Job description of the head of the maternity ward. Job description of the head of the gynecological department. Head department organizes and provides

1. General provisions job description for college

1.1. The head of the department belongs to the category of educational support personnel.

1.2. Appointment to the position of head of department and dismissal from it is made by order of the director educational institution on the recommendation of the Deputy Director for educational work.

1.3. The head of the department reports directly to the director, deputy director for academic affairs.

1.4. During the absence of the head of the department (business trip, vacation, illness, etc.), his duties are performed by a person appointed by order of the director. This person acquires the corresponding rights and is responsible for the high-quality and timely performance of the duties assigned to him.

2. Job responsibilities

2.1. Organization and direct management of the educational work of the department.

2.2. Ensuring the timely preparation of work plans for the department, cycle commission, classrooms and laboratories, thematic plans for teachers, individual plans teachers, work plans class teachers and other educational and methodological documentation, as well as monitoring their implementation.

2.3. Preparation of materials for drawing up a class schedule and its adjustment.

2.4. Implementation control curriculum and programs.

2.5. Organization of monitoring and analysis of student progress (together with the dispatch service); preparation of measures to ensure high performance of the department. Control over self-training.

2.6. Control over the discipline of students in the department, consideration together with public organization violations of discipline, daily routine and internal rules by students, submission (if necessary) of proposals to the Deputy Director for Academic Affairs.

2.7. Monitoring the work of the cycle commission and laboratory assistants.

2.8. Management and control over the work of classrooms and laboratories, ensuring research work and technical creativity of students, work to ensure visibility. Organizing the purchase of visual aids, equipment and technical means for conducting theoretical and practical classes.

2.9. Management and control over the work of study group curators and group assets.

2.10. Monitoring the quality of teaching the discipline, conducting consultations and additional classes, and preparing educational and accounting documentation.

2.11. Study, generalization and implementation of pedagogical and industrial experience and scientific achievements into the educational process.

2.12. Management of the work of the small pedagogical council and the scholarship committee of the department.

2.13. Preparation of materials for personal placement of young specialists and communication with graduates of the educational institution.

2.14. Organization and management (together with a public organization) of educational, cultural and sports work among students of the department. Control of student participation in subject clubs, amateur art clubs, sports sections, cultural outings, recreational evenings, lectures and other events.

2.15. Organization and implementation of control over the design and sanitary condition of educational premises and dormitory rooms in which students of the department live.

2.16. Control over keeping records of the work of curators of groups, offices and laboratories, conducting consultations and additional classes, etc.

2.17. Resolving personal issues of teachers, educational support staff and students of the department, and, if necessary, submitting proposals to the deputy director for educational work.

2.18. Resolving issues of settlement and eviction from the hostel (together with teachers) with the following statement Deputy Director for Educational and Career Guidance.

2.19. Preparation of materials for meetings, pedagogical councils and meetings of the educational part of the commission, reports on the work of the department.

2.20. Communication with parents of department students.

2.21. Organization of admission to the department and career guidance work.

2.22. Coordination of educational work with production activities by specialty.

2.23.Organization of studies in the specialty with employees of the production department, development and implementation of recommendations for improving its work.

2.24. Ensuring a connection between students’ internships and on-duty duties and the performance of work in the production area.

2.25. Carrying out individual tasks of the deputy director for academic work, educational and production work, educational and career guidance work.

3. Rights

3.1. The orders of the head of the department are mandatory for all teachers, students and educational and support staff of the department and can only be canceled by the deputy director for academic affairs.

3.2. Manage the scholarship fund and funds for equipment of offices and laboratories of the department, with subsequent coordination with the Deputy Director for Academic Affairs.

3.3. Manage the equipment of the department's offices and laboratories.

3.4. Submit proposals for consideration to the Deputy Director for Academic Affairs on the admission and dismissal of teachers and employees, the admission and expulsion of students in the department.

3.5. Submit to the Deputy Director for Academic Affairs projects of measures to improve the educational work of the department.

3.6. Submit to the Deputy Director for Academic Affairs for approval draft orders on moral and material incentives for teachers, educational support staff, students of the department, as well as disciplinary sanctions for violation of labor discipline and internal regulations.

3.7. Review group asset plans and make necessary changes and additions to them.

3.8. Together with teachers and the deputy director for educational and career guidance, settle students in the dormitory and evict them for violating the rules of living in the dormitory.

3.9. Consider applications and complaints from teachers, educational support staff, and students of the department; solve them, take appropriate measures, and, if necessary, submit their proposals to the Deputy Director for Academic Affairs.

3.10. Give permission (with subsequent approval by the Deputy Director for Academic Affairs) to call the student’s parents.

3.11. Provide short-term (up to three days) vacations to students and educational and support staff.

3.12. Cancel the orders of teachers and department employees if they contradict the requirements of educational work.

3.13. Do not allow teachers, department employees and students to work or study when gross violation them educational process or safety precautions(with subsequent agreement with the Deputy Director for Academic Affairs).

3.14. Require necessary reporting on work from teachers and department employees.

3.15. Organize and conduct meetings and meetings of students, teachers and department employees on educational issues.

3.16. Give permission to conduct various events in the department.

4. Responsibility

4.1. For improper performance or failure to fulfill your job responsibilities provided for by this job description, within the limits determined by labor legislation Russian Federation.

4.2. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities within the limits determined by the administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.3. For causing material damage within the limits determined by the labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.4. For violation of the institution's charter.

4.5. For committing actions that contradict the moral and ethical standards of professional interaction between participants in the educational process.

4.6. For violation of labor protection and safety regulations.

4.7. For the organization and state of the educational and methodological work of the department, the implementation of the connection between the educational process and production activities in the specialty.

  1. Managing the interaction of these elements and processes is the most difficult, but at the same time the defining task in the system of organizing quality management of medical care.


    Emergency assistance or directly informs head therapeutic department);  issuing certificates of incapacity for work, ... a strict and rather inert system officials instructions, methodological recommendations, orders of the Ministry of Health and Social Development...

  2. The purpose and objectives of the resuscitation and consultation center system (laboratory of the ITC Guz LGI, Prof. Gubler E.V., Prof. Tsybulkin E.K.)


    Reliability of the entered information. OFFICIAL INSTRUCTIONS MANAGER(SENIOR ORDINATOR) ... directly to the manager RCC and to the manager profile department. 1.3. ... Average length of pregnancy: therapeutic group 29.4 weeks...

  3. 1. Awarding state awards of the Russian Federation


    ... therapeutic departments municipal institution healthcare "City Hospital No. 3" of Novorossiysk; - manager therapeutic department... 965 “On approval Instructions about the procedure for providing... 10% of salary ( official salary). (edited...

  4. Internal regulations of the State Budgetary Institution


    Signature of the doctor who issued the referral, signature head therapeutic department; Name medical institution, which directs... the chief physician in accordance with standard officials instructions personnel and in agreement with trade unions...

  5. Unified qualification reference book for positions of managers, specialists and employees Section "Qualification characteristics of positions of workers in the healthcare sector"


    ... officials instructions containing a specific list officials ... Manager structural unit (department, department, laboratory, office, detachment) - specialist doctor Officials...examination of patients therapeutic profile; principles...

1. General part

1. A person with a higher medical education in the specialty “general medicine”, who has the legal right to engage in medical activities, and has theoretical knowledge and practical skills, is hired for the position of head of a clinic department.

2. Appointed to a position and dismissed by order in accordance with current legislation. Directly reports to the deputy head. medical doctor parts of the hospital.

3. All full-time employees of the department report to the head of the department.

4. In the absence of the head of the department (vacation, illness, business trip), he is replaced by another doctor of the department (clinic) based on the order of the chief physician of the hospital.

5. The head of the department in his work is guided by the current legislation of the Republic of Belarus, orders and instructions of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus.

6. The head of the department must know:

    resolutions, instructions, orders of higher officials;

    methodological, regulatory and other guidance materials related to the activities of the department;

    organizational work of departments of this profile;

    current regulations on remuneration and forms of financial incentives; basics of economics, labor organization; basics labor legislation;

    rules and regulations of labor protection, sanitary and anti-epidemic equipment and fire protection.

2. Main tasks

1. Organization of the department’s work to ensure the diagnostic and treatment process is up to date.

2. Organization of the work of the department as a base for conducting the educational process and scientific topics.

3. Job responsibilities

The head of the department is obliged to:

1. Organize the work of the department to ensure the treatment and diagnostic process in full, in a timely manner, at the modern level.

2. Monitor accounting and reporting in the department. Submit a report on the work of the department within the prescribed period in the prescribed form. Analyze department performance indicators; Based on the results of the analysis, take measures aimed at streamlining work.

3. Ensure planned hospitalization of patients in the department, taking into account the profile and course of the disease. Participate in the work of the hospitalization commission.

4. Ensure and monitor the correctness and timeliness of examination and treatment of each patient in the department by:

    timely examination of each patient admitted to the department no later than one day;

    conducting departmental rounds at least once a week;

    systematic examination of seriously ill patients;

    control over patients staying in the department for a long time.

5. Resolve issues of discharge and transfer of patients independently or in agreement with a professor, associate professor, senior researcher, monitor the correctness and timeliness of execution of discharge documents, and sign them.

6. Consult department doctors on diagnostic and treatment issues, participate in the performance of therapeutic and diagnostic procedures; involve senior specialists or doctors of other specialties for consultation.

7. Systematically control:

    correct maintenance of medical records in the department;

    the correctness of the prescription, receipt, storage, and use of medications, including expensive, potent drugs, alcohol, and dressings; sign in accounting journals;

    issues of nutrition for patients: correctness of diet prescription, quality and timeliness of delivery of prepared food and dry rations to the department, correctness of transportation, organization of feeding of patients;

    implementation of the sanitary and anti-epidemic regime;

    timely screening of certain groups of employees for bacilli carriage; take measures to eliminate the causes that “caused the occurrence” of nosocomial infection;

    compliance by employees, sick children, and their relatives with the internal regulations of the clinic;

    participation of department staff in the treatment process;

    the work of doctors, nurses, nurses and other employees of the department in the performance of their official duties;

    receipt, accounting, movement, correct execution of sick leave.

8. Directly carry out medical work to the appropriate extent: managing patients, performing hospital duties.

9. Come to the department after hours when called by the department doctor or the hospital doctor on duty.

10. In the event of the death of a patient in the department, he is obliged to:

    ensure correct and timely preparation of medical documentation and its referral to the dissection department;

    storing the corpse and transferring it to the morgue in accordance with the requirements;

    together with the attending physician, attend the autopsy of the deceased patient.

11. Participate yourself and ensure the participation of department doctors in consultations, councils, clinical-anatomical and other conferences.

12. Ensure the department’s readiness to work in emergency situations and manage it. Inform hospital management about all incidents and measures taken.

13. Consider complaints from relatives of sick children, department employees, take measures to eliminate the reasons that caused the complaints; systematically check and sign the complaint book.

14. Work with personnel:

    participate in personnel selection together with the hospital administration; make their rational arrangement and movement;

    provide conditions for employees to perform their job duties in accordance with job descriptions, labor protection, safety, and fire safety requirements;

    control the correctness of drawing up and maintaining schedules;

    promptly bring to the attention of employees, as far as they are concerned, the orders and instructions of higher officials, and monitor their implementation.

15. Systematically improve your qualifications and confirm the legal right to engage in medical activities in this specialty in the prescribed manner.

16. Ensure the department’s participation in conducting an inventory of material assets and writing off those that have fallen into disrepair. Submit requests for medical equipment, instruments, and equipment within the established time limits.

17. Monitor the condition of technical communications premises; timely submit requests for repairs, quality and timeliness of their implementation.

18. Observe and ensure compliance by department employees with labor discipline, internal rules labor regulations, medical ethics and deontology.

4. Rights

The head of the department has the right:

1. Obtain information necessary for work.

2. Make suggestions to the clinic administration:

    to improve the organization of the department’s work;

    on rewards and penalties for department employees.

3. Participate in meetings at which issues related to the activities of the department are resolved.

5. Responsibility

1. For failure to perform (improper performance) of one’s job duties provided for in this job description, within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of the Republic of Belarus.

2. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Republic of Belarus.

3. For causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current labor, criminal and civil legislation of the Republic of Belarus.

4. For illegal actions or inaction that resulted in damage to the health or death of the patient, other offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current labor, criminal and civil legislation of the Republic of Belarus.

5. For errors in carrying out medical measures that entailed grave consequences for the patient - within the limits determined by the current labor, criminal and civil legislation of the Republic of Belarus.

Medical ethics and medical deontology in the activities of a resident doctor

According to the historical traditions of domestic medicine, the main condition for successful medical practice is the professionalism and high moral qualities of a doctor.

Compliance by doctors with the rules of medical ethics and deontology, the principles of humanism, the legislation of the Republic of Belarus on health issues, respect for colleagues and patients create an atmosphere of mutual respect and professional demands in medical teams, reduce the possibility of creating conflict situations in the process of providing medical care, and promote conscientious performance by doctors of his professional duty.

1. This job description defines the job duties, rights and responsibilities of the head of the pediatric (children's) department.

2. A person with a higher professional (medical) education, postgraduate education is appointed to the position of head of the pediatric department professional education and (or) additional professional education and a specialist certificate in the specialty in accordance with Qualification requirements to specialists with higher and postgraduate medical and pharmaceutical education in the field of healthcare, approved in accordance with the established procedure, work experience in the specialty of at least 5 years.

3. The head of the pediatric department must know: the Constitution of the Russian Federation; laws and other regulatory legal provisions of the Russian Federation in force in the field of healthcare and sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population; regulatory and methodological documents in the field professional activity; principles of labor organization; foundations of economic planning and financial activities medical organization; procedure for execution of economic and employment contracts; forms and methods of organizing hygienic education and upbringing of the population; procedure for maintaining primary accounting and reporting documentation; medical ethics; psychology of professional communication; basics of labor legislation; labor protection and fire safety rules.

4. The head of the pediatric department is appointed and dismissed by order of the head of the medical organization in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

5. The head of the pediatric department is directly subordinate to the head of the medical organization or his deputy.

2. Job responsibilities

Manages the activities of the pediatric department in accordance with the regulations on the department, its functions and tasks (providing specialized inpatient medical care for sick children; interaction with outpatient clinics in order to improve the continuity of medical care for the children's population; development and implementation in clinical practice modern methods diagnostics and treatment aimed at improving the quality and efficiency of medical care; advisory assistance to sick children from other departments of health care facilities; sanitary educational work). Improves the forms and methods of work, planning the activities of the pediatric department, the placement of personnel at workplaces and their use in accordance with qualifications, the formation of a regulatory and methodological base, a base of material and technical means for laboratory and instrumental diagnostics. Coordinates the activities of the pediatric department with others structural divisions medical organization, ensures their relationship in work. Carries out regular monitoring of the work of doctors, mid-level and junior medical personnel pediatric department, including the correctness of diagnoses and the quality of treatment. Ensures compliance with labor legislation and labor protection requirements for pediatric department workers. Takes measures to ensure that employees of the pediatric department fulfill their job responsibilities and internal labor regulations, standardization requirements and metrological support for research, measurements, and tests. Develops promising and current plans work of the pediatric department, monitors the implementation of these plans. Analyzes the work of the pediatric department for the quarter, half a year, year, and submits a report on the work of the pediatric department in the prescribed manner. Monitors the quality of medical documentation. Helps increase work motivation and professional qualifications of pediatric department workers. Systematically improves his skills.

3. Rights

The head of the pediatric department has the right:

1. give orders that must be followed by employees of the pediatric department;

2. participate in the selection and placement of personnel in the pediatric department;

3. make proposals to management for rewarding and imposing penalties on employees of the pediatric department;

4. make proposals for the development and improvement of the activities of the pediatric department;

5. request from management, receive and use information materials and regulatory documents necessary to perform their official duties;

6. take part in conferences and meetings at which issues related to the work of the pediatric department are discussed;

7. improve your qualifications through advanced training courses at least once every 5 years;

8. undergo certification in the prescribed manner with the right to receive the appropriate qualification category;

The head of the pediatric department uses everyone labor rights in accordance with Labor Code RF.

4. Responsibility

The head of the pediatric department is responsible for:

1. timely and high-quality implementation of the official duties assigned to him;

2. timely and qualified execution of orders, instructions and instructions from senior management, regulations on their activities;

3. rational and efficient use material, financial and human resources;

4. compliance with internal regulations, sanitary and anti-epidemic regime, fire safety and labor protection;

5. maintaining documentation provided for by current regulations;

6. provision, in the prescribed manner, of statistical and other information on the activities of the pediatric department;

7. compliance with executive discipline and performance of official duties by employees of the pediatric department;

8. readiness of the pediatric department to work in emergency situations.

For violation of labor discipline, legislative and regulatory acts, the head of the pediatric department may be subject to disciplinary, material, administrative and criminal liability in accordance with current legislation, depending on the severity of the offense.

This section of the NCC website is dedicated to working forms of personnel documentation that regulate the relationship between the employee and the organization. The proposed texts are real, previously approved, working personnel documents, which were prepared by the staff of our personnel center and Mrs. Olga Vitalievna Zhukova.
If you like the style, you can take these sample job descriptions as instructions, further modifying them to suit the individual needs of your enterprise, or you can place an order and entrust this task to the employees of our personnel center.

State budgetary healthcare institution of the city of Moscow “City Clinic No. 2”

Department of Health of the City of Moscow"

Job description

Head of the therapeutic department

1. General Provisions

1.1. This job description defines functional responsibilities, rights and responsibilities of the Head of the therapeutic department (hereinafter referred to as the Head of the Department) of the State Budgetary Institution "GP No. _ DZM" (hereinafter referred to as the Institution) and is an annex to the employment contract.

1.2. The position of the Head of the Therapeutic Department belongs to the category of managers.

1.3. A person with a higher medical education, postgraduate professional education and a specialist certificate in the specialty “Therapy” is appointed to the position of Head of the Therapeutic Department in accordance with qualification requirements to specialists with higher and postgraduate medical education in the field of healthcare, approved in accordance with the established procedure, work experience in the specialty of at least 3 years.

1.4. The maintenance manager must know:

The Constitution and Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation on healthcare, including, without fail, Law of the Russian Federation No. 323-FZ “On the fundamentals of protecting the health of citizens in the Russian Federation”, Order No. 541n of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia and other legal acts regulating the activities of institutions healthcare;

Charter and structure of the Institution;

Regulatory and methodological documents in force in the field of healthcare and sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population in the area of ​​professional activity;

Principles of labor organization;

Fundamentals of planning, economic and financial activities of a medical organization;

The procedure for executing business and labor contracts;

Forms and methods of organizing hygienic education and upbringing of the population;

The procedure for maintaining primary accounting and reporting documentation;

Medical ethics; psychology of professional communication;

Basics labor legislation ;

General principles and basic methods of clinical, instrumental and laboratory diagnostics of the functional state of organs and systems of the human body;

Etiology, pathogenesis, clinical symptoms, clinical features, principles of complex treatment of major diseases;

Rules for the provision of emergency medical care;

Fundamentals of examination of temporary disability and medical and social examination;

Basics of health education;

Labor protection and fire safety rules.

Modern methods of prevention, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation;

Objectives, organization, structure, staffing and equipment of the therapeutic service;

Current regulatory, legal, instructional and methodological documents in the specialty;

Rules for the preparation of medical documentation;

The procedure for conducting an examination of temporary disability and medical and social examination;

Principles of planning and reporting of therapeutic services; methods and procedures for monitoring its activities.

1.5. The head of the maintenance department is appointed and dismissed by order of the Chief Physician in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

1.6. The head of the technical department is directly subordinate to the Deputy Chief Physician for Medical Affairs, and in his absence to the person replacing him.

1.7. All employees of the therapeutic department are directly subordinate to the Head of Maintenance.

1.8. The head of the technical department of the Institution, in accordance with the Regulations on the permanent medical commission, is a member of the permanent medical commission consisting of subcommittees:

on examination of temporary disability;

on the validity of referral to other medical institutions;

by deaths;

on the validity of prescribing sanatorium-resort treatment;

on the organization of drug provision.

The head of the technical department of the Institution carries out his activities as a member of permanent commissions on the basis of the current Regulations on permanent commissions.

1.9. The head of the therapeutic department, in accordance with the approved duty schedule, performs the duties of the duty administrator in the Institution.

1.10. In case of temporary absence (vacation, illness, business trip), the position of the Head of Maintenance is filled by a person from among the doctors of the department, appointed by order of the Chief Physician with the transfer of all powers of rights and responsibilities.

2. Job responsibilities

The maintenance manager is obliged to:

2.1. Manage the activities of the therapeutic department in accordance with the Regulations on the department, its functions and tasks;

2.2. In your work, be guided by: orders and instructions of the Chief Physician of the Institution, Deputy Chief Physician for Medical Affairs and higher health authorities, this job description, the Charter of the Institution;

2.3. Interact with other structural divisions of the Institution and other medical organizations in order to improve the continuity of medical care for patients according to the department’s profile;

2.4. Master and introduce into clinical practice modern methods of diagnosis and treatment aimed at improving the quality and efficiency of medical care;

2.5. Provide advisory, diagnostic, therapeutic (emergency, urgent, planned), restorative and preventive assistance to the actually assigned population;

2.5.1. Provide advisory assistance to students and students of secondary and higher educational institutions during practical training;

2.6. Resolve issues of the appropriateness of referring patients to a medical and social expert commission;

2.7. Conduct health education work among patients,to form an educational and methodological base for the “Schools of Health”, organize and control the conduct of classes in the “Schools of Health” in accordance with the approved program;

2.8. Plan and control the formation of dispensary groups for dynamic observation in accordance with approved regulations;

2.9. Plan the activities of the therapeutic department, the placement of personnel at workplaces and their use in accordance with qualifications;

2.10. Participate in the formation of the regulatory and methodological base, material and technical means of instrumental diagnostics;

2.11. Carry out regular planning, organization and control of the work of doctors and nursing staff of the therapeutic department, including the correctness of diagnoses and the quality of treatment;

2.12 Ensure compliance with the requirements of labor legislation and labor protection by employees of the therapeutic department;

2.13. Take measures to ensure that employees of the therapeutic department fulfill their job responsibilities and internal labor regulations;

2.14. Develop long-term and current plans for the work of the therapeutic department, monitor the implementation of these plans;

2.15. Analyze the work of the therapeutic department for a quarter, half a year, year, submit reports on the work of the therapeutic department in the prescribed manner;

2.16. Monitor the quality of medical documentation;

2.17. Contribute to increasing the work motivation and professional qualifications of employees of the therapeutic department;

2.18. Rational use of labor and material resources branch of the Institution;

2.19. Organize your work rationally;

2.20. Prepare your own workplace in a timely and efficient manner and maintain order throughout the day;

2.21. Comply with the rules of internal labor regulations, labor protection, safety precautions, industrial sanitation and fire protection;

2.22. Provide emergency medical care patients, employees and visitors of the Institution;

2.23. Organize the work of subordinates and take personal part in the work of the Institution in emergency situations in accordance with approved instructions;

2.24. Plan, organize and conduct meetings of the therapeutic department staff;

2.25. Regularly undergo training (instructions, trainings) in safety precautions, industrial sanitation, occupational hygiene, fire protection, the operation of a medical institution in extreme conditions, organized by the administration of the Institution in accordance with approved plans and with the obligatory recording of this fact by signature in the appropriate journals;

2.26. Perform the duties of general practitioners during their absence (business trip, vacation, illness, etc.) in the prescribed manner.

3. Rights

The maintenance manager has the right:

3.1. Participate in the selection and placement of personnel in the therapeutic department;

3.2. Make proposals to management for rewarding and imposing penalties on employees of the therapeutic department;

3.3. Make proposals for the development and improvement of the activities of the therapeutic department;

3.4. Request from management, receive and use information materials and regulatory documents necessary to perform their official duties;

3.5. Perform the duties of general practitioners during their absence (business trip, vacation, illness, etc.) in the prescribed manner;

3.6. Take part in conferences and meetings that discuss issues related to the work of the therapeutic department;

3.7. Improve your qualifications through advanced training courses at least once every 5 years;

3.8. Pass certification in the prescribed manner with the right to receive the appropriate qualification category;

3.9. Replace/combine positions in other departments of the Institution in cases of operational necessity and the position of Deputy Chief Physician for the medical unit of the branch of the State Budgetary Institution "GP No. DZM" with the Chief Physician issuing an appropriate order for the duration of vacation, in the temporary absence or illness of the immediate supervisor.

3.10. The head of the therapeutic department enjoys all labor rights in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

4. Responsibility

The maintenance manager is responsible for:

4.1. High-quality implementation of the duties assigned to him;

4.2. Fulfillment of orders, instructions and instructions from senior management, regulations on their activities;

4.3. Rational and efficient use of material, financial, time and human resources;

4.4. Compliance with internal regulations, sanitary and anti-epidemic regulations, fire safety and safety regulations;

4.5. Maintaining documentation provided for by current regulations;

4.6. Providing, in the prescribed manner, statistical and other information on the activities of the therapeutic department;

4.7. Maintaining performance discipline;

4.8. Readiness of the therapeutic department to work in emergency situations.

For violation of labor discipline, legislative and regulatory acts, the head of the therapeutic department may be subject to disciplinary, material, administrative and criminal liability in accordance with current legislation, depending on the severity of the offense.

In case of production necessity, the Institution reserves the right to adjust the job description.


Head of HR Department

Legal Advisor

Signature ______________________________ (full name)"_____" ______________ 20__

(signature, surname, initials, date)

Deputy Chief Physician for Medical Affairs

Signature ______________________________ (full name)"_____" ______________ 20__

(signature, surname, initials, date)



Signature ______________________________ (full name)"_____" ______________ 20__

(signature, surname, initials, date)