What does farming do? How to start a farm from scratch. Which okved to choose for peasant farm registration

* The calculations use average data for Russia

Growing fruit trees plays a very important role in agriculture. The fruits serve as food for people, are used in many industries and are used to feed livestock. But to grow fruit trees, you need to be patient, because trees begin to bear fruit only after several years of their life. Thus, you cannot count on making a profit in the first months of work; growing fruit trees involves engaging in some other management or business. Therefore, it is best when an already experienced farmer who grows many plants decides to receive Additional income and plant a garden of certain trees. In a few years this will become a good source of income, but in order for things to go smoothly, you should decide on the crops from the very beginning and organize the cultivation of fruits on own plot. As is clear, you can grow fruit trees on your own plot or, in the most extreme case, on a plot taken under a lease agreement for a very long period and with permission from the owner of the plot to plant trees.

Therefore, it is assumed that there is a plot of one hectare in size, which is free from crops of grain, melons and other crops and can be entirely allocated for a garden. The cost of land can vary greatly depending on the region and distance from populated areas. But it is quite possible to find an inexpensive plot (within 500 thousand rubles), which will be located, if not in a small village, then at least in close proximity to it. Although, of course, it is those who have already built their own house and have experience in farming who take care of the garden.

To legalize your activities, you need to register as a subject entrepreneurial activity, in this case both the form of a legal entity and individual entrepreneur, but most preferably - peasant farming. According to the law, this form is actually equivalent to an individual entrepreneur; it also has the ability to make tax deductions under a simplified taxation system, but at the same time, a peasant farm still involves the association of several persons. It is optimal to indicate the code (OKPD 2) 01.25 Fruits of other fruit trees, shrubs and nuts; it is universal for all fruit trees, except grapes. Thus, it is possible to grow any fruit trees without the need for additional reporting or changes in registration documents in the event of a slight repurposing of the farm (changing one crop for another). But when contacting the phytosanitary surveillance service (Rosselkhoznadzor), you need to find out all the requirements for fruit tree farmers. Depending on the culture and region, there may be some restrictions or special features from a legal point of view, and it is better to take all this into account so that there are no problems with a sudden inspection by a government agency.

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After all legal issues have been resolved, you can begin growing fruits. Some people find it more convenient to deal with only one crop, focusing entirely on it and giving maximum strength to it, while other farmers are much more pleased to see a garden filled with various types of plants. The main obstacle in making a farmer's dream come true is the possibility of a particular plant growing in the climatic conditions of the region. It is important not only to provide all the conditions for the tree to take root, but also for it to begin to bear fruit well. There is also great amount factors that influence which plants can be cultivated.

Apple tree. The most famous fruit tree, the cultivated species is Mālus domestica, which is called the domestic apple tree. There are a huge number of varieties of apples, so they are grown everywhere throughout almost the entire country, except in very cold regions. The fruit of an apple tree is an apple, which is not only the name of a fruit specific to this plant, but also the name of a type of false fruit. That is, from a botanical point of view, an apple can only be called a fruit conditionally. Varieties of apple trees can produce crops at almost different times of the year (different varieties bear fruit from summer to late autumn), but in order to get fruits in winter, you need to set up greenhouses, which is quite difficult for trees. Some varieties of apple trees begin to bear fruit within a year after planting, which significantly reduces the payback period of the entire project.

Apples can almost always be sold; Small and outwardly unattractive apples are sold at a low price in large quantities either to livestock farms or to companies producing juices and purees, that is, processing these fruits. Large and marketable apples can be sold independently at the market or you can find wholesale buyers who will resell the apples to stores. You can do the search yourself retail outlets, in which apples will be sold at retail; this will allow you to remove one middleman and earn a little more money.

Apple trees grow well after predecessors such as sugar beets, corn, and grain crops. Experienced gardeners recommend preparing the soil for growing apples two years in advance. Up to 300 small trees can be placed on one hectare, but it is important to properly plan the area so that the trees do not subsequently interfere with each other. The cost of one apple tree seedling is 500 rubles, so for the garden you will need 150 thousand rubles. The average yield of an apple tree per hectare is 15 tons, and it can vary greatly depending on the conditions of courtship and weather phenomena. Depending on the variety, a kilogram of apples can cost 10 or 100 rubles, so if we take the average price of 30 rubles, then one harvest will bring 450 thousand rubles. This is a very, very good indicator, which only experienced agronomists can achieve. Apples are perhaps the most common and easiest to sell fruit crop; it is relatively easy to cultivate due to the large number of varieties bred specifically for each region and local conditions.

Ready ideas for your business

Pear. Like the apple, it is part of the Rosace family and is its closest relative. A genus of plants that is edible and cultivated by people – Pýrus. Pears are somewhat less popular with people than apples, but are still consumed in large quantities. There are also many varieties of them, which makes it possible to cultivate pears in relatively cold regions of the country. However, they are practically no longer grown in the northern regions. Depending on the variety, it can be either a strong, full-fledged tree, or (which is most common) a low tree, more like a shrub with spreading branches strewn with fruits. This is what a cultivated pear looks like. Since the type of fruit of a pear and an apple is almost the same, people use these crops for almost the same needs, there are no special implementation features in the case of a pear. You just need to count on a little less demand.

The cost of seedlings is also about 500 rubles per future tree. There may even be a little more seedlings themselves if dwarf plants are chosen, but in general you should count on the same amount of 150 thousand rubles to purchase seedlings. The average pear yield is about 3 tons per hectare, and the price for these heavy fruits averages about 50 rubles per kilogram. Thus, based on the results of the sale, you can earn about 150 thousand rubles, which in the first year will not even cover all the costs of organizing a pear orchard. You might think that it is not so profitable to deal with pears, but you need to remember about fluctuations in demand, and sometimes pear fruits can be in price. Elite varieties of pears can also exceed the price tag of one hundred rubles per kilogram; In general, pears are somewhat more expensive than apples. Therefore, you can allocate some area for a pear orchard, since this plant is relatively easy to grow, and there are a lot of varieties.

Ready ideas for your business

Cherry plum. Together with the blackthorn, it is the progenitor of the common plum. Cherry plum was traditionally cultivated in the Caucasus Mountains, but in the twentieth century varieties were developed that can grow in more northern latitudes. The domestic species for cultivation is Prúnus cerasiféra, this plant is very capable of adapting to many types of soils, but is very sensitive to low temperatures. For northern regions Winter cherry plum varieties have been developed that retain all the positive properties of this plant (high yield, early fruiting) in combination with good frost resistance.

The cost of one cherry plum seedling is also 500 rubles on average, but one hectare can accommodate much more plants than in the case of pears or apples. Thus, some experiments among gardening farms have shown the possibility of growing 8 thousand small trees on one hectare. However, there is no point in planting more than 500 trees per hectare, because anything more is intensive gardening with the expectation of short-term profit. Thus, seedlings will require 250 thousand rubles.

Cherry plum can be a very productive crop, giving up to 300 kilograms of fruit from one tree, that is, ideally you can collect about 150 tons of crop from one hectare of plantings. But usually the yield is much lower and amounts to 25 tons per hectare. Cherry plum can be sold wholesale for about 20 rubles per kilogram, so the sale of 25 tons will bring the gardener 500 thousand rubles in income. You just need to take into account that cherry plums are not bought with such enthusiasm as the same apples, so in case retail sales there is a possibility that a significant part of the crop will not be sold, and therefore it is much easier to cooperate with resellers.

Plum. Famous fruit of blue color, although plums can have other shades. The cultivated species, Prúnus doméstica, grows in many regions of this country. It copes with winter a little better, so it is grown further north than cherry plum. Plum fruits are usually slightly larger. Plum is a honey plant, so it can be grown if you have your own apiary. The plant is somewhat more demanding than cherry plum, but with proper care it can also produce good yields. In terms of the cost of seedlings, yield, and the number of tree plantations, it is completely close to cherry plum, only plum fruits are a little more expensive. Everything, of course, depends on the variety, but the average price here is about 40 rubles per kilogram. It turns out that for 25 tons of harvest you can already get 1 million rubles, however, this is possible in really good years.

Ready ideas for your business

Quince. It is a fruit tree grown primarily in the Caucasus. In Russia, it is cultivated in the southwestern regions of the country. Only one species, Cydonia oblōnga, is bred by humans. Quince is not a very popular crop among the population, since its fruits are rarely eaten due to their very mediocre taste. But at the same time, a lot of different sweets are made from quince, and in many food production this fruit is used. Some farmers specially dry quince and sell it in this form. Due to their lower popularity than other crops, quince seedlings can be bought for only 200 rubles per piece. There can be about 400 trees of this plant in the garden, and each mature tree can produce up to 50 kilograms of harvest. And the average yield per hectare is 20 tons. Thus, with an average price of 30 rubles per kilogram, the income obtained from the sale of all fruits is 600 thousand rubles. And this is provided that the seedlings will cost only 80 thousand rubles. But in Russia it is possible to cultivate this crop only in some regions; in the rest of the territory the trees either will not take root or will not produce a good harvest.

But in order to achieve a good harvest, you need to carefully study all the information about the type of plants you choose and the varieties that will be grown. It is also necessary to take into account the fact that fruit trees do not always begin to bear fruit immediately. The minimum period is one to two years; for this purpose, special varieties are bred, which are classified as early-fruiting. But an ordinary tree begins to bear fruit only 8-9 years after planting, which makes the fruit tree growing business a long-term business. As already mentioned, it is good to practice it in multidisciplinary farms and where the cultivation of annual plants has already been established - they become good predecessors for trees.

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For those wishing to open their own business, it is becoming increasingly difficult to do so in the city. Profitable types businesses have tough competition. But you can start your own business in the village. One of the advantages of starting a farm is the small investment. We will try to tell you how to start farming from scratch.

To support business in rural areas, the state is implementing several programs that are aimed at supporting agricultural business owners. Tax incentives have also been introduced. Thanks to this, farm work becomes promising.

Where to begin?

The first step to opening your own farm is to develop a detailed and competent business plan. It is necessary to at least approximately calculate all the costs and obtain qualified advice from knowledgeable specialists, plan all actions. Ready business plan farming is your guiding thread. A successful start is half the success. All problems that arise will be resolved in due time.

You need a plot of land is your first practical task. There are two options - rent a suitable plot or buy it. The second option is more profitable in the future. Renting land is dangerous because the owner may refuse to renew your lease at the most inopportune moment. In the regions, the price of one hectare of land is approximately 2-4 thousand rubles. Even if you do not have large savings, the required amount will be available to you.

The first step is to find a suitable plot of land

After solving the problem of finding suitable land, decide what exactly you want to do. The most well-known areas of agricultural activity are breeding cows, pigs or poultry, growing vegetables and fruits, berries and melons, and fish farming.

Choosing one direction for a beginner in the agricultural business will probably be more correct. Experts advise starting with vegetables. As you develop your business, you will add new directions. Since high profitability is shown by farms that combine different types directions.

Beginners can start growing vegetables

Whatever type of activity you choose, there is always additional profit that you can make from it. Having your own raw materials, you can set up your own production. For example:

  1. Growing fruits, berries and vegetables. Additional profit is the sale of frozen vegetables and fruits.
  2. Raising pigs or cattle. You can start producing your own products - stews, sausages, deli meats. Raising cows will allow you to produce dairy products for sale.
  3. Growing grains. Producing your own flour and cereals, maintaining your own bakery where you can bake all kinds of baked goods.

This list is approximate. You can add many more items to it. It depends on your desire to earn money, your capabilities and imagination. And, of course, do not forget about one important point - you need to take care of the sales market in advance. If you are new to business and don’t have sales skills yet, you can hire an experienced specialist. He will search for buyers and conclude contracts.

Many people are of the opinion that life in the village and farming are irrelevant. But think about it - after all, every day on store shelves we see the products of small private farms. In rural conditions, it is sometimes easier to earn money than in the city. By combining different types of agricultural production, you can get by with relatively low costs.

How to become a farmer? This business is not limited to simply raising pigs, chickens and cows and growing vegetables. It's a whole system. It implies the presence of a business plan for a farm with official registration of activities. In addition, there is a well-thought-out system for regulating expenses and income.

Farming from scratch: how to start?

As you know, a business always starts with an idea - regardless of the scale. Anyone who has decided to open their own farm must, first of all, decide on a suitable direction. On a farmstead you can engage in both crop production and livestock farming. The main thing is to think through everything correctly and create a successful combination.

That is why a thorough study of the characteristics of the production of various crops and raising animals will be required. Before becoming a farmer, you should learn about the incompatibility of individual areas. In particular, the cultivation of certain fruit crops is strictly contraindicated near areas where cattle are kept.

Having decided where to start farming, you will need to think about the material and monetary resources that the future business will require. Everything should be provided for - from the primary financial investments to the construction of premises for keeping animals, the organization of the farm territory, the purchase of feed and fertilizers. In addition, future farming will require mandatory registration. Most often, such activities are carried out in the form of individual entrepreneurs.

Farming: types of activities

If you decide to open a livestock farm, the farm will provide you with meat, milk, eggs and leather. In addition, no one will prohibit combining raising animals, crop farming, fish farming or beekeeping. The main thing is to remember that all animals will require care of the proper quality and adherence to sanitary standards.

Let's take a little closer look at exactly what directions can take place for an individual entrepreneur in a peasant farm.

We breed piglets

Pork is always in demand on the market and costs a lot. This business is quite profitable, because if you take this area seriously, you can, with good care, get up to 30 piglets from one sow within a year. Each adult pig is about 200 kilos of meat and lard.

For breeding, piglets are usually purchased at one month of age. They are less susceptible to disease and adapt well to new conditions. The room for them (pig sty) should be kept clean, insulated in winter period and be sure to provide vents. Crowding is contraindicated for animals. They are fed according to a schedule, with pauses not exceeding eight hours.

The food is greens (in large quantities), meat and dairy products and special feed for pigs. One pig can be purchased for an amount from 3,500 to 5,000 rubles. It depends on its breed, age and area of ​​animal husbandry. You can breed pigs by starting with purchasing a pair of healthy piglets.

Goats, cows, horses and sheep

In summer they are all able to feed on grass. They will need soft hay for the winter. good quality. For feeding, horses are given oats, and cows are given mixed feed.

The yield of a good dairy cow is up to 30 liters of milk daily. From one goat you can get from 5 to 8 liters, and the cost of goat milk is higher, since it is considered a delicacy.

Horses are most often used as draft power. Sheep are bred for their meat, which is also considered a delicacy. As for sheep, their wool has long been considered the most valuable material. Breeding both goats and sheep is one of the most popular and profitable types of business in agriculture.


Both fur and meat are obtained from them. At the same time, the animals are quite unpretentious in terms of keeping and breeding. A rabbit farm is a system of enclosures, cages, pits or sheds. The choice of premises for keeping is a personal matter for the farmer. However, certain conditions must be adhered to:

  • Protect animals from direct sunlight and drafts.
  • Provide adequate feeding.
  • Don't forget about timely vaccination.
  • Maintain cleanliness in the cages and provide the animals with high-quality drinking water on time.
  • Remember the optimal temperature regime.

The diet for rabbits combines a large number of fresh fruits and vegetables in season with concentrated dry food. Hay and grass are quite suitable for feeding them.

Fish farming

These days this business is one of the most profitable. But doing it requires certain knowledge, as well as considerable investment. Agricultural enterprises such as fisheries are most often set up on the basis of artificial ponds, which can be of different types. It depends on the volume of production and preferred types. Due to the need for a large area for constructing a pond, the cost of this business may be overwhelming for a beginning farmer.

Who can you most often meet in artificial pond? Carp, crucian carp, pike perch, silver carp, carp and tench. Although pond fish are able to provide themselves with food, they still cannot do without feeding. Bran, cake, and mixed feed are used as it.

Starting around May, the fish are fed on “feeding tables”, which are heavy square-shaped wooden trays measuring approximately 50 x 50 cm. Each hectare of pond will require at least four of these “feeding tables” for fish.


With the right approach, the profit from an apiary can be quite good. In addition, bees pollinate fruit plants. How are such agricultural enterprises organized? The location for the apiary is selected based on the principle of being deserted and remote from roads, close to the areas where honey plants are grown.

Then it is necessary to install hives with 12-24 frames, as well as an omshanik (winter hive). The beekeeper can buy hives or make them himself. To do this, the beekeeper will need a workbench, hand or power tools. Bees can be purchased both in bee packages and in full families.

Poultry breeding

It can be the most common - in the form of chickens, geese, turkeys and ducks. Or quite exotic for our area. It's about about breeding partridges, pheasants, guinea fowl, peacocks and even ostriches. The choice of breeds depends on the market in which the farmer wants to establish himself.

Where to start farming if you decide to start poultry farming? The most unpretentious option is the usual raising of chickens. These birds are inexpensive and unpretentious. From them you can get environmentally friendly eggs and high-quality chicken meat. There is somewhat less demand for ducks, geese and turkeys, but their cost is several times higher.

If you are thinking about breeding guinea fowl, pheasants and peacocks, then know that this is quite an expensive activity, and you will most likely have to sell them to private buyers or restaurants.

For growing poultry You will need to acquire an incubator, special winter-insulated enclosures, feeders, trays, as well as a certain space for walking. Most often, farmers purchase couples for divorce, or a certain number of young offspring, which are subsequently raised. Another option is to purchase eggs and put them in an incubator. Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages.

To feed young chicks you will need cereals, boiled eggs, greens, cottage cheese, insects, as well as special feed mixtures. The diet of adults is almost the same. Their menu is dominated by grain - wheat, barley, oats. Vitamins and minerals should be added to the feed mixture.

Growing plants

Crop farming has always been and remains one of the current areas of rural business. After all, vegetables, fruits and berries are an irreplaceable component in the diet of any person. In addition, it is quite possible to grow flowers in farm conditions. The flower business has high profitability (from 70% to 300%).

The approximate amount of initial investment is from half a million rubles. With them you can rent land, purchase cuttings, incandescent lamps for greenhouses, which must maintain a constant microclimate and have well-fertilized soil.

Returning to the cultivation of herbs and vegetables, it is worth noting that their choice for farming is very diverse. Unpretentious species, such as potatoes, beets, carrots, radishes, etc., do not need any special conditions. If you plan to grow greens, cucumbers, eggplants, peppers, tomatoes and zucchini, you cannot do without greenhouses during the cold season.

Their construction, along with renting land, will require quite serious investments. The cost of seeds will be relatively small. In addition, in subsequent years you will provide them for yourself. The payback period for vegetable growing is quite fast. Already in this year you can get your first serious harvest. If you can’t decide where to start farming, vegetable growing may be the best option.

We grow mushrooms, berries and fruits

For mushroom farming, the most unpretentious (albeit expensive) are truffles. And the most common are champignons and oyster mushrooms. Mushrooms are bred in a special room where an even microclimate is maintained, in bags filled with mycelium and straw. You will spend from one and a half to two thousand rubles on truffle seedlings. Much cheaper you can buy a base for growing champignons and oyster mushrooms.

If you are going to grow strawberries, you cannot do without greenhouses. A number of varieties are also grown in open ground. Such a business will require starting capital about 100,000 rubles. Add another quarter of that for monthly expenses.

Raspberries are grown according to a different principle. Seedlings are purchased for it and the site is prepared. They do it in summer season, in the winter the bushes are buried in order to protect them from frost.

Cherries, sea buckthorn or apples are grown in specially designated garden plots. You will need to purchase seedlings and a special film for covering for the winter. At best, the harvest from young trees will last for next year. The fruit and berry business is profitable at a level of about 60-100%.

How to register your activity

Where to start farming in legal terms? Every business needs registration, and agricultural is no exception. The stages of the procedure consist of paying the state fee, notarizing the corresponding application, preparing and submitting a package of documents to the Federal Tax Service. Next, you should wait for the finished documents to be issued, go through the registration procedure with the necessary funds and receive a letter from Rosstat containing statistics codes. Of course, you should also take care of opening a bank account.

We rent land

You can arrange for renting a plot of land before the procedure legal registration. The rental application is submitted to the local administration. After the case is reviewed, you will receive information about where the proposed site is located. You will need to call representatives of the land management organization there. They will conduct land surveying and determine the exact boundaries of the site. Then the land is registered in the cadastral register and a corresponding passport is issued.

After this, the documents are again sent to the administration, which issues a decision on the transfer of the site. In addition, registration of the lease agreement will be required.

The state will help us

IN last years Assistance to young farms is a priority for the state. Now it is easy to get a grant for the development of such a business, the amount of which can range from one to four million rubles. It may be intended specifically for the creation of a farm or have a lump sum payment for a household device.

This money is purposefully given to a beginning farmer to rent or purchase land, develop a project, purchase the necessary equipment, carry out the required utilities, as well as purchase materials for planting, animals, feed and fertilizers.

Who can claim such a payment?

Money is paid to citizens of the Russian Federation of working age, heads of farms and peasant farms, the registration period of which is less than 24 months. In this case, it is necessary to have education and at least three years of experience in the field of agriculture.

The package of documents that needs to be prepared consists of a business plan for the farm, a breakdown of expenses with prices. Size own funds that will need to be invested in this case must be at least 10% of the grant amount. The recipient is required to create three or more jobs and spend the funds issued within 12 months from the date of issue.

Grants are issued based on the results of competitions, during which young entrepreneurs must prove the profitability and relevance of their future business. Such support can be considered an excellent way to solve the problem of initial capital investment. If payment is refused, there are other options for assistance from the state - in particular, in the form of a farm loan. In addition, various government subsidy options are possible.

Summing up

Modern business in the field of agriculture is not at all the same as the idea of ​​​​which is firmly rooted in the heads of many (a hard and dirty job, low-income and thankless). These days, farms are equipped with the most advanced equipment. The most advanced technologies are used in raising animals and plants. It is quite possible to maintain cleanliness and the desired microclimate in premises for breeding birds and livestock. Most operations can be automated, which will greatly facilitate farm work.

Financial support from the state is especially important in the current crisis. It allows farmers to develop their business. In addition, due to the widespread development of a network of cafes, restaurants and numerous private shops, as a rule, there are no problems with the sale of finished products.

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Quite often we hear what to do agriculture expensive, too troublesome and generally very unprofitable. A completely opposite point of view is shared by a young farmer from the Prechistensky rural settlement, Vitaly Antipov, who has been growing potatoes for 7 years, and this year he registered his own peasant farm.

Crop production, be it the production of grains or vegetables, always involves some risk. Since the result of a labor-intensive process depends not only on the knowledge of production technology, experience and diligence of farmers. Not the least role in obtaining a high yield, and therefore profit, is assigned to the correct selection of crop varieties. The heavenly office often makes its own adjustments, the whims of which cannot always be foreseen. Every farmer must be mentally prepared for this and patiently overcome difficulties on the way to his goal,” says Vitaly, not without optimism.

This enterprising and cheerful young man lives and works in the village of Bykovo. He grows potatoes, gradually increases the area of ​​cultivated land, tries new production technologies and does not complain at all about life - which, to tell the truth, is very rare for beginning farmers. Of course, in his practice there have been failures more than once, there are still many difficulties, and this year’s harvest did not live up to expectations, but he is not going to give up and fall into despair.


Vitaly Antipov knows firsthand how difficult the farmers' bread is. He grew up in the village, in a family of rural workers. Since it is difficult to find work in the rural outback, his older brother Maxim, together with his father, has been successfully growing grains and sunflowers for many years. From school, Vitaly developed the family agribusiness, helped in the fields, and took on any job. And when the time came to decide on the choice of profession, the capable graduate of the rural school easily scored the required number of points in the trial exams of the Moscow Agricultural Academy. K. A. Timiryazev, which took place in Lipetsk. From a large list of proposed faculties, Vitaly chose economics and a few years later received a diploma in economics-manager.

Having tried to realize himself in the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation - the Central Territorial Administration of Housing, Vitaly realized once and for all that desk routine work was not for him at all. Returning from Moscow to the village, he began farming with his family. Once, having grown potatoes on 1 hectare of land as an experiment, I became convinced that growing vegetables is not so difficult, and most importantly, profitable. So he gradually increased production volumes, gained experience, studied the features of the technology for producing second bread, and expanded sales markets. Having learned that there are many programs for aspiring entrepreneurs in the Lipetsk region, a year ago Vitaly turned to the district administration for advice and help, where the young entrepreneur was told how to start his own business. This year, V. Antipov took part in municipal and regional forums of young entrepreneurs, and even became a participant in the regional stage of the “Young Entrepreneur of Russia 2016” competition. Vitaly learned a lot of necessary and interesting information for himself; stories of successful development of farmers from other areas of the region inspired and strengthened the desire of the potato grower from Bykovo to work on the land and make a profit. Thus, with the help of specialists from the economics department of the district administration, V. Antipov prepared a business plan for the development of his business, collected the necessary package of documents and became a participant in the program to support young entrepreneurs, which provides subsidies for the development of his own business from the federal and regional budgets. Vitaly has already received part of the funds, thanks to which he reimbursed the costs of purchasing a trailed potato digger for the tractor.


Today, V. Antipov, at 29 years old, is the chairman of a peasant farm, a successful potato grower who looks to the future with optimism. Using new Dutch technology, he grows ware potatoes on 9 hectares of land, which he rented for several years. His family provides the guy with great help and support in his endeavors. Vitaly selects potato varieties especially carefully, procuring some from the previous harvest, and purchasing new ones in advance. This year, Red Scarlett, Galla, and Rosalind produced a good harvest, although not what the farmer himself expected. From spring to autumn, the farmer himself takes part in all stages of production every day. During the season, only two people work in the field with him, but so far they can cope with the volume of work. Vitaly sold part of the harvest in the fall, and sent part for storage in a small vegetable storehouse, which he also rented for now. As a rule, it regular customers- these are resellers, local residents, as well as the wholesale base of the central city market of Lipetsk.

In the future, he hopes that there will be more customers, because he grows a natural product with minimal use of fertilizers and chemicals. The profit received today not only allows a young entrepreneur to fully provide for himself and his family, but also to make big plans for the future. Thus, Vitaly Antipov is planning in the near future not only to increase the planting area, but also to wash and pack potatoes in sealed containers. plastic bags. For this, of course, additional funds are needed, and therefore the young man plans to take part in the state support program next year and receive a grant. Looking at Vitaly, purposeful, self-confident, hardworking man, there is no doubt that only success awaits him ahead, which is what the SV editors sincerely wish for him.

Tatiana RUSOVA.