For diagnosis I need your photo. How to diagnose and heal using photographs. Full diagnostics from photos

Diagnosing diseases from photos can help if the person is not nearby. Also, these methods can tell the healer about everything that happened to the person!

Any photograph, portraits, even caricature¹, regardless of the time of production, carries information about the state of a person’s health and all the changes that have occurred to him by the time of diagnosis.

If this is an image of a deceased person, then it stores bioenergetic information about all diseases, including the disease that was the cause of death.

How to diagnose using photos?

Before starting the diagnosis, you need to remove external stimuli: too bright light, noise and other interference and tune in to the supersensory perception of super-weak sensations and signals.

The healer looks at the photograph without taking his eyes off and without blinking.

After a few minutes, the photograph seems to come to life, a flat image turns into a three-dimensional one. The eyes in the image become meaningful and begin to reflect the person’s inner state. The image acquires a natural flesh color.

This is how internal contact is established with the person depicted.

Some healers, in order to better concentrate on a photograph, look at it through a wooden or black paper tube.

There are several ways to diagnose using photographs. Below you will find the most common ones.

Diagnosis of diseases from photos. Method No. 1

After the appropriate setting, diagnostics large photographs or paintings is carried out with the help of hands, which are brought closer to the photo or painting at a distance of 1-5 cm. The general background is removed with the palm, more accurate signals - with the fingertips². Almost complete analogy with diagnostics during non-contact massage.

Diagnosis of diseases from photos. Method No. 2

After setting the appropriate mood and obtaining the effect of “reviving” the image, magicians, mystics and psychics imprint in the memory the “individual essence” of the person, revealed after the “revival” of the image.

Then the photograph is put aside and the face of the person being diagnosed is reproduced in the mind. Then they extend their hands towards the imaginary patient and read health information based on the tactile sensations of the hands.

Diagnosis of diseases from photos. Method No. 3

In contrast to method 2, “mental hands” are extended towards the imaginary patient, and according to his internal sensations arising as a result of the work of “mental hands”, the healer diagnoses the disease.

If only the face is depicted in a photograph or painting, then the rest of the body is imagined, “materialized” until a complete picture is obtained. When “resonating” with the patient’s field, the healer must not forget about personal protection and his own health, so as not to adopt the patient’s illness.

Notes and feature articles for deeper understanding of the material

¹ Caricature - genre visual arts, in a satirical or humorous form, depicts any social, socio-political, everyday phenomena, real persons or characteristic types of people (Wikipedia).

² To master this diagnostic method, you need to develop hand sensitivity. About how to do it,

Using this technique, you can find out what state a person is in, what happened and will happen to him, what he thinks about something, how he feels about something, etc.

Take some photos of people you know well and your own. It’s good if the photos are from different years, including old ones.

1. Take some old photograph. Focus your gaze a couple of centimeters behind the photo (look through the photo). Say in your mind: “This person is NOW.” Look through the photo, allowing yourself to see how the person's image changes with your intention. Those. you look through the photograph, keep in mind “this person NOW” and watch how the image of the person changes. The main thing here is to detach yourself and let everything happen on its own.

The imagination must be turned off. If you don't like the result (for example, you saw someone else instead of your friend), set your intention again. “THIS person now”, “THIS person NOW”, etc. This exercise is aimed at seeing a person's current appearance. A man could grow a mustache, a woman could dye her hair, everyone could grow up or grow old, etc. and so on.

To keep your intention correctly, remember how you insist on something when you talk to people. “Petya, please buy a samovar.” - “No, I don’t want to, I don’t have time, I don’t have money.” - “Petya, buy a samovar. You will do this." This is this calm persistence, which is based on confidence, on personal strength. You don’t prove anything, don’t persuade, but simply repeat the same thing more persistently. They said insistently and let “Petya” go, he will do the rest himself, because he listens to you. The same confidence-perseverance is used when intending. Only in this case you are asking not Petya, but the universe. And yourself, as part of the universe. Calmly insist that something happen.

2. The exercise is similar, but a little advanced. Here, when you intend, you mean not only to see changes in appearance, but also the condition of a given person. Awake or asleep, happy or sad, etc.

3. Find out how a given person feels about something. You focus a couple of centimeters behind the photograph, keeping in mind the intention “Does this person like detective stories (fried potatoes, me - substitute the necessary) Then there are options. Those who are accustomed to relying on visual images can watch what expression appears on the face when detective stories are offered to him - for example, interest or disdain may slip through. Those who are accustomed to relying on sensations can catch sensations within themselves. You kind of get the feeling of that person, but inside yourself.

4. Find out this person's past. You focus a couple of centimeters behind the photo, postulating “This person was THREE YEARS AGO (at such and such a time, in such and such a situation).” And watch how his face changes and what sensations you have.

5. Find out the future of this person. Likewise. When working with time, you can use this thing: imagine that at the distance behind the photograph where you focus your gaze, the time line of this person passes. Typically the past is on the left and the future on the right, but you can position the line however you like. Every point on the time line is a moment of life. First, you look through the photo at the LP point corresponding to the real one. Next, you rewind this line, like a conveyor belt, to the desired moment and look through the photograph at the appropriate moment. And allow the image in the photo to change according to your intention.

6. Learn something about yourself. Everything is done exactly the same. The only thing you need to let go of is that it is you who is depicted. Treat the person in the photograph as someone unknown. Do not allow emotions, memory, etc. to interfere.

Comments on all exercises (except those about the future).

Check the results of your vision whenever possible! Specifically recognize something from the photograph that will be easy for you to check. By the way, you can also talk about the future: find out the near future - what will happen tomorrow or tonight. If you made a mistake when reading the information, then take the correct answer and analyze what during the exercise indicated exactly this answer. Maybe the correct image flashed a second earlier, but you accidentally erased it and then saw something else. Or maybe you need to focus not two but three centimeters behind the photo. Or something else. This is how you can train and adjust your vision. The main thing is patience and training.

An interesting exercise based on the fact that the essence of a person adapts to what it perceives at a particular moment in time. It turns out that by looking at a photograph, stopping your thoughts and trying to be detached, you tune in to what you see. This method is especially good for people and magicians who have developed intuition or innate empathy.

I also recommend expanding this simple diagnostic method by conducting a fortune telling session using Tarot cards or Runes, which provides additional information, especially if we're talking about about the providence of the future. You can get even more information by drawing up a natal horoscope, reading about the zodiac sign that person belongs to, etc.

How to heal from a photograph at a distance, technique and protection

To treat through photography, it is necessary to achieve the ability to somehow revive a flat image: first by making it three-dimensional, and then by reviving the eyes and lips in the image. If you succeed, then you will feel the presence of some kind of contact. For mental influence, perform “deep rhythmic breathing”, figuratively imagining that with your exhalation you are sending a clot of energy with your emotions and desires. You must figuratively imagine how this energy reaches the addressee...

Performance technique:

With each new sending of energy as you exhale your “rhythmic breathing,” you should send a burning emotion of desire for recovery, absolute confidence in the healing power of your energy, a feeling of infusion of health into the person being healed.

It is not at all necessary to imagine all stages of the movement of thought. This simply helps to keep attention on the images; it’s like continuous control over them.

With good training, it is enough to imagine the image and the final result of your mental impact on it.

The process of transmitting thoughts itself does not require enormous physical effort or extreme stress.

This is achieved precisely by the ability to evoke vivid images and control them.

When treating using a photo, as well as with any mental influence, it is necessary to calm and organize your thoughts. Too strong irritants, such as light, sound, shaking, etc., need to be removed and conditions created for your inner mood.

Typically a photography treatment session lasts 5-10 minutes.

Basic rules for self-defense against “other people’s” diseases

To prevent the disease from being passed on from the patient during treatment, the healer must follow the following rules:

  1. Constantly replenish your own energy.
  2. Develop psychological immunity to other people's diseases.
  3. Wash your hands thoroughly with running water after each session to remove “sticky” areas of the patient.
  4. Take a shower if a sign of illness appears in any part of the body.
  5. Burn abnormal zones that appeared on your body during the treatment process with a figurative representation of solar energy, destroying all harmful information.

Use protective talismans that protect you from transferring negativity to yourself, especially in cases of removing generic damage.

Use methods for recycling negative energy, for example, by transferring, burning, absorbing, etc.

Do not forget that after removing the negativity (damage, evil eye, etc.), you need to protect the person from its reappearance. Use proven methods of protection, including talismans and amulets.

Provide the weakened essence of the person from whom you are removing negativity with clean and suitable energies for restoration. Consult on how to properly build relationships, give advice on maintaining good physical shape (nutrition, exercise regimen, etc.) to quickly restore energy and the body’s natural defenses.

Remember that any manipulations with the energy and essence of a person should be carried out only when you are completely confident in the absence of negative energies on yourself. Otherwise, you risk not curing, but even worsening the condition.

In case of complex violations, do not try to correct everything at once. Break the work into 2-3 stages and act consistently.


More than once in consultations I was faced with the fact that the client, wanting to place an order, did not understand For what he needs

"Diagnostics by photo".

Really, what kind of *terrible beast* is this????? And who needs diagnostics first of all?????

So let's start from the beginning. You, having read reviews about my work

contact me for help.

This is not the first day I have been working, and the system and rules of work are well established... It is my system of work that gives you the opportunity to get the result you want by contacting me.

If you want to work with me, then we will agree to work according to my rules. For the simple reason that I myself decide how best to organize my work. If my work rules do not suit you, you have the right to contact another specialist. This is not a subject for discussion, it is a subject of the right choice!

Why do you need diagnostics?

You want to know the reasons for a current or incomprehensible situation.

You want to know if it can be fixed and how to do it with the help of magic.

What will you learn from the diagnosis?

Diagnostics allows you to make a comprehensive analysis of the situation. This most often includes the karmic nature of connections, the presence or absence of negative magical influence from the outside (spontaneous - evil eye, induced - damage, quarrels, etc.). If it exists, then when, how and by whom it was done. What it can lead to and what you shouldn’t be afraid of. In addition, its localization in your chakras is determined. Analysis of the state of the chakras and your energy in general. Regarding relationships in a couple, or a triangle: the attitude towards you, towards your rival/rival, what caused it. Regarding health, if there are problems at the energy level that risk turning into somatics, then you will also learn about them.

How is it possible to resolve the current situation, what rituals will be required to perform, and their price. Recommendations will be given and a way to solve the problem will be determined.

You will also find out what the predicted effectiveness of the rituals in your couple is.

In addition, the conditions and deadlines for completing the work will be specified.

What photos are needed?

Diagnosis is carried out using photos. If there is no photo, then I don’t have material to work with, and therefore I don’t have the work itself.

Requirements for photos: photos separately, full-face, full-length or knee-length. Without glasses, hats, helmets and children on shoulders. The age of the photo is not important; photos from two years ago are fine.

Portrait photos are not suitable because I need to work with the energy of your entire body. For the same reason, photos where you are hidden behind a chair and only your head and legs are visible to me are not suitable. Photos hugging a tree are not suitable (it also has its own energy - it is a living object). Profile photos are not suitable. The photo should be on a neutral background: so that there is no fire, animals, other people, water or mirrors nearby.

Whose photos? When diagnosing a couple, your photo and a photo of your partner are required. When diagnosing three people, your photo, photo of your partner and rival/rival.

What does diagnostics mean for me?

First of all, these are the time costs of 2-3 hours of working with various mantics. Energy costs are communication with your subtle worlds and working with your hands with your energy. As well as conducting negotiations with various kinds of entities that have settled quite comfortably within you. Information can be obtained from the Information field of the Earth (Akashic Chronicles), non-physical plans of thoughts, past and emerging future events using dowsing

After all this, half an hour with the translation of all the above information into text.

If you are offered diagnostics for free, this is a reason to think about whether it will be carried out. What services (in terms of quality and results) will be able to be provided to you next.

Please understand me correctly, if you want free services, contact free specialists. My work is paid. I have a very limited amount of free time, due to large quantity orders. And there is no opportunity to spend your resources to satisfy idle curiosity.

If you have already contacted all the site’s specialists for free consultations, and they all told you all this a long time ago. Then I see no reason for your subsequent contact with me.


If If you still have questions about diagnostics, you can ask them right here. I will answer if possible.

Here you can write your impressions about the diagnostics already carried out.


Your request for help depends on what you personally need.

If you are interested in the issue of cheapness, and not the result, then this is not for me. You just need to pay, but you need it cheap. Please, the choice is yours.

You can estimate the price of my services based on the cost of the consultation.

If, Having received a free consultation from me, you seek services where it is cheap. It's also your right! But I don’t quite understand your subsequent letters to me, with the approximate content: “Help me!” It would be logical for you to demand help where you paid.

If in We turned to the newly registered expert “Mag”, and he promised you a love spell for 1000 rubles. and the result in a day or 3 days. I don’t know what kind of work you paid for. And I won’t be able to answer your question tomorrow about what to do if this expert’s profile is deleted. Just as I can’t tell you why such an expert ignored you after payment. You must ask yourself these questions.

For me, as a practice, everything is very transparent. Prices for a love spell are 1000 rubles or 3000 rubles. does not happen for the simple reason that consumables for rituals cost more than the specified amount.

Therefore, think for yourself, decide for yourself what you need is WORK or cheap! And only when you know for sure that you need a JOB, contact me.

Author's addition from 04.10.11 16:29:03
So that there are no questions about whether my work meets your expectations. Diagnosis using a photo for a couple consists of several parts: 1. Introduction. 2. General informational information 3. Information on the level of closeness of Karmic connections in a couple 4. Your indicator of karmic relationship in a couple. 5. Chakra-by-chakra diagnosis of negativity (if any), its direction, origin. Relationships and feelings in a couple. 6. Is it possible to correct the situation? 7. How I work, working conditions. 8. Predicted effectiveness of magical rituals for your specific couple.

Attention, at the beginning of my diagnosis from the photo there is common for all introductory information. Most people are not familiar with this information, but understanding it is very important for everyone... That's why I present it in the diagnosis for you.

You personally may or may not be familiar with this information.

In the second case, it will be interesting to you, because it will give you some idea about the subject of the conversation and bring you up to date.

If this diagnostic option does not suit you, then seek help from another specialist.

Including, you can get a free diagnosis, where they will tell you what kind of “terrible damage” you have. Proportional to the number of free diagnostics, the number of terrible fatal damage found on you increases...)

In addition to diagnostics, you can order definition of karmic debt personally for you or your partner.

  • Do you want to know if you have “bad karma”?
  • Is there karmic debt?
  • What exactly is your karmic debt?
  • What misdeeds in your past incarnations are you paying for in this life?
  • What to do to reduce your karmic debt?

I will determine your karmic debt (if there is one) and tell you how to reduce this debt.

Diagnostics by photo. Teaching the method.

Photography diagnostic course. Training in methods of viewing photographic images for the presence of negatives, diseases, breakdowns energy fields, connections between people.

The uniqueness of the course is that it uses the method of direct transfer of states. Thanks to this, mastering occurs very quickly and diagnostics from photos immediately becomes your working tool.

Often a photograph is all you have. Be able to determine from a photograph what kind of person is in front of you, what his physical condition is, what kind of ancestral, karmic, social problems. It is often possible to discern the inner essence of a person, which allows you to better navigate his actions. This is very useful knowledge.

Photo diagnostics often allows you to determine the presence settlers, both intelligent and non-intelligent, vampiric suckers, zombification.

Clearly in the photograph love spell, lapel or damage is diagnosed. Blows or birth problems flying towards a person are also visible in the photograph. By making diagnostics from a photo, you can always check what is happening to a person. If you turn to magicians to solve some problems, then diagnostics will help you determine the effectiveness of the work done.

Contrary to popular belief The age of the photo is completely irrelevant. Of course, it is possible to diagnose the condition of a forty-year-old man from a photograph, having photographs of him from kindergarten somewhat problematic, but even this is possible.

For viewing, a single photograph is ideal. full height, without serious places of power and artifacts nearby. That is, against the backdrop of the seashore or in a clearing in the forest this is good, but near an Egyptian pyramid or mausoleum it is much worse. At the first stage, it is easier to work with black and white photographs. However, there is absolutely no difference in how it is printed.

Old photographs taken on silver film or even plates could capture the invisible in the visible spectrum. It's great and we still see ghosts in photos like this. But this is not required for viewing work. A photo printed on a black and white printer from your phone will do. Diagnostics by photography does not require special photographs.