What is included in the utility fee? What is included in the list of utility services provided to homeowners? Payment procedure for housing services

House management

The Housing Code of Russia obliges citizens to pay for housing and public utilities. In this case, the providers of utility services can be legal entities or individual entrepreneurs. They acquire resources, carry out work and are responsible for the serviceability of all intra-house communications.

The following have the right to use public services:

Owners of residential premises with their families;

Persons who received housing from a cooperative organization;

Tenants of premises; persons who have rented an apartment (room).

Public utilities:

Drinking cold water. The supply must be around the clock. Carried out via a central or intra-house network. The volume and quality of water must be at the appropriate level.

Hot water. Must be supplied around the clock through centralized networks for all areas of the house.

Drainage. Sewage disposal should also be carried out around the clock - through centralized networks and in-house systems. Sewage systems should be present in most living areas of the home. If a residential premises does not have a centralized sewerage system, then it should not be taken into account in the list of utilities.

Electricity supply. Electricity in the required volume must also be supplied around the clock, without interruption. However, power outages are recorded on metering devices. Please note that resource supply organizations are not required to maintain networks inside the home. The consumer is obliged to provide the meter data before the date indicated on the receipt. If the data has not been received, then the RSO has the right to calculate the volume of consumption according to the standards in the event that a system has not been installed in which data from metering devices is automatically sent to the organization’s control room.

You will have to pay for general house expenses even if you have not lived in the apartment for some time. The volume of general house services is calculated taking into account the space occupied by each. In the absence of a common house meter, the calculation is made according to the standards. Experts assure that it is very beneficial to have both common and entrance meters at the same time. They allow you to calculate the “left” connections to the general house electrical network. They also make it clear which entrances know how to save money and which ones don’t.

Gas supply. Gas must be supplied around the clock. Gas meters provide real savings and pay for themselves quickly enough in apartments with big amount residents.

Heating. Thermal energy must be supplied centrally to houses, apartments and non-residential premises. Residents were deducted from paying for common heating costs. There is no need to pay for heating an entrance where there are no radiators. In 2013, new changes were made that relate to the rules for the provision of utility services. Regulatory coefficients were introduced for those who are in no hurry to install individual metering devices. For such owners, increased standards have been introduced for all types of utilities. Every six months the payment increases. As a result, the excess will reach 60%.

Housing services:

Provision of residential premises for use under a social tenancy agreement or a rental agreement for residential premises of the state or municipal housing stock;

Removal of solid and liquid household waste from apartment buildings.

Housing and utility payments

For employers:

For the use of residential premises (rental fee);

For owners:

For the maintenance and repair of residential premises. Consists of service fees and management work apartment building. The owner of premises in an apartment building is obliged to bear the costs of maintaining not only the premises belonging to him, but also common property in the house: house structures, corridors, staircases, attics and basements, utility networks, elevators and garbage chutes, etc. Article 39 of the RF Housing Code. Moreover, the amount of the amount is determined by the residents themselves at a meeting of the owners of the apartment buildings. This is declared by parts 2 and 4 of Art. 158 Housing Code of the Russian Federation.

The management organization has the right to propose taking into account certain works and costs. Sometimes management companies offer a shortened list of services and work for the maintenance and current repairs of a house for a maximum cost, which is set annually by the local administration. “Missing” services are offered to be paid additionally. This shouldn't happen, of course. The list of house maintenance services and routine repair work is in Rosstroi Decree 170 of September 23, 2003.
Do not confuse the fee for the maintenance and current repairs of the COMMON PROPERTY of the owners of apartment buildings, which is included in the payment, and paid work for minor repairs in your apartment, which are carried out according to your order.

Extra lines

In payment bills, columns with antennas, cable television or Internet, radio, locking device, concierge, parking lot security, and so on periodically appear next to legitimate utilities and housing services. All these services are neither utilities nor housing. It is illegal to include them in a payment order. Such payments should be excluded from the single payment document. Do not allow the management company to include a vague clause in the management agreement about its right to conclude any other agreements. Otherwise, unnecessary services may be imposed on you. All additional decisions are made at the meeting.

Utilities are represented by activities that provide citizens with comfortable conditions accommodation. The list of provided utility services must be reflected in the agreement between residents and the housing and communal services, management company, HOA or other responsible body. However, not every person has such a copy of the house, so many people ask the quite logical question of what is the responsibility of the house manager and what exactly needs to be paid for.

Over the past years, some changes have been made to Russian legislation regarding the public utilities sector. According to government regulations, utility providers can be either entity, or individual entrepreneur. This person is responsible for acquiring the necessary resources, carrying out the agreed work, and the serviceability of all communication systems.

By latest changes the right to use public services has:

  • The owner of an apartment or other residential premises with his family;
  • Citizens who received living space from the cooperative;
  • Tenants of housing in an apartment building;
  • Tenants of premises apartment building.

Main points

First of all, it should be noted what is included in the list of provided utilities:

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Name of communicationExplanation
Cold water supply24-hour supply from a central or intra-house network in quantity and quality appropriate for domestic needs. If there is no water supply system, there must be a water supply to the street water pump.
Hot water supply24-hour supply through the central water supply network.
Sewage drainageDisposal of domestic wastewater through the intra-house and central sewer system. Most of the existing premises of an apartment building are equipped with such systems.
Electricity supplyUninterrupted round-the-clock supply of electricity in sufficient quantities
Gas supply24-hour supply via the gas supply network. Supply using gas cylinders is acceptable.
HeatingSupply of heat energy through centralized networks, as well as heat supply systems with the support of proper temperature regime during the heating season.

Of course, utilities cannot include an item that does not actually apply to a specific home. For example, if there is no sewerage system or hot water supply, they should not be included in the payment and, accordingly, are not included in the agreement with the management company.

Obligations of management companies and housing and communal services

General household needs that are satisfied by management companies, housing and communal services and other relevant structures are also included in the cost of utilities. Every resident should know what exactly he is paying for and whether he is getting what he is paying for. To utilities general purpose includes:

Additionally, there may be other clauses that are included in the contract individually. If you need to find out exactly what additional utilities these are and what else they include, you can contact management company or housing and communal services. Often such a need arises from overly vigilant citizens or in cases of unscrupulous performance by governing bodies of their duties.

Current standards

The changes that affected the rules for the provision of utility services include not only the division of responsibilities into items, but also the procedure for calculating and paying for receipts. Not counting heating, payment is divided into a common house payment and individual payment for each apartment owner. Receipts also arrive separately.

Innovations also affected regulatory coefficients. This was done in order to encourage citizens to install individual meters in their apartments. The principle turned out to be very simple: for those who have the technical ability to install a meter, but did not do so, an increased standard was introduced for all types of public services. Further, for the same category of the population, the tariff increased every six months by ten percent to a limit of sixty percent. In other words, further refusal to install meters is fraught with an overpayment of sixty percent just two years after such an innovation, which was approved back in 2013.

The only advantage of such a change is the fact that this percentage overpayment is aimed at saving energy and increasing the efficiency of existing systems.

Improper fulfillment of contract terms

If the management company still demands payment in full from residents, taking into account all the corresponding tariff increases, but at the same time fulfills its obligations in bad faith or does not fulfill them at all, then the law provides certain actions. For example, if garbage is not collected on time, cleaning is not carried out local area, there are no lamps in the entrance and the windows are broken, then this and other violations must be recorded in the appropriate act. It can be drawn up by any resident of a given building, together with two neighbors and the chairman of the homeowners’ association.

It is worth considering that the reference period for the provision of low-quality utility services will be the date when the act was signed. In case of identified violations and mass discontent of residents, it is necessary to prepare a collective complaint with specific claims. The complaint must contain the last names, first names, patronymics, residential addresses and signatures of each resident participating. Such a document is submitted to the management company or housing and communal services. The complaint should clearly indicate the date by which the tenants demand that the deficiencies be corrected. You must keep a copy of it for yourself.

Next, a similar letter is sent to the Housing and Communal Services Department of the locality with a request to take appropriate measures and bring violators to justice. This is done if the first complaint has no effect. Next, if the second option does not work, you should go to court.

Housing and communal services(Housing and communal services) are such services that are necessary to create a comfortable residence for the consumer; they ensure and maintain the proper condition of all settlements.

There are several types of residential premises:

  • the first is a private (residential) house, or its residential part;
  • the second is the apartment, or part of it;
  • the third - a room, or several rooms.

All of the listed types of residential areas make up the housing stock, which has several divisions, which depend on the form of ownership:

  • private life fund;
  • State Life Fund;
  • Municipal ZhF.

What is included in housing and communal services?

Housing and communal services are provided with the following list of services provided:

  • Water supply(cold) – provided continuous feed trustee of cold water of established and acceptable quality standard, in required quantity and volume in a certain way (by a network that is connected or by a column).
  • Water supply(hot) – a continuous supply of hot water to the trustee of an established and acceptable quality standard is ensured, in the required quantity and volume in a certain way (through the network that is connected).
  • Water disposal– through the network that is connected, domestic and industrial wastewater is discharged.
  • Electricity supply– ensures continuous supply to the trustee electrical energy established and acceptable quality standard, in the required quantity and volume in a certain way (via a network that is connected). Read about it.
  • Gas supply– a continuous supply of gas of established and acceptable quality standards to the trustee is ensured, in the required quantity and volume in a certain way (through a network that is connected); gas is also sold in cylinders for household use.
  • Heating– a continuous supply of warm energy is ensured to the trustee, during the heating season (from autumn to spring), in accordance with certain standards, to ensure optimal temperature air in a residential area, solid fuel is also supplied in the case of stove heating.

New rules

Rules set by the government Russian Federation May 6, 2011, defines the following concepts:

  • the concept of “performer”;
  • the concept of “consumer”;
  • resource supply organization"
  • utility consumption standard;

Since July 1, 2012, there have been some changes in tariffs; they have increased for the following services:

  • payment for the use of cold water;
  • payment for the use of hot water;
  • payment for sewerage;
  • payment for heating use;
  • payment for the use of electrical energy;
  • payment for gas use.

From September 1, 2012, the following price increase occurred for payment of tariffs for housing and communal services.

Since January 2015, payments for repair work have become mandatory for all apartment owners. If payment is not made within the specified time frame, a penalty will therefore be charged.

The new rules define:

  • necessary respect for rights and obligations, which must be performed by the contractor and the consumer as a result of the consumption of utilities;
  • necessary control on the quality of services provided;
  • size is determined and tariffs for services rendered;
  • tariffs are recalculated for certain utilities during the absence of owners;
  • the tariffs for the provided utility services are recalculated inadequate quality;
  • the order is determined if it is necessary to suspend the provision of utility services.

Housing services

Housing and communal services consist of the following list of services:

  • payment for living space(can be: house, apartment or room);
  • payment for maintaining the residential area in proper condition, including also payment for certain services provided for work performed in a multi-storey building and management;
  • payment for repairs to residential areas, including payment for maintenance and scheduled repairs of the entire territory in a multi-storey building. Major repairs of the entire territory in a multi-storey building are carried out at the expense of the owner of the housing stock;
  • payment for utilities(water supply (cold and hot), sewerage, electricity supply, gas supply (this also includes the sale of gas in cylinders for household use) and heating (payment for solid fuel in the case of stove heating);
  • planned repairs;
  • payment for using the elevator;
  • payment for waste removal from multi-storey buildings (removal of solid and liquid waste).

On the provision of utility services for electricity supply

The supply of electricity to owners and their residential areas must be carried out in accordance with all the necessary parameters and standards established by the organization. It is necessary that this process be carried out around the clock and throughout the year.

Are major repairs included in utilities?

The owner of the apartment is obliged to pay for housing and communal services, as well as additional investments and payments for major repairs of housing premises.

The receipt that arrives at the address indicates total amount for housing and communal services, which the owner of the apartment is obliged to pay.

All tariffs for covering major repairs of a residential building are determined and certified in individual constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

There are several options for transferring finances for major home repairs:

  1. First way- This is to transfer funds to a special account.
  2. Second way- is to transfer money local organization, also on the bill.

When paying to a special account, you need to carry out a considerable number of operations yourself:

  • deal with the bank;
  • provide account insurance;
  • be fully responsible for finances;
  • search for companies that will provide estimate services and inspection of repair work;
  • calculate tariffs for the work provided.

When making payments to accounts state companies all these operations are carried out by regional operators.

Tariffs for paying for services for major repairs differ for each region. On average, the bill comes out to about six rubles per square meter of area.

List of works to be performed:

  1. Repair and restoration of the roof of the house.
  2. Repair and strengthening of facades.
  3. The elevator is undergoing repairs.
  4. Restoration and renovation of the basement area.
  5. Certain work with the engineering system of the house.
  6. Installation and maintenance of home meters.

Payment procedure for communal housing utilities

  • owner of private territory;
  • owner of non-residential premises, namely shops, beauty salons, private firms and others;
  • owner of municipal property;
  • owner of government facilities.

Payments made by residents of the house are transferred to certain accounts of regional operators.

At the moment, there are four options for paying for housing and communal services:

  1. Cash payment at a bank, or through Russian Post;
  2. Using an ATM or terminal;
  3. Online payment is possible via the Internet or using an electronic wallet;
  4. Using the reference and information portal of the city of Moscow.

Tariffs for housing and communal services– this is a certain cost, which is expressed in rubles to pay for resources.


  • tariffs for heating use – ruble per 1 Gcal;
  • tariffs for water supply and sanitation – ruble per 1 cubic meter;
  • tariffs for the use of electricity – ruble per 1 kWh.

The size of tariffs for payment of housing and communal services depends on various factors:

  • Firstly, the size of the total area of ​​the residential area matters.
  • Secondly, the number of people who are officially registered in the residential area.
  • Third, monthly volume of utilities that were consumed.
  • Fourth, may be entitled to benefits for payment of housing and communal services.

As a result of changes and variations of all the listed factors tariffs for housing and communal services may change.

Major repairs are not paid for by the owner of a residential premises in two situations:

  1. first option– if the house is in disrepair or unfit for habitation;
  2. second option– if housing property is confiscated by order of a state or municipal executive body.

In case of failure to pay for necessary housing and communal services, the organization has grounds to sue the defaulter to collect the debt.

The final cost of housing and communal services depends on the size and area of ​​the residential area owned by the owner. For example, if the entire area of ​​a house or apartment is sixty square meters, then in this case the amount of monthly payments for the maintenance of a residential area will be equal to 480 rubles.

How to establish the fact of improper provision of CG?

In accordance with the established Rules, owners and owners of residential areas must be informed about problems and emergencies that arise.

You can also submit a written complaint about the provision of housing and communal services of inadequate quality.

In this case, the organization must establish that the service was not fully provided or not provided at all. After confirming and establishing the fact of the provision of housing and communal services of inadequate quality, you must contact the organization with mandatory requirement about changing the amount of payment for services provided.

Where to go if you are overcharged?

The seventeenth article of the Federal Law talks about the regulation and control of certain tariffs. This is the responsibility federal body executive power in a specific area.

In order to submit an application for inflated payments, first of all, you need to be one hundred percent sure of this fact; employees of the regional department who are competent in this matter can help in this process.

If the specified service has not provided the service properly, you must contact the prosecutor's office. If there is no help from this organization, you must go to court.

Housing and communal services is a set of services provided to maintain and maintain an apartment building in appropriate condition. Tariffs for services provided are determined by the area of ​​living space and the number of officially registered people.

Payment for utilities is a mandatory part of living in a residential area and receiving housing and communal services.

Housing and communal services are a combination of different types of activities, the common goal of which is to supply residential buildings with resources, ensure the functionality and serviceability of their technical components and resolve other issues related to comfortable living.

What services are provided and how are they regulated by law?

Utility services are those services that cannot be provided without the participation of monopoly organizations that provide housing with energy and natural resources.

At the same time, residents also pay for the energy spent in places common use(attics, basements, elevator, corridors, etc.).

At the same time, payment for the total energy consumed occurs in accordance with established standards.

According to current laws, when supplying electricity to the end consumer, the permitted interruption cannot last more than two hours per month in the presence of two independent energy sources and no more than a day - in the presence of one source.

In addition, voltage fluctuations during the supply of electricity are unacceptable.

Hot and cold water

Cold water supply services assume that the end user will receive cold water purified from pathogenic bacteria (hepatitis, dysentery, cholera).

Also, the water should not contain harmful chemical compounds (salts of heavy metals, arsenic, etc.).

There may be a break in the supply of cold water for one month. not exceeding a total of 8 hours or 24 hours if a major accident occurs.

For the supply of hot water, the law provides for similar possible interruptions.

At the same time, the water temperature is also specified. If it is below +40 degrees, then payment for it should be charged as for cold water. Maximum water temperature should not exceed +75 degrees.

Water supply services are paid according to regionally established per capita water consumption standards, that is, the number of residents registered in the apartment is taken into account and the total amount of resource used is displayed.

Each region is different, depending on the current situation.


In accordance with established standards, the air temperature in a living space can be not less than +18. An acceptable interval in heat supply is up to 24 hours per month in general.

One-time interruptions in heat supply can last:

Payment for heating services is calculated based on the total area of ​​the premises based on regional standards. At the same time, the cost of heating a residential premises also includes payment for heating common areas.

Garbage removal

Disposal of solid household waste (MSW), colloquially garbage removal, also refers to housing and communal services and is provided as part of repair work and home maintenance.

In accordance with the law, payment for garbage removal is carried out based on living area. This causes a lot of controversy.

According to many consumers of the service, garbage removal should be paid based on the number of residents, that is, according to consumption standards like utilities.


In relation to a residential building, sewerage service is water drainage. Sewage is an integral part of the water supply system and is designed to remove waste and domestic water.

The proper condition of sewer systems largely determines the sanitary and epidemiological situation in a particular region.

Payment for sewerage services is made according to the established regional tariff. In this case, the total amount of hot and cold water used is taken as the volume of water disposal.

ODPU fee

The main disadvantage of the current order can be called payment according to standards, and not for the actual volume received.

In this regard, measures are being taken to provide all residential premises with metering devices.

In accordance with Article 157 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, the amount of payment for the provided utility services is calculated based on specific meter readings.

If there is none, then the amount of payment is calculated based on the standards for resource consumption per person, and when paying for heat supply, based on the rate of heat consumption per square meter.

Law No. 261 “On Housing and Communal Services” adopted in 2009 obliges to install common house metering devices() all residents of apartment buildings. This contributes to a more accurate calculation of the amount of water, heat and electricity consumed.

When paying according to the general admission payment method, the following calculation algorithm is used:

  • according to the readings of the individual meter, payments for utilities are calculated in each individual apartment;
  • a part of the amount spent on general house needs is added to the individual amount, which is calculated according to the testimony of the administrative budget.

Thus, when paying according to the ODPU, payment is made for all resources spent.

Is it possible to refuse certain types of services?

Constantly growing tariffs for utility services have added urgency to the issue of the possibility of abandoning some utility services. How realistic is this in principle?

You can refuse utilities by submitting an application to the management company (MC, housing office, housing complex, etc.). Another thing is that it is impossible to refuse all services at once.

Some utilities cannot be excluded purely for technical reasons. For example, it will not be possible to refuse heating, since heat is supplied through a common system.

You can refuse such services as:

Avoiding certain types of utilities can be controversial. So every tenant is required to pay for the elevator and garbage chute, since they belong to public areas.

But it's another matter if they are faulty. In this case, it is necessary to file a complaint with the management company, and if this does not help, then go to court with photographs of the non-functioning elevator and garbage chute and other evidence.

You can even demand that, in theory, were not provided.

In order to pay for utilities according to the quantity consumed, and not based on accepted standards, it is desirable to install an individual meter. This will allow you to control the process of resource consumption and not overpay for services not received.

In some cases, the process of abandoning utility services can be quite complicated, which is understandable, because no resource supplying organization is interested in losing customers.

But you need to keep in mind that in the matter of refusing unnecessary housing and communal services, the end user is on the side Law on Consumer Protection". And if there is a conflict with managing organization, you can safely go to court provided you substantiate your claims.

Video: What does a receipt for housing and communal services consist of?

The video talks about what utilities are provided to citizens and what they must pay for monthly.

The calculation procedure is explained individual species utility bills and gives advice on what to do in case of disagreement with the amount in the payment receipt.