What can you make from plasticine with your own hands? Crafts made from plasticine. Video and photo instructions. Making an easy model of the solar system

For children, creating crafts from plasticine is not only an interesting creative process. Modeling classes speed up physical development baby, which is reflected in increased sensory sensitivity of the fingers, development of fine motor skills and hand coordination. And the perception of shape, color and texture instills in a child an aesthetic taste from childhood.

Plasticine crafts for children can become a favorite and useful activity if parents are able to properly introduce the child to this material and patiently teach different modeling techniques. Usually, they start doing this from 1.5-2 years old, but some experts believe that for early development It is useful to start mastering modeling as early as 1 year of age.

The first lessons with your baby should be the simplest and last no more than 5-15 minutes.

You should choose the softest plasticine, for example, “Luch Krokha”. First, give the child a piece of plasticine to get acquainted with, show that it can be crushed with your hands, made dents, flattened on the board with your palm or finger in the form of a cake. With ready-made plasticine balls, you can add snowfall or apples on a tree, flower petals or berries on a plate to pictures.

From 1.5 years old, you can gradually complicate tasks. Everything should happen in a playful way, for example, pinching off pieces is necessary to feed toy birds, and spreading plasticine on a drawing of a bear cub to hide it in a den from the winter cold. This will keep the baby interested in modeling.

At 2 years old, it is still difficult for a child to work with both hands at the same time, as there is not enough coordination of movements. This develops quickly when following processes modeling: rolling balls, rolling out sausages and flattening them between the palms. From these parts, simple figures are subsequently assembled, for example, a caterpillar, a mushroom, a pyramid.

The adult shows all the actions on his piece of plasticine, and the child repeats after him. We study the connection of parts and the creation of different textures using pressure from a stack, a toothpick and other objects that give interesting prints. You can try making simple vegetables, fruits and symbolic animal figures.

It is important not to impose anything on the child, to encourage his natural curiosity and experiments. At 3 years old, children understand speech well and have already developed the ability to imitate the actions of other people. They distinguish geometric shapes and are able to find similarities and differences. Children learn techniques for pinching and smearing parts, adjusting pressure, and working with their index and thumb.

They sculpt objects of medium complexity:

  • fruits and vegetables;
  • plates and cups;
  • buns and cakes;
  • towers, houses and animals.

Meaningful modeling on a cardboard template, including numbers and letters, will do. At this age, the child should already be taught to decorate crafts by applying small plasticine and other parts, as well as various objects. You need to invite your child to choose the color of plasticine for crafts, and to make it easier for him, limit the choice to a few options.

It is useful to preserve children's products and show them off to guests. Children 3-4 years old play with toys and crafts as if they were alive, so molded figures can be included in ready-made or invented fairy tales. From 4-5 years old, children can be taught complex step-by-step modeling, create large panels and three-dimensional compositions in different techniques. It is worth mastering smooth transitions between neighboring colors.

Plasticine fakes for children can be of varying complexity.

You can sculpt complex animals and birds, figures of people and cars. It is also useful for creative development to create various crafts using natural materials. Over time, the child will learn to embody fairy-tale and cartoon characters without templates and step-by-step pictures.

Children 6-7 years old can already easily cope with modeling from plasticine. They may be interested in creating complex crafts with big amount various details.

What you need for the craft

Modeling classes should be carried out at a well-lit table, the surface of which should be covered with oilcloth. The child can wear an apron with sleeves or a robe.

To make classes easier and more interesting, you need special tools:

  • wooden or plastic board;
  • plastic or wooden stacks of various shapes for drawing details, texture and cutting plasticine;
  • plastic molds for extruding figures;
  • toothpick or pen rod for creating small holes;
  • bowl of water;
  • cardboard for plasticine compositions;
  • templates with drawings;
  • caps from pens or felt-tip pens for squeezing out circles;
  • toothpicks, skewers and sticks for fastening parts;
  • any other available means.

Then you need to choose the appropriate plasticine.

Now offered big choice its varieties:

  1. Plasticine having medium hardness used in ordinary modeling. It kneads easily, holds its shape well and holds parts together.
  2. Soft plasticine (wax) ideal for babies. It requires almost no kneading, spreads well on cardboard, and is easy to make crafts from.
  3. Sculptural The view is suitable for children from 4-5 years old. It is designed for wireframe modeling.
  4. Ball plasticine does not stain hands and surfaces.

For plasticine crafts you can use different Additional materials:

  • beads, rhinestones, buttons;
  • peas, buckwheat, curly pasta;
  • seeds, cones, cotton wool;
  • other suitable materials.

Craft materials:

Craft Required plasticine colors Additionally
1 Carrot Green, orange
2 Apple Red, yellow, brown, green 2 cloves
3 Grape Green, purple
4 Watermelon Red, white, green dark and light, yellow, black Toothpick
5 Turtle Green dark and light, brown, white, black
6 Lamb Blue, black, white Toothpick
7 Butterfly Blue, cyan, brown, black, yellow, red, etc.
8 Tank T-34 Green dark and light, black Muzzle stick
9 Passenger car Black, white or grey, 3rd color for choice
10 Spider-Man Red, blue, black, white Toothpick or match
11 Princess Beige, soft pink, brown or yellow, white, blue Beads or rhinestones, match
12 Palm Brown, bright green, yellow 6 toothpicks
13 Rose Green, scarlet (instead of scarlet you can use white or pink) P Stem stick
14 Aster Yellow or orange, green, choice of pink, red, white or lilac Stem stick
15 Plum Green, brown, purple or dark blue

How to mold vegetables and fruits from plasticine

Plasticine crafts for children are made quickly and easily if you start creating them in the form of simple vegetables.







  1. Roll 10-15 purple or lilac balls.
  2. Make them more oblong.
  3. Stick the balls together like a bunch of grapes.
  4. Roll out thin and long strands for antennae from green plasticine.
  5. Make round green cakes. Cut five-pointed leaves from them in a stack.
  6. Attach leaves and spirally twisted tendrils to the brush.



  1. Cut a large piece of pink-red plasticine and make a ball out of it. For greater authenticity, it can be given a slightly oval shape.
  2. A small part of white plasticine should be rolled out between your palms into a thick sausage, which should then be kneaded to a thin layer of 2-3 mm.
  3. Then wrap the red ball with the resulting white ribbon and carefully smooth out the seams.
  4. For the watermelon peel you will need 3 plasticine: dark and light green and a little light yellow. From them, you first need to fashion 3 separate ribbons, and then twist them all together into a sausage, which should then be kneaded into a thin layer. You should get a ribbon with green and yellow streaks.
  5. You need to wrap the watermelon with this tape and level its surface, trying to maintain an oval shape.
  6. Cut the watermelon in half and divide one part into slices.
  7. Use a toothpick to make small indentations in each slice and the remaining half.
  8. Stick small pieces of black plasticine in the form of watermelon seeds into these recesses. This is convenient to do with a needle or toothpick.

The set of fruits and vegetables is ready.

How to make animals from plasticine

Step-by-step schemes for sculpting a turtle, lamb and butterfly.


How to sculpt:


Craft making process:


If you do it diligently step by step actions, you will get a beautiful butterfly.


  1. Prepare a ball from brown plasticine for the head, as well as 2 sausages (short and long) for the body.
  2. The short middle part should be cylindrical. On a long piece, narrowed at one end, transverse notches are made with a stack.
  3. These 3 elements need to be connected together.
  4. Small balls for eyes are made from black plasticine, and antennae are made from thin flagella. Then they attach to the butterfly's head.
  5. Knead a ball of blue and cyan plasticine until you get beautiful streaks.
  6. Then sculpt a pair of large and a pair of small wings.
  7. With a stack on the wings, it is necessary to draw many longitudinal lines to create relief.
  8. Next, the wings are attached to the body.
  9. From the colors of plasticine you like, small circles of different sizes are made, which are attached to the wings of the butterfly. Double spots look elegant, where circles of different sizes and colors are located one inside the other.

How to make a tank or car from plasticine

We sculpt step by step the most recognizable tank, as well as a car.

Tank T-34


Passenger car

The color for the car is chosen according to your taste, the rest is done according to the instructions:

The car is ready!

How to mold a person from plasticine

Plasticine crafts for children can be difficult to make if you have to sculpt human figures.


The image of Spider-Man is still popular among children.

The sequence for creating this character is as follows:

  1. Roll a small piece of red plasticine into a ball.
  2. Give the ball the oval shape of a human head.
  3. Use the flat part of the stack to make wide indentations for the eyes. Insert eyes made of white plasticine into them, then stick thin black strands along the contour of the eyes.
  4. Cut out a block of red plasticine the size of a box of matches.
  5. For the waist, one of the sides of the bar must be narrowed with your fingers.
  6. On the other side of the body, the neck should be formed.
  7. Thin layers of blue plasticine are attached to the sides.
  8. For the legs, a thick blue sausage is made, which is bent in the middle in the shape of a checkmark.
  9. On the resulting part it is necessary to sculpt the relief of the upper part of the legs. Then the knees and calves are added.
  10. Next, add 2 sausages, flattened on one side in the shape of red boots.
  11. Now the torso and legs of Spider-Man should be firmly connected.
  12. Arms with powerful biceps are molded from a thick red conical sausage, with long blue flatbreads attached to the inside.
  13. To convey the movement of Spider-Man, it is better to attach the arms to the shoulders in different positions.
  14. The web will turn out more neat if you use not thin plasticine strips, but drawing in a stack. A little black plasticine is periodically collected on the tip and stripes are drawn on all the red parts of the suit and head.
  15. The last stage is connecting the head and neck using a match.


For children, creating this craft from plasticine will require care and effort, then at the end of the modeling you will get a beautiful princess.

Sculpting progress:

How to make flowers and plants from plasticine

Using step-by-step actions, anyone can create original flowers and trees.


Sculpting process:


Sculpting progress:


Sculpting progress:

  1. Cover a durable stick with a layer of green plasticine.
  2. Make the receptacle of an aster in the form of half a ball.
  3. Fashion thin elongated leaves and attach them flat to the flat part of the receptacle.
  4. For aster petals, you need to roll out bright pink plasticine into a flat long ribbon. You can also use other colors for the aster.
  5. Using a stack, this ribbon should be cut into a thin fringe, similar to a comb.
  6. The yellow strip for the center of the flower is prepared in the same way. Its size is 3 times smaller than that of a long ribbon.
  7. First, the yellow fringe is rolled into a bun, then the pink fringe is wound around it.
  8. To make the flower beautiful, the flower petals must be straightened and fluffed.
  9. Stick this colored part onto the flat part of the receptacle on top of the leaves.
  10. Next, the stem is attached to the inflorescence.
  11. Long narrow leaves are attached to the stem.

If you make several flowers with buds of different colors, you will get a beautiful bouquet.

plum tree

Sculpting progress:

Simple crafts from plasticine step by step instructions will be for children initial stage mastering decorative applied arts.

Article format: Oksana Grivina

Video about plasticine fakes for children

Collection of ideas for children's fakes:

One of the most interesting lessons in school curriculum is astronomy. And in order to better remember the name, you can make a model of the Solar System from plasticine. You will only need modeling mass. When creating this model, you can do without any special tools.

How to Make Basic Principles

As you know, all planets and stars resemble a ball in shape. So you don't need stacks and expensive tools. You can sculpt all the components of the solar system without using any tools.

First, sculpt the largest element of the model - the Sun. To do this, take yellow or white-yellow plasticine and roll a large ball out of it. Then form Mercury from a light gray or brown mass. This is a small planet, so the ball should be small. Roll up a Venus using pieces of yellow, red and orange. To create planet Earth, take blue, green and white plasticine. Moreover Blue colour should be predominant. The plasticine model of the Solar System is half finished! Following the Earth, mold Mars from the red mass.

Then blind - Jupiter. Take yellow and brown colors for her. But Saturn is the most interesting thing to sculpt! First make a yellow ball. Then take brown plasticine, roll it into a long sausage and flatten it. Wrap the resulting strip around the ball. Saturn is ready! For sculpting Uranus, take green, and for Neptune, turquoise or blue. The model of the Solar System, the photo of which you can see above, is ready.

How to design a model?

To decorate the craft, take toothpicks and an astronomical atlas. Stick the sticks into the planets and the Sun. Pay attention to the correct placement of the planets. The atlas will help you with this.

How else can you design a model of the Solar System from plasticine? You can put the planets on toothpicks and stick them into the Sun. Just give each planet its own face this time. The eyes can be made from black plasticine, and the mouth using a toothpick or stack.

Making an easy model of the solar system

But what if you want your model to be lightweight and durable? There is a solution: papier-mâché. First, make a model of the Solar System from plasticine, not paying much attention to the colors. You can sculpt from leftovers. Then cover each ball with pieces of paper or newspaper. Use PVA glue. Do this in several layers. Let the future planets dry out. Then cut each ball in half and remove the clay. Using glue and paper, glue them back together. Once they are dry, you can decorate them.

What else to sculpt the planets and the Sun from?

If you do not want to sculpt a model of the solar system from plasticine, then perhaps the following options will suit you. You can use them as a basis. They will be lighter and more durable than plasticine. You can also make a model of the Sun and planets from polymer clay. Then you can use them to assemble a beautiful bracelet or even beads with earrings.

In addition, unusual materials are also suitable for creating a solar model. For example, you can felt the sun and planets from wool. Then they will be warm and soft. True, you will have to spend a little more time creating such a craft. In addition, you can make a model using cotton wool and glue. Such a product will be both lightweight and durable. For painting, it is better to use acrylic rather than gouache paints. Acrylic will not be washed off with water and will not be smeared when varnished.

Today we will conduct a lesson not only in modeling, but also in chemistry, and we will make models of molecules from plasticine. Plasticine balls can be represented as atoms, and ordinary matches or toothpicks will help to show structural connections. This method can be used by teachers when explaining new material in chemistry, and by parents when checking and studying homework and the children themselves, who are interested in the subject. Easier and accessible way creating visual material for mental visualization of micro-objects is, perhaps, impossible to find.

Here are representatives from the world of organic and inorganic chemistry as examples. By analogy with them, other structures can be made, the main thing is to understand all this diversity.

Materials for work:

  • plasticine of two or more colors;
  • structural formulas of molecules from the textbook (if necessary);
  • matches or toothpicks.

1. Prepare plasticine for modeling spherical atoms from which molecules will be formed, as well as matches to represent the bonds between them. Naturally, it is better to show atoms of different types in a different color, so that it is clearer to imagine a specific object of the microworld.

2. To make balls, pinch off required amount portions of plasticine, knead in your hands and roll into shapes in your palms. To sculpt organic hydrocarbon molecules, you can use larger red balls - this will be carbon, and smaller blue balls - hydrogen.

3. To form a methane molecule, insert four matches into the red ball so that they point towards the vertices of the tetrahedron.

4. Place blue balls on the free ends of the matches. The natural gas molecule is ready.

5. Prepare two identical molecules to explain to your child how the molecule of the next hydrocarbon, ethane, can be obtained.

6. Connect the two models by removing one match and two blue balls. Ethan is ready.

7. Next, continue the exciting activity and explain how a multiple bond is formed. Remove the two blue balls and make the bond between the carbons double. In a similar way, you can mold all the hydrocarbon molecules necessary for the lesson.

8. The same method is suitable for sculpting molecules of the inorganic world. The same plasticine balls will help you realize your plans.

9. Take the central carbon atom - the red ball. Insert two matches into it, defining the linear shape of the molecule; attach two blue balls, which in this case represent oxygen atoms, to the free ends of the matches. Thus, we have a carbon dioxide molecule of linear structure.

10. Water is a polar liquid, and its molecules are angular formations. They consist of one oxygen atom and two hydrogen atoms. The angular structure is determined by the lone pair of electrons on the central atom. It can also be depicted as two green dots.

These are the kind of exciting creative lessons you should definitely practice with your children. Students of any age will become interested in chemistry and will understand the subject better if, during the learning process, they are provided with a visual aid made by themselves.

Mastering plasticine most often occurs at the age of 1-2 years, but some never develop the skills to work with this easy-to-handle material. This is mainly due to a lack of knowledge and misunderstanding of the basic processes for creating plasticine objects. The magazine site today offers help in making beautiful crafts for children from plasticine and suggests different modeling methods.

Read in the article

Ways and techniques for making crafts from plasticine

Anyone who has forgotten how to work with plasticine should not feel the slightest fear: it is a pleasure to work with this plastic and pliable material at any age. You just have to follow a few recommendations, and the sculptor and sculptor awakens in a person.

So where to start:

  1. All work is carried out only with soft plasticine. As soon as we have taken all the necessary colors out of the box, we begin to knead each one in our hands. Useful gymnastics at any age!
  2. Plasticine has become soft - now they choose a modeling method.

The constructive method is the assembly of individual elements according to the type of constructor. First, the image of the figure is thought out, then it is mentally broken down into its component parts. Each honor is molded separately, and then assembly begins.

The sculptural method, or plastic method - the material, consisting of a single piece, is given the shape of the intended image. The child pulls out some parts, on the contrary, presses some pieces and lubricates them with his fingers. The result is a work from one object, without tearing or sticking. Techniques that can be used: twisting, bending and straightening, pressing, pinching.

The combined method consists of the two above. Here you can combine all the modeling techniques; this is usually developed naturally by the age of 5-7 years of a child’s life.

Let's start making plasticine crafts for kids

Children under 5 years of age are characterized by the initial development of fine motor skills of the hands. It is very important to develop it; the thought process of children with quickly and correctly working fingers is more perfect. The child definitely needs to be helped by taking him into the world of creating different things and creatures.

Crafts for children under 3 years old from plasticine

Crafts made from soft plasticine are mastered with pleasure by children at a tender age. First, an adult will knead the pieces, since the baby may not be able to do this activity or will quickly get bored. Gradually, children will learn to prepare material for work, which will additionally stimulate the development of muscles in their arms.

Crafts from plasticine for children 2 years old are made from combining similar or similar shapes (beads, a fence, a well, balls, sausages). In this way they make turrets, caterpillars, pyramids, tumblers.

Let's watch a useful video:

Plasticine crafts for children under 5 years old

Crafts made from plasticine, suitable for children 4 years old, are already much richer in content and level of complexity. If the baby has accumulated sufficient experience, the help of an adult will be required less. But the child’s fingers are still far from perfect, so appearance crafts require a lot of effort.

Beautiful crafts made from plasticine with your own hands, accessible to the strength of a schoolchild

Plasticine crafts for children are of particular interest. This is literally the creation of a figure from several blocks of material. By the time children reach school, they are already well developed fine motor skills hands Students are able to master complex forms and can work different ways, diligent and able to work according to a scheme or template. Children prefer to sculpt animals and birds, furniture, and also use cones, acorns or chestnuts in their work.

Forest animals made of plasticine step by step

Lightweight plasticine figures for children include: We use all methods of creating toys in our work. Some parts are twisted and rolled up. The arms and legs are attached to the body and they try to smooth out the junction, making it invisible. When making it, it is worth teaching your child to use improvised tools to create eyes, ears, draw fur, and fingers.

Making birds from plasticine: working in stages

Simple and cute plasticine bird crafts for children turn into interesting world. The children play with the figures they make for a long time, and then leave them untouched. “Feathered” creatures are obtained in different ways, we follow the step-by-step schemes and get a lot different birds. Modeling lessons are always interesting and productive.

Making furniture and cars from plasticine

How to make furniture from plasticine? Matches or toothpicks will help with this. Without such a stable base, the furniture will quickly fall down. The principle of sculpting chairs and tables is the same: first we make the legs, and then the tabletop or seat. We insert toothpicks or matches into the legs.

Crafts from plasticine and cones for children: simple and interesting work

Autumn crafts made from plasticine for children involve the use of natural materials. Chestnuts, acorns, walnuts and, of course, cones.

Crafts made from cardboard and plasticine in the form of applique

Crafts made from plasticine on thick paper or cardboard look amazingly beautiful. To make plasticine, you should choose a method for covering the cardboard. Either these are solid plasticine elements, or large “strokes” with pieces of plasticine.


The painstaking work of many thin “sausages” looks good in the form of a wall panel “a tree in the garden”. To try to make an elegant picture, knead the plasticine properly and then divide it into equal pieces. Each piece is rolled into a very thin sausage. All sausages are twisted one by one into spirals.

Night fairy

Difficult work consists of many small parts and elements. To create beautiful picture it takes more than one hour. First, choose a plot, then select the right colors. The work uses molds, stacks, and plastic knives.

Folk motives

Painting lovers folk motifs They can try to create an original wall hanging from pieces of plasticine.

Night dancing

A fairy tale plot can be based on any story. Probably, a recently read book can come to life on cardboard with the help of plasticine and human patience.

Who said that plasticine is something simple? This is very good material and a start for the creative process. The pleasure of sculpting is guaranteed for everyone! Each lesson improves your technique. With a little work, you can conduct your own master class!