What does it mean when a dove sits on the windowsill. What could it mean if a dove flew to the window or flew inside? Folk signs about pigeons

It is well known that the dove is a symbol of peace. This is one of the most common birds in our area, living in close proximity to humans.

There is a sign that the appearance of a white dove on a window, windowsill or balcony or windowsill is a good sign, a harbinger of good news or a joyful event. The appearance of a dove couple means that your marriage is harmonious and a happy family life awaits you.

There is also a belief that the soul of a deceased relative who wishes to visit his relatives can appear in the form of a dove. In any case, this bird, unlike the crow, personifies goodness and deserves a hospitable attitude.

You should not consider every visit to your balcony or windowsill by a pigeon as a manifestation of a sign and try to decipher it. Usually the bird lands simply to rest, in search of food or a nesting site. Only when the behavior of a pigeon clearly deviates from the “bird norm” can one suspect the intervention of supernatural forces. For example, if a bird hits the window once, this only means that your window is clean and the bird simply did not notice it. It’s another matter if a pigeon persistently knocks or hits the window several times - these actions are not accidental; the feathered “postman” has clearly come to you with a message. To understand what event an unexpected guest wants to report, try turning to your intuition. Close your eyes and listen to your feelings. If inner voice is silent and you don’t feel anxious, most likely nothing bad will happen. The main thing is not to succumb to suspiciousness and not to wind yourself up out of nowhere.

If a pigeon has flown onto a windowsill or balcony and is peacefully preening its feathers, this does not mean anything or it foretells a change in the weather. The imminent bad weather is foreshadowed by such behavior of birds when during the day in good weather they huddle under the roof of the house.

From the standpoint of superstition, the color of the unexpected guest also matters. Rare in nature, the pure black dove symbolizes bad news and mourning. Its appearance may foreshadow the upcoming serious illness of one of the family members or even death. Conversely, the appearance of a white guest foreshadows good news, for example, an imminent wedding or the birth of a child.

The sign when a flying pigeon brings something in its beak is very good and promises positive changes in the life of household members.

My history

One day, on a warm May morning, I saw a purebred white pigeon sitting on the balcony. After sitting for a while, he began to walk sedately along the railing, trying to look out the window. A very elegant bird, purebred: in trousers and forelocked - with a crest of feathers on the back of its head.

Seeing such beauty, I took a handful of cereal and carefully opened the door to the balcony. The dove made a short cooing sound and looked at me questioningly. I carefully scattered a mixture of buckwheat and rice groats over the railing and went to get my camera.

The pigeon willingly ate the treat and showed almost no timidity. I was able to do a lot beautiful photos 🙂

And where did such a handsome man come from?! Probably flew away from some dovecote.

One feeding was enough for the unexpected guest to remember my balcony. Since then he spent quite a lot of time on it. While he was gone, I cleaned the balcony from traces of his activity, trying to maintain cleanliness.

Usually I fed the pigeon twice a day, in between it flew away to its relatives, and then returned again. But then they... tracked him down.

As soon as my pet flew onto the balcony, a whole flock of brothers immediately flew after it. If there was no food (and I tried not to leave it in advance), then after a while the stranger pigeons would fly away. But as soon as I went out to feed mine, they flew in again. I tried to drive away strangers, and they looked at me reproachfully, as if asking: “Are we any worse?” They brazenly ate my pigeon's food and were in no hurry to fly away. And for some reason my handsome man didn’t even try to protect food and territory from encroachment. Apparently, it was much more important for him to maintain friendly relations with his relatives.

Early in the morning, a flock of gray birds was already walking around on my balcony, cooing loudly and leaving droppings everywhere. This is where my household intervened...

In general, I decided that now I will throw the food outside the balcony - on the ground. And drive away annoying guests from the balcony.

So my pigeon began to live and eat on the same basis as everyone else. But without any hostility and envy, in peace and harmony with his fellow men. I've been watching him for six months now. Thanks to its bright appearance, it stands out favorably against the background of other birds even from afar.

A huge number of people today believe in omens and otherworldly forces. At the same time, there are simply plenty of firsts in our lives. Even in ancient times, people tried to interpret their meaning. There is a rather interesting explanation for the sign when pigeons sit on the windowsill.

It would seem that what is surprising here? Surely for many it symbolizes peace and tranquility on our planet, repeatedly knocking on the window. And no one attached much importance to the fact that she “perched” on the windowsill. However, later in the life of a man who saw pigeons trying to find temporary shelter in his house, a whole series of amazing events took place. And at the same time, earlier he received a message from above: he saw pigeons landing on the windowsill.

There is a huge arsenal of folk interpretations of signs directly or indirectly related to the above bird. According to the Bible, it was the dove that was the harbinger of the restoration of life on earth.

And yet, how was the sign explained when pigeons sit on the windowsill in ancient times? Classic interpretation: if birds fly into the house or hit the glass, this is an omen of the imminent death of someone in the house or some kind of news for the guests. Moreover, it was believed that the spirit of the deceased would move into the body of the bird.

In this way, he seems to ascend to Heaven and leave the “earthly” kingdom. However, such a pigeon can return at any moment and bring news to the relatives of the deceased person. It is also believed that the soul of a deceased person can transform into the body of a bird because it is very homesick for home and its loved ones.

However modern interpretation signs why it is somewhat different from the traditional one. Today everything is explained quite simply: a bird flew to your windowsill, which means some news awaits you or joyful events will happen in your life.

If the birds decide to “land” on the windowsill of the office building where you work, then it is very likely that you will receive a promotion.

Again, from ancient times it was a custom that if a white dove sat on the windowsill, then this is “unspoken” proof that someone close to you in the house will die.

If a bird circles around the house, then this is a reason for unmarried girls to rejoice - soon they will officially legitimize their relationship with their gentleman.

At the same time, if a white dove on the windowsill is a sign with a negative connotation, then if you suddenly find pigeon droppings on your clothes, you should know that your financial affairs will soon “go uphill.”

When you see a bird walking across your dinner table, know that this does not bode well: it is very likely that one of your loved ones will die in the near future. If you see pigeons on the roof huddled together, it means there will be a thunderstorm.

To believe or not to believe in omens is a purely individual matter, but it is very important to learn how to explain them correctly. One thing is certain: if birds have taken a fancy to your windowsill, then it’s time to clean it.

Our ancestors were very superstitious and noticed any changes in nature and took into account the signs that animals gave. Birds have long been considered messengers. The sign that a dove has sat on the windowsill outside the window is widespread. The correct interpretation will help prevent an upcoming disaster or please your household with good news.

Bird behavior

In itself, the sign of a dove sitting on a windowsill is not bad; this bird personifies peace and goodness. Birds are harbingers of news, and not always good, but it is worth considering that a pigeon is a bird accustomed to humans, so it can look out the window if it is often fed, or out of curiosity.

If a dove sat on the windowsill and immediately flew away, it means you will soon receive important news. It all depends on how the bird arrived and what it does.

  1. If the arriving bird carried a small blade of grass in its beak, then this is a sure sign of the good news that you have been waiting for so long, or even an addition to the family.
  2. A bird that flew in and walked around the windowsill for a bit may mean that distant relatives will soon visit you.
  3. A cooing winged bird is a harbinger of the arrival of friends who have not been seen for a long time.
  4. If the same chick flies to the windowsill for some time, the owner of the house is in danger.
  5. A dove has flown in and sat down on the edge of the windowsill or with its back to the window, which means someone close to you is offended. In another interpretation, the omen means a long trip.

The dove peers - to trouble

A dove sitting on a window and looking intently into the house is a harbinger of imminent trouble. Misfortune doesn’t necessarily happen to you; maybe someone close to you will be in danger or get sick.

It is impossible to accurately determine what the pigeon brought with it and what to prepare for, but you can protect yourself if you take a closer look at the behavior of the bird:

  • calmness and tranquility of the bird means pleasant news from relatives;
  • cleaning plumage promises a pleasant pastime with friends, which means a successful day;
  • a frightened chick hitting the window means failure in business, bad news.

Bad Omens

It is considered a bad omen when a bird hits a window glass or knocks with its beak. If she flew onto the windowsill, and then sharply hit the glass and fell, this is a negative sign that foreshadows the death of a close relative.

The bird knocks with its beak on the window and beats its wings - wait financial problems, instability at work.

If a pigeon hits the glass with its breast, there will be quarrels and disagreements between the spouses.

A dove hits the window - to a quarrel

If birds fly to the windowsill and tremble, it means a fire or natural disaster.

A bird flying and hitting a window does not always mean bad news: in the summer, newly hatched chicks fly on fragile wings, so they can suddenly crash into a window; Adults may become disorientated due to extreme heat and suddenly crash into glass.

A clear sign of negative consequences will be:

  • accidentally flew into an open window;
  • signs of injury on the bird;
  • inappropriate behavior of the bird.

If the fledgling chick simply walks around the room, then the sign tells of a quick resolution of the problems.

If a pigeon flies into the house, you should not offend it or try to drive it out. You need to open the window wide and wait until it flies out of the window on its own.

You cannot pick up, hit or push the bird. The best option- carefully catch the bird in a cloth or bag and release it, saying the words: “Fly for food, not for your soul,” “Fly to freedom, do not bring us grief.”

After such a ritual, the negative omen will not come into effect.

Positive signs

When birds fly to the windowsill, it is a sign of positive news and emotions, because birds are the personification of peace and goodness.

If he arrives early in the morning and walks importantly on the windowsill, you should expect a quick addition to the family.

If a pigeon flies at noon, leaving a mark on the window, expect profit soon. A bird arriving in the evening and walking along the windowsill foreshadows a promotion.

A flock has arrived on the windowsill - expect a promotion at work. If out of a flock of birds circling near your window, only one bird flies to your window, you should take a closer look at your surroundings and talk less about your personal life. This sign speaks of a quick personal growth man and the development of his creative abilities.

Signs about two pigeons on the windowsill:

  • a wedding will soon take place or the lonely owner of the house will find a soul mate;
  • if birds look into the house, expect good news from relatives;
  • a young couple will soon have a child;
  • portend a long and comfortable life.

A colored dove is a good omen

Interpretation by color

If a white dove flies to the windowsill, this is a good sign, meaning a solution to problems and conflicts in the family circle. He brings with him positive emotions and news:

  • If there is only one dove, this means an early engagement.
  • If two white doves land on the windowsill, expect great luck in life.
  • A snow-white dove that coos and leisurely walks along the cornice brings joy and notifies of imminent profit.

If a bird flies for several days in a row, it means it warns of a danger that can be corrected.

An ancient belief says that a white dove flying onto a windowsill represents the soul of a recently deceased relative, who in this way visits loved ones after death. If a bird rushes into the house and knocks its wings on the glass, this is a sign of the imminent death of a loved one.

A blue dove that arrives when a household member is ill predicts a speedy recovery. A black dove that lands on a windowsill on a person’s birthday portends him a long and comfortable life.

Doves as God's messengers

In ancient times, they believed that a dove could become the guardian of the hearth. If a bird systematically flies to you, do not drive it away, it was sent to you from above.

If a flock of pigeons constantly flies to your window, cooing among themselves and peering into the house, then this is a clear symbol of your well-being. If you show attention to the birds and set up a feeder for them, you can find favor with fate. Doves will attract good luck into your life and warn you of moments of failure.

Doves are messengers of good luck

Particularly significant is the arrival of a dove on the windowsill during church festivities.

  1. A dove flying onto the windowsill on Honey or Apple Spas foretells
  2. On the Annunciation, the feathered one prophesies the imminent appearance of a child.
  3. If pigeons fly to the windowsill, it means your health will improve, and the sick person will soon be cured.

It is not for nothing that the dove is considered a harbinger of good; its appearance almost always promises good luck and prosperity. In ancient times, by the behavior of a bird, a person could determine an approaching storm and protect himself and his property from the effects

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If a pigeon sat on your windowsill outside your window, or on your balcony, or an open window, then this sign almost always means some kind of news that you will soon receive. This can be either something good or not very good, depending on what exactly the bird was doing. Also very often, doves, as a bird of love and peace, carry news about our beloved, or about changes in relationships in the family.

The pigeon is a fairly common bird. It can be found in absolutely any city or village. Often caring people feed them bread and grains, but you can always find those who wish they weren’t there. After all, with their presence they also create many problems - for example, they shit. Don't be too strict with them, they're just birds. In addition, they have greater rights to be here than you and I - they first appeared on our planet 35 million years ago during the Oligocene era in Australia - long before modern humans.
In Christianity, it was the dove released from the ark that marked the end of the global flood. Also, the white dove was the messenger of the Lord God according to the Bible. This is a bird of love, peace, kindness, and it usually brings good news.

A pigeon sat on a windowsill, window, balcony, hand

The sign: a dove sat on the windowsill is one of the most popular, because quite often you can see this bird in our lives. However, we should not forget that all the signs described below apply only to free, wild pigeons. If you are breeding them, then these are already domesticated birds that are accustomed to you and the meaning of the signs will not be so pronounced. The appearance of a dove or dove on your window, balcony, sometimes on your hand or head can promise quite a lot. It is important to read the sign carefully to understand what exactly:

Cooing on your window promises to attract a new man into your life who will please you. If you show mutual interest, this can lead to a serious and long-term relationship. If you already have a fairly reliable partner, then this will strengthen the family and increase the ardor of your loved one.

He coos and looks out the window - he says that he should expect guests soon. If there are two or more birds, then you should expect a noisy company and good fun. Also for nice gifts.

A dove is looking at you from outside the window - someone really wants to see you. Perhaps you will meet a new love. If you already have a loved one, then it is he who is now thinking about you, remembering you and wanting to meet you.

If the dove has something in its beak, it brought something, then everything in your house will definitely work out and come into harmony. It also promises an increase in salary - wealth and financial success are approaching.

If they peck at a window, a windowsill, someone is writing you a letter. Whether it will be pleasant or not depends on whether the pigeon is in a friendly or hostile mood.

To loneliness if the same dove flies quite often. This does not apply if you feed him.

Screams at the window, balcony - to screams in the family, quarrels, problems in relationships.

A persistent loud knock on the window portends illness to someone in the house. It may be worth preventing the disease and checking with a doctor in advance. If he also screams at the same time, great grief will come to your house, perhaps even death. It is worth taking measures as soon as possible to ward off trouble. If you turn to a knowledgeable person for help, you will be able to fix everything.

He walks slowly in front of the window, something chirps. This means that you will soon meet with a person who can greatly influence your destiny and possibly get you a better job.

Not often, but it still happens that deceased relatives come in the form of doves. They miss you and want to at least see you through someone else’s eyes. Don't be afraid - they just miss you and this doesn't bode well.

If he craps on your window, or your things, you will undoubtedly get money. Many people know about this, but not many know that for the sign to work, you need to immediately say after this:
Come money, bring wealth. Ankiermo!

A couple of pigeons that periodically flies to visit you. You need to pay attention to their behavior. Peaceful birds that are loved dance and quietly chirp to each other - a sign of comfort, love and warmth in your relationship with your loved one. If the birds quarrel, then discord awaits you too. At the same time, pay attention to how it all ends - it will happen to you too.

He sat and flew away - just to news about something important to you.

Flapping your wings promises very big and pleasant news, as well as joyful events. Possibly pregnancy.

A starling, a sparrow sat on the windowsill, or another small bird. To a little news, news. Some minor but pleasant event will soon come to your home.

Weather signs about pigeons

When a dove tries to find a secluded place in seemingly good weather, it will soon change and deteriorate.

When a bird (sparrow, pigeon, in short, any) takes a bath while swimming in a puddle, this predicts a long period of hot weather and lack of rain. Moreover, if this happens in the spring, it means warming. And if it’s closer to autumn, then it will be sunny and hot for a long time and you shouldn’t expect colder weather.

They drink from puddles but are afraid to get their paws wet - it means coolness and sometimes rain.

Cleaning feathers in birds is always associated with a rapid change in temperature: cold to warm, warm to cold.

As we see, the signs associated with pigeons are quite clear. Using them it is easy to find out what awaits in the future, but do not forget that if something bad awaits you, then quite often you can try to avoid it. Of course, you will have to make an effort, but almost everything can be fixed.

Your intuition will help you best understand why a pigeon or other bird is doing something. Listen to your heart - it will not deceive and will always help you understand the situation.

Still have questions about this sign? Ask them in the comments and I will definitely answer you. Author of the article: psychic, parapsychologist and magician Boris Shabrin.

Let the pigeons look into your window as often as possible and bring only good news.

Do you believe in omens? Most people will say that this is all fiction, and if a prediction comes true, then most likely it is pure coincidence, but not a prophecy. Maybe you're right. But still, the folk wisdom that came to us from our ancestors cannot be considered an ordinary invention, if only because many predictions and signs come true. For example, if a bird crashed against glass - expect misfortune, a mouse wound up in a large apartment building- for a wedding and meeting matchmakers, the cat washes itself - for guests. Are you wondering what to prepare for if a pigeon comes to visit you? It’s not for nothing that he coos while sitting on the windowsill. Let's find out what this sign is.

Pigeon song

Pigeons have always been considered birds of life, peace and prosperity. People believed that this feathered friend brought happiness and good news to the house. Are you interested in omens? - to the good news. Perhaps someone will tell you good news related to family or work. Notice: does the bird have nothing in its beak? If the dove holds a twig in it, then the news will be associated with a new addition to the family or with unexpected profits. If he coos and dances, then get ready to welcome guests. Moreover, the more pigeons sitting outside your window, the noisier the company will come. Popular rumor explains very interestingly why the dove sat on the windowsill and proudly walks along it. This means that you are receiving a high-ranking and influential guest.

Two doves coo outside the window

Do you know what to prepare for if two pigeons landed on your windowsill? Of course, for the wedding! Pigeons are also considered birds family life. If they sit peacefully side by side and sing their song at the same time, then people who get married in the near future will live peacefully and happily. Happiness awaits them, the family will be strong, and the house will be a full cup. Do the pigeons standing on your windowsill fight and beat each other with their wings? Not a very favorable sign. Perhaps the wedding will not take place. Most likely, the young people will be disappointed and completely broken. Go birdwatching. How will their quarrel end? Will they make up or not? This will be the finale of the newlyweds’ relationship.

Unpleasant prophecies

I can’t even believe that people may be associated with these birds. In the old days, people believed: if a dove sat on the windowsill and hit the glass, it meant a fire or a natural disaster. The feathered one flew in to warn people about imminent disaster. It is especially bad if the bird was injured when it hit the window, or fell down dead. This is for death and funeral in the house. But don’t rush to get upset if a pigeon lands on the windowsill and injures itself in the process. This is only a warning sign.

Any trouble can be avoided, problems can be solved, and obstacles can be overcome. You just need to be careful for a while and try not to make fatal mistakes.

We don't believe in omens!

To believe or not to attach importance to signs is a purely individual decision. Pigeons often sit on the windowsills of large apartment buildings. Especially if there is a dovecote in the yard. It is unreasonable to associate the arrival of birds every time with some sign. But deep down in our souls, we still remember the beliefs and try to “attract” pleasant events to ourselves in the future.