What is postamat delivery. Pickpoint delivery service - instructions for use. What you need to order a parcel to the Pickpoint post office

Postamat - what is it? How does a post office work?




What is a postamate?

The Internet has brought us online shopping and new ways to deliver online orders. Postamat (post machine) is an alternative to Russian Post and courier delivery.

What is a postamate? This is an automated terminal that was created to receive orders from and mail directories. The postamat acts as a pick-up point, which is equipped with built-in cells in which orders are stored. The postamat has a touch screen and a console panel - they help the client to get their order from the cells.

In such postamats, you can independently pick up the goods purchased in online stores - this can be done at a convenient time, most often the postamat works around the clock. In order for you to pay for your order, which is essentially a cash on delivery - the postamat has a slot for paying for the order and a bill acceptor for. Most often, postamates are located in large shopping centers and retail chains- it is very convenient to receive an order. The postamat is also called the post office, the courier brings the order to it, but you don’t have to wait for it. You can receive the order when it is convenient for you, and if the product does not suit you, you can return it to the online store.

The cost of delivery and use of the postamat depends on the size of the order and the place of departure. Postamats appeared in Russia not so long ago - in 2010, so far few people know about them, and in the West such terminals have existed for ten years.

How to pick up an order from a post office?

When ordering products in the online store, you choose the address of a post office that is convenient for you. Usually the order is brought there within 24 hours - when the order arrives at the post office, you will receive an SMS with a code, and the code is also sent to your email. After that, you can pick up the order by entering the code in the terminal. After that, a cell will open in the post office and you will be able to receive your order.

What is the advantage of postamates?

The main advantage of postamats is the speed of delivery, as we wrote above - usually the order arrives at the terminal a day after the order in the online store. Also, the postamat is convenient in that you yourself choose the delivery address that is convenient for you.

And you can get an order in one minute. When receiving an order in cash - you must prepare the full amount of payment, as the terminal does not give change. Although some companies have the option of crediting excess funds to mobile phone, as well as the option to receive change for the order at the company's office. But this is not very convenient, since it can be located at the other end of the city.

Today in Russia there are more than two hundred automatic terminals with the help of which you can quickly receive orders from the online store. There are already points of issue of parcel terminals in most major cities, and their number is constantly growing.

Several companies on the market deal with postamates: Pickpoint, Logibox and others. Each of these companies has its own advantage and options. Recommends checking the convenience of parcel lockers when ordering in an online store.

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Creating a chain of lockers where buyers of books, boots and sex toys can pick up their goods looks like a good business idea. But without enlisting the support of a large logistics operator, this is not worth taking on.

How pickpoints were invented

The idea to create a network of postamats in Russia - automated points for issuing orders commercial director of SPSR Express to Nadezhda Romanova at the Post Expo 2009 exhibition in Hannover, where she saw parcel terminals developed by KEBA for Deutsche Post. In June 2010, the Network of Automated Pickup Points LLC was established, which began to operate under the PickPoint trademark. “The technology interested us because automatic equipment has better performance and cost than classic pickup points,” recalls Nadezhda Romanova, head of PickPoint, who left SPSR Express.

Investments in PickPoint amounted to $10 million. They were invested by the shareholders of SPSR Express - venture funds and several private investors. “The company was immediately created as a separate business project,” says Romanova. According to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, now Network of Automated Pickup Points LLC is 100% owned by the Cypriot PickPoint Delivery Sistem Ltd. Among its co-owners, only one individual is listed - Oleg Tsarkov, managing partner of Svarog Capital Advisors, who owns 15%. He declined to communicate with RBC for this article. Other co-owners are companies registered in the British Virgin Islands, their beneficiaries are unknown. The largest co-owner of PickPoint Delivery Sistem with a 43% share is Festina Trading Ltd, which is also the largest co-owner of SPSR Express with a 40% share.

In 2010, the fast-growing e-commerce market lacked companies that focused on delivering purchases to individuals. “At that time, many online stores created their own courier services - it was a necessary measure,” Romanova recalls. But, according to her, courier delivery has several drawbacks: firstly, the need to negotiate with the client about the delivery time, which is not always possible to do promptly, which means that the deadlines are delayed. Secondly, in large cities it is very difficult to ensure the arrival of the courier at the exact appointed time. “As a result, the quality of service suffers, and the cost of the service itself grows,” Romanova explains.

The founders of PickPoint were also not attracted by the opening of their own network of pickup points (PIUs): someone has to work there 12–14 hours a day, while parcels are most actively picked up, as a rule, in the morning and evening. “The cost of issuing an order through a post office is 30-50% lower than through a pick-up point,” says Romanova. “In Russia, unskilled labor is paid very modestly, so the economy of the pick-up point can be no less profitable than the economy of the parcel locker due to the rather high cost of automated terminals,” Tatiana Yampolskaya, general director of the Hermes express delivery company, retorts.

Pickpoint in numbers

  • 1455 pickup points in the PickPoint network
  • Over 3 million shipments were delivered via PickPoint in 2015
  • 2.2 million people - number of unique PickPoint users
  • 3.4 thousand rubles - average cost of an order delivered via PickPoint
  • 1.2 kg - the average weight of one parcel
  • 120 cells - the size of an average postamat in Moscow, 80 cells - in other regions
  • 40 thousand items per day were delivered via PickPoint in December 2015

Source: company data

PickPoint invited three global manufacturers of parcel lockers - Austrian KEBA, Polish InPost and Estonian Smart Post (now Cleveron) to refine their models in order to enter the Russian market. “European terminals did not have the payment options we needed, because they prepay for orders, while in Russia they like to pay upon receipt, mostly in cash,” says Romanova. “In addition, the standard height of cells in the EU is 8 cm, while our shipments are higher in height - 10–15 cm.” The Estonians became interested in the project: they provided parcel machines with the possibility of paying with plastic cards, software to them was written in Russia. 115 parcel lockers were purchased in Estonia, then their production was established in Russia.

How the PickPoint ATM network was launched

At the time of the opening of the first terminal on November 29, 2010 in Moscow City, PickPoint signed about 40 contracts with online stores. The largest of them were the cosmetics manufacturer Yves Rocher, who had already worked with SPRS Express and delivered orders through parcel machines in his native France, as well as the Wildberries online clothing store. Currently, more than 2,000 companies are actively using PickPoint delivery, including Otto Group, LaModa, Oriflame and Ozon. At the start, as Romanova recalls, of course, there were problems: a young company offering a delivery method previously unknown to the client. But gradually, all the largest Russian online stores and even foreign ones that send goods to Russia began to use parcel terminals (Chinese Ali Express and JD.com accounted for 6% of orders from PickPoint in 2015).

For sex shops, delivery through parcel lockers has become a revolution. “Many of our customers are embarrassed to choose courier delivery or go to retail store”, - says Yulia Atroshchenko, senior manager of the He and She network of intimate goods stores, which has been cooperating with PickPoint for four years.

However, parcel lockers also have disadvantages: they do not allow you to hold the goods in your hands before buying. “This delivery method does not involve a fitting service before buying, which means it cannot be the only one for the fashion segment in e-commerce,” Lamoda Managing Director Florian Jansen told RBC. Despite this, 38% of packages delivered through PickPoint in 2015 were clothing and footwear.

It was much more difficult to persuade landlords than sellers, recalls Romanova. At first, shopping centers were suspicious of parcel lockers and did not want to rent out space for them, although a standard parcel locker with 80 cells occupies only 4 square meters. m. “Many even considered us as a threat to traffic: they say, why will people buy on the Internet, and not in the shopping center?” Romanova says. Only by 2013, when the technology became popular, shopping centers were seen in postamates competitive advantage. “They realized that parcel machines can work as a payment terminal and generate new customers,” says Romanova (the parcel machine accepts payments not only for parcels, but also for cellular communication etc.). True, now the shopping center is not the main landlord for PickPoint: about 65% of parcel terminals are installed in supermarkets. “We are more interested in shops where a person goes for bread, milk and at the same time picks up his parcel, a place that is located on the way home,” explains Romanova. According to her, the busiest parcel terminals are located in residential areas.

How the PickPoint parcel locker network works

Connecting a small online store to PickPoint is quite simple: you need to conclude an agreement and embed a shopping cart module on the site, which takes an average of 1.5–2 hours of programmer work. When placing an order, the buyer chooses a post office convenient for him or a partner point for issuing orders. Every evening, with the help of partner courier services, PickPoint picks up all its orders from the online store and brings them to the sorting center on Volgogradsky Prospekt, where 50 of the company's 120 employees work. At night, shipments are sorted according to destinations and either transferred to mainline delivery, or with the help of partner courier services, they are delivered early in the morning to parcel terminals and pick-up points in Moscow and the Moscow region.

At the time of bookmarking in the post office or delivery to the point of issue, the consumer is sent an SMS, email or push notification that his order has been delivered, as well as the storage period, point of operation, amount payable, etc. Delivery times vary: in Moscow and the Moscow region the goods are placed in the postamat, as a rule, the next day after sending from the store, in other regions this period is from three days. The goods are stored on average for three days, however, if the client did not have time to pick up the order, the parcel terminal can extend the storage period at the point or redirect it to another point.

In addition, it turned out that customers who receive parcels at the pickup point and at the terminals are different the target audience: the former are older, more conservative and do not always trust technology, while the latter are younger, more mobile and do not want to waste time on unnecessary communication. PickPoint decided to cooperate with independent networks of pick-up points (Maxima Express, Boxberry) and Rostelecom, enabling connected online stores to deliver goods not only to parcel terminals, but also to pickup points. At the end of 2015, there were already 715 such partner pickup points, and 740 parcel terminals.

In 2015, PickPoint delivered more than 3 million items (a 1.66-fold increase compared to 2014). The company does not disclose financial indicators. “We reached payback in the fall of 2014,” explains Romanova. Several online stores in Moscow, cooperating with PickPoint, said that the basic rate for delivery to the capital's parcel terminal is 236 rubles for the client, and more expensive to the regions, depending on the mass and distance. If all 3 million shipments were delivered to PickPoint in Moscow, then the company's revenue would have to be at least 700 million rubles. excluding services for the collection of goods and the receipt of payments. The company's revenue in 2015 is close to 1 billion rubles, its press service confirmed to RBC.

Don't try it again

Over the five years of operation, PickPoint has managed to create the country's largest network of parcel lockers. According to J'son & Partners, PickPoint holds approximately 50-60% of the ATM market in Russia. “PickPoint’s leadership in the market is explained by the fact that the shareholders of SPSR Express, the largest express delivery service in Russia, invested in the project,” says J’son & Partners expert Evgeny Itsakov. - In fact, PickPoint has grown on the basis of the SPSR network: the company did not become a leader, it immediately had a leadership position and retains it to this day.

Shortly after PickPoint, InPost (a joint venture between Qiwi and Poland's InPost) and Logibox entered the market in Russia, but neither was very successful. According to several market participants, the Logibox network is experiencing difficulties. The RBC correspondent made sure that her website was not loading, and the phones were not working. InPost opened 380 outlets (as of June 2015, the second largest network after PickPoint). Andrey Chechin, CEO of InPost, explains that launching a project on the ATM market without very close partnerships with logistics companies impossible. InPost works with CDEK, DPD, Pony Express. “We need integration of logistics processes and information systems, and this is a costly, time-consuming business that requires resources to maintain,” Chechin warns.

“Our colleagues faced the same problems that we did, relying on partners, and also failed to solve the main problem - efficient trunk delivery,” explains Romanova. About 70% of the main delivery for PickPoint is carried out by SPSR Express (at market rates, emphasizes Romanova).

The prospects for the use of parcel lockers are associated not only with the growth of the Russian e-commerce market (very slowed down due to the crisis), but also with the introduction of the opportunity for ordinary citizens to send parcels through them. Romanova says that PickPoint has been technically able to accept parcels from individuals for the benefit of other individuals for a long time, but everything depends on the identification of the client. “Otherwise, drug trafficking will go through the network, and we don’t need it,” she explains. A clear and simple customer identification technology has not yet been invented in Russia, and the method that Logibox implemented in cooperation with Russian Post did not work. “They suggested that clients issue a special bank card for using postamates to send parcels is very difficult,” Romanova believes. Postamats can become an alternative to Russian Post for sending parcels from one private person to another, says Alexei Fedorov, president of the Association of Internet Trade Companies. InPost is already thinking about launching such a service in Russia, its head Chechin said.

unhappy together

PickPoint developed networks of parcel terminals in Moscow and million-plus cities by itself, and gave smaller regional capitals and cities to partners who worked with PickPoint under an agency agreement. At the beginning of 2013, the company, which at that time had 440 ATMs, made plans to supply 6.5 thousand terminals by the end of 2015. But it did not work: “It turned out that there are not so many places and such partners in the regions,” explains Nadezhda Romanova. Of the 740 ATMs, 210 belong to PickPoint partners. “This is a business for the lazy: agents buy equipment, enter into a lease agreement, install a post office, connect it to the Internet and electricity, and by and large forget about it,” says Romanova. - Next, we connect them to single network, carry out all logistics processes, conduct all payment acceptances through our module and pay the agent for issuing the order.”

Romanova refused to disclose the financial terms of the partnership, but RBC found a 2013 presentation in which potential agents are told about the terms of cooperation. The cost of a postamat for 58 cells in the document is estimated at 600 thousand rubles, and the agent's remuneration is 65 rubles. for the issuance of each shipment. The company claims that the current payback comes in 3-6 months, and the return on investment is within two years.

But, according to Romanova, the bet on agents did not justify itself: many of them did not study the traffic of places for installing terminals well, they searched for suitable premises for a long time: “There were cases that it took 4-5 months from the sale of the terminal to the start of its operation.” The agent with whom RBC spoke is also dissatisfied: “Unprofitable business: sometimes the commission does not cover rental costs,” complains Andrey Mershiev from Novorossiysk, who became a PickPoint partner in early 2014. “It’s easier to deposit money in a bank.”

POSTAMAT - an automated terminal for issuing shipments, where an order is delivered from an online store or from a catalog to the buyer. Then the recipient picks up the order on his own at a convenient time, following the instructions in the terminal menu.

"Post" - from English. the words Post (mail) and "Automatic", which in the merger forms "Postamat".

Postamat also called "postomat" or "postomat".

The main service is the delivery of orders made in online stores and catalogs to automated terminals for issuing items - Postamats.

The buyer independently comes to the Postamat at a convenient time, enters an individual code for opening the cell, pays for the order in cash or by card and picks it up.

It's simple!

When placing an order in the online store, you choose delivery to the PickPoint Postamat

Selects from the list

convenient Postamat where you want to pick up the order

When the order is delivered to the terminal, you will receive an SMS with a code to open the cell

Pay for the order in the terminal in cash or by card and pick up the order

Postamata - very convenient!

1. You do not need to wait for a courier at home or at work, as well as stand in lines at post offices, you can pick up your order at a convenient time for you.

2. Delivery throughout Russia.

Today, the PickPoint network consists of 470 Postamates and pickup points in 104 cities of Russia, +10 cities every month.

3. Delivery to your city in Express mode.

4. You can pay for the order either in cash or with a plastic card directly at the terminal upon receipt of the order.

5. The process of receiving an order together with payment will take no more than 1 minute.

To choose delivery to a convenient PickPoint Postamat, you must place an order in one of the online stores of our partners.

To date, more than 500 online stores with various products are cooperating with us.

Where Postamata are installed

Postamats are installed in close proximity to grocery supermarkets or other crowded places (shopping and shopping and entertainment centers):

Choose the nearest Postamat >>>

Steps to receive in the Postamat Menu:


Selecting the "Receive Shipment" operation


Entering the code sent in an SMS message


Choose a payment method and pay


Get a payment receipt

STEP 5: Pick up your order

from the automatically opened cell

Try the delivery service to Postamats and pickup points, see for yourself how convenient and simple it is!

Delivery of goods ordered in online stores

A special service for those who like to shop in Online stores and catalogs, and for those who value their time.

You can pick up goods ordered in online stores at convenient parcel terminals or pickup points, at a convenient time for you, without waiting for a courier and without standing in lines at post offices.

The process of receiving orders through a post office is very simple and convenient. After ordering the goods in the online store or from the catalog, select delivery to the post office or the PickPoint pick-up point:

If the order has already been delivered to the parcel terminal, you will receive an SMS with a unique code to receive the ordered goods.Enter the code in the postamat menu
your online order.
If necessary, pay for the goods in cash or by credit card.Pick up your order.

You can combine your daily shopping for food, clothes, and receiving orders due to the good location of parcel terminals in shopping centers and close to grocery chains.

Specify the cost of delivery through PickPoint in online stores.

Anna Ionova / 03.11.2016

Any person at least once in his life faced with the need to send a letter or parcel by mail, as well as receive some kind of shipment. In addition, all lovers of goods from the Internet have to receive parcels. The very idea that you need to send a parcel at the post office or pick it up causes sad thoughts for many of our compatriots about huge queues and hours of waiting, impoliteness on the part of the Russian Post staff and the need to fill out a bunch of forms. And despite the fact that in last years the situation has changed for the better, the established opinion of people about mail remains the same. How to pick up a parcel quickly and at any convenient time? This task is solved by postamats or postomats - automatic stations for receiving and issuing items.

How it all started

Postal machines existed back in the days of the USSR, and already at that time they facilitated the work of employees. Various postal machines for customers sold postage stamps, postcards, accepted registered letters, calculated the amount of postage, pasted special labels and even issued parcels.

Postamates in the modern sense first appeared in Germany in 2001. The project was developed by the Austrian company KEBA and the German courier service DHL, a subsidiary of the large logistics company Deutsche Post AG. More than 2,500 parcel lockers have already been installed in Germany.

Packstation - German post office (pikabu.ru/story/packstation__pochtovyiy_yashchik_dlya_vsekh_zhelayushchikh_3820916)

To use them, the client needs to register on the company's website, indicating their contact details and full name. After that, upon receiving the parcel, the client can use the service of delivering parcels to the parcel terminal, while he can choose the address of the parcel terminal that is convenient for him on the website or in mobile application. After that, the customer receives a special code via SMS or e-mail, which allows him to pick up the parcel at the automatic station within a few days. A little later postamates gained popularity all over the world. By 2007, they were installed in almost all countries. Some European parcel lockers are used not only for issuing, but also for receiving items. In Russia, the first such stations appeared in 2010. Until now, they only work for the issuance of parcels. In 2013, Russian Post, together with LogiBox, tried to introduce parcel lockers into the process of automatically receiving and issuing items. To do this, customers needed to issue a special bank card. The project did not gain popularity among clients, and was closed several years ago.

How it works

Many of you have probably noticed structures in shopping centers or train stations that resemble left-luggage offices in supermarkets - these are lockers.

PickPoint Postamat (ict-online.ru/interview/i123550/)

Each automatic terminal, except for the boxes for storing parcels (which, by the way, can be of different sizes), is equipped with a touch screen, a bill acceptor for cash, a slot for paying with a plastic card, a receipt printer and a barcode scanner. Some ATMs are equipped with a printer for printing return labels.

When placing an order in the online store, in the line "Delivery method", the buyer selects the post office closest to his home. Then, when the product enters the cell, the buyer receives an SMS delivery notification and a code. The notification indicates the address of the parcel terminal, the opening hours, the amount of payment and the time during which the parcel is in the parcel terminal. As a rule, it is limited to a few days, so the buyer must pick up his parcel within this time, otherwise it will be sent to the post office or back to the sender. When placing an order, the buyer can also pay for the goods immediately on the site, or upon receipt at the post office. The change from the purchase, as a rule, goes to the mobile phone account or to the electronic wallet, if it is indicated during registration. The code guarantees the opening of exactly the cell in which the required package is located. The fact of receiving the parcel can be recorded by taking a photo or video, receiving a sample of the client's signature or an electronic digital signature. Automated pick-up points are always located in public places where the buyer can get all day or even around the clock - shopping and business centers, railway stations, supermarkets. In Europe, street lockers are common, as they provide access to cells 24 hours a day.

Advantages and disadvantages

The first, most obvious advantage of automated mail stations is convenience. You can pick up the purchase at any convenient time, you do not need to adapt to the work schedule of the post office, stand in queues or wait for the courier all day. Besides, Express delivery turns out to be more expensive than delivery to the post office. Even when using parcel lockers, you do not need to take any documents or powers of attorney with you, you do not need to fill out receipts and other documents, you only need a code from the SMS in your phone, and if the buyer cannot pick up the package himself, he can simply tell the code to his friend or relative, who will pick up the package.

Another clear advantage of parcel lockers over the classic pick-up points (PVZ) and mail is anonymity and the absence of operators. There are some groups of goods, the purchase of which the customers of online stores do not want to advertise either to sellers or employees of the pickup point.

On the other hand, the absence of a "live" employee may be a disadvantage if the client needs advice or processing the return of goods. The postamat is not intended to check the purchase on the spot, especially for clothes and shoes. It is unlikely that someone will try on shoes right next to the post office on the street. Another drawback is the limitation of the dimensions of the item by the size of the cell, so you still have to go to the post office for an item that is too large or heavy. For example, the maximum size of a cell in a PickPoint postamat is 36 x 40 x 60 cm, and the weight can reach 17.3 kg.

Modern realities

The development of the parcel locker market is closely related to the development of online commerce.

According to J'son & Partners Consulting, e-commerce is becoming more and more popular in Russia every year, and in 2015 its volumes grew by 7% and reached 760 billion rubles.

In online commerce, delivery is a very important link in the transport and logistics processes, especially for the so-called " last mile» - delivery of goods directly to the buyer. Postamates simplify this stage for both buyers and sellers. Online store owners do not need to spend money on their own courier service, thereby reducing the cost of delivery for customers, and, on the contrary, increasing efficiency. By the end of 2015, there were 1,070 parcel machines operating in Russia, and J'son & Partners Consulting's forecast is more than optimistic - by 2020, the number of automated pick-up points will reach 12,000 units.

The Russian market of automated postal stations is represented by several players - Logibox, PickPoint, InPost (former QIWIPost). The leading position is occupied by PickPoint. It holds approximately 50-60% of the parcel locker market in Russia. Last year, the company delivered more than 3 million items, and the number of items per day reached 40,000.
« PickPoint network has more than 1800 parcel terminals and pickup points in more than 460 cities and towns of Russia.

Delivery to parcel lockers is carried out from more than 5.5 thousand online stores - clothes and shoes, electronics, cosmetics and perfumes, children's goods, books and much more ”- such data is provided on the PickPoint official website today.

In particular, the company's partners are online stores YVES ROCHER, QUELLE, Lamoda, OZON.ru, Ulmart, OTTO, Media Markt, Enter, Mary Kay and many others. The company's success is partly due to the lack of competition at the stage of the "last mile" of delivery back in 2010, when the first post office was opened in Moscow City, and partly due to well-built close partnerships not only with customers, but also with logistics companies . In particular, PickPoint cooperates with one of the largest express delivery companies in Russia, SPSR Express.

InPost is an international company with parcel terminals located on all 5 continents - about 4,000 automated terminals in 2015. InPost parcel lockers can be found in Slovakia, Colombia, Australia, Estonia, Great Britain and many other countries. InPost came to Russia from Poland and organized a joint venture with Qiwi. InPost cooperates with CDEK, Pony Express and DPD. This network of parcel lockers entered the market later, in 2015 it has 380 points of issue of goods, but this does not prevent the company from growing - for example, in April 2016, Yandex.Market became its partner. The rest of InPost partners are about 3000 online stores: AVON, Ozon.ru, Oriflame, Media Markt, Amway, Read.ru, multivarka.pro and many others. A special advantage of InPost is their availability 24 hours a day, 7 days a week - parcel machines are placed on the streets near shopping centers, metro stations, supermarkets, and not inside the building, so you can receive a parcel in such a post office even at 2 am.

The Logibox network, apparently, completely ceased to function, since accessing its website has already become a problem - the logibox.ru domain registration has expired, but third-party sources report the presence of parcel terminals in 60 cities of Russia.

Due to the fact that automated terminals have already firmly established themselves in the field of delivery, a reasonable question arises - why is it still not possible to send and receive parcels between individuals? As explained CEO PickPoint company Nadezhda Romanova in an interview with RBC, there is a technical possibility to perform such operations, but not best way customer identification. “Otherwise, drug trafficking will go through the network, and we don’t need it,” she explains. Both PickPoint and InPost are looking into the implementation of private-to-private delivery in the future.

Thus, the ATM market will continue to grow, improving service and increasing customer loyalty to online stores.

"So next year we plan to install 1000 parcel lockers a year. Judging by the growing demand for delivery to parcel lockers, the growth of this market will not stop for several more years,” said Andrey Chechin, director of InPost, as part of a commentary on the study of the parcel lockers market in Russia, conducted by J’son & Partners Consulting, published on the website

When buying goods in online stores, the easiest way is to use the contactless delivery method - pickpoint. If your cargo is not of high value and is not fragile, since it will be difficult to challenge the safety of the parcel in the parcel terminal, nevertheless, the return of goods using pickpoint is possible, but the decision on the return of funds remains with the seller. To receive a parcel in a post office, follow the algorithm below.

What you need to order a parcel to the Pickpoint post office

When paying for and buying goods in the online store, select the delivery method "Postamat". It should be noted that the pickpoint issuing point and the pickpoint post office are two different ways receipt. In the first case, you come to a special point where you present your passport and the code of your parcel, after which the controller gives you the goods. Postamat works a little differently, there is no controller and you do not contact people, this is a fully automated process.

If the online store does not have the required delivery point, then contact the manager of this site directly, perhaps if you regular customer, the supplier will think about introducing such a method, since registration in it takes very little time.

How to pick up a parcel at Pickpoint

After completing the procedure for ordering goods, on your email or the mobile phone will receive a notification with the receiving address, as well as a special code. Don't lose this code - it's very important. Write it down on a separate piece of paper and keep it until the date you receive the package.

As soon as the parcel arrives at the parcel terminal, you will again receive a message that the goods are ready for collection, as well as the parcel storage period. Do not miss the date, because after the indicated date your parcel will be removed from the parcel terminal. Take the code with you and head to the indicated address in the message.

In the postamat window, select “Parcel Receiving” from the menu, after which you need to enter the special code received earlier. If your product was not paid for in the online store, then choose the payment method yourself: cash or bank card. Don't forget to get a check for payment. After that, your storage cell will open near the postamat. Pick up the parcel and do not forget to close the cell door behind you.

Be careful, the postamat does not give change. Therefore, you need to have an even amount of payment or get change for mobile number phone. When selecting this item, indicate your carrier and enter a cell number. Postamat will issue a check to confirm the operation. The second option is to collect your change at the Pickpoint office. If you have chosen this point, then take the printed check in the post office and come to the nearest point Pickpoint issuance, the cashier will ask for your code, passport and give change.

How to return an item using the Pickpoint parcel locker

If something is wrong with the product, then you can also return it in the Pickpoint vending machine. Click on the "Return Items" menu. Check with your store in advance if this procedure is possible, as not all catalogs and online stores support it. From the moment of purchase, no more than seven days must pass if the goods were purchased in an online store and no more than fourteen days - if in the catalog. For the return procedure, indicate the unique code by which you received this package.

Be sure to take your receipt to confirm the return. Put the goods in the opened cell and do not forget to close the door tightly.

If you have forgotten your unique code or lost it, then call 8 800 700 79 09 and tell us about your problem. After providing personal information to the operator, you will be re-sent a code to the specified number or email address.