What is enterprise management? How to manage your own company What is needed for competent management of an enterprise

We know how the transfer of the business to a hired manager or the owner’s retirement from business can result. We often hear “horror stories” about how “the owner hired a hired director, but he failed the business, after which the owner himself restored the business - and so on several times in a row” or “the owner hired a director who turned out to have a temper and demands freedom.” . In such a situation, the owner has questions: how to find and how to motivate a director? And most importantly, how to control it? But first, he needs to understand that the owner of a business is also a position.
Our business, in general, is still young, and not all owners have managed to develop the skills to effectively control it. In fact, everyone acts by trial and error and pays very dearly for gaining new experience. But along with this, many companies can already be classified as mature. They are characterized by the presence of a regular clientele, a clearly defined list of products offered to the market and stable profitability. In this state of business, its manager faces problems of a new level, which he is not always able to cope with. One of them is interaction with hired top managers.


Typically, managers try to solve business development problems by introducing new technologies. However, both the restructuring of the company and the writing job descriptions do not always give the desired effect, and the use of techniques that are successful in the West can even lead a company to failure.

We do not campaign against the use of Western technologies in our conditions. But not everyone is able to successfully apply at least their elements. This is largely due to the large differences between their (Western) employees and clients from ours. Western business schools annually graduate a lot of specialists with an MBA degree, and they are similar, like parts from the same construction set. They are easy to interact with and can be used to assemble various designs. We don't have that. Our employees are more like parts from different designers. It’s not so easy to build something typical out of them.

Foreign experience in business control shows that this problem has not been fully resolved there either. Suffice it to recall the bankruptcies of Enron and WorldCom. And in the books of the famous marketer Jack Trout, there are many examples of how global giants lost in the market only because of the lack of ownership control over new marketing endeavors.

In the described situation, business owners need to build a control system on their own, without particularly counting on copying someone else’s experience. And first of all, it is necessary to organize effective control.


First of all, you need to understand: in our conditions, the owner of a business is a position!

The peculiarity of this position is that its functions are often divided between the owner and managers, and as a result, it seems to dissolve between several people who may have different and even conflicting interests.

We specifically use the term “business owner” rather than “proprietor” to highlight the differences in their roles.

You cannot be a business owner. You can be the owner of shares, money, property, brands, know-how, etc. But all this is not a business, these are only its resources. To turn resources into a business, you need to make them work in the interests of customers, partners and employees. This role is usually filled by top managers.

In different firms, the influence of owners and owners is distributed differently. For example, in joint stock companies where there are many small shareholders, top managers actually become business owners.

There are many cases where managers “stole” business from the owners, for example, registered competing companies or brought the company to an extremely poor state, while receiving good personal income. This indicates that they were actually the owners, not the owners.

Being an owner means controlling only one of the areas of business ownership (see Table 1).

The second zone of business ownership is activities to maintain it and establish the necessary connections. Typically, top managers are involved in organizing the work of a business. And in fact they begin to play the role of co-owners, even without having a share in the property. This role is usually short-term, and they can act based on their temporary interests. Often the divergence in the interests of the top manager and the owner is so great that it harms the business.

The third area of ​​business ownership is the core ideas on which it is based. These include the concept of a particular business, its brands, the system of relationships with employees, etc. Changing ideas can significantly distort a business, far from better side. In Russian practice, not only top managers, but also marketers, advertisers, and HR managers actively try to influence business ideas. If this is done without proper oversight by the owner, strategic areas of the business may become under the control of individual employees.

To integrate work across different areas of business ownership, it is helpful to create a business owner manager position and an owner department. Some employees of the company may become part of the owner's department part-time. In any case, it is better to coordinate the work that goes into “owning a business” than to leave it to chance.

In order for him to be the owner of a business, the owner must perform the corresponding functions - the functions of the owner. Otherwise, the property may turn into “nothing.”


The main responsibilities of the owner are control and development of the business. When we talk about them, we mean the owner’s influence on the business, which brings it to the state the owner needs. If the state of your business is as desired, then you are in control.

If the business suffers losses or there is little dynamics in its development, then, most likely, control is not sufficient. Business control is influencing the business, and not just auditing it and tracking indicators.

Practical work with owners has shown that many of them do not fully understand their responsibilities (opportunities) for positive business control. Most have only a superficial understanding of individual parts of this work, rather than a comprehensive vision of it.

It is appropriate to compare control to a game of “puzzles”, where you need to assemble a picture from many pieces (for example, 1000). The set of knowledge and skills of a modern leader are the same jumbled puzzles, and building an integral system out of them is not very easy, and if some of the details are lost somewhere, then it is completely unrealistic. It is necessary to at least partially organize them and collect them into separate fragments.

Some owners see a way out in playing the role of top managers themselves. This gives them the illusion of control. In fact, they find themselves under the pressure of current problems and subordinate the interests of the owner to the short-term interests of the company's employees. In such a situation, clarifying the responsibilities of the owner and separating them from the responsibilities of the director is especially necessary. Ownership control is control of the business framework, its “supporting structures.” The rest can be given to managers.

It should be noted that progressive top managers also want to clarify the role of the business owner and their relationship with him. This helps them organize their work and get top scores, as well as appropriate remuneration.


There are many definitions of business, but not all of them help to competently resolve the issue of its effective control. Depending on how you define this concept, how you control the business. This is especially important when we're talking about about ownership control.

The most common definition is: “business is business.” Sometimes they clarify that “business is any business.” Perhaps this definition is the most correct from a philological point of view. But it is the most useless from the point of view of owner control of the business.

Indeed, the interpretation of business through “business” does not define any concepts or objects for control. It’s not even clear whether such a business has any goal, clients, product, etc. Anyone can speculate this definition in a way that will benefit him. And accordingly, form your own idea of ​​business control and methods of its implementation.

Let's try to give our own definition of business, which will be useful for us for owner control. This technical definition, which aims to introduce the basic concepts we need. It goes like this: “a business is a set of transactions carried out on a regular basis. By definition, a business must be profitable.” So, business means a set of somewhat similar transactions that are carried out more than once. This means the following: if you do not have a profit, your activity is not yet a business. Perhaps this is some kind of hobby or self-realization in some activity, or maybe it is “a preparation for a potential business.”

From an owner's control perspective, our definition of a business means that we must control a set of transactions and do so in a way that makes them profitable.

It is interesting that business entities such as a firm, company or organization are considered as mechanisms created to implement these very transactions. Their work must be ensured within the limits of the income received, but in such an amount that the profit remains satisfactory to the owner.

Before you begin to develop a system of owner control of a business, you need to answer the question: “Where, in fact, is the business itself?” After this, separate it from the tools and components. Only then will you be able to correctly build a system of ownership control.


When organizing control, the following must be taken into account:

  1. An established business needs not only development, but also protection. Business stability comes to the fore. Except current profit, it is necessary to take into account both future profits and the value of the business.
  2. Often business control is replaced by director control. Some owners say: “If the director does not fulfill my demands, then I will fire him and hire a new one.” After that, they formulate demands that are difficult for others to even understand. You can play this game for a long time without getting an acceptable result. The owner should control the entire business, not the directors. Business is a very broad concept. A company participating in a business is only a tool for its implementation. The director is part of the company's management department. By controlling only the director, you control almost nothing. In addition, the director may leave the company, and you will have to control another person, and control over the business may be lost. If you control the business, then you are much less concerned about who exactly acts as director.
  3. Positive control involves helping, not punishing. Nowadays it is difficult to find ready-made leaders. You have to take those who partially meet your requirements and then “grow” them. This is a special job for which repressive methods are not suitable. Positive control is more effective than repressive control.
  4. Running a business is not like running an assembly line; perhaps a more appropriate analogy would be growing a garden or raising a child. To do this, many managers will have to change the style of their activities. At this stage, company managers from heroes who personally bring victories to the company have to turn into coaches, for whom the main personal success is the success of their employees.
  5. Business needs to be controlled and developed in all key areas:
  • results;
  • employees;
  • market;
  • production;
  • finances and their use;
  • business projects;
  • safety;
  • business environment;
  • management and the role of the owner.

The main problems associated with hiring a hired director are caused by the unclear definition of the responsibilities of the “managing owner”. Sometimes this position can be almost completely transferred to the new manager, and he actually becomes the new owner, which automatically causes tension with the owner.

It is advisable to transfer the business to a hired manager in the following sequence:

1. Preparing the business for transfer

Before transferring a business, it is useful to do a complete audit of it. When the owner himself created and developed the business, he introduced many nuances into it, reflecting his personal style of leadership and business. These could be those areas of work that previously seemed promising to him, and those that he wanted to develop in connection with some personal interests. They may not all be effective enough or would not be effective without the personal involvement of their creator.

On the other hand, like any person, the owner has issues that he did not want to deal with himself, and there may be various gaps in the business that need to be addressed before the transfer. If you transfer the business without doing this, the new manager will have to spend much more time and energy on them than the owner, if he manages to do it at all.

2. Creation and organization of the work of the owner’s department

While the owner himself was running the company, he might not even realize the need for such a department. His functions were distributed across all divisions of the company or performed by him personally. Now this department must effectively control and direct business development without performing current operational functions.

The organization of the owner's department depends on the specific business. To create such a department, you must first clarify the structure of the business and the technology for its control. You can then create a department structure and define the responsibilities of employees. Only the business owner can work in the department itself. If you involve assistants in this department, then the owner’s participation in business management can be reduced to one day a week.

3. Selection of a new manager, training and transfer of operational management to him

Sometimes owners think that they need to find some special leader who will understand and do everything himself. It's an illusion. There are no such employees. Or they turn out to be “heroes” who are more likely to harm a developed business and its owner than to contribute to development and growth.

A new manager should be selected taking into account the conditions in which he will have to work. Perhaps not all candidates will agree to this. We need people who can work effectively according to the proposed rules. The system of remuneration and motivation for a new employee must be built specifically for him. The desire of managers to have some kind of ideal system motivation is inappropriate here. Motivation should always be personal, and especially in such cases.

It will take time to train a new employee. The final part of the training can be conveniently structured as an on-the-job internship. An internship may coincide with the transfer of business management to a new manager.

4. Ownership control

All control procedures established by the owner must always be followed, without playing into trust or mistrust. Another thing is that they should not unnecessarily distract the manager and employees or create an emotionally tense environment. This should be something that goes without saying.


I constantly encounter owner-managers and owner-directors who are dissatisfied with the performance of their business. At the same time, they always find a lot of reasons and explanations for any failures, and, as a rule, dissatisfaction with the work of managers appears on this list. But the owners of these companies do not take into account one important circumstance: before demanding changes from others, they need to change something (and sometimes even a lot) in their work. First of all, stop being a director for a while and take up your main (owner) work.

While occupying the position of director, the owner has no right to forget that he also has the position of business owner! When combining these positions, the owner is obliged to effectively and competently combine the functions performed within them, remembering that these are different areas and types of work, involving different degrees of responsibility, different rates of decision-making, timing and methods of planning. So, if the director is worried about current profits, then the owner is also concerned about future profits (several years in advance), and the ability to sell the business if necessary. And maybe even what will be left to the heirs!

Very often, owners who hold a management position in their business create the illusion of sufficient control. With a decline in business efficiency, this illusion is quickly destroyed.

Ownership and management control- it's not only different types work, but also different systems thinking. At the same time, the manager’s thinking often dominates the owner’s thinking. This imbalance must be corrected.

In cases where the owner does not work as a manager in his company, he is even more necessary to engage in positive control and business development.

Creating a control system involves several steps, including developing the structure of the owner’s department and business control regulations. Business control regulations are a list of typical activities periodically carried out by the business owner to improve its operation. These events are carried out in all important areas of work: personnel, market, finances and their use, production, safety and the company environment, etc. (see table 2)

The development of this system is also necessary to control the work of subsidiaries and branches. Many owners lose a lot of money simply because they have poor control and insufficient development of their business. Investments in a positive business control system are probably the most profitable from an economic point of view, not to mention the emotional state of the owner.

Based on materials from the magazine "Company Management".

If the business has grown and some of the areas have been separated into separate companies - with their own accountants, lawyers, personnel officers and others administrative workers, it often becomes difficult to monitor processes in different structures. There is a way out of this situation - to create a single management company. Why is it needed and how can it help business - experts said law firm REVERA Mikhail Bitus and Nikita Tolkanitsa.

— When in a group of companies the functions of employees in different structures began to be duplicated, staff time was spent inefficiently, and in general it became more difficult to monitor everything that was happening in each company, then it was time to think about creating a management company.

Why do we need a single management company?

Let's describe the situation: you have a group of companies, and each of the companies has its own director, accountant, lawyer, personnel officer, economist and marketer. This approach is ineffective from both a financial and organizational point of view.

What factors indicate that your business needs Management Company:

  • Different companies own shares in the authorized capital of different group members and there is confusion in the powers between directors
  • Business owners find it difficult to control company management
  • The staff is bloated and there are difficulties in managing it

What processes does the management company simplify?

The main function of the management company is current management in each individual company of the group. In essence, she replaces the director in the subsidiary: she enters into contracts, issues powers of attorney, and manages property.

Why do business owners need this:

  • It becomes easier to control processes within the group: there is no need to collect information from the head of each organization - it is enough to monitor the actions of the head of the management company
  • An administrative center appears, where workers not related to production, but necessary for the entire group, are concentrated: lawyers, accountants, marketing specialists, customs clearance and so on
  • The number of controversial issues is reduced: it is enough to find one director of the management company who will suit all partners: there is no need to approve different candidates for different companies

How does the management company work with other companies in the group?

Basic work scheme: the management company manages all the companies of the group and receives remuneration for this. Subsidiaries can write off these costs as current expenses and thus reduce the basis for calculating income taxes.

The purchase of management company services must be economically justified. Management costs will not be taken into account in the calculation tax base, If:

  • The subsidiary structure has specialists on staff whose services it purchases (lawyers, economists, personnel officers)
  • The management company manages only formally, and real decisions (and this is obvious) are made by the business owners

How to organize a management company

Launching a management company is a fairly simple procedure.

Key steps:

1. Creation of a management company.

2. Adaptation, if necessary, of corporate documents of all group companies in order to establish a uniform approach to management.

3. Development of general internal norms and rules.

4. Conclusion of agreements on the transfer of leadership and management functions between the management company and each company of the group.

What are the difficulties when working with a management company?

If the management company will provide legal support and assistance in drawing up contracts, statements and other documents to other organizations of the group, then it must obtain a license for this - to provide legal services.

To do this, it is enough to fulfill only two conditions:

1. Director with higher legal education.

2. At least one employee with a higher legal education and at least three years of legal experience.

As a summary

A management company is a fairly simple and at the same time effective tool in business. It will help not to overstaff and simplify control over hired management.

Creating and implementing such a structure is a fairly simple process. Moreover, it does not require additional cash investments, since it can be financed through payments from managed firms.

But it is worth understanding that the management company cannot make all decisions regarding the group’s work. The solution to key issues remains with the business owners.

Any enterprise that produces products, trades or provides services is a complex system, including: raw materials, materials, fixed assets, labor and financial resources.

These elements production system must be used with maximum efficiency. This is provided by the control apparatus. How should an enterprise be managed?

Involved in the production cycle production resources, divided into functional blocks that interact with each other and perform a common task. A separate structure is needed to coordinate and direct these efforts.

Also, this structure determines the directions in which the enterprise develops, its personnel and marketing policy. These functions are carried out by the management apparatus. In the structure of any enterprise, it is located separately from the production units.

To manage an enterprise, there is a system of managers at various levels. They are appointed to all departments to ensure both horizontal connections at one level and vertical ones from lower-level managers to senior management.

How the enterprise is managed

Junior, lower-level managers have to work directly with performers. Their main tasks are: organization, ensuring control over the implementation production plans and tasks, use of raw materials and operation of equipment.

This part of the management apparatus is the most numerous. Middle managers are the liaison between lower-level managers and senior management.

How to manage an enterprise - the last link is the top management; its responsibilities include making the most important decisions, on which the entire activity of the company or enterprise largely depends.

They bear the highest responsibility for this activity. The decisions that they make are communicated to the immediate executors through lower and middle and lower echelon managers.

These managerial and organizational structures is typical for all enterprises in which there are departments and divisions. They allow you to manage an enterprise through the use of planning, motivation and control by management.

Video: What a manager should do

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Many founders have switched to a system for managing their business without being directly in the company. They can travel around the world, study, relax, and at the same time their business will expand and prosper. Many such founders are able to leave their brainchild for many years, leave control, and this does not lead to the collapse of the company.
What is this technology? How to leave a company and, upon arrival, see it in a new capacity. More prosperous. More powerful. How, when you arrive, you find a team of professionals, and not a group of slackers and thieves. How to find a receiver? How to find those who will take the oars into their own hands while the founder is not on the front line and lead the company to victory. The business owner who does not know this secret invariably realizes that he will not be able to travel to Tahiti for a long time. Without knowing the right secret, such founders often cannot devote time to their family, let alone leave for a long time.

There is a category of founders who, on the contrary, are completely devoted to their business and do not want to leave it, so they may think that this information is not for them. But if we look at the conditions of our market, we will see that only those enterprises survive in which its owner is constantly learning. High-quality training can often be obtained far from your home business. Most likely, you need to spend some time completing courses and trainings. And, as you know, the best training can now only be found abroad or in large cities.
What should the founder do in this case?
This is an important task.

The first answer is the distribution of functions. You need to know that a business will only work if there are three components. The first one is work force. The second is the governing body. The third is the source of the idea-goal or the creator, founder. If the one who creates the idea-goal, in our case the head of the business, begins to lead, then he puts himself on the level of the one who stands behind him and clearly supervises. The commander must ride in front of the line on a white horse and, with his enthusiasm, inspire the army to attack. Then the commander must go to headquarters, and the sergeants and commanders, commanding and pushing the careless soldiers, must drag the army to victory.

Soldiers in the army often do not like their commanders, but they admire the commander. Look at examples in history and you will understand this. If the commander is at the same time a commander, then he will very soon be hated or he will die somewhere in battle. This shouldn't happen. Sometimes he can little time take a place in the ranks, or eat a bowl of soldier's stew to show unity with the army, but he always returns to his tent.

The founder is the person who comes up with the goal. He should not push or command. Moreover, he should not shoulder all the work himself. Without a person who comes up with goals, there is no business. Sometimes middle managers take on the goal-setting function. This leads to chaos. Examples can also be seen in history. Any police state headed by a dictator inevitably collapses, and living in it is unbearable.

Founders who manage their company remotely set their first task to find a reliable deputy. This deputy must be a good manager. Must show your loyalty. He must not be from the outside. This person is someone who has traveled a certain path with the company and knows its basics, difficulties, and advantages. This is someone who has taken root well in the company and who will not betray. If a business owner hires an outside manager, he may lose his company. The team will not accept such a person. He's a stranger. He did not go through difficulties with the team and people think that he came prepared for everything. The leader must be respected. They must want to follow him.

A leader must want to be a leader. He should be able to do it. The main thing is that the leader must be loved. The founder can trust such a manager. Such a protege will invariably implement the founder’s policies. He went through many difficulties with the founder and if he stayed, he knows that the owner is the one who needs to be listened to and whose ideas lead to victory. Such a leader understands that his position, his income depends entirely on how he fulfills the will of his founder. And he will carry out his will, no matter what anyone tells him.

Such a leader can be tough, flexible or loyal - this is not the main thing. The founder should not care how his successor manages the work, as long as the work actually gets done. There may be complaints about such a manager, they may not like him, but if the work is done and income grows, then the founder must reward his successor.

When the receiver is found, it is necessary to ensure that instructions for operation are written at all posts. The founder must ensure that these instructions lead to success consistently and in any case when applied as written. The founder must ensure that key employees are aware of these instructions. He must also see that these instructions are consistently followed. What are these instructions?

The main ones:
- instructions related to personnel, training, supervision, establishing communication lines;
- instructions directly related to sales - marketing, advertising, registration and contracts;
- accounting and accounting;
- production itself;
- how to adjust the organization;
- looking for new clients;
- real estate and legal issues, as well as issues directly related to management.

All these instructions should be at hand so that every employee can easily study them. Study of these instructions should be encouraged. For example, an employee who has studied certain instructions and passed a test on them receives more income than those who have not studied. It is from employees who know, understand and follow all instructions that reliable leaders grow. It is in this case that expansion is possible. In essence, instructions are the rules of the game that the founder creates in order to provide players with interesting activities that will bring them and the founder income. The founder will do the right thing if he appoints a special person who will periodically conduct appropriate checks of employees according to these instructions.

These instructions prescribe many actions, but they should not kill a person’s initiative. Instructions should provide direction and encouragement to action. If something happens in the company, employees will be able to react correctly. But what if an event occurred that was not specified in the instructions? It is necessary for the employee to act based on his experience. Then, the correct way out of this situation is found, and it is written down in the instructions.

In addition, employees must understand that their instructional responsibilities do not limit their actions. The instructions give the employee the opportunity to play in their area. Just like in football, there is a striker who scores goals, and there are defenders who protect the goal from the enemy. These posts have their own responsibilities - their own instructions. But this does not mean that the attacker should not defend his goal, and the defender should not score the ball if he finds himself in an advantageous situation. Likewise in a company, if the cashier is not on site, then another employee should be able to take money from the client, but then he should again transfer this responsibility to the accountant, and not constantly perform his duties. Imagine a striker who is constantly running towards his goal to defend it. Even if he does it better than anyone else on the team, it is his duty to attack. He shouldn't be exhausted working for everyone. Here the founder is more like the owner of the team, and the coach is more like the manager.

All instructions must lead to victory and expansion. The instructions should state the main goal of the company, which unites everyone. This goal should be clear to all employees. Every employee must agree that this is the right goal and want to achieve it. Only a goal can create and unite a team. If there is no goal, then they will definitely come up with one. For example: “How to overthrow a founder.” After winning one game, you need to set a goal for the next game. Having earned a million, the founder should set a goal of earning two million. Doubling your monthly income and increasing your salaries can be an interesting goal and game.

Third and most important - financial planning. First of all, it is necessary to create graphs showing the production of different products and sub-products: advertising distributed, customers who came, goods sold, income earned and other graphs. After this, it is necessary, by studying the graphs, to determine which actions lead to increased production and income, and implement these successful actions.

When the company has received money, it must be clearly distributed into areas that generate income, judging by the graphs. An important point It will be that you need to spend less than you receive, and you need to pay bills by a set date. For example, today is the first of May, then the date is called the first of March of the same year and all bills that were before are paid. If there is not enough money, then an earlier date is set. This will allow you to maintain your creditworthiness and there won’t be a situation where you paid today’s bill, and a supplier calls you, to whom you have been in debt for a year and refuses to supply you with raw materials, without which your organization will go bankrupt completely. It is necessary to clearly control your finances and keep the last word so that careless accountants do not waste all your funds.

Some business owners “save” their companies by taking out loans. At the same time, they continue to spend more than they earn, plus they are forced to pay interest on the loan. This situation will ultimately lead to collapse. It was incorrect financial planning by large companies that led to world economy to the crisis in which we are living now. They spent more than they earned and went broke. There is nothing to give the bank a loan with. Money has become worthless.

Any organization or firm requires proper management, the purpose of which is to make the production of goods or the provision of services more efficient. The expected result is not only an increase in the income of an enterprise or firm, but also long-term goals of strengthening in the market or expansion, even if this does not subsequently lead to profit. The rules of how to properly manage a company include a system of influences that would contribute to the achievement of intended business goals, taking into account market conditions and without incurring significant losses. These business goals are set by the company’s management to conquer a separate segment of the market for services or goods and, as a result, obtain financial profit. Managing a company means maintaining the stability of some indicators and, at the same time, promoting the growth of others.

Ways to manage a company

Managing a company means finding ways to influence it so that the company achieves its goals in changing market conditions, while maintaining its sustainability. To do this, you need to know how to properly manage a company. Typically, the company's strategy, which its owner sets for it, is to capture a certain market share, or to make a certain profit. Based on this, management should be such as to maintain performance indicators - labor productivity, trade margin, capital productivity, etc. But at the same time, it also contributes to the growth of other indicators - sales volume, company assets, profits.

For a manager who wants to know how to manage a company strategically, it is necessary to know what exactly these indicators include and what their expected or minimum values ​​should be. It is possible to achieve the goals set for the company different ways, which must be subordinate to the company's management system. The very system of how to properly manage a company is as follows:

  • You need to be able to make decisions and organize the work process.
  • Be able to regulate or control the activities of the company and employees.
  • Establish feedback – compliance with control of the company’s activities and the work of the employees themselves.
  • It is necessary to clearly set goals for each stage of work, based on the company’s business strategy. These goals must be regularly communicated to all company employees. If clear guidelines are given to the team, then within this framework your employees will be able to make their own decisions.
  • You also need to involve your employees in discussing the plans and goals facing the company as a whole. Such a discussion will provide a sense of collective responsibility for success in achieving these goals.
  • In how to run a company, it is also important to define the core values ​​of your company, which your employees and you should focus on when making decisions. This will help you rationally expand and improve your business and give it a clear system.
  • You also need to keep an eye on competitors in the industry. And find out whether your company will do something differently than most companies in this market segment.
  • You also need to try to analyze whether there will be this business- a strategy to give real returns. You also need to think about one more point - the company and its development strategy must have a certain potential in order to reach more high level, to another market segment or to an international market, and be capable of growth over a certain period.

Personnel Management

But all good leaders know that making decisions and building strategy is not everything, and everything will not happen on its own. There are situations when a company is so complex to manage that a single control center is not enough to ensure its activities. Therefore, after decisions are made, the manager’s task is reduced to the correct division of one case among his deputies. Also important in personnel management:

  • The task of each deputy is to divide the execution of tasks between his assistants and other employees, and control this process, right up to the actual result. The main criteria for the initial division of responsibilities are production, supply, sales, etc.
  • Therefore, in order to achieve goals and how to manage a company, you need to create a functional structure of the enterprise. Responsibility and responsibilities in functional areas are divided between managers - this is how a hierarchical structure appears in management.
  • The manager's job is to know the roles of each team member. This will allow you to successfully manage the process. Once responsibilities are distributed, there is no need to micro-manage. By changing something or periodically intervening, employees will not be able to make independent decisions, focusing on you all the time.
  • Employee initiative should only be supported. When making a team decision, the leader must support it. If you express doubts and this project are not allowed to develop, the team will lose the enthusiasm or confidence needed to take further steps. If you constantly insist that you alone make all major decisions, you can lead your team into a dead end.
  • There is no need to require regular reporting from your subordinates, which would be confirmation of the need for the company’s development. We must avoid indecision and lack of progress.
  • The leader is, to some extent, also a psychologist. It is necessary to create a favorable environment in the workplace for each employee, ensure a healthy climate in the team, and establish strong contacts between company employees. These aspects will only contribute to increasing productivity and improving the quality of work, will allow for the formation of creative initiative, and will provide a significant production effect. This will be even better than the introduction of advanced technologies for labor automation.
  • You also need to be able to competently select personnel for successful work and promotion of the company. It is necessary to properly organize the work of employees at all levels, monitor their motivation for effective activities in particular, and the entire company as a whole. You also need to be able to value the time of your wards and your own time. To do this, you need to set out your goals and objectives as clearly as possible, the main ideas that need to be conveyed to the knowledge of all your employees. It will also not be superfluous to be able to listen to your opponent and organize your own work time and strictly follow the established action plan without unnecessary deviations.

Now you know everything about how to properly manage a company. This will allow you to improve your own business or become a good leader of a large organization. Since everything in the team depends on the leader, and the success of the corporation is based on the actions of the manager.