What do they do in our country with unidentified corpses? Photographer takes pictures of reconstructed faces of unidentified murder victims. Unidentified people found

If you have a missing relative

All without exception social media are full of advertisements about missing relatives and friends. Worried relatives are looking for children, old people, adult men, exchanging information, organizing search parties. Every day, seeing new photos with the caption “Help me find a person!” It becomes scary: where are these hundreds of people and what to do if your loved one disappears?

Police call people whose loved ones don't know their whereabouts are lost. There are 70 thousand more lost people in Russia every year. These are the ones they are looking for. As told Denis Kunev, senior investigator investigative department on transport, The vast majority of materials about missing persons are closed within the first 24 hours, since they are very often found alive and well. A common situation is that a person lost consciousness on public transport due to stuffiness, he was taken by ambulance to the hospital, examined and brought to his senses, and his relatives have already reported him missing. At the same time, there is an order from the RF Investigative Committee that if a successful person disappears for no apparent reason, then in the presence of certain circumstances of the disappearance it is necessary to initiate criminal cases of murder. And some of them are revealed only after many years. Since 1996, 100 thousand people have been lost and not found in Russia.

How he sank into the water

— A murder case is initiated if a person really disappears suddenly. — Denis explains. “That is, for example, a family man drives home from work in his car, but doesn’t get home, and the car is found somewhere empty. Or a mother goes out to the store to buy milk for her children and does not return. But more often than not, there are prerequisites for disappearance: conflicts, business problems, problems with alcohol, drugs, difficult age, mental disorders. A separate category is “draft dodgers.” In general, the search for a person lasts 15 years, and relatives can declare him missing even earlier, after five years, if they go to a civil court. After a positive decision of the commission, property issues can already be resolved: check-out from the apartment, rent utility payments for the missing, division of inheritance. By the way, law enforcement agencies pay attention to cases where relatives benefit from a missing person.

Although many people think that you can file a disappearance report only after three days, in fact, the police are obliged to accept it immediately. If a person is supposed to come home, but he is not there and does not answer calls, this is sufficient reason to contact the police. In hot pursuit, in the very first hours and days, 80 percent of lost adults and more than 90 percent of children are found. The reasons for the disappearance are different: someone started drinking, someone unexpectedly met love, someone lost their phone, someone even decided to hide temporarily “to worry,” sometimes they simply forget to warn that they are going on a business trip or decided to spend the night at the dacha. If a person took money and documents, some clothes, things valuable to him, then, most likely, he left on his own and everything is fine with him. IN last years Some citizens themselves want to go “unaccounted for” so as not to have to deal with debts from banks and creditors. By the way, if a lost adult is found somewhere alive and well, law enforcement agencies do not have the right to reveal him to his family without his consent. new address missing. In Moscow, visitors are mostly lost, and most of them are alive and well, and relatives in the CIS countries are already ringing all the bells.

After three months, if the person is not found, he is put on the All-Russian wanted list. Theoretically, the scheme should work, because a person supposedly has to present documents wherever he stops for the night and buys train tickets. In practice, it is quite possible to travel the length and breadth of the country by buses and trains and not expose your documents anywhere along the way. But all this applies to people who themselves do not want to be there, and there are also those who seem to have no reason to want to disappear.

No special signs

When submitting an application at the police department, the applicant must be given a coupon receipt and a group must be sent to the last place of residence of the missing person to check whether there are signs of a crime, interview possible witnesses, and so on. Information about the characteristics of the wanted person is distributed among other units, and, with a high probability, sooner or later, if everything is in order with him, he will be found. But some are not alive. The largest repository of information about unidentified dead people is the Accident Bureau. But often the relatives themselves find and identify in the morgue the grandmother who went for a walk and died on the street from a heart attack. The exchange of information between structures is not perfect, and as for long-standing criminal corpses, problems arise with their identification very often, especially if there are no special features, such as crowns on teeth or tattoos, and there is no way to take fingerprints or this does not give anything. Electronic IDs, bank cards, DNA and fingerprint databases and other search and identification tools are not yet widely used in Russia, so large volumes with filed files and photographs of unidentified persons - victims of accidents, crimes, simply useless people who died on the street - are still in use. Unclaimed dead people are buried in specially designated areas of Russian cemeteries, for which the state allocates 4 thousand rubles per person. Basically, this sad fate is shared by tramps and lonely suicides.

Without memory

If everything is at least somewhat clear with mentally ill people, runaway teenagers, unfaithful husbands and girlfriends who became victims of criminals, then where do the strong young men who are not rich enough to be kidnapped for ransom - the majority of the missing? Military, hard workers, and demobilized people do not return to work or home, and their loved ones have no idea where they went.

In a small private hotel Andrey worked on the Black Sea; he was about forty. He cleaned the rooms, delivered bed linen, fixed something, and lit a fire in the barbecue. Politeness and a smile put him in a kind of dumbfounded state. Several years ago, after a divorce, I was looking for better life Andrey met a group of men who offered to work together on construction sites. They offered me a job in the Caucasus - it turned out to be slavery: herding goats, working on the land. They beat me and left me without teeth.

— They tried to break him as a person, and in principle they succeeded. - Andrey recalled. - But I escaped, moved here. I work for housing and a roof over my head in the summer, and not during the construction season - I’m trying to save money.

Andrei said that before he could boast of good knowledge, but now he discovered that he did not remember how to spell the letter “u”. Some guests recognized Andrei - in the program “Wait for Me,” his father showed a photograph of his missing son, but the son asks his relatives not to tell his relatives about him, because he wanted to return home “on horseback,” to prove that he was worth something, and not to call a pity. This year, a valuable employee from the family running the motel left. God grant that the already widowed father has time to meet his son.

Often, people who find themselves in slavery do not remember how they ended up hundreds of kilometers from home, and the ranks of homeless people in peaceful Russian cities are replenished by those who do not even remember their names.

- “Unreasonable” amnesia, of course, has its reasons, but they are hidden from the ignorant observer. – Tells psychiatrist, doctor medical sciences, forensic expert, professor Fedor Kondratyev.— Such amnesias are not always truly sudden, it’s just that no one expected them to occur. Unfortunately, I have had to deal with similar cases. It's about about young men who ended up as slaves in remote settlements of infidels. How they ended up in hard labor, why and for whom they herded sheep flocks, where they came from, what their names were before and who they really were - all this was forgotten, they literally lost their “I”. There is no doubt that they were given or injected with some substances toxic to the brain. At the same time, some anthropogenic influences such as deep hypnosis can be allowed. The combined use of these methods is also possible.

Rostov journalists noticed that the majority of people subjected to psychotropic influence are most often found in the area of ​​three cities: Rostov-on-Don, Volgograd and Saratov. It is there that the country's largest toxicological institutes are located. However, no one accuses scientists of any inhuman experiments - according to reporters, the drugs under development could simply be stolen.

The second version of the reasons for memory loss in missing persons is hypnosis.
— In the sixties I had to practice hypnosis. - Professor Kondratiev remembers. “I am not of any gypsy appearance, not with insanely sparkling black eyes, but just officially trained in the technology of hypnosis at the department of psychotherapy. I treated patients with neuroses, made them forget about their fears, and returned them to a full life. At the same time, I was always amazed at the power of my word spoken to a patient in a state of hypnosis, and at the supernatural physical strength that they acquired at my command. It is clear that one must be careful with hypnosis, that its as yet unexplained powers can and are actually used for malicious purposes. However, one can be hypnotized only by coming into contact (the so-called state of rapport) with the hypnotizer, and this contact is always voluntary. You just need to remember that the initial voluntariness of such contacts can easily and imperceptibly turn into slavery, into anthropogenic dependence, as is practiced in some totalitarian sects. One way or another, inducing amnesia for one or another event, one or another period of a person’s life is a matter of technology. The way out of amnesia varies, sometimes it goes away, sometimes it doesn’t. Sometimes quickly, sometimes painfully long, step by step. I had to conduct a forensic psychiatric examination of one patient with amnesia. He was an officer, had to go abroad under a false name with a very important task, received everything Required documents and left for the airport, and then there was a loss of memory, sometimes only individual episodes surfaced. So, he remembered that he was once rummaging through a garbage container in search of food and a policeman approached him and asked to show his documents. The officer showed what he had, and the policeman did not demand any explanation, saluted and walked away. According to the available documents, this person could not identify himself - according to the assignment, only the photograph was genuine, and the name, place of work and other information were changed. Quite a long time passed, he realized the tragedy of the situation and began to look for a way out of it. He remembered which metro station his wife used and at what time. He began to come to this place and at this time with the hope that she would notice and identify him. Fortunately, this is what happened.
There are more and more similar cases (more precisely, such observations began to accumulate more precisely). This gave the opportunity to the State Scientific Center for Social and Forensic Psychiatry named after. In 2009, V. P. Serbsky published a special monograph “Anthropogenic mental and behavioral disorders (biographical amnesia).” There are many interesting illustrations in this book. There are even cases described when people do not want their former self to return and are distrustful of the real relatives they have found.

Where do the children go?

Several years ago, a girl, Liza Fomkina, disappeared in Orekhovo-Zuevo; unfortunately, she could not be found alive. Then in Russia, first in Moscow and the region, volunteer teams began to appear to search for missing children. Since 2010, the website poiskdetei.ru began to actively develop in RuNet, becoming a single platform for volunteers to communicate and exchange information.

“Now search teams are working in 10-15 regions of the country,” says Dmitry Vtorov, Head of the organization. “There are coordinators there who contact the police and manage the actions of volunteers. In general, two thousand people are registered on the site, but about 10 percent are actually active.
Wherever information about a lost child comes from, search engines contact the police. The relationship between them develops in different ways: either it is active interaction, or “there is an official in uniform who just needs to tick a box.

During the year, poiskdetei.ru closed 86 cases. Unfortunately, not all children were found alive. Most tragedies occur if the child is left alone for a very short time. For example, in a village, a little girl who was painting in the yard was able to open the gate, went into the forest and drowned in a pond, and in the city a boy was allowed to walk the dog, he fell into a manhole, the lid turned over and slammed shut, and it was not possible to quickly find and save him. Another factor in the sad statistics is violence against girls. According to Dmitry Viktorovich, a new criminal trade has emerged - the sale of videos of real rapes and murders. This is something that volunteers can easily fight against; the main thing is to join forces to protect children.

Just the other day I came across a note on the Internet that a video was circulating online with footage of the “burial” of unidentified and unclaimed bodies in Kemerovo. I also found and decided to watch the story, which caused a scandal and even What -like an investigation at the regional level.

Well say? I personally think our time is really cruel and cynical. There are all sorts of wars going on around us all the time, terrorist attacks are being committed, children are being killed and raped, and many other terrible crimes are being committed. All this is filmed and, it seems, With with some pleasure they show it on television and post it on the World Wide Web. And yet, this not-at-all-bloody Kemerovo video really shook me.

Funeralunidentifieddead in Russia

The author of the video filmed a man throwing coffins from a tractor trailer into a common trench. They fall there at random, break, open. This video, as I understood thanks to my further searches, was shown on the Russia 24 TV channel in Vesti. They also voiced one of the main versions of the Kemerovo authorities: they allegedly buried biological waste, that’s why everything looked like that.

I wonder since when have we disposed of biowaste (that is, amputated limbs, embryos after miscarriages and abortions) directly in coffins? These are new GOSTs, SanPiNs or municipal institutions Is it just that there is nowhere to put the government dominos?

You know, it’s one thing when various atrocities end up on the conscience of criminals and other inferior individuals. Or when there is a war between irreconcilable opponents who hate each other, kill and mock each other bodies . It's crazy, but at least somehow understandable.

But this is completely different. DEAD PEOPLE were thrown into pits like garbage by representatives of the city ritual service - in fact, government officials. It’s terrible when the Motherland (in the person of its official representatives) considers this normal and justifies its institution, which was caught doing such a disgusting activity.

Federal legislation

requires a completely different attitude even to unidentified corpses , and the treasury allocates for This money is for other, normal funerals. Let it be without sentimentality, without a funeral service in the church, but human. Storage and burial of unclaimed and unidentified bodies are regulated by Article 8 of the current Federal Law"About burial and funeral business"dated January 12, 1996. According to her, in special cases body can be stored in morgue up to 7 days, and if the special representative is busy wanted relatives, this period is extended to a maximum of 14 days. This person is usually a representative of the police department.

For burial, a forensic report is required and permits from the police. If dead body not criminal, but all officials know, What the deceased is homeless, the time of his stay in morgue , in principle, can obviously be reduced to the usual 3 days. But the latter happens, alas, rarely, since funds for the burial of nameless dead are received irregularly and are often used not entirely for their intended purpose. It happens that additional delays occur due to the police, from whom they do not give necessary documents: once born. Sometimes, no one needs them bodies are transferred upon request to medical universities for scientific and educational purposes.

One of my friends With not romantic, but important profession pathologist, introduced me to the difficult everyday life of workers morgue , To
who take care of, among other things, street children
corpses . They (dead bodies, not workers) are usually stored in a separate room, much less civilized than the “front room” where the dead and their relatives lie. I will give a brief informational certificate from a friend almost without changing the vocabulary.

“They lie, my dears, homeless people, homeless people. Undressed (well, this is understandable: we come into this world naked and we leave naked into the next), dirty, smelly. And who will wash them, who needs it? There are not enough refrigeration units, so What The aroma, you understand, is not violet. Especially in the summer, when the heat is around 30 Celsius. Sometimes even the orderlies don’t want to go into the compartment because the stench hurts the eyes. And the ritualists generally vomit in the bushes. Can you imagine With What kind of appearance do ordinary people fly out of there, who come for identification, looking for their missing? That is if they still have time to jump out. It's easy to faint. And it’s good if the funeral team takes these blue corpses to their permanent place of residence within a week. It often happens like this, What We have them lying around for two weeks or more. Either there was no paperwork for them from the prosecutor's office or the police, or there was no money for the funeral. Now, however, it has become better. And about five years ago we even had to write reports to the authorities: they say, we will be forced to close morgue due to unsanitary conditions. Then only the stirring began.”

Whichcorpsesare consideredunidentified?

Unclaimed people include those whom, for some reason, their loved ones or relatives do not want to take for funeral, or not at all. These include stillborn children whose corpses were not taken by their parents. And unidentified dead people arrive at morgues are completely nameless and without documents, often withstreets or from hospitals. They are considered:

  • homeless people, that is, homeless people (competent persons immediately recognize them by their characteristic appearance);
  • criminal corpses , found without documents;
  • not criminal (the person died of natural causes, which was confirmed by an autopsy) without documents, if no one identified them and found them in due time.

Bodyaccording to the rules, it will not be considered unidentified if at least one person appears by the time of its official inspection and description, which reliably identifies the deceased. Otherwise, dead body officially declared unidentified, he is photographed, fingerprinted and subject to state genomic registration. All this is regulatedPart 2 of Article 178 of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation, but does authorized investigator-inquirer. He is the one doing wanted due to the discovery corpse.

Burying the nameless dead

Usually municipal funeral enterprises are municipal unitary enterprises. Money is allocated from the budget for this procedure. The amounts vary in different regions, but they are always small: usually somewhere from 6 to 8 thousand per burial. This money should go towards a simple wooden coffin, clothing, digging a grave, transporting the body to the cemetery, the burial itself and a plaque - no name, but With number assigned to the deceased. The burial number can then be used to identify the burial if relatives show up looking for their deceased.

Body The deceased in a coffin is usually delivered to the finished grave on special transport of the enterprise. The gravediggers lower it into a hole, bury it and place a sign above the mound with the same registration number and (sometimes) information about the hospital from which it camebody. The burial place for rootless people is determined in a special section of a cemetery.

Cremate them immediately corpses prohibited by law. After all, later there may be relatives who want to exhume the deceased for identification and re-interment in the family plot. However after 5 years, cemetery workers can exhume bodythemselves for their subsequent cremation. This is usually done, since areas for homeless people are small and, alas, fill up quickly. The ashes are taken away from the crematorium and placed in a mass grave at this or another designated graveyard. And the place for a new burial of the unknown becomes free again.

Information about such deceased

They are usually stored in the archives of the cemetery, to which a plot for the unknown is assigned. tel .All available data is recorded in special journals. If relatives are still found, they can rebury the deceased, or they may not touch him, but erect a monument at the site of a certain grave With photograph, cross, bring wreaths. Most likely they will not be allowed to make a fence.

One day I had the “fortune” to find out (and see!) how and where homeless people are buried. It all started With tragedy that happened in the family of my good friends. Their son Seryozha disappeared. He was, as they say now, problematic. He drank, took, it seems, some kind of psychotropic drugs. He was the black sheep of the family. His parents (his father is a retired professor and his mother is a former librarian), nevertheless, loved him, pitied him and tried with all their might to help him somehow break out into a normal life. In his last months, he lived in their house and constantly made scandals, demanded money and understanding.

And then he left home, went to another city. But sometimes he called his parents, and then disappeared completely. We all - their friends and relatives - were looking for this prodigal son, and found him already in the cemetery for the unknown. I was, as it happened, at the head of all these searches, so I went through all the stages and authorities associated with wanted missing people. As a result, I was in morgue at the identification of the body, and at the graveyard site for the homeless and unidentified

Morgue was in itself a completely ordinary unpleasant place. But the room where the dead bodies that no one wanted were kept turned out to be simply disgusting. There is some suspicious dirt around. The stench of decay tel literally penetrated the brain; a scented handkerchief pressed to the nose did not help at all. What they showed me for identification was cyanotic and puffy, not much like the deceased whom I had seen many times. Fortunately, none of these dead poor fellows turned out to be the son of my friends.

As a result of various complex actions, we found his hypothetical grave in a section of the city cemetery intended specifically for homeless people.

This place turned out to be at the farthest end of the cemetery, almost in the forest. It was just a funeral day. In my presence, several gnarled coffins were brought to the final resting place at once, which they quickly threw into holes and buried with jokes and jokes. The graves were decorated, as expected, with iron numbers on sticks. Moreover, the sticks were wooden. I wonder, when they rot and the numbers drop, how will possible loved ones manage to find their own grave? I was lucky: the stick I needed did not have time to rot and I found “my” number. All that remains is to survive the exhumation.

To be honest, this procedure turned out to be worse than identification in morgue , after all, more than a month and a half has already passed since the funeral. The coffin was pulled out of a shallow hole and opened. The dead man turned out to be the same one. It would be better if I didn't see him. He was dirty and naked. As it turned out earlier, he not only died, but was hit by a car. That's how they buried him: dirty, with blood on their hair, and they didn’t even close their eyes.

In fact, I'm sure: funeral services are not available everywhere with unidentified bodies as terrible as what happened withthe late Seryozha. And just like they filmed it near Kemerovo. Surely many ritualists do their work honestly. The burial of the deceased, even a stranger, has always been an important duty for normal people. Any religion talks about death and seeing off the dead bodyas a great sacrament, not to fulfill which is a sin. But I periodically dream of the bloody dead Seryozha, covered in earth and With with open eyes. And then I wake up and think: “Well, what else can you expect from people who lost God many years ago and never truly returned to him? But all this will fall on them as a terrible punishment. Why aren’t they scared?”

“Help identify the corpses of unknown people,” law enforcement agencies make such requests to the media quite often. Some bodies remain unknown for several years. They were buried long ago in a common grave. But they never found out who it was. Others still have relatives.

A similar story happened to Alena (name changed). When the girl grew up, she stopped communicating with her mother, who suffered from alcoholism and led an antisocial lifestyle. Alena moved away. Beginnings new life. About four years ago, Alena’s mother disappeared. Despite the strained relationship, the girl decided to find her. I wrote a statement to the police and found out that my mother had been dead for almost six months.

Alena identified her from a photograph. At first I wanted to get my mother’s body out of the common grave, but I decided that it was not Orthodox to disturb the dead. Alena organized the wake. The woman's body remained in the cemetery of the nameless.

But Zhazgul (name changed) still reburied her son. The guy, unlike the previous heroine, was an example of good upbringing. The trouble happened to him when he left his friend. The guy had a heart attack and died. The body was taken to the morgue. For unknown reasons, Zhazgul was able to find her son too late, when he was already lying in a common grave with unidentified bodies. The unfortunate mother had to dig him up and bury him again with all honors.

No money to bury

As the Republican Center for Forensic Medicine said, all unidentified bodies (including a contingent of people without a fixed place of residence) found in Bishkek are sent to them for examination.

In 2015, 229 corpses of unknown persons passed through the center, of which 149 were buried unidentified. Relatives identified some and took the bodies for burial. Others were identified, but not taken: it was too expensive to bury and there was no money. The relatives wrote a waiver and the body went to a common grave.

According to the deputy director of the Republican Center for Forensic Medicine, Ernis Akunov, these are isolated cases, but they do happen.

They are taken away as the morgue fills up.

"Unknown, unidentified persons are in our custody. The refrigeration chamber of the morgue is a room in one corner of which there is a refrigeration unit that supports a certain temperature regime. According to all standards, the camera is designed for 15-20 bodies. However, since there are no other places for preservation, and there is a heavy load, sometimes the number of corpses reaches 40, and sometimes 50,” said Ernis Akunov.

He explained that the burial of abandoned, unclaimed bodies is carried out by a municipal enterprise - the Bishkek Agency of Funeral Services at the request of the Republican Center for Forensic Medical Examination, which indicates that a certain number of bodies have accumulated in the morgue that need to be collected.

“We regulate this ourselves. It happens that there are 30 corpses and we cannot accumulate further. Therefore, we begin to submit an application in advance: “We ask you to organize the burial of unidentified and unclaimed corpses,” Akunov explained.

Then BARU employees arrive in an on-board vehicle, wrap the bodies in plastic film, into which a tag with an identification number is inserted, and buried in a special square in the southwestern cemetery.

“It happens that we wait a month while we collect. And it happens that a large number of The bodies will be collected in a week. There is a period of about a week for identification, after which we must submit an application for burial. It’s inconvenient: organizing a car for two or three unidentified bodies. Therefore, we give the bodies time to “collect themselves,” noted the deputy director of the Center.

Recognized by hair and teeth

According to Akunov, situations when relatives ask for exhumation happen all the time. It happens that relatives come to the morgue after three or four months, or even after six months.

“For each case, we fill out a card of the unknown, where there are photographs, the latest clothing is described, down to special features: teeth, hair, eye color, body structure, defects, post-operative scars, tattoos and everything else, everything is indicated. Quite often people come , identify their relatives. Then we send them further - to other authorities, to law enforcement agencies, which issue an identification report. Relatives, in order to pay tribute, rebury the bodies of their relatives. They are taken to villages or buried in the same cemetery," said the deputy director of the Republican Center for Forensic Medical Examination.

He explained that the police have special people who deal with these matters. Forensic experts are contacted for maps of unknown persons with law enforcement. “Even if we receive an unidentified corpse on the day of death or the next, a forensic expert arrives, takes fingerprints and keeps a file, in case someone identifies it. Also, a forensic expert goes to the scene if someone has died. That is, we are not the only ones involved in identifying corpses,” Akunov said.

The corpses lie there for several years.

As Ernis Akunov said, in Bishkek the situation with the burials of unknown persons is more or less settled. There are also unidentified corpses in the regions; the burial of such persons is carried out through akimiats.

“I won’t name them, but in some areas there are corpses that have been lying in morgues since 2013-14. They are packed in refrigerators. This problem must be solved. But land is a very big shortage,” he said.

There are five bodies in the grave

And in Bishkek, every meter of cemetery land counts. The municipality cannot afford to bury each unidentified corpse separately.

“A hole is dug about three meters deep and five bodies are laid out one on top of the other, after which they are buried. A sign with numbers is placed at the foot. The same numbers are on each body wrapped in a bag. A relative comes, for example, for body number 15. And "According to the sign, he is the lowest. They pull him out and it is noted that the body was removed," explained the deputy director of the Republican Center for Forensic Medicine.

The director of the Bishkek funeral services agency, Ruslan Bochiev, noted that per month his employees at the southwestern cemetery bury 20-30 unidentified people and biological waste in barrel boxes (amputated body parts, dead fetuses, and so on). Information about the bodies is placed in special bottles where it is stored. A tag is placed on the corpse's toe.

“Not so often, but it happens that relatives show up after a few years. Usually in such cases they do not rebury the body. After, for example, five years, it is unrealistic to exhume the remains. They can put a fence on the grave, where the ashes of their loved one lie and visit him there,” he said.

In the capital, according to Bochiev, the question is that soon there will be nowhere to bury unidentified bodies. “This square of land that we are using is on the verge - there is almost no space. And the cemetery itself will be closed this year, because people have been buried there since 1973. We will move to the village of Grozd. There is also a separate square for the homeless. Then there will be enough land.” , he concluded.

According to police, 80% of adults and 90% of minors return home within a month. Why don't the others come back? Does this mean that their loved ones will never see them alive? And is there any chance of finding them at all?

Left and came back

Ilya's parents believed that he was alive! Photo: From the family archive

“The physique is normal, the hair is dark brown, the eyes are gray-blue. Special features: wears glasses.” According to this orientation, posted all over Moscow, Ilya Bykova, a student, a Muscovite, who disappeared in December 2012, volunteers began searching for him.

“Months of crazy searching. Great amount orientations, a lot of evidence, surveys, versions, options,” say the search engines of the “Lisa Alert” detachment. Ilya was found only 2 years later. And it was a miracle.

He left home and never returned. Where do people go? Who is “helping” them remain in obscurity? And what saves them?

Don’t naively believe that trouble won’t happen to you. This can happen to you or to your loved ones,” says Olga Korovina, editor of the website “Against Slavery.Ru” of the public movement for searching for missing people “Alternative”. “No one is immune from this.”

A happy outcome in the case of Ilya Bykov is a rare case. The parents did not lose hope that their son would be found alive, but the chances were dwindling every month... “On February 20, 2015, the search coordinator Natalya received a call from an unfamiliar number. The caller reported that he had found Ilya and that he was sitting next to him. Saratov city. A boy without documents and with a different name. With memory loss,” search engines write about this case. How did he get there? Ilya himself had no fewer questions than those who found him. I only remembered how I woke up in Lipetsk a year ago. Without documents and without memory. I tried to work, to look for myself... In Saratov, Ilya ran into a man who recognized him by his orientation. And he called Moscow.

Now Ilya - already with his dad and mom - is restoring his past, piece by piece collecting his own portrait. Where was he for 2 years? Thanks to whom or what did you lose your memory and end up in another city?


When people disappear, you need to keep in mind several options for the development of events, says Olga Korovina (“Alternative” over the years of work has already managed to rescue about two hundred missing people from central Russia, the Moscow region, and Dagestan). - For example, we are focused on rescuing prisoners from labor slavery.

This is the terrible reality of our time. It is impossible to guess what happened to Ilya Bykov; maybe he simply slipped, fell and lost his memory. But most likely they helped him...

Fraudsters who turn people into slaves own such psychological techniques that they sometimes do not need to use force, take away their passport and phone. They carry out a kind of selection: most likely, a person who is initially non-conflictual, kind, who is easy to intimidate and who is easy to manipulate will be captured. Although in our practice there are people who are completely adequate, with higher education, with military training. Strong, tough, one is a veteran of two wars! The scheme is simple: they lure you into decent conditions through a job advertisement in a newspaper or on a website, and most often they simply approach you at the station and promise mountains of gold: a job in the south, at the sea, a good hostel, a high salary... As a result, the person ends up in the trash heap with the dirty bunks on which those who have already been turned into slaves... And it is impossible to leave anywhere. We know cases where imprisonment lasted for years, sometimes decades. (At the end of last year, Alternative, for example, released a 33-year-old Saratov resident Germana R., who spent 14 years in slavery in Dagestan.)

There are many organizations in Russia that search for people. There are those who specialize in finding children or people who have gone missing in war zones, such as the peacekeeping mission of General Lebed, which found more than 70 people. Since 2010, the Lisa Alert search movement has been operating in Russia exclusively on a voluntary basis. He has volunteers in most regions, and has established contacts with the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the Ministry of Internal Affairs. If you have lost a relative or loved one, you can call them by phone. 8-800-700-54-52.

“Do you want to go to Sochi?”

Where else can missing people be found? If we are talking about a missing girl, we can suspect that she fell into sexual slavery. Usually such people are taken to Moscow to find a job in a cafe or restaurant, but suddenly the places there are filled. “Do you want to go to Sochi?” - recruiters suggest. The girls agree, and then end up in saunas and underground brothels... It would seem that today there is Cell phones, you can call your family or friends and tell them that you are in trouble. It turns out you can't. AiF several years ago told the story of Svetlana Malysheva from Primorye. A young girl went on vacation for the first time without her parents, the conductor forcibly locked her in his compartment and sold her to a brothel in Moscow. Then she ended up in Chechnya, from there to Turkey, and only 15 years later she escaped from the brothel and returned home.

Not all stories end so well. The number of missing and unfound people is growing; today there are about 50 thousand people in Russia. According to the police, it has been established that approximately a thousand of the missing people per year become victims of crime, most likely they are no longer alive. Most of them are minors and entrepreneurs. It is possible that someone became a victim of “black transplantologists.”

But someone is still alive, and “missing” is not a death sentence. And if, God forbid, this happens to your loved one, look for it urgently! Perhaps he is still around somewhere.