Business plan for metal sandblasting. Business plan for sandblasting materials. The undeniable advantages of quick-release connections

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Business plan

Sandblasting materials

    Project Summary

Objective of the project:

The essence of the project:

Individual entrepreneur Voronchikhin Sergey Anatolyevich organizes an enterprise for sandblasting materials: glass, metal.

    Industry Description

Currently, to ensure the durability of various surfaces, modern coatings based on the latest innovative technologies. However, no coating can perform its intended function of preserving the quality of the surface if it has not been first cleaned before its application.

One of the most effective technologies surface cleaning various types is sandblasting. It is used to clean surfaces made of metal, stone, concrete, wood and even leather.

A special sandblasting technology makes it possible to perform such artwork, such as decorative matting.

Sandblasting refers to the treatment of surfaces by exposure to sand as a grinding agent, which, under the influence of a difference in air pressure with high speed directed to the surface to be treated.

Depending on the material and particle size, pressure drop, time of exposure to the surface, sandblasting can be carried out for surface cleaning, special preparation (for coating), removal of burrs and scale, hardening (shot blasting), decoration, etc.

Types of sandblasting:


Sandblasting finishing can quickly remove lightly attached flash from machined assemblies and can be more effective than hand or machine deburring in areas of limited accessibility.

Non-abrasive deburring materials leave even fragile materials intact.


Paint, varnish and other coatings can be removed with speed and precision without damaging sensitive substrates and without dangerous chemical treatments or cleanup problems. If a part's fix requires a coating, sandblasting can clean the parts and leave the surfaces in an improved condition for recoating.

Cleaning without dimensional change.

Using dry methods, even complex shapes and sensitive materials can be effectively cleaned without erosion or dimensional change.

Ideal for cleaning precision dies, dies and tools without damaging delicate surfaces. Large rotating systems are often used to efficiently clean dies used in hot pressing processes.


Brittle burrs can be cleanly removed from shaped assemblies without altering adjacent surfaces using precise selective targeting. Alternatively, burrs can be removed while a full cosmetic finish is being applied to adjacent surfaces.


Using metal chips or beads, you can quickly remove foundry and welding scale, surface discoloration, oxides, rust and corrosion.

Restoring the appearance of the unit and relieving surface problems associated with painting, metallization, coating, design and other processes.

Fast final finishing of prototypes

If the goal of quickly working on a prototype part is to produce a model as close as possible to the finished part for evaluation, testing or actual small-scale production, then sandblasting equipment can achieve the result you need.

The final blowing treatment can smooth out the pitch lines from the previous treatment, create the correct cosmetic finish and prepare the base surface for painting.

Surface etching

Improved surface preparation or "fit" of the surfaces of composite parts can be easily achieved using sandblasting equipment.

Blowing can also expertly achieve an optimal surface profile to improve coating adhesion, resulting in consistent improvements in the performance and life expectancy of machine cutters and drills.

Light surface etching improves the bonding of parts by leveling substrates and is often used in the automotive interior design and trim markets to provide joints between plywood, plastic and rubber in special composite structures.

Cosmetic finishing

Cosmetic finishing can be an increasingly strong competitive advantage, making a product more attractive to the consumer.

Manual sandblasting systems are in their own niche for finishing large, heavy or low-volume assemblies.

Blower finishing can provide effective cosmetic finishing, artificial aging and renewal of bars, brick, glass, wood, fabric, ceramics, plastics.

Removing old coatings

When removing a tough, highly adhered coating layer or scale from a casting made using a wax matrix, sandblasting requires greater precision and high cutting ability of the material, which can be achieved by using hard abrasive blowing materials in an automated or manual pressure feeder.

Typical components that require very tight tolerances on profile shapes and curved surfaces include parts such as the edges of turbocharger impellers, cylinder heads, aircraft engine turbine blades, gold and silver jewelry, and dental plaques.

Hardening shot blasting

Latest developments shot blasting devices use the latest advances in control technological processes and leverage the company's blowing automation expertise to build shot peening units that can produce predictable work hardening with consistent and repeatable results to specific specifications.

Engraving and etching of glass

The blowing process can be used as a pure etching process to produce emblems and insignia on glass, ceramics, cutlery and medals, and at extremely fast speeds - a drinking glass can be engraved with insignia in approximately one second. Also distinctive patterns, textures and matte surface formations can be achieved on flat glass printed form and art glass using various types sand blowing materials and pressure adjustments.


Sandblasting equipment is designed for surface treatment with various abrasive materials. Sandblasting equipment is divided into two types: open (sandblasting machine) and closed (sandblasting chamber) type of surface treatment. The sandblasting machine is mobile and is used for cleaning the internal and external surfaces of metal, concrete and other structures. The sandblasting chamber is used to carry out abrasive treatment of surfaces in a confined space. In this case, the dimensions of the treated surface are limited by the dimensions of the chamber.

Sandblasting glass

Sandblasting glass is a decorative glass processing technology based on abrasive surface treatment with a jet of liquid or air with particles of solid abrasive material under a pressure of 4-6 atmospheres. Typically, quartz sand particles are used as an abrasive, but sometimes other materials are used whose hardness is comparable to or exceeds that of glass. On average, the productivity of sandblasting glass in automatic mode is 3-4 sq.m., with manual processing the productivity is significantly reduced.

Sandblasting decorative processing using stencils is also used to create designs on glass. Traditionally, a design for a stencil is drawn in some kind of graphics package and cut out of the film on a cutting plotter. The sequential use of several stencils allows you to obtain areas with varying degrees of processing in terms of matte coating and depth.

The use of abrasive particles of various sizes and varying the depth of abrasive decorative sandblasting significantly expands the decorative possibilities of glass sandblasting. After processing the glass, a transparent paint and varnish coating is used, which prevents contamination of the glass surface and gives it hydrophobic (water-repellent) properties. To obtain a colored matte effect, decorative sandblasting of glass can also be used. To do this, a small amount of colored pigment is added to the clear varnish used to protect frosted glass.

Sandblasting metal

Sandblasting of metals is used to obtain matte surfaces. It is done using a sandblasting machine; it involves treating the surface of the product with dry sand, which is supplied under pressure.

Depending on the size of the sand grains, a different texture is obtained - from soft velvety to coarse-grained. The sizes of sand grains are also selected in accordance with the material to be processed. Thus, for thin sheet metal (chased, stamped products), as well as to obtain the finest velvety matte shade, sand grains measuring 0.05-0.15 mm are used, air pressure is up to 0.5 atm. For thicker materials - steel sheets and cast iron - use sand with a grain size of 0.2-0.5 mm, air pressure - up to 1 atm. Large castings from ferrous and non-ferrous metals are treated with sand with a grain size of 0.5-1.5 mm, air pressure up to 1.5 atm. To obtain rough textures, sand with a grain size of 2-2.5 mm is used at an air pressure of up to 2.5 atm.

Sandblasting is successfully used to clean products from old paint and varnish coatings, remove rust, and also for artistic treatment some products. Partial sandblasting is carried out using stencils that cover those areas of the surface that do not need treatment. The material for stencils is thin sheet metal, sheet plastic, etc.

    Characteristics of the services offered

Product classification:



Flat products

Any flat surfaces. The surface is considered flat if one of the dimensions is less than 0.2 m, and the rest are more than 0.3 m each.

Long products

A product is considered long if one of its dimensions is more than 0.3 m, and the rest are less than 0.3 m each.

Small products

A product is considered small-sized if its maximum size does not exceed 0.3 m

Volumetric products

A product is considered voluminous if one of its dimensions is more than 0.2 m, and the rest are more than 0.3 m each.

Cost of sandblasting flat products

Order volume per month, sq.m.

Cost of 1 sq.m., rubles

Over 501 sq.m.


151 sq.m. – 500 sq.m.


11 sq.m. – 150 sq.m.


1 sq.m. – 10 sq.m.


Cost of sandblasting long products

Product perimeter, cm

Cost of 1 linear meter, rubles

















    Project cost


Cost, rub.

Sandblasting machines


17 000


25 400

MIOT-49 helmet

3 500


Nozzles (2 pcs.)

7 200


3 000


2 000

Raw materials

Abrasive materials

2 000


2 000

Specialist. cloth

2 520

Transport costs (travel to Moscow to pick up equipment)

7 000


67 620

Own funds for organizing the project - 4,000 rubles.

5. Planned volume of service provision


Number of clients per month, rub.

Average cost of 1 service, rub.

Amount of revenue per month, rub.

Artistic glass processing


5 000

Treatment of metal surfaces for painting

5 000

10 000

Surface cleaning




15 700

6. Marketing plan

You can attract customers by applying comprehensive measures:

    Retention of the existing client base (maintaining the quality of services and competent price policy, a system of bonus discounts for regular customers and those who use a range of services);

    Attracting new customers (a bright sign indicating services (products), distributing flyers, selling bonus cards for holidays, participating in competitions professional excellence, fairs, etc.);

    Offering new services from the assortment list to existing clients (decorating the office with samples of work, descriptions of innovative services, goods and technologies, designing catalogues, offering a new service (product) as a bonus for regular clients);

    Creation favorable image enterprises.

7. Competition

In our city, only the UralChem plant provides such services. The main goal of the plant is to meet its own needs. Enterprise IP Voronchikhina S.A. provides its services to the population of the entire city, so it can be said that there are no competitors in this area. The absence of competitors is a good help in organizing and running a business.

Main competitive advantages are:

    Low prices;

    Quality service;


    New high-quality equipment;

    New service in the city;

    Good location.

8. Financial plan




Amount of expenses per month, rub.

Amount of expenses per year, rub.

Renting premises

4 000

48 000



1 200

Communal payments


7 200

What will you learn from this article?:

1 What is sandblasting: definition and scope of application

Sandblasting (abrasive blasting) cleaning- the process of removing deposits using sand or other abrasive material. Abrasive flies out of a sandblasting hose with high speed and knocks all the dirt off the surface. The particles are accelerated by compressed air from the compressor.

Sandblasting operating principle:
sand is mixed with a stream of air and directed to the surface under pressure,
At the same time, the sand knocks off all excess dirt and layers.

Application in industry. Sandblasting cleans railway cars, industrial boilers, metal and reinforced concrete pipes, sheet and long rolled metal products. On large enterprises For these purposes, through-type shot blasting machines and manned sandblasting chambers are used.

Application in small business. Small firms and individual entrepreneurs use sandblasting to provide cleaning services for the following objects: cars, the bottoms of ships, bridge supports, renewing the walls of garages or brick houses that have become blackened by soot, age and rust. The walls become clean, the surface regains its original color. Sandblasting is also used before painting or welding. It prepares the surface and roughens it so that the coating adheres and sticks better.

Use in everyday life. Sandblasting is used for design purposes - a sandblasting jet is used to create matte patterns on glass and mirrors. Later they are installed on cabinets or sideboards. Sandblasting will also help improve appearance wooden furniture, will remove the top darkened layer and remove burrs.

Sandblasting will remove:
rust, scale, scale, old paint, mold, soot, grease, carbon deposits,
waste oil, melted insulation materials.

On our website you can check prices and buy everything necessary equipment for sandblasting surface cleaning: from helmets and filters to protect the sandblaster operator to sandblasters and shot blasting lines.

2 What you can’t sandblast without: 8 essential elements of a sandblasting system

For sandblasting you need the following equipment: compressor, sandblasting unit, nozzle, nozzle holder, abrasive material, sandblasting hose, protective uniform for the sandblasting operator, breathing filter.

The weakest link in the sandblasting system determines the cleaning efficiency. If even one element is not working correctly, the entire job suffers and you lose time, money and the customer's trust. To avoid this, ask yourself the following questions:

  • Compressor. Does my compressor have enough compressed air capacity and pressure to operate?
  • Hose sizes. Is the air hose diameter large enough? The large diameter reduces pressure loss, as it reduces friction of the compressed air against the walls of the hose.
  • Connections. Are the connections and hoses the same diameter?
  • Sandblasting power. Will a sandblasting unit be able to remove scale or will its power only be enough to remove a thin layer of old paint?
  • Sandblaster mobility. Will I be able to move the sandblaster myself if I work on location?
  • Nozzles. Which nozzle should I buy: an expensive and durable one made of boron carbide or a cheap steel one that will fail after 8 hours of operation?
  • Remote control. Pay for remote control or waste time and productivity by constantly distracting your partner from his duties to turn the sandblaster off and on?
  • Water separator. Buy a moisture separator or waste money on sandblasting repairs due to untreated compressed air and connections and hoses clogged with sticky abrasive?
  • Abrasive for sandblasting. Which abrasive and with which grain fraction should I choose? Will my abrasive material ruin the thin sheet of aluminum before I can remove the rust from it?
  • Protective helmet and suit. Will my protective suit help me not to damage my skin and avoid trips to the hospital and silicosis - an occupational disease of sandblasters?

3 Types of sandblasting equipment: stationary and mobile devices

Sandblasting machines are divided into two types:

  • Stationary blast chambers
  • Mobile sandblasters

Disadvantages and advantages

Open type sandblasting unitsSealed blast chambers
There are no restrictions on the size of the cleaning object (from parts to wall facades)
The unit can be moved by one person
Safe for the operator
It is convenient to collect the abrasive for reuse, since it does not fly out of the chamber
Danger for the sandblasting operator,
you need to use a protective suit,
equip a room for sandblasting
or have a separate area where flying abrasive and dust from sandblasting
will not harm people.
The camera is stationary and difficult to move to another location.
Only small-sized objects can be placed inside the chamber.
You need to additionally buy a filter to purify the air or connect the camera to the ventilation system.

Taking into account the advantages and disadvantages of sandblasting machines, we can conclude that each device has its own scope of application:

  • Mobile sandblasting machine used for cleaning large surfaces, such as building facades, stadiums, tanks, car bodies, etc.
  • Stationary blast chamber used for cleaning parts small size in production workshops or other premises, as it requires connection to a ventilation system or the additional purchase of a filter to clean the air from dust.

We will look at the most common type of sandblasting machine - an open-type mobile sandblasting machine.

4 3 types of sandblasting machines: injection, pressure, vacuum

There are three main types of mobile sandblasting machines, they are presented on our website. You can buy a sandblasting machine at the lowest prices on our website. Below are the main characteristics, advantages and disadvantages of each device.

Injection type sandblasting machines- air and abrasive material are supplied to the nozzle through different hoses. The nozzle holder itself consists of 2 nozzles: air and abrasive. Injection sandblasting machines are characterized by low productivity and delicate surface treatment. Scope of application: cleaning thin surfaces, matting mirrors, glass or plastic, processing wooden surfaces.

Pressure type sandblasting machines- powerful cleaning device. Compressed air and abrasive material are supplied under pressure through one hose. Compared to the injection type, it has much greater power and performance, but requires much more compressor power. Suitable for cleaning large areas, such as building facades or concrete bridge supports.

Vacuum dust-free sandblasting machines- are a type of pressure sandblasting machine. The difference is that the abrasive thrown onto the surface is immediately sucked into the unit using a vacuum. Such devices are used if during operation the release of dust and abrasives into the environment is not allowed. The main disadvantage of such chambers is that the vacuum, which sucks in dust and flying abrasive particles, reduces their kinetic energy, so the operating time increases. Vacuum dustless sandblasting machines are rarely used due to their high cost and low productivity.

Most often, a pressure sandblasting machine is used for work.

In this article, we review the rules for using a pressure-type sandblaster, as well as additional equipment for it: remote control, metering valve, quick-release connections, hoses, nozzles and nozzle holders.

5 Where to get compressed air for sandblasting. Compressed air preparation

Compressed air for sandblasting is produced by a compressor: piston or screw. The compressor is the most expensive element of the sandblasting system, but you can rent it rather than buy it. Typically, sandblasting requires a pressure of 6 to 10 m 3 /min. Piston compressors produce air supply power up to 9 m 3 /min; if more power is required, use screw compressors.

Compressors are divided into electric, petrol and diesel. If you have constant access to power and you sandblast at home, in a garage or in a workshop, then choose electric compressors. Gasoline or diesel compressors are transported for work in the field.

For effective sandblasting, the compressor must fulfill the following conditions:

release compressed air high pressure uninterruptedly and in sufficient volume.

For example:

  • Sandblasting of metal sheets, pipes or other structures should be carried out at a pressure of 6.5-7 kgf/cm 2.
  • Cleaning building facades and glass processing at a minimum pressure of 2.8-3.5 kgf/cm 2.

Cleaning compressed air is an effective way to avoid sandblaster breakdowns

The sandblasting unit operates from compressed air from a pneumatic network. One cubic meter of untreated compressed air contains approximately 100 million polluting particles of dust, compressor oils and dirt. Steam from the compressor is also harmful: when it gets into the sandblasting unit, the abrasive sticks together, causing the sandblasting hoses to clog and deteriorate. Without preparing and drying compressed air, the service life of a sandblasting unit is reduced by up to 7 times.

To clean compressed air before feeding it into the sandblasting machine, the following types of equipment are used:

  • Coalescence filters
  • Compressed air coolers
  • Oil and moisture separators

Compressed air pressure and nozzle - what is the connection?

Nozzle diameter and compressor power are interrelated: a larger nozzle requires more compressor power. How abrasive and compressed air are consumed depending on the nozzle diameter is shown in the table below. The figures are approximate and may vary depending on various operating factors.

Nozzle diameter, mm

Air pressure in the nozzle, kgf/cm 2

Air flow - m 3 /min

Abrasive consumption - kg/hour

Air flow - m 3 /min

Abrasive consumption - kg/hour

Air flow - m 3 /min

Abrasive consumption - kg/hour

Air flow - m 3 /min

Abrasive consumption - kg/hour

The table shows theoretical data using a new clean nozzle. In reality, the abrasive material partially clogs the nozzle, so the air passage is narrower and compressed air consumption is reduced.

If you frequently clean large surfaces, such as the bottoms of ships, bridge supports or building facades, use 12mm nozzles - this will save you time and money by increasing your speed and productivity. In the experiment described in Chapter 14, we proved the economic feasibility of choosing a nozzle with a large diameter. But a large nozzle will require a powerful compressor. In order not to spend money on buying an expensive compressor, you can rent one. This practice is used for small amounts of work.

If your compressor cannot consistently supply the required pressure, use smaller diameter nozzles, such as 8 or 10 mm. You will save on the cost of the compressor.

6 7 rules for ideal compressed air supply

To properly organize the delivery of compressed air to the required volume and with the required pressure to the sandblaster, check the following points:

  • Ideally, the compressor capacity should be 20% greater than what all pneumatic tools combined can consume.
  • The compressor supplies sufficient pressurized air to constant and uninterrupted sandblaster operation
  • The compressed air hose between the compressor and the sandblasting machine has a cross section not less than 32 mm, this will help avoid pressure loss in the sandblaster.
  • Locate the compressor out of the dust cloud caused by sandblasting, but as close to the sandblaster as possible. Don't forget to take into account the direction of the wind.
  • Keep all hoses straight; any bending will result in loss of pressure and unnecessary costs.
  • Use only universal connection fasteners with a diameter of 32 mm to connect hoses and hoses. Avoid narrowing the internal diameter in relation to the cross section of the hose.
  • The compressor must be equipped with a device for regulating the pressure level (automatic switching device for idling control). It provides exactly the level of pressure needed for sandblasting.

By putting all these tips into practice, you will reduce your compressed air consumption and increase the profitability of your sandblaster.

7 5 rules for selecting hoses for a sandblasting system

As mentioned earlier, the pressure loss of compressed air depends on the length of the sandblasting hose. Below are 5 basic rules for selecting sandblasting hoses:

  • The internal cross-section of the sandblasting hose must exceed throughput nozzles 3-4 times.
  • The type of abrasive influences the choice of sandblasting hose. Abrasive with sharp edges, such as sand from quarries, requires a four-layer braid, and with rounded sea or river sand, you can use a hose with two layers of braid.
  • Cut the sandblasting hose exactly at a right angle.
  • Before purchasing a hose, it is necessary to analyze the operating pressure of the device. It is prohibited to use the sleeve if the permissible values ​​are exceeded.
  • All hoses must be equipped with braided corrosion-resistant steel safety cables and spring-loaded end loops for couplings.

In a sandblasting system, air and abrasive flow through tubes, hoses, valves, connections and couplings. All tubes are cylindrical, so any reduction in their diameter dramatically reduces the flow rate.

8 Experiment to determine the loss of compressed air pressure in sandblasting hoses

Equipment used for testing:

  • Compressor: capacity 16.8 m 3 /min (rotary compressor)
  • Blower: pneumatic sandblasting machine
  • Tank capacity: 300 kg
  • Piping system on the tank: internal diameter 1 1/4" (32 mm)
  • Jet nozzles: boron carbide venturi nozzles
  • Jet hose: 1 1/4" (32 mm) internal diameter with special quick-release couplings

The pressure loss measurements carried out with the above equipment were carried out at different diameters of the air supply hose. The pressure loss in a sandblasting hose was determined with a constant internal diameter but varying length, with/or without a hand hose.

Test No. 1
Air hose dimensions: length 15 m - inner diameter 19 mm
Dimensions of abrasive blasting hose: various lengths - according to the table - internal diameter - 32 mm
Hand hose dimensions: length 3.5 m - internal diameter 25 mm

Experimental measurement results

Nozzle size Compressor pressure Pressure at the sandblasting nozzle in atm at the blasting hose with an internal diameter of 32 mm and length
19 m 34 m 49 m
mm inch atm atm atm atm atm
8 5/16 7,1 7,1 6,8 6,3 6,2
9,5 3/8 7,1 7,0 6,4 5,9 5,7
11 7/16 7,1 7,0 6,3 5,3 5,0

Test No. 2. The test procedure is almost the same as test No. 1, however Dimensions of the air hose: length 15 m - internal diameter 32 mm Dimensions of the jet hose: various lengths - according to the table - internal d.32 mm Dimensions of the hand hose: length 3.5 m - internal diameter 25 mm

Measurement result

Nozzle size Compressor pressure Pressure in sandblaster Pressure at the jet nozzle in atm at the jet hose with an internal diameter of 32 mm and length
19 m 34 m 49 m
mm inch atm atm atm atm atm
8 5/16 7,1 6,2 6,0 5,4 5,0
9,5 3/8 7,1 5,5 5,2 4,5 4,2
11 7/16 7,1 4,5 4,2 3,7 3,5
12 1/2 7,1 6,9 5,0 4,7 4,3

CONCLUSION: The experimental results prove that large diameter hoses have an advantage over small diameter hoses.

9 KPDU – remote control of sandblasting machine

Only two operators together can ensure full operation of the sandblasting machine. The first sandblasting operator directly performs surface treatment, and the second worker turns the sandblasting machine on or off at the command of a colleague.

Remote control completely replaces the functionality of a second assistant worker and increases the safety of sandblasting. The remote control device for sandblasting apparatus (KPDU) is universal; it can be used with pressure-type sandblasting units of any manufacturer.

To start the sandblasting machine, you need to press the button on the sandblasting arm and do not release it. Thus, you open the air inlet valve on the tank and automatically, at the same moment, the air outlet valve closes, and a stream of abrasive begins to be ejected from the abrasive hose. The response time of the remote control button is no more than 1 second. If for some reason the sandblasting operator loses control of the process, for example, he stumbles, becomes ill or loses consciousness, then sandblasting will stop the moment he releases the button. This guarantees the complete safety of the sandblaster and the people around him and is excellent protection against a trip to the emergency room. Our remote control ensures reliability and safety even when sandblasting in hazardous areas. In addition to safety, the KPDU significantly saves abrasive material and compressed air, since the sandblasting operator does not need to wait until someone turns off the compressed air supply. Also, significant savings occur due to the refusal to attract additional employees.

10 5 principles for selecting a metering valve

Standard metering valves for sandblasters are manufactured with direct material flow. Experiments have proven that such valves have a tendency to disrupt the uninterrupted flow of material. The flow of material is either interrupted or stopped completely if the pressure in the reservoir and in the air line is not balanced. This is avoided thanks to the eccentric material flow system in our dosing valve.

When choosing a metering valve, take into account its design features and choose one that has:

  • Informative mechanical adjustment of the amount of abrasive, which allows you to set the valve to the amount of material required for a specific nozzle.
  • Wear resistance and corrosion resistance of the material.
  • Eccentric flow of abrasive material.
  • Provides quick and easy adjustment of the abrasive throughput.
  • In our store we always have metering valves in stock and at a low price.

Advantages use of modern metering valves: the metering valve produces a uniform supply of raw materials for sandblasting, significantly reduces resource and labor costs and increases the productivity of sandblasting. The metering valve is used in production where it is necessary to instantly turn off the abrasive supply and seal the sandblasting machine.

11 The undeniable advantages of quick-release couplings

Connect sandblasting hoses to each other and to the system without reducing the diameter of the blasting hose. Always choose quick connect couplings that are mounted on the outside of the hose, since couplings that are mounted on the inside of the hose narrow the hose diameter by almost half. This results in a reduction in air flow of almost 50%. Also, due to the contact of the abrasive material under air pressure with the edge of the internal joint, turbulence is formed, which leads to a loss of pressure and rapid wear of the internal walls of the sandblasting hose. Use quick connectors.

Example from life: if you use regular fittings to connect hoses, then to change the length of the hoses you will need additional tools. Often, in order not to fuss with the assembly process, workers at enterprises do not change the length of the hose at all and always work with a hose of the same length, even if it is too long. We recommend purchasing quick release couplings because they will make your job easier with quick coupling and disengagement and will also help you use the hose with care. Over the course of a year, a properly adjusted hose length will save a significant amount of money by eliminating pressure losses. Coupling and disengaging can be done with just one hand movement. This means you can quickly and easily change the length of the hose at any time.

CONCLUSION: The use of quick-release connections will help to avoid pressure losses, speed up the work process and save hose material to the maximum extent.

Quick connect couplings can be supplied for hose IDs: 3/4", 1", 1 1/4" and 1 1/2". We offer the following types of quick release connections: steel and aluminum. Steel quick release couplings more durable. Nylon quick release couplings cheaper and lighter, but wear out and break faster.

12 Nozzle holders for sandblasting

We offer aluminum and nylon nozzle holders for sandblasting machines.

Nylon nozzle holders Precision casted, they are lightweight, helping to reduce operator fatigue. Progressive precision thread with a diameter of 50 mm prevents the nozzle from jamming with the aluminum threaded part. Nylon nozzle holders have internal screw grooves for secure attachment of the sandblasting hose. The nylon nozzle holders are supplied with screws for securing the sandblasting hose.

Aluminum nozzle holders with a caprolon union nut for a sandblasting hose with a diameter of 32x48 mm. Used for attaching sandblasting nozzles with a cylindrical tip to sandblasting hoses. Aluminum nozzle holders are manufactured by casting followed by turning. The nozzle holders have internal screw grooves and are securely attached to the sandblasting hose. Aluminum nozzle holders are very durable and are used under very difficult operating conditions, including temperature ranges from -50 to +50 degrees. Screws for securing the sandblasting hose are included in the package.

13 Selecting a sandblasting nozzle

The choice of sandblasting nozzle depends on the following factors: type of surface, type of contamination and amount of work to be done. We recommend having production site, several types of sandblasting nozzles and use each of them to perform a specific job.

Select a nozzle based on the following criteria:

Nozzle diameter. If a nozzle with a size of 6 mm (or 1/4" inches) is used, the productivity of the air jet will be 30 cubic meters per hour. Under the same conditions, but with a nozzle size of 8 mm, the power will increase and its value will become 66 m 3 / hour. Accordingly, as the diameter of the nozzle increases, the power of the jet will increase.Currently, manufacturers of sandblasting equipment mass-produce nozzles with a permeability of 6, 8, 10 and 12 mm.

Nozzle length. The choice of tip length directly depends on the type of surface to be cleaned and sanded. If the surface is not very dirty and it is quite easy to process, then use a nozzle with a length of 7.5 cm. If the cleaning is quite complex, for example, when removing scale or several layers of old paint, it is recommended to choose a nozzle with the longest length, for example 23 cm For processing surfaces in hard-to-reach places, it is preferable to take short nozzles up to 7.5 cm.

Nozzle material. For the production of tips are used various materials. Depending on the surface to be treated, their service life will depend. Opening hours are in the table below.

Dependence of the service life of a sandblasting nozzle on the material of the internal coating and the type of abrasive, (hours):

Nozzle shape. At the moment, there are two types of nozzles: with a cylindrical hole and a Venutri hole.

Venturi nozzles - a way to increase cleaning efficiency up to 70%

Initially, sandblasting tips were produced by casting and had cylindrical holes. The jet pressure at the outlet was 6 atmospheres, and the abrasive material itself came from the nozzle opening at a speed of 350 km/h. In the mid-50s of the last century, a new device was invented - the Venturi sandblasting nozzle. The internal structure of the Venturi nozzle has a special passage of large diameter, which is structurally reduced by a conical shape. This shape of the sandblasting nozzle almost doubles the air flow speed (up to 720 km/h), and accordingly productivity increases up to 70%. The increase in power is achieved only due to the structure of the Venutri nozzle, and does not require an increase in the volume of compressed air or special tools. In particular, for eight hours of operation of the unit, the average cost is about 17,000 rubles. Whereas when using a Venturi nozzle, there will be an increase in power by 30%, which in turn will save up to 5,000 rubles.

14 Economic justification for choosing the type of nozzle for sandblasting

When treating large areas, such as settling tanks, bottoms and sides of ships, use nozzles with a larger diameter. The table below shows approximate average costs when using sandblasting nozzles of different diameters. They will help you determine the costs and wattage of different tips, but are approximate. In the table below, we took the initial indicators of other elements of the system as follows:

  1. Compressor related costs. They are based on normal rent, and the rent was approximately 65 rubles per 1 m 3 and 1 hour with a daily 6-hour compressor operation.
  2. Abrasive material costs. They amount to 3200 rubles. per ton of brass abrasive. Net operating time is 6 hours per day.
  3. Personnel costs. Hourly rate wages for an 8-hour work shift is 540 rubles for 2 operators. for everyone.
  4. Preparatory/closing time expenses etc.

When calculating, we did not take into account the following expenses: expenses for preparatory/final time, fuel, insurance, transportation, etc.

Costs for sandblasting with nozzles of different diameters

The sandblasting power given in the cost comparison cannot be used for costing purposes, since sandblasting conditions always differ. How is the actual power and cost standards (prices) determined? A summary will consistently show that at 100% power a 1/4" nozzle will have about 210% power for a 3/8" nozzle and about 310% for a 7/16" nozzle.

CONCLUSION: To save money when treating large areas, choose treatment with a LARGE diameter nozzle. The only problem is that the larger the nozzle diameter you use, the more powerful the compressor you will need.

15 Personal protective equipment for sandblasting operators: helmets, overalls, filters

Sandblasting contains many risk factors for the worker: dust from the abrasive and suspended particles from dirt from the surface being treated are the most dangerous. The most vulnerable part of the human body is the respiratory system and eyes. A mask or respirator does not guarantee complete safety, so we urge you not to save money and to carefully prepare for working with a sandblasting machine in order to avoid close contact with doctors in the future.

The most important element of a protective suit for sandblasting is a helmet and a filter, which through an air hose brings air purified from dust and other harmful particles to the face. Helmets are equipped with a glass or plastic window. The helmet you choose should have a hard top to protect the sandblaster from falling objects and can withstand direct exposure to abrasive blasts. When choosing a helmet, pay special attention to how the viewing window on the helmet opens. The helmet reduces the noise load for the operator to hear you, he will have to completely remove the helmet, but if the window on the helmet opens easily, then this need disappears.

The second mandatory element of worker protection is an air filter. A helmet will not protect against dust without an air filter. We offer two options to choose from:

The most low prices for sandblasting helmets and sandblasting filters on our website.

16 Equipment of the sandblasting operator’s workplace: awnings, platforms, scaffolding and tarpaulin shelters

Cleaning large structures requires the use of special structures so that the worker with the sandblasting machine can be raised to the height necessary for work, and to increase productivity and protection environment requires specially equipped closed areas. In this chapter of the sandblasting guide, we will look at what equipment is used to organize sandblasting work.

Platforms- if you need to raise the operator along with the sandblasting machine to a height of several meters, then you can build a platform. You can buy it or assemble it yourself from scrap materials, depending on your needs and the frequency of sandblasting work at height. The design can be different and depend only on your vision of the process; the only thing we recommend is to equip the platform with railings. To ensure safety, follow the following universal rules for using the platform:

  • Enclose the area under the platform where the operator is working to ensure that no person is under the platform during operation. The nozzle and sandblasting arm are quite heavy things; if they fall from a height, they can injure or even kill a person.
  • The sandblaster worker needs to wear seat belts or lanyards that will protect him from accidental falls from a height.
  • Interrupt the work process every 10-15 minutes to remove the abrasive from the platform, as the worker may slip on it and fall.
  • Secure the blast hose with ropes or other devices so that the entire load of holding the hose does not fall on the operator. The hose is quite heavy; if it is not secured, it can easily slip out of your hands.

Scaffolding- a more professional version of the platform. They consist of steel tubes and aluminum or wooden planks. Their advantage is that they are larger in size, so the operator can move along the surface being cleaned and cover a larger area. When installing scaffolding, be sure to provide for the presence of railings, since the operator’s helmet has a rather narrow viewing angle, and if careless, it may fall.

Mechanical lift- also known as a scissor lift, telescopic crane or platform lift. Mechanical lifts are usually hydraulically powered and allow the operator to move quickly around the structure. Unfortunately, many lifts are not protected from abrasive dust and are therefore unsuitable for sandblasting. Please read the documentation carefully before purchasing or renting it.

Closed areas- used when sandblasting releases suspended particles of abrasive and dust into the air that are hazardous to health. The main sources of danger are lead dust, which is removed along with dirt from the coating, and abrasives containing crystalline quartz. In the open air, dust travels long distances and can cause harm to anyone who comes into contact with it.

Awnings- protect the product being processed from rain, and also contain flying dust and reduce the harmful effects of dust on people.

When sandblasting at a height of several metres, you will be faced with the problem of positioning the sandblaster, as most platforms will not support the weight of the sandblaster with a fully filled abrasive tank, so often the sandblaster must be left on the ground. At the same time, due to the vertical position of the sandblasting hose, pressure is lost, especially when the hose length exceeds 30 meters. To avoid this, replace the compressor with a more powerful one and use a larger diameter hose. Also use an abrasive sleeve and sleeves one size larger than usual.

Example: Under normal conditions, a nozzle with a diameter of 11 mm requires an air hose with an internal cross-section of 38 mm, but with a vertical position of the sandblasting hose, a hose with a diameter of 50 mm is required. The larger the internal diameter of the nozzle, the easier the flow of air and abrasive material goes upward.

17 The right choice of abrasive is the key to effective sandblasting

One of the most important factors To carry out sandblasting with a high-quality result, it is necessary to use the correctly selected abrasive material. All abrasives for sandblasting are divided into three types:

  1. Natural (flint, granite, zirconium, etc.)
  2. Industrial origin (grit, wheat starch, glass beads, aluminum oxide, etc.)
  3. From production by-products (slag after metal smelting or materials from products Agriculture, for example, shell walnut or corn cobs)

18 Additional costs when carrying out sandblasting work

This article will give you an approximate direction in which to move when organizing sandblasting work. But, unfortunately, there is no exact definition of how to organize sandblasting activities. All situations in which it applies this type The specifics of the work are too different; accordingly, everyone will calculate their own business plan. The following are the main factors influencing costs when organizing sandblasting work:

  • Surface material and type of contamination
  • Required degree of surface cleaning
  • Required surface roughness
  • What abrasive material will be used for cleaning?
  • What volume and pressure of compressed air will be required for cleaning
  • In what mode will the sandblasting operator work?

The next step after determining the working conditions will be to analyze the upcoming costs for:

  • Payment of wages to employees
  • Costs for abrasive materials, consumables, etc.
  • Costs for transportation of equipment and employees
  • If you do not have a compressor, then the cost of renting it
  • Installation costs for additional cleaning equipment: scaffolding, awnings, mechanical lifting equipment

BY THE WAY. To reduce the economic risks associated with the work, it makes sense to do a test sandblasting of the surface before starting the main work. Preliminary testing will help to more accurately determine the degree and nature of surface contamination, what degree of roughness is obtained after treatment with one or another abrasive material, and other factors. Such testing will help determine the necessary costs and create an estimate.

Business plan

Sandblasting materials

1. Project summary

Objective of the project:

Justification for receiving a subsidy to start your own business;

Justification of the economic feasibility of doing business;

Profitability calculation;

Planning the main costs of organizing an enterprise.

The essence of the project:

Individual entrepreneur Sergey Anatolyevich Voronchikhin is organizing an enterprise for sandblasting materials: glass, metal.

2. Description of the industry

Currently, to ensure the durability of various surfaces, modern coatings based on the latest innovative technologies are used. However, no coating can perform its intended function of preserving the quality of the surface if it has not been first cleaned before its application.

One of the most effective technologies for cleaning various types of surfaces is sandblasting. It is used to clean surfaces made of metal, stone, concrete, wood and even leather.

A special sandblasting technology makes it possible to perform artistic work such as, for example, decorative matting.

Sandblasting is understood as the treatment of surfaces by the action of sand as a grinding agent, which, under the influence of a difference in air pressure, is directed at a high speed onto the surface being treated.

Depending on the material and particle size, pressure drop, time of exposure to the surface, sandblasting can be carried out for surface cleaning, special preparation (for coating), removal of burrs and scale, hardening (shot blasting), decoration, etc.

Types of sandblasting:


Sandblasting finishing can quickly remove lightly attached flash from machined assemblies and can be more effective than hand or machine deburring in areas of limited accessibility.

Non-abrasive deburring materials leave even fragile materials intact.


Paint, varnish and other coatings can be removed with speed and precision without damaging sensitive substrates and without dangerous chemical treatments or cleanup problems. If a part's fix requires a coating, sandblasting can clean the parts and leave the surfaces in an improved condition for recoating.

Cleaning without dimensional change.

Using dry methods, even complex shapes and sensitive materials can be effectively cleaned without erosion or dimensional change.

Ideal for cleaning precision dies, dies and tools without damaging delicate surfaces. Large rotating systems are often used to efficiently clean dies used in hot pressing processes.


Brittle burrs can be cleanly removed from shaped assemblies without altering adjacent surfaces using precise selective targeting. Alternatively, burrs can be removed while a full cosmetic finish is being applied to adjacent surfaces.


Using metal chips or beads, you can quickly remove foundry and welding scale, surface discoloration, oxides, rust and corrosion.

Restoring the appearance of the unit and relieving surface problems associated with painting, metallization, coating, design and other processes.

Fast final finishing of prototypes

If the goal of quickly working on a prototype part is to produce a model as close as possible to the finished part for evaluation, testing or actual small-scale production, then sandblasting equipment can achieve the result you need.

The final blowing treatment can smooth out the pitch lines from the previous treatment, create the correct cosmetic finish and prepare the base surface for painting.

Surface etching

Improved surface preparation or "fit" of the surfaces of composite parts can be easily achieved using sandblasting equipment.

Blowing can also expertly achieve an optimal surface profile to improve coating adhesion, resulting in consistent improvements in the performance and life expectancy of machine cutters and drills.

Light surface etching improves the bonding of parts by leveling substrates and is often used in the automotive interior design and trim markets to provide joints between plywood, plastic and rubber in special composite structures.

Cosmetic finishing

Cosmetic finishing can be an increasingly strong competitive advantage, making a product more attractive to the consumer.

Manual sandblasting systems are in their own niche for finishing large, heavy or low-volume assemblies.

Blower finishing can provide effective cosmetic finishing, artificial aging and renewal of bars, brick, glass, wood, fabric, ceramics, plastics.

Removing old coatings

When removing a tough, highly adhered coating layer or scale from a casting made using a wax matrix, sandblasting requires greater precision and high cutting ability of the material, which can be achieved by using hard abrasive blowing materials in an automated or manual pressure feeder.

Typical components that require very tight tolerances on profile shapes and curved surfaces include parts such as the edges of turbocharger impellers, cylinder heads, aircraft engine turbine blades, gold and silver jewelry, and dental plaques.

Hardening shot blasting

The latest shot peening designs leverage the latest advances in process control and leverage the company's blowing automation expertise to build shot peening devices that can produce predictable work hardening with consistent, repeatable results to specific specifications.

Engraving and etching of glass

The blowing process can be used as a pure etching process to produce emblems and insignia on glass, ceramics, cutlery and medals, and at extremely fast speeds - a drinking glass can be engraved with insignia in approximately one second. Also, distinctive patterns, textures and matte finishes can be achieved on flat plate glass and art glass by using different types of blowing materials and pressure adjustments.


Sandblasting equipment is designed for surface treatment with various abrasive materials. Sandblasting equipment is divided into two types: open (sandblasting machine) and closed (sandblasting chamber) type of surface treatment. The sandblasting machine is mobile and is used for cleaning the internal and external surfaces of metal, concrete and other structures. The sandblasting chamber is used to carry out abrasive treatment of surfaces in a confined space. In this case, the dimensions of the treated surface are limited by the dimensions of the chamber.

Sandblasting glass

Sandblasting glass is a decorative glass processing technology based on abrasive surface treatment with a jet of liquid or air with particles of solid abrasive material under a pressure of 4-6 atmospheres. Typically, quartz sand particles are used as an abrasive, but sometimes other materials are used whose hardness is comparable to or exceeds that of glass. On average, the productivity of sandblasting glass in automatic mode is 3-4 sq.m., with manual processing the productivity is significantly reduced.

Sandblasting decorative processing using stencils is also used to create designs on glass. Traditionally, a design for a stencil is drawn in some kind of graphics package and cut out of the film on a cutting plotter. The sequential use of several stencils allows you to obtain areas with varying degrees of processing in terms of matte coating and depth.

The use of abrasive particles of various sizes and varying the depth of abrasive decorative sandblasting significantly expands the decorative possibilities of glass sandblasting. After processing the glass, a transparent paint and varnish coating is used, which prevents contamination of the glass surface and gives it hydrophobic (water-repellent) properties. To obtain a colored matte effect, decorative sandblasting of glass can also be used. To do this, a small amount of colored pigment is added to the clear varnish used to protect frosted glass.

Sandblasting metal

Sandblasting of metals is used to obtain matte surfaces. It is done using a sandblasting machine; it involves treating the surface of the product with dry sand, which is supplied under pressure.

Depending on the size of the sand grains, a different texture is obtained - from soft velvety to coarse-grained. The sizes of sand grains are also selected in accordance with the material to be processed. Thus, for thin sheet metal (chased, stamped products), as well as to obtain the finest velvety matte shade, sand grains measuring 0.05-0.15 mm are used, air pressure is up to 0.5 atm. For thicker materials - steel sheets and cast iron - use sand with a grain size of 0.2-0.5 mm, air pressure - up to 1 atm. Large castings from ferrous and non-ferrous metals are treated with sand with a grain size of 0.5-1.5 mm, air pressure up to 1.5 atm. To obtain rough textures, sand with a grain size of 2-2.5 mm is used at an air pressure of up to 2.5 atm.

Sandblasting is successfully used to clean products from old paint and varnish coatings, remove rust, and also in the artistic processing of some products. Partial sandblasting is carried out using stencils that cover those areas of the surface that do not need treatment. The material for stencils is thin sheet metal, sheet plastic, etc.