CMR invoice. Seismic microzoning. Information that must be provided

When transporting goods by road abroad, customs, in addition to the general package of documents, additionally requires a CMR consignment note, which contains all the basic data from other papers: information from invoices, packing lists, various certificates, etc. This paper is the most significant, it confirms the agreement between the sender, recipient and forwarder. To avoid legal problems, it is extremely important to be able to fill it out correctly.

general information

CMR invoice - what is it and how is it deciphered, what information does it include, how is it prepared and why is it needed?

The abbreviation CMR itself is taken from the name of the convention on French. In Russia it is translated as CMR - Convention on the Contract for the International Carriage of Goods by Road. The convention was held in the city of Geneva in 1956, the agreements themselves gained significance in 1958.

The consignment note (Bill of Lading) serves as an evidentiary document confirming the conclusion of an agreement for the road transport of goods. The invoice form has a single unified form, is issued when moving valuables using transport.

The use of this document serves several purposes, indicating the rights of the supplier to sell goods, the rights of the buyer to register them as property and replacing the contract for the provision of cargo transportation services or being used as a supplement to this agreement. The CMR consignment note is only relevant for transporting goods abroad. It must be completed strictly according to legal rules.

Features of the CMR invoice

The importance of construction and installation work can hardly be overestimated. The information that can be obtained from the construction and installation work document is:

  • Number of product units.
  • Transportation route.
  • Who transported the products?
  • Information about accompanying documentation.
  • Name of addressee and sender.
  • Transportation period.
  • Customs information.
  • Product condition.
  • Date of loading and unloading.

TTN CMR - what is it? The construction and installation work form contains information from all accompanying documents. It is extremely important that all this data resonates with each other and that all information matches. The presence of different information in the DEM and other documents (for example, a packing list or invoice) is fraught with a lot of complications.

The carrier may suffer the most. In order to avoid subsequent problems, the forwarder must pedantically, carefully and scrupulously check and verify all document forms.

If the cargo is not indicated in the construction and installation consignment note, then the goods are considered smuggled.

The construction and installation work must contain two groups of information:

  1. Basic information containing the basic data necessary for the subsequent transportation of cargo.
  2. Seals, signatures, marks, comments about the transportation process are another quite significant category.

Each construction and installation work invoice must have a specific number.

Terms of use of the construction and installation form

In order for the Convention to apply to a contract of carriage, the agreement must meet certain conditions:

  • transportation is paid;
  • goods are transported from one state to another;
  • road transport is used for transportation;
  • one of the countries has signed the IMR Convention.

Only in this case will the CMR consignment note be used for transporting goods.

Who needs copies of the CMR?

The CMR form itself is written on several pages. Each of its graphs is duplicated twice: in Russian and foreign language. If there are several cargo recipients, a separate CMR sample is required for each of them. Therefore, at least one CMR document is required for each vehicle.

The construction and installation delivery note must be prepared in several copies in order to avoid problems during transportation.

  1. The first copy remains with the sender.
  2. Another copy is transferred to the buyer of the goods.
  3. The cargo carrier himself also needs forms; two copies must be issued for him. The first of them is an addition to the waybill. The second document confirms the provision of the delivery service itself, which is extremely important for subsequent payment and mutual settlements.
  4. Customs authorities require the presentation of at least three copies.

The documents must be signed and sealed by the sender and the cargo carrier. When accepting the goods, the carrier must, in the prescribed manner, inspect the number of units of products, their condition, markings and type of container, and mark the compliance/non-compliance of the goods with the specified requirements.

Registration procedure

Documents must be completed by the shipper. If the form is drawn up incorrectly, all consequences will fall on his shoulders; the carrier is not responsible for these errors.

To quickly fill out the document, it is important to follow a certain procedure for filling out the TTN SRM - this is the following sequence of actions:

  1. The sender must pay attention to subparagraphs 1-15, 21-22.
  2. The carrier fills out boxes 16-19, 23, 25-29.
  3. The consignee signs and stamps in box 24.

Let's look at these subsections in more detail. The procedure for filling them out is indicated in the Letter of the Russian Federation of 2012 “On sending information.”

A guide to the CMR form and how to fill it out correctly is presented below.

Registration by sender

The first paragraph contains all information about the sender, including:

  • Name.
  • Address and country.
  • Contact phone number of the person responsible for transportation.
  • Initials of the person in charge.

The second column should contain information about the recipient, namely:

  • Name of company.
  • Country and address.
  • Full name and contact number of the contact person.

The third subparagraph indicates which country and where exactly the cargo is sent.

The fourth column indicates the date and time of loading of the goods, as well as the point of departure.

In the fifth column, you must indicate information about the accompanying documentation by listing all attached papers. What exactly should be considered construction and installation work? This could be, for example, documents such as certificates, packing list, invoice, certificates, TIR (which is sometimes supplemented by a cargo manifest with more detailed description units of production), etc.

The sixth paragraph indicates the degree of danger of the cargo being transported.

The seventh subsection records the number of places for each product indicating the total.

The eighth paragraph describes the type of container.

In column 9 the name of the goods being transported is written.

In paragraph 10, the product code taken from the CU FEACN is indicated.

In column 11, the gross weight of each product (weight including packaging) and their total weight are written.

Columns 7 - 11 are a single block, for any of them the rule applies: each product in each subparagraph must be indicated separately, since it is problematic to obtain this information from other documents. Therefore, it is important to fill out these sections correctly.

The volume of all products in cubic meters is recorded in the twelfth paragraph.

The thirteenth column contains all information about the customs authority that will conduct the inspection. This data is not indicated in other documents. Therefore, it is advisable that the forwarder and the customer discuss the address of the customs office in advance and record this in the CRM document. If there is an error in indicating the destination, the redirection procedure will be very exhausting and quite complicated, to the point that you will have to rewrite the TIR Carnet.

If necessary, you can also enter information about the cost of products in the invoice currency in this item.

In the fourteenth paragraph the trailer number is written.

All information about payment for the goods must be entered in the fifteenth column.

The twenty-first section indicates the locality - the place where the CMR form is issued.

Arrival for loading and departure can be formalized with stamps in the twenty-second column. According to Article 5 of the CMR, if the sender does not have a seal, then only a signature can be put, formally this will not be considered a violation.

Filling in by the forwarder

The carrier also issues a CMR (international freight bill), a sample of which, already partially completed, is provided to him by the sender.

In the sixteenth column, all the information is indicated by the carrier, sometimes it is enough to put a stamp.

The seventeenth paragraph indicates the remaining carriers, if there are several of them.

The eighteenth column contains the forwarder’s comments regarding the commercial condition of the transported cargo: lack of packaging, spoilage of the goods, presence of a seal, non-compliance of the container with the requirements, etc.

The nineteenth section is issued only after delivery has been made.

The twenty-third column contains all the information about the drivers, waybills and a seal signed by the forwarder.

The twenty-fifth and twenty-sixth subparagraphs describe the make, model and license plate number of motor vehicles (in particular, trailers and tractors).

Consignee's marks

The twenty-fourth column indicates information about arrival and departure for unloading. Additionally, the consignee puts his signature and seal. In the construction and installation form, the values ​​of the remaining columns are filled in by the forwarder after delivering the cargo to the required location.

Construction and installation seals

The sender's stamp is indicated in column 22, it is placed by the company specified in the first subparagraph.

The forwarder's stamp is placed in 23 and 16 sub-items. In case of a change of carrier, the new forwarder puts a stamp in paragraph 17.

The buyer notes receipt of the goods with a stamp in column 24.

At customs, the transit declaration number must be confirmed by the personal numbered stamp of the customs officer. Also, a stamp for customs control of delivery is placed in the construction and installation work. Each new customs post puts its own marks. The presence of the “Goods received” and “Export permitted” stamps is also required.

Construction and installation insurance

CMR insurance - what is it?

Any forwarder can insure its civil liability when transporting cargo. In this way, he is able to protect himself in case of damage to goods during transportation.

If you carefully read international conventions, you will notice information according to which it is the carrier who must compensate for damage. The forwarder bears financial liability in case of loss or damage to cargo, delays in delivery and other costs.

Having an insurance policy allows you to shift all responsibility to the insurance company.

Pros of insurance

The benefits of insurance include:

  1. Guarantee of receipt of insurance compensation in case of oversight of the goods. This is especially true for forwarders whose real estate costs several times less than the cargo being transported.
  2. For the sender of the cargo, the presence of an insurance policy with the carrier becomes evidence of the honesty and capacity of the forwarder.

Disadvantages of taking out an insurance policy

In addition to the advantages, having insurance comes with certain disadvantages. These include the following disadvantages of construction and installation insurance - these are the facts listed below:

  1. If damage to the cargo was caused by an unauthorized person, the insurance company may refuse to pay compensation.
  2. To obtain compensation for damage, you need to spend a lot of time preparing the required package of documents.
  3. Sometimes the carrier's liability may be limited by the specifics of legislation and certain limits.


TTN CMR is an important document used when crossing an international border using a car vehicle. Its form is unified and is uniform and approved in many countries. When crediting taxes on products, the construction and installation work form is used first.

When filling out this document, you must be careful and accurate. It is extremely important that the information from all documents coincides with each other. The presence of design errors can lead to many problems.

Recently, many have begun to pay attention to And in this regard, the question arises: CMR - what is it? We will try to cover this issue in this review.

CMR means international, which is considered a mandatory element. If you decide to cross the border with any product, then such an invoice must be available. So, we have addressed the question: CMR - what is it? Now it's worth talking about the basics that you should understand.

What type of data is provided in the international document?

A CMR consignment note must be issued for transportation across all European countries. It stores the following type of information:

  1. Name of the sender/company sending the goods.
  2. Name of the recipient/company receiving the goods.
  3. The name of the cargo that needs to be transported across the border.
  4. Weight of transported cargo.

The CMR invoice may also contain the following information:

  1. Information that overload should not occur.
  2. Information about payments that must be paid without fail.
  3. The amount of those payments that are due at the time of delivery of the goods.
  4. Product data.
  5. Recommendations that talk about product insurance.
  6. Information about the period during which the sender must carry out transportation.
  7. A list of all documentation that is submitted directly to the carrier.

This is the basic information about CMR. What is this, you now know.

What should you consider when filling out the documentation?

When carrying out transportation that requires crossing the border, all the necessary marks must be placed in a consignment note of this type. The moment the goods arrive at the recipient, he must sign for it. This way it confirms that the delivery has been made.

The form and procedure for filling out the CMR invoice are approved by the Ministry of Transport and Communications. All rules are fixed in the relevant convention. This document refers to an instrument of private international law, which was approved in 1956. The Convention provides for the regulation of contractual relations on international transportation. This document defines the rules for filling out the CMR. Ukraine, Russia, Belarus and many other countries act in full compliance with this convention.

What types of invoices can be selected?

Paragraph 1 in the instructions, which defines the rules by which the invoice is filled out, states that when sending cargo from any state, the registration can be guided by both the rules approved by the decree and the legislation in force in the territory of the sending country. And in this situation, it does not matter which CMR form was chosen - established by the decree or by the sending state.

Who can purchase the invoice?

The second paragraph of the instructions for filling out says that the CMR consignment note will be able to be purchased by the sender of the cargo, forwarders, and carriers. This happens in full accordance with the transportation agreement.

How many sheets should there be in an international document?

In paragraph two of the registration instructions it is stated that the CMR form can have up to 10 pages on which there are blank fields. They can be printed on self-copying paper and have such parameters as an accounting series and number. The invoice must be issued by the sender on at least four pages. The first four have their own name, which must be assigned typographically. The names of these pages are as follows:

  1. A copy for the sender.
  2. A copy for the recipient.
  3. A copy for the carrier.
  4. For calculations.

Information that must be provided

The remaining sheets that characterize the international CMR consignment note do not have their own name. The first page of the invoice will remain with the sender. It is necessary so that you can confirm the fact of sending the goods and carry out all the necessary calculations.

The second, third and fourth pages must necessarily contain the signatures and seals of the party sending the goods. Also on these sheets there must be signatures of the party involved in transporting the goods.

The second page should be for the party that is involved in supporting the goods. It is given by the driver to the person who receives the cargo. This page is necessary so that you can confirm that the product has been received/delivered.

The third and fourth pages will be given to the carrier. They are certified by the seals and signatures of both the sender and the recipient. The fourth page, which serves as the basis for making all the necessary calculations, is required so that the carrier can attach it to the general invoice for the transportation of goods to the recipient and send it to the person who made the order. It is this party that is the payer of the transportation. The third page is attached to the travel form and is the basis for taking into account all services provided for the transportation of goods. Guided by this page, it is necessary to calculate the wages which the carrier will receive. And such sheets CMR 200 can be given. What does this mean? This may be explained large quantity cargo that needs to be sent to several addresses at once. But more on that later.

Filling out other sheets of the international document

The remaining sheets of the consignment note are certified by the signatures and seals of the sender and the carrier. They are necessary for customs organizations. The number of additional pages will be determined by the conditions of the carriage being carried out. In the event that the goods are delivered to different recipients, the consignment note must be completed for each individual address. So filling 4 pages is the minimum number. The parties, when agreeing on the terms of transportation of goods, must indicate the required number of CMR pages. Additional sheets can be provided in any quantity. In addition, you can order several invoices at once if deliveries are made quite often. For example, you can issue CMR-200 invoices. What does this mean? This means that the customer will receive 1 package containing 200 pieces of forms.

Sender and recipient information

Paragraph seven of the instructions for filling out states that it is necessary to indicate the name, address, telephone numbers and parties to the contract in the appropriate columns - “Sender” and “Recipient of the cargo”. However, telephone numbers must only be provided if available.

The need to indicate all additional documentation

In column five you will need to indicate those documents that are attached to the international consignment note. In this case, the shipper must note the presence of such documentation as:

  1. in the event that it is necessary to transport animals or those products that belong to the category of animal origin. This document is also required if raw materials of animal origin, veterinary drugs, feed and other relevant goods that are subject to veterinary supervision are transported.
  2. In the event that regulated materials are being shipped, it must be attached to the consignment note.
  3. A phytosanitary certificate is required if the goods concerned are being shipped.
  4. Shipping specification.
  5. A certificate that confirms quality compliance in a situation where industrial and food-type goods are transported.
  6. Certificate of origin.
  7. Permission from all necessary authorities government controlled, if necessary.
  8. An act that confirms the loading of the car.
  9. Invoice.

Who is responsible for the costs of an incorrectly completed invoice?

The sender of the goods assumes responsibility for all costs and losses that arise to the carrier in the event of incorrect or insufficient information in the consignment note. It is the shipper who must fill out this document.

Dangerous goods must be indicated in a separate column

The sixth column must be completed in a situation where dangerous goods are transported, which are classified according to the European Agreement on Relevant Transport. If other categories of goods are transported, you can indicate their class in this column, guided by the current classification.

Filling that occurs directly by the sender

Questions often arise about whether the fifteenth column should be filled out. It must be filled out by the shipper. Guided by the information provided in paragraph 19 of the Instructions, as well as in accordance with all international rules in which trade terms are interpreted, column 15 must be filled out by the sender. This must be based on a contract. It is concluded directly with the recipient and contains

The sender must also fill out column number 23. In it he must indicate the date and number of the waybill. Transportation occurs in accordance with this document. The date of the waybill for the vehicle that performs the transportation is understood as the parameter that is indicated on the front of the document. It must be looked for in a line such as “Departure is permitted by order No. ____ dated ___.”

Which items are not always necessary to fill out?

According to paragraph 28 of the instructions for filling out, in columns numbered 19, 27, 28 and 29, which are filled out by the carrier, data on the tariff that is used must be indicated. There can be two of them - piecework and contractual. You must also indicate the cost of transportation. In this matter, one must be guided by the tariff distance and prices for the provision of additional services. In a situation where transportation is carried out according to a contractual type (the amount of freight is not required to be indicated in advance), all of the above columns do not need to be filled out.

What does transportation insurance mean?

It is also worth understanding that for those involved in the transportation of goods, CMR insurance plays a very important role. What it is? In a situation where the buyer wants more insurance coverage, he must negotiate this directly with the sender. However, he himself can accept everything necessary measures in order for additional insurance to be taken out.

When correct design For all securities, this type of insurance will cover legal liability for damage or loss of goods. What risks are covered by insurance:

  1. Complete loss or damage to the cargo.
  2. Damage to goods by third parties during transportation.
  3. Payment of all customs duties, as well as various fines and penalties for violations related to foreign economic transactions.

When providing transportation under an international consignment note, the carrier must be responsible for ensuring that the cargo remains completely intact. He must deliver the goods intact to the place where unloading will take place. If an unpleasant situation does occur, all losses or the cost of the entire cargo as a whole must be compensated by the carrier.

In this regard, many customers choose a procedure such as carrier liability insurance. Is CMR 100 full insurance? What does it mean? In case of CMR insurance, cargo protection will be provided. If you take 100% insurance, then the carrier can count on compensation for damage that arose due to his fault.


It should also be noted that when insurance, the contract may indicate a deductible - the amount of loss that is not reimbursed by insurance services. The deductible amount, for example, in dollars for CMR insurance is 1000. What does this mean? This means that if the damage is less than $1,000, then the carrier may not expect compensation. In addition, there are conditional and unconditional franchises. In the first case, compensation will be paid in full if the amount of damage exceeds $1,000. In the case of an unconditional franchise, this is not the case. For example, if the amount of damage is $1,400, then the driver can expect to receive only part of the money with CMR insurance - $400. What does it mean? In other words, the driver will receive the amount that will be equal to the cost of the damage without taking into account the amount of the deductible. In our example it is $400. So, we have covered the basic information about CMR. What is this, you now know.

CMR (international transport bill of lading)

The documents that confirm the fact of concluding contracts for the road transportation of goods reflect all the necessary information, in particular, indicate information about the sender and recipient of the goods, their telephone numbers, describe the cargo, its weight and terms of payment. For this purpose, a CMR (international transport bill of lading) is intended and issued.

Filling procedure

Table 1 shows the procedure for filling out the items on the international transport bill of lading.

Table 1. Procedure for filling out items on the international transport bill of lading

Paragraph Explanations for filling Who fills it out
1 Information about the sender of the cargo is displayed (the full name of the company sending the cargo is indicated, legal address and country); The full name of the contact person and telephone number are indicated. shipper
2 Information about the recipient of the cargo is displayed (the full name of the company receiving the cargo, legal address and country are indicated); The phone number of the consignee is indicated. shipper
3 The item contains information about the place where the cargo is unloaded. Information about the place and country for unloading transport of the designated cargo is displayed. shipper
4 The item reflects information about the place where the cargo was loaded, indicating the country, city and date of loading. shipper
5 The item reflects information about the documents attached to the CMR. shipper
6 The numbers and signs that indicate dangerous goods during transportation are displayed (indicate the class, subclass). shipper
7 The item contains information about the number of pieces of cargo being transported. shipper
8 The item reflects information about the type of packaging of the transported cargo. shipper
9 The name of the cargo being transported is indicated here. shipper
10 The paragraph contains information about the statistical codes of transported goods, which are indicated for individual groups of goods. shipper
11 Contains indications of the gross weight of the transported cargo (in kilograms). shipper
12 In the case of transportation of groupage cargo, this item is filled in, reflecting information on the volume of cargo transported in m. shipper
13 The item contains information about the sender's instructions. Information about customs and other processing is displayed (details of the customs terminal at which customs clearance of the transported cargo will be carried out). Information about the declared value of the cargo is also entered here. shipper
14 In the case of transportation in containers, the address of the container depot is indicated here. After the containers are cleared of the transported cargo and cleared through customs, they are returned to the specified address. shipper
15 This paragraph provides information about the terms of payment in accordance with the concluded agreements. shipper
16 This item is completed by the cargo carrier. Typically, information is entered by affixing the stamp of the company transporting goods. The stamp must contain all the necessary details. The details include information about the full name of the cargo carrier, its address, faxes and telephone numbers. carrier (forwarder)
17 Filling out this paragraph is carried out in the event of engaging subsequent (other) transport companies to transport goods. Information about the next transport company carrying out the transportation of goods must contain all the necessary details for its identification. carrier (forwarder)
18 If there are any comments or reservations, fill out this section of the international transport bill of lading. Comments may include information about temperature conditions, quality of packaging material and other information. The absence of information in paragraph 18 of the invoice indicates the absence of comments and reservations. carrier (forwarder)
19 Can only be completed by the billing department after completion of transportation. carrier (forwarder)
20 Special agreed conditions of transportation are specified in the CMR consignment note. shipper
21 The name of the locality where the CMR was compiled and the date of completion are indicated. shipper
22 This paragraph reflects information about the date and time when the vehicle actually arrived to load the cargo and when it left. This information is certified by the sender with a signature and stamp. shipper
23 The item contains information about the waybill number, its date, and the names of the drivers who will transport goods. All information is certified by the carrier’s signature and stamp. carrier (forwarder)
24 The item contains information about the date and time of arrival for unloading and departure of the carrier’s vehicle.
A note on receipt of the cargo is made on the third and fourth copies of the CMR.
cargo receiver
25 The item displays information about the registration numbers of the semi-trailer and tractor into which the transported cargo was loaded. carrier (forwarder)
26 Information about the brands of semi-trailer and tractor that loaded the transported cargo is displayed. carrier (forwarder)
27-29 The information is reflected when the invoice is transferred to the forwarder's settlement department. carrier (forwarder)

The CMR form is a transport document filled out according to international rules when exporting and importing cargo by car abroad and its import.

Document flow for international road transport

The requirement to draw up a consignment note when concluding a contract for the carriage of goods from one country to another, with a list of information in this document, is established by the Convention on the Contract for the International Carriage of Goods by Road, signed in Geneva on May 19, 1956. Currently, the most common use of the CMR invoice is (sometimes the Latin alphabet is replaced with Russian and written “CMR invoice”). The form smr, international consignment note, is filled out according to the rules given in Letter of the Federal Customs Service of Russia dated 02.05.2012 No. 04-30/22006.

The CMR invoice has a Russian equivalent - we're talking about about the waybill (Bill of Lading). But the first document contains the most detailed information about international transportation. But a Russian seller who enters into an agreement for the transportation of goods outside the territory of the Russian Federation will not be able to use the consignment note - he must issue a consignment note according to international rules.

International transportation is called if the loading of goods took place in one country, and delivery of the cargo in another (transportation from St. Petersburg to Kaliningrad, despite crossing the border, does not require CMR registration).

In addition to the consignment note, the carrier’s car must contain other documents attached to it:

  • shipping specification;
  • quarantine certificate;
  • quality certificate, etc.

In this case, all documents are drawn up in Russian or one of the foreign languages.

For Russian exporters of goods, the transport invoice CMR is a mandatory document to confirm the right to apply a preferential VAT rate.

Design rules

Organizations and entrepreneurs who enter into foreign economic contracts must take into account the rules for filling out this transportation document. Instructions on the procedure for issuing a CMR invoice are given in Letter of the Federal Customs Service of Russia dated May 2, 2012 No. 04-30/22006.

The invoice is a form consisting of six or more pages. A separate page is intended for the sender, recipient, carrier, forwarder, customs and other authorities. This means that you need to compile as many pages as possible so that their number is sufficient for international road transport.

For example, if Russian organization sends goods to a foreign buyer with the help of a carrier, the seller must fill out the following number of pages of the CMR invoice:

  • one - for yourself as the sender of the cargo;
  • three pages are handed over to the carrier and accompany the goods. All of them are signed by the buyer of the goods. One page of these three remains with the recipient of the cargo, two - with the carrier, one of which he transfers to the customer of the transportation;
  • three pages are completed for customs authorities, to perform customs operations.

In total, the sender fills out seven pages.

Fill in line by line

The sender of the cargo fills out columns 1-15, 21 and 22 in the CMR consignment note.
Data on transported property is reflected in columns 6-11. In particular, you must indicate:

  • type of cargo packaging (cardboard boxes, wooden boxes, metal or plastic barrels, canvas or plastic bags, and so on);
  • product code in accordance with the unified product nomenclature foreign economic activity Customs Union;
  • declared value of the property.

In addition, in column 15, you should fill in the terms of payment for goods under the sales contract in accordance with the International Rules for the Interpretation of Trade Terms (Incoterms).

The carrier fills out columns 16-19, 23 and 25-29.

If the carrier has reservations regarding the external condition of the cargo and its packaging, then this should be indicated in column 18. If this column is left blank, this means that the goods and its packaging at the time of its acceptance by the carrier were externally in proper condition, and the number packages, their markings and numbering corresponded to those indicated in the CMR consignment note.

Details of the waybill on which transportation is carried out and the names of the carrier’s drivers are indicated in column 23.

Columns 19, 27, 28 and 29 are filled in if there is information about the applied tariff, the cost of transportation according to tariff distances, and so on.

Column 24 “Cargo received” is reserved for the recipient.