What is a sketch design and how is it different from hand sketches? Sketch design of a house Sketch design and sketch proposal

Development preliminary designs are carried out when it is necessary based on the protocol for reviewing a technical solution or technical specification.

The main purpose of development preliminary designs is to establish those circuit or design solutions that are fundamental in nature and allow one to get a general idea of ​​what the general structure of a particular product is, as well as what the principle of its operation is. Preliminary design is created mainly even before the bulk of the working documentation is developed and technical project.

While creating preliminary designs developers carefully study and analyze everything possible options execution of the product or its individual parts. This allows you to clearly define all the requirements that apply to the design of the finished product, as well as ensure that all the requirements that apply to it are met.

The complete set of documents that make up the preliminary design consists of a document developed in full accordance with the requirements ESKD design documentation, as well as those drawings, diagrams, technical and technological regulations, etc., which are provided for in the protocol for reviewing the technical proposal and terms of reference.

It should be noted that in preliminary design those documents that were developed before the material model was made are not included.

It is not the originals of the preliminary design documents that are subject to the review, approval and approval procedures, but their copies, although by special agreement with the customer they can still be provided.

As for such an important point as the form in which all documentation of the preliminary design is presented, it can be paper or electronic, and is indicated in the protocol for reviewing the technical specifications. If there is no such indication, then it is determined based on agreement with the customer. In addition, electronic and paper documents can be included together in the preliminary design documentation package.

Composition of the preliminary design

Preliminary design, includes documents such as a general drawing, a preliminary design statement and an explanatory note.

Draft general view drawing (or electronic model assembly unit, considered equivalent) should include the following:

  • An image of the product, as well as various inscriptions and text that allow you to understand the principle of its operation, how exactly its components interact, as well as the features of its structural design.
  • Designations for all components products and their names. If necessary, it is also necessary to provide links to general drawings, which allow you to understand all the important design features of the product, the composition of its individual components, etc.
  • Product dimensions and other data that are printed on the image.
  • Product diagram (in cases where it is really necessary).
  • Technical data and others important characteristics which the product must have. They are required to make it more convenient to compare different options using a general drawing.

A document such as a statement preliminary design, must contain the names of all those design documents that are included in it.

Column " Note" may contain an indication of the option that corresponds to this specific document.

It is also allowed to include in the preliminary design those documents that are equivalent to those provided, but only in a different form of presentation. In this case, it is necessary to make a corresponding note in the column “ Notes».

The explanatory note of the preliminary design is drawn up in accordance with all standards accepted for text documents.

Individual design

Schematic design is the first and very important stage of design work to create a virtual prototype of your future home. Architect by synthesizing and taking into account all necessary initial data, technical specifications, requirements regulatory documents and building rules, constructive validity and feasibility, aesthetic appeal of the future structure creates sketches.

Sketches are drawings of a preliminary design that will be subject to meticulous detailing and in-depth study at the detailed design stage. This should not be taken lightly project stage, the literacy of whose decisions will directly determine the success of the development of working documentation for construction. We recommend turning to professionals.

On this page of the site you can familiarize yourself with examples and the composition of a preliminary design (ED) - find out what it includes; the level of its elaboration, the composition of the drawings; degree of detail of the general view - 3D visualization of an individual residential building.


Preliminary design. Definition

A preliminary design is a set of design works performed by a specialist (architect) in accordance with the customer’s technical specifications and in compliance with the requirements of regulatory documents and construction conditions. The basis of this project is the author’s idea (forecast, architectural concept) of planning, façade and volumetric solutions for the designed object. A draft design is a document that is the result of a design, which is issued in the form of an album containing graphic and text data that defines the main parameters of the object and its components.

Why do you need a preliminary design?

The process of developing a detailed design for the construction of a country house is strictly sequential. Preliminary design- This is the first stage of design. It can be called the genetic code of your future home. the main task, which is solved this project this is the creation of an architectural idea, a concept for the external and internal image of a house that meets aesthetic, practical, and functional requirements.

The preliminary design contains answers to many questions that any person asks himself before starting construction. What the house will look like, its planting on the site, appearance(facades), internal layout - arrangement of rooms, their size and interconnection, ease of use, reliability, aesthetics, style of the future home.

The preliminary design specifies the basis of the building's structural design - which walls will be load-bearing, which will simply be partitions, what type of floors will be used, what kind of roof, staircase, etc. will be.

Based a well-executed draft design you can immediately begin creating a working design (architectural, structural, engineering solutions), a project that is necessary for construction. A draft design that is not done entirely correctly must be corrected and redone. All the shortcomings of the “raw sketch” usually emerge during the development of a working draft.

A preliminary design is also one of the documents required to obtain permission to build a country house.

What is included in the preliminary design

Below is a list of what the preliminary design of a house includes.

  • title page (cover)
  • contents (list of project drawings)
  • scheme master plan M1:500
  • floor plans
  • facades
  • computer 3D visualization

By agreement with the customer, the composition of the basic preliminary design of a country house can be supplemented, for example, with solutions for exterior finishing (facade design), or some materials (graphic, text) may not be included in the project.

Extended Concept Design Example

General plan of the site M 1:500

Facade finishing. Explanations

3D visualization. View 1

3D visualization. View 2

3D visualization. View 3

3D visualization. View 4

Color scheme of the main facade of the house

Color scheme for the rear facade of the house

Color scheme for the side facade of the house

Drawing of the main facade

Rear façade drawing

Drawing of the right facade

Drawing of the left facade

Basement floor plan drawing

1st floor plan drawing

2nd floor plan drawing

Cut 1-1

Cut 2-2

Roof plan drawing

Example of basic preliminary design

General plan of the site M 1:500

3D visualization

Drawing of the main facade

Rear façade drawing

Drawing of the right facade

Drawing of the left facade

1st floor plan

2nd floor plan

Cut 1-1

Cut 2-2

Roof plan

So, we found out what the preliminary design of a country house is, looked at its composition and configuration options. As for the degree of elaboration of the drawings, in the projects of our workshop you may notice that all elevations are indicated on the facades and sections, and the references and dimensions of all walls and partitions, window and door openings are given on the floor plans.

Due to the fact that regulatory design documentation does not contain clear requirements for the development of preliminary design drawings, often only axial or general overall dimensions are shown on the sheets of preliminary designs of other architectural workshops. Having saved on detailed design, clients successfully build houses, if they are small in area and simple in volume, according to our “sketches”. But still, the development of a complete working design is preferable, since simple houses can have their own design features and nuances.

By separate agreement with the customer, the project can also be supplemented with color images of facades, 3D visualization common types with elaboration of the façade design. The additional payment for the facade design service is 130 rubles. / sq.m. total area of ​​the house.

Cost of producing a preliminary design

Enter approximate total area home and click "Calculate" to find out the cost of individual production of a preliminary design. For clients of our architectural studio, we offer a choice of 3 options for completing this project.

Is it possible to make a preliminary design cheaper?

We always try to meet our clients halfway and take into account their wishes. We also understand the issue of reducing the cost of design work. But a decrease in the cost of a preliminary design does not mean a decrease in its quality, or careless execution professional responsibilities. We’ll tell you with a clear example how to make the price of digital electronics more affordable without losses. Let's say there is a need to design a house of 150 sq.m. will cost RUB 55,500(370 rub./sq.m.)

Now let's go through the list, and if all conditions are met:

  • no need for 3D visualization of house facades
  • the plans show only axial dimensions, dimensional marks on facades and sections
  • issued only electronic version preliminary design (without printed copies on paper)

RUB 55,500 turn into 36,000 rub.(240 rub./sq.m.). Reduced cost by more than 30% and benefit 19,500 rub. for a small house of 150 sq.m. At the same time, we changed the level of detail of the preliminary design, but not its quality.

Example of a simplified preliminary design

General explanatory noteRoof plan

Individual sketch design or standard?

If we consider two options for the preliminary design - individual and ready-made standard from a price point of view, the second option looks more tempting, since it is cheaper. But what is often not taken into account is the fact that standard solutions in the project it is necessary to tie it to a plot of land of a certain shape and orientation to the cardinal points (the correct insolation of the residential premises of the house will depend on this).

Not always everything in a standard project suits you and it will not require any changes. Also, sometimes there are errors of a constructive nature - the supporting system of the building is not thought out, the stairs in the house are not convenient to use, the boiler room does not meet the requirements of regulatory documents, etc. The final cost depends on the scope of these adjustments, which in some cases can be comparable to the cost of an individual preliminary design.

As for the timing. Ready-made can be purchased in a few days. Making an individual sketch design for a house takes 1 month or more. Adjustments and adaptation of the finished draft design can take up to 1 month. The total time costs will depend on whether the source code for the standard project is available (as a rule, they are not provided when selling) and what volume of changes and adjustments are needed in general.

When purchasing a ready-made standard sketch design for a house, they choose the most suitable one. An individual approach to design takes into account the customer’s needs in full and without compromise - style, space-planning, functional, economic, etc.

Country residential building. Design and construction

Comparative analysis of material costs

As a rule, the cost of a high-quality, fully completed detailed design as a percentage is about 5% of the cost of building a “box” of a house. Draft design - 0.8%, architectural project- 0.9%, design solutions project - 1.4%, engineering solutions projects - 1.9%.

Terms of reference and example of a preliminary design available for download

Files available for free download

Have you read the composition? preliminary design

  • The plan of a site divided into functional zones is called fore sketch.
  • Garden zoning- this is the basis for future design work; it is zoning that allows you to present the author’s plan for organizing garden and park space. The fore sketch shows the front area, recreation areas, road and path network, ponds, children's and sports grounds, the location of small architectural forms and green areas of the garden or park.
  • An excellent way to visualize is included in the preliminary design perspective images of key viewpoints garden or park. Sketches of viewpoints develop the ideas of a preliminary design of landscape design - they provide clarity and the most detailed display of design ideas.
  • Separate elements of landscape design are contained in compositional sketches, revealing details of the most significant elements. Compositional sketches are an artistic representation of MAF, decorative compositions, buildings, garden furniture, etc. A compositional sketch is an architectural technique used to add additional detail to the most significant elements of a garden design.
  • 3d design allows you to display the future landscape design of the site in a three-dimensional, three-dimensional design. Manufactured using professional computer programs, three-dimensional sketch models can be made in sufficient detail and cover an unlimited number of view points. 3D design allows you to clearly present to the customer all the plans of the landscape architect.
  • General plan- This is the final draft design of a garden or park. The master plan for the landscape design of the site is drawn up when the customer has familiarized himself with all the options for the preliminary design, made a choice of garden style, and approved his final decision on the organization of the garden space. Only after the approval of the General Plan it becomes possible to clarify the range of plants.
  • The master plan allows you to complete the main stage of approvals and begin detailed design.

As a rule, Garden Labyrinth specialists prepare two versions of a preliminary design and allow the customer to choose between them. As a result, one of the solutions forms the basis of the preliminary design.

Our clients always have a choice - to approve one of the options, approve a mixed option, or offer a new vision of garden design. It is the competent visualization of the author’s ideas that makes it possible to put an end to the issue of choice. Without a preliminary visualization of the project, it is quite difficult to achieve harmony between the customer’s initial plans and the real possibilities for their implementation.

What does the landscape design of the site look like in the sketch?

A landscape design sketch is a professionally executed site plan with a top view. All elements of landscape design are applied to the sheet with a sufficient degree of detail. For elements that require more detailed representation, separate sketches and drawings are created that are included in the general set of preliminary designs.

All elements that require explanation are described in the project itself or in the attached explanation. Large components and other elements that require detailing can be presented in additional sketches. The 3D models attached to the project improve the perception of the functional areas of the garden and individual viewpoints.

What other sketches can be included in the garden project?

After approval of the sketch of the landscape project, it becomes possible to begin preparing the most important document from the set of working documentation - the dendrological plan.

But in some cases, a sketch of a dendroplane can initially be drawn up, which contains data on the types, number and location of plants on the site. A dendroplan sketch allows you to visualize the location and size of plants in the garden, and understand how the plants will look in combination with the surrounding environment. The dendroplane sketch contains more detail planting material than the outline design of the garden, however, it does not include an assortment list of plants and is not as detailed as the dendrological plan itself. The purpose of the dendroplane sketch is to visualize the landscaping project for the customer even before the creation of working drawings. The latter are a more complex and detailed study of the landscape project, therefore adjustments in terms of species and arrangement of plants are easier to carry out on a dendroplane sketch.

Also, at the beginning of detailed design, additional sketches can be created, clarifying and revealing design ideas even before they are designed in detail. These could be sketches of small architectural forms, a preliminary design of a winter garden or a sketch of a night garden with visualization of garden lighting in the dark.

You can see more examples of preliminary designs for gardens and parks in our Portfolio.

  • 3. Automatic Lines; flexible production systems. Their design, possibilities of use in technical processes.
  • Ticket#2
  • 1. Algorithm for energy calculation of volumetric drives.
  • 2. Development criteria
  • 3. Basic concepts of automatic control theory
  • Ticket No. 3
  • 2. Formulation of needs and design goals. Determination of the main features of the design object. Preparation and approval of technical specifications. Procedures at the technical specification stage.
  • 3. Cam program control systems.
  • Ticket number 4
  • 1. Technological process for processing cylindrical gears. Processing route, equipment, types of devices, cutting tools, cutting modes for one of the operations.
  • 2. Procedural design model. (Yarushin p. 108)
  • 3.How do you imagine the general structure of volumetric drives? Give their classification.
  • Ticket number 5
  • 1. Technological process for manufacturing parts from thermosetting plastics. Processing route, equipment, types of devices used.
  • Methods for manufacturing parts
  • 2. Constructive methods for ensuring the assembly of parts, assemblies, assemblies, and products.
  • 3. CNC systems: positional, contour, closed, open.
  • Ticket No. 6
  • 1. Technical process for processing rings. Return route, equipment, types of devices, dir. Instr., cutting modes for one of the operations.
  • 2. Scheme of constructing a design bureau of an enterprise based on end-to-end design technology.
  • Ticket No. 7
  • 1. Technological process of disk processing. Processing route, equipment, types of devices used, cutting tools, cutting modes for one of the operations.
  • 2. Choice of product design. Constructive continuity. Composition. Perfection of the design scheme. Compact design. Rational choice of equipment parameters.
  • 3. Composition and quantity of main equipment in flow and non-line production.
  • Ticket No. 8.
  • 2. Economic basis for creating equipment. Useful return. Durability. Operational reliability.
  • 3. Technical standardization. Standard time, standard production. Definition of time norm. Organization of technical regulation.
  • Ticket number 9
  • 2. Design procedures at the technical proposal stage. Search for possible technical solutions. Analysis and selection of solutions. Contents of the technical proposal.
  • Ticket number 10.
  • 1. Assembly methods in mechanical engineering. The structure of the gearbox of a lathe and the procedure for its assembly.
  • Rational sections
  • 3. Geometric control problem. CNC device. Logical control problem. Programmable controllers.
  • Ticket No. 11
  • 1. Bases and basing. Types of bases. Six point rule. Give examples of basing a body part and a shaft type part.
  • Classification of bases.
  • 6 point rule:
  • 2. Procedures at the stages of preliminary and technical designs. Selecting design object parameters. Goals, composition and sequence of implementation of the preliminary design.
  • 3.Basic concepts and definitions.
  • Design order:
  • 1. Pre-design work
  • 2. Design assignment
  • 3. Detailed design (project) and working documentation
  • Technological process as the basis for creating a production system
  • Ticket number 12.
  • 4.1.1. Foundry Basics
  • 3. Kinematics of piston pumps. Uneven feeding and methods for leveling it Ticket No. 13.
  • 2. System engineering design method. Design of man-machine systems. Morphological analysis and synthesis of technical solutions. Current trends in equipment design.
  • 3. Organization of technological preparation of production and the process of transition to the production of new products.
  • Ticket No. 14
  • Ticket number 15
  • 1. Cutting the teeth of cylindrical gears using the copying method using disk and finger cutters
  • 5. Pulling gear teeth
  • 2. Design as a type of work activity.
  • 3. Functional and cost analysis
  • Ticket number 16.
  • Tools for monitoring, diagnostics and adaptive control of machine tools.
  • Phases of information transformations for a CNC machine
  • Structure of control programs for CNC machines
  • 3. Radial piston hydraulic machines. Their operating principle and kinematics
  • Ticket number 17.
  • 1. Machining of splines on shafts.
  • Design of compound cutters
  • 2. Hydraulic cylinders. Types of hydraulic cylinders. Structural elements, braking methods, algorithm for selecting parameters and sizes of hydraulic cylinders
  • 3. Design of the transport system. Maintenance of the production system.
  • 3.1. Means and types of transport
  • 3.2. Selecting the type of workshop transport
  • 3.3. Determining the required number of vehicles
  • 3.4. Design of mechanical repair shops
  • Ticket number 18.
  • 1. Technical and economic indicators and performance criteria of metal-cutting machines.
  • Types of incisors
  • 2. Rigidity criteria. Specific rigidity indicators. Constructive ways to increase rigidity. Fatigue resistance. Contact strength.
  • Ticket number 19.
  • 1. Kinematics of cutting. Tool materials, their physical and mechanical properties and choice. Surface shaping on machines.
  • 2. Hierarchy of description of technical systems and technical objects.
  • The description of a physical operation (FO) can be formally represented as consisting of three components:
  • 3. Principles of placement of main equipment at production sites.
  • Ticket No. 20
  • 1. Machines for abrasive processing.
  • 2. Fastening the axles
  • 3. Schemes of throttle control of a hydraulic drive with a serial and parallel arrangement of the throttle on the pressure and drain lines. Advantages and disadvantages of schemes.
  • 1. Scheme with a sequential arrangement of the throttle on the pressure line.
  • 2. Scheme with a sequential arrangement of the throttle on the drain line.
  • Ticket No. 21
  • 1. Drilling and boring machines, their types and main characteristics. Designation of tool geometry and optimal cutting conditions for turning and drilling.
  • 2. Weight and material consumption of the structure. Rational sections. Equal strength. Strength and rigidity of the structure. Clarification of calculated stresses. Methods for strengthening materials.
  • 3. Stages of CAD development. Description of domestic CAD systems.
  • Description of domestic CAD systems.
  • Ticket#22
  • 1.Milling and multi-purpose machines for processing body parts.
  • 2. Breakdown of the design process
  • 3. Features of the design of universal automatic and adaptive assembly devices and tools.
  • Requirements for automatic devices:
  • Ticket No. 23
  • The concept of the surface layer that appears during cutting.
  • 2. Goals, objectives and general design rules. Similarities and differences between design and construction.
  • 3. Cavitation in volumetric hydraulic machines. Cavitation characteristics of pumps
  • Centrifugal pumps. Cavitation in the impeller seal
  • Ticket No. 24
  • 2. Design procedures at the technical proposal stage. Search for possible technical solutions. Analysis and selection of solutions. Contents of the technical proposal.
  • Ticket number 25.
  • 1.Problems of automation of technological preparation of production. Tools for automated production.
  • 2. Goals, objectives and general design rules. Similarities and differences between design and construction.
  • Ticket number 26.
  • 1. Lathe group machines. Loading and orienting devices in technological equipment and their calculation.
  • Screw-cutting lathe
  • Vertical lathes
  • Lathe
  • Turret lathe
  • Automatic longitudinal turning
  • Multi-spindle automatic lathe
  • Turning and milling machining center
  • CNC machines
  • History of the lathe
  • 2. Synthesis of physical principles of action. Physical and Technical Effects Foundation. Search for principles of action for a given physical operation.
  • Fragment of a hierarchical dictionary of functions
  • Monolithic-modular structure
  • Modular-hierarchical structure
  • Cutting temperature and methods for its determination.
  • Gear processing machines for processing cylindrical and bevel wheels.
  • Ticket number 27.
  • 1. Thread-milling and thread-cutting machines Classification of thread-processing machines
  • Technical characteristics of thread-cutting machine MN56
  • Threading machine model 535 with automatic chuck
  • 2. Rules for designing seals for moving and fixed joints. Examples of seal applications
  • 3. Control and measuring devices installed on technological equipment in automated production.
  • Ticket No. 28
  • 2. Procedures at the stages of preliminary and technical designs. Selecting design object parameters. Goals, composition and sequence of implementation of the preliminary design.
  • Ticket number 29
  • 3.Cutters
  • Sharpened cutters.
  • Ticket No. 30
  • Part technical documentation at the preliminary design stage includes:

    1) drawing of a general view of the object;

    2) dimensional drawing of the object;

    3) theoretical drawing of the object;

    4) general types of main components;

    5) an explanatory note containing the following sections:

    a) selection and justification of the proposed technical solution;

    6) technical characteristics of the object (purpose, dimensions, weight, power consumption, performance, operating mode, etc.);

    c) description of the design of the object indicating its features;

    d) calculation of technical and economic indicators of the facility’s operation and comparison with the highest indicators achieved to date;

    e) calculations (kinematic, dynamic, strength, etc.);

    e) statement of preliminary design.

    As a rule, the EP also includes: diagrams (kinematic, hydraulic, electrical, etc.), a list of purchased products, a statement of approval for the use of purchased products, programs and test methods, calculations, tables, a patent form, a map of the technical level and quality of products.

    The preliminary design may also include design documentation of models of individual parts of the object’s structure to verify the principles of their operation approved in the technical proposal.

    During preliminary design, in contrast to the technical design stage, calculations are performed using more refined data and methods. If calculations confirm the economic effect determined at the stage of development of the technological process, then a decision is made to continue development. Otherwise, you need to make a change to it.

    During the implementation of electronic design, designers, technologists, materials scientists, standardization and unification specialists, accountants, suppliers, production workers, designers, and economists work together. Thus, the process engineer, together with the project developer, tests the design for manufacturability, which includes:

    The final choice of a rational design scheme;

    Fundamental assessment of the manufacturability of the main components;

    Identification of components that can be standard or unified;

    Identification of components that can be borrowed;

    Identification of assembly conditions for the product and its components;

    Identification of the range of construction materials used;

    Identification of product maintenance conditions;

    Identification of conditions for monitoring, adjusting and preparing the product for operation;

    Identification of conditions for production preparation and determination of basic aggregated data for organizing technological preparation of production;

    Identification of new technological processes that require technical equipment and development.

    Calculation of manufacturability indicators is carried out on the basis of the basic data established in the technical specifications.

    At the stage of execution of the electronic signature, work continues to identify patentable solutions that may appear during the layout of the object. Applications for inventions are filed both for the device and for the industrial design. Countries or consumer companies of the object are identified, proposals are developed for patenting inventions abroad.

    The problems of choosing fundamental design solutions that give a general idea of ​​the structure and operating principle of the product are solved. At this stage, a preliminary calculation of the functional parameters and quality indicators of the product being developed is performed. Signs of normal formation of product quality at the stage of electronic design are:

    The correct choice of design solutions, depending on high-quality calculations, successful layouts and choice of material, reasonable assignment of tolerances, design of kinematic units, sufficient structural rigidity, taking into account technology requirements;

    Technical project

    After coordination and approval of the preliminary design, the final design procedure is carried out - technical project(Tech. Pr).

    In contrast to the preliminary design, at the technical design stage, all design solutions must be developed in full. At the same time, the technical documentation of the project should give not a general, but a complete and final idea of ​​the structure of the facility, including all the necessary data for the development of working documentation and the guaranteed strength of the main structural elements with the dimensions and sections of the parts specified in the project.

    At this stage, a comprehensive theoretical and experimental study of circuit and design solutions of the technical object being developed is carried out on mock-ups or special installations.

    The technical design must contain calculated confirmation of the compliance of individual functional parameters and quality indicators with the specified requirements. After selecting elements and determining the modes of their use, optimization of product quality indicators is carried out.

    Technologists, participating in the development of a technical project, test the design for manufacturability, achieving the best values ​​of its indicators.

    At the technical design stage, issues of ensuring maintainability and suitability control, which are components of manufacturability, must also be addressed. When testing a technical object for maintainability, you should pay attention to the following requirements:

    Simplicity and convenience of assembly development;

    Access to parts and assemblies that have increased quality requirements for replacement;

    Degree of application of standardized parts and assemblies;

    Availability of element markings.

    The engineering, psychological and artistic elaboration of the object determines: the final layout and design of workplaces, means of ensuring habitability conditions, specific tasks and functions performed by the operator, the technical form of the object and its components.

    Patent research substantiates the possibility of using technical solutions, protected by patents, newly created designs are checked for patentability, applications for inventions are filed.-

    The technical documentation at the technical project stage includes:

    1) theoretical drawing;

    2) dimensional drawing;

    3) drawing of a general view of the object;

    4) drawings of general views of the object’s components;

    The correct choice of technological solutions, depending on the manufacturability of the parts and the product itself, the choice of processing accuracy, the choice of control methods and the type of connection (welding, soldering, mechanical fastening);

    Absence of production errors due to the use of low-quality raw materials, materials and components, the use of equipment, machines, tools that do not meet technological requirements, deviations from technological regimes, violation of inspection and acceptance rules;

    Absence of errors caused by operation, use of inappropriate fuels, lubricants and other operating materials; violation of maintenance rules, conditions and operating modes.

    When developing an electronic design, methods of inversion, analogy, and constructive continuity are used to select technical design options and the overall design of an object. Particular attention is paid to the requirements for compliance with quality indicators, technical aesthetics, increasing the profitability of the facility and increasing the economic effect throughout the entire period of work.

    Failure to complete the preliminary design may lead to the selection of non-optimal object parameters.

    5) kinematic, electrical, hydraulic and other circuits;

    6) assembly drawing of the object;

    7) explanatory note containing the following sections:

    a) purpose and scope of application of the developed object;

    b) review of existing samples of objects of similar purpose of domestic and foreign production (prototypes) and comparative assessment their design features and performance indicators;

    c) a brief description of the design features of the new facility;

    d) addressing safety issues and industrial sanitation;

    e) solving issues of manufacturability from the point of view of the production conditions of the manufacturer;

    f) calculations of the scale of production of new objects and the effect of their introduction to consumers;

    8) calculation note, including detailed kinematic, dynamic, strength and other calculations;

    9) list of components;

    10) statement of technical design.

    As a rule, the composition of Tech.pr. also includes:

    List of special tools and spare parts,

    List of purchased items,

    Statement of approval for the use of purchased products,

    Technical conditions, program and test methods,

    Patent Form,

    Map technical level and product quality.

    Upon completion of the Tech.pr. stage. a conclusion is drawn up about the quality of the technical object.

  • Inclusion in construction production always starts with project development. In this article we will look at what project documentation is, what its composition is and share personal experience for the development of projects of varying complexity. Despite the fact that the term “project work” itself is all-encompassing, almost immediately giving direction to the English “project” - more appropriate in meaning as the implementation of plans, the clearest possible explanation will be required, taking into account the creative approach to project activities.

    Design stages:

    First stage Pre-design stage of work

    1. Carrying out pre-design calculations (determining the structural design of the building, materials and approximate cost estimates for construction), we will help you meet a certain amount Money, the feasibility of construction will be assessed.

    2.Package formation legal documents to obtain initial permits for design and construction, legal analysis of existing documents, consultations.

    Second stage Execution of the preliminary design (concept) and architectural and planning solutions

    1. Development of a booklet of a draft proposal (concept) - development of an architectural volumetric-spatial solution and technical and economic indicators, visualization. A preliminary design is a material that allows you to evaluate the project and formulate precise requirements for further design. The preliminary design serves as the primary document required to pass the regulatory commission and obtain the initial permitting documentation.

    The sketch is developed with the aim of establishing functional, constructive and stylistic solutions for the project, which give a general idea of ​​the future object and the process of interaction of individual parts of the project with each other. In the future, the preliminary design becomes the basis for writing Technical Specifications to all subsequent design stages.

    • Based on the preliminary design, constructive and architectural solutions, layout, number of floors, materials, Technical equipment; all this gives a clear idea of ​​the organization of the plan, the volumetric structure and appearance future building.

    2*.Additionally for the concept, calculation of the estimated cost of the object and stages of investment of funds.

    The preliminary design includes the following sections:

    • Master plan diagram M 1:500
    • Transport scheme
    • Plans
    • Cuts
    • Facades
    • Visualization and photomontage
    • Calculations (for concept)

    Third stage Execution of detailed design

    1. Development of all necessary sections of the detailed design in accordance with the requirements and standards in the field of construction. Before starting construction of a facility, it is necessary to clearly understand the scope of the upcoming work. It is important to work out all the details at the design stage. Therefore, much attention is paid project documentation, in which all technical aspects are worked out in detail. The composition of the design documentation is sufficient for approval and implementation of the construction project. Such documentation allows us to determine the costs of construction and installation work with maximum accuracy and is used throughout the entire construction process.

    2*.Additional. Performing the functions of the Customer's service: receiving technical specifications, coordination of project documentation in established authorities.

    The working draft includes the following sections:

    • Master plan and transport
    • Architectural and construction part
    • Structural part
    • Engineering part
    • Technological part
    • Security section environment
    • Construction organization project
    • Estimate documentation

    Design of warehouse and industrial buildings Work in one stage - Execution of a detailed design

    1. Carrying out pre-design calculations (determining the structural design of the building, materials and approximate cost estimates for construction), we will help you meet a certain amount of money.

    2. Development of all necessary sections of the detailed design in accordance with the requirements and standards in the field of construction.

    3*.Additional. Performing the functions of the Customer's service: obtaining technical specifications, approving design documentation in established authorities.

    The working draft includes the following sections:

    • Master plan and transport
    • Structural part
    • Engineering part
    • Technological part
    • Estimate documentation

    Do you need a project? To save your time, we suggest you contact our specialists for help by calling 209-09-40. You can also use the reverse online communication on this site or write us an email!