Job responsibilities of a blacksmith. Hand-forged blacksmith. Labor protection requirements during work


1. Persons who are at least 18 years old, recognized as fit for this work by a medical commission, who have passed special training safe methods and techniques for performing work and having a qualification certificate.

2. A hand-forged blacksmith entering work is allowed to work only after he has completed an introductory briefing on labor safety, environmental requirements and initial briefing at the workplace, about which entries must be made in the appropriate journals with the obligatory signature of the person being instructed and the person instructing.

3. Periodic testing of a hand-forged blacksmith’s knowledge of labor safety should be carried out once every 12 months.

4. A hand-forged blacksmith must undergo repeated instruction at least once every 3 months.

5. If safety requirements or working conditions change (change technological process, replacement of equipment, devices and tools, changes in other factors affecting labor safety), in case of violation of labor safety requirements that led or may lead to injury, accident or fire, as well as during breaks in work for more than 30 calendar days, hand blacksmith forging must undergo unscheduled instruction. When registering an unscheduled briefing, the reason for it is indicated.

6. A hand-forged blacksmith must:

Follow the internal labor regulations and daily instructions of the foreman (foreman);

Remember personal responsibility for compliance with safety requirements during work and for the safety of fellow workers;

Use the issued protective clothing, safety footwear and other personal protective equipment;

Do not allow unauthorized persons to be present at the workplace;

Perform only the work for which you have been instructed and authorized by the foreman (foreman);

Do not follow orders: if they contradict the rules and requirements for labor protection;

Provide first aid to the injured person at work, take measures to eliminate violations of safety requirements;

Immediately report violations and cases of injury to the foreman (foreman).


7. Before starting work, a hand-forged blacksmith should:

Put on and carefully tuck in overalls and prepare other special personal protective equipment. The jacket should cover the waist part of the trousers, and the trousers should cover the upper part of the boots; boots should have a smooth top and a metal toe. Do not work without gloves, an apron and headgear;

Check the serviceability of equipment (anvils, heating devices, air ducts, etc.), take measures to eliminate any noticed deficiencies. The anvil must be securely mounted on a wooden stand, reinforced with an iron hoop and stand stably with its working surface (platband) in a horizontal position;

Arrange tools at the workplace with maximum ease of use, avoiding the presence of unnecessary objects in the work area;

Install the shields required during work (on the side of passages and in other places) to protect others from possible damage from flying scale or metal particles, as well as screens from the harmful thermal effects of heating devices;

Check the presence of clean water in the tool cooling tank;

Clean the working surface of the anvil from scale, oil, water or other possible contaminants, wipe wet or oily tools with a rag;

Check the condition of general and local lighting; if any deficiencies are found, inform the technician;

Check the serviceability and efficiency of local exhaust ventilation.

8. When servicing a gas furnace, receive instructions on labor safety as provided for in the operating rules of the gas forge, observing the following general rules:

To avoid an explosion, do not test for the presence of gas in the atmosphere (furnace) with fire; do not smoke when lighting the forge;

When igniting the forge, first bring the lit torch to the mouth of the burner, and then slowly apply gas, after igniting the gas, also slowly apply air;

When stopping the forge, first turn off the gas supply to the burner, and then the air.

9. When igniting an open forge, first lower the shields (folding) of the umbrella, ignite the forge, turn on local suction and general ventilation. When the coal flares up, raise the umbrella shields and securely secure them in the non-working position.

10. Keep the floor at the workplace level and dry (not slippery), clean it in a timely manner and do not clutter it with workpieces, waste and other items.

11. If there are lifting mechanisms at the workplace, make sure that they are in full working order and check that there is a stencil on these devices indicating the registration number, lifting capacity, the date of subsequent testing (inspection), and on removable lifting devices the presence of tags certifying their lifting capacity and suitability for use. .

The lifting capacity of the slings must correspond to the weight of the load being lifted.

Chains should not have visible defects (cracks, caps, elongated links, wear of more than 10% of the diameter of the original metal, etc.).

Hooks, pliers, clamps and other load-handling devices must not have visible cracks, caps, broken threads of connecting bolts and nuts to them, as well as other defects.

Rope slings must be free of knots and loops and must be periodically discarded depending on the rope structure and the number of wire breaks along the length of one rope laying step.


12. While working, be sure to wear safety glasses with safety glasses or protective screens (masks).

When processing forgings heated to white heat, be sure to use glasses with a light filter.

13. To protect against the harmful effects of thermal radiation, correctly use the available protective equipment for heating devices, turn them on in a timely manner and monitor their proper operation.

14. Observe the temperature range for forging blanks established by the technological documentation. Forging metal that has been burned or cooled below 800°C is prohibited, as it can cause accidents.

15. Warm up tools that are subject to impact before use, and cool tools that become very hot during operation in a tank of clean water and then dry them.

16. Remove scale and debris from the anvil using special means - brushes or scrapers. It is allowed to use an air blower to remove scale from the anvil only when the scale is collected in a special container through a sealed air duct.

17. Place the workpiece on the anvil so that it fits snugly against it (check this by lightly hitting the workpiece with a hammer).

18. To lift and move short and heavy workpieces manually to the anvil, use self-clamping (blank) pliers with spread shanks. These operations should be carried out only by two people; the feed to the anvil should be carried out at the command of the elder.

19. When striking, keep the handles of the instrument only at the side of you, and not in front of you, so that there is no “recoil” from blows to the stomach or chest. Select pliers for holding forgings by size so that when gripping the forgings, the gap between the plier handles is at least 45 mm.

20. Apply blows only to the forging area, do not allow blows to pliers, tool handles, etc.

21. Do not allow idle blows with a sledgehammer on the anvil; the end of forging is done with the command “stop”, and not by removing the forging from the anvil. The assistant should carry out the command “hit” only when the blacksmith gives it. The “stop” command must be carried out immediately, no matter who it comes from.

22. Apply any tool to a forging or change its position only after warning the assistant.

23. When chopping metal, place the ax or blacksmith chisel strictly vertically (at the initial moment).

24. Place the workpiece only in the middle of the anvil and so that it fits snugly against it.

25. Make the first blows when forging and the last blows when chopping weak. Before the last blow when chopping, turn the forging 180° and place the cut place on the edge of the anvil.

26. Before delivering the first blow with a sledgehammer, make sure that no one will be hit by it when swinging. Strike directly with all strikers.

27. When driving wedges into the handles of sledgehammers and hammers, hold the wedge with pliers and not with your hand.

28. When repairing chains, making hooks and rings for them, use certified material.

29. Stay at a safe distance from the lifted load (in case it falls).

30. Do not take used tools with unprotected hands and do not touch metal (blanks, forgings, stumps) without first checking its temperature.

31. Do not feed workpieces from the furnace to the anvil or move workpieces (forgings) from place to place by throwing them, as this leads to injury.

32. Place blanks, waste, forgings in containers, on racks and in stacks, without violating the established loading standards and dimensions of aisles and passages.

33. Lifting and moving heavy objects manually for 1 person:

for men over 18 years old - up to 50 kg, if this work is not permanent, but not more than 7000 kgm per shift.


34. The blacksmith must immediately inform the administration of the enterprise about every accident of which he was an eyewitness, and provide first aid to the victim. first aid, call a doctor or help transport the victim to a health center or the nearest medical facility.

If an accident occurs to the blacksmith himself, he should, if possible, go to the health center, report the incident to the enterprise administration, or ask someone around him to do this.


35. Stop the operation of heating devices and equipment by turning them off in the prescribed manner.

36. Turn off the ventilation.

37. Tidy up workplace, placing waste and forgings in designated areas, clearing the anvil and adjacent areas of the floor from scale.

38. Wipe the working tools with a rag (rags) and place them carefully in the designated places on racks, shelves, and cabinets.

39. Remove, clean and place protective clothing and other personal protective equipment in designated places.

40. Take a shower with soap.

41. Promptly hand over workwear and other personal protective equipment for washing (repair) or replace them with new ones.

42. Report all noticed problems and possible violations of labor protection to the foreman (foreman).



1. A hand-forged blacksmith belongs to the category of workers.

2. A person who has undergone special training and has at least 1 year of experience in the specialty is appointed to the position of hand-forged blacksmith.

3. Appointment to the position of hand-forged blacksmith and dismissal from it are made by order General Director enterprises.

4. A hand-forged blacksmith must know:

Construction of serviced hammers, presses, heating furnaces, forges and blowers;

The procedure for establishing the sequence of transitions for forging complex parts, technical specifications metal forging;

Methods for calculating the mass of forging metal, forging properties of various metals and their changes during the forging process;

Rules for using devices for determining heating temperature;

Rules for preparing equipment and devices for work, processing allowances and tolerances for forgings, forging properties of metals;

Fundamentals of labor legislation;

Labor safety rules and regulations;

Safety regulations;

Industrial sanitation rules;

Fire protection rules;

This job description;

Internal rules labor regulations for employees;

Collective agreement;

Regulations on remuneration.

5. The hand forging blacksmith reports directly to the head of the mechanical repair department.


The responsibilities of a hand-forged blacksmith include:

1. Hand forging according to sketches, templates and samples of parts of medium complexity with a fine surface finish and precise adherence to dimensions.

2. Bending, pulling, flanging and landing of medium complexity products of various configurations from sheet and round metal according to drawings and templates.

3. Straightening of stamped parts made of sheet metal without a collar in a hot and cold state, checking against drawings and a template.

4. Manufacturing of tools necessary for blacksmithing.

5. Forging of simple and medium-complexity parts using hammers.

6. Heating up the furnace, feeding, loading and unloading, heating blanks of carbon, low-carbon steels and non-ferrous metals for forging.

7. Control of lifting and transport equipment from the floor.

8. Slinging loads for lifting and moving.


A hand forged blacksmith has the right:

3.1. The right to a safe workplace.

3.2. The right to sanitary, household and medical and preventive services.

3.3. The right to adherence to work and rest schedules.

3.4. The right to self-defense of your labor rights.

3.5. Make proposals to management aimed at improving the safety and accident-free operation of forging equipment, as well as on any other issues related to the implementation of these Instructions.


A hand forged blacksmith is responsible for:

1. For improper performance or non-fulfillment of your job responsibilities provided for by this job description - within the limits determined by the current labor legislation Ukraine.

2. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of Ukraine.

3. For causing material damage- within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of Ukraine.

Added to the site:


labor protection for a blacksmith


1.1. TO independent work metal forging is open to persons over 18 years of age who have the appropriate qualifications, who have received introductory and initial on-the-job training and training in safe working methods.

1.2. A blacksmith who has not undergone timely re-instruction on labor safety (at least once every 3 months) and an annual test of knowledge on labor safety should not start work.

1.3. When starting a job, a blacksmith must pass preliminary medical examination, and subsequently periodic medical examinations.

1.4. The blacksmith is obliged to comply with the internal labor regulations established at the enterprise.

1.5. A blacksmith's working hours should not exceed 40 hours per week. Duration daily work(shift) is determined by internal labor regulations or shift schedule.

1.6. The most dangerous and harmful production factors affecting a blacksmith during work are:

Equipment, tools and devices (faulty equipment, tools and devices, lack of protective and safety equipment can lead to injuries);

Gases (carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide can cause poisoning);

Hot metal (hot metal fragments falling on the body cause burns);

Excess heat (heat from heated and molten metal causes the body to overheat and can cause heat stroke);

Increased noise level.

1.7. It is prohibited to use tools, devices, equipment that the blacksmith has not been trained or instructed to use.

1.8. The blacksmith must work in special clothing, special shoes and, if necessary, use other personal protective equipment.

1.9. In accordance with Standard Industry Codes free issuance special clothing, special shoes and other personal protective equipment are issued to the blacksmith:

Cotton suit with fire retardant impregnation;

Leather boots with a smooth top and a metal toe;

Canvas mittens;

Safety glasses.

1.10. The blacksmith must follow fire safety rules and be able to use fire extinguishing equipment.

1.11. A blacksmith must be attentive while working and not be distracted by extraneous matters or conversations.

1.12. The blacksmith must report noticeable violations of labor safety requirements at his workplace, as well as malfunctions of equipment, devices, tools and personal protective equipment to his immediate supervisor and not begin work until these violations and malfunctions are eliminated.

1.13. The blacksmith must observe the rules of personal hygiene. Before eating and smoking, you should wash your hands with soap. For drinking, use sparkling salted water (containing up to 5 g table salt per 1 liter of water) at the rate of 3-5 liters of water per worker per shift.


2.1. Put on personal protective equipment and fasten the cuffs of the suit sleeves.

2.2. Inspect and prepare your workplace, remove all unnecessary items without blocking the aisles.

2.3. Check the availability and serviceability of equipment, devices, as well as the serviceability of working tools:

The heads of sledgehammers and hammers must have a slightly convex surface, without gouges and cracks, not oblique and unbroken, without hardening;

The handles of sledgehammers and hammers must be oval in shape and made of hard and tough wood, fitted tightly, strictly perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the tool and wedged with roughened metal wedges;

The pliers for holding the processed forgings must be made of soft steel that does not accept hardening;

Chisels, crimpers, smoothers, bits and other impact-receiving tools should not have cracks, oblique, knocked-down heads or hardening;

The anvil is checked with hammer blows, and the sound should be loud and clear;

The working surface of the anvil must be horizontal.

2.4. Work only with working tools and devices and on working equipment.

2.5. Eliminate any malfunctions of the instrument yourself; if it is impossible to do this, put it aside for discarding.

2.6. Check the availability of fire extinguishing means at the workplace and, if they are not available, report this to your immediate supervisor.

2.7. Lower the umbrella flaps and light the forge. Turn on local suction and general ventilation. After the coal flares up, raise the shields and strengthen them.

2.8. Warm up blacksmith tool(pliers, smoothers, etc.).

2.9. Heat the hammer strikers with a piece of hot metal by pressing it between the upper and lower strikers.

2.10. Bleed the hammer head by slowly putting it into action (in steam and steam-air hammers with the purge valves open).

2.11. Check the operation of the equipment and the interaction of all its mechanisms at idle speed, the serviceability of guards (locking), safety, starting and braking devices and electrical equipment.

2.12. When servicing the gas furnace, follow the operating rules, observing the following requirements:

When igniting the forge, first bring the lit torch to the mouth of the burner, and then slowly apply gas, after ignition, also slowly apply air;

When stopping the forge, first turn off the gas supply to the burner, and then the air.

2.13. If there are lifting mechanisms, make sure that they are in full working order and check for the presence of stencils on them indicating the registration number, lifting capacity, date of subsequent testing (inspection), and on removable lifting devices - the presence of tags certifying their lifting capacity (weight of the load being lifted).

2.14. Check the presence of clean water in the tool cooling tank.


3.1. Wear safety glasses when performing forging or cutting metal work.

3.2. When forge welding, when the workpieces are heated to white heat, use glasses with blue or smoky lenses.

3.3. Before forging, clean the heated metal from scale with a wire brush or scraper.

3.4. Handle workpieces only with pliers. Remember that the cooling workpiece and the cold one have the same color

3.5. Select pliers for holding the processed forgings according to size so that when gripping the forgings, the gap between the plier handles is at least 45 mm. The shape of the pliers jaws must correspond to the profile of the forging being processed.

3.6. To firmly hold the workpieces being processed, put clamping rings (spreads) on the handles of the pliers. Cool hand tools that become excessively hot periodically in a tank of water.

3.7. Remember that a forging cooled below 800 °C has a cherry-red color and is prohibited from forging.

3.8. Place hot forgings and scraps of metal away from the workplace in iron boxes. It is prohibited to accumulate them in the workplace.

3.9. When processing heavy forgings, use special lifting mechanisms.

3.10. When pulling heavy workpieces out of the furnace (forge), do not balance the lever with the weight of your body.

3.11. Know that you cannot place random pads under the workpiece instead of the special ones provided by the technology.

3.12. When applying a tool to a forging and changing its position, warn your assistant about this. Use a hammer to show the impact location. Do not allow your assistant to turn against you. Always stand on the left yourself so that a accidentally falling sledgehammer cannot strike.

3.13. While working, periodically warm up the forging tools (pincers, smoothers, bits, crimpers, etc.).

3.14. When working on an anvil, keep the handle of the tool to the side of you so that there is no recoil from blows to the stomach or chest.

3.15. Repair of removed automobile frames should be carried out after installing them on special stands. It is prohibited to repair frames mounted on ribs without secure fastening or suspended on lifting mechanisms. Car frames should only be moved or turned over using lifting mechanisms.

3.16. Place the workpiece only in the middle of the anvil, and so that the workpiece fits tightly to the anvil.

3.17. When chopping metal, place the ax or blacksmith chisel strictly vertically, and install portable shields in the direction where the chopped pieces of metal can fly off.

3.18. Make the first blows when forging and the last blows when chopping weak. Before the last blow when chopping, turn the forging 180° and place the cut place on the edge of the anvil.

3.19. When feeding forgings from the forge to the anvil, do not throw them.

3.20. The assistant should carry out the command “hit” only when the blacksmith gives it. Strike exactly as commanded and only at the location indicated by the blacksmith. If the command is not clear, stop working immediately. Work must be stopped by the “stop” command, no matter who it comes from.

3.21. When working with a sledgehammer, make sure that there are no people nearby.

3.22. At the beginning of forging, first place the hammer striker on the forging at a low speed to ensure complete contact of the forging with the surface of the lower striker.

3.23. When upsetting or leveling the oblique ends of the workpiece, position it so that the tilt is only to the right or left, and not toward or away from you.

3.24. When carrying out preventive and repair work, stop the hammer (press), turn off the drive (turn off the steam and air supply valve), fix the starting lever (pedal), the hammer head (press cross-beam), lower it to the lowest position or on a special stand. Do the same during breaks at work.

3.25. Bending of strip material or production of spring ears is carried out on special stands equipped with clamping screws for securing the strip.

3.26. Only cut off heated leaf springs.

3.27. The springs should be straightened using a special installation, which must have a limit switch for reversing the electric motor.

3.28. Straightening of springs manually, as an exception, should be done in a specially designated area using necessary equipment and protective devices.

3.29. Place spring sheets, springs and suspension brackets on racks in a horizontal position.

3.30. Do not hold the spring leaf with your hands while moving it in the straightening machine.

3.31. When working on a sharpening machine, stand to the side and not against the rotating abrasive wheel, and you must use a protective shield or glasses. The gap between the tool rest and the abrasive wheel should not exceed 3 mm.

3.32. The blacksmith is prohibited from:

Stand against the end of the forging being cut off;

Chopping (breaking) metal in a cold state under a hammer;

Forge metal on a wet or oily anvil;

Place the workpiece under the edge of the hammer head; allow idle impacts of the upper hammer striker on the lower one;

Insert your hand into the striker stroke area and place the forging with your hands;

Allow the workpiece to tilt toward itself or away from itself during forging (upsetting);

Carry out inspection, cleaning, lubrication, descaling, with the equipment turned on;

Handle workpieces and parts without proper tools;

Place long parts (springs, cushions, spring leaves, shafts, etc.) vertically, leaning against a wall or equipment;

Operate a spring straightening machine that does not have a limit switch for reversing the electric motor.


4.1. The blacksmith must immediately report each accident to the employer, and provide first aid to the victim, if necessary, call an ambulance by calling 103, and help transport the victim to the nearest medical facility.

4.2. In the event of a fire, you should immediately notify the employer, call the fire brigade by calling 101 and take measures to eliminate the source of the fire.


5.1. Turn off the forge, turn off the hammer and ventilation.

5.2. Remove the finished parts to the designated place, place the blanks on racks or in boxes.

5.3. Put the work area in order, clean the strikers, anvil, and adjacent areas of the floor from scraps, stumps, scale, and dirt.

5.4. Clean the working tools and accessories with a rag and put them in the designated place. Submit the faulty tool for repair.

5.5. Remove personal protective equipment and put it in the place intended for it.

5.6. Wash your hands and face with soap and take a shower.

5.7. Notify your immediate supervisor of any deficiencies discovered during work.

These labor safety instructions have been developed specifically for hand-forged blacksmiths.


1.1. Persons at least 18 years of age who have undergone appropriate training or have practical skills in this specialty and have mastered safe working techniques are allowed to work as a hand-forged blacksmith (hereinafter referred to as a blacksmith).
1.2. Before being allowed to work independently, a blacksmith must pass a mandatory preliminary (upon entering the job), and then periodic (during labor activity) medical examinations(examinations) for recognition as fit to perform work in the manner established by the Ministry of Health of Russia, induction training on labor protection, industrial sanitation and fire safety, initial instruction on labor protection directly at the workplace with subsequent registration admission. Repeated training on labor safety is carried out for the blacksmith at least once every three months.
1.3. In addition to instruction, no later than 1 month from the date of admission to the staff, the blacksmith must be trained in safe methods and techniques of work. After training, and then annually, the blacksmith undergoes a test of knowledge of the specified methods and techniques of work in a commission chaired by the chief engineer. Knowledge testing is documented.
1.4. The blacksmith is obliged:
— comply with the requirements of this instruction and instructions on fire safety measures;
— comply with internal labor regulations, remember personal responsibility for compliance with labor safety rules;
- know the operating principle and design of the equipment, tools used, and work technology;
— use the issued protective clothing, safety footwear and other personal protective equipment;
— be able to competently provide first aid to a victim in an accident;
— know the location of first aid equipment for victims, primary fire extinguishing equipment, evacuation routes in the event of an accident, natural disaster or fire;
- do not show up at work and do not start work while intoxicated, and do not bring alcohol with you or drink alcoholic beverages at the workplace;
— take measures to eliminate violations of labor safety rules, immediately report these violations to the work manager;
— observe the work and rest schedule;
- perform only the work for which you have been instructed and authorized by the responsible workshop manager;
— do not follow orders if they contradict labor safety rules;
— do not allow unauthorized persons to be present at the workplace;
- keep the workplace clean and tidy during the working day;
— use equipment and mechanisms for their intended purpose during work, in accordance with the instructions of the manufacturers;
- do not turn on or stop (except in emergency cases) machines and mechanisms, the work of which is not authorized by the workshop management;
— be careful while working and avoid violating labor safety requirements.
1.5. A blacksmith may be exposed to the following hazardous and harmful production factors, including:
— equipment, tools and devices;
- hot metal;
— increased air temperature in the working area;
— insufficient illumination of the working area;
— increased noise levels;
- gases;
— falling objects;
- fire and explosion hazards, etc.
1.6. To reduce exposure to hazardous and harmful production factors the blacksmith must be provided special clothing and shoes in accordance with the Standards: a cotton suit with fire retardant impregnation - for 12 months, leather boots - 1 pair for 12 months, a canvas apron with a bib - 2 pcs. for 12 months, canvas mittens - 12 pairs for 12 months, jacket with insulating lining - for 30 months, combined mittens - 12 pairs for 12 months, as well as other personal protective equipment (helmet, safety glasses, noise-protection headphones and etc.); necessary working hand and power tools; first aid kit; other conditions necessary to comply with the requirements of these instructions.
1.7. If there is a fire danger, immediately inform management, and if necessary, call the fire brigade by calling 101 and take all necessary measures to eliminate fires, salvage materials, equipment and other valuable property.
1.8. In the event of an accident, provide first aid to the victim, call an ambulance by calling 103, immediately report the incident to the workshop administration and take measures to preserve the situation to investigate the circumstances in which the accident occurred, unless this threatens the life and health of others and does not lead to accidents.
1.9. The blacksmith is obliged to immediately notify his immediate or superior work manager about any situation that threatens the lives of people, about every accident that occurs at work, or about a deterioration in his health, incl. appearance of acute occupational disease(poisoning).
1.10. For drinking, use only water and carbonators, drinking fountains or drinking tanks.
1.11. You should eat food in specially equipped rooms.
1.12. When moving around the plant territory, the blacksmith is obliged to:
- walk only on pedestrian paths and sidewalks;
— be attentive to moving vehicles;
— when leaving the building, make sure that there is no traffic moving nearby;
- enter production buildings and premises only through places specially equipped for this purpose. DO NOT use technological gates;
— cross railway tracks only in designated places;
— do not crawl under railway cars standing on the tracks;
— be attentive to potholes and ice on the roads and avoid them.
1.13. To enter and exit the plant territory, use equipped stationary checkpoints (checkpoints). It is prohibited to climb over the fence or holes in it.
1.14. The blacksmith, while on the territory of the plant workshops, must comply with the following requirements:
- walk only along designated passages and walkways;
- do not sit or lean on random objects and fences;
- do not go up or down flights of stairs;
— do not be in the area of ​​operation of lifting machines and stand under the load;
— do not look at the electric welding arc without protective equipment;
— do not touch electrical wires and cables;
— pay attention to safety signs and comply with their requirements.
1.15. For violation of the requirements of this labor protection instruction, the blacksmith bears disciplinary, administrative and financial liability, and in some cases - criminal liability in the manner established by law Russian Federation depending on the severity of the consequences.


2.1. Inspect and put on overalls, safety shoes and other personal protective equipment of the established type (depending on the conditions and nature of the work performed). Button or tie the cuffs of the sleeves, tuck in the clothes so that there are no flapping ends, and tuck the hair under a tight-fitting headdress. The jacket should cover the waistband of the trousers, and the trousers should cover the top of the boots. Do not work without gloves or a canvas apron, do not pin your clothes with pins or needles, and do not keep sharp, breakable objects in your clothing pockets.
2.2. Receive a task to complete the work from the work manager.
2.3. Check your workplace:
— serviceability of equipment (anvils, heating devices, air ducts, etc.), take measures to eliminate noticed deficiencies. The anvil must be securely mounted on a wooden stand, reinforced with an iron hoop, and stand stably with its working surface (platband) in a horizontal position;
— dimensions of approaches and passages to the workplace. Remove from under your feet anything that may interfere with the work or create additional danger;
— install the shields required during operation (on the side of passages and in other places) to protect others from possible damage from flying scale or metal particles, as well as screens from the harmful thermal effects of heating devices;
— check the presence of clean water in the tool cooling tank;
— clean the working surface of the anvil from scale, oil, water or other possible contaminants, wipe wet or oily tools with a rag;
— check the serviceability and efficiency of local exhaust ventilation;
— sufficiency of illumination of the workplace (illumination should be sufficient, but the light should not blind the eyes);
- the serviceability of the tools and devices necessary for work and arrange them in a convenient order for work;
- test the anvil for sound by hitting it with a hammer; if it is intact, the blow of the hammer makes a ringing and clear sound.
2.4. When igniting an open forge, first lower the shields (folding) of the umbrella, ignite the forge, turn on the local suction and general ventilation. When the coal flares up, raise the umbrella shields and securely secure them in the non-working position.
2.5. Keep the floor in the workplace level and dry (non-slip), clean it in a timely manner and do not clutter it with workpieces, waste and other items.
2.6. In case of incomplete provision of protective equipment or their absence, as well as in case of failure to provide safe conditions completion of work, the blacksmith is prohibited from starting the task until he is fully provided with protective equipment and ensures safe and healthy working conditions.
2.7. Detected violations of safety requirements must be eliminated before work begins.


3.1. The blacksmith is obliged to correctly use the personal protective equipment issued to him during work. When working, be sure to use safety glasses with safety glasses.
3.2. While working, you must be attentive and careful, not be distracted by extraneous matters and conversations, and not distract others from work. Do not allow persons unrelated to the work performed to enter the workplace.
3.3. Maintain labor and technological discipline, refrain from actions that interfere with other workers’ ability to perform them job responsibilities, help eliminate the causes that interfere with normal operation.
3.4. Maintain order in your workplace, clear it of garbage and production waste.
3.5. The blacksmith must perform only the work that is entrusted to him by the work manager.
3.6. To protect against the harmful effects of thermal radiation, correctly use the available protective equipment of heating devices, turn them on in a timely manner and monitor their proper operation.
3.7. Observe the temperature range for forging blanks established by the technological documentation. Forging metal that has been burned or cooled below 800 0C is prohibited, as it can cause accidents.
3.8. Tools that are subject to impact should be warmed up before use, and tools that become very hot during operation should be cooled in a tank of clean water and then dried.
3.9. Remove scale and debris from the anvil using special means - brushes or scrapers. It is allowed to use an air blower to remove scale from the anvil only when the scale is collected in a special container through a sealed air duct.
3.10. Place the workpiece on the anvil so that it fits snugly against it (check this by lightly hitting the workpiece with a hammer).
3.11. To lift and move short and heavy workpieces manually to the anvil, use self-clamping (blank) pliers with spread shanks. These operations should be carried out only by two people; the feed to the anvil should be carried out at the command of the elder.
3.12. When striking, keep the handles of the instrument only to the side of you, and not in front of you, so that there is no “recoil” from blows to the stomach or chest. Select pliers for holding forgings by size so that when gripping the forgings, the gap between the plier handles is at least 45 mm.
3.13. Apply blows only to the forging area, do not allow blows to pliers, tool handles, etc.
3.14. Do not allow idle blows with a sledgehammer on the anvil; the end of forging is done with the command “stop”, and not by removing the forging from the anvil. The assistant should carry out the command “hit” only when the blacksmith gives it. Follow the “stop” command immediately, no matter who it comes from.
3.15. Apply any tool to a forging or change its position only after warning the assistant.
3.16. When chopping metal, place the ax or blacksmith chisel strictly vertically (at the initial moment).
3.17. Place the workpiece only in the middle of the anvil and so that it fits snugly against it.
3.18. Make the first blows when forging and the last blows when chopping weak. Before the last blow when chopping, turn the forging over 1800 and place the cut place on the edge of the anvil.
3.19. Before striking the first blow with a sledgehammer, make sure that no one will be hit by it when swinging. Strike directly with all strikers.
3.20. When driving wedges into the handles of sledgehammers and hammers, hold the wedge with pliers and not with your hand.
3.21. When repairing chains, making hooks and rings for them, use certified material.
3.22. Stay at a safe distance from the lifted load (in case it falls).
3.23. Do not take used tools with unprotected hands and do not touch metal (blanks, forgings, stumps) without first checking its temperature.
3.24. Do not feed workpieces from the furnace to the anvil or move workpieces (forgings) from place to place by throwing them, as this leads to injury.
3.25. Place blanks, waste, forgings in containers, on racks and in stacks, without violating the established loading standards and dimensions of aisles and driveways.


4.1. In the event of a fire, you must immediately disconnect the equipment from the power supply, report the incident to management and begin to eliminate the source of the fire. If necessary, call the fire brigade by calling 101.
4.2. In the event of an emergency, a danger to your health or the health of others, you should immediately stop work, turn off the power, fence off the dangerous area, leave the dangerous area and keep unauthorized persons away. Report the danger to your immediate supervisor.
4.3. In all cases, it is necessary to follow the instructions of the head of the work to eliminate the consequences of the accident.
4.4. In the event of an accident, provide first aid to the victim, immediately report the incident to management and take measures to preserve the situation to investigate the circumstances under which the accident occurred, unless this threatens the life and health of others and does not lead to an accident. If necessary, call an ambulance by calling 103.
4.5. First aid for injury.
— To provide first aid for a wound, you must open the individual package, apply a sterile dressing that is placed on the wound, and tie it with a bandage.
— If somehow there is no individual package, then for bandaging you need to use a clean handkerchief, a clean linen rag, etc. It is advisable to drip a few drops of iodine tincture onto a rag that is applied directly to the wound to get a spot larger than the wound, then apply the rag to the wound. It is especially important to use iodine tincture in this manner on contaminated wounds.
4.6. First aid for fractures, dislocations, impacts.
— In case of fractures and dislocations of the limbs, it is necessary to strengthen the damaged limb with a splint, plywood plate, stick, cardboard or other similar object. The injured arm can also be suspended with a sling or scarf around the neck and bandaged to the body.
— In case of a skull fracture (unconsciousness after a blow to the head, bleeding from the ears or mouth), it is necessary to apply a cold object to the head (a heating pad with ice, snow or cold water) or make a cold lotion.
— If a spinal fracture is suspected, it is necessary to place the victim on a board without lifting him, turn the victim on his stomach, face down, while making sure that the torso does not bend in order to avoid damage to the spinal cord.
— If the ribs are fractured, a sign of which is pain when breathing, coughing, sneezing, or moving, it is necessary to tightly bandage the chest or pull them together with a towel while exhaling.
4.7. First aid for thermal burns.
— In case of burns by fire, steam, or hot objects, in no case should you open the resulting blisters and bandage the burns.
— For first-degree burns (redness), the burned area is treated with cotton wool moistened with ethyl alcohol.
— For second-degree burns (blisters), the burned area is treated with ethyl alcohol or a 3% manganese solution.
— For third-degree burns (destruction of skin tissue), cover the wound with a sterile bandage and call a doctor.
4.8. First aid for bleeding.
- In order to stop bleeding you need to:
- Raise the wounded limb upward.
- Cover the wound with dressing material (from a bag), folded into a ball, press it on top, without touching the wound itself, hold for 4-5 minutes. If the bleeding has stopped, without removing the applied material, place another pad from another bag or a piece of cotton wool on top of it and bandage the wounded area (with some pressure).
- In case of severe bleeding that cannot be stopped with a bandage, compression of the blood vessels that supply the wounded area is used by bending the limb at the joints, as well as with fingers, a tourniquet or a clamp. In case of severe bleeding, you should urgently call a doctor.
4.9. First aid for electric shock.
— In case of electric shock, it is necessary to immediately free the victim from the action of electric current by disconnecting the electrical installation from the power source, and if it is impossible to disconnect, pull him away from the conductive parts by clothing or using available insulating material.
- If the victim has no breathing or pulse, it is necessary to give him artificial respiration and indirect (external) heart massage, paying attention to the pupils. Dilated pupils indicate a sharp deterioration in blood circulation to the brain. In this condition, revival must begin immediately, and then call an ambulance medical care.


5.1. Stop the operation of heating devices and equipment by turning them off in the prescribed manner.
5.2. Turn off the ventilation.
5.3. Clean up the work area by placing waste and forgings in designated areas, clearing the hammer and adjacent areas of the floor from scale.
5.4. Wipe the working tools with a rag (rags) and place them neatly in the designated places on racks, shelves, and cabinets.
5.5. To avoid spontaneous combustion of oiled rags and rags, they must be collected in a special metal box.
5.6. Report to the work manager about all shortcomings that occurred during work.
5.7. Take off overalls, safety shoes and other personal protective equipment and put them in a specially designated storage area.
5.8. Wash your face and hands with warm water and soap or take a shower.

Thanks to Vitaly for these instructions! =)

\Typical job description Hand-forged blacksmith of the 3rd category

Job description for hand-forged blacksmith, 3rd category

Job title: Hand-forged blacksmith 3rd rank
Subdivision: _________________________

1. General Provisions:

  • A hand-forged blacksmith of the 3rd category reports directly...................
  • A hand-forged blacksmith of the 3rd category follows instructions.................................................... ..........

  • (the instructions of these employees are followed only if they do not contradict the instructions of the immediate supervisor).


  • Hand-forged blacksmith of the 3rd category replaces.................................................... .......................................
  • Replaces a hand-forged blacksmith of the 3rd category..................................... ....................................
  • Hiring and dismissal:
    A hand-forged blacksmith is appointed and dismissed by the head of the department in agreement with the head of the department.

2. Qualification requirements:
    Must know:
  • blower installations
  • forging properties of base metals
  • methods of bending various spring sheets made of steel of various grades
  • rules and techniques of forge welding, dimensions of processing allowances and tolerances for forgings
  • elementary methods for calculating the mass of material required for the simplest forgings
  • heating mode and forging temperature of steel of various grades
  • techniques and sequence of forging transitions
  • horse shoeing rules
  • types of horseshoes
  • purpose and conditions of use of control and measuring instruments.
3. Job responsibilities:
  • Hand forging according to sketches, templates and samples of parts of medium complexity with fine surface finishing and precise adherence to dimensions.
  • Bending, pulling, flanging and planting of medium complexity products of various configurations from sheet metal with a thickness of 5 to 8 mm according to drawings and templates.
  • Hot fitting of spring clamps onto springs with up to 10 sheets in a set, with straightening and checking with a square.
  • Straightening of stamped sheet metal parts without necks in a hot and cold state, checking against drawings and a template.
  • Making tools necessary for blacksmithing.
  • Working as a helper with a blacksmith for more than highly qualified when forging complex parts with fine surface finishing, as well as when bending spring sheets.
page 1 Job description Hand-forged blacksmith
page 2 Job description Hand-forged blacksmith

4. Rights

  • A hand-forged blacksmith has the right to give instructions and tasks to his subordinate employees on a range of issues included in his functional responsibilities.
  • A hand-forged blacksmith has the right to control the implementation of production tasks and the timely execution of individual orders by employees subordinate to him.
  • A hand forged blacksmith has the right to request and receive necessary materials and documents related to his activities and the activities of his subordinate employees.
  • A hand-forged blacksmith has the right to interact with other services of the enterprise on production and other issues included in his functional responsibilities.
  • A hand-forged blacksmith has the right to get acquainted with draft decisions of the enterprise management concerning the activities of the Division.
  • A hand-forged blacksmith has the right to submit proposals for the manager’s consideration to improve work related to the responsibilities provided for in this Job Description.
  • A hand-forged blacksmith has the right to submit for consideration to the manager proposals on encouraging distinguished workers and imposing penalties on violators of production and labor discipline.
  • A hand-forged blacksmith has the right to report to the manager about all identified violations and shortcomings in connection with the work performed.
5. Responsibility
  • A hand-forged blacksmith is responsible for improper performance or failure to fulfill his job duties as provided for in this job description - within the limits determined by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.
  • A hand forging blacksmith is responsible for violating the rules and regulations governing the business.
  • When transferring to another job or being released from a position, the Hand Forging Blacksmith is responsible for the proper and timely delivery of work to the person taking up the current position, and in the absence of one, to the person replacing him or directly to his supervisor.
  • A hand-forged blacksmith is responsible for offenses committed in the course of his activities, within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.
  • A hand-forged blacksmith is responsible for causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.
  • The hand forging blacksmith is responsible for compliance with applicable instructions, orders and regulations for maintaining trade secrets and confidential information.
  • The hand forging blacksmith is responsible for compliance with internal regulations, safety and fire safety rules.
This job description has been developed in accordance with (name, number and date of document)

Head of structural