What can be gained? By studying your brain, you can find possibilities that are not limited by anything! Why and where does our potential disappear?

“No one is unhappy from external causes alone,” Seneca

Each of us at one time comes a moment when we begin to think about how to understand ourselves and how to find our purpose in life. Our life consists of a great variety of meanings. Every gesture already carries some meaning. The goal is even that someone will deliberately decide to get rid of any meaning.

This means that the time and effort spent on this deliverance will be meaningful. We fulfill every minute certain actions to get the result.

Why are we given life?

If our life were given to us simply for the sake of life, then its length would be endless, and we would have no need to worry about old age, illness, or the fact that our appearance is deteriorating. But we are worried.

Why? The resource of each of us for important achievements tends to end. The only resource that cannot be replenished is time. Lost, lost health, if desired, can be corrected.

Everything is possible when there is a certain amount of faith. Even if friends betray you, you can use an action such as forgiveness or acceptance. You can also make new friends. But if time is lost, it is impossible to get it back. And the older we get, the more difficult it is to search for the meaning of life.

Time saved is time that is taken away from life in order to understand oneself. But the quality of our only life directly depends on the quality of the issues that interest us. If we do not specify the question of how to find, then our precious life is wasted in vain, we live in vain.

How to find yourself

  1. First of all, you need time for your fantasies and solitude, since you need to imagine yourself as the person you would like to become. You need to think about your principles and values ​​in different areas of your life.
  2. Need to find and develop own installations, which will become the basis of a personal mission. All your attitudes need to be recorded not only in the brain, but also on paper, and strictly follow them, without retreating or deviating from them.
  3. The next step to achieving your goals is to determine the center where your principles should lie. Only personal responsibility and activity will allow you to write a plan for your personal life and find the meaning of life for yourself. Good luck to all those who have not yet determined the meaning of their life, but really want it.

The right mental attitude

Most often, people associate their mood with the external circumstances of their lives. It is believed that the more favorable the external circumstances, the happier and calmer a person feels and he will not have to waste himself searching for the meaning of life. But in reality this is absolutely not the case. Some people remember their happiest moments in life precisely at that period of their life when there was no outwardly special material incentive, even in the project.

Our trouble is that we confuse the external circumstances of our lives with our internal attitude towards these circumstances or with how we react to them, at the level of our spiritual feelings. Dejection, anxiety, self-searching and internal discord often haunt even under the most favorable circumstances.

Many people consider the main task to be copying someone else’s life, striving for someone else’s achievements.

Of course, we can learn from someone, but the main thing for each of us is to find our own self-expression, our own path, mission and goal, where we can find our peace of mind and comfort.

Don't waste precious time

Time is running out, but the question of how to find the meaning of life remains unresolved. This does not apply to everyone, of course, but to many. Meanwhile, every passing day brings us more and more gray hair, cellulite and wrinkles. In any case, no one has gotten any younger over the past few days.

Therefore, we should be very sorry for even a small drop of wasted strength, which could not bring us closer to the goal, and does not allow us to realize our strength in life for our own benefit.

No one at forty will be able to feel as much as they felt at 30. At 40 years old after a vacation we sometimes look worse than at 30 years old after a sleepless night.

Regarding the fact that work shortens life, and why waste time on it, we can only answer by saying that indeed, we spend 75% of our lives on it. This means you need to find a job to which you won’t be sorry to devote so much time so that the work is equal to life.

If you choose a job just to sell your time for a certain amount of money, and you don't get any pleasure, then you won't happy man, and the search for any meaning in life will end before it even begins.

Decent lifestyle

Finding out how decent a person you are helps you understand yourself. How to understand this? A decent person is one who has order in all respects, starting with his head and ending with order in his house and the yard in which he lives. Therefore, the main task should be to increase the influence on own life. The words: “become the master of your life” should be perceived as a call to streamline your actions.

To be decent and a good man power and money are not needed. You can become good for yourself. A person needs to be rich in good deeds. To become rich for a good deed, you must at least become rich and kind. A kind but poor person cannot become rich by doing good deeds. Also, a rich but unkind person will also not be able to influence anyone else’s life or his own.

A person can wallow in luxury and die without achieving anything. Therefore, the task for every person who wants to figure out how to understand himself, first of all, should be the desire to become both kind and rich.

We can all be divided into three levels:

  1. At the first stage of development are people without desires. We can observe many such people who do not understand how to understand themselves, and this question does not interest them. They just live.
  2. The second stage of development is occupied by people of desires. Most often, such people say that they strive for something, want something, and spend all their time searching for themselves. But they cannot determine what exactly they want and what their goals are. Having only desires, but not having any goals means having huge problems. Sadly, only one percent of people can boast of their goals. Most people only claim that they want a good, promising, interesting job, good life, a lot of money, but do not understand when they want it and how to achieve it.
  3. At the third stage of development is that one percent of people who understand the call: “become the master of your life,” know how to transform their desires into goals, and do not waste time searching for themselves, but are engaged in achieving their goals.

Understanding your deepest fundamental values ​​is the only way important issue for such a call as: “become the master of your life.” To do this, you will need to fulfill some obligations.

The importance of our thoughts in life

We can divide our reflections into two types: active and passive. So, passive thoughts haunt us most of our lives.

Active thinking implies the presence of paper and pen in your hands in order to record your thoughts. A person focuses for some time on a specific question, for example, how to find the meaning of life, or how to find one’s purpose in life, or how to understand oneself. He tries to find answers by writing them down on paper.

Yes, many will say that great philosophers did not find an unambiguous answer to all these questions, then why should we torture our brains with rhetorical questions. This is how most people think, while they go along with the stormy current of their everyday life. And if you ask them a question about which philosophers we're talking about, then rarely can anyone name at least one of them that they have read.

Many believe that life itself is the meaning of life, and some argue that children are the main meaning of their precious life.

It is necessary to give birth and raise heirs when a person knows exactly how to find his purpose in life, because then his children will not be deprived of the meaning of their lives, they will know exactly how to understand themselves, and they will not waste precious money on finding the meaning of life. time.

Diversity of meanings in life

All the variety of meanings has one common feature– a less significant meaning, in order not to become meaningless, must lead to the implementation of a more significant and important one. No matter what goals a person achieves, questions follow him everywhere: “what is all this for, what’s next, what do I want from this life?”

As soon as the next object of a person’s desires sparkles, he immediately tries to achieve what he wants, since the object at that moment seems to be the limit of all desires. After all, a person cannot look beyond the horizon of that object.

As soon as the goal is achieved, new horizons and prospects open up to a person’s gaze, and new objects of desire, against the background of which everything that we strived for before becomes ordinary and disgusting.

No amount of earthly blessings or family happiness can eliminate that pain, that suffering, that meaninglessness that lurks in the depths of the spirit of each of us. But what then can eliminate suffering, how to find the meaning of life, where a person can feel comfortable and be in harmony with himself?

Why and where does our potential disappear?

Potential can be lost due to two trends:

  • One tendency is vegetation, that is, doing nothing

This is not always characteristic only of young people, but also of many older people. People don't even ask themselves how to understand themselves. But living well is not the goal.

A person should develop the habit of structuring his tasks on New Year's Eve for the coming year. That is, he must write down specific tasks for himself in order to understand himself, and what needs to be done for this. For example, what do you need to do to improve your relationships, home, work, your appearance.

You need to write all this down and strive to complete these tasks throughout the year. Because in a year you will become older, there will be a feeling of life fatigue, resentment at life, in which for another year you have not been able to figure out the question: “what do I want from life.” If a person does not have specific goals that he has formulated in writing, then we can safely assume that there are no goals at all.

  • And the second tendency is the loss of one’s strength to take any action.

The forces that are not spent on achieving goals in life, not on finding oneself, are spent on activities such as:

  1. Party life. There are many people who do not regret spending their evening time on several cans of beer, packs of cigarettes, empty people and useless conversations;
  2. Computer games, social media, watching meaningless films, reading empty books or articles;
  3. Showdowns, gossip, scandals;
  4. Extreme entertainment;
  5. Pointless wandering around shopping. If a person is consumed by inner emptiness, and he does not know how to find the meaning of life, he tries to compensate for the emptiness with purchases, and often absolutely unnecessary ones;
  6. Excessive concern for household order. When a person has no real goals, he begins to fanatically clean three times a day or prepare some delicious dishes for his family in huge quantities.

The fact that many of us waste our energy on unjustified entertainment is not the end of all fears. It is important to ask yourself at least sometimes the question of why we perform all our actions. Our task is not to preserve ourselves, but to wisely spend our strength. In some situations, we spend a lot of our heart potential, physical and mental strength, time, finances, but in those cases when it is thoughtful, expedient and somehow justified.

And when we mindlessly play with life just for the sake of testing the adrenaline, it means that we cannot find the answer to the serious question of how to find the meaning of life. In reality, such people do not have specific goals and any opportunities to overcome vital obstacles.

A man without goals

Finding yourself is impossible until there are goals. If a person has no goals, then the consequence is a lack of plans. How can a person understand himself without definite plans for life, even if not for the whole, at least for the next year. The lack of plans leads to inaction, and what is remarkable is that there is nothing to analyze.

Probably, many have felt such a state as mental pain, the feeling that the soul requires something. This suggests that the person was unable to realize himself, although he had the power to achieve something definitely greater. It seems that there is still strength, health, and time, but the person is in an incomprehensible vacuum.

In order to somehow realize his strength and get rid of the surging state, a person begins to waste his precious time on actions that do not help figure out how to understand himself, but on stupid, meaningless pastime. It turns out to be a vicious circle in which a person does not say to himself: “become the master of your life,” but begins to create the appearance of, albeit useless, vigorous activity.

You don’t need much to be happy; if you know a few secrets and listen to your own heart, you can forever gain knowledge of how to be satisfied in this complex world.

Every person sees happiness in absolutely different things. For some, the main thing is financial status, others need to be healthy, and others need adrenaline. This necessary feeling can be achieved if you are positive and tune in to the best. When troubles persist, you should think about energy fields. Experts have collected the most important rules that prevent long-awaited happiness from coming.

You shouldn't spend a lot of time and effort buying things

The desire for great waste is great among many. You should listen to your inner world and understand that decorative items, furniture and all sorts of little things for an apartment are not as rational as a long-awaited trip. You should not invest money in things that, in fact, are not so necessary at the moment. It’s worth learning how to properly manage time that you can spend on something that will really bring you pleasure.

Don't sit within four walls

Walls in which a lot of time is often spent absorb energy, most often not good. You should monitor your thoughts and mood at home. You shouldn’t be alone for a long time; it’s better to invite friends and relatives with positive energy so that your home is filled with joy. If it is not possible to leave your home for a long time, then you should better monitor the cleanliness, then the well-being in the house is guaranteed to improve.

Give up pessimism

You should not be driven into a state of despondency, because such an emotional background suppresses happiness. A depressed person attracts negative energy, which accumulates inside and can cause a lot of unpleasant things. You shouldn’t suffer and blame someone for your troubles, you should learn to be strong in spirit. Sport always improves your mood, and herbal tea can also lift your mood.

Don't complain about life

Thoughts and words are material and we should not forget this. If a person constantly complains and says that something will not work out for him, in the end it will work out that way. An unsuccessful period can end at any time, as soon as they want it. You should be positive and think about pleasant things, then a bright streak will definitely come in life.

It's worth listening to your intuition

Many people are very dependent on the opinions of others. They make progress in matters that, in fact, they do not need. To find happiness, you need to listen to your inner world and find your own path that will make any person happy. You should comprehend this world and look for your place in it. Listening to other people's advice, you can lose yourself; you should stop giving in to other people's influence and look for your own happiness.

). Find, find. “We have tens of thousands of capable, talented people. You just need to know them and move them out in time so that they don’t stay in their old place and start to rot. “Seek and ye shall find.” Stalin. I found myself a friend. Find peace. “There is a sorrow in the world, the fiercest of all sorrows - this is the sorrow of a suddenly acquired conscience.” Saltykov-Shchedrin .

Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary. D.N. Ushakov. 1935-1940.


See what “GET” is in other dictionaries:

    gain- the gift of possession, began to gain peace of mind possession, began to find peace of action, began to gain freedom of action, the object began to gain meaning possession, began to gain happiness possession, began to gain confidence possession,... ... Verbal compatibility of non-objective names

    Found, find, find, acquire, receive, acquire, acquire, accept, acquire, find, find, doom, acquire Dictionary of Russian synonyms. find see find Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language. Practical guide. M.: Russian... ... Synonym dictionary

    FIND, ret, ret; rela, rela; third; retentive (yon, ena); retya; sovereign, whom (what) (book). Find, get. O. true friends. O. peace. Seek and you will find (about the need for an inquisitive search, purposeful activity; you will find old... ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    Find (s), gain (s), gain (s); found(s), found(s), lo(s), whether(s)… Russian word stress

    Sov. trans. see Efremova's Explanatory Dictionary. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Efremova

    To find, I will find, we will find, you will find, you will find, you will find, you will find, you will find, you will find, you will find, you will find, you will find, you will find, you will find, you will find, you will find, you will find, you will find, you will find, you will find, you will find, you will find, you will find, you will find, you will find, you will find, you will find, you will find, you will find, you will find, you will find having acquired,... ... Forms of words

    Verb., St., used. compare often Morphology: I will gain, you will gain, he/she/it will gain, we will gain, you will gain, they will gain, gain, gain, found, found, found, found, acquired, acquired, acquired see NSV. gain... Dmitriev's Explanatory Dictionary

    Retu, retёsh; found, rela, lo; having found; acquired; ten, tena, teno; having acquired; St. who what. Book Find, find; get. O. friends. O. peace of mind. Where do we need about. strength? O. a sensitive, attentive audience. The soul found new hope. How about... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    gain- (obsolete and in common parlance to acquire), I will acquire, will acquire; past found, found, found, found; prib. acquired (wrongly acquired); gerundish having acquired and acquired obsolete things... Dictionary of difficulties of pronunciation and stress in modern Russian language

    gain- retu/, retёsh; found, rela/, lo/; obre/tshiy; acquired; ten, tena/, teno/; having found/; St. see also acquire, acquisition of someone something book. Find, find; get. Find/friends... Dictionary of many expressions


  • , Hadfield Sue, Hasson Gill. We lose a lot in our lives due to insecurity and passivity, believing that everyone around us should share our feelings and know how to treat us. But aggression and manipulation...
  • Gain self-confidence. What does it mean to be assertive, Hadfield Sue. Do you sometimes say “yes” when you would like to say “no”? Do you agree to things you don’t like just to avoid conflict? Are you struggling and procrastinating before making a decision?…

American writer and creator of the OBE mental development teaching Robert Monroe is a pioneer in his field. Books that present theoretical and practical questions out-of-body travel brought him worldwide recognition.

In our article we are going to introduce you to the personality of this extraordinary writer, as well as briefly describe his work. Perhaps, after new non-standard information, we will all want to know a little more about out-of-body travel.

Biography of Robert Monroe: main stages

Let's begin to get acquainted with the topic, starting with biographical information about the writer. Robert Allen Monroe was born in the small town of Lexington, Kentucky on October 30, 1915. The parents of the future researcher in the field of out-of-body travel are a doctor and a college professor. In addition to Robert, there were three more children in the family. Most of the future writer's childhood was spent in Kentucky and Indiana, then it was time for the next stage of education. After attending Ohio University, Robert Monroe graduated in 1937 with a degree in engineering. His first professional successes were at radio stations, where he worked as a director and screenwriter. With his assistance, the stations began producing successful shows one after another. This made Monroe a popular composer on radio and television broadcasts.

Having traveled a very impressive path and achieved many victories, the future writer became vice president of the Mutual Broadcasting System network and a member of the board of directors. He was put on the list successful people different editions. Monroe's company some time later became a developer of cable television in Virginia and North Carolina.

The first studies of human consciousness

Since 1956, Robert Allen Monroe and his company began their research into the properties of human consciousness. Thus, he, in particular, studied the issues of learning during sleep and other aspects in this direction. Most often he himself acted as an object for testing. The year 1958 was significant: once again a subject of his own research, Monroe entered a state where his consciousness and physical body were separated. At that time, the term “astral projection” was applied to such a state, but the scientist called it differently - OBE (out-of-body experience (travel)). The latter option then became traditional for scientific literature on this issue.

The results of that experiment and the OBE state tested for the first time became a turning point for all further activities of the scientist. Now he directed his energies precisely towards experiments with his own consciousness.

Further developments

After the first stunning result, Monroe continued to work in the field of studying human consciousness even more actively. He recorded his initial experiments and their results in the smallest detail. Somewhat later they were displayed in his book “Travel Out of the Body”. The author's first work on this topic contained a description of experiences while staying outside the boundaries of the physical body. It became significant, important for thousands of people in the world who had had a similar experience, but they did not know about its essence. Now they could rest easy, because they had answers to their troubling questions.

Success of "Journeys Out of Body"

The book attracted the attention of not only readers. Representatives of various fields of science (in particular, medicine) were also interested in the results of Monroe’s experiments. The author's leadership spirit was only fueled by the success of the first book. Students and followers began to gather around Robert Monroe. Already as a team, they were developing new methods of influencing consciousness in laboratory experiments.

Research results

The meaning of everything that the author of the concept and books about OBEs revealed to us can be imagined by becoming familiar with the methods of influencing human consciousness. Thus, Hemi-Sync technology was created, designed to synchronize the work of the cerebral hemispheres. The pioneer personally conducted seminars and trainings in which he helped participants experience out-of-body travel. For the next 20 years, Monroe actively continued his search for new frontiers of knowledge about the potential of the human brain. Techniques created during that time include audio stimulation for stress relief, concentration and concentration, improved thinking, and pain control. Robert Monroe, whose reviews of his books are very ambiguous due to the specific direction of the issues under consideration, has earned the recognition and respect of specialists studying similar topics with his developments.

A new achievement - the second book of the trilogy

After such significant advances in research since the publication of the first book, Long Journeys, published in 1985, provided a new portion of amazing knowledge. New experiences beyond the boundaries of the usual vision of the world and man in it have already been described here. The book deservedly became a bestseller.

One of important points- amazing results of brain synchronization. In essence, the book became for readers an extraordinary educational journey into unexplored corners of consciousness and beyond. Thanks to it, we can make sure that the capabilities of our brain are much wider than we can currently imagine. Robert Monroe, whose books we are now discussing, makes this clear to us from his own practice. Compared to the first edition, this book contains much more detail and experience. And the witty and exciting presentation of the material brings true educational pleasure. The great significance of the book lies in the fact that it gives answers to the eternal questions of human existence: “Who are we?”, “Where are we from and where are we going?”, “For what?” This is a real find for both an adherent of a religious worldview and an atheist. The book teaches that by studying your brain, you can gain opportunities that are not limited by anything. And humanity still has all this to do. The book is a kind of indicating sign. In addition, the things described in it serve as a source of inspiration.

The final work

“The Final Journey” Monroe created this book with the results of his own searches and experiments on himself a year before his death. It describes, in the form of a fascinating journey beyond the boundaries of a person’s internal, habitual consciousness, everything that the author has come to over decades of work. In "The Final Journey" the veil of the secret, hidden by the will of fate behind the material shell of the world, is lifted. Monroe’s absolutely amazing view of man, his place in this world, life and what follows after physical death are described in the book as the final stage of all the author’s creativity and research. Robert Monroe, whose books and methods so excited the world, died in 1995, when he was almost 80 years old. The wording of even this event is interesting: it is often found in the form of the phrase “after physical death.” And again we are given food for thought, a reason to take one of the author’s works and immerse ourselves in it. So, after Monroe’s physical death, his research came under the leadership of his daughter. For a long time she was the main follower of the doctrine of out-of-body experience and led the creation of new methods of working with consciousness.

Monroe Institute: Continuing Research

The development of new methods of influencing human consciousness did not stop either with the death of Monroe in 1995 or with the death of his daughter in 2006. Since 1974, the Monroe Institute has been operating, which to this day conducts seminars, lectures, and trainings on the development of the abilities of consciousness and its control. This institute - non-profit organization, the direction of which involves exclusively self-development and the use of developed technologies. The topics he addresses today include lucid dreaming, meditation, remote viewing, pain management and many other areas of interest. big potential and beneficial to humanity.


Today we looked at an extraordinary personality and an equally unusual topic - OBEs (out-of-body experiences). This concept appeared in the last century, at the same time the Monroe Research Institute was formed. The latter still works today, working on new developments and conducting lectures, seminars, and trainings. The Monroe Institute deals with a variety of issues. All of them are associated with influencing human consciousness for the purpose of development and discovery of new abilities. The organization remains non-profit. We can only be surprised that humanity still knows so little about its capabilities. We have the most powerful tool - the brain, and by developing it, we will gain amazing abilities.