the advantages and disadvantages in advance. profession of agronomist.

Who is an agronomist?

An agronomist is a qualified specialist whose main task is to improve agricultural production, as well as to monitor the work of field farmers, gardeners, machine operators, combine operators, etc. Today, the profession of agronomist is one of the key specialties in the field of agriculture.

The name of the profession comes from the ancient Greek ἀγρός (arable land, field, village) and νόμος (law, custom). In other words, we can say that in his work an agronomist is guided primarily by the laws of the field (arable land) and the customs that our distant ancestors introduced in the villages. The profession of agronomist originated several centuries ago. For example, it is known that in Ancient Egypt there were specialists who not only grew crops, but also knew how to do it “correctly,” achieving high yields with minimal losses. The first agronomists can be considered people who were able to cultivate wild plants and taught other residents of settlements to grow them under control with the ability to predict the yield.

Note that since the establishment of agronomy as a science, responsibilities of agronomists have expanded noticeably. Modern specialists not only determine at what time, where and what crops are best planted, but also conduct research in the field of agronomy, develop and implement innovative technologies to combat pests and plant diseases, carry out breeding work, control sowing, collection and storage of harvested crops. , and also evaluate the effectiveness of fertilizers and soil cultivation methods. In general, representatives of this profession carry out a whole range of activities aimed at improving agricultural production and increasing productivity, taking into account the characteristics of a particular area.

What personal qualities should an agronomist have?

An agronomist, like any other agricultural worker, first of all, must be ready to work in an open field in any weather conditions, even the most unfavorable. In addition, the specifics of the profession imposes on a specialist a number of requirements for personal qualities, among which the following deserve special attention:

Do your job efficiently work as an agronomist knowledge and skills in the field of land legislation and methods of agricultural technology, plant growing, seed production and agriculture, current standards for plants and principles of crop rotation, botany and biology, organization of production and economics, agrochemistry and land reclamation, technologies of agricultural production and methods of scientific and production work in the field help agronomy.

Advantages of being an agronomist

It is impossible to overestimate the importance of the profession of agronomist. After all, it is on these specialists that not only the development of agriculture as a whole depends, but also the quality/quantity of basic food products for each of us, without which a hungry era would begin in the world: potatoes, bread, cucumbers, cabbage, etc. In other words, the work of an agronomist is of great importance for maintaining the life of all humanity, and awareness of this fact, you see, can significantly increase the self-esteem of a representative of this specialty.

Another undoubted advantage of being an agronomist we can safely name the working conditions associated with constant exposure to fresh air. Thanks largely to this, almost all agronomists are distinguished by enviable health and, more importantly, spiritual harmony.

The advantages of this profession include the fact that the professional activity of agronomists is never boring and monotonous. Each season brings new worries and emotions: in the spring you need to monitor the planting of the crop, in the summer you need to do everything possible to protect it from pests and adverse weather conditions, in the fall you need to organize the harvest, and in winter you need to make every effort to preserve the seeds. At the same time, the agronomist cannot ignore scientific research work, thanks to which humanity regularly obtains new varieties of vegetables or fruits.

Disadvantages of being an agronomist

But not everything is so rosy in the life of agronomists. Disadvantages of the profession of agronomist no less than advantages.

  • Firstly, the results of the work of these specialists are largely dependent on weather factors, which humanity, unfortunately, has not yet learned to control.
  • Secondly, working outdoors is only enjoyable when the weather is good outside. But when you need to work in the field in the rain or during strong winds, which happens quite often, the work turns into a real test.
  • Thirdly, it just so happens in our country that work in agriculture is not highly paid. Today, according to statistics, the average monthly salary of an agronomist in Russia is about 20-30 thousand rubles. Taking into account the difficult working conditions, and often irregular work schedules, it can be understood that the salaries of these specialists do not correspond well to the expected level of payment.

And most importantly, despite the fact that most modern villages little correspond to the established vision of village life (houses without amenities, stove heating, limited selection of essential goods in stores, etc.), those who decide to choose this profession will still have to give up many of the benefits of the metropolis (for example, entertainment in nightclubs or candlelit dinners in elite restaurants).

Where can you get a profession as an agronomist?

Get a profession as an agronomist possible in agricultural or agricultural institutes or universities in Russia. During the training process, future specialists acquire skills and knowledge aimed at obtaining consistently high yields and increasing soil fertility. Let us note that immediately after graduation, a young specialist is unlikely to be able to find a job in his specialty, since agriculture, as a rule, requires applicants for this position to have at least one year of work. Therefore, after university, novice specialists still have to undergo practical training as, for example, an assistant agronomist.

The choice of a specific educational institution for obtaining this specialty is not of fundamental importance, since in our country the training of agronomists has always been at a high level. But it is still best to give preference leading agricultural and agricultural universities in Russia, whose graduates are in greatest demand among employers. These educational institutions today include: