Construction company banner. Text about a construction company: examples of how to write original and selling advertising descriptions (longread). An example of a construction company advertising on the radio for metal frames

The construction market has always been quite saturated and overflowing with offers, like transport during rush hour. And at the same time, there is a lot of money in this area. Do you want to catch up with your competitors and get ahead of the column - an original selling text about construction company will be the same shovel with which it will be possible to rake large checks of concluded contracts. A highlight or feature in your company’s advertising text is a ticket to the front row of high sales. I spent 2 months writing this longread to provide ideas and examples of original selling advertising texts on the topic of construction. There is a lot of reading to be done. But to the point!

The wall of mistrust between the customer and the contractor did not grow overnight. Speculative ordering of services through several subcontractors or experiencing the hell of repairs from non-professionals are quite common. But if you correctly compose a selling text about a construction company, he will gradually break through the wall of misunderstandings with orders for his company, methodically knocking the hammer of arguments from different angles.

Like the builder, like the house. And the first impression about the developer can be created by the advertising text for the construction company’s website. Just as one crooked window spoils the entire facade, so one incorrectly written sentence in an ad can completely kill good impression from the landing page.

First, let’s look at the main channels of customer influx:

  1. Word of mouth. A trouble-free and ancient channel for attracting customers without costs. After all, along with bad rumors, good ones also spread. A customer satisfied with your work will become an ideological agitator in his social circle. There is only one drawback - it takes time to develop a loyal clientele.
  2. Construction company advertisingon message boards on the Internet. Avito and similar sites are very good way find a customer. But to make the ad easier to find in searches, it is extremely important that the text about the construction company contains important keywords without losing readability.
  3. Leaflets, booklets and outdoor advertising . This type of advertising is best used where the construction routes of potential customers pass - in real estate agencies, in building materials stores, in places where entrepreneurs are registered and premises are rented out. Posting notices, advertising on cars or distributing leaflets – advertising text on the topic of construction must convince.
  4. Personal site. A blog or landing page is the best and most effective type of construction advertising, in my opinion. Most contractors don’t bother creating their own website and writing texts about construction on it. Advertisements in a newspaper or on a bulletin board on the Internet, posting paper advertisements, spam in mailboxes at entrances and word of mouth are all methods of construction advertising. Therefore, opening your representative office on the Internet means turning from a slow snail into a fast cheetah in the pursuit of profitable orders. This is an excellent tool to show seriousness of intentions when sending commercial proposals for cooperation to a construction company and demonstrate the results of your work to future clients.
  5. Social network. Running a VKontakte group on a construction topic is a very troublesome task, even more troublesome than a website. But, with a competent approach to promotion and content, the SMM game is worth the candle.
  6. contextual advertising. You need your own website or group. The main advantage is accuracy. You can select cities, time, key queries, age and many other parameters. The disadvantage is that the price is too high for superficial setup. Most the best option advertising for a start-up construction company.
  7. Repair diary. When constructing or renovating a building, regularly record significant moments on camera, sharing comments and tricks. In addition to builders, the repair and construction video blog can also be watched by potential customers, one of whom will one day become your client. Instead of a video blog, there can be a regular blog with photographs, which will be an excellent addition to a site or group.
  8. Mailing list. Also an effective form of advertising. Distribution of letters about construction both electronically and via paper version. In the first case, we are talking about drawing up commercial offer for a construction company about long-term cooperation, in the second - regular spam in the mailboxes of ordinary citizens. In both cases, the system works - after all, at least one in a hundred still needs European fences, windows or Finishing work.
  9. Calling. Cold and warm calling are more suitable for advertising a building materials store, but can also be used by construction companies. All you need is a motivated sales manager, templates for cooperation proposal letters and a sensible sales script.
  10. Industry exhibitions. This is an excellent opportunity for management of building materials stores and construction firms to find LARGE orders. The main helpers here are knowledge of materiel and a well-spoken language. But a well-written text of an advertising brochure about a construction company will also serve its purpose in attracting additional clientele.
  11. Advertising in print media. Placing an ad in a newspaper or magazine is a great opportunity to attract customers who prefer paper to the Internet.
  12. Advertising on radio or television. Ideal for advertising building materials stores and large new buildings.

In marketing there is such a thing as an “elevator story.” A subordinate accidentally meets the Big Boss himself in the elevator, and he has 20-30 seconds to convey the meaning of the presentation. His entire life may depend on the success of this presentation. further career. Selling texts for the site should also attract attention from the first seconds and be concise, informative and understandable.

Text about a construction company: sample advertisement for a developer’s website

We offer to buy an apartment in a new building in Moscow in a residential complex on the street. Ozernaya, 1ya. The Zapadny residential complex has already been commissioned by Mosinvest LLC and is waiting for its residents. Don't wait 2 years for construction to be completed - move in tomorrow.

We have been building since 1999 and have already commissioned 19 residential complexes in Moscow and the Moscow region.

Advantages of the Zapadny residential complex:

+ Closed and equipped yard, concierge service, security and video surveillance,

+ Monolithic frame houses with underground parking for 400 cars,

+ Green area,

+ “French panoramic windows”,

+ Horizontal distribution with apartment-by-apartment heat metering,

+ Possibility of ordering fine finishing with individual design and choice of materials,

+ Possibility of drawing up your own layout, subject to the construction of a house,

+ Wide selection of mortgage programs, installment plans, loans,

+ Supply and exhaust forced ventilation,

+ Free and pleasantly decorated waiting areas.

Call number 000000 000 or write to mail@site.ruto find out more details. Get a current selection of available apartments with prices now.

Example text of an advertisement for a building materials database on the radio (20 seconds)

(A cheerful march sounds) “Baza Stroiki” always helps us

It carries a wholesale price

Who walks through life with “Baza Stroiki”

He will never disappear anywhere

"Baza Stroiki" - a huge range of building materials and Wholesale prices. Ryazan, st. Ivanova, 59

Sample radio repair advertisement text (20 seconds)

(The presenter tells a fairy tale) Knock-knock... Who lives in the house? This is us, the masters!

We glaze balconies and loggias,

We install plastic windows in 10 days,

When ordering 3 products we give discounts,

We also fix and repair everything in the house.

Windows and repairs are just a fairy tale. Saratov, st. Panfilova, 4-g. Tel 040404040

Example of a hardware store advertisement on the radio (30 seconds)

(Motif from “The Beautiful Marquise”)

(Women's party) Oh dear, it's time for us to do some repairs,

We urgently need to go to the store,

(Male part) In which I know, “Repair and decoration”,

He is the only one in Stupino.

(Recitative) The team there is like a family,

Everything from A to Z is on sale

And there is no problem in making a choice,

The sellers there will help everyone,

They give good advice,

Everything will be picked up in 5 minutes,

Products available in warehouses,

100 steps from the store,

And if not right now,

Then they will bring everything to order,

Just one call

Everything you need will be delivered on time

The goods are just rubbish,

Each one has a certificate

The entire volume will be calculated here,

The excess will be taken back

Buy for 10 thousand

Deliver home for free,

So we already have repairs in our pocket,

And okay, everything is fine.

Shop"RiO" - repair and finishing. Think about us when it comes to renovations. Come. Voronezh, Dubki microdistrict, Kalinina 2.

An example of a construction company advertising on the radio for metal frames

(Foreman, calmly and measuredly) Whatever! Home, store or office...

(Passerby) How much longer?

(Foreman) No more than a week.

(Passerby) Wow, how is that possible? Expensive, perhaps?

(Foreman) Not at all. The profile is warm, light, smooth. It’s easy to assemble, and you save on everything with it. Fire resistant, durable plus with a roof and foundation simpler.

(Announcer) Metal frame made of thermoprofile. An easy solution for your construction. Phone 500-213 again 500-213

The most effective advertising text for construction work

The most effective advertising text about construction is needed to convey to the buyer the necessary information that will help him make the only right decision about cooperation. If you plan to work for the long term, then the information in the presentation text should be “showed face to face” and at the same time truthful. Any falsification, which makes the blood in your veins stand on end and your legs clench into fists, can forever undermine the barely established credit of trust.

There is no need for loud statements and general words to flood the consciousness of the reader like a spring flood. If a person doesn’t see the specifics, he will simply go to the competitor’s website without looking back. For a male audience, harsh logical arguments are needed, while for a female audience, compelling emotional triggers are needed.

Whoever owns information owns the world. What information do you need to collect before writing sales texts about a construction company?

  1. Monitor market demand. For an effective presentation of a construction company, you need to understand the fears and desires target audience. After all, an apartment, house or cottage is usually built once for a lifetime, so people approach construction very carefully. You need to understand what objections might be potential buyers and correctly process them in the text of an ad or landing page on construction topics.
  2. Research competitors. You need to look at what ad texts they write and what they promise. The goal is clear - to do everything differently. Differ. It pays to be different. You don’t need to be the best – you need to take new sales milestones with your individuality. A person is not interested in the best house - it is an advertising cliche and a vague concept. He is interested in the warmest house, a durable house, a beautiful house, an inexpensive house.
  3. Find detuning factors– offer in the ad something that competitors do not have. Or what he didn’t have time (didn’t think of) to offer in the text of industrial, civil or landscape construction.

What does a sales text about a construction company consist of?

  1. Heading. From it, a person should immediately understand what is being offered to him. In a few words you need to convey the meaning of the service and the benefits that he will receive from this particular contractor. A simple and at the same time very difficult task. It is written when the entire text of the construction company’s advertisement has already been written.
  2. Lead. A short and succinct introduction that reveals the problem of the target audience. Its main goal is to interest the client so that he gets acquainted with the offer.
  3. Offer. Clear and concise presentation of your services. The most effective advertising text about a construction company does not have to be creative - it is required, first of all, to be UNDERSTANDING. So that it offers only what the target audience (TA) really needs.
  4. Objection processing. In this part, the selling text about the construction company describes the advantages, differences from competitors, and also addresses the fears and doubts of potential customers. More on this below.
  5. Call to action. That is why this very text for a construction site was written. In order for the customer to write or call, he must be asked to get in touch.

Selling text about a construction company: handling objections when writing

  • Drunkenness and unsanitary conditions at the site. We punish workers for the slightest smell of fumes and remove garbage at the end of each shift.
  • Construction takes 8 months instead of 4. We meet deadlines thanks to the skillful coordination of our actions. We divide the work into stages and write down each stage in the estimate. We distribute work between teams so that they do not interfere with each other.
  • "Quality" of work. We report to the customer every day and discuss all the nuances with him. We make regular photo reports that document the work process.
  • Kidalovo. To be mutually safe, we conclude an agreement in our office. You can also find the license number here. You can verify the quality of our work by viewing our previous projects and talking with satisfied customers.
  • Purchase of building materials. We buy building materials only from trusted outlets and show the customer a receipt. If the customer chooses building materials according to his taste, we go with him and advise.
  • Budgeting. Very often, many teams overlook moments that will emerge later. We take into account all additional and non-obvious costs for the customer in the estimate. The maximum cost overrun is 5%!

The above text is best written in the “About Us” or “About the Company” section if the construction company’s website is planned to be multi-page.

Key phrases in the text for promoting a construction company in search (I’m telling you a secret)

Insert keywords into the text to attract organic traffic from search without spending – copywriters often forget about this point. Or they spam the keys, making the material unreadable. I have already described this moment, but I will briefly duplicate the information again because of the importance of the moment.

In order for an article on the topic of construction to more vigorously reach the TOP of search results, it is better to tailor each text to one main query, and enter the “loop” of this query into it. This is called LSI copywriting, which grew out of SEO copywriting. To make it clearer, let's look at this using a live example.

Along with the key “construction of houses in Voronezh”, people additionally enter into the search engine such words as “turnkey”, “prices”, “projects”, “plots”, “buy a plot”, “frame houses”, “wooden houses”, “residential”, “permission”, “from SIP panels”, “inexpensive”, “from foam blocks”, “apartment”, “buy land”, “dacha”, “reviews”, “from laminated veneer lumber”, “construction companies ", "private", "multi-storey", "photo", "region", "credit".

Choose the one that suits your common sense and write an original article. This means that if a person enters “construction company of houses made from SIP panels Voronezh” in the search bar, then he is likely to see your article.

On the right side of the service you can see related keywords, for which you can also write effective text yourself or order an article on a construction topic from a copywriter. The numbers on the right side indirectly indicate the relevance of the topic.

house turnkey construction 71 566

turnkey house Voronezh 3,048

house finished project 14 455

cottage village Voronezh 3 501

house project construction 44 613

house timber voronezh 1 515

aerated concrete house project 17 815

private house construction 31,759

foam block house project 29 480

house turnkey construction price 36,988

turnkey house project 95 564

turnkey foam block house 19 842

construction house aerated concrete 10 405

frame house Voronezh 905

build a house Voronezh 823

brick house 123 048

beam house key 79 712

Depending on the specific situation, you can add keywords such as “apartment renovation”, “interior design”, “turnkey bathhouse”, “excavation work”, “finishing work” and others.

An even better option for selecting keywords is keyword databases like “Bukvariks”, which are downloaded to your computer. But only a serious copywriter (here the author modestly points the finger at himself) will agree to spend 170 GB of hard drive space in order to improve the quality of articles on construction topics. And not only.

It is these trails that carry the best quality traffic, because only a person truly interested in the service will enter such long and complex queries into the search bar. I cannot describe all the nuances within the framework of this article, but this is enough for thoughtful use. Use this cheat code today before it becomes a trend!

Order text for a construction company website from a copywriter

If you are a manager in the construction industry and want to increase your company’s income, then best choice will order a text for the construction company’s website. Note that for repairs and finishing the average bill is from 40 to 400,000 rubles. and more. The very first order received thanks to an effective sales text on construction topics will immediately recoup all investments.

The caravan moves at the speed of the slowest camel. Make sure that the text encourages and does not slow down the development of your construction business.

The main thing is don’t lie, don’t hide or mislead. Don't promise what you can't deliver, otherwise you'll lose the client and everyone he knows. If you fulfill and exceed your promises, good word of mouth is guaranteed. As well as orders for years in advance to bring architectural solutions to life.

An article about a construction company should not dangle in a vacuum, like a float in an ice hole, but should be tightly tied to the problems and expenses of a potential customer. The more information and less water there is in the article, the fewer combat losses there will be on the front of successful sales.

The more you delay, the more potential customers will go to your competitors. If you want to stay on top, you should order an original selling text about a construction company right now.

I wish you all a lot of luck and a dacha by the sea!

View prices

Aesthetic design of a construction site helps to hide unpresentable stages of repair or construction of an object from prying eyes. Thus, the developer solves several problems at once:

  • demonstrates concern for the beauty of the city and the comfort of citizens;
  • improves the company's image;
  • attracts clients and investors.

Do you want to inexpensively order a banner for a construction site in Moscow? Contact the Kolorit printing house! Using modern equipment, we can quickly make a banner of the size you need on film or other material. Large format printing allows you to apply realistic images or text information. In addition to decorating facades and fences, builders often turn to us to create information stands, for example, with a passport of the object.

Printing a banner for construction cheaply at the Kolorit printing house

In our company, high quality work and the ability to complete orders urgently are combined with affordable prices for printing services. The price of making construction banners to order becomes even more profitable thanks to promotions and discounts for regular customers. Our courier quickly delivers finished products within the Moscow Ring Road! Call us to find out the exact order amount or ask a specialist questions!

For whom and where to advertise

  • Opportunities for discounts
  • Providing installments
  • Convenient infrastructure
  • Value for money
  • Availability of public transport within walking distance

It is better to place such advertising in newspapers, on Internet bulletin boards, billboards, leaflets, billboards along the roads, and posters in elevators. Also try to connect word of mouth: encourage clients to recommend your services to their friends in exchange for bonuses.

If you're targeting a high-income audience, highlight prestige your services, talk about the proximity of parking, offer additional options"not for all". It is better to advertise services for wealthy buyers through media that are popular with this category of the population. Outdoor advertising also works well if placed where your potential clients may be: near large business centers, luxury villages, etc. Better yet, contact a realtor who will post your offer on professional base data.

How to promote a construction business on the Internet

Online advertising can also effectively promote services construction company. Any serious company aimed at long-term work should have its own website. Even better - the site and group in social network. Such advertising requires serious financial investments, labor and patience. For these methods to work, it is important:

  • Develop your own corporate style
  • Monitor regular updates and quality content
  • Interact with users
  • Implement high-quality search engine optimization to potential clients it was easier to find you.

In the future, a developed site and group will only play into your hands, but you will have to work hard for this.

Banner advertising is expensive. In order not to throw money away, it is important to choose the right site for placement. Think about what services your audience uses, monitor specialized sites. Agree, the Vedomosti newspaper and the Speed-Info publication are read by different people.

Examples of advertising for a construction company with photos

Construction companies also have their own websites and groups on social networks. For example:

Regardless of the method of promoting a construction company, be prepared for the fact that it will take a lot of time to form a customer base. The main thing is to be patient and confidently move towards the goal.

If you are not ready to invest money and effort into promoting a construction company, consider buying ready-made business. Operating companies have already established themselves in the market, have a reputation and clients.