Business plan for working with raw rubber. Liquid rubber waterproofing business. Consumption of raw materials and other materials

Water, where it should be - in a bathtub, sauna, river or sea, not only pleases the eye, but invigorates and cheers up any person. But water, where it should not be, can become a source big problem. It's about about metal corrosion, a leaking lid, or a wet basement. And then the water turns into an enemy, which must be stopped at any cost. Therefore, the waterproofing business will always be in demand.

There are many waterproofing products on the market with various unique properties, intended for independent or professional use. Household waterproofing products cannot withstand any comparative competition with professional ones, so there is only one way to make money on them - by selling these products. If you are planning to start a professional waterproofing business, then you need the appropriate funds. The leaders in this service market today are: liquid rubber and polyurea. Let's consider each method separately.

Features of the waterproofing business liquid rubber

Liquid rubber, polymer material based on bitumen. In fact, the material is not rubber chemical composition However, performance properties similar to rubber are the basis of the name.

“Liquid rubber” or CBS mastic is a one- or two-component bitumen-latex water emulsion modified with various polymers.

Liquid rubber is used for external waterproofing of roofs, basements, metal structures, swimming pools and other objects where waterproofing is necessary. This composition is applied using ordinary hand tools - roller, brush, spatula. Either using special spray equipment, in this case, CBS mastic is supplied with a coagulant ( water solution calcium chloride) from a two-nozzle sprayer. The coagulant flows off the surface, and the mastic polymerizes almost instantly. This coating can be used 2 hours after application.

The disadvantages of this material are: instability under UV radiation, low mechanical wear resistance, susceptible to destruction in aggressive environments (solvents, gasoline, brake fluid). Therefore, “liquid rubber” is additionally protected with a second layer, for example, paint from UV rays.

Key advantages of the material and equipment features- low cost (compared to polyurea). Spray equipment and raw materials produce various enterprises in Russia, so starting in this type of business costs no more than 150 thousand rubles. Of this, 50-100 thousand costs a special installation, and 50 thousand will be spent on setting up a business and purchasing raw materials (based on 100 rubles per 1 kg of mastic). You can also reduce costs and apply liquid rubber manually, which will affect the timing of the work, but entering such a business will cost only 30-50 thousand rubles.

The cost of waterproofing with liquid rubber is from 700 rubles per square meter. A team of 2 people can handle the job. Thus, equipment manufacturers claim that 1000 square meters of rubber can be sprayed in 8 hours, that is, in 1 working day. This service is mainly used by private clients.

Video: liquid rubber waterproofing

Polyurea waterproofing business

Polyurea (polyuria, polyurea)- a synthetic material created using chemical reactions based on natural elements. When applied, it forms an extremely durable and very elastic seamless layer. The tensile strength of such a film is more than 35 MPa. The strength of the material is not inferior to ceramic tiles.

Key feature of this material- high waterproofing properties, chemical and mechanical resistance, under ultraviolet rays the mixture only changes color. The material is practically indifferent to the temperature of the surface being treated, since polymerization is carried out by a special catalyst. Also, the material acts as an excellent dielectric. When applied correctly, the service life of the coating reaches 20 years.

To work with this material, you need special equipment - equipment (reactor) for polyurea and polyurethane foam, as well as the so-called components - “liquid A and B”. The reactor is responsible for heating, dosing and injection, and mixing of the mixtures occurs immediately before spraying.

Disadvantages of Polyurea Business— high cost of components and equipment, and application of the material is impossible without equipment. Since, as a rule, all production of the installations or components in this area of ​​business is concentrated abroad (Europe, USA, China). Therefore, the initial cost of the equipment is quite high - from 250 thousand for the initial set. Raw materials are also not cheap. The total cost of entering a business can reach up to 1 million rubles.

Additionally, using of this equipment It is possible to spray polyurethane foam (PPU) insulation.

However, the superiority of polyurea as a waterproofing material makes such a business very popular, even compared to liquid rubber. The cost of application per 1 square meter is from 1500 rubles. The high cost of such a roof is compensated by a long turnaround time, so, already in the third year of operation of the roof without repairs, the cost of application (taking into account the savings on repairs) is reduced to 1000 rubles. Ease of installation also ensures high productivity - up to 500 square meters per working day. Mainly, this service is used by large clients - management companies (flat roofs of houses, waterproofing of basements and ceilings), enterprises (roofing workshops, electromechanical protection of equipment) and so on.

Video: waterproofing with polyurea

* The calculations use average data for Russia

If you constantly follow the latest advances in science, you can glean many ideas for a new, completely unexplored type of business. Such a scientific novelty can be considered a relatively recently appeared waterproofing material, which quickly received the name “liquid rubber”. Like regular rubber made from rubber, its liquid counterpart does not allow moisture to pass through and is a good coating for protection against it. In technical documents you can find its English name - liquid rubber - and it is liquid rubber, a polymer-bitumen water emulsion, which is brought to the state of mastic. This substance adheres perfectly to any surface, is not exposed to high temperatures, does not peel off or flow over time even from vertical surfaces, and at the same time, the natural ingredients included in the composition are safe for humans. When in contact with surfaces, liquid rubber does not form toxic compounds and does not emit volatile toxic substances. Waterproofing with liquid rubber has already been recognized innovative method surface treatment.

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But despite the huge list of advantages of using such a material in the absence of any significant disadvantages, a very small number of companies are engaged in waterproofing with liquid rubber. Even in large cities, the practice of using it has not yet become widespread, and novice businessmen have every chance to occupy an unoccupied niche. Gradually people are beginning to pay attention to this mastic, but market saturation is still very far away. Demand is not very high precisely because of the lack of awareness of potential consumers, although liquid rubber has many applications. Therefore, if you engage in the right marketing campaign, you can win by being the first to open your own organization that provides waterproofing services for almost anything.

The main advantage of such an undertaking is that it is possible to quickly achieve success, but any delay threatens the emergence of new players. Of course, in a couple of years such a business idea will already be well-known and irrelevant, but for now everything is exactly the opposite. However, it should be noted that some progressive construction companies have already adopted this technology and offer it as one of their services. But they work mainly with large companies and entrepreneurs carrying out large-scale construction, but no one has yet relied on ordinary people. Therefore, the first thing you need to do is study all the competitors in your city, evaluate their offers, so as not to fight with them in the future for one client, while another may be interested in the service, but not receive it.

So, to start your business, you need to register as a subject entrepreneurial activity. In this case, you can already register and how individual entrepreneur, because waterproofing with liquid rubber falls under the category of non-capital construction. The activity code is (OKPD 2) 43.99 Other specialized construction works, not included in other groups. You also no longer require licenses for your work or membership in a self-regulatory organization. That is, you can work as a separate organization providing only waterproofing work. But here it should be noted that it is still desirable to establish cooperation with self-regulatory organizations and construction trade unions, because in this case it will be possible to receive orders from large objects, and also new services construction companies will be promoted. That is, this will be additional help and a way to promote your work. But, of course, you can work as a single person without wasting your time and energy on participating in trade union events.

It is important to note that although the seamless spray waterproofing process is a fairly simple procedure, having theoretical knowledge will not be enough. Ideally, if the entrepreneur himself was previously engaged in the construction industry, and not doing paperwork, but directly working on a construction site, because then it will be easier for him to master the unit needed for spraying and quickly adapt to high-quality execution of orders. If you don’t have the knowledge and experience, then you need to start waterproofing some surface yourself before visiting your first clients. It is important to know that liquid rubber is applied in many places - from foundations to roofs - and the surface can be located at any angle (up to a flat vertical wall), and the surface material practically does not matter.

The only limitation is that seamless sprayed waterproofing is not recommended for use in open spaces during rain, as well as at low temperatures, but otherwise this two-component mastic is universal and can be applied almost anywhere. That is, in large-scale construction, many floors, flooded rooms, roofs and in general everything that can come into contact with water are covered with a similar membrane; in private households, it is most important to offer it to protect artificial reservoirs, which are most often represented by swimming pools.

Such a wide variety of applications requires the worker to have practical skills in construction, because if you don’t know where and what kind of seam is located, how best to insulate the surface, what kind of protection should be in certain places, what influences the surface will be exposed to, then there is a considerable probability of making poor quality work, and this can lead to loss of reputation. For a start-up company, this can sometimes be a critical mistake that costs the whole business. That is, if the entrepreneur himself understands that he does not have sufficient knowledge to carry out this work, then he needs to hire specially trained people who can carry out waterproofing and have experience with cold spraying of substances onto the surface. They could be ordinary builders who were engaged in finishing the premises, workers whose field of activity was the operation of compressors, people who understand the technical principle of the operation of spraying devices and know how best to apply the material.

Ready ideas for your business

At the first stages, while there are few orders, you can get by with one person, but you will always have the opportunity to supplement the staff, since if successful, the number of applications will only grow, and one person simply cannot physically cope with them all. And time is also important to clients, because waterproofing is not always the last stage of building construction and waiting for a specialist to carry out this work can slow down the entire construction process. It’s very good to know the number of potential customers before starting, so that if necessary, you can hire several people at once, because every client is important, who, after providing him with good services, will become a “living advertisement” recommending the company to all his friends.

Of course, all other types of advertising are also effective, but word of mouth has always been the most uncontrolled, but also the most in an effective way conveying information to target audience. And here you need to understand that it can play both on the side of the entrepreneur and against him, and then even television commercials will not help restore your name.

The marketing campaign itself should be focused specifically on conveying information to the consumer about all the advantages of waterproofing with liquid rubber. Fortunately, here you don’t have to resort to tricks and deception; this is truly a method that has many advantages over its analogues. As noted above, you can enter large construction projects by becoming a member of some construction union, then developers are more likely to turn to a member of the union than to a third-party company.

Ready ideas for your business

Individuals should learn about seamless spraying waterproofing services from other sources, and here it would be a good idea to leave their flyers in construction stores and on relevant Internet portals.

It may be advisable to create your own simple business card website, but only if the city is large and the number of potential consumers is also large; in small towns the site will require more money for their maintenance than to generate income. Construction companies themselves can purchase devices for cold application of liquid rubber for their needs, but individuals who are planning to make repairs and build a building themselves will turn to the services of companies. It’s a rare person who is willing to spend a lot of money on expensive equipment that will only be used once. It is better to focus specifically on the owners of your households, for them this is much more relevant. As for ATL marketing advertising (banners, commercials on radio and television), this is a costly way of conveying information and is quite ineffective, from huge amount a small percentage of people will be interested in the offer.

To apply liquid rubber to a surface, you cannot do without the appropriate equipment. There are already companies on the market that offer the purchase of specialized units adapted only to work with polymer-bitumen water emulsion. It is not recommended to buy some kind of universal device; if it is not designed for this mastic, it will break down more often and malfunction during operation. It’s also not worth skimping and buying cheap cars; in addition to the increased frequency of repairs, the entrepreneur will acquire something that is not capable of applying the membrane evenly and without wasting material. Good devices can also be found in Russia, that is, from a Russian manufacturer. It should be borne in mind that the raw materials may differ depending on the manufacturer, and effective operation can be achieved if the raw materials recommended by the manufacturer of the spray machine are used.

As you might guess, it is unlikely that a foreign company creates devices designed for mixing and spraying consumables manufactured by a company in another country. Of course, progress does not stand still, and the universalization of all equipment is gradually taking place, but for now it is better to find a Russian manufacturer of the unit, and with a high degree of probability he will either be the supplier of raw materials himself or will be able to recommend a suitable one.

Ready ideas for your business

You also need to choose what type of power supply is provided in the equipment. Units have now been developed that run on liquid fuel, meaning there is no need to pull the power cord from the source.

The cost of the device itself starts from 120 thousand rubles and can reach 180 thousand for foreign samples. The average price that can be found from manufacturers is 140 thousand rubles; for this money they supply mobile equipment that is quite reliable and efficient in operation. Depending on the device, you need to choose the brand of liquid rubber. Liquid rubber can also be presented in the form of solid granules and sold not only in barrels, but also in bags. It is best to study reviews about this or that equipment and raw materials in order to choose the right one.

The material, liquid rubber itself, must be purchased in large quantities, since its consumption is about 3 kilograms or 2.5 liters of raw material per square meter of processed area. And this is on the condition that the layer will be only 2 millimeters, but sometimes it is necessary to increase this figure to 3 millimeters. The cost of 200 kilograms of mastic is about 25 thousand rubles, but if you purchase large quantities, the price, of course, will decrease significantly. That is why, if you plan to work on large construction projects, you need a lot of raw materials. After all, if you do the math, then 200 kilograms is enough to process only 66 m2, and for large high-rise buildings this is not enough. It is better to purchase raw materials for at least 100 thousand rubles, but, of course, everything depends on the market and development prospects.

In addition to the mastic itself and the spray bottle, you need to purchase a protective suit for workers. The applied liquid rubber itself is not dangerous to human health, but in a sprayed state, like many other substances, it can cause respiratory diseases. It is not necessary to purchase professional gas masks; you need a waterproof closed suit, rubber boots, gloves, eye protection goggles and a regular respirator. It will cost about 10 thousand rubles to dress one worker. If the work will be performed not only by the machine operator, but also by his assistant, then it is enough for the second to buy a rubberized suit with a hood. This is approximately another 5 thousand rubles. Geographically, employees can stay in a small office while not working, although some entrepreneurs do not rent premises at all, calling their employees upon receipt of an order, which they themselves accept on their phone or through the website. Now you can calculate the size starting capital:

    Registration – 20 thousand rubles.

    Rent of premises - from 20 thousand rubles.

    Salary to employees is 35 thousand rubles (20 for an operator, 15 for an assistant, it can be zero if the entrepreneur does all the work himself, without unnecessary help).

    Equipment – ​​140 thousand rubles.

    Raw materials - 100 thousand rubles.

    Employee clothing – 15 thousand rubles.

    Outsourcing – 5 thousand rubles.

Total amount: 370 thousand rubles, monthly expenses: 55 thousand rubles.

It is quite possible to reduce both start-up capital and monthly expenses if you do not hire workers, and also if you buy less raw materials (but this is only possible in small cities). Not having your own premises also saves a lot of money, because you can store equipment and raw materials at home, if the territory allows it. But you need to think about how employees will get to work at large facilities, because in this case they will have to drag a considerable weight of the liquid rubber itself. Here you can consider the option of purchasing a small truck, which can transport up to several hundredweight of raw materials. And the equipment itself needs to be transported somehow, and at least a passenger car is required. Therefore, it is worth adding about another 300 thousand rubles to purchase a used car, in which you can transport not only employees, but also Consumables. However, in small towns, where facilities are small and a lot of raw materials are not required, it is quite possible to get by with passenger transport, which may be available to employees or the entrepreneur himself.125

Today, the price for waterproofing one square meter of area with liquid rubber is no less than 700 rubles, provided the membrane thickness is at least two hundred millimeters. The cost of one meter of processing is 130 rubles (5 rubles can be added for transportation costs). Thus, for those same 66 m2 that are processed with standard packaging of 200 kilograms of raw materials, the entrepreneur will receive a little more than 37 thousand rubles. In a large city, even one relatively large facility has to process significantly more areas. Therefore, waterproofing two hundred square meters with liquid rubber will bring the businessman 114 thousand rubles of income, the operating profit of which will be 59 thousand rubles. But sometimes two hundred square meters have to be processed in only one facility. If you receive two such orders, then the operating profit will rise to 173 thousand rubles, and the profitability even in this case already exceeds 75%.

Example 1. There is a foundation for a cottage under construction with a perimeter of 150 meters and a height of 3 meters.

The design has a complex perimeter geometry. Also on the foundation there are sinkholes with a depth of more than 1 cm (formed when concrete is poured with poor quality formwork). The total area of ​​the sinks is 10 m2. Also, the presence of four vertical joints of the foundation slabs and a complete connection at the joint of the foundation walls to the foundation lens. The foundation also has 8 90-degree angles (i.e. sharp corners).

Foundations of any type, especially those of complex geometry (and such foundations are now the majority, since projects often include wine cellars, billiard rooms, swimming pools, etc.) - this is the kind of work that can be done efficiently and quickly only using seamless spraying technology waterproofing Liquid Rubber.

Scope of work for this object:

The total area of ​​the foundation is 450 m2, of which 150 m2 is at a depth of over 2 meters;
The total area of ​​shells with an average depth of 1 cm is 10 m2;
The total area of ​​joints, corners and junctions is 4x3m (linear footage of the vertical joints of the foundation slabs) + 150m (linear footage of the junctions at the junction of the foundation walls to the foundation lens) + 8x3m (linear footage of 8 “type” 90 degree corners) = 12 + 150 + 24 = 186 m2.

Equipment used (prices as of fall 2015):

Installation of RX-28/220V (the choice is due to the lack of 380V electrical power supply at the site). Cost - 168,500 rubles;
Overalls, electric stirrer, working tools - according to the list of additional equipment and accessories for the RX-28/220V installation. Cost - about 11,500 rubles.

TOTAL for equipment - 180,000 rubles.

Raw materials and material consumption (prices as of autumn 2015):

Two-component waterproofing system “Liquid Rubber for underground structures” - 300m2 x 3l/m2 (waterproofing of the foundation at a depth of up to 2 meters) + 150m2 x 4l/m2 (waterproofing of the foundation at a depth of over 2 meters) + 450m2 x 0.5l/m2 (preliminary priming waterproofed surface) = 900l + 600l + 225l = 1775 liters. Cost 1775l x 125 rubles/l = 221875 rubles;
Calcium chloride, 2 bags of 25 kg (at the rate of 1 bag per 1000 liters of “Liquid Rubber”). Cost 2 bags x 1000 rubles/bag = 2000 rubles;
Geotextile substrate - 0.2 m (width of the reinforcing strip) x 186 m2 (total area of ​​“dangerous” places) = 37.2 m2. Cost 37.2 m2 x 20 rubles/m2 = 744 rubles;

TOTAL for raw materials and supplies - 224,619 rubles.

Time required to apply liquid rubber:

Sealing and waterproofing sinks 10 m2 - 2 hours.
Preliminary priming of the waterproofed surface 450m2 x 0.5l/m2 = 225l - 30…45 minutes (including possible stops).
Rolling of geotextiles in “dangerous” places of joints, corners and abutments: 0.2 m (width of the reinforcing strip) x 186 m2 - 3 hours (slowly and efficiently).
Application of liquid rubber 1500l. - 3.5...4 hours.

TOTAL time spent: 9…10 hours.

Economic assessment of roof waterproofing with liquid rubber.

The reliability and durability of flat roofs is guaranteed by the use of modern construction technologies and materials, such as liquid rubber. Such roofs are distinguished by: water resistance, non-flammability, ease of installation and maintenance, and long service life.

In relation to soft roofs, there are 2 types of work:

1. Major roof repairs - includes complete removal of the old waterproofing (usually roofing felt) covering, repair of the screed, laying of a new roofing carpet.
2. Maintenance roofing - consists of replacing defective areas of the old roofing material covering, sealing holes and cracks and laying new material.

Example 2. Major flat roof repairs.

Number of aerators 1-2 pcs. for 50-100 sq. m. The cost of one standard roof aerator is 700 rubles/piece. The cost of its installation is 350-400 rubles/piece.

In places of swelling, you should make a cross-shaped cut (opening with an “envelope”), bend the panel, thoroughly clean the base, dry it with a gas burner flame and apply mastic to both the base and the carpet panel. Then the folded edges of the carpet are returned to their place and pressed. For this operation, it is advisable to use ready-made cold mastics.

The cost of one-component mastic is 250 rubles/kg, consumption 1.5-2.0 kg/sq. m.

Places where the rolled material has completely rotted must be cut out. Thoroughly clean the resulting recess and fill it with cement-sand mortar.

The more accurately the cutting is done, the less likely it will be necessary to repair the screed. To repair a cement-sand screed, a solution of a grade of at least 150 is used. 8-10 days after installation, the screed is primed. Bitumen-polymer mastic (liquid rubber, without hardener) is used as a primer.
Consumption 0.5 kg per 1 sq. m, price 125 rub/kg.

Reinforcement increases strength, but reduces the elasticity of the mastic coating, so it is necessary to understand what is preferable for a given roof. Reinforcement can be performed only in individual nodes (usually abutments and mates).

Reinforcement is done as follows. Using the spraying method, a thin layer of Liquid rubber is applied (without a hardener), with a consumption of 0.3-0.5 kg, geotextiles are laid and rolled with rollers to ensure a tight fit to the base over the entire surface, then a thin layer of Liquid rubber is applied on top - a consumption of 0.5 kg /sq m for impregnation of geotextiles, holding until completely dry for 2-5 hours.

After all the above work is completed, the main waterproofing coating (liquid rubber) is installed.

Bitumen-polymer mastic is applied by spraying; RX series equipment for liquid rubber is used to perform this work.

The consumption of bitumen-polymer mastic is 3.0 kg per 1 sq.m to provide a waterproofing layer of at least 2 mm.

Cost 1 kg - 155 rubles.

Example 3. Repair of the flat roof of an industrial building 20x30 m.

The total coverage area is 600 sq. m.
Old roofing felt covering. There are swellings on the roof with a total area of ​​100 sq. m.
When removing (cutting down) the swellings, depressions 30 mm deep were formed.

Approximate cost estimate for materials:

Name of materials

Unit measurements



Material consumption

Total, rub.

Sand cement

Bag (50 kg)

250 rub/mesh

1.2 mesh/sq m (screed thickness 30 mm)


20 rub/sq m


1 piece/100 sq m

Primer and impregnation of geotextiles (Daklar)
Main waterproofing layer (Daklar)

Saturation modern market building materials, an ever-expanding range and the regular appearance of various new products is explained by the very high demand for such products. Moreover, according to statistics, construction will steadily increase its pace in the future.

That is why we can conclude that a business based on waterproofing with liquid rubber is a promising and profitable activity. This innovative material is used to cover floors, foundations and even roofs. The main positive point is the low initial investment. And the right approach to the development of this type of activity allows you to count on a decent and stable income.

Market and competitor analysis

The basis of this business idea is the organization of waterproofing work using liquid rubber. The direction is quite new and does not require significant investments and, by the way, has a very high percentage of profitability.

There are not so many competitors in this market, but the following reasons cannot be ignored, which serve as a significant obstacle to starting your own business:

  • high taxes;
  • imperfect, complex and confusing Russian legal system.

Production plan

Organizing a business requires purchasing:

  • Spray equipment, through which the composition is mixed and subsequently sprayed.
  • Personal protective equipment for workers.

Installations for spraying liquid rubber have enough a wide range of, which allows you to select the appropriate power. The cost of an imported installation exceeds the domestic equivalent by approximately 80-100 thousand rubles. By the way, imported equipment has one significant drawback: it requires exclusively Western raw materials to operate, which puts the entrepreneur within a certain framework and significantly increases the cost of the final product.

There is absolutely no danger to human health in the applied rubber, and individual means protection is needed because its atomized state can provoke respiratory disease.

There is no need to stock up on professional gas masks, but about having a waterproof closed suit, rubber boots, gloves, eye protection glasses and a regular respirator are worth taking care of. The cost of uniforms for one employee is approximately 10 thousand rubles.

You also need to organize a small office in which employees will be located at times when there are no orders.

When choosing a suitable production premises The following important aspects should be taken into account:

  • the ceiling height must be at least 6 meters;
  • availability of communications and power lines not less than 380 kW;
  • square at least 300 sq. m.;
  • the room must be equipped with a good ventilation system.

The best location is a suburban area.

Financial plan

The amount of starting capital includes:

  • official registration – 20 thousand rubles;
  • rental of premises - from 20 thousand rubles. and higher (depending on many factors);
  • organization advertising campaign– 35 thousand rubles;
  • wages to employees - 35 thousand rubles, including 20 thousand rubles. – operator, 15 thousand rubles. - assistant. Also, this expense item may be zero if the entrepreneur himself goes out to fulfill orders;
  • acquisition necessary equipment– 140 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of raw materials – 100 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of personal protective equipment – ​​15 thousand rubles;
  • outsourcing – 5 thousand rubles.

Total: 370 thousand rubles.– the amount of one-time costs and 55 thousand rubles.– monthly.

Reducing costs can be achieved by reducing staff and purchasing fewer raw materials. You can save no less significantly if you organize storage of equipment and material on your own territory, rather than in rented premises.

In addition, it is necessary to resolve the issue regarding delivery to large objects, because liquid rubber in large volumes weighs a lot. In this case, you should think about purchasing a small truck into which you can load several hundredweight of raw materials. And to transport the equipment itself, you need at least a passenger car. Therefore it should be about 300 thousand rubles. include in the estimate for the purchase of a used car, in which it will be possible to transport not only people, but also consumables.

Organizational plan

The start of any business begins with registration as a subject business sphere. This type activity allows, since waterproofing is part of the non-capital construction category.

There is also no need to obtain a work license or join a self-regulatory organization. But cooperation with the construction trade union is still desirable, as this allows you to count on receiving large orders and has a positive effect on the promotion of the new service.

Seamless spray waterproofing is very simple procedure, but some theoretical knowledge is still necessary. The ideal option is when the entrepreneur has experience working in construction. In this case, mastering the unit required for spraying is faster and easier. If you don’t have the knowledge and experience, then you definitely need to practice a little before going to your first client and master the technology.

Liquid rubber can be applied to many surfaces - from the foundation to the roof, while any angle of inclination is allowed (it can even be a vertical wall), the coating also does not matter.

If we consider large-scale construction, we can say that such a membrane is used to cover a wide variety of floors, flooded rooms, roofs and in general any surfaces in contact with any liquid. And if we talk about private home ownership, then its most relevant use is the protection of an artificial reservoir or swimming pool.

For the first stage of work, when there are not many orders yet, one person will be enough, and over time, when there are more clients, it is better to hire the appropriate number of employees, since waiting too long can scare away the customer.

Marketing plan

The best for this type of business marketing ploy– this is “live advertising”, that is, when one satisfied customer tells his friends about how well his order was completed. Of course, no one has canceled the use of other types of advertising either, but word of mouth is the most effective method delivering information to the target audience.

The construction of the entire marketing campaign should be based on the advantages of this type of waterproofing. It is recommended to distribute leaflets through various construction stores and post information about the material on the appropriate Internet portal and in thematic groups on social networks.

Creating a business card website is only advisable if you plan to open a business in a big city.

Risk analysis

The full production cycle begins with the delivery of raw materials, continues with the intended use of equipment and ends with the sale of the final product. In this case, the following risks may occur:

  • Late delivery of raw materials. The likelihood of this situation occurring can be minimized by signing long-term contracts with reliable (long-established in the market) suppliers.
  • Technological failures with equipment. Possible troubles can be avoided by following the supplied operating instructions and timely maintenance.
  • Unprofessional work hired employee, transfer of a trade secret to a competitor and other intra-company risks.

One or another number of risks is inherent in any business activity, and the development of a number of preventive measures allows not only to prepare for their occurrence, but also to completely eliminate them.

Video material about this activity

From the video you can find out information about the material and the stages of working with it:

Example 1. There is a foundation for a cottage under construction with a perimeter of 150 meters and a height of 3 meters.

The design has a complex perimeter geometry. Also on the foundation there are sinkholes with a depth of more than 1 cm (formed when concrete is poured with poor quality formwork). The total area of ​​the sinks is 10 m2. Also, the presence of four vertical joints of the foundation slabs and a complete connection at the joint of the foundation walls to the foundation lens. The foundation also has 8 90-degree angles (i.e. sharp corners).

Foundations of any type, especially those of complex geometry (and such foundations are now the majority, since projects often include wine cellars, billiard rooms, swimming pools, etc.) - this is the kind of work that can be done efficiently and quickly only using seamless spraying technology waterproofing Liquid Rubber.

Scope of work for this object:

The total area of ​​the foundation is 450 m2, of which 150 m2 is at a depth of over 2 meters;
The total area of ​​shells with an average depth of 1 cm is 10 m2;
The total area of ​​joints, corners and junctions is 4x3m (linear footage of the vertical joints of the foundation slabs) + 150m (linear footage of the junctions at the junction of the foundation walls to the foundation lens) + 8x3m (linear footage of 8 “type” 90 degree corners) = 12 + 150 + 24 = 186 m2.

Equipment used (prices as of fall 2015):

Installation of RX-28/220V (the choice is due to the lack of 380V electrical power supply at the site). Cost - 168,500 rubles;
Overalls, electric stirrer, working tools - according to the list of additional equipment and accessories for the RX-28/220V installation. Cost - about 11,500 rubles.

TOTAL for equipment - 180,000 rubles.

Raw materials and material consumption (prices as of autumn 2015):

Two-component waterproofing system “Liquid Rubber for underground structures” - 300m2 x 3l/m2 (waterproofing of the foundation at a depth of up to 2 meters) + 150m2 x 4l/m2 (waterproofing of the foundation at a depth of over 2 meters) + 450m2 x 0.5l/m2 (preliminary priming waterproofed surface) = 900l + 600l + 225l = 1775 liters. Cost 1775l x 125 rubles/l = 221875 rubles;
Calcium chloride, 2 bags of 25 kg (at the rate of 1 bag per 1000 liters of “Liquid Rubber”). Cost 2 bags x 1000 rubles/bag = 2000 rubles;
Geotextile substrate - 0.2 m (width of the reinforcing strip) x 186 m2 (total area of ​​“dangerous” places) = 37.2 m2. Cost 37.2 m2 x 20 rubles/m2 = 744 rubles;

TOTAL for raw materials and supplies - 224,619 rubles.

Time required to apply liquid rubber:

Sealing and waterproofing sinks 10 m2 - 2 hours.
Preliminary priming of the waterproofed surface 450m2 x 0.5l/m2 = 225l - 30…45 minutes (including possible stops).
Rolling of geotextiles in “dangerous” places of joints, corners and abutments: 0.2 m (width of the reinforcing strip) x 186 m2 - 3 hours (slowly and efficiently).
Application of liquid rubber 1500l. - 3.5...4 hours.

TOTAL time spent: 9…10 hours.

Economic assessment of roof waterproofing with liquid rubber.

The reliability and durability of flat roofs is guaranteed by the use of modern construction technologies and materials, such as liquid rubber. Such roofs are distinguished by: water resistance, non-flammability, ease of installation and maintenance, and long service life.

In relation to soft roofs, there are 2 types of work:

1. Major roof repairs - includes complete removal of the old waterproofing (usually roofing felt) covering, repair of the screed, laying of a new roofing carpet.
2. Routine roof repairs - consists of replacing defective areas of the old roofing felt covering, sealing holes and cracks and laying new material.

Example 2. Major flat roof repairs.

Number of aerators 1-2 pcs. for 50-100 sq. m. The cost of one standard roof aerator is 700 rubles/piece. The cost of its installation is 350-400 rubles/piece.

In places of swelling, you should make a cross-shaped cut (opening with an “envelope”), bend the panel, thoroughly clean the base, dry it with a gas burner flame and apply mastic to both the base and the carpet panel. Then the folded edges of the carpet are returned to their place and pressed. For this operation, it is advisable to use ready-made cold mastics.

The cost of one-component mastic is 250 rubles/kg, consumption 1.5-2.0 kg/sq. m.

Places where the rolled material has completely rotted must be cut out. Thoroughly clean the resulting recess and fill it with cement-sand mortar.

The more accurately the cutting is done, the less likely it will be necessary to repair the screed. To repair a cement-sand screed, a solution of a grade of at least 150 is used. 8-10 days after installation, the screed is primed. Bitumen-polymer mastic (liquid rubber, without hardener) is used as a primer.
Consumption 0.5 kg per 1 sq. m, price 125 rub/kg.

Reinforcement increases strength, but reduces the elasticity of the mastic coating, so it is necessary to understand what is preferable for a given roof. Reinforcement can be performed only in individual nodes (usually abutments and mates).

Reinforcement is done as follows. Using the spraying method, a thin layer of Liquid rubber is applied (without a hardener), with a consumption of 0.3-0.5 kg, geotextiles are laid and rolled with rollers to ensure a tight fit to the base over the entire surface, then a thin layer of Liquid rubber is applied on top - a consumption of 0.5 kg /sq m for impregnation of geotextiles, holding until completely dry for 2-5 hours.

After all the above work is completed, the main waterproofing coating (liquid rubber) is installed.

Bitumen-polymer mastic is applied by spraying; RX series equipment for liquid rubber is used to perform this work.

The consumption of bitumen-polymer mastic is 3.0 kg per 1 sq.m to provide a waterproofing layer of at least 2 mm.

Cost 1 kg - 155 rubles.

Example 3. Repair of the flat roof of an industrial building 20x30 m.

The total coverage area is 600 sq. m.
Old roofing felt covering. There are swellings on the roof with a total area of ​​100 sq. m.
When removing (cutting down) the swellings, depressions 30 mm deep were formed.

Approximate cost estimate for materials:

Name of materials

Unit measurements



Material consumption

Total, rub.

Sand cement

Bag (50 kg)

250 rub/mesh

1.2 mesh/sq m (screed thickness 30 mm)


20 rub/sq m


1 piece/100 sq m

Primer and impregnation of geotextiles (Daklar)
Main waterproofing layer (Daklar)