Small and Medium Business Assistance Center. Governmental support. Small Business Assistance Program

Capital authorities Russian Federation are developing measures to stimulate business activity of the population. Supporting small businesses in Moscow is a systematic activity of government agencies, carried out at the legislative and executive levels.

Let's consider the options for budget assistance that capital businessmen can count on in 2018.

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Goals and forms of work

The authorities interact with business structures through specially created Funds. These enterprises accumulate the initiatives of market participants, create tools and new forms of cooperation between the state and entrepreneurs.

The policy priorities of the Moscow authorities are:

  1. promoting the involvement of young people in business activities;
  2. support for market entities working with foreign counterparties;
  3. providing conditions for improving the professional and educational level of entrepreneurs;
  4. providing funding to companies involved in infrastructure and civil society development.
For example, the Interregional Marketing Center “Moscow” organizes the promotion of goods produced in the capital in the regions. There is an enterprise whose tasks include creating a unified information environment for businessmen.

In addition to other forms of support, subsidies are provided for small businesses in Moscow. This form of cooperation is the attraction of budget funds for the development of small businesses.

These structures see their goals as:

  • combining the efforts of businessmen to increase the level of interaction with the state;
  • improving working conditions for entrepreneurs;
  • development of proposals for improving legislation;
  • providing support to start-up businessmen.
For information: a company can receive help not only from the authorities. The centers actively cooperate with private investors, accumulating their proposals.

Types of support

There are several foundations operating in the capital of the Russian Federation. They offer clients and partners a variety of useful services.

The table shows their features

Information: there is a center in every district of the city.

Assistance in obtaining a loan

This type of support is provided by the Bank Lending Assistance Fund. Its essence is that the borrower receives government guarantees. Terms of provision:

  • working with a partner bank;
  • impeccable credit history and business reputation;
  • registration in Moscow or the region.
Attention: The Fund guarantees up to 50% of the loan. The bank independently applies for a guarantee.

Rent at reduced prices

In order to reduce the costs of running a business, start-up entrepreneurs are provided with discounts on renting space in buildings owned by the state(to the municipality). The price is five to six times lower than the market price. However, to receive a preference, the following conditions must be met:

  • register as a person on the list of small businesses;
  • engage in educational or medical projects.
Attention: the subsidy is not issued to applicants who violate the deadlines for making tax and other obligatory payments.


The Center “MB of Moscow” allocates funds free of charge to legal entities and individual entrepreneurs. The conditions are:

  • less than two years have passed since the start of activity;
  • no more than 250 hired workers work in production;
  • annual revenue does not exceed 1 billion rubles;
  • the share of foreign owners does not exceed 25%.

To receive money, you must send an application to the structure, accompanying it necessary documentation. The subsidy is targeted. You will have to account for the use of funds.

Information: the amount of assistance does not exceed 500 thousand rubles.

The above organization issues targeted subsidies for participation in exhibitions. Their size reaches 300 thousand rubles. The selection criteria for participants are the same as listed above. But there are exceptions. This type of assistance cannot be received by a structure engaged in the following types of activities:

  • trade in excisable goods;
  • mediation;
  • agency work.

Watch a video about supporting small and medium-sized businesses

The number and total income of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) is one of the main indicators of the development of any country.

At the same time, due to its specificity, SMEs have a pronounced regional aspect, - small and medium-sized enterprises build their activities based, first of all, on the needs of the local market, the volume and structure of local demand.
The level of development of SMEs in the region is an indicator of a favorable climate for business development, attracting investment and expanding areas of activity. It reflects the socio-economic situation of a particular region.

How are things going in Moscow?

  • In Moscow, according to expert estimates, SMEs account for about 25% of the gross regional product, which is 1.5–2 times lower than in many large cities of the world (London, New York, Hong Kong and Tokyo).
  • The population employed by SMEs in Moscow is 34% of the total employed population, which is again 1.5-2 times lower than in many large cities of the world.
  • The structure of Moscow SMEs is also imperfect: the share of transport, communications, healthcare, utilities and social services is low.
  • In general, SMEs provide no more than 9-10% of tax revenues to the Moscow budget.

The task of significantly strengthening the contribution of SMEs to the modernization of the Moscow economy, to solving social problems metropolitan metropolis can only be solved if there are properly oriented and clearly verified forms and instruments of state policy for the development and support of small and medium-sized businesses.

That's why Moscow government in last years is paying increasing attention to the formation of a truly functioning mechanism for supporting small and medium-sized businesses.

According to the provisions of the Subprogram “Development of Small and Medium Enterprises” in the State Program of the City of Moscow “Stimulating Economic Activity for 2012–2016” creating favorable conditions for entrepreneurial activity and provision sustainable development small and medium-sized businesses are one of the most important conditions for increasing the competitiveness of the Moscow economy as a whole.

Within the framework of this subprogram, the Moscow Department of Science, Industrial Policy and Entrepreneurship is implementing different kinds support for small and medium-sized businesses:

  1. financial support;
  2. property support;
  3. Information support;
  4. consulting support;
  5. support for small and medium-sized businesses in the field of training, retraining and advanced training of personnel;

Yes, really working forms of financial support for small and medium-sized businesses in Moscow:

Type of financial support

Maximum size


Subsidy for start-up entrepreneurs 500,000 rub.
  • Acquisition of fixed assets;
  • Organization and equipment of workplaces;
  • Purchase of licensed software;
  • Office rental;
  • Purchase of raw materials and supplies.
Subsidies for reimbursement of part of the costs under financial lease (leasing) agreements 5,000,000 rub. Compensation of costs for leasing payments.
Subsidies for loan interest reimbursement 5,000,000 rub. Compensation for the cost of paying interest under a loan agreement for the acquisition of fixed assets or modernization of fixed assets
Subsidies to reimburse part of the costs associated with participation in congress and exhibition events 300,000 rub.
  • Registration fee
  • Stand construction and equipment
  • Exhibition space rental
  • Advertising and presentation materials and services
  • Participation in the business program of the congress and exhibition event

Subsidies are provided monthly, according to the approved schedule:

Schedule for consideration of applications for subsidies to small and medium-sized businesses in Moscow in 2014

Date of the Industry Commission

Volume of budget allocations, rub.

to pay interest on a loan

subsidy to reimburse part of the costs to pay lease payments

subsidy starting small and medium-sized businesses

subsidy to reimburse part of the costs to participate in congress and exhibition events

45 000 000,00

500 000 000,00

180 000 000,00

90 000 000,00

It should be noted that for enterprises SMEs operating in the industrial sector provided additional types support:

  • subsidies to employers for the training of specialists with secondary vocational education
  • subsidies to reimburse part of the costs associated with obtaining an international certificate
  • subsidies to reimburse part of the costs of paying lease payments
  • subsidies to reimburse part of the cost of paying interest on the loan
  • subsidies to management organizations of technopolises and industrial parks for the development of the property complex

A separate package of subsidies is provided for innovative enterprises small and medium business.

The financial support system for SMEs in Moscow also includes:

  • Moscow Small Business Lending Fund, - provides security (guarantees) for the obligations of small and medium-sized businesses (loan agreements, agreements on the provision of a bank guarantee);
  • Microfinance Development Assistance Fund, — provides loans to microfinance organizations for the purpose of further financing of small and medium-sized businesses. Microfinance organizations issue loans of up to 1 million rubles. at 13-19% per annum.

Operates at the federal level Russian Bank for Support of Small and Medium Enterprises. The network of its partner banks (as of April 1, 2014 – 249 banks) implements a variety of preferential lending programs for small and medium-sized businesses.

It should be said that this is only a small part of the SME support programs operating in Moscow. And each of them has its own subspecies, nuances and conditions.
And practice shows their unconditional and actual availability for every small and medium-sized enterprise.
However, experience also shows: in order to use them competently and with minimal risk of refusal due to insufficient justification of your project, you should approach the process “with sense, feeling, arrangement.”
It is strongly recommended to study the detailed terms and conditions and mechanisms for obtaining support, build a step-by-step diagram of your actions, and fill out everything correctly Required documents.

For our part, we can invite you to visit our workshop "Small and medium business Moscow: we receive subsidies, loans and benefits" , developed in order to maximize the orientation of SMEs in the questions of “who? How many? how to get it?” and take full advantage of the mechanisms for business support and development.
The seminar is held with the participation Moscow Small Business Lending Fund .
The detailed program of the seminar can be viewed.
The next seminar will be held in Moscow on October 10, 2014.
When submitting an application before August 10, a 15% discount (discount code “MSB15” should be indicated in the “Comment” field when submitting an application).

According to static research, 70% of people who want to start their own business, do not move beyond conversations.

And only 30% of the population have such serious intentions that they are ready to devote all their time to the development of a certain activity.

The importance of small business for the country

The development of the state’s economy largely depends on small businesses, since:

  • It is an important sector of the economy. These subjects tolerate external changes more easily. The general economic decline in Russia in the early 90s was compensated precisely by such enterprises and their ability to quickly adapt to new market conditions. Government agencies were unable to cope with competition, which is why they collapsed or were subjected to privatization.
  • Small business is the main source of tax deductions. Small companies form budgets at different levels. They pay taxes to the budget, create jobs, and provide the population with the opportunity to earn money. By the way, this group taxpayers are more reliable than representatives of big business.
  • Small businesses are developing innovative technologies. Some organizations are interested in the development of new scientific and technical inventions. Such activities are welcomed by the state, so entrepreneurs can count on subsidies and additional subsidies.
  • They provide employment to people, which has a positive effect on the unemployment rate. A small number of employees contributes to team cohesion, which is not always observed in large enterprises. This increases work motivation and improves work results. No less important is the fact that socially unstable segments of the population can apply for employment, namely: youth, women, immigrants, etc. It is here that you can gain the necessary experience and rise through career ladder and self-realization.

Main problems of entrepreneurs

An absolutely natural reaction of a person who decides to engage in any new activity is fear. Just as a small child is afraid to take the first step, an adult is afraid of the unknown. It is, of course, impossible to completely get rid of fear, but it is necessary to reduce its boundaries. To do this, it’s worth talking to more successful entrepreneur, gain experience from him.

Every person expects to receive a good income. The main problem of many beginning businessmen is finding a money niche.

It is much more correct to devote oneself to the area in which a person has certain knowledge, skills and abilities, and in which he shows interest.

After identifying a suitable niche, you need to think about where to start and which direction is the most correct. Of course, it will not be possible to do everything without errors, but careful analysis is half the success.

After the start of activity, various questions begin to arise related to choosing the best one, determining the optimal cost, attracting additional funds and their correct distribution. Communication with a successful businessman can solve problems.

Every entrepreneur should learn the “Pareto principle”: 20% of actions lead to 80% of results.

Consequently, only 20% are primary and important, and the remaining 80 cannot be called particularly significant. In general, all your efforts should be directed only to those actions that lead to results.

Another problem for novice businessmen is lack of discipline. Before starting your own business, you need to make sure of your own burning desire, otherwise success is unlikely to be achieved.

What kind of support is provided?

Any developing project needs investments, which can be asked from the state.

So, the Moscow government is ready to provide half a million rubles to newly opened businesses. This type A subsidy is a free provision of funds from the city budget to a legal entity or individual entrepreneur, which partially or fully reimburses the businessman’s expenses.

Small and medium-sized companies that were registered no more than 2 years ago can apply for this subsidy to the Moscow government.

Monetary support can be spent:

  • for the purchase necessary funds to conduct business;
  • for the arrangement and equipment of workplaces;
  • for the purchase of raw materials and necessary materials(no more than 30% of the total amount);
  • payment of rental payments.

Monetary assistance from the state is provided in accordance with the following main condition: the bulk of the funds received must be spent on the needs of the company.

Types of subsidies and grants

To receive government subsidies, a new entrepreneur must consistently perform the following steps:

  1. Register with the employment center.
  2. Collect and provide the necessary package of documents confirming.
  3. Submit to the employment service agent a business plan that details the goals that require government support.

This help provided once and only if the employment center failed to select a suitable workplace for the person. The amount of the subsidy is equal to the amount of the annual unemployment benefit.

Another way to get help is to submit documents to the authorities local government according to place of residence. The amount of support here is much larger, although it is also more difficult to obtain - the competition is higher.

Federal subsidies are provided by the Fund for Assistance to Small Enterprises in the Field of Science and Technology. To the most profitable programs relate:

  • "Start". Any company that has been on the market for no more than 2 years and has not yet sold its product has the right to apply for participation (the amount of annual revenue should not exceed 0.3 million rubles). Research and development activities can be financed with a maximum of 6 million rubles. in 3 years.
    The program is provided for several areas: biotechnology, innovative medicine, IT, development of innovative equipment and materials. After the entire amount of the subsidy has been paid, annual revenue must increase to the amount of assistance provided, and the number of employees with their main place of work in the enterprise must be at least half of the total number of workers.
  • "Development". This program is intended for companies that form their own niche and have their own history scientific work and a certain level of funds flow. The program allows you to receive up to 15 million rubles, but not more than the amount of personal funds invested in the activity. The assistance is aimed at increasing revenue and profitability.

Among the departmental programs are:

  • Two programs for the agricultural industry aimed at supporting farmers and developing livestock. Such grants can be spent on building livestock farms, purchasing animals, and improving everyday life.
  • A program seeking to support organizations engaged in high-tech production, as well as introducing science into various business processes. To request funds, please contact the Ministry of Education.
  • The Ministry of Industry and Trade is responsible for the development of folk crafts. With government assistance, it is possible to purchase raw materials, organize logistics and significantly promote the fishery. Enterprises that are not included in the list of organizations engaged in folk crafts, which are supported by federal funds, cannot count on funding.

As part of regional programs, a company that does not owe anything to the state can count on the following assistance:

  • Subsidies for starting your own business. Anyone can apply for support entity or an individual entrepreneur registered no more than 1 year ago. In Moscow, up to 500 thousand rubles are allocated, in the regions - up to 300 thousand. An increased subsidy can be issued to enterprises engaged in innovation activities. You can spend money on purchasing fixed assets, paying rent, providing jobs and purchasing raw materials.
  • Subsidies for the acquisition of fixed assets on lease. Each individual region has its own rules for issuing this amount: either for making a down payment, or for full repayment of the lease debt, or for both purposes. The amount of assistance varies from 300 thousand to 10 million rubles. (the final amount depends on the cost of fixed assets).
  • Loan subsidies. Such assistance does not provide compensation for the body of the loan; its subject is part of the interest for the use of credit money.
  • Subsidies for participation in exhibitions– the region compensates the company for the money spent on participation in such an event.

Many nuances various forms support is discussed in the following video:

Where and how to look for help from the state?

Small businesses that need financial assistance should participate in competitive selection. He needs not only to collect a package of statutory and registration documents, but also to carefully fill out a special application, the information of which will be the basis for selecting program participants.

Each significant criterion earns a certain point. Based on the results obtained, the most worthy candidate who deserves state support is selected.

The main evaluation criteria include:

  • number of jobs created;
  • efficiency for the budget (amount of taxes and fees);
  • social level of business;
  • a number of other specific parameters.

An aspiring businessman must provide a carefully developed business plan with detailed information about the purposes of receiving support, main costs, payback period and profitability.

In addition, an entrepreneur can turn to local governments for help, although the competitive basis here is much more pronounced, since many want to receive help, but the state cannot invest in everyone.

Latest innovations

Based on current trends, we can safely say that there will be even more government programs aimed at supporting business. This area of ​​the economy is considered the highest priority, so it is beneficial for the state to expand and consolidate it.

Several new solutions are aimed at the tax industry, labor relations, business insurance and the work of credit institutions.

The economic situation in the country is such that the state is forced to retain small entrepreneurs with guaranteed demand for their goods and services. For example, a certain percentage of government purchases is established by law. institutions of goods from small businesses.

In accordance with the presidential decree, it is planned to form a state corporation for the development of small businesses. The basis of this organization should be the Credit Guarantee Agency. The main task of the corporation is to create stable and long-term demand for goods offered by representatives of this class of business.

In addition, the Ministry of Economic Development has been tasked with developing a strategy aimed at developing mid-level businesses. The validity period of this program is 15 years. In August 2015, only the first stage was completed. If successfully implemented, by 2030 small and medium-sized entrepreneurs will occupy about 45% of the state's GDP instead of today's 21%.

Business development is one of the highest priorities state tasks. After all, business is the basis for budget formation. From this article you will learn what the essence of the small business support program is, how to get a subsidy and what are the conditions for receiving a subsidy in 2019

Economic instability in Russia, which has been observed for more than a year, has deprived many citizens of jobs and decent wages. Small and medium-sized businesses have become an alternative for this category of the population. However, due to the shortage Money, the majority do not have the opportunity to open their own business. That is why the state decided to issue subsidies for opening and supporting small businesses in 2019.

What is the subsidization of individual entrepreneurs?

A subsidy is a type of non-repayable cash assistance for business entities, which is issued for the intended use (business).

Assistance to small businesses may be allocated for the following purposes:

  • acquisition of premises;
  • purchase of equipment, goods for subsequent sale;
  • purchases of intangible assets.

The allocated funds must be directed to the development of small and medium-sized businesses. Government bodies later they will be able to request official supporting documents from the recipient, for example, checks, invoices with the specified amount. If the funds were not fully spent, the rest will need to be returned.

Types of financial assistance and conditions for supporting small businesses

  1. Grants for entrepreneurs who are just starting a business, amount to 60,000 rubles or 12 monthly benefits. Grants to support small businesses are provided to individuals who have been registered as business owners for more than 2 years. Funds are issued on a competitive basis with the aim of using them for business needs, in addition to renting premises and paying wages to hired workers. The grant is also given to unemployed persons, low-income families with young children, disabled children, and former government or military service employees.
  1. To purchase fixed assets- the state program to support small businesses in 2019 guarantees the issuance of up to 60,000 rubles for entrepreneurship, which in the future will increase the number of jobs, tax revenues to the federal budget, and increase the social significance of small businesses.

Private entrepreneurs in the industrial, housing and communal services, economic, social sphere, which:

  • prepare and defend a business development project;
  • will provide a complete package of documents upon request of the commission.
  1. Cash subsidies for business from the Employment Center 2019- the state offers up to 25,000 rubles for opening a small private business.
  1. Compensation for loans previously received for the development of small and medium-sized businesses- the 2019 program was proposed by the Russian Government for financial and property support.

To cover part of the interest rate, the entrepreneur provides a business plan and the necessary documents, after which a decision is made to provide financial assistance to this person.

  1. Financial state support for socially vulnerable categories of the population(released from prison, disabled people, single mothers and fathers, graduates of boarding schools, etc.) - the program provides for the issuance of subsidies in 2019 up to 300,000 rubles to support planned measures for the stabilization and development of entrepreneurship.
  1. Training and internships at the expense of government funds, professional retraining(can be issued with full or partial coverage of expenses).
  1. Business incubators (usually based on Small Business Support Funds)- assistance in expanding the area of ​​working space (renting premises, warehouses, etc.), training in the basics of entrepreneurship, assistance in drawing up a business plan based on a sample for receiving a subsidy.
  1. Assistance in maintaining accounting and tax accounting free of charge (outsourcing).
  1. Promotion of development innovative technologies 2019 - the state allocates funds to cover the costs of promoting a new product, acquiring a patent and licensing rights for it (maximum 60,000 rubles).

Is it possible to receive subsidies to support small and medium-sized businesses in the Russian Federation and where?

In Russia it is offered state. financing individual entrepreneurs in special centers and business support funds, as well as in the Employment Center.

Getting help at the Job Center

To receive financial assistance, officially unemployed persons must register with the Employment Center and fill out a standard application form based on the sample.

You will also need to provide the following documents:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation indicating the place of registration;
  • TIN in the prescribed form;
  • document on secondary or higher education;
  • a certificate for the last six months indicating the average salary (for persons who were previously employed);
  • other documents (at the request of the inspector).

After submitting documents, service employees will be offered the option of receiving one-time (non-refundable) assistance for starting a business. It is best to first take entrepreneurship courses, draw up correct business plan and provide it for review by the commission.

If the decision is positive, you will need to register with the Tax Inspectorate as an entrepreneur, on the basis of which assistance will be transferred to the unemployed.

State subsidy for starting a business 2019: what is needed?

  1. Select the type of activity you plan to engage in.
  2. Draw up a business plan for a subsidy.
  3. Register as an individual entrepreneur.
  4. Apply to the state. body that provides subsidies to small businesses.
  5. Confirm the need to receive payments.
  6. Compile the approximate costs of opening and developing a business and provide it to the commission for review.
  7. Collect a package of documents necessary for obtaining a subsidy (passport, Taxpayer Identification Number, income certificate, etc.).

Within 60 days, the commission makes a decision to provide a subsidy as a way to support small businesses by the state, of which the entrepreneur is notified by mail and by telephone.

Subsidy programs can be found in detail on the website of the portal of the Government of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Social Policy.

In 2019, the system of state support for small and medium-sized businesses became more improved, which makes it possible to allocate assistance to various segments of the population for any type of activity.

See also:

Help for small businesses: organizational system support + 4 detailed options.

A small business that gives its owner financial independence is the dream of everyone who doesn’t want to work for their uncle.

Unfortunately, not everyone can boast of having a decent amount in their account to start their planned project.

Of course, there is always a way out. In this case, there are several of them - be patient and earn capital, take a loan or borrow from relatives/friends/acquaintances.

But there is also an option like small business assistance, which comes in several types.

So, today we will talk about how our state supports the development of beginning and experienced entrepreneurs.

State assistance to small businesses: organizational system for supporting entrepreneurs

The main regulatory act that we need to rely on in the questions of our article is The federal law No. 209 “On the development of small and medium-sized businesses in the Russian Federation.”

Its full text can be found by following the link:

Also, each region has its own body, which is responsible for implementing measures to help entrepreneurs.

Their complete list is posted on the official website of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation in the “Small Business” section:

Why is it so important to support entrepreneurs?

Thus, in Russia, thanks to small and medium-sized businesses alone, more than 16 million citizens are provided with work (which is a quarter of the total employed population).

In addition, 20% of GDP comes from SMEs, although in the world this figure is close to 35%, so we have room for improvement.

The role of SMEs in the economy of an entire country is very significant. Let's briefly talk about its importance:

  • creation of new jobs;
  • formation of healthy competition in the market and adequate pricing of goods and services;
  • revenues to budgets of all levels;
  • filling those niches where it cannot fit big business(providing household services population, small wholesale, marketing).

But small and medium-sized business owners have to constantly face problems and difficulties:

  • economic instability in the country;
  • flaw financial resources both for opening and developing a business;
  • high tax burden and complexity of preparing financial statements;
  • constant changes in legislation;
  • lack of personnel (qualified specialists prefer to work for business “sharks”, ignoring entrepreneurs);
  • difficulty in obtaining loans (not every bank wants to get involved with a small business).

Agree, not every experienced businessman will be able to withstand the difficulties described above, what can we say about beginners.

That is why the state must provide assistance to entrepreneurs.

In 2016, more than 11 billion rubles were allocated from the Russian budget to support SMEs.

But, unfortunately, the amount of assistance to small businesses from the state tends to decrease.

Thus, in 2014, about 20 billion rubles were allocated to support SMEs, and already in 2015 - 17 billion. In 2016, it was planned to provide financial assistance in the amount of almost 15 billion from the federal budget, but in fact it turned out to be 11 billion.

In 2017, this trend towards a decrease in financial assistance continues. The state is ready to provide only 7.5 billion rubles.

Therefore, those who count on it will have to make a lot of effort to get it.

The structure of expenses for assistance to small businesses in 2017 looks like this:

ExpensesAmount, billion
Establishment of infrastructure for SME development3,06
Activities to support single-industry municipalities0,74
Creation and development of information and consulting support0,72
Creation of infrastructure to support SMEs operating in the field of innovation and industrial production0,69
Completion of capital construction projects1,6
Promoting the development of youth entrepreneurship0,23
Creation of multifunctional business centers

We’ve sorted out the numbers and facts, but what is the government’s assistance to small businesses?

So, there are the following forms of support for SMEs:

  • financial - provision of financial resources for opening and developing small businesses (compensations, subsidies, grants, soft loans);
  • property - provision of state property to entrepreneurs on the right of use (land plots, industrial premises);
  • information and consulting- formation information systems, as well as free consultations on doing business (trainings, seminars, courses);
  • infrastructure- formation comfortable conditions for doing business, as well as the creation of business incubators, multi-purpose funds, entrepreneur centers;
  • organizational- assistance in participation in exhibitions and fairs.

Help for small businesses: who can count?

The priority areas that the state is ready to help are:

  • area of ​​food and industrial production;
  • innovation;
  • provision of household and utility services;
  • healthcare;
  • tourism, in particular ecotourism;
  • folk craft and creativity.

Help for small and medium-sized businesses: 4 types

In general, 4 types can be distinguished financial assistance small and medium-sized businesses from the state. Let's look at each of them.

1. Money from the employment center (self-employment grant).

In order to combat unemployment and informal employment, the state is ready to provide one-time financial assistance for starting a small business.

The amount of assistance in 2017 is 58.8 thousand rubles.

If your business can provide work for one or more citizens, then the self-employment grant can be increased by 58.8 thousand rubles. for each hired employee.

This program applies exclusively to the opening individual entrepreneurship and cannot be used for:

  • minors (under 16 years of age) and pensioners;
  • students full-time training;
  • current individual entrepreneurs or founders of LLC;
  • citizens with disabilities belonging to a non-working group;
  • young mothers on maternity leave;
  • those who work under an employment contract;
  • those who refused the job offered at the employment center.

In addition to the documents that must be submitted in order to register with the employment center, in order to receive government assistance for small businesses, you will need:

  • statement;
  • copy of bank account;
  • project.

If you are unemployed and want to get start-up capital To start your own business, you will need to take the following steps:

So, your application is approved, after which they will conclude an agreement with you that you have received money to open a business. Funds received should only be spent for intended purpose and you need to move strictly according to plan.

You must appear within the deadlines established by the employment center to provide reports on the funds spent.

In case of violation of the terms of the contract (misuse, termination of business activities ahead of schedule), you will have to receive the assistance you received.

2. Grants for beginning entrepreneurs.

This option of helping small businesses from the state is suitable for those who have a certain amount for its opening and development.

That is, funds are ready to compensate part of the costs of opening a business in the amount of up to 500 thousand rubles.

The grant scheme is as follows:

    Drawing up a strategy.

    This includes drawing up detailed business plan, which will address production, organizational, financial, and marketing issues.

    Study of public funds.

    On the ministry’s website you can find bodies and funds that are ready to support.

    Familiarize yourself with the areas and requirements for candidates in which organizations operate.

    Preparation of documents and application.

    You need to approach this stage with all responsibility, because if even one document is missing or the application is filled out incorrectly, the commission may reject your candidacy.

    Submitting an application and waiting for the commission's decision.

    The commission amounts to a certain point system, by which it evaluates submitted projects.

    The one who dials greatest number points and will become a grant recipient.

The funds received can be spent on the purchase of equipment, equipment, raw materials, and covering rent, but not to pay salaries to employees. In any case, the use of money should be targeted.

Unfortunately, not everyone can receive such a grant to open a small and medium-sized business.

For the rational distribution of financial resources, the state can determine various requirements for candidates:

  • entrepreneurial age no more than 2 years;
  • completing basic courses on entrepreneurship;
  • the business should not be associated with gaming, banking, insurance activities, as well as the provision of intermediary services and resale of goods;
  • absence of debts to the state;
  • employment of a certain number of people.
  • laid off from their previous place of work;
  • university graduates;
  • single mother;
  • retired military;
  • disabled people.

Ideas that the commission will consider for grants:

  • innovation;
  • socially significant industries;
  • Agriculture;
  • export-oriented production;
  • education;
  • tourism;
  • advertising, marketing.

3. Loan on preferential terms.

Getting a loan from a bank is quite difficult and painstaking work, which does not always end in success.

Therefore, why not try your luck and ask for a loan from the state, but on preferential terms?

The essence of obtaining a preferential loan comes down to the following:

  1. Guaranteed lending support is provided by the Federal Corporation for the Development of Small and Medium Enterprises.
  2. As of this year, preferential rates for lending to small businesses are 11%, for medium-sized ones - 10% (for comparison: you can take out a loan on regular terms at 24-25% per annum).
  3. The maximum loan size is 1 billion rubles, and the term is 3 years.
  4. Loans are issued to those entrepreneurs whose successful activities last for about six months.
  5. Loans are not issued to those who are on the verge of bankruptcy, who have outstanding debts and questionable credit history.

A loan on preferential terms can be issued for the following purposes:

  • increase in working capital;
  • purchase of real estate and transport for doing business;
  • participation in government contracts.

4. Subsidizing small and medium-sized businesses.

Assistance to small businesses from the state in the form of subsidies is carried out on the basis of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1605:

For those who don’t know: subsidies are the receipt of a certain amount of funds for specific purposes.

As a rule, money is issued free of charge and irrevocably. Unlike a grant, the amounts of which are received in tranches, the subsidy is received in one amount at once.

To help small and medium-sized businesses, the following types of subsidies are issued in the following amounts:

Type of subsidySum
Subsidies for loan interest reimbursementCompensation of 3/4 of the key rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation on the date of conclusion of the loan agreement (up to 5 million rubles and no more than 70% of the actual costs incurred)
Subsidies for reimbursement of part of the costs under financial lease (leasing) agreements5 million rubles. (but not more than 30% of the cost of the leased item)
Compensation for part of the costs associated with training and (or) advanced training of employees75% of the cost of training, but not more than 90 thousand rubles, for each trained employee
Reimbursement of part of the costs associated with the payment of the first payment (advance payment) when concluding an equipment leasing agreement for the purpose of creating and (or) developing and (or) modernizing the production of goods (works, services)100% of the paid fee (advance payment) of the equipment leasing agreement, but not more than 3 million rubles.

The size of subsidies may differ in different regions, but the scheme for issuing them is approximately the same:

  1. Compliance check:
    • the period of activity of the enterprise is no more than 2 years;
    • no debt;
    • the candidate himself is able to cover the costs of the project in the amount of 50% of the total amount.
  2. Filing an application
  3. Acceptance of application
  4. Competitive selection
  5. Receiving subsidies, providing reports on the targeted use of assistance to small businesses.

The new government program gives beginners the opportunity

entrepreneurs to open their own business.

How to get this help is described in detail in the video:

Small Business Assistance Program

In 2017, the following government assistance programs for small businesses will be in effect:

  • “Cooperation” - you can get up to 20 million rubles. for business development, namely: improving the quality of the goods produced or services provided;
  • “Development” - the maximum amount of assistance to small businesses can be 15 million rubles, which must be spent on improving production and creating new jobs;
  • “Start” - carried out in 3 stages: 1 million rubles, 2 million rubles. and 3 million rubles. This small business assistance program focuses on the creation of new products and technologies.

The proposed list does not end here, since there are many other programs, as well as funds that provide support to entrepreneurs.

Help for small businesses is not limited only to the state. There are many foreign venture and investment funds that are ready to cooperate with young and promising entrepreneurs.

You just need to knock on all doors, and not wait for someone to sponsor your idea.

Of course, those who produce a socially significant product or have made an innovative breakthrough have a greater chance of success. But again, everything is in your hands, so don’t be lazy and start taking action.

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