Contract agreement for personnel activities sample. The point of choice is the contract for conducting personnel records management. Legal addresses and bank details of the parties

No later than six working days after the Customer provides the primary documentation to the Contractor, the Contractor: issues an invoice to the Customer indicating the amount of payment for the services provided, as well as the amount of prepayment of the cost of services for the next month in the amount of % of the cost of services provided for the previous month. In this case, excess payments will be counted towards the prepayment of services for the next month. 3.3 Payment for services is made by the Customer no later than five working days from the moment the Customer receives the invoice issued by the Contractor by transfer Money to the Contractor's bank account. 3.4. The Contractor issues to the Customer a Service Provision Certificate, which must be signed by the Customer within working days from the date of receipt.

Agreement for the provision of services for maintaining personnel records of employees of the organization

Otherwise, the Party that has not fulfilled (improperly fulfilled) this obligation bears the risk of all associated adverse consequences. 8. ApplicationsAppendix No. 1 List of the Contractor's services included in the subscription fee Appendix No. 2 Subscription fee for the Contractor's services Appendix No. 3 Customer's application Appendix No. 4 Regulations for the interaction of the Contractor and the Customer Appendix No. 5 The procedure for preparing and approving documents for personnel records Appendix No. 6 Questionnaire for hiring9. Addresses and bank details of the Parties Customer: Tel. Contractor: LLC Accounting Company STATUS 191014, St. Petersburg, Zhukovskogo, no.

7/9, apt. 32 INN 7841336474/784101001 account number 40702810632000001577 ST. PETERSBURG BRANCH of OJSC ALFA-BANK, St. Petersburg, account number 30101810600000000786 BIC 0440307 86 Tel.

Agreement for the provision of services for personnel records management

The information provided to the Contractor in accordance with this Agreement is provided exclusively for him and cannot be transferred either partially or completely to third parties or used in any other way with the participation of third parties without the consent of the Customer (except for cases established by the legislation of the Russian Federation). 4.3. The stated confidentiality conditions are valid during the term of this Agreement and for years after its expiration. 5. RESPONSIBILITY OF THE PARTIES 5.1. If the submission of primary documents to the Contractor is delayed by more than business days after the date approved by the Document Flow Schedule, the cost of service for the current month increases by %.
5.2. If the Customer violates the terms of payment for the Contractor's services, the Customer shall pay the Contractor a penalty in the amount of % of the unpaid amount for each day of delay in payment. 6.

GPH agreement with HR officer

The customer, namely, assumes the following functions: · registration of the movement of employees (reception, relocation, dismissal, vacations): execution of orders, employment contracts, contracts financial liability, personal files, personal cards, vacation schedules, familiarization with LNA; · accounting and registration work records; · preparation of documents for bonuses and awards disciplinary action employees; · preparation of monthly working time sheets; · making changes to the staffing table, LNA for working with personnel, employment contracts, job descriptions as directed by the Customer; · maintaining current registration personnel documentation; · maintaining military records; · issuing, at the request of company employees, certificates about their labor activity; · consultations on labor legislation for working employees (no more than 2 hours per week). 1.2.

Paid agreement with an accountant for the provision of services

If the Customer refuses to sign the documents prepared by the Contractor, he must give a reasoned refusal to the Contractor in writing. 2.2.5. Pay for the Contractor's Services in the manner and on the terms provided for in this Agreement. 2.2.6. At the beginning of each month, within 5 (five) working days, sign the Act on the provision of Services for the past month.

If the Act is not signed within this period, and the Services continue to be provided, then the Service is considered accepted and is subject to payment. 3. COST OF SERVICES AND PAYMENT PROCEDURE 3.1. The cost of the Contractor's services under this agreement is determined based on the current prices specified in Appendix No. 2 to this agreement. 3.2 Payment for services is made by the Customer no later than ten working days from the date of receipt by the Customer of the invoice issued by the Contractor by transferring funds to the Contractor’s bank account. 3.3.

Contract for personnel services

The beginning of the provision of Services under the Agreement is the date of signing this agreement. 3.2. At the beginning of the provision of Services, the Customer introduces the Contractor to the LNA for working with personnel, organizational structure, staffing schedule and job descriptions in force for the Customer. Then the Customer provides the staff breakdown by position and introduces the Contractor to the list of cases in the personnel document flow and its place in common system document flow, including a system for approval and signing of documents.
3.3. In the process of providing the Services, part of the work is performed by the Contractor remotely, and part of the work is performed on the Customer’s premises. 3.4.

Contract for paid services


Immediately notify the Contractor of all changes in information, materials, documents transferred to the Contractor, as well as changes in your intentions regarding the issue being resolved in his interests. 2.2.4. For the implementation of individual business transactions, documents on them can be accepted for execution upon the written request of the Customer, who bears full responsibility for the consequences of such transactions. 2.2.5. Pay for the Contractor's services in the manner, within the terms and in the amount established by this agreement.

3. COST OF SERVICES AND PAYMENT PROCEDURE 3.1. The cost of the Contractor's services under this agreement is determined based on the current prices specified in Appendix No. 2 of this agreement. 3.2.


Provide the Contractor with all documents, information and equipment necessary for the Contractor to fulfill its obligations. 2.2.2. Warn the Contractor about the need for his services orally or in writing no later than before the expected start of the provision of services. 2.2.3. Timely pay for the Contractor’s services under this agreement, as well as pay income tax and other taxes on the amounts payable under this agreement. established by law taxes and fees associated with the provision by the Contractor of services under this agreement.

3. Confidentiality 3.1. The parties undertake to keep confidential any information and data provided by each party in connection with the execution of this Agreement, not to disclose or disclose, in general and in particular, facts and other information to any third party without the prior written consent of the other party to this Agreement .
As a result, the enterprise will be forced to bear responsibility for the completeness and timeliness of calculating tax liabilities on the accountant’s income, for withholding and transferring personal income tax and the entire volume of insurance premiums to the budget. Below we provide a possible example of an agreement with an accountant for paid services. accounting services. It is essentially a universal form that you can fill out yourself.


Download (PDF, Unknown) Validity and termination of the agreement The period of validity of the agreement is determined by agreement of the parties; it is not limited by law. The procedure for terminating the contract must be agreed upon in advance and approved in writing. The initiator can be any of the parties to the transaction; a month before the expected date of termination of cooperation, it is necessary to notify the other party of the termination of the agreement.

Contract for paid services with personnel officers

CONTRACT paid provision services with an individual Moscow » » 20, hereinafter referred to as the “Customer”, represented by the person acting on the basis of, on the one hand, and a Citizen of the Russian Federation (passport: series, number, issued), hereinafter referred to as the “Contractor”, on the other hand , have entered into this Agreement as follows: 1. Subject of the Agreement 1.1. Under this Agreement for the provision of paid services, the Contractor undertakes, on the instructions of the Customer, to provide services, and the Customer undertakes to pay for these services.
2. Rights and obligations of the Parties 2.1. Responsibilities of the Contractor: 2.1.1. Within a reasonable time, carry out the Customer’s instructions within the framework of the services provided for in clause of this Agreement. 2.1.2. Guarantee the Customer the quality of services provided. 2.2. Responsibilities of the Customer: 2.2.1.

Such a power of attorney for an employee of legal entity “A” (provides services) can be issued by legal entity “B” (orders services). Legal Person “A” cannot issue a power of attorney for his employee.

The law does not establish a formal ban on maintaining work books, signing orders and other documentation on personnel by a person who is not a company employee. In order to avoid claims from regulatory authorities, it is recommended to fix in the company's charter provisions on the right of the general director to delegate relevant powers to persons who are not full-time employees on the basis of a power of attorney. At the same time, when involving persons who are not employees of the organization in personnel records, compliance with the provisions of Federal Law dated July 27, 2006 No. 152-FZ “On Personal Data”.

The procedure for representing a company in relations with third parties is regulated in detail by the provisions of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation on representation and assignment. These provisions also do not prohibit a person who is not a full-time employee from representing the interests of the company before third parties.

We recommend concluding an agency agreement with the person to whom such powers have been delegated. By law, this agreement may be free of charge, but in order to avoid misunderstandings, this should be explicitly stated in it.

A simple (non-notarized) power of attorney signed by the general director and the company seal (if available) will be sufficient. A notarized power of attorney will be needed to carry out transactions that require a notarial form, to submit applications for state registration rights or transactions or disposal registered in state registers rights.

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“Labor Disputes” is a magazine about the prevention and methods of resolving labor conflicts. Our trump card - step by step instructions, visual diagrams, tables and sample documents for personnel officers. They contain answers to all questions: from “how to register” to “what will happen if” and “how much will they be fined for”. For three days you will have at your disposal not only the latest issue, but also the archive of the magazine since 2008. With such a base you will solve any work problem.

In this article we will consider the issues of concluding a contract. What mistakes should be avoided when concluding a contract, what taxes must be paid?

Contracts are regulated by Chapter 37 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

What are the main differences between labor relations and civil law ones?

Firstly, labor Relations are characterized by the employee’s subordination to a certain work schedule and internal rules labor regulations, personal performance of work for a specific position, regular payment wages. The contractor plans his work himself and is not obliged to carry it out personally. He performs a specific task, which is paid on the basis of a certificate of completion.

Secondly, the contract must provide for the contractor’s possible costs (this does not have to be a closed list, you just need to indicate the very possibility of such costs and the customer’s obligation to pay them).

From the point of view of civil law, an indication of costs is not mandatory, but in order to avoid tax disputes, it is better to reflect this point in the contract (Article 704 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

The main issues of concluding a contract are collected in the table:

Parties to the agreement

Contractor (performer) and customer

Subject of the agreement

The result of labor is the completion of certain work and delivery of its results to the customer (Clause 1 of Article 702 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation)

Contract form

Simple written (Article 161 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation)

Contract term

The contract is concluded for a certain period (the period of completion of the work) indicating the initial and final dates, as well as intermediate deadlines for the completion of individual stages of work as agreed by the parties (Article 708 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation)

Frequency of remuneration payment

Payments are made (as agreed by the parties):

– in the form of an advance or deposit in the cases and amount specified in the contract (clause 2 of Article 711 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation);

– subject to the stage-by-stage delivery of the work within the time frame and in the manner specified in the contract (Articles 708 and 711 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation);

– after the final delivery of the work results, subject to it of proper quality and compliance with the deadline for the execution of the contract (Article 711 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation)

Reward amount

Payment for work performed is made at the price and method of determining it, established by the parties to the contract (Article 709 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

The price is determined:

– based on the complexity and volume of work performed, taking into account compensation for the contractor’s costs and the remuneration due to him (clause 2 of Article 709 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation);

– by drawing up an estimate (clause 3 of Article 709 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

The price of the work (estimate) can be approximate or fixed. In the absence of other instructions in the contract, the price of the work is considered fixed (clause 4 of Article 709 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation)

Delivery of work

The acceptance certificate can be drawn up in any form or you can use the form provided for the acceptance of work performed under a fixed-term employment contract concluded for the duration of a specific work (form No. T-73, approved by Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated January 5, 2004 No. 1 “About approval unified forms primary accounting documentation for labor accounting and payment")

The procedure for taxation of remuneration under a contract depends on whether the citizen working under such a contract is individual entrepreneur.

If the employee is an individual entrepreneur, then he is obliged to accrue and pay all taxes for himself.

If the employee is not an entrepreneur, then his remuneration under a civil contract must be calculated with salary taxes.

Firstly, personal income tax must be withheld when paying remuneration. In accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 221 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, when calculating tax base taxpayers who receive income from performing work under civil contracts have the right to receive professional tax deductions in the amount of expenses actually incurred and documented by them directly related to the performance of these works (rendering services). These deductions are provided on the basis of a written application from the taxpayer to the tax agent (Article 221 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

For each employee (except entrepreneurs) to whom the organization paid remuneration under civil contracts during the year, a card is maintained in form No. 1-NDFL (order of the Ministry of Taxes of Russia dated November 25, 2005 No. SAE-3-06/6) and compiled a certificate of income of an individual in Form No. 2-NDFL (Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated October 13, 2006 No. SAE-3-04/706), which must be submitted to the tax office no later than April 1 of the year following the year of payment of remuneration.

Secondly, it is necessary to accrue the Unified Tax, with the exception of that part of it that is transferred to the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation (clause 3 of Article 238 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). And calculate contributions for compulsory pension insurance (clause 2 of article 10 of the Federal Law of December 15, 2001 No. 167-FZ “On compulsory pension insurance in Russian Federation»).

And thirdly, pay premiums for insurance against accidents at work and occupational diseases. If, of course, such insurance is provided for in the contract (Clause 1, Article 5 of the Federal Law of July 24, 1998 No. 125-FZ “On compulsory social insurance against industrial accidents and occupational diseases”).

Expenses incurred by an organization under a contract are determined by production needs, therefore, for accounting purposes they are expenses for ordinary activities. They must be recognized on the date of signing the acceptance certificate for completed work in the amount of the contractor’s remuneration (clauses 5–7, 16 of the accounting regulations “Organization expenses” PBU 10/99, approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated May 6, 1999 No. 33n) .

The organization's expenses for paying remuneration for work performed under a contract are reflected in accounting by the debit of the accounts for accounting for production costs (sales expenses) in correspondence with the credit of account 76 “Settlements with various debtors and creditors” (Instructions for using the Chart of Accounts accounting financial and economic activities of organizations, approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated October 31, 2000 No. 94n).

Example 1

Primer LLC entered into a contract with Ivanov I.I. for the manufacture of a rack with payment for the work performed in the amount of 26,000 rubles. Compensation for expenses under the contract amounted to 10,000 rubles.

The contract does not provide for the payment of contributions to insure the contractor against industrial accidents and occupational diseases.

The accountant of Primer LLC made the following entries:


– 26,000 rub. – remuneration under the contract has been accrued;

DEBIT 26 CREDIT 69 “Settlements under Unified Social Tax”

– 6,006 rubles (26,000 rubles. X (26% – 2.9%) – UST accrued;

DEBIT 69 “Settlements under Unified Social Tax” CREDIT 69 “Settlements with the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation”

– RUB 3,640 (RUB 26,000 X 14%) – pension contributions accrued;

DEBIT 76 CREDIT 68 “Calculations for personal income tax”

– 3380 rub. (RUB 26,00 X 13%) – personal income tax is withheld from the amount of Ivanov I. I.’s remuneration under the contract minus his expenses;


– 32,620 rub. (26,000 +10,000 – 3380) – remuneration was paid to Ivanov I.I. under a contract.

Example of a contract and work completion certificate


Primer LLC, hereinafter referred to as the “Customer”, represented by General Director Smirnova V.V., acting on the basis of the Charter, on the one hand, and Ivanov I.I., hereinafter referred to as the “Contractor”, on the other hand, have concluded this Agreement as follows:


1.1. The Customer instructs and the Contractor undertakes to perform work on the manufacture of the following products: shelving.

1.2. The rack is produced in quantities of 1 piece. The type of rack is established by the parties in an additional agreement to the Agreement.

1.4. To manufacture the products specified in clause 1.1 of this Agreement, the Contractor uses its own raw materials and materials. The cost of raw materials and materials is 10,000 (Ten thousand) rubles. and is not included in the price of work established by this Agreement. Compensation for the cost of materials is transferred to the Contractor's bank account.

1.5. The Contractor is responsible for the quality of raw materials and materials used to perform work on behalf of the Customer.


2.1. The cost of work to be performed under this Agreement is 26,000 (Twenty-six thousand) rubles.

2.2. The Customer pays for the Contractor’s work within 5 (Five) days after the parties sign the acceptance certificate for the work performed by transferring the funds specified in clause 2.1 of this Agreement to the Contractor’s account.


3.1. The customer has the right to be present during the execution of work on the manufacture of products.

3.2. Acceptance of completed work is carried out by signing the work acceptance certificate.

3.3. The Customer, within 5 (Five) days from the date of receipt of the work acceptance certificate and reporting documents, is obliged to send the Contractor a signed acceptance certificate for the work performed and manufactured products or a reasoned refusal to accept the work.

3.4. In the event of termination of work at the initiative of the Customer, the latter notifies the Contractor in writing of the reason and deadline for termination of the Contract.


4.1. For non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of obligations under this Agreement, the parties are liable in accordance with current legislation. For violation of payment terms, the Contractor has the right to recover from the Customer a penalty in the amount of 0.1 percent for each day of delay.

4.2. Neither party to this Agreement is liable to the other party for failure to fulfill obligations due to circumstances that arose against the will and desire of the parties and which cannot be foreseen or avoided, including declared or actual war, civil unrest, epidemics, blockades, earthquakes, floods, fires and other natural disasters. A document issued by the relevant competent authority is sufficient evidence of the existence and duration of force majeure.

4.3. A party that fails to fulfill its obligation due to force majeure must immediately notify the other party of the obstacle and its impact on the fulfillment of obligations under the Agreement.


5.1. All disputes and disagreements between the parties arising during the period of validity of this Agreement are resolved by the parties through negotiations.

5.2. In case of failure to resolve disputes and disagreements through negotiations, the dispute is subject to referral to court in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

5.3. Provisions not regulated by this Agreement are governed by the provisions of the current legislation of the Russian Federation.


6.1. The ownership right, as well as the rights to use the results of work under this Agreement in any form, belong to the Customer.

6.2. The terms of this Agreement have the same legal force for the parties and can be changed by mutual agreement with the mandatory preparation of a written document, which is an integral part of this Agreement.

6.3. This Agreement is drawn up in 2 copies having equal legal force, one copy for each of the parties.



Customer: Primer LLC

INN/KPP 77170523387/771701001


Customer: Smirnov _Smirnov V.V. Contractor:Ivanov __Ivanov I.I.


ACT No. 1

Handover and acceptance of completed work

In pursuance of contract No. 1 dated September 01, 2008, the Contractor I. I. Ivanov delivers, and the Customer Primer LLC, represented by General Director V. V. Smirnov, acting on the basis of the Charter, accepts following works:

1. Rack 1 pc.

The quality of work was checked by the Customer in the presence of the Contractor and meets the Customer’s requirements.

The work is properly completed and accepted.

In accordance with clause 2.1. of the contract, the Customer pays for the Contractor’s work in the amount of RUB 26,000. within 5 days after signing this act.

According to clause 1.4. of the contract, the work was performed using the Contractor’s materials in the amount of 10,000 rubles. (a copy of the documents is attached), the cost of which is subject to compensation to the Contractor by transferring funds to the account of the Contractor.


Customer: Primer LLC

Address: 129329, Moscow, Kolskaya st., 7

INN/KPP 77170523387/771701001

Account No. 4070281040000001111 in KB "Integro" OJSC, account No. 30101810600000000691, BIC 044579691

Passport 46 05 No. 943495, issued by the Sviblovo Department of Internal Affairs on March 15, 2001

Address: 123323, Moscow, Rusanova proezd, 11

TIN 771726395714, Pension certificate 087-225-453-02

Personal account number 40817810804210001985 in OJSC Alfa-Bank, account number 30101810200000000593, BIC 044525533


Accepted Passed

Customer: Smirnov _Smirnov V.V. Contractor: Ivanov _Ivanov I.I.


In conclusion, some advice on drawing up a contract with an individual in order to avoid claims from inspection authorities regarding the procedure for calculating insurance premiums and personal income tax.

Firstly, the contract must be truly civil. If such an agreement, in essence, regulates labor relations with an individual, then in court it can be recognized as labor with all the ensuing consequences of both labor and tax legislation (Article 11 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, paragraph 8 of the resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated March 17, 2004 No. 2 “On the application by the courts of the Russian Federation Labor Code Russian Federation").

If an organization has entered into a civil contract with an employee who is on the staff of this organization, then the employee must perform work under the concluded contract during non-working hours, otherwise this work is considered a part-time job.

Secondly, it is necessary to remember that the contract is concluded according to the rules of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, where there are no rules for sending a contractor on a business trip. Therefore, the contractor cannot be sent on a business trip. Travel related to contract work business trips are not. The list of expenses (travel, accommodation, etc.) and the procedure for their reimbursement must be determined by the contract.

Thirdly, it is advisable to separate remuneration for work and compensation for costs in the contract. Note that according to the rules of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, such a division is not mandatory - it is assumed that the price in the contract includes compensation for costs and remuneration of the contractor (clause 2 of Article 709 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). But, since payments aimed at compensating costs are not subject to taxation by the unified social tax and personal income tax, in order to avoid claims from the tax authorities, it is better to divide these payments.

To do this from total amount payments for each specific agreement must exclude actually incurred expenses under this agreement, if this agreement provides for payment of the mentioned expenses. In this case, all expenses incurred must be confirmed by supporting documents (letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated July 14, 2006 No. 03-05-02-04/189).

The Agreement comes into force from the moment it is signed by both Parties and is valid for one calendar year from the date of signing. 7.2. The Agreement may be terminated at any time at the initiative of any of the Parties, subject to written notification in free form to the other Party no later than 30 (thirty) calendar days before the date of proposed termination of the Agreement. 7.3. If neither party, 30 (thirty) calendar days before the expiration date of the contract, notifies the other party in writing of its intention to terminate the contract, then it is considered extended for the same period. 8. Other conditions 8.1. Relations between the Parties that are not directly regulated by this Agreement are governed by the current legislation of the Russian Federation. 8.2. All disputes between the Parties under this Agreement will, if possible, be resolved through negotiations.

Agreement for the provision of services for personnel records management

AGREEMENT for the provision of services for maintaining personnel records of employees of an organization in Moscow " " 2013 company "POLLUX", hereinafter referred to as the "Contractor", acting on the basis of the Charter, and, hereinafter referred to as the "Customer", in the person acting on the basis, hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Parties”, have entered into this agreement (hereinafter referred to as the “Agreement”) as follows: 1.


SUBJECT OF THE AGREEMENT 1.1. Provision of services for maintaining personnel records to the extent and on the terms provided for in this agreement. 1.2. The provision of services is carried out by the Contractor remotely.

2. OBLIGATIONS OF THE PARTIES 2.1. The Contractor is obliged to: 2.1.1.

Agreement for the provision of services for maintaining personnel records of employees of the organization

Information 1.1 Calculation and accrual of wages and deductions - standard deductions; - according to writs of execution and others 1.2 Calculation and accrual of taxes and contributions; 1.3 Preparation and issuance of payment orders or receipts; 1.4 Preparation and submission of reports to Pension Fund(RSV, ADV), including contact with your inspector by phone. 1.5 Preparation and submission of reports to the Social Insurance Fund (4FSS, information confirming the main type of activity), including contact with your inspector by phone 2. Other calculations 2.1 registration of maternity leave and parental leave until the child reaches the age of three years 2.2 registration of sheets disability 3.

Contract for personnel services

The customer, namely, assumes the following functions: · registration of the movement of employees (reception, relocation, dismissal, vacations): execution of orders, employment contracts, contracts of liability, personal files, personal cards, vacation schedules, familiarization with LNA; · accounting and registration of work books; · preparation of documents for bonuses and disciplinary action for employees; · preparation of monthly working time sheets; · making changes to the staffing table, LNA for working with personnel, employment contracts, job descriptions as directed by the Customer; · maintaining current registration personnel documentation; · maintaining military records; · issuing, at the request of company employees, certificates of their work activities; · consultations on labor legislation in relation to working employees (no more than 2 hours per week). 1.2.

Contract for conducting personnel records management


Otherwise, the Party that has not fulfilled (improperly fulfilled) this obligation bears the risk of all associated adverse consequences. 8. ApplicationsAppendix No. 1 List of the Contractor's services included in the subscription fee Appendix No. 2 Subscription fee for the Contractor's services Appendix No. 3 Customer's application Appendix No. 4 Regulations for the interaction of the Contractor and the Customer Appendix No. 5 The procedure for preparing and approving documents for personnel records Appendix No. 6 Questionnaire for hiring9.

Addresses and bank details of the Parties Customer: Tel. Contractor: LLC "Accounting company "STATUS" 191014, St. Petersburg, Zhukovskogo, 7/9, apt. 32 INN 7841336474/784101001 account number 40702810632000001577 ST. PETERSBURG BRANCH of OJSC ALFA-BANK, St. Petersburg, account number 30101810600000000786 BIC 0440307 86 Tel.

Contract for the provision of HR services

The Customer is obliged to promptly provide the Contractor with documents and information on the movement of personnel for the provision of services in accordance with this agreement in accordance with Appendix No. 1 of this agreement. Documents are transferred according to the inventory drawn up by the Customer.

2.2.3. Immediately notify the Contractor of all changes in information, materials, documents transferred to the Contractor, as well as changes in your intentions regarding the issue being resolved in his interests. 2.2.4. For the implementation of individual business transactions, documents on them can be accepted for execution upon the written request of the Customer, who bears full responsibility for the consequences of such transactions. 2.2.5. Pay for the Contractor's services in the manner, within the terms and in the amount established by this agreement. 3. COST OF SERVICES AND PAYMENT PROCEDURE 3.1.

contracts by type


The Contractor is liable to the Customer in the form of compensation for damages in the amount of fines paid by the Customer (or actually collected), the legality of the accrual (collection) of which is confirmed by a decision of the cassation court, as well as in the amount of state fees paid for the conduct of the relevant court cases. 5.4. The limit of liability of the Contractor under this Agreement is double the amount of payment for services paid by the Customer for the first calendar quarter of the validity period of this Agreement.

By agreement of the parties, the limit of liability of the Contractor may be changed. 5.5. If the Customer violates the terms of payment for the Contractor's services, the Customer shall pay the Contractor a penalty in the amount of 0.1% of the unpaid amount for each day of delay in payment.6.

The monthly service price includes the following services:

At the same time, the cost of separately ordered services is higher than the cost of providing the same services with a monthly service agreement.

  • Creation of all necessary documentation as the employee works for the company. (Orders, instructions, etc.)
  • Calculation of salaries, bonuses, compensations, interest on loans.
  • Necessary calculations related to vacations, sick leave, business trips, shift schedule works, processing and so on.
  • Preparation of necessary reports and certificates.
  • Preparation of all necessary reports to the Pension Fund and other funds.
  • Submitting reports on electronic channels communications.
  • Conducting reconciliations with the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and other funds, with the exception of reconciliations arising through the fault of the client.

Prices for services in the area personnel records management.
VALIDITY, GROUNDS FOR CHANGE AND TERMINATION OF THE AGREEMENT 6.1. The Agreement comes into force from the moment it is signed by the Parties and is valid until “” 2018. 6.2. If, calendar days before the end of the agreement specified in clause 6.1, neither party expresses a desire to terminate it, then the validity of this agreement is extended by one year. 6.3. At the initiative of the Customer, the list of services provided under the Agreement may be changed with the consent of the Contractor by concluding an additional agreement. About your intention to change the list of services provided and conclude accordingly additional agreement, The Customer notifies the Contractor in writing, no later than calendar days before the start of the new reporting period. 6.4.

HR service agreement

The Customer undertakes to pay for the Contractor’s Services in the manner, within the terms and on the conditions specified in this Agreement. 2. Rights and obligations of the Parties 2.1. The Contractor undertakes: 2.1.1. Provide Services in the scope and terms provided for in this Agreement, as well as ensure the quality of the Services in accordance with the criteria of experience and professionalism that, under normal conditions, are expected from companies of the corresponding profile in the Russian Federation; 2.1.2. If necessary, provide the Customer with additional services in the personnel and accounting fields, for example, additional consultations on labor legislation, payroll calculation, etc., for which an additional agreement is drawn up indicating the list and cost of the Services; 2.1.3. Inform the Customer about the professional skills and experience of the Contractor’s specialists who will directly provide services to the Customer; 2.1.4.

The Agreement may be terminated at the initiative of either Party with mandatory notification to the opposite Party in writing, no later than calendar days before its termination. If payments under this Agreement are overdue for more than calendar days, the Contractor has the right to unilaterally terminate this Agreement with written notice to the Customer, notifying the Customer calendar days in advance. 6.5. At the end of the Agreement or upon its termination, the Contractor is obliged to return to the Customer, and the Customer is obliged to accept from the Contractor within working days from the expiration of the Agreement or from the moment of termination of the Agreement documents in a form suitable for the Customer to independently continue to maintain records. 6.6.

Agreement for the provision of services for maintaining personnel records of employees of the organization

Immediately notify the Contractor of all changes in information, materials, documents transferred to the Contractor, as well as changes in your intentions regarding the issue being resolved in his interests. 2.2.4. For the implementation of individual business transactions, documents on them can be accepted for execution upon the written request of the Customer, who bears full responsibility for the consequences of such transactions. 2.2.5. Pay for the Contractor's services in the manner, within the terms and in the amount established by this agreement.
3. COST OF SERVICES AND PAYMENT PROCEDURE 3.1. The cost of the Contractor's services under this agreement is determined based on the current prices specified in Appendix No. 2 of this agreement. 3.2.

Agreement for the provision of services for personnel records management

The Contractor's invoices, Certificates of provision of Services, are transferred to the Customer through a courier or by registered mail. Invoices can also be sent to the Customer in advance by fax or by e-mail subject to the mandatory subsequent submission of originals. 4.8. The expiration of the Agreement does not deprive the Contractor of the right to receive the remuneration due to him for Services provided during the term of the Agreement, as well as other payments and compensation provided for in this Agreement.
5. Responsibility of the Parties 5.1. Failure to fulfill or improper fulfillment by the Parties of their obligations under this Agreement entails liability in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation. 5.2.

Contract for conducting personnel records management


Organizes work for the management of the enterprise to receive visitors on personal matters, as well as paperwork on citizens’ appeals in accordance with Standard instructions on office work and archive work at the enterprise.1.2.12. Takes part in the organization Maintenance meetings and meetings convened by the management of the enterprise. 1.3. The Customer instructs, and the Contractor assumes the obligation to perform in the interests of the Customer the functions transferred to him (hereinafter referred to as “services”).1.4.

For the provision of services under this Agreement, the Customer pays the Contractor a remuneration in the amount, manner and terms established by this Agreement. 2. RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS OF THE PARTIES 2.1. The Contractor undertakes: 2.1.1. Provide the Customer with the services specified in clause 1.2 of the Agreement. 2.1.2.
Submit to the Customer for approval a list of employees involved in the implementation of the Agreement. 2.1.3.

Contract for personnel services

Otherwise, the Party that has not fulfilled (improperly fulfilled) this obligation bears the risk of all associated adverse consequences. 8. ApplicationsAppendix No. 1 List of the Contractor's services included in the subscription fee Appendix No. 2 Subscription fee for the Contractor's services Appendix No. 3 Customer's application Appendix No. 4 Regulations for the interaction of the Contractor and the Customer Appendix No. 5 The procedure for preparing and approving documents for personnel records Appendix No. 6 Questionnaire for hiring9. Addresses and bank details of the Parties Customer: Tel. Contractor: LLC Accounting Company STATUS 191014, St. Petersburg, Zhukovskogo, no.
7/9, apt. 32 INN 7841336474/784101001 account number 40702810632000001577 ST. PETERSBURG BRANCH of OJSC ALFA-BANK, St. Petersburg, account number 30101810600000000786 BIC 0440307 86 Tel.


Upon conclusion of the contract, the Customer pays the Contractor as an advance payment 50% of the estimated cost of services for the month. 3.4. The date of fulfillment of the Customer’s obligation to pay for the work is considered to be the date of crediting funds to the Contractor’s account specified in the “DETAILS OF THE PARTIES” section of the Agreement. 3.5. In case of non-payment or incomplete payment by the Customer of the invoice, the Contractor has the right to suspend the Customer’s services until full payment for the services is made.

In case of partial payment, the Customer has the right to indicate what services should be provided to him within the paid amount. 3.6. The Contractor has the right to unilaterally change the cost of services under this agreement. In this case, the Contractor is obliged to notify the Customer about the upcoming change in the cost of services at least 30 days before their change.

Agreement for the provision of services for organizing office work

For example, one option to save resources is to avoid hiring a number of in-house specialists and delegate support functions to third parties. Such transfer of affairs to third-party specialists is called the fashionable term “outsourcing”. Outsourcing is widely used in many industrialized countries, as it can significantly save enterprise resources.


Most often, such auxiliary functions of the enterprise as accounting, legal support, and personnel records are outsourced. In our country, outsourcing services are just beginning to develop. At the same time, civil legislation provides sufficient tools for performing work for the benefit of a company by freelance specialists, and also sufficiently regulates the relationship between the employer and the contractor that arises during outsourcing.

Sample contract for the provision of personnel services

Ensure continuity of the Customer's personnel records management, regardless of the natural reasons for the absence of the specialist/s assigned to the Customer (vacations, sick leave, etc.); 2.1.5. Maintain confidentiality and prevent disclosure to third parties of information constituting the Customer’s commercial and official secrets, including personal data of the Customer’s employees, which will become known in the process of providing the Services; 2.1.6. Promptly issue invoices to the Customer for the Services provided, as well as transfer other documents related to the provision of Services.
2.2. The Customer undertakes: 2.2.1. Before signing this agreement, provide the Contractor with the opportunity to familiarize himself with the state of personnel document flow; 2.2.2. Provide the Contractor with accurate and timely information about movements in personnel (reception, relocation, dismissals, etc.). 2.2.3.

Sample contract for the provision of personnel services

Moscow " " 201_ JSC " ", hereinafter referred to as the "Customer", represented by the General Director, acting on the basis of the Charter, on the one hand, and LLC "", hereinafter referred to as the "Contractor", represented by the General Director, acting on on the basis of the Charter, on the other hand, we entered into this agreement (hereinafter referred to as the “Agreement”) on the following: 1. SUBJECT OF THE AGREEMENT 1.1. This Agreement was concluded in order to optimize the functioning of the Customer by concentrating his efforts on conducting his core business.1.2. The subject of this Agreement is the transfer to the Contractor of the Customer's functions for organizing office work at the Customer's enterprise. The Contractor assumes the following functions transferred by the Customer: 1.2.1.