Letter of gratitude for sponsorship. Letter of gratitude for sponsorship provided. LLC "Nalchik sweetness"

Kindergarten "Mishutka" expresses gratitude for the provision of charitable assistance to:

Kostyuchkov Nikolai Dmitrievich, to CEO JSC "NEPT" for installing a video surveillance system on the territory kindergarten. Video surveillance in kindergarten is the installation of video cameras for the safety of children and property. The cameras were installed in as soon as possible, and video surveillance is now carried out around the clock. Video cameras are installed on the territory of the kindergarten, at each entrance to the building. The video cameras were installed by the staff of NEPT CJSC - Denis Sergeevich Kudashev (foreman), Dmitry Aleksandrovich Ivanov (installer), Vitaly Sergeevich Kuzovov (electrician).

Thanks to Sergei Aleksandrovich Olkhovikov, General Director of ElS OJSC, for replacing the lamps in group No. 8 with modern ones. Being in such a group will make children even happier and brighter. The lamps were replaced by master Semchenkov Mikhail Vyacheslavovich, electricians Surus Roman Fedorovich, Lemeshev Alexey Vladimirovich.

The interest of these organizations in our kindergarten and the desire to help solve pressing problems - all this deserves the warmest words of gratitude. A best thanks from the kindergarten students are their happy faces, optimism and cheerful mood! It's a pleasure to deal with companies that work reliably and promptly. We hope for further successful cooperation for the benefit of our children!

The administration of MBDOU d/s "Mishutka" expresses gratitude for the sponsorship provided in the renovation of the laundry and public premises of the design - construction company Intercon, represented by General Director Starchak Sergei Radievich.

The administration of the MBDOU d/s "Mishutka" expresses gratitude for the sponsorship provided in the renovation of the laundry of the design and construction company "Intercon", represented by the general director Starchak Sergei Radievich.

Sergey Radievich is a former student of the Mishutka kindergarten. When the head of Baturina A.I. approached him with a request, he responded with understanding to the needs of the kindergarten, sending a team of builders to Desnogorsk - Alexander Smirnov, Sergei Vishensky, Alexander Pakhomenko. The repair work was supervised by Vladimir Vasilievich Romanyuk. Since members of the construction team live in Smolensk, Sergei Radievich had to rent an apartment for them. The assistance of the Intercon company is an invaluable contribution to the development of the kindergarten, and
undoubtedly, tangible and significant support for us.

Dear Sergei Radievich!

We wish you and your team health, interesting ideas and their successful implementation, bright, significant events, personal happiness and further prosperity of the company!

The teaching staff and parents of group No. 5 express their gratitude to the director of Stroyizolatsiya LLC A.V. Starodubtsev for major repairs of group No. 5.

It became even more joyful for children to live in a group.

The teaching staff, parents and students of MBDOU d/s "Mishutka" express gratitude to the director of the Smolensk NPP Andrey Petrov and the Council of Enterprise Managers of the city of Desnogorsk for their assistance in the overhaul of our kindergarten.

The kindergarten, transformed and shining with the brightest colors, once again brings joy to its children.

We express our gratitude

Municipal budgetary educational institution additional education children "Desnogorsk Art School" municipal formation "city of Desnogorsk" of the Smolensk region

for the assistance provided.

The administration and teaching staff of the MBDOU d/s "Mishutka" in Desnogorsk express gratitude Open joint stock company "ElS" represented by Director General Olkhovikov Sergei Alexandrovich for the renovation and construction work carried out at a high professional level to create a sensory room for preschool children. In our kindergarten, the sensory room is used for educational exercises and activities with children with various sensory impairments, correction of play activities, to relieve stress during the adaptation period, correction of mental processes. Interaction with special equipment in the sensory room has a positive effect on the emotional state of children, stimulates the visual and auditory analyzers, fine motor skills, activates speech manifestations.

We would especially like to note the qualifications of ELS personnel, the clear structure of interaction between departments, the competence and diligence of employees, this is Yu.A. Kharitonov. (household manager), members of the construction team - V.P. Turchenkov, A.A Cherkasov, N.K. Fedosova, A.N. Aleshkin, M.R. Popov and A.V. Stolyarov. It’s a pleasure to deal with a company that works reliably, promptly, and most importantly, in accordance with its obligations, helped to develop optimal options solving complex problems. It was very pleasant to feel the efficiency and technically competent attitude to work on the part of your company’s employees during the entire period of our cooperation.

Dear Sergey Alexandrovich!

We wish you and the entire ElS team good health, personal happiness, creative success, successful projects and successful partnerships.

We are sincerely glad for your company’s new achievements and financial well-being! We look forward to further successful development of our business relations.

Workers of the "ElS" brigade

We express our gratitude to the deputy Smolensk Regional Duma, Director of JSC Atomtrans Mikhail Vasilievich Losenko,for assistance in purchasing a multimedia installation for the Mishutka kindergarten. The life of children in kindergarten will be even more interesting and educational. And parents will be able to see their children’s successes on the big screen.

The administration and teaching staff of the Mishutka kindergarten expresses deep gratitude for the charitable assistance to children - Okulsky M.G., Kryuchkov S.A., Ustyugova L, Kotov V., for beautiful and durable gates for a kindergarten. Children will be doubly happy when entering kindergarten, because they will be greeted at the gate by the funny Mishutka.

Deputy Patrakeev Yu.A., thank you so much for highlighting Money for installation of window blocks in group rooms. Warm and durable windows will delight children with their warmth during the cold season.

Khlopkov Vitaly Alexandrovich, Variant LLC, for the repair of the corridor. The bright and beautiful corridors delight the eyes with their aesthetics. It's always a pleasure to walk along such corridors.

Kotov Sergei Valerievich, General Director of Krona LLC, we express our gratitude for your help in designing the “Path of Health”. It is especially active in introducing children to a healthy lifestyle. "The Path of Health" allows for prevention and correction of children's health in a playful way.

Special thanks to - parents of groups No. 8 and 9za preparing group premises for the start of the new school year. Parental help is always invaluable and important for children.

We thank everyone for their understanding and provision of timely assistance to the kindergarten!

We wish you all the best and hope for further cooperation!!!

The administration and teaching staff of MBDOU d/s "Mishutka" expresses sincere gratitude to all parents who are not indifferent to the problems of the kindergarten and who take an active part in the full development of our preschool educational institution.

We look forward to further cooperation with you.

We thank Stroyizolatsiya LLC, represented by A.V. Starodubtsev, for their charitable assistance. and individual entrepreneur T.A. Mamedov.

We contact you with words of sincere gratitude for your active participation in solving some of the many problems of our kindergarten. Please accept our sincere gratitude for your caring attitude towards our problems.

Kindergarten "Mishutka" expresses gratitude to Irina Ivanovna Zaporozhtseva,for assistance in the development of preschool educational institutions.

Words of great gratitude to LLC “Variant” for their assistance in carrying out repair work in the kindergarten in the person of Tyurin Vyacheslav Nikolaevich and members of the team: foreman - Inna Troshina, builders - Nadezhda Demidova, Natalya Pomortseva, Maxim Frolov, Igor Gavrilenko in the repair of the kindergarten corridor. You convinced us of professionalism and high level performance of work. For us, you are a reliable, important and trusted partner who fulfills its obligations honestly and conscientiously.

Letter of thanks for sponsorship is currently widely used in business practice. Such a letter can be seen as a courtesy, as well as a way to maintain mutually beneficial cooperation.

Rules for writing thank you letters

Letters of gratitude are usually written in any form. Strict rules for their design regulatory documents not installed. Therefore, we can only recommend following general rules established for documentation.

Currently, GOST 6.30-2003 is in force, regulating the basic requirements for the preparation of documents.

From July 1, 2019, the national standard of the Russian Federation will come into force - GOST R 7.0.97-2016 “System of standards for information, library and publishing. Organizational and administrative documentation. Documentation requirements."

Therefore, in this article we will be guided by the requirements of the new GOST.

General requirements for documents

According to the new GOST, when drawing up a document, the following general requirements must be observed:

  1. Documents can be created either in paper or electronic form.
  2. If there is more than one page in a document, the pages should be numbered.
  1. When creating a document, you can use both the front and back sides of the sheet. In the case of a double-sided document, it is necessary to maintain equal margins. The left margin on the front side and the right margin on the back must be the same size, sufficient to ensure that the text of the document is readable after the document is filed.
  2. In the document, preference should be given to the following types and sizes of fonts:
  • Times New Roman No. 13, 14;
  • Arial No. 12, 13;
  • Verdana No. 12, 13;
  • Calibri No. 14 and similar.

Smaller font sizes may be used in document tables.

  1. The new paragraph should be indented 1.25 cm wide.
  2. Headings should be indented or centered in the text.
  3. Details consisting of more than one line should be formatted with one line spacing.
  4. The lines of the main text of the document should be spaced 1 - 1.5 line spacing from each other.
  5. The text of the document should be aligned to the width of the sheet (evenly).
  6. When creating details, a certain line size must be maintained. The length of the line for angular placement should be no more than 7.5 cm, for longitudinal placement - no more than 12 cm.
  7. Internal local act An organization may provide for the use of bold font when designing details, headings, and other text fragments.
  8. A document with a title page is allowed.

Formatting individual blocks of a thank you letter.Name of company

Background information on the organization

Reference data usually includes mailing address organization, telephone and fax numbers, address Email, organization website address if available. If the postal address does not coincide with the place where the organization is actually located, this should also be indicated.

Addressee (recipient) of the letter

When issuing a letter of gratitude for sponsorship, the addressee can be the organization itself, its division, or an official. The addressee can also be an individual.

In the case we are considering, it would be more correct to indicate the official of the sponsoring organization.

Data on the addressee is formed in the upper right part of the letter. It is recommended to align lines to the left, or center them relative to the longest line.

If the letter is sent to the head of an organization, then in addition to the position of the head and the name of the organization, the surname and initials of the head in the dative case are indicated.

The addressee data may also contain the postal address of the recipient of the thank you letter.

Main text of the letter

In a charity letter you should follow business style letters, but it is considered acceptable to use epithets, colorful descriptions and a more emotional style of presentation.

The focus should be on the event for which gratitude is expressed.

The final part expresses, for example, hope for further cooperation.

Other details of the letter

The type of document - “letter”, “letter of gratitude” is indicated under the name of the organization in the center of the sheet.

The date of the document must coincide either with the date the document was signed or with the date of the event reflected in the document.

Arabic numerals separated by a dot: 12/07/2017;

The place where the document was compiled must also be indicated. Allowed on business (official) letters, reports, memos and other internal information and reference documents do not indicate the place of compilation.

After the main text of the letter, a signature is placed, which must include the title of the position of the person signing the letter, his signature and a description of the signature (initials, surname).

In the event that the letter is not issued in letterhead organization, the job title must also contain the name of the organization.

Example of writing a thank you letter for sponsorship

Novosibirsk regional public organization of disabled people

"Federation of Disabled Athletes"

(NROOI “Federation of Disabled Athletes”)

12/18/2017 No. 1231/SP

Letter of thanks

Dear Vasily Nikolaevich,

I, as Chairman of the Council of the NROO "Federation of Disabled Athletes", sincerely express my sincere gratitude to you for your sponsorship in organizing a trip to the All-Russian football competition for disabled athletes.

During the almost two-week trip, the athletes, most of whom were making such a trip for the first time, not only competed in sports competitions, where they took third place, but were also able to get acquainted with our country, athletes from other regions, and received a charge of vigor and optimism for the future.

Our organization expresses its sincere gratitude to you. We wish you success and prosperity. May you be surrounded in life by people as kind and sympathetic as you are.

We hope for further cooperation with you, we will be glad to see you again among our sponsors.


Chairman of the Council of NROOI

“Federation of Disabled Athletes” _______________ A.A. Brave

Letter of gratitude from the Sosnovka House of Culture for help in replacing the heating. Or you can list the merits of the recipient of the thank you letter. A letter of gratitude (a sample is given below) is written to express gratitude for any actions or services provided. This article answered the question of how to write a thank you letter (a sample, I hope, helped with this).

The implementation of such a socially and culturally significant project for our region would be impossible without your participation. Public organization“From Hand to Hand” expresses its sincere gratitude to you for the assistance provided. We hope for further cooperation and mutual understanding. We sincerely wish you good health, prosperity and success. Your help is an invaluable contribution to the development of charity and, undoubtedly, tangible support for the disadvantaged and needy.

We wish you further prosperity, success in your noble cause and personal happiness. The administration expresses its heartfelt gratitude to you and your employees for the charitable assistance in the form. Thank you for your mercy and sensitive attitude towards people in need of help!

I express my sincere gratitude to you for your great contribution to supporting those in need of help. municipal institutions on the territory of the Klinsky district. The administration expresses its sincere gratitude to you for your assistance in purchasing a playground equipment for the playground.

With your help, the lives of orphans have become brighter and more meaningful. Thank you for supporting large and low-income families in our region, as well as for helping to organize regional holidays and events!

The team expresses its sincere gratitude to you for your sponsorship and assistance. You for the charitable assistance provided. The organization, on behalf of all parents, sincerely thanks you for the charitable assistance provided. Thank you for your repeated provision of charitable assistance to needy low-income families with children in our Center social assistance. The text mentions the event in connection with which the letter of gratitude is sent.

Letters of gratitude

It is customary to draw up this type of letter on letterhead, then you must indicate all the necessary details (see sample). See how others are composed business letters, this site provides an example for each type.

Letter of gratitude from Natalia Valerievna Evtushenko

Hello! Please help me write a letter of gratitude to the deputy’s assistant on behalf of the State Duma deputy for his five years of work. For participation in the Billing exhibition. We thank the “Under the Flag of Good” Foundation for the assistance provided to us.

The management and coaching staff of the Sports School “Champion” are sincerely grateful to you for the financial support provided in holding the regional championship “Olympic Future”. We hope for your continued interest in promoting a healthy lifestyle and the importance of sports among children and youth of our region.

Dear organizers of the charity event “UNDER THE FLAG OF GOOD!”

Directorate orphanage I would like to sincerely thank you for sponsoring a trip to Germany for our pupil Maria Ivanova and her guardian Anastasia Koroleva. Thanks to your help, the girl was given the necessary medical diagnostics and appropriate treatment was prescribed. We are sincerely grateful to you for your kindness, and we sincerely hope that all your plans will become reality. As you yourself understand, children deprived of parental care can only count on the support of caring people. Therefore, we will be sincerely grateful to you for any help in the future.

In the future we hope to cooperate with you, as well as for your help in implementing social important projects. Please accept our sincere admiration for your kindness and generosity. The coaching staff of SDYUSSHOR expresses gratitude and gratitude for the financial support provided in conducting. I express my deep gratitude to you and sincerely thank you for your participation in the event. Good deeds do not go unnoticed - they shine like beacons for those who are waiting for help.

Letter of gratitude from the Governor Chelyabinsk region Boris Alexandrovich Dubrovsky. Hello! Please help me write a letter of gratitude to the institute from the enterprise where a graduate of this institute works. Hello! You can write: “I express my sincere gratitude and gratitude for the fruitful working together. The administration expresses gratitude for the sponsorship provided in organizing the regional children's creativity competition.

All parents of students attending our kindergarten and other individuals and legal entities have the right to provide charitable assistance to the kindergarten.

Voluntary donations are one of the types of charitableactivities. Charitable activities, according to Federal Law dated August 11, 1995 No. 135-FZ "On charitable activities and charitable organizations" (as amended on December 23, 2010), is the voluntary activity of citizens And legal entities for the disinterested transfer of funds and provision ofother support.

Main principles of assistance:

1. voluntariness

2. desire

3. gratuitousness

4. documentary registration of the donation (agreement on the donation of funds or property, an act of registration, a report to parents on the expenditure of funds)


Dear Dionis Samsonovich!

Staff of the Municipal Budgetary Preschool Educational Institution

"Kindergarten "Cherry" s. Red"

Expresses gratitude for the sponsorship provided in the manufacture and installation of “magic” gates in our “Cherry”

Nowadays it is difficult to find a person who is able to perceive other people’s problems as his own, and how wonderful it is

that such people still exist!

Your warm heart, generosity, compassion and kindness make life better.

We wish you health, interesting ideas and their

successful incarnations, bright significant events,

personal happiness and further prosperity.

May your kindness and generosity return to you a hundredfold.

We hope for further cooperation and mutual understanding .


Dear Dionis Samsonovich!

90 children, 180 parents and 23 MBDOU employees express their deep gratitude to you and sincerely thank you for your participation in the New Year’s “Gifts for Children” Campaign.

Your help is an invaluable contribution to the development of charity and, undoubtedly, tangible support for budgetary organizations in need.

Good deeds do not go unnoticed - they shine like beacons for those who are waiting for help. We are sure that your example will be indicative for other philanthropists.

By providing assistance, you give not only material values, but also joy and hope.

May your kindness and generosity return to you a hundredfold. I wish you all the best, health, prosperity and more warmth on your life path.

Guys middle group created the composition “Thank you for your kindness,” which, with words of gratitude, was presented to the sponsor of our preschool educational institution as a souvenir.

There are many types of business correspondence. For example, these types of messages include or for assistance provided. Sending such documents is one of the basic rules of business etiquette.

A well-written message can improve the relationship between partners - with its help it will be possible to strengthen business contacts. A letter of gratitude for assistance provided is a tribute to the counterparty or sponsor.

Structure of a thank you letter for assistance provided

Despite the wide distribution of correspondence of this type, uniform writing regulations have not been created. Letters of gratitude for your support and cooperation can be written in any form, but it is advisable to adhere to certain rules.

The ultimate goal of correspondence is to increase the loyalty of the addressee. The text has a clear structure that looks like this:

  1. Appeal.
  2. Information part.
  3. Wish.
  4. Sender's signature.

The style of the narrative is also taken into account. A formal tone should be avoided. It is more suitable for other types of correspondence, such as or.


It is better to address the recipient by name and patronymic. The letter of gratitude for the assistance provided should begin with the word “dear.” In the text, the pronoun “You” must be written with capital letters(nowadays they often deviate from this rule, but it is better to use the classic method - this will emphasize a respectful attitude towards the addressee).

Information part

A specific example of cooperation or assistance provided is indicated. The thank you text is written in an emotional tone. Sentences should be “diluted” with adjectives, formalities should be abandoned.


An obligatory part that is sometimes simply forgotten. It is not enough to thank a person; you also need to wish something pleasant (for example, business development or success). This last tip is perfect for managers of small firms seeking growth or introducing new technology solutions.


Although a letter of gratitude for assistance provided is not a legally significant document, it still must be accompanied by the signature of the head of the company and a seal. This will give the correspondence a finished look and make it more formal.

Important: writing is required. This point should not be overlooked under any circumstances.

Texts of a thank you letter for assistance provided

You can compose messages of this format yourself or look at specific examples and adapt them to your situation.

Example No. 1

Dear Alexander Ivanovich!

The management of kindergarten No. 75 thanks you for your financial support. With your help, we were able to complete all the repair work in the toy room and buy new toys in the shortest possible time.

We wish you good health and success in business! We will be glad to see you at the opening of the renovated premises!

Sincerely, head of kindergarten No. 75 Olga Trofimova.

Example No. 2

Dear Semyon Arkadyevich!

The recruiting department of Project+ LLC thanks you for your assistance in the search staffing. The employees you recommended are distinguished by their high professionalism and innovative way of solving complex problems.

We wish you success in developing your recruitment agency and we hope to continue cooperation in the future!

Sincerely, Head of the HR Department of Project+ LLC Andrey Pavlov.

Example No. 3

Dear Ekaterina Alexandrovna!

Management charitable foundation“Care” expresses its sincere gratitude to you for purchasing Christmas gifts for the pupils of orphanage No. 2. Let the guys’ warm words and their joyful smiles help make all your plans come true.

We wish you success in business and good health!

Sincerely, head of the “Care” Foundation, Alexandra Nikolaeva.

Example No. 4

Dear Sergei Stepanovich!

The Clean Water company thanks you for your help in promoting our innovative filters in the regional market. Sales of our products through your trading network they'll make a clean one drinking water more accessible for people.

We wish your business constant development and growth! We will be happy to continue cooperation in the sale of our new product - room air purifiers.

Sincerely, Marketing Director of Clean Water LLC Petr Maltsev.

Example No. 5

Dear Anatoly Nikolaevich!

The management of school No. 125 thanks you for organizing a tour of your enterprise for high school students. The guys learned a lot of new and interesting information, got acquainted with technological process at the factory.

We wish your business further prosperity! We will be glad to see you among the guests of honor at the graduation ceremony!

Sincerely, director of school No. 125 Olga Semenova.

Example No. 6

Dear Sergei Stepanovich!

I, as the head of the ServiceStroy company, thank you for the financial assistance provided! Your help in opening a credit line for my company allowed me to make quick payments to suppliers and contractors.

I wish you success in the development of your credit center! I will be glad to continue cooperation!

Sincerely, Director of ServiceStroy LLC Anatoly Tikhomirov.

Example No. 7

Dear Anna Vyacheslavovna!

The team of the private kindergarten “Solnyshko” thanks you for your help in selecting premises. Your timely assistance has accelerated the opening process.

We wish you only positive and reliable clients! We hope to continue cooperation with your real estate agency.

Sincerely, Director of LLC “Solnyshko” Sergenyuk Nadezhda.

Methods for delivering a thank you letter for assistance provided

Letters for assistance provided must also be correctly delivered to the addressee. There are many ways to do this:

  1. Deliver in person.
  2. Send by courier.
  3. Send via Internet.
  4. Use postal services.

Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Personal delivery

An excellent delivery method if the addressee and the sender are located in the same locality. You can hand over the documentation in person even in a situation where it was carried out. This approach will allow you to establish contact with the sponsor and conduct a conversation in an informal setting.

Important: in this case it is better to write the letter itself to standard form companies.

Sending by courier

This delivery method is appropriate for contractors located in the neighboring region. Of course, you will have to pay extra for courier services separately.


The simplest and quick way deliver a thank you letter. Great for companies located in remote regions. In this case, you need to send the message to the personal mail of the addressee (the director of the company or any other person to whom the letter is intended). If it is not there, then the email of the organization itself will do.

Regular mail

An example of a thank you letter for assistance provided

Let's sum it up

Letters of gratitude for assistance provided will help establish relationships between counterparties. At the same time, you can say “thank you” not only for material benefits, but also for other types of resources (for example, for legal advice provided or quick retraining of employees).

You can write a letter on a computer or by hand. Of course, in the latter case, it is better to entrust the task to an employee who has calligraphic handwriting. Otherwise the desired effect thank you text will not cause.