What is customs inspection of a parcel? What to take with you to customs. What to do if cargo is detained

In what cases is it possible to open international mail.

Recently, my parcel from abroad showed damage to the packaging, carelessly sealed with tape, and a slight discrepancy in weight. Everything indicated that someone was trying to profit from the goods addressed to me.

In response to my request to check the attachment and fill out form 51, a Russian Post employee suggested that the package was most likely opened at customs. They say this is a frequent procedure for them. Considering that the customs inspection certificate was not attached to the parcel, I turned a deaf ear to her arguments. Next we started opening the package.

An opened package is an unpleasant event, but sometimes justified. Who has the right to open parcels and when can this happen?

Our friends from the Banderolka service, as well as Russian customs officers, whose passwords and appearances we will not hand over, helped us understand difficult customs issues..

customs control

Customs clearance of international mail is handled by special customs posts. Now there are more than 20 international postal exchange points located in various parts of our vast Motherland. But most of them are in Moscow - at three airports and at the Main Post Office. All other customs offices can only process transit to places of international postal exchange.

Although international mail clearance is carried out at individual customs posts, the procedure is generally similar to customs clearance of ordinary goods: customs control - payment of duties and fees - decision on release.

All overseas shipments are accompanied by a completed declaration on form CN22 or CN23. By the way, for parcels sent from Russia you will also need to fill out forms CN22/CN23, which must indicate the description of the attachment and its value.

By default, all incoming parcels undergo documentary control, after which they are subjected to radioactivity testing and the “ inspection"on x-ray. Mail correspondence is often scanned en masse.

If suspicions arise

If the customs inspector suspects that the contents do not correspond to what was declared or are included in the list of goods prohibited for shipment, the parcel is sent to search. Inspection is the only opportunity for customs to open parcels.

According to statistics, no more than 3% shipments, and for the vast majority, standard controls are sufficient.

How does an autopsy take place?

Opening and inspection of the contents takes place in the presence of two postal employees. If the inspector’s suspicions are not confirmed, then the shipment is packed and attached to the outside Certificate of customs inspection, certified by the participants in the process.

If the parcel contains goods that are prohibited for transportation, it will simply be returned to the sender. If the presence of prohibited goods is detected during the inspection procedure, the parcel is subject to seizure and disposal. Neither the addressee nor the sender will receive the goods.

In addition, customs control zones are equipped with video surveillance systems, so you can make customs clearance Removing a product you like is quite problematic.

By the way!

List of sanctioned products.

WITH current list Items prohibited from being sent by mail can always be found on the Russian Post website. It includes:

  • tobacco products, alcoholic and spirits products;
    perishable products;
  • weapons (including bladed weapons), explosives, their components and components;
  • drugs and similar substances;
  • poisons, hazardous wastes and ozone depleting substances
  • but most importantly: It is prohibited to import goods from the sanctions list into Russia, including by mail.

Damage to packaging

Parcels are not always opened with malicious intent. Sometimes damage to the outer layer of a shipment can occur accidentally during transportation or processing at the post office.

If postal employees discover that the integrity of the package of a shipment has been compromised, they are required to inspect the attachment, if necessary, open the parcel and check the contents with the inventory. At the same time, postmen must draw up Autopsy report and attach a copy of it to the shipment after repacking.

Based on personal experience, I can add that the parcel must be resealed using Russian Post branded tape.

By the way. If you bought something in the USA, then you can protect your parcel from damage using the Banderolkina insurance system and additional protection parcels – .

Who opens

And yet, at what point do they try to get into the package?

It is almost impossible to do this during customs control. Moreover, within recent years I have never heard of any customs inspector getting caught stealing from mail.

However, inspectors have a hypothetical opportunity to safely pass through inspection “half-empty” parcels with discrepancies in weight. Collusion between the Postal operator and the customs officer is theoretically possible, although it seems difficult to me.

Who can fit into the package?

But this is where dishonest individuals have room for action, and that is during multiple sortings at railway stations and post offices.

According to the management of the Russian Post, employees are now losing one parcel out of one hundred thousand. Unfortunately, it does not provide statistics on opened and destroyed items. But for some reason it seems to me that this happens much more often than loss. Judging by messages on thematic forums, the number of problematic parcels has decreased over the past two years, but has not disappeared completely.

In my case, everything worked out well. After opening the package in the presence of a Post Office employee, the attachment turned out to be intact and complete. Probably, some postman was too lazy to make an opening report, having repaired the damaged packaging “as best he could.”

Federal customs Service On December 7, Russia introduced new rules for delivery operators for processing parcels from foreign online stores. The problems started immediately.

Now, in order to receive the parcel, you will need to indicate your tax identification number and links to the purchased goods. On social networks, users complain about parcels stuck at customs, and delivery services say that until the Federal Customs Service signs an addition to the order on the list of those affected by it, the parcels will remain stuck.

Delivery services have already sent out warnings to their users that when making purchases in foreign online stores, they must indicate their tax identification number along with their passport data (the requirement applies only to Russian citizens) and links to the pages of the online store with a description of each product. This innovation will not affect parcels, delivery of which from the sender to the recipient is carried out through Russian Post.

Anastasia Solopeko writes on Facebook that her order from an English online store, placed on November 29, has been “stuck” at customs since December 1, and only after calling the delivery company did she find out that now it is impossible to receive the parcel without a Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN).

“So if you ordered something and this “something” is not coming to you, call and figure it out. For some reason, they themselves do not send messages demanding that they fill out the customs form again,” she warns.

In service Boxberry delivery The BBC Russian service was told that the parcels will remain in a “frozen” state until the Federal Customs Service signs an addition to the order on the list of services in respect of which it applies.
When asked when it will be signed, Chief Operating Officer Yaroslav Polishchuk found it difficult to answer. “We have no understanding, they don’t tell us anything,” he said.
Polishchuk said that about 25-28 thousand Boxberry orders are now at customs without a tax identification number. “It accumulated over three days,” he says.

The BBC Russian service was unable to promptly contact the Federal Customs Service with the question of when the additions would be signed - the press service's telephone numbers were unavailable all day.

At the same time DPD services in Russia and SPSR Express there are no delays with parcels from foreign online stores, the head of the department told the BBC Russian Service international transport Evgeny Privalov.
The Pony Express delivery service reported that on December 4 they began notifying customers about the need to provide a Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN), so they received “a fairly high response.” The company found it difficult to provide accurate data on “stuck” parcels.

Seven month experiment
Letters from delivery services say the new data is needed to “confirm the stated value of the goods.” The operators refer to the FCS order dated November 24. The requirements apply only to orders by individuals for personal use.
The press service of the Federal Customs Service told Kommersant that the Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) and references to goods are needed to determine their value and weight, as well as to reduce the risks of importing goods using dummies. This way, customs will check whether the duty-free import threshold is exceeded. Now it is no more than 1000 euros and 31 kg per month.
The BBC Russian service was unable to find the order published by the Federal Customs Service. A copy of it was posted on its website by the Boxberry delivery service.

According to the document, the innovations will be in effect until July 1, 2018; the initiative is called an “experiment.”

It follows from the text of the order that this experiment is being introduced to strengthen control over the accuracy of the documents provided in the customs declaration. The order establishes the need for the Federal Customs Service's main anti-smuggling department to conduct a quarterly analysis of passport data. Information about invalid passports must be submitted to analytical management customs service.

So, no matter how sad it may sound, “let’s stock up on popcorn”...

08.12.2017 20:15:43 / 59282

To track your parcel you need to take a few simple steps.
1. Go to home page
2. Enter the track code in the field with the heading "Track postal item"
3. Click on the "Track parcel" button located to the right of the field.
4. After a few seconds, the tracking result will be displayed.
5. Study the result, and especially carefully the latest status.
6. Forecasted delivery period is displayed in the track code information.

Try it, it's not difficult ;)

If you do not understand the movements between postal companies, click on the link with the text “Group by company”, which is located under the tracking statuses.

If there are any difficulties with the statuses on English language, click on the link with the text “Translate into Russian”, which is located under the tracking statuses.

Carefully read the "Track Code Information" block, there you will find estimated delivery times and other useful information.

If, when tracking, a block is displayed in a red frame with the heading “Pay Attention!”, carefully read everything that is written in it.

In these information blocks you will find 90% of the answers to all your questions.

If in the block "Pay Attention!" it is written that the track code is not tracked in the destination country, in this case, tracking the parcel becomes impossible after the parcel is sent to the destination country / after arriving at the Moscow Distribution Center / Item Arrived at Pulkovo / Arrived in Pulkovo / Left Luxembourg / Left Helsinki / Sending to the Russian Federation or after a long pause of 1 - 2 weeks, it is impossible to track the location of the parcel. No, and nowhere. Not at all =)
In this case, you need to wait for a notification from your post office.

To calculate delivery times in Russia (for example, after export, from Moscow to your city), use the "Delivery Time Calculator"

If the seller promised that the parcel would arrive in two weeks, but the parcel takes more than two weeks, this is normal, the sellers are interested in sales, and that’s why they are misleading.

If less than 7 - 14 days have passed since the receipt of the track code, and the parcel is not tracked, or the seller claims that he sent the parcel, and the status of the parcel “the item pre-advised” / “Email notification received” does not change for several days, this is normal, You can read more by following the link: .

If the status postal item does not change 7 - 20 days, no need to worry, this is a normal phenomenon for international mail.

If your previous orders arrived in 2-3 weeks, and the new parcel takes more than a month, this is normal, because... parcels go on different routes, different ways, they can wait 1 day for shipment by plane, or maybe a week.

If the parcel has left the sorting center, customs, intermediate point and there are no new statuses within 7 - 20 days, do not worry, the parcel is not a courier who is delivering the parcel from one city to your home. In order for it to appear new status, the package must arrive, unload, scan, etc. at the next sorting point or post office, and this takes much more time than just getting from one city to another.

If you do not understand the meaning of such statuses as Reception / Export / Import / Arrived at the place of delivery, etc., you can look at the breakdown of the main statuses of international mail:

If the parcel is not delivered to your post office 5 days before the end of the protection period, you have the right to open a dispute.

If, based on the above, you do not understand anything, read these instructions again, and again, until you are completely clear;)

What to do if your parcel is from an online store detained by customs, possible causes and solutions to problems.

The customs limit has been exceeded

Most often, you yourself have to guess whether there will be price limit exceeded or not. In principle, there is nothing wrong with exceeding the limit - everything is solved quite simply, you drive up to customs, pay the duty and you can pick up your parcel. There shouldn't be any problems.

Commercial lot

U customs authorities suspicions arose that the goods were imported not for personal use at all, but for the purpose of sale, the so-called commercial batch.

First of all, what is considered a commercial consignment goods? Unfortunately, there are no clear rules and regulations. All in all, commercial batch, this is a consignment of goods brought not only for personal use, but also for sale, but each customs officer may have his own understanding of where the border is, after which your parcel will become commercial, it depends on the Catholicism of the goods, the type and its value. In one case, if you bring three identical things, your parcel will be accepted without problems, in the other, it will be recognized as commercial. You can give general recommendation: try not to order more than two absolutely identical things in one parcel, this will reduce the chance of problems with customs on this item to almost zero.

As a rule, this situation is somewhat more complicated; human factor and the mood of the customs officer. But you must remember Golden Rule, if you really are importing goods exclusively for yourself, you will be able to prove that you are right with a 99% probability.

Customs inspection methods are quite varied: it can be a couple of banal questions, or it can be a long questioning with requests to show evidentiary documents/photos and other information.

Possible outcomes after all conversations with customs:

  1. They believe you, give you the package and let you go in peace;
  2. They don’t believe you, they recognize the parcel as a commercial shipment. There are two options:
  • You refuse the parcel, lose a certain amount due to the wasted shipment of the goods;
  • You are looking for a customs broker and, with his knowledge and help, you are trying to clear the parcel as a commercial shipment through customs, again you are losing money on paying duties and brokerage services, and quite a significant amount.

To minimize the chance that your parcel will be detained at customs, follow these recommendations:

  1. If you want to bring several things not only for yourself, but also for sale, arrange several parcels for different people, ask your relatives and friends to help you;
  2. Often problems with customs arise when a group of people decide to save on shipping and order everything in one package for one person, if you do do this, try to order different things.

If problems with the parcel have already arisen and you have been called to customs:

  1. Prepare your story proving that you are taking the items for yourself and not for sale;
  2. Think about what questions a customs officer might ask and be prepared for them;
  3. If you have any documentary evidence that you are carrying goods for yourself, be sure to take them with you;
  4. If you ordered something for yourself and, for example, your sister/brother in one parcel, then it is better to immediately go to customs with your sister/brother;
  5. Don’t try to prove to the customs officer that he doesn’t understand anything and is completely wrong. You need to win someone over.


You and four friends are jogging. On one of the sites you find wonderful branded sneakers at a fairly attractive price. To save on shipping, you decide to order all five pairs for yourself in one package. Upon arrival in Russia, the parcel is detained at customs, like a commercial shipment. The customs officer firmly believes that you want to sell all these sneakers, but you can’t convince him otherwise. The parcel is sent back to the seller. You lose time and money on delivery.

Fictitious parcel price

The customs authorities have suspicions that fictitious price goods in the parcel.
The situation is simpler than the previous one, but also requires additional financial investments. If you do not have payment documents, such as an account statement or a printout of the PayPal page, confirming the fact that you bought a new IPAD 2 for exactly $200, then the likelihood that you will receive the package without paying additional duties once again depends on the predisposition and mood of the customs officer.

If the customs officer does not believe you, then the duty will be calculated by him based on the customs classification of goods, based on customs tables. And this, in the end, may turn out to be much more expensive for you than the nominal amount paid.

To avoid this situation:

  1. If you do not meet the 1000 euro limit, order goods in different parcels for different people, for example, ask one of your friends or relatives to help you.
  2. The parcel should not be sent as a gift.
  3. Divide your purchase into two packages and send them at different times to receive them in different months.

If such a situation has already arisen, and you were called to customs and if you really bought for that price:

  1. Bring your bank statements or PayPal printouts;
  2. Go to the seller’s website, print out a page with products and prices;
  3. Find 2-3 more stores on the Internet with approximately similar prices to demonstrate them to the customs officer, if necessary;
  4. You are trying to win over the customs officer: don’t swear, don’t shout, listen carefully.


The most common example of an unfortunate situation: you buy yourself a laptop, a new phone and a couple of cases for it, ultimately paying an amount of, for example, 1200 euros. Not wanting to pay the duty, you ask the seller to lower the amount in the documents attached to the parcel to a total of 900 euros, he does this and sends the parcel to you. Upon arrival of the parcel, customs suspects (and they are indeed justified) that the value indicated is fictitious. Although you have payment documents, you cannot demonstrate them, since everything is indicated there as is. You are trying to convince customs that the phone model is no longer the newest, the cases are made of leatherette, and the laptop has cheap Chinese components. The customs officer does not believe you, recalculates the cost based on his data, and receives the final amount of 1,500 euros. You pay the duty on this amount and take the parcel, or you don’t pay and the parcel is sent back, and you are looking for new solutions with the seller.

Custom scan

If customs officers detained the parcel just like that, it’s ok spot check, then this is the simplest option. You arrive, give tracking information and your passport, go to another window and receive the parcel.

Limits on goods purchased abroad. Will the pricing scheme for goods change? Is it possible to use the services of Russian intermediaries? Customs officers told the site how Belarusians will receive parcels under the new rules.

Currently, 11 Belpochta specialists are working around the clock at the customs control point for international mail “Minsk-2”. Mostly women, but there are also men. They are engaged in the registration of international parcels - they enter information into the electronic system.

“All workplaces are automated and equipped with video surveillance. Video recording may be useful in controversial situations. For example, if one of the recipients complains about the work of Belpochta or customs specialists, says Deputy General Director for Development of RUE Belpochta Yuri Izyumov. He clarifies that the processing time for a “parcel” is from one to two days.

Belposhta specialists who register parcels

The desks of Belposhta employees are neatly arranged along the wall; on the other side there is a conveyor with an X-ray machine through which parcels are passed - solid bags and boxes, usually with Chinese inscriptions. After customs officers have passed the postal receipts through the X-ray machine, those parcels that raise questions are sent for manual inspection.

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“If at this stage customs officers discover violations, for example, a prohibited product or a purchase not for personal use, then the parcel will be sent for manual inspection, where customs control operations are carried out in more depth.”, — the chief inspector of customs “Minsk-2” introduces the matter Pavel Radevich.

Those parcels that raise questions are sent for manual inspection

A collection of parcels that were “wrapped” by customs officers

Customs officers have already accumulated a whole collection of parcels containing prohibited purchases. Thus, one of the “parcels” that was sent to Belarus from Germany was not allowed through because of prohibited cigarettes. They were neatly placed between sweets and nuts.

In a parcel from Germany, customs officers found cigarettes among sweets. “Banderol” was not missed.

In another “rejected” parcel with a stated value of $5, they found jewelry—several dozen units of each item. Experts decided that jewelry of the same type was not imported for personal use. “We bought several copies in case we lost them”“,” one of those present joked. “You can lose your whole life here”, - the customs officers were not at a loss.

Jewelry that was not allowed through customs

16 bottles of liquid for electronic cigarettes were sent from Poland to Belarus. “This is clearly not for personal use.”, noted Pavel Radevich.

By the way, a complete list of goods that cannot be imported into Belarus, including parcels, can be found on the State Customs Committee website.

Customs officers are aware that some Belarusians have restrictions on international parcels, including through Russia. “Companies that offer their services do not conduct legal business on the territory of Belarus. entrepreneurial activity. We strongly advise against falling for these dubious schemes and using such non-transparent services.”, says the head of customs “Minsk-2” Andrey Mikhalkevich.

According to him, the legislation of the Customs Union stipulates that “the legal release of a shipment without the presence of a citizen who lives in the territory of another state cannot be carried out by mail, but only by an express carrier with the placement of the goods under certain customs procedures.”

Andrei Mikhalkevich noted that mobile groups are working on the main transport routes near the Belarusian-Russian border.

“As long as our import standards were not so seriously different from Russia, this work was not a serious priority. But since the decision was made to introduce new limits in Belarus, the issue will be taken under control, the head of the Minsk-2 customs office is convinced. — It won’t be difficult to track such shipments. Ultimately, what the buyer risks by contacting such a company is that the goods will be detained and there will be no one to file a claim with.”

Meanwhile Russian customs officers They are also considering tightening limits on international parcels, says Andrei Mikhalkevich. As previously reported, Russian customs is now also considering the issue of reducing the duty-free limit for postal items to 22 euros and introducing a flat tax of 10-15 euros on parcels worth 22-150 euros, otherwise the risk of the flow of goods and smuggling within the EAEU will increase. In addition, Russia proposes to oblige foreign online platforms - AliExpress, JD, eBay and others - to become tax residents of Russia and pay contributions to the state budget.

This year, customs officials are preparing for an influx of parcels. They are already stating that Belarusians have become much more active in receiving international “parcels”. So, if in the second half of last year almost a million postal items were processed at the Minsk-2 customs control point, then since the beginning of this year there have already been about 500 thousand.

“At this rate, by the end of the year we can reach the figure of 4 million postal items”, Andrei Mikhalkevich predicts.

And these are only those parcels that will arrive in Belarus by air. On Vokzalnaya Street there is another customs control point for international mail that arrives by land.

The new limits should not reduce the flow of parcels, the specialist believes. “It’s convenient to use the services of online stores: you place an order, pay for it and receive it after a while. This convenience remains- notes Andrey Mikhalkevich. — In addition, foreign sellers have the resources to set prices that, even with the payment of customs duties, will look attractive.”.

According to Andrei Mikhalkevich, about 80% of parcels are those whose cost does not exceed 22 euros. And if today, according to statistics, customs duties are paid on every 10,000th parcel, then with the introduction of new limits, it is expected that the fee will be paid on every tenth parcel.

Because of this, both Belpochta and customs intend to increase the number of employees involved in processing international parcels. A building is currently under construction for technical control and processing of all international mail that will arrive in Belarus by all means of transport.

Drug-sniffing dogs are used to check packages

Experts are confident that the restriction on international parcels will support domestic trade, including online stores, which are in unequal conditions compared to foreign ones.

“We estimate that 70-80% of moving correspondence relates to online sales, and these are consumer goods, then, of course, we're talking about about a significant channel for the entry of goods into the domestic market of Belarus. And today these goods are actually exempt from any economic policy measures; payments to the budget are practically not made from them, which puts Belarusian trade organizations in unequal conditions,” says the head of the Minsk-2 customs.

Customs officers take into account that some items were purchased at sales

Customs specialists admit that it is sometimes difficult to estimate the value of goods. According to them, it is not always possible to rely on the information provided by sellers. Sometimes foreign online stores do Belarusians a disservice.

“In order to promote their products to foreign markets, many online sellers go so far as to indicate clearly false information about the goods being transported. They indicate the price of the goods is clearly underestimated, sometimes by tens of times, they indicate the wrong names of the goods,” says Andrei Mikhalkevich.

One of the parcels, which was not allowed through customs right before our eyes, contained a telephone. The amount on the box was $22. Customs officers doubted the reliability of the information. As it turned out, the parcel contained a Lenovo phone, the price of which was significantly reduced. “Can such a phone cost 22 dollars?— customs officers ask. — Of course not. In general, the example of technology clearly shows how Belarusians underestimate the cost of parcels. Almost everything there is priced at $20.”.

As a result, the recipient of the phone will have to pay customs duty.

“We recommend not to deal with dubious sellers, advises Andrey Mikhalkevich. — In some cases, it is better to deal with online stores registered in Belarus, which can provide a quality guarantee.".

Customs officers remind you that a sales receipt and an invoice signed by the seller are accepted to confirm payment for goods. A card account statement can also serve as confirmation of payment, but only if it shows what specific item the payment was made for.

“Customs officers can go, for example, to the same AliExpress website if they doubt the value of the goods and check the information. This helps in cases where Belarusians buy things at sales.”,” Pavel Radevich clarifies.

Zvyazda journalists traced the path of international correspondence at customs.

To the enterprise " Minsk Post» flock all international postal items, addressed to Belarus. Here they are processed, sorted, and sent from here to all regions of the country. But after they pass customs control, since some of the shipments are delayed by vigilant employees...

We are in customs control hall, where an incredible number of parcels and packages lie. Despite this, the work, clearly divided into several stages, is proceeding smoothly. It starts with: Each package is entered into a computer database scanner data. Must be entered last name and first name of the recipient, his address, as well as the name, weight and cost of the goods in the parcel. And this is where the difficulties begin: the sender, for example, did not indicate the full name, address or characteristics of the product. If such moments arise, the employee who enters the goods into the database puts the item in a separate basket and notifies the recipient about this. He should clarify necessary information and, as his correspondence had slowed down the whole circulation of the dispatches at this stage, pay a fee of 28 thousand rubles, which is collected by Belposhta.

Next, the so-called risks are worked out: minor packages weighing up to two kilograms are scanned, check with the register on the computer and find out whether citizens have previously tried to receive goods prohibited for import by mail. Among them - alcohol, tobacco products and smoking mixtures, any types of weapons, radioactive materials, cultural values, perishable goods, animals, except some, and plants, precious stones (if they are not in jewelry), narcotic and psychotropic drugs (including in the form of medicines), ozone-depleting substances. This is where they control frequency of importation and cost of goods: within a month one addressee can receive items weighing up to 31 kilograms and worth no more than 200 euros, otherwise you will have to pay a fee. As a rule, most postal items do not cause suspicion among customs officers. However, there are exceptions. True, experienced employees immediately see various tricks and send correspondence to additional examination. And now the senior inspector of the customs control department Sergey Prokhorik is alarming: one shipment indicates that it contains a new phone from an online store worth $18 and a $20 camera. The cost of the devices is clearly underestimated, so the inspector “x-rays” the shipment.

We see that the shipment contains a camera with wires for connection and a telephone,” Prokhorik comments on the image on the computer screen. - Postal operators will open this shipment and present it to the customs inspector, who will evaluate it and make a decision during an in-depth examination.

At the next stage they check parcels from three to 27 kilograms. On the employee’s screen is the contents of a 14-kilogram parcel from Italy: silhouettes of shoes, canned food, clothes, and sweets. And in the next parcel, the expert notices the silhouette of a bottle. This could be, for example, “harmless” olive oil, or maybe alcohol that is prohibited for shipment. Therefore, from technical control this shipment is also will be submitted for manual inspection. If the parcel does not contain anything prohibited, it will continue on its way to the recipient. Otherwise they will be inspection certificate and the parcel will be sent back to the sender.

By the way, every workplace in the customs inspection area is equipped video camera, and the items are opened with the participation of the commission and also under video surveillance. So if a citizen has any complaints about the integrity of his parcel, then everything can be easily checked using the appropriate video recording. In addition, the weight of each shipment postal service controls down to the gram. If any discrepancy is found, it is also documented.

Next, the customs officer, using the declarations pasted on the shipments, selects those that are expected in-depth manual inspection. Of the 40 thousand parcels processed per day, violations are found in 40-50. When opened, it is determined whether the items in the parcel are really intended for personal use or whether they were sent for sale. After all, some will go to great lengths to avoid paying duties: they write several items to one address, change their last name by several letters, and hide and disguise prohibited things in the most fantastic ways. In the first quarter of the year it has already been initiated eight criminal cases on facts of import of psychotropic substances into Belarus. In addition, customs officers note that recently, without documents and declarations, bladed weapons, batons, foreign currency, and means of secretly obtaining information disguised as other items have begun to be imported. So, we were very surprised when we saw electric flashlights among the things taken out during the inspection. Why can't they be transported? It turned out that these were not flashlights at all, but electric shock devices...

Total in the customs control zone - 18 jobs. On days with the highest flow of shipments (for example, New Year's holidays), the number of employees here doubles. More and more they have to process parcels from China(in 2013 they accounted for 54% of all international shipments, last year - already 70%). This is partly electronic, mobile devices and other equipment. Leaders in ordering things from abroad - Minsk and Minsk region(more than 50% of recipients), in second place (14%) is the Gomel region.

Last year Belarus received 6.5 million international mail worth $58 million. And for the first quarter current year 2.6 million items have already been received,” said the head of the Minsk regional customs Alexander Bogdevich.

The volume of international parcels is increasing: if last year individuals Using mail, we received goods worth about 60 million euros, then in the first quarter of 2015 the amount already amounted to 40 million. This situation forces customs officers and postal workers to take additional measures to process correspondence.

- June 1st another one is planned to open international postal exchange point on the territory of the National Airport“Minsk” in the customs area “Minsk-2”, - the deputy chairman of the State Customs Committee announced the event Vladimir Orlovsky. - If some of the shipments arriving by air are processed directly at the airport, customs operations will be reduced, as well as certain postal operations.

According to Vladimir Orlovsky, about 30% of air shipments will be processed at the airport, and by the end of the year, perhaps their number will increase to 50%.

Thus, there is hope that Belarusians will receive their shipments faster. By the way, many blame postal workers for the fact that correspondence takes a long time. And in vain, because the time of its journey depends on many components.

From the moment a product is purchased in a certain country, the online store packages it for some time and transfers it to the postal operator of the country of departure. Next is transportation. Of course, if this is China, then the departure will go through two or three transit airports. However, all operators try to choose logistics with a minimum transit time to the destination country. After departure arrived at the Minsk National Airport(today 70% of shipments are delivered by air), within 24 hours it is brought to the international postal exchange point. It processed in 2-3 days- depending on how the shipment is processed. Further delivery depends on the destination from one to three days(to the farthest corner of the country), - said the first deputy general director enterprise "Belpochta" Elena Skripchik.

Terms of customs clearance, if no questions arise, also 1-2 days. For greater customer convenience, parcels and EMS shipments are delivered directly to the recipient's home. Small packages are issued either at post offices or at specialized delivery points (there are now more than 15 of them in the country). However, if desired, the client can use additional services, for example, order a courier and agree on a delivery time. Of course, these services are subject to tariffs. In addition, on the Belpochta website you can track the path of your postal item online.