Business plan for an integrated eco-farm with calculations. A successful project to create an eco-farm in Russia. What agricultural land is needed

Entrepreneur Alexander Konovalov, who successfully implemented a project to create an eco-farm, is trying to reach new level development - create an association of producers of eco-products with common system sales and a single brand.

Almost all Moscow and some federal TV channels talked about Alexander Konovalov’s eco-farm the year before last. It would be nice to miss such an unprecedented thing - on a farm, cows in a barn during milking watch TV with a demonstration of alpine species, and even accompanied by specially selected music. And although Alexander assures that cows need televisions to improve the quality and increase the quantity of milk, and completely denies the PR component of this move, it’s hard to believe him. And he is not a typical farmer at all. Having earned several million dollars from the sale of a stake in a previous network business selling cosmetics, Konovalov decided to create his own family business - an eco-farm with livestock, a vegetable garden and a hotel for tourists. In less than six months, the project reached self-sufficiency, the monthly turnover of the farm today is under 1.5 million rubles, the return on investment will obviously occur even earlier than the planned five and a half years. And all this is just the beginning; Konovalov never planned to remain only a farmer. Today he creates new network- unites manufacturers of eco-products under a single brand, creating a system for selling products for them, as well as solving public issues such as the creation of an internal Russian system for certification of eco-products. The business model for agriculture is atypical, but obviously the most relevant: agricultural cooperation for small farms - practically the only way To sustainable development, and the growing demand for farm products is a key trend in consumer market. However, while this part of the business - the creation of an association - is still at the very beginning, the eco-farm project can well be called economically successful and in some ways even unique.

Past experience - future business

Alexander Konovalov is an engineer by training, graduated from the Togliatti Polytechnic Institute, and has never had anything to do with agriculture. He worked at VAZ, in the late 1980s, on behalf of the director, he assembled a Komsomol team of engineers who were supposed to demonstrate the potential of young innovators in the Soviet automotive industry. Over the course of a year, young people from different departments of the plant assembled a prototype of the first Russian electric car, the Gnome. This was in 1989. This development did not have any practical prospects in production, and Konovalov decided to change his occupation. By that time, the country had changed, and new opportunities appeared. His first career step was the construction of a division by Supreme Savings">DHL in the Volga region. Then former classmate Vladimir Dovgan invited him to his project - to deal with finance, relations with manufacturers and sales. For five years, Konovalov developed, together with Dovgan, a project to create a domestic brand in food market, becoming convinced from my own experience of the strength and power of marketing and advertising. “I was amazed how one word said by the right person in the right TV program can simply explode the sales of a product,” recalls Konovalov. “We were trying to launch our Dovgan vodka.” to the Moscow market, the local wholesalers simply laughed at us - whoever needs your vodka, fill up with yours here. And so Yuri Nikulin in the program “White Parrot” says: “Stop drinking all that rubbish, it’s better to drink Dovgan vodka.” And take a glass The next day there was a line of nine trucks outside our warehouse. A similar effect was seen after Vladimir Voroshilov’s statements on air “What? Where? When?"".

After Dovgan decided to enter the European market - to sell its vodka and Russian products there (various cereals like buckwheat, herring, etc.) - it was Konovalov who went to Europe to set up sales and production (packing). He lived in Holland for several years (by the way, Dovgan GmbH still operates there and sells products under this brand). It was there that I first became acquainted with eco-farming as Europeans understand it: without chemicals, fertilizers and premixes, with direct delivery to customers, work to order. After the crisis of 1998, the Dovgan company collapsed, millions of debts were worked off for another three years, and the project was closed. Vladimir Dovgan was born new idea- create your own MLM network for the sale of cosmetics and perfumes. The Edelstar network recruited about a million consultants (about 200 thousand actively working, this is a good indicator), the company’s turnover reached tens of millions of dollars, and eight years later it was bought by the Faberlic company. Alexander Konovalov sold his share in the business a little earlier, earned several million dollars and started thinking about own business, where he would not be a co-owner, but a creator, an inspirer. “I wanted,” the entrepreneur shares, “to create family business“I have two married daughters, three grandchildren already, - where everyone could make an effort.” It was then that he remembered those beautiful Dutch farms where the cows watch TV and the owners send baskets of food to all the neighbors. By this time (2008), the idea of ​​healthy, environmentally friendly food from products produced without chemicals - fertilizers, protective equipment, premixes, medicines - had already begun to take hold of Russian consumers, especially among the wealthy. In the future, all the accumulated experience - both marketing and advertising, and in creating federal-scale networks - will be used in business, but first it was necessary to get to know the agricultural business from the inside, experience it first-hand, and delve into the details. At the end of 2008, Konovalov decided to buy land and build a farm.

Ecotourist needs a barn

Having a house on Novorizhskoye Highway, he clearly imagined potential buyer environmentally friendly, and therefore expensive, products: he essentially has nowhere to buy food except three supermarkets and a couple of roadside markets. For two months, the future farmer was looking for a plot of land in his area of ​​residence. potential audience, found and bought 2 hectares near Volokolamsk. On this territory, over the course of six months, he built several cottages with a bathhouse, a pond and a restaurant for the development of ecotourism, as well as a farm yard for breeding cows, pigs, bulls, poultry and other living creatures. Half of the territory was left for growing vegetables (later I bought another 2 hectares for sowing fodder). The income of the future economy was planned as from tourism activities, and from the sale of agricultural products - in half. These plans have practically come true, with a slight bias towards products. In less than six months, the project reached self-sufficiency, the full return on investment is planned for more than five years, but, Alexander believes, these plans will be exceeded: the direction turned out to be even more successful than he expected.

“Investments in the project amounted to about 30 million rubles at 2008–2009 prices,” he says. “Now, of course, the land in this place has become more expensive, and livestock has become more expensive.” Most of the initial investments went towards developing the site (creating artificial pond, gas storage for heating, utilities), construction of the farm itself and houses for tourists. “I had to argue with the project developers, who could not understand why first there should be outbuildings on the farm and only then a recreation area: why should a tourist be shown a barn from the doorway? - Alexander laughs. “And I just wanted to show my guests that my barn is perfectly clean, everything is licked, the manure is removed several times a day, I have nothing to be ashamed of and hide in the backyard.” By the fall of 2009, construction was almost completed.

The next task was to fill the barn. At the Ramenskoye breeding farm, Konovalov was matched with six cows of the Holstein and Jersey breeds, only one of which gave milk, the rest were heifers. Farm specialists, at the request of the farmer, drew up a schedule for future calvings so that the cows would calve in turns from November to March. During this time, Alexander planned to create and increase the base of food buyers. Then they brought in five goats, one of which was already being milked. The goats were found on the Nadezhda farm (the family farm of Alexandra and Nadezhda Bodrov in the Tver region), and the piglets were taken from a farmer from a neighboring village. To understand what animals to buy and from whom, consultants were needed. “I contacted the agricultural department of the Shakhovsky district - help me find people who are well versed in agriculture. They gave several contacts: a breeder, a livestock specialist, a state farm manager, a farmer,” recalls Alexander. “I met these people, talked, and was amazed at how open and caring everyone was—they gave me tea, they told me everything they knew, despite the fact that I was a complete stranger to them from the street. So I understood what kind of cows I needed and what kind of pigs. That cows definitely need good genetics, even if they are more expensive. If an ordinary Russian cow sells for 25–30 thousand rubles, then my beauties from the breeding farm cost me 85 thousand with delivery. But they now produce almost twice as much milk as the average - 30 liters per day on green grass and 22–25 on dry food.”

Then it was time to learn how to produce dairy products. With kefir and yogurt, everything is quite simple - you just need to add the starter, but with fermented baked milk and cottage cheese you had to suffer. “My wife and I wanted to learn how to make sour milk using old Russian technologies,” says Konovalov. - We re-read a bunch of recipes, asked grandmothers in the markets. At first they thought: the milk in the jar sours naturally, the whey is gone, you throw it on cheesecloth - here you have good cottage cheese. It turned out that it was sour and you couldn’t eat it. Through third parties, grandmother Nyura was found in the Tambov region with amazing cottage cheese, she shared her secret. Firstly, fresh milk is first mixed with milk that has already stood for a day, and secondly, after souring, it is steamed in a water bath over low heat for two to three hours, the whey drains out slowly, and then drains for five to six hours after discarding gauze. The cottage cheese according to this recipe turns out amazing, there have not been a single complaint from customers.” We experimented a lot with making butter and yogurt. A Russian oven was specially built for ryazhenka; bread is also baked there, for which customers have to compete - more than 15 rolls cannot fit in the oven.

In November 2009, the first products were sent potential clients- to acquaintances, neighbors, first as a present. Having tried it, they became regular customers (today, presentations are also often practiced, in this capacity are new products that appear in the assortment, such as smoked lard or the first cucumbers of the season). In addition, they posted an advertisement in mall on Novorizhskoe highway. “There were a lot of calls, everyone was interested in what farm products were, how they were made, where,” Alexander continues to recall. - I tell everyone, I invite you to watch. And so the first guests for the hotel appeared. And then word of mouth started working.”

Within six months of operation, the farm reached self-sufficiency. Average monthly maintenance costs are about 300 thousand rubles, and after a year of work (in November 2010), income exceeded expenses twice as much, and a year later (by the end of 2011) four times, reaching a monthly level of 1.2 million rubles . Approximately 60% comes from the sale of products, 40% from tourism. “There are, of course, seasonal fluctuations,” explains Alexander. “In summer, guest accommodation generates more revenue, in autumn there is a demand for vegetables, in winter and spring there is a demand for meat and dairy.”

Now one of the main tasks of the farm’s development is to establish a constant flow of tourists during the autumn-winter season. In the summer there are no longer any problems with the influx of guests; there are even clients who have booked rooms at the hotel for the coming summer. Alexander also has some thoughts about the workload of the off-season: “The leaders of two health programs contacted me; they want to hold seminars for their listeners, they need just such a place - in nature, with all the amenities and at the same time intimate (our hotel for 13-15 people ), and not the old Soviet sanatoriums with hundreds of beds. There is an idea to host rehabilitation groups for drug addicts: after all, for them, our farm is an opportunity to change the situation, do physical labor both on the farm and in the garden. But we need to think carefully about the schedule so as not to mix them with regular guests. We will also develop culinary master classes - we have a site with a cauldron-barbecue, people come to learn how to cook pilaf, dishes in a Russian oven, and then relax in nature, having a snack cooked. In the fall we invite you to pick mushrooms in the neighboring forest, in the winter we invite you to go snowmobiling (bought this season), they have equipped an ice skating rink, a bathhouse, a samovar, and pancakes on the pond. In general, there is something to attract guests.”

Overclocking truss

The development of the product line is a special topic. When the number of regular customers exceeded 15–20 people, it became difficult to cope with collecting orders by phone. We created an online store. New marketing solutions and manufacturing innovations further boosted demand. Reports from cowsheds, where Konovalov installed televisions for cows, caused a great stir. From the Cardiology Center named after. Bakulev received a call with a request to supply them with pig hearts for implants needed for heart surgery. Doctors need the organs of just such environmentally friendly animals that eat only natural food grown without chemicals. “I don’t even treat cows with mastitis with antibiotics - they go straight under the knife, although they say that after treatment, antibiotics are quickly eliminated from the body and milk can be consumed again. But I don’t consider such a practice possible for myself,” explains Alexander. Today, all the hearts from the eco-farm animals are taken to Bakulevka: “I agreed to supply them with these materials for free,” says Konovalov. “The awareness of the fact that even my simple work helps someone really save a life is worth a lot, it cannot be charged.” Federal TV channels reported on this story. Alexander Konovalov assures that he did not have a special goal to create newsworthy occasions, but, apparently, after working with Dovgan, this skill will no longer be lost. In any case, additional fame attracted more and more new clients to the eco-farm - both tourists and buyers (these categories, by the way, constantly flow into one another).

At some point, the demand for products began to exceed supply, and Konovalov decided to involve other producers in his project in the format of some kind of agricultural cooperation. “I found a woman in a neighboring village who used to raise chickens and gave up this business due to difficulties with sales,” says Alexander. - Helped her repair outbuildings, purchase poultry and feed, set her environmental requirements (free range, only proven feed from certain suppliers) and took over the implementation. Today she has 400 laying hens and supplies us with three thousand eggs and 150 broiler chickens per month. A similar situation with fattening bulls - we found a farmer who keeps 15 calves for us. At the Verkhneruzskoye Reservoir they found a man who supplies pike perch. The rabbits are supplied by a neighboring farmer from the village of Andreevskoye; he once bought a former pioneer camp and made an estate there. I offered him to raise rabbits especially for us, and he agreed. Now he has about 400 heads, we buy 40-50 rabbits from him every month.” A veterinarian monitors all partner farms, regularly visits both them and Konovalov’s farm, and checks all products in the laboratory three times a week.

The farmer also agreed with his neighbor about feed. Several years ago, he bought 330 hectares of land from a former state farm just in case, maybe for development, maybe for something else, and all this time the land stood idle. “This is exactly what we need for our eco-production,” continues Konovalov’s story. - I suggested that he grow food specifically for us - without fertilizers and chemicals. We made a mixture of seeds in Timiryazevka forage grasses for cattle: alfalfa, clover, timothy, ryegrass. He sowed this selection on 40 hectares. Productivity, of course, is not very high, for example, this year he harvested four centners of oats per hectare, when with the modern intensive approach you can easily get 25, but we are not chasing volumes, quality is more important to us.”

Such an eco-friendly approach, of course, makes the cost of products very expensive, but the high retail price easily compensates for this. According to Konovalov, it is almost impossible to break down the cost of each product on the farm; in terms of a liter of milk, it (taking into account the return on investment over five and a half years) comes out to about 75 rubles per liter. Milk is sold for 130–140 rubles, cottage cheese - for 700, meat - from 600 rubles per kilogram. The price level for other products can easily be imagined. But even for such expensive products the demand today is not satisfied. “With my production volumes, I can’t make more than 150 kilograms of sausage and frankfurters per month, but I receive 800 orders,” says Konovalov. - There are offers from stores with eco-products. If you collect them all, you can sell 10–15 tons of chemical-free sausages every month. Recently the management of the lyceum from Rublyovka contacted me: they would like to receive our products for their school canteen, and their volumes are decent - they need 800 kilos of turkey breasts alone per month. And I’m sure this school is not the only one.”

Network benefit

This is where Konovalov admits that this whole flurry of demand is not a surprise to him at all, but a programmed part of a long-developed business model: “The small farm became an experimental site where production technology, recipes, sales schemes were worked out, and then we need to move on to more large-scale project." Last fall, the beginning of such a project was made: Konovalov suggested that farmers and other agricultural producers create an association “Ecocluster”, on the basis of which many problems can be solved. For the buyer, this is an expansion of the assortment; in addition to basic set products will be able to receive, for example, dogwood jam from the Caucasus, and unique products like berry jams based on Jerusalem artichoke syrup (not boiled, but frozen), and ancient Russian Koporye tea, and cosmetics without the use of petrochemicals, etc. For eco-producers, this expansion of the customer base, the opportunity to increase sales, reduce overhead costs through cooperation in the purchase of feed, packaging, etc.

In three months, more than 30 companies have joined the cluster, new partners appear every week, and there are first results of cooperation. “For example, members of the Ecocluster have already submitted orders to our supplier of feed (green grass, hay) for 120 tons (three times more than we bought before), he has free land, enough equipment, for him the cost will be lower, and for us the price , accordingly, too,” says Konovalov.

One of the cluster partners, Anatoly Putintsev, director of the Planet of Health company, which produces feed, told Expert that they are interested in the cluster as an information platform, an opportunity to convey to eco-farmers their developments, which, among other things, help increase the efficiency of agricultural business. “We have suffered through this eco-theme over the past ten years,” says Putintsev. - The company is engaged in the production of feed using grain extrusion technology - short-term intense exposure to temperature of 150–180 degrees Celsius, pressure of 50 atmospheres plus mechanical impact. This allows the feed to retain all vitamins and physiologically active substances, while bacteria, infectious bacilli and molds are destroyed and toxic materials are decomposed. With this processing, the grain is better digested by animals. Without any premixes, the use of such environmentally friendly feed reduces the cost of pork production by 30–40 percent and increases the daily milk yield of cows by 20 percent. We have patented a technological line for the production of such feed and are ready to assemble it for eco-farmers directly on their farms and based on the production volumes they need. Now we have sent a trial batch of extruded feed to the Konovalov eco-farm, we hope they will like the result and the partners from Ecocluster will also be interested.”

Evgeny Sharikhin is engaged in the production and sale of ecogreens in the Lipetsk region ( project), he has a very high opinion of the potential of the cluster: “Any association or cooperation for an agricultural producer is a benefit that provides new opportunities. In addition to the direct task of increasing sales, many others can be solved. For example, we are thinking about certifying our products as environmentally friendly, and it will be easier to work in this direction together with others.”

The issue of certification of eco-products for the cluster is one of the most important today, agrees Alexander Konovalov. “We must guarantee our customers that the product is truly environmentally friendly,” he is sure. - Now everything is controlled only by the personal responsibility of each manufacturer; we go to new partners and see with our own eyes how production is carried out, and either we trust them or not. There is no objective assessment system in our country, and the Western system is not very suitable for us; it is redundant in many respects. For example, why should land rest from intensive use for exactly five years? Why not three? Or them mandatory requirement- buy feed only from suppliers from a certain list, but they will be golden for us. Well, the price of certification of hundreds of thousands of rubles is affordable to very few. In our opinion, it is quite possible to develop an internal Russian mechanism, in which the price of certification will not exceed 100 thousand. On behalf of the cluster, we are currently negotiating with a number of federal departments to introduce our own Russian certification system for eco-products.”

Konovalov has big plans for developing the Ecocluster brand. It is not at all limited to the territory of the Moscow region; there are already partners from St. Petersburg, Samara, Togliatti, Petrozavodsk, Nizhny Novgorod who are ready to join the network. And old business contacts from Edelstar and Dovgan are actively used by Konovalov. Thus, in the Samara region, a former partner has already agreed with a local chain of expensive grocery stores to place retail outlets under the Ecocluster brand, and manufacturers are catching up with specific implementation plans. First stationary a store“Ecocluster” will open in Moscow in the coming months (in the area of ​​Rublevskoye or Novorizhskoye highway). This store format is expected to be further developed as a franchise. There are franchising documentation for creating an eco-farm. “When I started this business, I tried for a long time to find an example to follow, someone I could go to and learn from,” admits Alexander Konovalov. - I couldn’t find a farm from which I could write off a project ready for implementation. Most often, farmers tried to specialize in one thing, to develop one direction, hence the difficulties with implementation: you cannot offer a client only goat milk and cheese, or only poultry and eggs. Now I can offer a franchise for my eco-farm project for one and a half million rubles, and this already includes all urban planning, technical documentation, plus such a farmer will not have problems with the sale of products - it can partially go through the Ecocluster.” People in Chuvashia, Voronezh, Vladimir, and Kaluga regions became interested in Konovalov’s experience in creating such a farm; they invited him to meetings of local agricultural producers, business meeting. Perhaps in the near future eco-farms will appear there too.

Expanding the production of eco-products makes it more likely that their consumer price will decrease, and their availability for the average buyer will increase. Konovalov himself sees the potential for reducing the price of eco-products as a result of cooperation by 20–30%. However, an entrepreneur experienced in marketing today is more interested in accumulating the growing demand for an eco-theme and creating the largest company and brand in the country supplying environmentally friendly products to the population.

If you like the idea of ​​an eco-farm, but you don’t know where to start implementing it, take the time to think it over carefully (for example, on weekends or during the holidays) and in writing answer the question: " How do I imagine the end result??".

It depends on your answer family or collective eco farm, universal or focused on one product, etc.

When will the detailed answer be available? written, search online and try to find already existing in the world prototype of your future eco-farm. Don’t waste your time and don’t reinvent the wheel, because you can use the experience you’ve already gained and learn from the mistakes of others.

Try go to this eco-farm and look all with my own eyes, chat with someone who has already gone through the stages of creating and developing the eco-farm of your dreams. If possible - work there a month to better understand how it is structured and functions.


When you no longer abstractly, but really understand what you want, analyze your resources - human and financial, as well as the possibilities of attracting financing. Keep in mind that the project will be implemented for 3-10 years (depending on your desires and capabilities).

For convenience, divide the proposed activities for creating an eco-farm into stages by year. For example, the first year: planning the site, installing fencing, obtaining building permits, laying out a garden, pouring foundations, etc. Second year: laying an apiary, installing utility networks, drilling a well for water supply, etc.

Team Building or team formation

If you want to create family eco-farm, you only have to rely on own strength and to help your family members. You can also hire individual specialists or companies to perform activities where you do not have expertise (for example, building a house). This will save you time (but not money), and the result will be better than if you did everything yourself.

If you plan to create collective eco-farm, even before searching and purchasing a plot of land, try form a team and distribute functionality/responsibility between participants. To search for future comrades, use the Internet - create project website, describe all the benefits of participating in it, as well as what specialists you are looking for. Don’t worry if a former artist agrees to take care of the apiary, and an engineer agrees to take care of the cows, because... all this can be learned.

Location, Location, Location...

When rough plan The work on creating an eco-farm has been written, you can start searching for a plot of land. To make this task easier, try to put your plan into the form of a presentation - it may come in handy when you are looking for land for an eco-farm. The peculiarities of land legislation are such that local authorities often play an important role in the distribution of land plots. When meeting with regional representatives authorities, your presentation may be useful and play an important role in allocating land to you for the implementation of the project.

The most important role in the success of an ecofarm project is played by location land plot. It determines how often you can go there at the first stage of development, whether you can ensure its safety, and how, after the project is completed, you can attract tourists, buyers to the eco-farm, or sell your surplus products yourself.

If something goes wrong, you can fix almost everything on an eco-farm - buy other trees, animals, rebuild buildings, etc. It will be almost impossible to change the location once you start implementing the project.

Try to find a plot of land located no further than 30 km from your current place of residence, a major city or a popular vacation spot. This will allow you to save on transportation costs at the beginning, and later attract tourists (as a rule, people are too lazy to go on an excursion if the journey takes > 30 minutes).

Pay attention to the presence of communications and natural resources on the site or in its surroundings: access roads, electricity and its power, water sources (rivers, lakes, streams), sewerage, forests, etc. Their presence or absence can have a serious impact on the budget of the eco-farm project.

Registration of land

Do not try to save money at the stage of registering ownership of a plot of land - engage a qualified lawyer who can check documents on ownership, the presence of encumbrances, and correctly draw up and register a purchase and sale agreement. Lawyer services usually do not exceed 1-5% of the cost of the land plot, but you will have peace of mind and will not incur losses by investing significant funds in the development of your eco-farm.

In the above article, I tried to briefly summarize the issues that may arise in the process of starting an eco-farm project. If something went unnoticed, I would appreciate your comments.

Next week we will look at the questions planning eco-farm land plot.

Today, more and more people are striving to return “to earth”, start their own business, realize an old dream and finally begin a harmonious life. Right now, more than ever, many people dream of having their own farm, and sometimes even building their own eco-farm. However, before you decide to take such a step, answer one question: “How do I see the result of this idea.”

By answering just one question, you can determine a lot. So, for example, your answer will determine whether it will be a family or collective eco-farm, universal or focused on a single product, whether it will be open to the public or whether it will be a purely private area.

Having sincerely answered this question, search the Internet and try to find a prototype of your future eco-farm that already exists in the world. Using the experience of already completed projects is a great idea. Find what you like and try to develop your own concept, taking into account the mistakes and “weaknesses” of existing farms.

If possible, visit "" and see everything with your own eyes, talk to its creators. If possible, work there for a month to better understand how it works and functions.

Ecofarm planning process

When the image of the future farm begins to really take shape in your head, analyze your own potential, human and financial, as well as the possibilities of attracting financing. It is worth remembering that such projects are implemented for a period of 3 to 10 years, depending on your ambitions and capabilities.

For convenience, create a kind of business plan, breaking down the proposed activities for creating an eco-farm into stages by year. For example, the first year: planning the site, installing fencing, obtaining building permits, laying out a garden, pouring foundations, etc. Second year: laying an apiary, installing utility networks, drilling a well for water supply, etc.

Forming a team
Here we should return to the first point. If you want to create a family eco-farm, then the “working hands” are you and your family. Of course, you cannot do without the help of specialists, but not at all stages (for example, when building a house). This will save you time (but not money), and the result will be better than if you had done everything.
If the farm is the fruit of collective efforts, then it would be useful to form a team in advance, distribute the budget, responsibility, and effectively distribute responsibilities. Here they will come to our aid modern technologies and in particular the Internet. Create a website for your project, tell, communicate, attract, and very soon there will be no end to like-minded people. The most important thing in this matter is the desire to bring the idea to life.

Choosing a place

Having formed an idea in your head of what the future eco-farm should be like, feel free to start digging for land. To make it more clear, it is worth creating a presentation or an illustrated layout - they can be useful when searching for land. Our realities are such that obtaining land often involves communicating with local authorities authorities. And a project visualized by graphic means can play a decisive role in resolving the land issue.

The location of the land plot is one of key points. It determines how often you can go there at the first stage of development, whether you can ensure its safety, and how, after the project is completed, you can attract tourists, buyers to the eco-farm, or sell your surplus products yourself.

The concept of an eco-farm can always be changed, but the location is almost impossible.
Try to find a plot of land located no further than 50 km from your current place of residence, a major city or a popular vacation spot.

Pay attention to the presence of communications and natural resources on the site or in its surroundings: access roads, electricity and its power, water sources (rivers, lakes, streams), sewerage, forests, etc. Their presence or absence can have a serious impact on the budget of the eco-farm project.

Landscaping is an important matter. Here you should not skimp on the services of competent specialists who can check everything and give practical advice.
Don't be afraid to realize your ideas! Get started and everything will definitely work out!

Investment project Ecofarm

Investment project parameters:

Valid until: 12/17/2017

Region:Moscow region


Sale: 1 rub.

Co-investment: 15 million rubles


Eco-Farm is a completely new business format for Russia. Imagine a small farm-economy, which is ori-en-ti-ro-va-but only on two right-hand lands : eco-tourism and eco-products. This is a family business. For the reception of guests (tour-ists from all over the world), the family of farmers has in the northern part of Sol-no-go Bio-ve-ge-ta-riya 4-6 numbers. In essence, this is a mini-hotel, Sol-nech-ny bio-ve-ge-ta-riy (eco-warm-ly-tsa) and ba-nya, located in Drink in the countryside. The special feature of the project is that eco-tourism has become the leading one in the development of tourism worldwide. People from big cities are rushing to the countryside to live “in the countryside,” but in a ci-vi-li-zo-van nyh conditions. In addition, they want to eat fresh vegetables, berries, fruits and greens, grown without chemicals. They dream of “plucking a cucumber from the bush” or showing the children how black cur-ro-di-na grows. The solar bio-ve-ge-ta-riy is capable of growing vegetables, herbs, berries and fruits for us all year round. the key of quality!

Why the farm-me-ru in-ve-store? There are wonderful family couples who would like to live and work on the earth, to grow into a place -those eco-products, mother-of-tourists, in general. work for your living and build your future. They work so hard, they love you, they are formed and they are ready to become ideal -zya-e-va-mi Eco-Farms. They are going to take a risk, take out a loan from a bank, so that in 5-10 years they can recoup the farm’s economy. But they don’t have the old ka-pi-ta-la. And here an investor can play a huge role. It is the in-ve-stor that can bring in the old ka-pi-tal in order to get fi-nan-si-ro-va-nie for construction Eco-Farms on a turnkey basis.

For investors, Eco-Fer-ma is not just an object for a profitable investment, but also a bo-nu-sy in view of the city -noy “fa-zen-dy”, which also brings with it an income. You become not only an in-ve-stor, you can become a co-owner of the Eco-Farm. Your hundred-year-old eco-products will always be available at your place from now on! Now you will have a place where you can come and relax with your friends and family. Regardless of the country, Eco-Farm is a very profitable business.

The cost of a turnkey Eco-Farm can be from 7.5 to 15 million rubles. and moreover, in de-vi-si-mo-sti from the project. However, for an in-ve-sto-ra, it is absolutely necessary to have a part of this amount in order to enter into such a project and receive 36% -year's profit on the invested capital. For farmers, this is a “spa circle”, an opportunity to re-create the dream of their life.

The investor plays the role of “business-an-ge-la”, but only in a different way from ordinary start-ups in this transaction You don't have any risk. Why? Because you don’t have the money, you invest immediately in the construction of Eco-Farms “under key”, which is a business in heaven. In addition, our credit co-oper-a-tiv is responsible for the transaction. If you want to get out of the house and take your money before the construction is finished, property, then the co-operation will return your investment to you. You just need to notify the co-operator 3 months before you want to withdraw your money or part of it.

If the investor does not want to have a “headache” from direct participation in the construction project Sol-no-go bio-ve-ge-ta-ria or Eco-Farm-we, he can place his money according to the “Run-tie” do-go and get 2% per month (24% per annum). About the program "Ran-tje" bi-lo opis-sa-no ra-nee.

What new things do we use? Beautiful business!

We equip Eco-Farm, we use the most modern technologies in order to get a hundred -I'm a lazy little paradise for tu-rists. We know how to create beautiful waters of a natural type, how to equip an “ideal city”, how The landscape design will be made to the exact satisfaction of the Eco-Farm guests. We have learned to build warm houses, smart houses, eco-houses. Our partners produce eco-lo-gi-che-ski clean ma-te-ri-a-ly, they use the best development of work in the region of re-sur-so-sbe-re-zhe-niya. Therefore, by investing your money in Eco-Farm, the investor brings enormous benefits to both society and the Pri-ro- de. For many people, it is very important how important their activity is for modern understanding of -what are my values? Eco-tourism and eco-products are not just a profitable business, they are also a response to the needs of modern people. we need to master a healthy way of life, find solutions that will allow our children to survive and grandson. Good luck to everyone who is ready to become an in-ve-sto-ra-mi “green” eco-no-mi-ki!?

In the East Rinsky district of the Moscow region, or-ga-ni-zo-va-na ini-tsi-a-tiv-naya group and under-pi-san do- talk about the organization of the construction of an Eco-park in the East Rinsky district.

Business method: “We build and sell”, profit from 40 to 80% per annum.

Pre-la-ha-em In-ve-sto-ru consider our proposal about co-operation in the development of heat personal farms based on hybrid greenhouses “Solar Bio-Ve-ge-ta-ries” (SBV) according to Con-cer technology - to “PIK”.

Every Eco-Farm is:

1.5 - 2 hectares of land in Eco-Park (kla-ste-re, with Eco-Farms);

Landscape design of a kra-ter-no-go type with a micro-cli-ma-tom of the site, with its own water;

An edible forest of 100 species of different trees and bushes along the perimeter of the site;

All com-mu-ni-ka-tions: do-ro-gi, sto-yan-ki, gas. Water, electricity, electricity and internet;

Sol-nech-ny bio-ve-ge-ta-riy - 1,200 sq.m.

Number of units for receiving tourists: 5 numbers.

Built-in 2-room apartment for living in a per-so-na-la, etc.

Eco-no-mi-ka in-ve-sti-tions:

Construction of Eco-Farms on a turnkey basis - 10 million rubles.

Income from the sale of Eco-Farms - 15 million rubles.

So, the gross profit from the transaction is 5 million rubles.

The cost of the Co-operation service is 1 million rubles.

Totally, the profit of In-ve-sto-ra is 4 million rubles.

Time for construction - 3 months.

Launch, reaching design capacity (140 kg per day), registration of ownership, production - 3 months.

Turn-mouth ka-pi-ta-la - 6 months.

Ba-zo-vyy po-ka-za-tel (profit per capital) - 40% (for 6 months).

Profit on an annual basis is 80% per annum.

Why do we need In-ve-store?

So that we can build SBV for our ku-pa-te-leys, which are ori-en-ti-ru-yut-sya on something business, including the so-called rental business. This is a group of people whose contributions are not at the construction stage, but only in the future -more projects with real estate income from 18% per annum. In this case, the sale proceeds for 15 million rubles. Income - from 3 million rubles, which is 20% of annual income.

What is included in the Co-opera-ti-va service?

From-water (selection and registration) of land, design work. obtaining all the necessary co-greetings for the construction of Eco-farms and com-mu-ni-ka-tions;

Organization of construction of Eco-farms on a turnkey basis, incl. selection and training of per-so-na-la, output of Eco-farms for design capacity, registration of property rights, etc. .d.;

Pro-da-zha Eco-farms for 15 million rubles, registration of all necessary documents and pro-ve-de-de-mo -ras-che-tov.

Special features of SBV:

All-round harvest of eco-lo-gi-che-ski pure vegetables, fruits, berries and greens is-keys -tel-no-go quality.

Continuous “green con-veyor” - 365 days a year, fruits are harvested due to the use of per-ma-cul-tu-ry. At the same time, in the SBV you have a variety of plants (at least 100 species), for example -mer, cucumbers, to-ma-you, pepper, herbs, ar-bu-zy, ka-pu-sta, ana-na-sy, ba-na-ny, etc.

An incredible variety of varieties, for example, there are over 200 different varieties alone: ​​rose -yellow, orange, black and red, etc.

SBV in 4 times de-chev-le of the Dutch warm-faces. The cost of a turnkey SBV is 6,500 rubles. sq. meter, then like the Dutch greenhouses from 18,500 to 31,000 per sq. meter.

The size of the SBV (farmer) is only 12 cents (15.5 m x 78 m). That's why SBV can be the main thing for a family business. SBV provides the owner with a profit of at least 2.5 million rubles. in year.

I present the following diagram of the interaction between the In-ve-stor and the Co-oper-ra-ti-vom:

Direct investments in construction. Profit of In-ve-sto-ra - 40% of the transaction.

The investor invests money directly into the construction of Eco-farms. At In-ve-sto-ra there is a land plot (out of 1.5-2 hectares. for-ka-zy-va-yut -Xia com-mu-ni-ka-tion - 2,500,000 rubles, turnkey construction of SBV - 7,500,000 rubles Total - 10,000,000 rubles.

General organization of the process:

We propose to carry out the construction of SBV on agricultural lands, plots of 300 hectares. and more, to cut 1.5 hectares per farm, to build a cluster.

The cluster can produce at least 1 fur per day with 150 SBV. Every day, every day, the SBV produces 140 kg. fresh vegetables. So that it would be convenient to do the collection of production, but so that the SBV would be distributed compactly, and this is a cla -ster.

All farmers are united in the Agricultural Supply Co-operative (SPoK) , who places an order for them to produce, carries out the collection (purchase) of products. On the price of co-opera-ti-va - only 10% on the price of Fer-mera.

For the beginning of in-ve-sti-tions, we are going to look at Eco-parks, in which there is already space for for-building.


Investments in business projects - from 18 to 24% per annum.

Investments in the construction of Eco-farms - from 24 to 36% per annum.

For many people, two main questions are relevant now: where to live and how to earn money? Moreover, where to live is not just a housing issue, solved by the availability of a certain amount of living space. It is also a question of ecology, environment, availability of jobs and much more.

The birth of children is also of no small importance: if a one- or two-room apartment can be quite comfortable for a family of two people, then with the birth of even one child certain problems arise. The question is: where can I get a “rubber” apartment that will expand as the family grows? Moreover, so as not to breathe in the exhaust of the metropolis, and so that work is nearby?

How to make money is an even more difficult question. The number of high-paying jobs is limited, but there are a lot of people interested. And not everyone wants to work “for their uncle.” Many people with an active lifestyle dream of owning their own enterprise.

But profitable market niches are not empty, and every day it becomes more and more difficult to break through the crowd of competitors. This requires significant financial investments and a win-win idea. Usually the situation is this: there is a desire to earn money, there is strength, but there are no opportunities - there are neither sufficient funds nor, more importantly, an innovative idea that could interest potential sponsors. Question: what to do? Is there really only one way out: to forget about independence?

Europe has long realized that life in a metropolis is not the most the best option. A metropolis means noise, increased pollution, increased criminal danger (especially important if there are children), increased cost life.

Another thing - Vacation home. Environmental friendliness, silence, tranquility, lack of stress - all this is associated with country home ownership. In addition, if the apartment cannot be “rubber” in any way, and does not grow with the increase in the family, then the house may well “grow” - if necessary, you can make an extension to any house, add a room or two to it.

Country homeownership has another advantage: the cost of apartments decreases over time. The older the house, the lower the cost of apartments becomes. The only exceptions are houses located in elite areas of megacities.

But suburban private homeownership is the opposite: its value tends to increase over time. The thing is that there are fewer and fewer convenient plots for development in environmentally friendly and beautiful places - they are simply snapped up, and the number of offers decreases over time. Prices for the remaining plots are rising accordingly. And if the site is developed, that is, there is a residential building, cultivated land, then the cost increases many times over.

Added bonus: organic products. Even small country cottage area capable of providing vegetables and fruits for a family of 3-4 people, and even more so for a cottage plot. Having your own garden and/or vegetable garden means decorating the area, a healthy lifestyle, significant savings on food, and absolute environmental friendliness of the products.

But country real estate is not only a home for living or recreation. This is also an opportunity to organize independent production with minimal resources. Environmentally friendly products are necessary for everyone: both those who can grow them and those who have never worked on the land. This is a market niche whose products are always in demand.

The acquisition of agricultural land is a simultaneous solution to both housing and financial problem. This is an opportunity to build comfortable home and open own enterprise, bringing good income. Organic vegetables and fruits, livestock products - all of this is in high demand, which does not decrease over time, but only increases.

You can organize an eco-farm even at retirement age. Moreover, it is not even necessary to grow vegetables and fruits or meat and dairy cattle. “Farm tourism” is becoming fashionable - many city residents want to relax on a “real” farm, breathe in clean air combined with food “from the garden.” Pensioners who want to lead an active lifestyle can easily set up such a “tourist” farm, even for all-season recreation.

What agricultural land is needed

A lot of agricultural land is offered. But before you rush to buy, you should carefully consider the offer. Despite all the initial chocolateiness, it may not be of very good quality. It can be said that not all agricultural land is equally useful. Or: not all agricultural land is equally necessary and important.

To begin with, it would be a good idea to check the land itself: soil fertility, groundwater level, soil type, and so on. Some things matter for building a house (no one likes to build on heaving soils - this means an expensive foundation even for a light house), something matters for organizing a farm.

You should approach the issue especially carefully from the point of view of organizing a farm if you are going to open your own agricultural production. For example, a garden will require not only fertile soil suitable for the plants you intend to grow, but also a fair amount of water for irrigation. What about water in your chosen area? What quality is it? How large are the reserves in different aquifers? Will you need a deep well all the way to the artesian level, or will you be able to get by with a well to the first aquifer? It is impossible to brush aside such questions, because these are all future expenses when organizing a farm.

Especially if you decide to organize a livestock farm. Cattle will need space for grazing - cows cannot spend their entire lives in a barn, eating exclusively feed. You will also need a place for a watering hole - and it can only be chosen in accordance with certain conditions stipulated by law. And so on. There are many conditions, and it is necessary to achieve maximum compliance with them for the selected site. Otherwise, you will subsequently have to face many very expensive problems, not all of which may be solvable.

It is recommended to pay special attention to infrastructure. It’s not very good if there are no good roads near the site - how will you remove the products from your farm in this case? Again, children need school. We also need such delights of civilization as medical institutions, post office, pharmacy, telephone communications and even the Internet (many modern eco-farms have their own websites where they advertise and sell their products online).

To organize a tourist eco-farm, you also need good views– those who want to relax on a real farm want not only the view of a cowshed, but also “real village romance” with birds singing, river or lake water sparkling in the sun, the soothing sound of the forest, and so on. But at the same time, tourists need health safety - you never know, a child might get sick or an adult might catch a cold after sitting out in the alluring river waves. This means availability nearby (available) medical institution Necessarily.

Therefore, consider offers of agricultural land almost under a microscope: you will then live and work on this land. Check everything: from the availability of roads and the Internet to the selection of the nearest pharmacy, from the type of soil to the color of ants in forest anthills. Find out from your neighbors what kind of living creatures live in the neighboring forest and whether these living creatures come to feed in winter (hares can be a real furry disaster for the garden, and no one wants to see a wolf near their house).

Ask whether the area is flooded by spring floods, what the living conditions are in the area, how often the electricity goes out, and whether there are interruptions in the water supply in the centralized water supply system (if there is one).

Ask as many questions as possible and get as much information as possible. This will help to make a conscious and right choice. It is better to refuse a dubious purchase than to suffer later on an unsuitable site. Moreover, there are not so few offers of agricultural land, and you can choose exactly what you need.


As an example of creating an eco-farm, watch a video about the Konovalovo eco-farm:

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