Business at fast food kiosks - the experience of an entrepreneur. How to open a street fast food? Street food business ideas

The article examines in detail such an idea for a small person as opening a street fast food enterprise: features of the activity, prospects, stages of creation, as well as the basics legal regulation.

Formation of the Russian market “fast food” falls in the 90s. It was then that the first McDonald's was opened in Moscow - an enterprise Catering, which caused a huge stir. Time has passed, but the popularity of “fast” food has various categories consumers is not decreasing.

This is due to the affordability, cost-effectiveness and fast service found in fast food. The entire variety of objects of such enterprises is divided into two main categories: stationary And street fast food.

Features of street fast food

Street fast food- this is a format of catering enterprises focused on the prompt production of dishes from semi-finished products and their sale in street kiosks, pavilions, vans, auto buffets, as well as on mobile counters and carts. Distinctive feature Such enterprises have a mono-product specialization.

These can be: pasties, hot dogs, burgers, sandwiches, baked potato, shawarma, chickens, shish kebab, sushi, pizza, pancakes, pies, donuts, etc. Along with the main assortment, they also sell related products ( in a share of up to 20%): nuts, water, juices, chewing gum, etc. An independent segment of this market - the so-called fun food(“fun” food), which includes popcorn, cotton candy, chips, etc.

Among the features it is also worth noting seasonality factor: for enterprises “street” January and February are the least successful months for food; the highest sales occur in spring and autumn.

Such enterprises, as usual, are based on a stationary establishment, or have production workshops, and dishes can also be produced directly in the trade pavilion. In the absence of a base enterprise and production workshops, the initial products are purchased from wholesale suppliers. The three-component system of interaction between the main links of business is as follows:

Basic enterprise (workshop, wholesale supplier)

Transport and communications

The final point of product sales

Street catering is characterized by democracy and the lowest average check amount. Such a business is characterized by the low cost of opening a point ( from 7 to 15 thousand $), which allows him to develop quickly. And its profitability is 10 times higher than the same indicator for a stationary enterprise. The profit of a business depends on the following basic parameters: the number of points, the quality of the product, the choice of location, and the correct assessment of the market.

The autonomy and mobility of street cafes allows them to work in any conditions, moving them in case of an unfavorable location.

Factors of business prospects

First, which is worth noting - Russian modern market There are still insufficient catering establishments for middle-class consumers. This niche is now being filled by opening affordable cafes and fast food establishments. In this regard, investment activity is gradually moving from the expensive segment to the segment of cafes and restaurants of the medium and low price category (street fast food).

Next factor prospects is that the demand for street “fast” food is growing steadily. If previously the majority of people preferred to have sandwiches for lunch at work, today many go out specifically for lunch. At the same time, consumer demand in inexpensive public catering outlets has not yet been satisfied - after all, there are not so many places where you can quickly and efficiently have a snack, while spending 100-200 rubles.

In addition, the promise of street fast food lies in the lowest level of investment risk compared to other categories of catering enterprises.

Choice of concept

First you need to determine the direction of your business according to the following characteristics.

Presence/absence of a national component(Russian cuisine - pancakes, pies; Japanese - sushi; kosher; oriental, etc.). The national format is emphasized not only by the range of products sold, but also by the corresponding design - name, decorative elements, colors.

Specialization on a specific product, the main ones of which are:

  • Grilled chickens - at the same time you can produce and sell wings, legs, sausages, sausages, and other small meat products.
  • Shawarma is an oriental dish made from lavash or pita bread stuffed with chopped fried meat and vegetables.
  • A hot dog is a hot sausage in a heated bun, seasoned with sauces, often with the addition of vegetables.
  • Hot potatoes - potatoes baked in foil with butter, cheese and salad.
  • Sushi is Japanese cuisine made from fish, seafood, rice and a special type of seaweed.
  • Salads are dishes served cold from finely chopped vegetables, eggs, meat, fish, and fruits.
  • Pancakes are a Russian dish made from yeast-free or yeast dough. Fillings are added to the finished pancake to taste.
  • Pies are baked buns with filling.
  • Donuts are dough balls fried in fat, sprinkled with sugar or coated with chocolate, honey, caramel, etc.
  • Pizza is an Italian dish in the form of a baked round flatbread of dough, covered with tomatoes, cheese and various toppings. Its varieties are also gaining popularity - cone pizza and mini pizza.
  • Sandwiches, hot sandwiches - baked dishes made from bread and filling placed on it.
  • Popcorn is a dish made from corn grains heated to high temperature with salty or sweet additives.
  • Cotton candy is a sweet culinary product made from refined, cane or beet sugar.

In addition to the main assortment, visitors can be offered hot and cold drinks: tea, coffee, milkshakes, kvass, lemonade, etc. An important feature is that since 2013 it has been prohibited to sell alcohol in non-stationary premises, incl. low-alcohol products - such as beer, mead, cider, poire.

Not only the choice directly depends on the concept of the establishment necessary equipment, production technologies, design of retail space, but also business profitability. So, for cotton candy this figure is 1000%, for milkshakes 250%, donuts 250%; pies, popcorn - 100%, grilled chicken - 50%.

More information on ideas for providing various catering services can be found in the fast food equipment section.

Business registration

On at this stage needs to be opened own enterprise or register as an individual entrepreneur, as well as register with the tax authority, receive a registration document cash register equipment.

It is best to register street fast food enterprises as individual entrepreneurs.

OKVED codes

The following types of activities are suitable for the business in question:

55.30 - “Activities of restaurants and cafes”;
52.62 - “Retail trade in tents and markets”;
52.63 - “Other retail outside the stores.”


For the activities of street fast food registered as an individual entrepreneur, two taxation systems are most beneficial - UTII and PSN. At the Moneymakers Factory you can learn more about:

  • taxation of catering services and accounting;

Accounting is carried out through outsourcing or using online accounting services ( For example, “My business”). At the initial stage, it makes more sense to handle logistics and administrative functions yourself.

Necessary permits, legal regulation of business

Home feature legal regulation of the activities of street fast food is that it not fully regulated by law. This is the main problem of business, since the requirements of various regulations for such enterprises sometimes contradict each other, and sometimes are impossible to fulfill. To start activities, you must obtain a number of permits and approvals:

Permission to place a commercial mobile facility

Street fast food enterprises are classified as non-stationary objects. Main normative act, which determines the procedure for placing non-stationary objects, is the Post of the Government of the Russian Federation dated September 29, 2010 N 772. According to it, the placement of such objects is regulated by the authorities local government(i.e., such enterprises must be installed in accordance with the requirements of the local administration).

In Moscow, this procedure is regulated by the Post of the Government of Moscow dated February 3, 2011 N 26-PP. Currently street shopping facilities are placed on auction terms.

  • Notification of the local authority of Rospotrebnadzor about the start of activities.
  • Coordination of recipes for sold dishes with Rospotrebnadzor (in some cases).
  • Carrying out registration procedures for vehicles (vans, trailers).
  • Permission from the migration service for the right to occupy labor activity(only for foreign citizens).

Choosing a location for a trade pavilion

When choosing the location of a street fast food enterprise, it is necessary to take into account factors such as:

  • population level of the region;
  • level of traffic intensity and crowd of people.

Based on this, the most effective placement of retail outlets is in places with the highest traffic: on central streets, ring roads, at public transport stops, near metro stations, in markets, in the vicinity of office and public buildings, near educational institutions, in recreation areas , near airports, train stations.

Optimal The area of ​​the trade pavilion is 4 - 8 m2. Its equipment must meet the requirements of sanitary, fire and environmental standards.

Before deciding on the location of a retail outlet, it is worth checking in advance with the local administration about plans for improvement, development, reconstruction of the selected area, and also assessing the level of crime in the area.

Features of SES requirements for fast food enterprises

The basic requirements for catering establishments are contained in SanPiN These rules also apply to fast food enterprises, despite the fact that it is not always possible to fully comply with them.

In this case, it is advisable to follow paragraph 16 of the above normative document "Requirements to temporary organizations fast food service", according to which:

  • in the absence of centralized sewerage and water supply, uninterrupted delivery of water is necessary, corresponding in quality to water from centralized water supply;
  • the shopping pavilion must be equipped refrigeration equipment for perishables food products, ice cream, drinks;
  • It is allowed to use only disposable cutlery and utensils;
  • Dishes and hot drinks may be prepared using bottled drinking water;
  • it is necessary to provide for the availability of containers for collecting waste and its timely removal;
  • It is mandatory to carry out sanitary treatment and ensure that staff observe the necessary rules of personal hygiene;
  • It is necessary to have a toilet for staff within a radius of 100 m from the place of sale.

Purchase of equipment

The choice of necessary equipment depends on the specialization of the business.

As for mobile tonars or kiosks, they can be purchased or rented. In the first In this case, there are significant savings on rent, but the initial investment increases and tax payments arise. Second option- This is a business with minimal investment, while rental costs increase.

Information on the current cost of equipment for street fast food from our partners:


At the stage of opening a business, two salespeople working in shifts are enough. They are also responsible for keeping the trade pavilion clean. You can search for workers through advertisements, as well as through specialized recruiting agencies. Personnel must have health certificates.

Interesting franchise: Waffle fast food, "VkusnoWaffle" (investment 290 thousand rubles, payback 4 -6 months).

People will always eat. And for lack of time or not wanting to spend it on cooking, visit catering establishments. That is why cafes and restaurants are constantly opening and, as a rule, are always in demand.

But such places are more suitable for a substantial and leisurely meal, usually spent in company and while talking. But for a quick snack, it’s better to look into some cafeteria, bistro or fast food, where you will be served promptly, and you can also quickly satisfy your crept hunger.

There are also many such establishments today, and more and more often they specialize in a particular dish, offering it in different variations of preparation and serving. Opening a small “themed” cafeteria is much easier than a full-fledged cafe; it requires less investment, less time, and pays off faster. Therefore, more and more often, novice entrepreneurs are thinking about how to open a cafe. fast food and make it a profitable business. The article below will help you navigate this business.

Why now? About relevance and timeliness

Fashion always comes back. And this applies not only to clothing, but also to food. In Soviet times, establishments such as cheburek, pirozhkova, pancake and similar places were popular in our country. Today they are back, again winning the interest of an already sophisticated public wanting something simple and tasty.

Now is the time to open a cheburek or, say, dumplings shop, while the competition is not so great, and the idea has not become boring and boring. It’s best to start with a small point, which can gradually grow into a whole network of similar cafes throughout the city. Next, we will look at the main points that you should pay special attention to before opening a fast food cafe.

Where to open?

When choosing a location for a cafeteria, it is important to pre-designate your potential audience. Who will you have? As a rule, fast food cafes are visited by students and schoolchildren, and often by their teachers, office employees and staff of nearby establishments: shops, hairdressers, studios, etc. That is, you need to focus on proximity to a large concentration of students and working people. It doesn't have to be the city center, the main thing is that the place should be lively.

How to equip?

Firstly, the room should be small but roomy. Along the perimeter along the walls, you can arrange long tables at which you can have a snack either sitting (then you will need high chairs) or standing. This will allow visitors to quickly eat their order without staying in the cafe for a long time and freeing up space for the next hungry people. This is exactly what the interior of your establishment should be designed for: simple, tasteful and with minimal decoration.

As for the kitchen, it should be equipped with the necessary equipment for preparing the main dish:

  • apparatus for pasties;
  • donut fryer;
  • oven for pies or pancake maker for pancakes.

You will also need refrigerators, meat grinders, various utensils, cutting boards, a mixer or dough mixer (when making any baked goods from dough), and so on. The specific equipment depends on what you plan to offer your guests. Among the most promising areas that will certainly be in demand are dumplings, cheburek, pirozhkova or mini-pizzerias. You can also think about how to open a broth room. Such a place will be especially in demand at lunchtime, because many in our country are accustomed to eating first thing for lunch.

Assortment of fast cafes

We talked about the fact that today specialized cafes with one product are beginning to become especially popular. But even in such establishments a varied assortment is possible - due to fillings and sauces. So, you can open a cheburek shop, which, in addition to traditional meat ones, will offer cheese, mushroom, vegetable vegetarian chebureks and mixes (cheese + mushrooms, for example). This will allow, without significant additional costs, to significantly expand the offer and, as a result, attract more visitors.

You can do the same with other dishes: pancakes with various fillings and sauces, dumplings and dumplings with different fillings, etc. Naturally, do not forget about related products: drinks (tea, coffee), bread (if it is broth, for example) , sauces, vegetables and more. For all this you need to purchase quality disposable tableware, napkins, bags.

Staff in a fast food cafe

A small catering outlet does not require a large staff. It can be just two people - the cook and the cashier. If you use a lot of dishes that need to be washed while preparing a dish, you will also need a dishwasher. As for serving ready-made dishes, disposable utensils should be used.

Often visitors want to take a dish with them, and in this case service will be much simpler: once you eat, you throw away the plate/cup. If necessary, hire a cleaner - he can come only at the end of the shift, which will reduce the cost of paying staff.

Advertising: how to attract visitors

As a rule, fast food establishments quickly become popular and visited. But for greater confidence, you can first organize the distribution of leaflets with information about your cafe and assortment. They can be given to passers-by directly at the catering point, as well as near the nearest stops and metro exits.

A sign will also serve as an advertisement, instantly attracting the attention of passers-by. When looking at it, it should be clearly clear what kind of place this is and what menu you offer. For example, “Cheburechnaya at home” is a good option, but “Cafe Lastochka” is not so much.

For small and medium-sized businesses, catering establishments do not lose their attractiveness. In areas with heavy pedestrian traffic, near educational institutions and offices, the payback period for a fast food kiosk ranges from 2-3 months.

A business plan is drawn up in advance and risks are calculated. You should also take into account the specific food preferences of the population of a particular region. If you have no experience in this field, it is better to hire a specialist, otherwise saving on calculations may entail unexpected expenses.

The whole process step by step

Before opening a kiosk, it is necessary to resolve several fundamental issues:

  1. Registration with the tax office at the place of residence as an individual entrepreneur and registration of a cash register.
  2. Choosing a premises - it can be a stationary kiosk, pavilion, trailer, tent.
  3. Source starting capital. The best option– interest a fund that supports small businesses with your business plan. If you take out a bank loan, it is advisable to agree on the possibility of a deferment for the first months of work.
  4. Equipment. To sell sandwiches, hot dogs and drinks you will need a microwave, a kettle, a refrigerator for storing preparations, shelving, a display case, and to prepare meat dishes and poultry, pies and donuts, you will need special equipment.
  5. To open a kiosk, you must obtain permission from the city authorities for trade, a certificate from the sanitary-epidemiological service, approval from the construction and architecture department for the placement of small architectural forms, and develop technical documentation and financial plan.
  6. Recruitment of personnel (to service a kiosk, it is enough to hire two sellers, but for a more serious establishment you will need cooks, support workers, a cleaner, a delivery person, and a manager).
  7. Source of energy supply and ensuring compliance with sanitary and hygienic requirements for workers.

Such private business can be opened as your own brand or as a ready-made franchise large network fast food. When purchasing a franchise, ready-made production technology and equipment are provided, and financial risks are insured.

The minimum area of ​​a fast food kiosk is 4-5 square meters, but you should definitely allocate a place for collecting waste and installing a heater during the cold season. If possible, it is advisable to open a kiosk in the spring and summer, since sales volume decreases in winter.

Important aspects for a successful start

The sales leaders in the fast food system are consistently hot dogs and baked goods; shawarma, grilled chicken, pizza, and pancakes are also popular. If the outlet specializes in a certain product, it is advisable to decorate your kiosk in the appropriate style. An important role is played by the sale of related products - hot coffee and tea, soft drinks. The wider the range and the better the service, the higher the chances of attracting a buyer.

Pricing policy plays an important role in quickly increasing turnover. Financial plan should reduce the final cost per serving as much as possible. Neat uniforms will add respectability to the kiosk and attract discerning consumers. Since a lot of attention has recently been paid to a healthy lifestyle, it is advisable to fill the menu with vegetables, salads, and seafood as much as possible.

For a fast food kiosk, you can provide the ability to move depending on the season. If it is located near educational institution, then in the summer it is advisable to change the location to a recreation area or transport interchange. It is also important to take into account food preferences: in warm weather, the demand for soft drinks increases, and in the cold months, the share of hot menus increases.

If the enterprise development plan after 4-6 months of work does not coincide with actual state, you should not delay the audit so as not to accumulate debts. When the profit from the kiosk is stable, it is worth setting aside part of the money for development. Over time, you can open another point and create a whole network of eateries.

Since this business is low-cost and quite profitable, one should not forget about the high level of competition. There is a struggle for every client in the industry pricing policy, speed and ease of service, assortment offered. Before you start drawing up a plan, it would be a good idea to study the availability and location of similar retail outlets and collect information from potential clients and take into account their wishes.

* The calculations use average data for Russia

There is probably not a person who has not heard about fast food. This word (fast food) translated from English means “fast food”. Thus, almost any dish that does not require long preparation, special serving or “thoughtful” absorption can be classified as fast food. These are dishes that are prepared in cafes or mobile fast food kiosks (french fries, potatoes with toppings, pizza, shawarma, hot dogs, burgers, etc.), products that can be cooked simply by adding water (soups, porridge, mashed potatoes, instant noodles), and finally, these are various small snacks that are sold in kiosks and grocery stores (crackers, nuts, chips, popcorn, etc.).

So, the concept of fast food is quite broad and includes almost everything that you can eat on the go without interrupting your work. Because of this specificity, fast food has a bad reputation. There is a widespread belief that dishes that are hastily prepared not in a stationary establishment, fried in low-quality oil and containing various dubious ingredients (mayonnaise, flavor enhancers, preservatives, dyes, etc.) are very harmful. This opinion has certain grounds. Firstly, fast food dishes are indeed very high in calories, which is understandable. Buyers prefer a quick snack option when they need to satisfy their hunger, but there is no opportunity for a full, leisurely meal. In order to get a feeling of fullness with just one dish, it is necessary to use high-calorie foods with maximum energy value. In terms of calorie content, one hot dog can completely replace a regular lunch. Secondly, in order for the customer to return for the next burger or hot dog, the taste of the fast food dish must be as memorable and attractive as possible. There are several ways to enhance the taste, but the simplest and cheapest is to add more fat and sugar to the dish. Thus, light dressings based on natural yogurt are replaced with much fattier and cheaper mayonnaise, and natural sweeteners and sweeteners are replaced with sugar and molasses. Excess calories, of course, do not improve our health, so in the wake of promoting a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition, fast food has become a symbol of what should be avoided at all costs.

However, the market for fast food and fast food products also does not stand still: for any demand, there is always a supply. In our country this direction is relatively young. The first public catering establishments of this format appeared in Russia in the 90s. The "pioneer" was the McDonald's chain. Then the number of such establishments began to grow exponentially. New brands appeared and disappeared, the “snack” franchise business was actively promoted, the format and price category changed. It seemed that it was already difficult to invent something new in this direction.

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However, literally 1-2 years ago, street fast food establishments of a fundamentally new format began to appear in the largest Russian cities - Moscow and St. Petersburg. They are not opened by random entrepreneurs who hire workers, but themselves perform exclusively administrative functions, far from the very essence of the business. The new generation of fast food outlets belongs to famous chefs, participants in various culinary competitions, and successful people who, for whatever reason, decided to leave the restaurant business for street fast food and open their own business. True, they themselves are categorically against mixing the concepts of street food and fast food. In their opinion, street food can and should not be inferior in taste and other qualities to restaurant dishes. However, unlike the latter, its use does not require any “rituals,” including table setting and the use of cutlery. They equate fast food with “vulgar” hot dogs, shawarma and hamburgers, the purpose of which is to drown out the immediate feeling of hunger to the detriment of their health.

However, one can argue for a long time about terminology and views, but there is still a generally accepted definition of street fast food, which refers to a special format of public catering establishments that are designed for the prompt preparation of dishes from semi-finished products and their sale in street kiosks, pavilions, vans, mobile counters, carts, etc. This definition does not talk about the composition of the dishes, but it is assumed that the range of such outlets includes multi-component fast food dishes. In addition to the main assortment, you can also purchase related products here - snacks, chewing gum, chocolates, juices, water, etc. (but any alcohol is prohibited). The share of related products usually does not exceed 25-30%. Thus, street food outlets (that’s what the owners themselves call them) of the new generation can safely be classified as fast food, with the only difference being that special attention is paid to the quality and composition of their dishes.

Can such a business be called promising? On the one hand, the main advantage of traditional fast food is its low price. When using additional ingredients and increasing the stages of preparation of a dish, the cost of production invariably increases, and accordingly, the retail price of the finished product also increases. However, as the experience of pioneers in this business in the capital of our city shows, consumers are willing to overpay up to 50% for high-quality and, most importantly, healthy food. The demand for such products is quite high, but the business itself has certain specifics. If you are planning to open such a point in your city, analyze the pros and cons in advance, think about the format and carefully choose the location for its location.

Legal aspects of opening a catering outlet

In order to open a hot food point, you need to register an individual entrepreneur or LLC, and after that begin to prepare documents for opening your own street food establishment. You can do the registration yourself or turn to intermediary companies for help. In the latter case, the specialist himself will collect and prepare all the necessary documents for you and advise you on all work issues. However, this comes with additional costs. In general, registering an LLC and, especially, an individual entrepreneur is not difficult, even if you are not a professional lawyer. But the services of intermediaries will help save time and nerves.

Regardless of the concept of your culinary project, after registering the company you will have to deal with the design of all necessary documents to organize a fast food outlet. First of all, you will need to obtain permission to occupy entrepreneurial activity and a certificate from the tax office confirming that the taxpayer is registered. The procedure for obtaining these documents is determined by Federal Law No. 129 “On state registration legal entities And individual entrepreneurs", the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and various regional regulations. It regularly undergoes some changes, including within one region, so it is recommended to clarify the list of required documents and the deadlines for their submission in the trade department of your city or region.

Ready ideas for your business

Although street cafes are autonomous and mobile, they can change their location quite easily, but even a mobile point still requires a certain location in a specially designated retail area. There may be many options for places to place it, but we will consider renting space on the territory shopping center. We will look at the pros and cons of this option below. To operate such a point, it is necessary to conclude a lease agreement with the owner of the shopping center (and its territory, since your a store will be located outside). The contract must stipulate in advance the size of the rented area, the cost of rent, the terms of the lease and the terms of its payment.

Since your activity involves the appearance of waste and garbage on the territory of your catering establishment, you need to decide how you will remove it. You can do this yourself by concluding an agreement with a certain organization, or you can use trash containers at a shopping center (most likely for a fee or in limited quantities).

The street food format assumes that food will need to be heated before serving (in our case, selling). Accordingly, stipulate all conditions for connection and use electrical energy. In this case, you can also either install a separate energy meter by concluding an agreement with the Distribution Zone, or use a shopping center meter, having agreed in advance on the volume of energy consumption (the number of devices and their power).

Ready ideas for your business

Regardless of the size and format of work, any public catering establishment is controlled by the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station service, in accordance with Federal Law No. 184-FZ “On Technical Regulation”. To open your own point, you will need to obtain the appropriate permits and certificates to provide such services. Otherwise, you will be fined, and your establishment will quickly be closed. Please note that you will also need to conduct a sanitary examination of the water used (of course, also at your expense).

All catering workers (including hired ones) must obtain medical certificates. This requirement is specified in Labor Code(Article 213), in a number of federal laws and local legislative acts. It is not difficult to obtain a medical record, but it will also take time, which must be taken into account when planning your work.

Fire-hazardous equipment is used to prepare and heat food, so you will need to sign a fire safety agreement and undergo training.

If you plan to use a cash register in your work, you will need to register it.

The room where food is prepared (heated) must be well ventilated. In addition, you will have to regularly disinfect the premises. Rospotrebnadzor monitors compliance with these requirements.

Finally, the list of required documents includes quality certificates for all products that you use to prepare your dishes. These can be obtained from your food suppliers.

The equipment and basic requirements for enterprises related to public catering establishments are regulated by the building codes “Design of public catering establishments” (SNiP 2.08.02-89).

Rospotrebnadzor is responsible for state sanitary and epidemiological supervision, issuing relevant certificates, passports, examination results and conclusions. Its employees carry out their activities on the basis of the standards of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On the Sanitary and Epidemiological Welfare of the Population”, and are also guided by sanitary and epidemiological rules (including SanPiN According to the “Requirements for temporary fast-food catering establishments”, in the absence of centralized sewerage and water supply, it is necessary to ensure uninterrupted delivery of water that matches the quality of centralized water supply water; your trade pavilion must be equipped with refrigeration equipment for perishable food products, ice cream, and drinks; It is allowed to use only disposable cutlery and utensils; Dishes and hot drinks may be prepared using bottled drinking water; it is necessary to provide for the availability of containers for collecting waste and its timely removal; It is mandatory to carry out sanitary treatment and ensure that staff observe the necessary rules of personal hygiene; It is necessary to have a toilet for staff within a radius of 100 m from the place of sale.

Opening a street food point: work plan

Organizing and running a business in the catering industry is a rather long process. It can be divided into two main stages. The first, rather large-scale stage involves the decision of all organizational issues. This includes choosing the location of your point, taking into account the proximity of the location to the main categories of consumers, purchasing appropriate equipment, developing recipes and technologies, organizing the dynamic operation of a public catering outlet (organizing the production of semi-finished products, food products, searching for reliable suppliers, debugging the sales process), business development . The second stage is related to debugging your work after it has begun. It includes actions to improve product quality, expand the range, train staff, etc.

Ready ideas for your business

At the first stage, you decide on the concept of your work. Your enterprise can be based on a permanent establishment or a production workshop. In the first case, food preparation is not carried out at the point of sale. They are simply heated up, modified if necessary (sauce, spices, fresh vegetables, herbs, etc. are added) and served to customers. In the second case, the food is prepared immediately in the shopping pavilion. Each option has its pros and cons. In the first case, you do not have to spend money on additional equipment, you save time on preparing the dish and money on the wages of your hired workers, because in order to heat and “serve” ready-made food, you do not need any special qualifications or extensive experience. However, the costs of delivering food increase (you will need special refrigerated containers, etc.), supply interruptions are possible (for example, if any emergency situations arise, including traffic jams) or, on the contrary, surplus products may arise (especially in the at the beginning of work, when it is still difficult to accurately predict sales volumes). In addition, the taste of reheated food (and even in the microwave) is unlikely to satisfy gourmets.

The second option has the biggest drawback: preparing the dish directly at the point of sale takes quite a lot of time. Your customers will have to wait several minutes (5 to 15) until their order is completed. Even if they are not in a hurry, in winter this wait will not be very comfortable. There is a third option: if you do not have a base enterprise and your own production workshop, products can be purchased from wholesale suppliers. However, in this case there is no high quality Of course, we are not talking about dishes, so this option does not fit the new concept of street food.

We calculate the income and expenses of a street food point

Street catering has the most affordable prices and does not require large expenses to open an outlet. The latter are estimated at 450 thousand rubles. At the same time, such modest investments do not limit the possibilities for further business expansion. With proper business management, they pay for themselves quickly - within the first 6-9 months of operation, depending on the format, location, assortment, pricing policy and other factors. The profitability of a mobile fast food outlet is ten times higher than that of a stationary enterprise.

Unlike a stationary cafe, in the case of street food, rent does not seem to be the largest expense item. Rental cost 1 sq. meter in a place with high traffic on the territory of a shopping center is about 3-5 thousand rubles. But keep in mind that before opening, in addition to starting capital for all expenses, you must have a “safety reserve” to pay rent for at least six months and the same reserve for wages employees if any.

You will also have to spend money on equipment, including its delivery and installation, but these expenses will be one-time. The exact list of equipment required for a mobile fast food outlet depends on the format of your work. In any case, you do not need either expensive furniture or complex technological equipment. All costs will range from 100 thousand rubles (in the first option - without your own production workshop) and from 300 thousand rubles (in the case of the second option - with the organization of a workshop right at the point of sale). However, apart from production equipment, you need the fast food kiosk itself. A used commercial trailer of the Kupava or Tonar type will cost from 140 thousand rubles and more, depending on the size.

Don’t forget about the costs of obtaining permits from firefighters, sanitary and epidemiological stations, etc. Based on the experience of other entrepreneurs, the registration of all necessary papers it will take about 30-50 thousand rubles.

To work at the point you will need employees. Even if you plan to work independently at first, you still cannot do without shift staff. The salary of such an employee is 10-15 thousand rubles per month (plus various charges that you as an employer will pay). The work schedule is usually irregular and in shifts. If you work independently or with only one assistant, you cannot do without a day off, but it is best to do it during the week (for example, on Tuesday), since on Saturdays and Sundays the revenue will be significantly higher. To service one point, which operates seven days a week from 8-9 am to 19-20 pm, an average of four people will be required. The best candidates for this type of work are students who can work almost any time for a relatively low salary. However, be prepared for high turnover. Even if your cooking technology does not require special education, frequent changes of personnel are fraught with material losses, since it will be difficult to control workers on site. To prevent theft and money passing by the cash register, it is worth installing video surveillance at your stationary point.

The issue of advertising and promotion of your services deserves special attention. The best way to advertise for any business is word of mouth. But it is especially relevant in this case: special offer(high-quality and varied fast food) and the lack of other advertising opportunities except outdoor advertising at the location (billboard, pillar) and branding of your sales kiosk. While no one knows about you, you can launch viral advertising on the Internet. A review on a local forum about "super tasty burgers" will help you significantly increase awareness potential buyers about your offer. With a competent approach, advertising costs will not exceed 10 thousand rubles per month. Some entrepreneurs successfully manage without investing in promotion at all.

The main production costs include the cost of purchasing semi-finished products and/or products. They range from 100 thousand rubles. At the same time, the standard markup in the catering industry is at least 100-150%.

Monthly expenses for various needs not listed above (for example, buying napkins, packaging bags etc.), amount to about 10 thousand rubles.

Everything is clear with expenses, but what about income? In general, this business is considered a quick payback and highly profitable. The minimum income of one street food outlet with a standard assortment is about 100 thousand rubles per month. The owners of “conceptual” outlets do not disclose information about their profits, but according to experts, they are 1.5 times higher than the profits of a regular fast food outlet. However, you need to take into account the seasonality factor that is inherent in this business. It is best to open in spring or autumn. But in the coldest winter months - January and February - sales decrease significantly. It would seem that hot, filling snacks are more relevant in cold weather, but people are not ready to wait in the cold for their order to be ready.

Experienced entrepreneurs name several basic conditions for successful business development. These include competent organization of the point’s work, high level service, rational distribution of labor, which avoids the formation of queues, impeccable product quality and (which is also important) a periodically changing assortment. If all these requirements are met, your casual customers will quickly turn into regular ones, but even delicious food gets boring over time. Therefore, do not forget to remove items from your offer that are not in great demand every three months and add new dishes.

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