Business marriage agency. Business idea: marriage agency. Tax registration and state registration

Making people happy and getting money for it is quite possible: that’s what marriage agencies were invented for. A marriage agency is one of the most profitable types of business, since the need for love and creating a family will always be relevant. Entering this business does not require large financial expenses, but it presupposes the desire and ability to successfully interact with people - after all, in this business you will have to make money on such a delicate subject as feelings.

  • How to open Marriage Agency in a small town
  • How to open a small marriage agency: choosing a place for an office
  • What you need to know when opening a marriage agency
  • The real story of creating a marriage agency
  • How do marriage agencies work?
  • Compiling financial plan marriage agency
  • How much money do you need to open a marriage agency?
  • How much can you earn by opening a marriage agency?
  • How to prepare documents for opening a marriage agency
  • Tax system

How to open a marriage agency from scratch

People who are looking for options for starting their own business and considering this type of entrepreneurship are wondering how to open a marriage agency from scratch.

First you need to decide in which market you will work. You can successfully create marriage unions within your own country, or you can enter the national and international markets. To reach the international level, you will need a good knowledge of English and cooperation with foreign marriage agencies that can provide you with a base of potential clients, mainly men, interested in foreign wives. Another option is to build your own customer base from scratch, but this will require time and advertising costs.

If the scale of your city is enough for you, then you can limit yourself to its borders. But it is more promising to do this business throughout the country and even around the world, especially since it is enough to have an office in one point. Almost all customer service can be done online.

Most agencies only accept cash contributions from males, but this does not oblige you to work under the same rules.

How to open your own marriage agency and make money from it

A marriage agency does not require large expenses, but there will still be expenses. In addition to the initial costs of registering an individual entrepreneur, renting premises and salaries of employees, you will also have to spend money on advertising. It is very important that people know about you. It is also important to create a good reputation for your business.

Be sure to analyze competitors, their methods of work, promotion and database collection. If your city has a solvent population and there are no marriage agencies yet, most likely, the start will not be difficult. In this case, you will only have to compete with free dating sites. But there are many frivolous users on these sites: people who are truly interested in starting a family are more likely to go to a marriage agency with a serious selection of candidates. Your task is to express yourself potential clients, and then - create a reliable reputation. At first, it is important to invest in advertising and quickly build a customer base.

If there are competitors (and most likely there are), you need to carefully analyze their offers so that your agency is competitive. Read more about this in 2019.

Choosing a life partner is important step, which should be approached responsibly. Many modern women and men are looking for their happiness on the Internet on dating sites and social networks. Such a popular method of dating could not help but interest scammers, so you should be very careful not to fall into their cleverly placed networks.

You can protect yourself and find a truly suitable candidate for the role of a spouse who meets all the parameters and requirements by using the services of marriage agencies. It is this idea of ​​​​earning money that we will talk about in our publication today. How to open a marriage agency? How much does it cost and what is the profitability of this type of business?

Marriage agency business plan

Before you begin to implement this, you need to draw up a detailed business plan with calculations. What is it for? The fact is that with the help of a business plan you will be able not only to control the step-by-step process of implementing the idea, but also to efficiently distribute the available money. As a result, the payback of the project will come to the maximum short time, what is not less important.

Stages of a marriage agency business plan:

  1. Assessing the profitability of a business idea. At the initial stage, you need to thoroughly analyze your future project, assess the demand for the service, competition in the chosen field of activity, and also decide on the amount of financial investments;
  2. Business registration. At this stage you have to collect and arrange the entire package necessary documents to open a marriage agency;
  3. Search and rental of premises. It is necessary to evaluate all the options, their advantages and disadvantages and make the right choice;
  4. Acquisitions necessary equipment for productive work;
  5. Searching for employees and drawing up employment contracts with them;
  6. Advertising campaign to attract customers;
  7. Calculation of profit and payback period of the project.

Don't neglect this important point how to compose detailed business plan. Believe me, even experienced entrepreneurs begin to implement an idea immediately after drawing up a detailed business plan.

Scheme: statistics of marriage agencies

How to open a marriage agency from scratch?

Beginning entrepreneurs are always interested in the question of how much it costs. Therefore, we cannot ignore such an important point.

It is quite difficult to name the exact amount required to open a marriage agency. After all, it directly depends on the cost of renting a place, purchasing equipment, paying employees, etc.

Where can I get the required amount of money?

Finding money to implement your own project is quite difficult, but there are several options that will certainly suit you.

  • Credit. One of the most simple ways Receiving money means taking out a loan from a bank. But this is a rather risky step, so before you decide, you need to think everything over carefully, weigh the pros and cons.
  • Search for an investor. One of the most successful ways to get the necessary amount of money to invest in a business. But this option is quite difficult to implement, because finding the right person who will be interested in your idea is not so easy.

What do you need to open a marriage agency?

  • Business registration. First of all, it is necessary to determine the material and legal form of the activity. In this case, the most appropriate and least expensive option is to register as an individual entrepreneur;
  • Establish cooperation with foreign marriage agencies that will provide you with a database of their clients, potential brides and grooms;
  • Create a dating site on which you will advertise your services, register your clients and find them a suitable match;
  • Create a database of potential brides and grooms. It is necessary to carefully fill out each questionnaire, write detailed information about the candidate and attach his successful photographs.

Renting premises

It is advisable to locate the dating service office in the central part of the city. If the property does not have suitable premises, then it should be rented. Naturally, renting a place in the center is not cheap, but believe me, all costs will pay off very quickly if you approach the implementation of the idea correctly.

The premises need a good renovation; I do not advise you to skimp on this if you are going to serve elite clients. It is very important that visitors feel comfortable. Therefore, the interior, furniture, office equipment, everything must be located in its place and harmoniously combine with each other.

For creating comfortable conditions labor, you will need to purchase comfortable furniture. It is best for visitors to be offered to sit on soft sofas, and for employees to be equipped with everything necessary workplace. Equipment you will need modern computers, scanner, copier, printer. In addition, you need to install a safe in your office where important documents will be stored. It is also required to install security programs on the computer so that only employees have access to the database with personal information about clients.

Searching for employees to work in a marriage agency

You should be very responsible when recruiting personnel to work in a dating agency. Candidates for the position must meet certain requirements: pleasant but not vulgar appearance, education (preferably a psychologist), experience working in similar organizations, attentiveness, ability to communicate and listen to people. In general, your employees must be impeccable so that every client is satisfied with their work and the quality of your agency's services. Believe me, reputation is very important, earning good feedback It’s quite difficult, but you can lose trust in one moment.

It is necessary to conclude with the people hired employment contracts, in which a condition on non-disclosure of personal data about clients should be specified.

In addition to consultants on the selection of brides and grooms, it is also necessary to hire a photographer. His task is to photograph potential candidates in order to be able to attach a portfolio with the most successful photographs to the application form.

Profit from a dating agency

Your income will be the envy of many specific points. It is worth understanding that each marriage agency makes money differently.

Dating agency?

  • You can charge a fee for registering on a dating site;
  • Set a certain amount for your services. Some agencies charge only grooms, others charge all potential clients;
  • The marriage agency also receives money from the sale of a database of brides or grooms;
  • Another option for earning money is organizing personal meetings between your favorite candidates;
  • In addition, the agency is paid a certain amount for the possibility of correspondence, providing the client’s address and other personal data, the ability to view additional photographs, etc.

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How to attract clients?


  1. Good location. It is very difficult not to notice an agency that is located in the city center. Therefore, pay attention to this important point;
  2. Name and sign. A bright sign and a sonorous, memorable name will certainly attract the attention of customers;
  3. Advertising in the media and on television. If finances allow, then you can advertise your organization in popular magazines that women love to read, as well as on television and radio.
  4. Internet advertising. A dating site needs to be promoted on the Internet by everyone accessible ways. Also, don’t forget about social networks, be sure to create your own group there.
The profitability of the business naturally depends on the efficiency of you and the agency’s team, as well as its popularity and authority gained over years of hard work. The approximate payback period for a marriage agency is about 1–2 years. You should not count on stable profits in this business; income will depend on your efforts. Therefore, you will have to work constantly, because a marriage agency is not a type of passive income. Before deciding to take such an important step as opening a marriage agency, weigh all the pros and cons to make sure that the decision is correct and the business is profitable.

Nowadays, being in the marriage business is considered a kind of prestigious and elite sphere. In addition to their high status, such enterprises generate quite a lot of income, which makes you think about the possibility of development own business in this direction.

What is the reason for the high demand for marriage agency services? Nowadays, most young people start dating on the Internet, and finding their soulmate outside the virtual world causes difficulties. And representatives of the older generation, who devote all their energy to their careers and everyday worries, often do not have time to spend it on dating. It is precisely these categories of clients that marriage agencies are focused on, whose mission is to help people find their life partners. And, of course, get some profit from this.

Opening a marriage agency is a positive and useful thing

How to open your own marriage agency:

  1. Tax registration and state registration

Any business activity necessarily requires state registration. Marriage agencies are also subject to this procedure. Fortunately, this line of business does not require obtaining a license, so registering the enterprise as a private entrepreneur (FL-P) will be sufficient. Taxation of a marriage agency occurs according to a standard unified system.

Complete all necessary documentation upon registration of an enterprise

  1. Market analysis

Market analysis is the first thing a new entrepreneur should work on. This applies to absolutely any type of business, marriage agencies are no exception. Market research in the chosen direction and region will allow you to obtain information about the presence of competitors, their activities, pricing policy. All this will serve as the basis for organizing your own business, taking into account its characteristics.

  1. Room. Selection and design.

To receive clients and conduct interviews with them, the agency requires an office. A small rented apartment is perfect as an office. There is no need to talk about such a need as a decent renovation and interior design in a pre-thought-out style. The entrance to the office should also be decorated in the chosen style. And the use of photographs and reviews from previous clients in the design will be an excellent recommendation for the company, noticeable after the first visit.

It is recommended to locate the agency in the city center or other place with high traffic. And the office must not only be properly furnished, but also have all the equipment necessary for work: computers, scanners, fax and printer. Separately, it should be noted the need for constant access to the Internet.

  1. What services do you offer?

Of course, the profitability of a marriage agency directly depends on the range of services that it is ready to provide to the client. But it is absolutely not necessary to provide all available types of services at the initial stages of a company's development. You can start with a small selection of standard offerings and expand the range of services as your company grows. The main services of a marriage agency are:

— providing information about brides and grooms in printed or in electronic format;

— periodic replenishment of the client register with the subsequent placement of questionnaires both in your agency and in agencies associated with your cooperation;

— making acquaintances with clients, organizing dates, honeymoons;

— partnership with foreign companies, searching for candidates for clients in their databases;

— an agreement with a professional photographer, a makeup artist, the services of a lawyer and a translation specialist.

  1. How the agency works

The main work of a marriage agency is to process a database into which information about future clients wishing to meet is entered. As a rule, a database of male profiles is first formed. To create it, it is recommended to establish connections with foreign enterprises in this area, but it is entirely possible to create it yourself within your company. However, contacts with partners will in any case bring considerable benefits to your business.

If you are planning to create your own database “from scratch,” then the use of social networks or other Internet resources will be of great help. When your agency partners with another, profits are typically split equally among all participating agencies. It is also important that your company is of interest to potential partner agencies. This will require the creation of a website on which information about your company will be posted and updated. And creating a web page with a user language selection will make it easier for you to find clients abroad.

Marriage agency is a positive business

Creating a database of potential brides and grooms also requires a special approach. For quality work of the agency, especially at first, the selection must be carried out very carefully. The attractiveness of your first clients will shape the reputation of your company. Subsequently, when the database is filled with several thousand profiles, the recruitment rules can be simplified. It is also very important to remember that in any marriage agency the number of women’s profiles is much greater than men’s.

  1. How much will it cost to open such a business?

If you decide to open your own marriage agency, you will need certain financial expenses for state registration, rental of suitable premises, office design, acquisition technical equipment. Creating a website will require some financial costs. Minimum amount The starting investment is about $2000.

In addition to the first investment, you need to take into account monthly costs:

  • office rental fee
  • tax payments
  • site content
  • payment cellular communications(including international),
  • office equipment maintenance
  • communal payments

It will cost about $590 per month.

  1. Enterprise profitability

The main income for marriage agencies comes from the so-called “honeymoons”, paid for by foreign clients. On average, a groom from another country is willing to pay 2.5-4.5 thousand dollars for one such trip. However, at first, until the agency has established connections with foreign companies, you will have income mainly from organizing correspondence with clients, their meetings and acquaintances. In addition, some of the profit will come from the services of a photographer and makeup artist for photographing for the catalog and directly posting photos on the site.

If your agency belongs to the club category, then profit generation occurs according to a different scheme. The services of such companies are paid exclusively by male clients in the form of a subscription fee and additional payment for information about the girl the client is interested in.

  1. How quickly will it pay for itself?

The return on investment in the development of a marriage agency directly depends on its scale and client database. An important factor is its location - profits in more developed cities are higher. The average payback period will be about 1-2 years.

Is your calling to help two halves reunite? Then figure out how to open a marriage agency. A detailed instructions This article will help you.

The position of matchmaker has long existed in Russia.

Lively ladies who arranged other people's personal lives for money managed to make good money from it.

Today, matchmakers with all their folklore paraphernalia are out of favor, because they have been replaced by modern dating clubs.

If you think that your calling is to help two halves reunite, then figure out how to open a marriage agency.

This business does not require huge capital investments or special licenses, but it can bring a good monthly profit to its owner.

Types of marriage agencies that can be opened

This business is quite diverse, so if you are not sure which dating club you want to open, take a closer look at the most promising options:


    You work within your country and arrange the personal lives of your compatriots.
    Working this way is easy (no need to study foreign legislation and deal with different mentalities), but not very profitable.


    For example, you choose a foreign dating club for cooperation, in which there are many suitors, and provide them with profiles of potential brides. You can first find an agency for cooperation via the Internet, and only then open your own.


    That is, you work with different clients: those who want to find a domestic husband/wife and those who are looking for an overseas prince/princess.
    This is the most financially profitable option that experts recommend opening.

How to open a marriage agency: calendar plan

This business does not require a long preparatory period.

You don’t need to obtain a special license to operate; you also don’t have to get serious technical equipment to run a dating club.

If everything goes well and you show due diligence, you will be able to open an agency 4-5 months after the idea arises:

Search for premises, repairs, purchase of equipment
Website creation
Advertising company

How to open a marriage agency: advertising

Interesting fact:
People's level of education influences the age at which they marry. In states with a higher number of adults with higher education, couples marry later. The opposite trend is observed in countries with low levels of education.

You can inform the maximum number of clients about your marriage agency:

  1. By posting advertisements around the city.
  2. By creating a good website that will not only serve to post your clients’ profiles, but will also become an information platform.
  3. By posting advertisements on sites that are thematically suitable for you, including foreign ones.
  4. By purchasing advertising time on a local website and television.
  5. Having ordered several advertising texts in the local press.
    It is better to use a hidden advertising method, for example, tell a beautiful story about how two hearts were reunited with your help.
  6. By printing colorful brochures and distributing them to your potential clients.
  7. Using social media, which will help to form a client base not only among locals, but also among foreigners.

Remember that you cannot open a marriage agency without ordering a bright sign so that you can be easily found.

Take care of beautiful name, after all, whatever you call your business, that’s how it will operate.

How to open a marriage agency: main steps

One of the main advantages that this business provides is the ease of launching a startup from scratch.

The registration procedure will not take too much of your time, and the remaining stages (searching for premises, recruiting staff, creating a website) will not be too time-consuming.


For now, you just need to register as an individual entrepreneur and pay tax according to the UTII system.

For some time now in government offices the issue of marriage business it would be necessary to license it, but so far things have not gone further than discussions, so take the chance to open a dating club as an individual entrepreneur and without a license.

Premises for a marriage agency

A dating club is an organization that should be located as close to the center as possible, which increases your rental costs.

But open businesses on the outskirts will not bring the desired results, since it will be too difficult for potential clients to find you.

A marriage agency does not require huge areas; 40–50 sq. m. is enough. meters in order to place on them: a reception area, your office, a staff office and a bathroom.

When your business is firmly on its feet, you can think about expanding to open a photo studio, legal advice, psychological assistance office, some courses for future brides/grooms, etc. on the basis of your marriage agency.

You should take care of the interior to make your clients feel as comfortable as possible in the office.

Do not overload the walls with decorations; photographs of happy couples, including those in wedding dresses, are enough to create the necessary mood.

It is better to avoid bright, flashy colors that cause anxiety.

Spend no money on a professional designer - he will do everything in the best possible way.

Furnishings and equipment of a marriage agency

The amount of furniture and technical equipment directly depends on how large a marriage agency you want to open.

If your dating club occupies an office of no more than 50 sq. meters and you have no more than 4 people working for you, including you, then you should buy:

Expense itemQuantityCost (in rub.)Amount (in rub.)
Total: 200,000 rub.
Computers or laptops
4 20 000 80 000
1 10 000 10 000
Air conditioner
2 15 000 30 000
4 3 000 12 000
Chairs and work chairs
8 2 000 16 000
Sofa in the reception area
1 20 000 20 000
Plumbing for the bathroom
10 000 10 000
Other 22 000 22 000

Marriage agency staff

At first, while you are not yet sure how well your business will do, you do not need to hire too many employees.

Enough: secretary, manager, programmer and cleaner.

You yourself will be able to perform the functions of a manager and accountant in your own dating club.

per month you will have to spend on wages staff about 70,000 rubles:

QtySalary (in rub.)Total (in rub.)
Total: 70,000 rub.
Manager1 20 000 20 000
Secretary1 15 000 15 000
Programmer*1 25 000 25 000
Cleaning woman1 10 000 10 000

*Give up the idea of ​​hiring a programmer part-time or part-time, even if you really want to save on his expensive services. The programmer must be in the office every day to monitor the operation of the site, add new profiles, maintain your computers, etc. Be prepared for the fact that any programmer will require a separate payment for creating a website, which is taken into account in our business plan under the heading “Additional expenses”.

A marriage agency does not have to work seven days a week.

You can easily set a schedule like this: open the door of your club from 10.00 to 19.00, while giving employees one or two days off a week.

Saturday, for example, can be made a part-time working day.

How much does it cost to open a marriage agency?

Dating clubs are a type of business that does not require huge capital investments to launch a startup.

It is enough to have several hundred thousand rubles to open a marriage agency.

The main expense items look like this:

As you can see, the amount is not that big and is quite affordable even for entrepreneurs with average incomes.

In addition to the capital investments that are needed to open a marriage agency, get ready for the fact that every month you will be expected to spend on:

You can reduce your monthly expenses if you have a premises in which you can open a marriage agency.

In this case, you won’t have to spend money on rent, just on utilities.

Ways to make money as a marriage agency owner

Based on the type of earnings, all marriage agencies are divided into three types:

    All clients, regardless of gender, pay money to have their photo posted on your website, for organized meetings potential brides and grooms, etc.
    Decide for yourself how you will collect payment for this. You can take a one-time payment, or you can develop an “all inclusive” subscription system for a month, quarter, year, etc.

    If, for example, you organize a gentlemen's club, then you charge only men, while ladies get the opportunity to post their photos on your website absolutely free.
    This type of marriage agency has one serious drawback: you need to find brides (or grooms, if you are organizing a ladies' club) that your clients will like, and this is not a very easy task.


    For example, the main source of your income is foreign men who dream of a Russian wife.
    It is from them that you take money for the phone or e-mail, for organizing a meeting, and so on.
    Potential brides get the opportunity to post their photos absolutely free, but they must pay if they want you to organize a professional photo shoot for them or help them translate a letter from a foreign groom.

about the work of a marriage agency in Russia:

How much can a marriage agency owner earn?

No one can tell you the exact amount, because your earnings are influenced by many factors: the type of your agency, the number paid services in the price list, but the most important thing is the client base that you will form.

For example, you organized a gentlemen's club, that is, the main source of income is domestic and foreign grooms.

The system of cooperation with them is the sale of subscriptions for a quarter, six months and a year, which cost 4,000, 7,000, 12,000 rubles.

Your client base is 60 potential suitors. 15 of them purchased quarterly passes, paying 60,000.

25 are six-month, making you richer by 175,000, the remaining 20 are annual, and your income amounted to another 240,000 rubles.

As you can see, with 60 clients you can earn 475,000 rubles just for selling subscriptions.

That is, you not only recoup the capital investment, but also receive 75,000 on top.

But there are also ways to earn extra money:

  1. Translator services if the bride does not know foreign language, which the future groom speaks, for example, 300 rubles for translating 1 letter.
  2. Organization of a meeting between a foreign groom and a Russian bride in Russia: transfer, accommodation, control, etc.
  3. You, as the owner of a marriage agency, can receive your percentage from lawyers, apartment and restaurant owners if you are looking for clients for them, etc.

How quickly you build a client base that will help you earn good money every month depends only on you.

Experts say that the payback period for marriage agencies is 1–1.5 years, and well-promoted dating clubs can earn (minus mandatory expenses) from 25,000 to 80,000 rubles per month.

These are quite decent amounts, which are enough to make you interested in the question “ How to open a marriage agency?».

If you decide to open such a club, be sure to take into account rental prices and other things in your region.

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* The calculations use average data for Russia

We all live by stereotypes. Since this article is about opening a marriage agency, here’s another stereotype: the owner of such an establishment (or rather, the owner) is a very spectacular lady of Balzac’s age who considers herself a queen who rules destinies. She herself is unlikely to be successful in her personal life, and is a self-confident fury with many years of experience as a matchmaker. But this, as already noted, is a stereotype. It doesn’t matter who opens the marriage agency - the character described above or a twenty-year-old archaeological student; Everyone has the same chances. It’s all about psychology and entrepreneurial talent.

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A marriage agency is a type of business in which there will not be too much expense, but at the same time you will have to constantly work. Especially at first. In the future, it will be possible to attract employees who can be trained, but first you need to train yourself. To manage such an enterprise, you even need to have a creative approach to solving problems. A marriage agency can work according to completely different schemes, which are developed by their organizers, but almost any method of organization can be effective. A marriage agency is an intermediary who helps conclude a contract and takes a commission for this. And if we consider that many clients of such agencies come here for material gain, then the agency can actually be called an economic intermediary. The good goals of “connecting lonely hearts”, “searching for soul mates”, “helping to find happiness” and similar joys of old maids look very good on advertising posters, but, in fact, the activity of a marriage agency is a search for a product for the consumer. Only with the condition that the product will be sold only when the buyer likes it.

You can think through the concept of work long before the opening, because only about a month will have to be spent on registering the entity entrepreneurial activity. A marriage agency is an unlicensed type of activity (people are sold without any certificates), and therefore there are no restrictions on the form of entrepreneurship. Many agency organizers remain simple individual entrepreneurs, because it is much simpler and does not require significant reporting. From legal forms a limited liability company is preferable, but only if an association of entrepreneurs has decided to engage in matchmaking. Such a business is difficult to classify, and it is best to check the coding of the activity with a lawyer, but the most suitable of the available codes is (OKPD 2) 63.99 Other information services, not included in other groups. In the end, the marriage agency collects information in order to use it correctly.

Initially, the work scheme of a marriage agency may be one of three types: men pay, women pay, everyone pays. Considering that men and women need a representative of the opposite sex with whom they can build a family to the same extent, then it is best to take money from everyone. But the most cunning and profitable way is to determine the client's potential. After all, all visitors to a marriage agency can be divided into 2 categories: product and buyer. The product can include attractive (in general) people who will enjoy attention, and the buyers can include those for whom they will have to look for a suitable person, because the client cannot do without the help of professionals.

But here it is very important to think about what level the agency will be, whether it will work for everyone or whether it will become something like an elite club, where leaving a profile in which is already a privilege. It is still not worth working with a focus on ordinary people, because the ordinary class usually does not have problems with their personal lives. It doesn’t work out mainly for business people who are constantly overloaded with work, people with inflated demands on applicants and, of course, the unfortunate victims of natural selection. The most difficult thing to help with this is the second category, because celestial beings are coveted by those representatives of humanity who, to put it mildly, themselves do not possess anything outstanding.

A very common situation is when a girl waits all her life for a prince on a white horse. When she suddenly turns thirty, she is ready to settle for just being a prince. When it comes to fifty, only a horse will suit her. But the problem is that princes no longer look at thirty-year-old maidens, and even horses don’t look at fifty-year-olds. When working with such clients, it is especially important to bring them down to earth and describe the real chances.

Already here it becomes clear that the marriage agency employee is a very competent psychologist who should be able to deal with almost any person. His task is to solve the client’s problem, and sometimes it takes a long time to convince him that the stated requirements do not correspond to the capabilities. This sounds suspiciously like the work of a realtor. It will be easiest with business people who clearly know what they want and correctly assess their chances.

Ready ideas for your business

For a successful man, the risk of not finding a woman is practically reduced to a minimum, but finding a wife, in the good sense of the word, is quite difficult. Due to a simple lack of time, he cannot figure out the person, and pays the agency just to find him an adequate and suitable person. Almost the same applies to successful women; sexism is generally inappropriate here. And the situation is no longer so popular when a person through an agency is looking for a one-time or simply not forever partner. In general, a marriage agency already in its name defines the purpose of its activities, and therefore finds people a permanent companion.

The practice of international dating, which is still popular, has long since gained popularity. In Russia, for some reason, it is generally accepted that the proportion of princes in the total population of Western countries is higher than in this country. And many women strive abroad, firmly convinced that there the grass is greener, the sky is bluer, and the men are more real. To the credit of Slavic women, it is worth noting that they are indeed very attractive for the most part, which is why in Western countries men are interested in them with more enthusiasm than their native women. And for several decades there has been an established scheme in which foreign buyers turn to local agencies with the desire to find goods from other countries, and a Russian agency offers goods on this world market. At the same time, only agencies contact each other, determining among themselves who will suit whom. However, foreigners can buy subscriptions to freely view the profiles of Russian girls. Men pay for all this, although a Russian marriage agency may also charge for its services. So, for example, a girl can pay for posting her profile.

Ready ideas for your business

To establish work with foreign countries, you need to create your own website, and the English version should be included in it by default. The agency organizer begins a search for foreign representatives of this marriage market and negotiates cooperation with them. They cannot run a business alone simply because they are in completely different countries. Russian girls are presented with high requirements for compliance with external data. In addition, men from their agencies, and they, in turn, from their Russian colleagues will demand confirmation of the girl’s trustworthiness. That is, so that all the data she provides is correct (a rare overseas prince is ready, in addition to the Russian queen, to receive an illegitimate prince as a free bonus), so that the girl sets as her goal the creation of an international cell of society, and not base mercantile earnings, and so things like that.

Here again, marriage agency employees are required to have a good knowledge of psychology, because, as we know, everyone lies. In this case, the language barrier becomes a serious obstacle, and sometimes the agent has to correspond with men on behalf of the girl. In this way, more than one maniac is identified, although usually the foreign agency, for its part, also checks candidates for marriage. Agents working under this scheme must be fluent in at least English language, but it is advisable to have those who communicate in German, Spanish, French and Turkish. Turks, as the most Europeanized Muslims, look quite normally at the possibility of marriage with a non-Muslim woman. If you work with existing agencies that have been checking clients who have applied for more than one year, then the risk of inadvertently turning your client into slavery or something worse is practically reduced to zero.

But in Russia there is already a problem with demographics, and it is worth helping Russians who are deprived of the attention of the opposite sex. Previously, the most common scheme was when the marriage agency did not divide clients by gender in the provision of its services. For them, a client was simply a person who came and received help in finding a partner. Both men and women paid, and the same amounts. As a result, the agency received a bonus from the already formed family, and sometimes the agent was invited to a wedding, where he pretended to be sincerely happy for the newly formed couple. Then wealthy men became regulars at marriage agencies, looking for a permanent or temporary alternative to their wife, while the main and often the only criterion was the beauty of the girl. There were also unmarried people who wanted to purchase a fashion accessory in the form of a young and frankly stupid woman, but beautiful girl. After all this, the most profitable business of the marriage agency was the international exchange described above.

In your own work, it is best to combine all these areas to ensure the maximum flow of clients. Whether to have a taboo on already married people or not is up to every entrepreneur to decide, because, in essence, morality is the deciding factor here. But sometimes also the prestige of the institution (which is much more important). Recently, a form of payment has become common in agencies when only the man pays for everything. Even if this is not interethnic communication. But, as already noted, it is better to take money from someone for whom you have to look for options. Here everything is like in economics, twenty percent of people are interested in eighty percent of the opposite sex, the remaining eighty are considered only by the remaining twenty. There is not enough for all the best representatives of humanity.

Ready ideas for your business

The very principle of the agency's work comes down to the following. People leave their profiles, which are carefully sorted according to certain criteria. You can have a virtual catalogue, or you can work the old fashioned way, offering albums to visitors. A person looks through the catalog and selects the options that suit him. The people they like are informed and describe the candidate. If the answer is positive, the couple is given a date. As a rule, the client pays for each viewing of the catalog, or buys a subscription, which can be limited or unlimited in time. But the main amount is received by the agency if successful, when the couple is ready to submit an application to the civil registry office. It is very difficult to avoid paying a fee for purchasing your happiness, because this is clearly stated in the contract that the client concludes with the agency. The only real chance is to go with your newfound lover to distant countries and marry there. And even then, there is a possibility that a mercantile Cupid businessman may sue his lovers for failure to fulfill the terms of the contract. In general, such cases are rare, and some agencies receive money only in the event of an official marriage, or at least after the couple has decided to move on to a serious relationship and suspend their search.

So, how much does it take to open a marriage agency? You will need to pay for registration - no more than 20 thousand. Afterwards, search for premises. A very small one, about 20-30 m2, will do. The rental price is difficult to name, but for a large city it starts from 20 thousand rubles per month. It’s not difficult to find a room that has already been renovated (that is, a completely ordinary office will do), but it’s still better to arrange the interior according to stereotypical ideas about a matchmaker’s house. This is perhaps the only business where hearts, lovebirds and rose-bottomed cupids look appropriate on the walls. Although it’s also better not to overdo it with the sugary pink content. Arranging your premises is unlikely to require more than 50 thousand rubles, but for an elite agency it is better to purchase expensive upholstered furniture and order a design project - this will pay off, and the level of the establishment must be maintained in everything.

Next is creating the website. This is a very important moment, because you need to invest at least 50 thousand rubles in it: the site must be attractive, fast-running and contain large catalogs. Sometimes it may be necessary to promote it, and the services of optimization studios can cost several tens of thousands of rubles (though not a one-time payment, but spread out over several months).

Advertising is important because there are plenty of competitors in this market, and before you can earn a good reputation, you need to attract customers. Advertising on the Internet works well, especially on dating sites. But regular ATL techniques can also be effective. Here you need to allocate at least 50 thousand rubles.

Now you need to consider the issue of hiring staff. Many owners of marriage agencies started their business alone, having only knowledge of languages, a lot of energy and a sincere desire to earn money. But sooner or later, a large marriage agency will need additional employees who work with clients, select options for them and correspond with representatives of the foreign marriage market. Here the calculation is about 15-20 thousand per additional person. Plus monthly payments: utilities, outsourcing, internet. But there may also be expenses when organizing trips for foreign men to this country (although, usually, such tours are fully paid for). As is clear from all this, the agency does not incur large expenses, which ensures a fairly high profitability of such an undertaking.

The most profitable client for a marriage agency is the one who cannot find a partner. It is he who will pay the most, in desperation paying money for any dates. A business from being built on happiness gradually re-qualifies as being built on failures. But not having successful experiences in the selection of human representatives in your portfolio (no matter how rude it may sound, in fact it is) can be very dangerous for your reputation, and therefore for doing business. The more couples are formed through the agency, the more clients it will have. As with everything, it is better to sacrifice short-term profits in order to strengthen your place in the market.

The cost of marriage agency services starts from about 300 rubles for viewing one-time profiles. It is possible to pay for each new questionnaire for a small amount. If a client wants the agency to completely take over the search for a partner, then he must pay 20-25 thousand rubles; in elite organizations this amount is much higher. If bringing a couple together ends with a logical result (more prosaically - a wedding, I mean), then the matchmaker receives from 10 thousand rubles, more often - 12-15 thousand.