Business plan for a children's shoe store: example with calculations. Business plan for a children's shoe store Open a point on the market with children's shoes

How to open a children's shoe store and become a leader in this area on the market? Trade in children's goods, including shoes, has its own specifics. Read our article to find out what recommendations will help you create an attractive and profitable store loved by children and their parents.

Many people think that opening any store from scratch, especially a children’s store, is not difficult. However, more experienced businessmen will not agree with this point of view. Organizing a successful trade in children's goods is much more difficult than it seems. A children's store requires a special approach.

To stay in the market in an extremely competitive environment, you need to come up with something that sets you apart from your competitors.

There are departments with children's shoes in almost every “adult” shoe store and, of course, in huge children's hypermarkets. However, this does not mean that this direction of trade is hopeless. Vice versa, narrow specialization can help achieve High Quality goods and trade, imagine extremely a wide range of and an individual approach.

The demand for children's shoes is high. In addition, for several years, when children grow especially quickly, you have to buy shoes two or three times a year. The sale of children's shoes has very good prospects if the entrepreneur is willing to invest effort and approach work creatively.

Narrow specialization can help achieve high quality goods and trade

How much money do you need to invest?

An approximate business plan for a shoe store with calculations can be found on the Internet, but in any case you will have to adapt it to your situation. The main expense items will be:

  • rental of premises (from 60 to 100 thousand rubles, the cost depends very much on the region);
  • repair and decoration of the premises (if necessary, 50-100 thousand rubles);
  • retail store equipment(showcases, table with cash register, sofas for fitting, mirrors (50-100 thousand rubles);
  • purchase of the first batches of goods (about 200 thousand rubles);
  • working capital for the first months of work (50 thousand rubles);
  • security system (about 10 thousand rubles);
  • remuneration of employees (3-4 employees with a salary of 15-20 thousand rubles).

Thus, to open an amount in the region of 700 thousand - 1 million rubles is required. This relatively small investment, which will pay off in about 8-12 months of operation, and perhaps faster.

What profit to expect

Due to high competition in the children's goods market, You shouldn’t expect high profits in the first months of work. Practice shows that most entrepreneurs can recoup their investments and establish themselves in 4-5 seasons (a year and a half). During this period, you need to constantly adjust your approach to sales, update your assortment, and collect feedback.

How to choose the right location for a store

There are several good options for the location of a children's shoe store.

  1. New microdistrict, where young families buy apartments . Young mothers will really like children's shoes within walking distance from home. It is important to correctly assess the number of young families in the neighborhood and its size.
  2. In the area of ​​nurseries, kindergartens and schools. The idea of ​​buying a new pair of shoes on the way from kindergarten or school will also appeal to many parents, as it will save them a lot of time. In addition, unlike microdistricts, children's institutions have a flow of potential clients will not run out in a few years.
  3. In the mall, where there is an area of ​​children's attractions and entertainment. Many families go to shopping centers on weekends to buy necessary goods, play and eat. A specialized children's shoe store fits well into this pastime, and the popularity of shopping centers will ensure a steady flow of customers.

You shouldn’t expect high profits in the first months of work

Premises requirements

The premises of a future children's shoe store should have several characteristics. Firstly, its area must be at least 70 square meters. Secondly, the possibility of zoning is necessary: sales area and fitting areas, cash register, warehouses, staff room. Thirdly, the store should be bright, cozy, perhaps decorated for children.

The area of ​​the premises should allow three to four families to be present and select goods at the same time. It is necessary to organize several places for fitting that do not interfere with each other.: comfortable sofas with shoehorns and mirrors.

Formation of assortment

It's not easy to open a shoe store from scratch: reviews show that For good sales you need to create a rich assortment. For specialized shoe making children's store- this is the main competitive advantage. The number of goods should significantly exceed the assortment of hypermarkets. It's not as difficult as it seems at first glance. Hypermarkets sell literally everything from shoes to strollers, which allows them to present only a limited number of models. A specialized store should exceed this figure by at least 2-3 times.

It is necessary to purchase goods from several manufacturers: domestic, foreign, well-known and just starting out. Most sizes should always be in stock. All products can be divided into two types: seasonal and off-season.

Seasonal products are associated with the time of year: warm boots in winter, rubber ones for autumn and winter, light sandals in summer. At the end of the season, it is necessary to carry out a sale of all old models. During the season, on the contrary, prices should be kept higher.

Off-season shoes are those that a child needs all year round. These are sports sneakers, sneakers, pumps, ballet flats (for changing shoes in kindergarten), house slippers. For the little ones, a variety of booties is a must. The newest and most popular models should be placed closer to the entrance, the least relevant - deeper into the hall.

It is enough to replenish the product range once a month. After a few seasons of operation, it will become obvious that some categories or companies are selling better. They will need to be emphasized: expand the range, duplicate the size range. Conversely, models that sell less well should be ordered in smaller quantities or removed from sale altogether.

At the end of the season it is necessary to carry out a sale of all old models

How the right atmosphere can help increase sales

One of the features of a shoe store for children is the need to maintain a comfortable environment inside. Most children really don't like long shopping trips. This means you need to create an environment that will be pleasant for them. For example, choose a special playlist with children's songs.

Maybe, It’s worth installing a TV and broadcasting cartoons and children’s movies. Trying on shoes should be fun, perhaps with special children's shoehorns. It will be very useful to have toys, coloring books, and puzzles in the store.

The main goal is to make staying and shopping in the store a pleasant and memorable event for children and parents. Your child should associate a trip to you for shoes with celebration and play., and not with endless trying on different pairs of shoes, stuffiness and boredom.

Requirements for employees

Usually women sell children's shoes. The main requirement for sellers in this industry is not experience in trade, but the ability to find a common language with adults and children. A good employee should be friendly, be able to please a child, captivate him, and at the same time have an excellent knowledge of the assortment, quickly select the right models and convince parents of the need to buy from you.

The success of the entire enterprise depends on how well the sellers work. Children do not like strict, gloomy and serious people. The seller must please them at first sight and entice them into shopping. It is advisable to remember regular customers, be interested in the quality of previously purchased shoes.

Salespeople's compensation is usually based on sales success. The salary consists of a minimum fixed part and a percentage of completed sales. Practice shows that this principle of setting wages increases the interest of employees and, as a result, helps to achieve sales growth.

The seller must please them at first sight and entice them into shopping.

Franchise work

Currently, several children's shoe stores at the all-Russian level sell franchises. How much more profitable is it to work under someone else's brand? At first glance, it seems that it is easier to buy the right to use a popular name, get professional recommendations and rules for forming an assortment. It is likely that the franchisor will undertake the procurement and supply of goods. This is very profitable: along with the franchise, the entrepreneur will receive a full set of instructions on opening a store, working with staff, and so on.

On the other hand, the costs of opening a store will increase. In addition to all the funds for premises, equipment and the purchase of the first batches of goods, you will need to pay an initial (payment) contribution. In addition, you will need to pay a monthly percentage of your profits and report to the copyright holder.

There is not yet a children's shoe store on the Russian market that would be known to all parents and would guarantee high profits in the first months of work. That's why It’s more logical to invest in the development of your own brand, organize your own supplies and service.

Is it profitable to sell children's shoes online?

An online store allows you to significantly reduce the number of costs: rent, utilities, employee salaries. However The specifics of children's shoes are such that few parents will decide to buy them without trying them on. Therefore, a “real” store is needed.

On the other hand, it will be useful to create a website in addition to physical trading. There you can also organize the sale of goods, for example, at reduced prices. It is useful to tell customers about the rules for choosing children's shoes, the products that are presented in your assortment, different models of shoes and other useful information. Place a forum on your website where customers can ask questions about products and communicate with each other.


Trade in children's shoes is a specific area of ​​business that requires the combination of teaching and marketing talent. Narrow specialization in sales of only one type of product allows you to significantly improve the quality within your area, thoroughly study the market, and cooperate with a wide variety of suppliers. When organizing a children's store, you need a creative approach and a sincere desire to provide children and parents with the best choice.

♦ Capital investments – 700,000 rubles
♦ Payback – 7–10 months

Buying and selling is one of the most common and profitable types entrepreneurial activity.

The main thing is to choose the product that is most profitable to sell.

Today, many experts call such a product (in addition to food) shoes, but not ordinary ones, but children's shoes.

Babies grow quite quickly, so parents often have to buy them clothes and shoes.

If you understand all the nuances relating to this, you can become the owner of a profitable and promising business.

How to open a children's shoe store: the pros and cons of starting a startup

To understand whether you should strive to open a children's shoe store from scratch, or whether it is better to do something else, you should familiarize yourself with the pros and cons of this startup.

The most obvious advantages:

  1. High profitability.
    Large shoe markets can boast of revenues of millions of rubles.
  2. Fast payback.
  3. Relatively small capital investments.
  4. Opportunity to create competitive advantages.
  5. You will sell goods that people always need.
  6. You don’t need to rent a huge space to start selling shoes.
  7. Large capital turnover due to a diverse range of goods.

But the main disadvantages of this business look like this:

  1. Considerable monthly expenses for renting premises and salaries for staff.
  2. Difficulties in finding good suppliers in order to be able to sell only high-quality goods.
  3. High level of competition.

How to open a children's shoe store: creating competitive advantages

As already mentioned, the level of competition in the children's shoe sales sector is quite high.

In order not to burn out in the first year of a shoe store’s existence, you need to create competitive advantages in advance.

It could be:

  1. Huge range of goods.
    So that any customer who enters your store does not leave you without purchasing.
  2. Reasonable pricing policy.
    Artificially inflating prices in your children's shoe store, opened from scratch, will cause you to lose customers.
  3. Various promotions for different product groups.
    The more you reduce the price, the higher the chances of getting rid of the remaining stale goods.
  4. Bright interior of the room so that kids will enjoy being in your children's shoe store.
  5. Sellers who get along well with children and also wear interesting costumes.
    Then the kids themselves will drag their parents to shop in your store.
  6. Convenient location to attract the attention of casual customers.
  7. Loyalty program for those parents with children who constantly make purchases from you.

How to open a children's shoe store: advertising campaign

Interesting fact:
Indians in South America receive rubber shoes absolutely free. They dip their feet in the fresh juice of the rubber plant - Hevea. The juice hardens in the air, and you get quite practical rubber galoshes.

A shoe business opened from scratch is not so different from others, which means it needs advertising so that as many people as possible learn about it in a short time.

  1. Order space in the most popular media in the city.
  2. Inform residents of your locality using social networks and city forum.
  3. Distribute leaflets in the area where you decide to open a children's shoe store.
  4. Post notices around the city, on public transport, etc.
  5. Organize an interesting opening with competitions, refreshments, and distribution of discount cards.

You also need a large and beautiful sign that can be seen from afar.

To make it look as advantageous as possible, you should think about what to name the children's shoe store.

The name should be short, memorable, and appeal to both kids and their parents.

How to open a children's shoe store: calendar plan

If you decide to open a shoe store from scratch and do not have much entrepreneurial experience, then start implementing a startup with.

Be sure to indicate in it how much time you need to implement one or another stage.

If you find a premises for your shoe market that does not need major renovations, and quickly conclude agreements with suppliers, you can open a children's shoe store in 4 months.

If at least one of the stages (registration, renovation of premises, equipment, recruitment, formation of assortment) slows you down, then the launch of a startup may take an indefinite period.

Rental and renovation
Equipment purchase
Formation of assortment

How to open a children's shoe store: business plan with calculations

Starting any business from scratch is quite difficult.

We need to try to reduce the initial and running costs, build up a client base as quickly as possible, and take care of other nuances.

If you decide to open a children's shoe store, then we are ready to offer you this business plan as an example.

Our hypothetical store will not be too large (60 sq. m.) and we will open it in a large city.


Children's shoe stores can operate as individual entrepreneurs, so you should limit yourself to this simple and inexpensive form of business registration.

As for taxation, this expense item can be optimized if you pay tax according to the UTII system.

The registration procedure should not take you more than two months.


It is very important to position your shoe store correctly: so that as many people as possible pass by it every day.

Some of these passers-by will become your clients.

It is best to open a children's shoe store, either in the center or in a densely populated residential area at the intersection of important pedestrian routes.

You can open your own market either in a separate building or by renting space in a shopping center.

The area of ​​our conventional store is 60 sq. m. 40 square meters will go to the sales area, the rest to the staff office, where you can equip a rack for storing leftover goods, and a bathroom.

It is very important to invest in renovations because your main customers are children, and they love bright colors and fairy-tale characters.

If the amount of starting capital allows, then you can hire a professional designer to create a unique interior for your shoe store.


Since the area of ​​our conventional children's shoe store is not too large, we need to carefully consider what equipment should be purchased in order to demonstrate the product to the buyer as profitably as possible and not clutter the sales floor with boxes with size charts.

For our conditional store we will purchase the following equipment:

Expense itemAmount (in rub.)
Total:180,000 rub.
Racks and shelves
30 000
Showcase for socks, shoe care products and other small items
7 000
Closed lower cabinets where you can store boxes of shoes
15 000
Soft poufs for trying on
15 000
Sales counter
8 000
5 000
Cash machine
10 000
Computer or laptop
20 000
10 000
Other60 000

In addition, you need to equip a bathroom (at least 15,000 rubles) and an office by purchasing furniture there:

Expense itemAmount (in rub.)
Total:60,000 rub.
8 000
8 000
Lockers for changing clothes and personal belongings of the team
12 000
Rack for storing leftover goods
10 000
Other22 000

As you can see, you need to spend at least 250,000 rubles on store equipment.


If you decide to open a children's shoe store, then you should prepare for the cost of staff salaries.

If you want the store to bring you maximum profit, then you should hire two shifts (salesperson + cleaner) so that they work in turns:

If you want sellers to try to sell as many shoes as possible, pay them not a fixed salary, but a small rate +% of sales.

There is no need to skimp on a cleaner, because a store with a dirty floor will not look attractive to visitors.

As the owner of a children's shoe store, all you have to do is organizational issues, order goods, look for new suppliers and do accounting.


The more diverse the assortment, the higher the chances that the client will leave with a purchase.

You should sell:

  • sandals, slippers, sandals and other summer shoes;
  • boots and boots (winter and demi-season);
  • footwear for active recreation (sneakers, sneakers);
  • slippers;
  • Czech shoes, dancing shoes.

The size range should be formed from the smallest – up to 36 inclusive. Select the assortment according to seasonality. Shoes that are out of season can be sold at discounts.

Update your assortment at least once a quarter.

Organizing sales at least twice a year revives the business: for summer and winter shoes.

As for suppliers, you can sell both domestic children's shoes (quality brands - Top-Top, Kotofey and others) and those made abroad.

Parents especially trust shoes made in Poland, Italy, and Germany.

How much does it cost to open a children's shoe store?

Shoe markets are not startups that require huge capital investments, but still, to open a children's shoe store, you will have to shell out at least 700,000 rubles.

But besides starting investments, which is over half a million, you will have mandatory monthly expenses:

what kind of shoes should you choose for your baby?

so that it does not harm his health:

What kind of income awaits those who decide to open a children's shoe store?

Shape carefully pricing policy your shoe store.

If you set a markup that is too small, for example, 30–40%, you are unlikely to quickly gain profit, and you won’t have a price gap to make sales.

A markup that is too high will cause customers to consider your product too expensive and go to another store.

The optimal markup is 60–80%.

It is quite difficult to calculate the monthly revenue of a children's shoe store.

Get ready for the fact that in the first few months, customers will be wary of the new market, preferring proven sellers, so you will have to work hard to win a customer base.

If at least 10 people visit you daily, 5 of whom make a purchase for 2,000 rubles, then your monthly revenue will be about 300,000 rubles.

Half of this amount will be spent on mandatory monthly expenses, part will have to be set aside for new purchase goods, but 80–100,000 rubles will remain to you as net profit.

With such indicators, you can recoup your capital investment in 8–12 months.

If you can increase sales, then your market’s earnings will be much higher.

This is, of course, a very rough business plan.

If you are interested in how to open a children's shoe store, then you will definitely have to draw up your business plan, focusing on prices in your city and the scale of your future business, so the amount of capital investment to launch your startup may differ significantly from that indicated.

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Buy shoes

Children's shoes are an essential product. After all, children grow and they constantly need to update their wardrobe. During the season, a child needs at least one, and more often 2-3 pairs of shoes. Therefore, an entrepreneur can open a children's shoe store and successfully develop his business. How to open a children's shoe store from scratch and whether it is profitable, we will tell you in this article.

    I would also like to add information to the article on how to choose a supplier of children's shoes. You can buy shoes alone trademark, then it is probably more logical to conclude an agreement with a manufacturer of children's boots, and it is better to trade several popular brands in different price categories. And which shoes to buy more and which ones to buy less should be based on the area where the store is located. If you are in a residential area on the outskirts of the city, then it is better to buy more (but not all) cheaper shoes. And vice versa. Botika for demanding buyers with money will be better off in the center. If in your city there is a wholesale store of children's shoes with various TMs, then it is often easier and more profitable for the shoe to buy from it. This will reduce logistics costs. Plus, you can see the product before you buy it. And if the product turns out to be defective, you can return it faster. But when opening a children's shoe store, few people have extra money.