Activation in the management process involves. Management processes: functions and goals, system and analysis. The concept of strategic management and its distinctive features

Topic 8

Management process

This topic will cover the following topics for management students:

The concept of the management process;

Properties of the management process;

Stages of the management process;

Stages of the management process;

The role of control influence in the management process;

Constant impacts;

Periodic exposures;

Concepts: “action”, “impact”, “interaction”;

Directions and types of impact;

Sources of influence in the management process.

In the previous topic, we showed that each of the enterprise systems (as management systems) - managed and control - has its own organizational structure, which serves as a form of process existence. Consequently, each of the named systems has its own process. Earlier we discussed the process of a controlled (production) system, called production, regardless of whether it is material or spiritual (immaterial) production, where it takes place.

The management process taking place in the management system has similarities with the production process and its own characteristics, explained by the nature of managerial work. Manufacturing process is aimed at the production of goods and services, and the result of the management process is the preparation of control actions and decisions. This is the main difference between these processes.

8.1. Concept of management process

Process (from Latin processus - advancement) means:

Consistent change of phenomena, states in the development of something;

A set of sequential actions to achieve a result (production, preparation of decisions).

Management process - this is a set of purposeful actions of the manager and management staff to coordinate the joint activities of people to achieve the goals of the organization.

Table 8.1.1.



Management process

Manufacturing process

Subject of labor


Material, blanks, part, etc.

Means of labor

Tools, office equipment, computer equipment, etc.

Equipment, accessories, devices, etc.

Product of labor

Information in transformed form (decision, plan, report)

Part, unit, unit, product

Performer of the labor process

Manager, specialist, technical executive

Production worker

Process stages

Goal setting, information work, analytical work, choosing an action option (decision development), organizational and practical work

Procurement, processing, assembly, testing

Process components

Operations, procedures


Workplace of the labor process performer

With wide boundaries

With narrow boundaries

Control process parameters. All processes occurring in an enterprise (in the sphere of production and management) are, first of all, labor processes, since both production and management are the joint work of people performing purposeful actions according to a specific program. The parameters (characteristics) of the management process include:

Subject of labor;

Labor tools;

Product of labor;

Performer of the labor process (Fig. 8.1.1.).

Rice. 8.1.1.

General functions are performed in all organizations with material and spiritual production without exception. The formation of specific functions depends, as is known, on the specifics of the production system and the areas of activity of the enterprise. Therefore, the list of specific functions can be as small or as large as desired, depending on the size of the organization and the scale of its production.

At each specific enterprise, the management process involves general and specific functions for preparing management actions, preparing, making and implementing decisions.

8.2. General characteristics of the management process

Management process This is the activity of the subject of management in coordinating the joint work of workers to achieve the goals of the organization.

As a scientific concept, the management process appears in the unity of its three sides:

2) organizations;

3) implementation procedure (control technology).

1. From the content side, the management process can be characterized as a targeted impact on the state of the elements that form the management system. This process expresses the unity of various partial processes (technical, economic, social, etc.) performed by the management apparatus within certain spatial and temporal boundaries in relation to specific objects and levels of management.

2. The organizational characteristic of the management process expresses the spatial and temporal sequence of its occurrence, determined by the management cycle. The latter includes 1) defining goals and 2) implementing management functions. An important role in this aspect belongs to the division of the management process according to the components of the management system and its levels.

At the enterprise level, the following typical components of the control system are distinguished as objects of the control process application:

1) line management subsystem;

2) target subsystems;

3) functional subsystems;

4) control support subsystem.

The line management subsystem includes all line managers - from the foreman to the director of the enterprise. Target subsystems cover:

Management of implementation of the production and supply plan;

Product quality management;

Resource management;

Production development management;

Management of social development of the workforce;

Environmental management.

Functional subsystems characterized by the specialization of management activities to perform the corresponding 1) specific and 2) special management functions.

Control support subsystem covers:

1) legal support;

2) information support;

3) organization and implementation of regulatory management;

4) office work;

5) equipping the enterprise with technical means of management work.

3. On the procedural (technological) side, the management process is a connection between certain of its stages and phases, which are expressed and consolidated in their further division into types of work, operations and actions, as well as procedures, algorithms, etc.

The concept of the management process is closely related to the category of management potential, which is understood as the totality of management capabilities and resources available to the management system: information, material, labor, financial, experience and qualifications of personnel, and management traditions.

The management process from the content side may look like this (Fig. 8.3.1.):

Rice. 8.3.1.

Methodological content,

Functional content,

Economic content,

Organizational content,

Social content

Methodological content of the management process involves the identification of certain stages that reflect both the general features of a person’s work activity and the specific features of management activities. The stages characterize the sequence of qualitative changes in work in the management process, being stages of internal development impact in every act of its implementation

Stage this is a set of operations (actions) characterized by qualitative certainty and homogeneity and reflecting the necessary sequence of their existence.

The management process can be represented as a sequence of the following stages:

Goal setting (goal setting),

Assessments of the situation,

Definitions of the problem

Workings management decision.

Let us reveal the step-by-step sequence of the control process visually (Fig. 8.3.2).

Rice. 8.3.2.

Target is the manager’s idea of ​​what the system he manages should be like. In a scientific definition, it can be formulated as an ideal image of the desired, possible and necessary state of the system. The management process begins with setting an impact goal. If it is a consciously carried out process, purposeful and expedient, it can only begin with understanding, defining and setting the goal of influence.

Situation – this is the state of the controlled system, evaluated relative to the goal. By situation it would be incorrect to understand only deviation from the program or conflicting cases of work. Management is carried out regardless of whether there is a deviation or not, whether the situation is conflict or non-conflict. The state of the system can never be identical to the goal, therefore, a situation always exists.

The difference between a situation and a goal usually involves many contradictions. The act of influence is necessary to resolve these contradictions, to bring the state of the system closer to the goal. But this is only possible if we find a leading contradiction, the resolution of which will lead to the resolution of all the others.

Problem – this is the leading contradiction of the situation and the goal, the resolution of which should be aimed at. Without defining the problem, a management decision is impossible.

Management decision - finding ways to solve a problem and organizational work to implement the solution in a managed system. It is the final stage of the management process, its connection with the production process, the impulse of influence of the control system on the controlled one.

Functional content of the management process. It manifests itself in the large-scale consistency and preference for the implementation of basic management functions. The following stages can be distinguished here.



The management process is the legal, procedural side of management activities.

The public administrative management system, like any other, has two states - static and dynamic. Actually, the concept of “power” - political or administrative - reflects only an abstraction that materializes only in process, in the exercise of power.

This section examines the patterns of the administrative management process, the procedural execution of the civil service, and consistently analyzes the system-forming procedures of management activities - rule-making and rule-enforcement, management decision-making and control over their implementation.

Topic 15. Administrative process: new approaches to understanding

Conceptual Framework

Administrative process as execution civil service. Types of administrative process

Role management procedures in the administrative management mechanism

Administrative proceedings: its place in the administrative and managerial process and structure

Problems of streamlining the administrative and management process

Conceptual "Fundamentals"

Process (from Latin Processus - advancement, passage) is a term that is used in a narrow, legal sense and a broad, generally understandable one.

In legal terms, process is the procedure for considering cases in administrative bodies (administrative process, administrative case) or in court (trial, court case, legal proceedings).

As a commonly used word, process is advancement, a consistent change of states, a close connection between stages of development that naturally follow each other, representing a continuous unified movement.

How to understand this word in combination with public administration, i.e. process government controlled? Obviously, only in a broad, commonly used sense - as a continuous state-administrative influence, manifesting the dynamics of interrelations, interactions, impacts of all (static) components of the public administration system (bodies, personnel, acts, decisions, principles, methods, etc.) in the aggregate visible (positive and negative) results of their influence on social system. We can say that the process of public administration is the form of life of the public administration system, its functioning.

The process of public administration is manifested through relationships and activities government agencies(officials), which are based on norms public law, all its branches, but at the same time there are relations and activities in management that are not regulated by the rules of law, which are implemented as a matter of discretion as a subjective right. Thus, the process of public administration has two bases: professional and qualified management influence and legal influence (legal process) - this is the whole palette, the dynamics of management. The management process cannot be identified with the process of public administration.

Management process - this is that part of the public administration process that is regulated by legal norms and the result has legal consequences; This relationship And actions specific state administrative bodies (and their officials), the dynamics of which are based on the rules of law: substantive and procedural; This legal, procedural side of management activities. Thus, the concepts of “management process” and “managerial activity” are close, but not the same. Let's look into this more thoroughly.

The management process, reflecting the dynamic, effective, practical essence of management, is a set of sequential actions and procedures that regulate the behavior of the managed object. As a result of these actions, management relationships are formed, goals are achieved, functions, principles and methods of management are implemented, and its effectiveness is determined (achieved).

When carrying out any power management activities, state bodies are obliged to be guided by legal regulations and practically use the rules of law to resolve specific management issues. Moreover, at the same time it is necessary to turn to both material and procedural institutions in order to resolve the issue legally and optimally, to achieve the necessary social results.

In the same time control in its dynamics (i.e., the management process - not to be identified with the management process!) cannot be considered only through a set of procedures, only as technology, which are of no small importance for the quality of management, BUT do not exhaust its content. It is more correct to characterize the management process in the context of its social essence: to what extent does it reflect the needs and capabilities of society to prevent and resolve emerging contradictions, to exercise the rights and freedoms, and interests of citizens. Without taking this into account, even the most advanced technology cannot eliminate the danger of bureaucratization of the management process, turning the management system into a “thing for itself.” The management process, therefore, is an integral management activity of management subjects (executive authorities and officials), carried out both by actions regulated by the law (management process) and by actions not regulated by law. The management process as a management activity necessarily combines administration with politics, presupposes the ability of managers to develop management decisions, organize work based on national, national interests.

It is impossible not to notice the political component in management activities. In modern Western and Russian political science, an approach to defining administrative politicians as one of types (varieties) of management activities, related to the expression and protection of significant interests of the state, social groups and layers of society, individuals, integration of various sections of the population, harmonization of their interests and rationalization of the contradictions that have arisen, etc. - i.e. on managing socio-political processes. It is possible to define administrative politics How a program planned on the basis of constitutional and legislative norms, indicating the goal, values ​​and practical steps. Any disproportion in the development of society, any difficulty in solving specific problems becomes political management problem, because its solution affects the interests of many people and depends on the authorities, and even more so if in order to solve it it is necessary to break and change existing management structures, norms and technologies (procedures).

Management as an activity is implemented in a set of management processes, i.e., purposeful decisions and actions carried out by managers in a certain sequence and combination. Any management activity consists of the following stages: 1) obtaining and analyzing information; 2) development and decision-making; 3) organization of their implementation; 4) control, evaluation of the results obtained, making adjustments to the course of further work; 5) reward or punishment of performers. These processes develop and improve along with the organization. They are primary and derivative; single-stage and multi-stage; fleeting and long-lasting; complete and incomplete; regular and irregular; timely and delayed, etc. Management processes contain both hard (formal) elements, for example, rules, procedures, official powers, and soft ones, such as leadership style, organizational values, etc. Features of management processes are determined by both objective (the nature and scope of activity of an organization or division, their structure, etc.) and subjective (interests of management and staff, informal connections, etc.) factors. Taken together, these processes form a cycle , consisting of interconnected phases: decision making (defining goals and action programs); execution (impact on elements of the organization); collection, processing, analysis and control of information, necessary adjustments (feedback). The goal of a specific management process is change or, conversely; preservation of the management situation, i.e., such a set of circumstances that have (may have in the future) a positive or negative impact on the organization. The situation is characterized by quantitative and qualitative indicators (duration, severity, place and causes of occurrence, content, circle of participants, importance, complexity, development prospects, etc.). TO elements The management process includes managerial work, which is realized in a certain result (decision), its subject and means. Subject and product labor in management is information about the existing problem and ways to overcome it. The source information is “raw” and therefore cannot be used in practice. But as a result of processing, it turns into a management decision that serves as the basis for the implementation of specific actions. Solutions that acquire independent existence can accumulate. This leads to an increase in scale and complexity of the management process. At the same time, decisions form the so-called organizational order, which ensures the automatic operation of many management mechanisms and the implementation necessary actions without special orders. This is useful as it speeds up and simplifies the work of managers.

Typology of the management process

Main stages of the management process

Management process

Organization management appears as a process of implementing a certain type of interrelated actions to form and use the organization’s resources to achieve its specific goals. There are different points of view in defining the management process.

Let's introduce some of them:

1. Control How activity is implemented in a set of management processes, that is, targeted decisions and actions carried out by managers in a certain sequence and combination.

These management processes are improved along with the development of the organization itself. Management processes contain both hard, formal elements (rules, procedures, official authority), and quite soft ones (leadership style, organizational values). The goal of a specific management process is to change or maintain the existing management situation, which has, or may have an impact on the development of the organization.

2. Control organization appears as a process of implementing a certain set of specific interrelated actions. The peculiarity of the management process is that in its substantive interpretation it is not equivalent to all the activities of the organization to achieve certain interrelated goals, but includes only those functions and actions that are associated with coordination and establishment of interaction within the organization, with incentives to implement production and other activities.

Contents and set of actions and functions carried out in the management process directly depend on the type of organization (business, administrative, public, educational, military), on the size of the organization, as well as on the scope of its activities (production of goods or provision of services), on the level of management hierarchy(top management, middle level management, lower level of management), from the function within the organization (production, marketing, personnel, finance) and from many other factors.

The management process within an organization is characterized by the presence of homogeneous activities.

Scientists believe that it is possible to group all types of management activities into general management functions:

To this we must add that goal setting, i.e. the choice of goals and the formulation of tasks also relates to management.

Management process consists of the alternation of certain stages and manifests itself as a continuous sequence of purposeful actions of the management apparatus and the manager to achieve certain results.

Separation process into stages is a specific analytical tool that allows you to identify patterns in the management process and highlight those ways that will be able to improve it in a certain way.

Management process stage can be defined as a set of management operations and actions, which is characterized by qualitative certainty and homogeneity, reflecting the need for their existence.

Traditional management process is presented in the form of successively changing stages, such as goal setting, situation assessment, problem definition, and development of a management decision. This process is shown schematically in Fig. 1

Rice. 2 Contents of stages in the management process

According to a number of scientists, the logical diagram of the management process is as follows.

1 . First step At the beginning of the development of the management process, new goals emerge and new tasks are structured. Therefore, goal setting can be considered as the first step towards a logical scheme for the development of management as a process.

2 . The second step in this scheme is the development in the management system of a reaction to new tasks - which should lead to the development of the management process. Three types of reactions are possible.

First type- an attempt not to change anything in management or to carry out small, partial changes, focusing the main attention on identifying the reasons that require change..

Second type - stereotyped approach to solving emerging problems. This is an attempt to decide management tasks almost regardless of their content, nature and dynamics with the help of previously proven approaches to transforming the management system. The most widespread approach to solving any new problems is to carry out organizational restructuring in management and create new management bodies.

Third type- comprehensive restructuring of the management system in accordance with the content and essence of new tasks arising before management, and the possibility of transforming management.

3 . The third step The logical scheme for the development of management is the restructuring of the fundamental principles on which the management system is built. This involves carrying out the principles underlying the management system in accordance with the essence and content of the tasks that management faces.

After a new subsystem of principles is formed in the management system, the next step begins

4 Fourth step restructuring of the structure and elements of the management system. Often this step is considered as an equivalent to the management process itself, because it is the restructuring of the structure, management methods, and management personnel that is considered as a management process.

Restructuring the structure and elements in the management system, the logical diagram of management development does not end. The final step remains - consolidating in the management process the new qualities and properties instilled in it during the process of change. This implies, Firstly, the corresponding development of the information-behavioral subsystem. Secondly, at this step, a regular study of the progress of development and analysis of the results of activities carried out as part of the restructuring are carried out.

Third, at this step, targeted adjustments are made to both the entire management process and its individual components. The adjustment is carried out with the aim of abandoning areas of management development that are not justified or impossible for full implementation, as well as carrying out new, previously unforeseen management transformations, the feasibility and necessity of which arose in the process of its development.

The identification of certain stages of the management process is associated with taking into account certain aspects of the process.