Sneezer-prediction in love on Monday, true, daytime and nighttime, by time of day, by hour: description will sign. True sneezer by time: Monday Why sneeze on Monday 12 13

Monday is one of the most mystical days of the week, and a sneezer for Monday will be a guide that will help you overcome the difficulties of this day. Use the interpretation below and find out why you sneeze on Monday.

In the article:

Sneezer for Monday - overcoming difficulties

There is an opinion that Monday is a hard day. If, after reading this phrase, you sneezed, it means that you are internally confident that this is true. Sneezing on Monday will help you figure out how best to behave in order to part with this definition of this day once and for all. After all The best way overcome difficulties - eliminate the cause of their occurrence.

Monday is women's day, it is under control Moon and is especially favorable for people born on this day. On this day, give up active actions and fuss - traveling, visiting shopping centers and oddly enough, diet is the best thing you can do on Monday. The Monday sneezer promises everyone who sneezes on this day will receive a gift within a week.

For Cancers born under the Moon sign on Monday, the sneezer promises special favor and the truthfulness of all predictions. Keepers of the hearth will find a lot of interesting and useful things for themselves by reading what kind of future can open up for them if they sneeze on Monday according to time. The moon is directly related to water, so pay attention to those associated with this element.

Sneezer on Monday - day

06:00-07:00 : passive hour, but a good sign for the sneezer. It is best to start drawing up a shopping plan and devote it to self-care. Less activity, try to relax. An aromatic bath and water treatments will fill the coming day with positivity.

07:00-08:00 : A pleasant meeting awaits the sneezer. Perhaps he will pay a visit old friend. Even an unexpected visit will no longer take you by surprise, and you will be able to surprise your guest with an exquisite treat and impeccable appearance.

08:00-09:00 : This hour is full of surprises. He will reveal to the fortuneteller that the fair-haired man secretly dreams of winning his heart. It’s worth taking a closer look at your surroundings; perhaps your destiny is very close.

09:00-10:00 : warning. It is worth taking care of a loved one. The unpleasant news that he reports will affect him first of all. The support provided at such a moment is most valuable; it will confirm the sincerity of your feelings, this is exactly what the sneezer says on Monday.

10:00-11:00 : This is the hour of love, and you will definitely hear a confession today. The unexpected feelings that will open today will be stormy and exciting like the sea. But try to keep your sanity to avoid the storm, warns the sneezer for Monday.

11:00-12:00: sneeze at this time - find out that someone is constantly thinking about you. Look around and take a closer look at your surroundings. There is nothing secret that would not be revealed today.

12:00-13:00 : the moon will give you a romantic meeting. A walk under the moon along the shore of a pond, dinner by candlelight will make today unique. The aura of mystery and magic can turn your head a little, the main thing is to remain sincere, today does not tolerate deception.

13:00-14:00 : you cannot leave anyone indifferent. Just because someone doesn't show their feelings doesn't mean they don't think about you. More self-confidence!

14:00-15:00 : It’s worth tidying up and reconsidering your wardrobe. After all, today you will be invited on a date. Don't let this come as a surprise to you. Have a fasting day. A slight abstinence from spicy, fatty and smoked foods will benefit you.

15:00-16:00 : A test awaits you. Remember that any difficulties and troubles are temporary. Change your attitude towards them, and everything will turn out well for you.

16:00-17:00 : as the famous cartoon character said: “The main thing is calm!” They may try to provoke you into a conflict. Don't give in! Better do household chores or devote this time to your hobby.

17:00-18:00 : Today's dream can reveal to you the secrets of the future. Any water treatments on this day will be beneficial for you. Relax well and think about what exactly you would like to know from today’s dream.

18:00-19:00 : Spend this evening at home. Dedicate it to communicating with loved ones, surround them with care and attention.

19:00-20:00 : best time in order to have privacy. Meetings and conversations at this hour can lead to misunderstandings, unnecessary disputes and unwanted conflicts. Go to the sauna or bathhouse.

20:00-21:00 : A good evening is guaranteed. A declaration of love or just a pleasant, sincere conversation predicts Monday.

21:00-22:00 : the indecision of someone from your environment does not allow him to admit his feelings. Help him take the first step, if, of course, the interest is mutual, advises the sneezer on Monday.

22:00-23:00 : Think carefully about what you would like to receive as a gift in the near future. Yours soon. Even if it is not the object of your desire, the gift will still make you happy.

23:00-00:00 : guests are on the doorstep. Think about how best to welcome guests; maybe you should look for recipes for interesting dishes and clean up the house for their arrival.

On Monday night

00:00-01:00 : Your charm will conquer everyone today. Today is your day, and don’t be surprised at the admiring glances from all sides. Feel like the star of the day.

01:00-02:00 : a letter or news awaits you. The sneezer does not say whether it will be pleasant or not.

02:00-03:00 : The coming day will begin with an unexpected compliment. A good mood will be guaranteed for the whole day. Try to save it until the end of the week.

03:00-04:00 : light flirting, devils in the eyes, playfulness - these are the signs of today. Today you can do anything, and success with the opposite sex will be guaranteed.

04:00-05:00 : It's time to change yourself. A little more determination and self-confidence will change your life for the better.

Interpretation and predictions for sneezing on Monday.

Monday is the beginning of the week, and many people consider this day to be quite difficult. But don’t be upset, you need to prepare for working week. To plan everything, you can use the sneezer as a guide. This will allow you to not worry so much about the events happening in life and be prepared for anything.

On Monday, many find it difficult to get ready for work after a hectic weekend. At the same time, cases from last week or Friday often accumulate. After all, many people like to put off solving problems until later. A sneezer on Monday will help you become more reasonable and not make hasty conclusions.


7.00 – 8.00. Perhaps you will meet a person you really like. Get ready for your date.

8.00 – 9.00. The blonde misses you, be sure to see if there is a blonde guy among your friends. Perhaps this is your chosen one.

9.00 – 10.00 . Don't offend men and don't flirt with everyone. Among those around you there is a man who experiences the brightest feelings.

10.00 – 11.00. After some time they confess their love to you. Perhaps this will be your chosen one. If a man does not have the courage, he can prove his love in other ways. Pay attention to actions, not just words.

11.00 — 12.00. The object of your passion is also thinking about you. Don't be bored and don't suffer, but call the man.

12.00 — 13.00. You are waiting for a meeting with your loved one. Be sure to prepare and think through your words of appeal. Try not to ruin the relationship. Any wrong word can hurt your interlocutor.

13.00 – 14.00. You think about your loved one too much. Perhaps you deserve a better destiny. If the relationship is not satisfying, maybe you should break it off?

14.00 – 15.00. The one you like also has feelings. Let the man take the first step towards the meeting.

15.00 – 16.00. Don't miss your lover or your failed relationship. Think about the future and make new acquaintances.

16.00 – 17.00. One of your friends is in love. Pay attention to your surroundings. Maybe you don't see your soulmate who is in front of your eyes.

17.00 – 18.00. In a dream you will see your chosen one. Try to formulate your desires before going to bed. Perhaps you will find a clue in your dreams.

18.00 – 19.00. A romantic date awaits you. Be prepared for kisses and pleasant meetings.

19.00 – 20.00. Expect an important conversation with your lover. This person wants to solve relationship problems. Try to choose your words and not offend your chosen one.

20.00 – 21.00. Pay attention to the sweet words your friend may say. Maybe he feels deep sympathy for you.

21.00 – 22.00. Someone around you dreams of you. Be more attentive to little things and expressions of sympathy.

22.00 – 23.00. Take the first step towards a new relationship. You want a man who also dreams of a relationship with you, but is hesitant. Show that you care about him.

23.00 – 00.00. A pleasant meeting and new acquaintances await you. Be sure to pay attention to the subtleties of communication with friends. Try not to tease or offend anyone.

Even though Monday is not the most pleasant day, don’t be upset. Make every effort to improve your mood and gather all your strength to solve problems.


00.00– 01.00. Calm down and set yourself in a positive mood. You are the best. Don't get upset over trifles.

01.00– 02.00. Prepare for surprises and surprises. Pleasant news awaits you, which will puzzle you somewhat.

02.00 – 03.00. They will give you a nice compliment. Don't flatter yourself. Better take a closer look at the person, maybe he will become your destiny.

03.00 – 04.00. Set yourself up to be positive. Interesting acquaintances and events await you. Your relationship with the opposite sex will soon improve.

04.00 – 05.00. Be more decisive and begin to solve problems with full responsibility. Take the first step if necessary. Don't expect surprises and that everything will happen on its own.

05.00 – 06.00. Keep your mouth shut and don't talk about the secrets your friends have told you. You risk setting your friend up and ruining your relationship.

06.00 – 07.00. You will have to choose. To do right choice, be decisive and don’t be afraid to change things. To get what you want, sometimes you have to take risks.

Monday is considered a hard day, but mostly because on this first weekday we are in a low mood after a fun weekend. On this day it is better not to start new things, but you can plan them, reflect, and meditate. It’s good to take care of your appearance, take care of your skin and hair, and do exercises.

On Monday you can read other people's thoughts, understand another person, and reveal some secret. Sneezer on Monday is also a little different from the other days of the week in that this day is not quite ordinary. Be careful and some secrets will be revealed to you!

Sneezer Monday (daytime)

07.00–08.00. An unexpected meeting awaits you. Be fully prepared, you will need to look your best!

08.00–09.00. The blond man is sad because of you. Remember which of the guys you know fit this description and take a closer look at him.

09.00–10.00. The sneezer reveals a secret - some guy loves you. Don't throw away love; appreciate other people's feelings.

10.00–11.00. In a few days they will confess their love to you. Well, if he doesn’t have the courage, he might show his love without words.

11.00–12.00. He's thinking about you. According to signs, on Monday people often think about the people most dear to them.

12.00–13.00. Meet him. It is worth thinking about what should not be said and what can be said.

13.00–14.00. You will think about him. Is he really worth your attention?

14.00–15.00. He wants to see you. But let him be the first to report it!

15.00–16.00. You will cry for your love. Monday is a day when you often feel sad. Tomorrow everything will be different!

16.00–17.00. Your friend loves you. Good news, especially if it's mutual.

17.00–18.00. You will dream about him. Often in dreams answers to various questions come. You can ask yourself these questions before going to bed and falling asleep.

18.00–19.00. Kiss. The sneezer promises pleasant moments with your loved one.

19.00–20.00. The sneezer promises a conversation on a difficult topic. About what? You know it yourself. Be prepared for it, think about what to say so as not to offend anyone.

20.00–21.00. Declaration of love. It doesn’t matter who confesses their love to whom, it’s the love itself that matters!

21.00–22.00. He dreams about you. You can also dream in response, it will turn out interesting.

22.00–23.00. He loves you. This is pleasant, but also responsible - we are responsible for those we have tamed!

23.00–24.00. Guests. Are you ready for them? See what you need to do tomorrow morning to be ready to receive guests.

Sneezer Monday (night)

00.00-01.00 – Today you will conquer everyone. But in order to look irresistible, you need to get a good night's sleep!

01.00-02.00 – Receive news - message or SMS. In general, the sneezer promises: wait for the news, it is already on the way.

02.00-03.00 – A very pleasant and unexpected compliment. Pay attention to the person who says it. What do you think of him?

03.00-04.00 – You will flirt all week. This is great, it means you will be in a great mood! Monday doesn't count.

04.00-05.00 – You lack determination. It's time to learn how to make decisions and, most importantly, implement them. What are you afraid of?

Monday is a hard day, everyone knows this from early childhood. After a fun weekend and a pleasant vacation, you need to plunge back into the abyss of business and worries. Folk sign does not recommend starting new important things on Monday, but making plans, contemplating and spending time in meditative relaxation is highly recommended.

Take care of your skin, hair, and nails. Go in for sports (if this is not a new endeavor for you, in this case, put it off until Tuesday). On Monday you will be able to read other people's thoughts, learn a new secret that will significantly affect your life.

The true sneeze for Monday is due to the unusual nature of the day.

To an attentive fortuneteller, regardless of the time of sneezing, life will open up from a new side, for which there is plenty of evidence. Sneezing on Monday (especially on an empty stomach) is a good sign.

How to interpret sneezing by time?

The sneezer on any day of the week is divided into daytime and nighttime. On an empty stomach, sneezing occurs from midnight until the first meal. If you sneeze between seven and eight in the morning on Monday, expect a pleasant unexpected meeting during the day. You have to look great to amaze anyone with your charm and beauty.

Before nine - a blond guy is thinking about you. Take a closer look at the blondes you know! Perhaps your betrothed is among them.

From nine to ten: a person is passionately in love with you, in whom you could not suspect this - value other people’s feelings, do not waste your time on trifles!

Until eleven - this week they will confess their love to you. Be careful - it is possible to express feelings without any words! From eleven to twelve, a sneeze means that your admirer is thinking about you. Monday is the day when you think about people dear to your heart more often than usual. One hour after noon - meet Him. But be picky and careful with your words.

From one to two. If you sneezed, it means you are thinking about Him. But it’s worth thinking: is it worthy? After two sneezes - your beloved clearly really wants to see you, he’s just dreaming. Don’t show it, let him be the first to say so. From three to four - it can become sad. This is the negative effect of Monday: the sadness that this Monday sneeze portends will fade into oblivion along with the first day of the week.

A sneeze from four to five means love directed in your direction. This is great news, especially if you can confess your love for the Object. Up to six hours - pay close attention to your dreams from Monday to Tuesday, and before going to bed, ask the questions that interest you. You can get answers right in your sleep!

From six to seven o'clock, a sneeze portends a kiss and moments of joy alone with your loved one, but before eight - a conversation on a difficult topic known to you. Think over your remarks, but in such a way as not to offend someone close to you.

If you sneeze between eight and nine in the evening, a declaration of love will soon take place. Think about it! The period from nine to ten - sneezing at this time means that they are thinking and dreaming about you. Send your admirer reciprocal impulses, make it clear that the feelings are mutual.

Sneezing before eleven is a sure sign that you are loved. Enjoy love while being responsible. From eleven to midnight - there will be guests soon. Think about what you need to do in the morning to adequately welcome good friends at home.

On Monday night it’s better to sleep, of course, even a sneezer confirms this! Sneezing from midnight to one means: “Go to bed, healthy sleep is the key to excellent health, Have a good mood and impeccable appearance! From one to two - wait for news, receive an SMS later.

Sneeze from two to three - the first compliment of the coming day will be unusual - pay attention to the one who gives it to you!

Sneezing from three to four is a sign of flirting that will accompany you all week and give you a good mood!

Until five in the morning is not enough determination! Finally, take matters into your own hands! But if you are an early bird (or vice versa - you didn’t sleep all night), and you caught yourself sneezing between five and six in the morning on an empty stomach - be very careful, there is a great danger of letting it slip and giving away someone else’s secret!

If you happen to sneeze, look at your watch, then find the meaning of the event in the table (sneezer). Only the sneezes of a healthy person are considered significant. If sneezing is due to a cold or allergy, it does not indicate anything. But the meaning of causeless sneezes will be determined depending on the day of the week, time, circumstances and the number of sneezes.

The fortune-telling sneezer identifies Monday as the day of receiving declarations of love, dates, and a showdown. If you carefully follow the recommendations of folk wisdom, you can avoid quarrels and positively influence your destiny.

Monday meaning

It is no coincidence that the first day of the week is considered a difficult day. On Monday, most people are distracted, slow, and anxious. Some did not have time to sleep, others are frightened by the need to act, make decisions, communicate with unwanted people.

Emotions on this day often defy any explanation. You need to be careful when dealing with material assets or money. It’s not for nothing that there is an unspoken law: Monday is not a “market” day (it does not bring good luck to either buyers or sellers).

But on Monday you are good at doing routine work and everyday affairs. The Russian sneezer on Monday mainly foreshadows joyful events. So, sneeze to your health (just not on purpose).

According to Dahl, if you sneezed on Monday, get ready to receive good profits throughout the week. In Europe, sneezing on the first day of the week is an omen of serious difficulties, unpleasant events, and health problems.

Other interpretations:

  • Sneezing on Monday on an empty stomach is an omen of receiving a gift or material reward.
  • A sneeze in the evening is a sign of an imminent long journey.
  • Night sneezing means illness.

How to interpret sneezing by time

If you have to sneeze on Monday, be guided by the time of day and the clock. If you don’t like the sneezer’s predictions, drive away bad thoughts - your fate is in your hands.

At night

At night, people are less likely to sneeze than during the day. Moreover, they do not try to record the time of a sneeze. During a sound sleep, no one will even feel that they have sneezed. If you are a light sleeper, pay attention to this fact, and in the morning look at the value on Monday - the result can be very interesting. Think about it, it’s clearly not without reason that you sneeze in your sleep. Most predictions warn of quarrels, the need for choice, while others predict love adventures.

  • 00.00–01.00 – “Calming sneeze”, which characterizes you as a very attractive, intelligent, interesting person. Monday may be your finest hour. Try to get a good night's sleep so as not to miss your chance to conquer others, to adequately accept well-deserved compliments (about the chic appearance or good deed).
  • 01.00–02.00 – Sneeze on Monday in the middle of the night – a warning about receiving a letter. Moreover, the news will not come in in electronic format, namely in the form postal item(envelope or postcard, notice). The message will contain important news that will affect your future life. But if the message turns out to be bad, try not to dwell on this unpleasantness. Most likely, the day will be successful.
  • 02.00–03.00 – If you remember that you had to sneeze at this moment, get ready to receive compliments right in the morning and throughout Monday. Keep pleasant memories of praise from friends so that you can spend the whole week in a joyful mood.
  • 03.00–04.00 – Sneezing at this early hour means receiving a warning about the insidious act of a person you don’t like. Be vigilant and careful. But listen to the enemy. Perhaps his message will help you in the future. If you manage to use the information received, it will lead to positive changes in your life.
  • 04.00–05.00 – The sneezer pushes you to take decisive action. Stop doubting! Your suspiciousness can ruin all your plans. Don’t think about bad things, don’t go over negative experiences and incidents in your memory, don’t share your doubts with anyone - all this attracts new failures. Be careful with new acquaintances - these are not the people you need in your life. In the second half of Monday there is a chance to receive good news regarding an issue that worries you.
  • 05.00–06.00 – Sneezing closer to Monday morning is a warning: you may soon not be able to keep someone else’s secret. Therefore, throughout the day, do not share your plans with anyone, do not talk about secrets (especially those of others). Perhaps you will be provoked into a frank conversation, but you control yourself and do not get into an argument. This way, you will be able to avoid problems in the future.
  • 06.00–07.00 – The sneezer signals: soon you will have to take a fateful action (a gift, a trip, a statement). But more often than not, sneezing at this hour of the Monday morning does not mean anything, does not bode well - that’s for sure. Take care of yourself, go to a beauty salon, shopping will also bring a lot of pleasure.

In the morning

Folk signs about sneezing on Monday predict, by the time of the sneeze, the appearance of guests or the receipt of a love confession, and advise what to do.

During the day

If a girl sneezed in daytime Monday, she faces a difficult decision.

  • 12.00–13.00 – This Monday will give you a romantic date (meeting on the river bank, or candlelight dinner). In any case, you will never forget the moments spent alone with your loved one. You still have time to properly prepare for the date. If you manage to demonstrate your charms while maintaining naturalness, your partner's love can develop into more serious feelings.
  • 13.00–14.00 – If you had to sneeze at this time interval on Monday, this foreshadows several hours of sadness about your loved one. The chosen one does not give you due attention - this does not give peace to the soul. But insufficient courtship does not indicate the indifference of the loved one. He just doesn't have enough time, he has some small problems. Keep calm, support the guy. Everything will get better soon, or you yourself will realize that you chose the wrong person.
  • 14.00–15.00 – To sneeze at this hour is to literally “call out” your rival. A certain person lays claim to your loved one. Even if you guess who she is, you shouldn't make a scandal. Better prepare for the date. Your lover is eager for a meeting that should take place on his initiative. Don't force things to stir up your gentleman's interest.
  • 15.00–16.00 – A sneeze at this moment confirms that Monday is a hard day. You are facing betrayal or a complete break in relations with your loved one. Don't despair. You will overcome everything without giving in to panic and despondency. You can ask loved ones for help.
  • 16.00–17.00 – Sneezing at this time is a signal of an upcoming provocation of a conflict. Whatever happens, do not support the brawler. Save your nerves, show composure.
  • 17.00–18.00 – Sneezer recommends going to bed early today, and before going to bed, think about exciting topics. This night (from Monday to Tuesday) you will see a dream that is destined to come true. Most likely, you will dream of your beloved man whom you have not seen for a long time. The dream will be very natural: you will hear kind words, feel welcome touches - it will be difficult to understand that this is not reality. Don't worry, this will all happen in reality soon. Don't tell anyone about a good dream. If the dream does not please you, wash away the unpleasant sensations in the morning shower.

In the evening

A true evening sneezer mainly prophesies the receipt of declarations of love.

  • 18.00–19.00 – At this hour, someone who is supposed to spend this evening at home with loved ones has to sneeze. Listen to the sneezer’s recommendation and enjoy the company of your family members (have dinner together, watch your favorite movies, remember happy moments).
  • 19.00–20.00 – A warning was received about a difficult conversation with a loved one. Don’t go to noisy companies today, don’t go to a party, be alone with yourself. You are annoyed by your partner's misunderstanding to such an extent that you are ready to break off the relationship. Refuse to act spontaneously. In such a situation, only time can put everything in its place.
  • 20.00–21.00 – You can sneeze at this time only in two cases: either before a long-awaited pleasant conversation, or before receiving a declaration of love. Moreover, the second will be done in an original, funny form. Man, former friend, will charm you so much that you will forget about all everyday problems and other troubles. He will become a “stone wall” for you; you will not want to part with him. At the very least, you'll have a great evening.
  • 21.00–22.00 – The sneezer warns of the existence of a secret admirer who does not dare to reveal his feelings to you. If you can guess who we're talking about, help him, show initiative (but only in case of mutual interest). If you like bolder guys, don't waste your time on an unsuccessful candidate. If he is now timid and indecisive, then most likely he will remain so.
  • 22.00–23.00 – If you had to sneeze at this moment on Monday, make a wish - it will definitely come true. Another version of the sneeze is that you should receive a present from your lover. Most likely, you will get the thing you have been dreaming about for a long time. Do not pay attention to the quality of the gift - the main thing is that it is chosen and presented with soul.
  • 23.00–00.00 – Sneezing closer to midnight on Monday is an omen of the arrival of guests (guest). He has been trying to break into your house for a long time. Now the opportune moment has come. Stop delaying, accept your gentleman. He has serious intentions. He is not looking for entertainment with you for one evening, he will not allow himself anything extra. A man thinks about you as his future wife. At the very least, you will have a good time and will remember it for a long time.

If you sneeze several times in a row

Sometimes careless people say that they “don’t care.” They don’t even shy away from the fact that recently they attached great importance to sneezing and predicted the future. Moreover, for the casting of omens, the following matters: time, circumstances and the number of sneezes.

It turns out that it is not only the timing and circumstances of the sneeze that matter for prediction. The popular sneeze on Monday and any other day emphasizes the importance of the number of sneezes in a row.

The meaning of sneezing depending on the circumstances:

  1. While eating - foreshadows the emergence of new friendly relationships.
  2. In a bathhouse - predicts receiving material benefits.
  3. During illness, it promises a speedy recovery.
  4. When leaving home, he predicts what the path will be like, how the day will pass. An odd number of sneezes is a bad omen, an even number is a good omen.
  5. In the port on board a ship - portends an unsuccessful voyage.

There is a very common sign: if a person sneezes, it means that someone remembers him. You can tell whether someone who sneezed is being spoken about poorly or well by the number of sneezes:

  • 1 - they speak well of you.
  • 2 - condemn.
  • 3 - speak dismissively.

There are other interesting meanings.


In addition to good conversations about someone who has sneezed, sneezing once before going outside portends a bad trip, you need to be careful.

If a boy or girl happens to sneeze once, the individual can hope for the desired kiss.


There are several explanations for this event:

  • You are scolded, without choosing words, for a bad deed or an annoying mistake.
  • Friends or co-workers gossip behind your back.
  • A harbinger of an acquaintance that has the prospect of developing into a dizzying romance with a sequel.

If someone is lucky enough to sneeze twice while leaving home, this portends a calm day: there will be no special joys to expect, but there will be no sorrows either.

Three or more

Repeated sneezing predicts a trip, a romantic walk, making a profit or being initiated into someone else's secret.

In this case, it all depends on the number of sneezes:

  • 3 – you need to get ready for the road, the road ahead is long. Another meaning is receiving good news.
  • 4 – portends illness. Another meaning is that a romantic rendezvous is expected.
  • 5 – promises a small profit.
  • 6 – get a big jackpot.
  • 7 – you will accidentally reveal someone else’s secret.

Experts in esotericism believe that the cause of repeated sneezing is negative energy that accumulates in a person and then bursts out along with the air. In some African tribes, a whole ritual of forced sneezing is performed using snuff (this is how the aborigines drive out “evil spirits”).

But in Asia they try not to sneeze. It is believed that the desire to sneeze appears in a person who is included in the list of the dead by dark forces. If you manage to hold back a sneeze, the evil scribe’s hand will tremble and the line will remain blank. But in Ancient Greece, sneezing was recognized as a sign of the gods, clarifying the mind, and increasing intellectual abilities.