Essay on the topic of my group in the future. “My future. Essay-reflection “My future”

High school students - students in grades 10-11 - took part in the regional competition under this name, because they are closest to the election procedure - it won’t be long before they become young voters.
The commission summed up the results of the submitted essays. The first place was unanimously given to Alina Ovchinnikova, a 10th grade student at school No. 1. She will be awarded a Diploma and a souvenir with election symbols, which will be presented to her on Young Voter Day. To be precise, it will not even be a day, but a whole month (from February 18 to March 17), when a lot of interesting, necessary and smart events related to young voters will take place. And Alina’s work will represent the district at regional competition. Here she is.

In life, a person always has to choose: friends, profession, life partner, etc. It is very difficult to choose one’s destiny, but it is even more difficult to choose when we're talking about about the fate of an entire state.
Probably every adult has wondered: is it worth taking part in elections, is it obligatory? Some believe that it is their civic duty and go to the polls. Unfortunately, not everyone realizes the responsibility for their future, for the future of their country, and does not consider it necessary to go to vote. As a result, electoral activity becomes lower, and the number of those dissatisfied with their life and the political situation in the country is growing.
What are elections? In the broadest sense of the word, choice is a preference for something or someone. Throughout life we ​​make our choices, for example: which color do you like best? In addition, there are also political elections in which you can vote from the age of 18, and be elected from the age of 21. We can choose a president or a political party. Nowadays there are many different political parties. They are divided according to their social base, according to internal organization, in relation to social reality, by place in the party spectrum, by organizational structure, by participation in political power, by ideology.
We decide which party to vote for. We go to the polls because it is our civic duty, we ourselves choose the political future of our country. Realizing this, we make our choice. But some approach elections irresponsibly and think that there is no need to go to vote, but in vain! After all, when we go to the polls, then, firstly, we exercise our political rights (to vote and be elected), secondly, we need to go to the polls in order to avoid various frauds and frauds, thirdly, elections help us realize that the voter is part of the state.
Many do not go to the polls because they think: “Why should I go to the polls if everything has already been decided for us and the candidates will not fulfill their promises?” O. Bismarck said: “They never lie so much as during the war, after the hunt and before the elections.” I consider this opinion to be erroneous, because you must vote in order for your name to be on the list of voters. Let me explain why: if you didn’t go to the polls, then there is one “extra vote” left, which allows fraudsters to falsify the results. It is in this case that it turns out that “everything is decided for us.” To prevent this from happening, let's go to the polls!
Each candidate has his own election program. With the help of this program, the candidate conveys to us a plan of what he will do if he is elected. Therefore, there is another reason to go to the polls. I liked the candidate’s action plan - I’ll choose him. Someone will ask: “What happens if I don’t like any of the candidates?” In this case, you still need to go to the polls and vote against everyone in order to avoid what is indicated above.
What needs to be done so that as many people as possible go to the polls?
It seems to me, firstly, it is necessary to conduct more propaganda and educational work with young voters and with existing voters, regardless of whether elections are coming up in the near future or not. At school we are taught about political culture, they talk about the importance of elections, that it is necessary to have our own civic position. Various competitions of posters, slogans, and booklets promoting active participation in elections and in the fate of their country are held among students.
Secondly, already from the youngest school age Elections should be held with future voters (even if only for school self-government bodies for now), and the entire election procedure should take place in the same order as in real elections.
Several years ago, our school held elections for the chairman of the school student organization “Scarlet Sails”. Each candidate had his own election program, which any student could familiarize himself with. Then the guys cast their votes for their favorite candidate. Everything went as if it were a real election. I was present at the election commission and saw how seriously the students took their choice.
To summarize, I would like to say that it is imperative to participate in the elections. After all, this is the realization of our political rights, this fosters a sense of patriotism in every person, a feeling that a person is part of the state. When I turn 18, I will be able to take part in the elections. I'm sure I'll definitely go vote!
A. Ovchinnikova,
10th grade student
school number 1.

I am only 16 years old and I already understand that in the future a lot can depend on my voice. For me, this day was considered special, since a new life began from the next day. Music was playing everywhere, there were a lot of people everywhere. My parents cast their vote for a candidate, but I never understood how important this is. And now, in my opinion, every person, voting for one or another candidate in elections, makes a choice not only for the future candidate, but also a choice for his own future. Why? The answer is simple. After all, elections are an integral part of the existence of any state. Except for the Monarchy. Not always ordinary people they can simply go ahead and express their opinion on the political situation in the country, and elections provide such an opportunity. Elections are also a way to show confidence in a candidate or political party. When holding elections, it is decided important question associated with power. Depending on what citizens want - reforms or the continued existence of a stable society without significant changes - the future government will be formed. Definitely, not only the personal future, but also the future of the family, city, region and country depends on our choice. Who will govern our country depends on the outcome of the vote, and for this you need to know information about each of the candidates. It is the president who must lead the country forward, develop it, improve the well-being of the city and the people. After all, in many ways our lives depend on his actions, and since the main population of the country is ordinary people, it is in the interests of the people that the elected president or deputy should act. And only thanks to the modern electoral system can people choose a person they can trust. I believe that the development and stability of our country directly depends on the activity of each of us. Somewhere I read: “Every living creature in the Universe has its own river, that is, its own destiny, life. It flows in the direction you want...” and also: “You know, the depth of our river is constantly changing. It depends depends on how you live, what decisions you make, because everyone chooses their own course!” There is a deep meaning in these words! We, voters, cast our votes with full confidence in those on whom the future of our country and society as a whole depends in the coming years. We must approach this issue with full responsibility. We must study all the candidates and their election campaigns. And if all the people of the country do not go to the polls, then there will be no people who can govern the state. We live in a democratic state where elections are the main core of democracy. Elections are one of major events in the life of the state: by voting for a certain candidate, people vote for their hopes. We, future school graduates, are future voters. And in order for the young voter to do right choice, it is necessary to educate young people. I am sure that Everyone must approach this event responsibly and consciously; we must not think that our votes do not decide anything, because choosing or being elected to government bodies is our basic political right, for which our ancestors fought. If we want the state to respect its citizens, then we must respect the state of which we are citizens. Based on this, I want to say that this form of game has been carried out here for several years, and this gives me the right to say that I know about elections first-hand. The more such simulated situations there are, the easier it is for us, future voters, to understand and vote correctly. Much depends on us, young and future voters, namely our future! And we must make it as bright as possible for future generations. Elections are a responsibility for the future! I am a future voter!

Cool! 2

There are people in my life who ask if I have thought about the meaning of life, about my future and about spiritual things that embody all the bright things that children's fairy tales teach us. My answer always remains the same. I always answer the same thing to my relatives, friends and anyone else - “Yes, I thought about it.” It may seem somewhat funny and strange to adults and experienced people that, having lived so little in this world, I have already thought about many things that exist in this life.
Our life is not as gray and boring as it might seem at first glance. There are many unexplored places on the planet, many undeciphered symbols of our ancestors and many unsolved mysteries. Probably everyone thought about everyday life, but few looked beyond the limits of consciousness.
Probably, like all caring parents, mine are often interested in what I would like to become in the future. I always get angry when people ask me questions like this, I answer that I don’t know and I’ll be studying for a long time, so I’ll still have time to decide. But if you think about it in more detail, I don’t have time at all. Since the choice future profession should not take a day, a week or a month. I believe that a profession should be completely deliberate, because every person makes this choice for the rest of his life. And only the person himself decides whether his choice will be a terrible burden for him or a daily holiday to which he will go with a smile and anticipation of the preceding joy.
Of course, I think about what I want to become. For three months now I have been pondering this difficult choice. I want to be like my parents, like my grandparents. I don’t know what profession I will have, but I know for sure that I want to be the same bright person as my family. I don’t know what fate has in store for me in the future, but I know only one thing, my future will be the most beautiful if my soul is pure and open to everyone. My profession, social circle and life will depend only on me, on my character and faith, faith in the best. I believe that the hearts of many people, even the darkest, will one day come to light. I believe that all greedy people will one day contribute a huge amount to charity. I believe that one day his new parents will come for the child crying every day in the orphanage. I believe in a bright future for each of us - people living on planet Earth.

Even more essays on the topic: “My future”

As TV news and the Internet report every day, I live in a country where there is no stability. Either there are revolutions, then they scare us with wars. Since the future of every person is connected with the fate of her Motherland, I thought about the following question. What will my own future be like?

I came to the conclusion that my future largely depends on myself. Everything in my family is quite stable. Except that my mother works part-time and receives little pay, because her company barely survives crises. However, dad and I are happy that she spends more time at home. God bless that salary, as dad says.

My parents support me in my studies and useful activities. After all, where I will study after school and how I will work depends on what I learn. I'm sure my parents will help me as much as they can. But this does not mean self-indulgence. My dad would rather give money for a swimming pool than for fashionable things.

I would like to see my future successful. I want to have an interesting and paid job that I like - for this I need to develop my mind, practical skills, perseverance, and diligence. I want to communicate with interesting people who are worthy of communication, and not with dummies - it’s worth developing the ability to understand people.

I would also like to be able to travel a lot. Perhaps not at work, but in free time, with friends, and then with your own family. I want to see the world with my own eyes. Even living abroad for some time does not mean emigrating, but gaining experience.

I also want to have a family in the future, a spacious house or a large apartment for her, personal happiness, a loved one next to whom we would understand each other. Therefore, I want to be a kind, honest and strong person at the same time. Perhaps this is the most important thing in my future.

The future begins today. This is what adults and wise people say, who have a long, eventful life behind them. Thus, our actions today have a significant impact on our tomorrow, each next decision decides the fate of subsequent years. Every word, every event, every opinion is decisive for the future.

Sometimes I get lost in my thoughts and try to imagine my future.

It's easy to say that I see a happy future. After all, you can put a lot of things into these words! In the future I will receive a good education, acquired knowledge necessary for life. I will have a job that will not only bring money, but also joy. After all, there is nothing better job which is a pleasure to do. In the future I will settle down with my family. I would like to have three children. Some say that this is a lot, but children are such happiness! The main thing is to create the proper foundation in life for such a large family! My future children will be the happiest children on Earth. They will travel the world, visit extraordinary places, have best books and beautiful private rooms. I will try to make their life such that they live it with dignity and feel that they are needed in this world. Each child will develop their talents, engage in creativity and learn foreign languages.

I will have a hobby that I will do in my free time. Every person should have something to do for their soul. Also, every year our family will visit some interesting cities in Russia. After all, I dream of visiting all the secluded corners of my Motherland! Some people visit Europe, some travel to the islands, but I want to explore our region.

The future, vast, inaccessible, moves daily from today to tomorrow. It’s so sweet to dream about him, it’s so nice to make some plans! In addition, in the future I will have the opportunity to communicate with my parents. I don’t want to belong to those children who, having created their own family, forget about their parents and plunge headlong into new life. I dream that our families will communicate closely, at least three times a year, gathering around a common table and joyfully communicating. In the future, my family is strong and happy. And also healthy: I don’t want to see a future with illnesses and illnesses, suffering and pain. Of course, I understand that no one is immune from this, but I would like everything to be as good as possible.

My future is already very close. We must remember the saying that water does not flow under a lying stone. And you always need to adjust your actions to the future you want to see, because no happiness comes for free.

Essay on “Why my voice is important”
9th grade student of MKOU Vasilevskaya secondary school Valeria Loginova
(2016-2017 academic year)
IN modern society The words “active life position” are often heard. What is defined by these words? In my opinion, this is a position when a person realizes himself as an individual who has a clear idea of ​​his ability and ability to transform something in this world, make it brighter, better. The motto of such a person is the words: “If not me, then who?” One of the manifestations of an active life position is participation in elections at various levels. Why? I believe that every person should be a patriot of their Fatherland and do everything to improve life around them. It is no coincidence that the nineteenth-century Russian poet N.A. Nekrasov said: “You may not be a poet, but you must be a citizen.” What does it mean to be a patriot? This means not just loving your Motherland in words, but also proving by deed your involvement in everything that happens in your country, understanding its problems with your soul and participating in their solution. We, the younger generation, even though we have not experienced famine and have not seen devastation, have not experienced the tragedy of wartime hardships, also rightfully call ourselves patriots, because we are not indifferent to the future of our great country, we are also proud of its heroic past, we want to participate in the formation of the present and future Russia.
Everyone often has to make choices in life. This applies to the choice of a future profession, the choice of friends, and the choice of a person with whom to connect your future life. But it is also important to choose the right people who will solve the social and political problems of society, of which each of us is an integral part. In my opinion, elections are good way influence of citizens on government.
According to the Constitution Russian Federation“The bearer of sovereignty and the only source of power in the Russian Federation is its multinational people. The people exercise their power directly, as well as through government bodies and bodies local government. The highest direct expression of the power of the people is the referendum and free elections.”
By voting for a certain candidate or party, each of us transfers a piece of power to those whom he considers worthy to represent the interests of the entire people and each person in particular. Therefore, I believe that every citizen of his country is simply obliged to participate in elections. After all, the future of our country also depends on us, what it will become depends on us: prosperous and strong or weak and weak. This is why it is necessary to elect those people to government bodies who will work for the prosperity of their Fatherland and make every effort for the benefit of each of us, and not for the sake of their own well-being. Some will say that such people do not exist. Not true! Here is a simple life example. Elections to the city Legislative Assembly or the local Duma were held. Within a month you noticed that they had installed in your yard new site for children, a sandbox, swings, everything is bright and in good working order. A few weeks later you saw that the lawns on the streets had become prettier, were covered with beautiful flowers, the trees and bushes along the road had been trimmed, and a new one had opened not far from your house. kindergarten. The roads have been repaired and public transport is working properly. All this suggests that the deputy for whom you cast your vote lived up to your hopes and expectations, did and continues to do everything in his power for the city, spending money on a good cause. There is hope that he has many more in stock interesting ideas and the strength to bring these ideas to life. Or another example. Elections for the head of the rural settlement administration were held. And now unauthorized landfills have been liquidated, garbage has been removed along the roads, street lighting has been installed in villages that is not inferior to city illumination; In winter the roads are cleared. This means the right choice has been made.
Unfortunately, according to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, only citizens who have reached the age of majority have the right to vote in elections at various levels. Therefore, my classmates and I do not have the right to participate in elections. On the one hand, this is probably correct. Only a person who has reached adulthood is able to understand what the country needs and which of the prospective candidates is capable of turning ideas into reality. On the other hand, children and teenagers have their own thoughts about the political life of the country, but do not have the opportunity to vote for a candidate who shares their views. If we imagine for a moment that citizens from the age of twelve were allowed to participate in elections, then, in my opinion, this would be wonderful, because even more voters would choose a worthy candidate. But legally this cannot be done.
What can we do before we reach adulthood? We can gain invaluable experience by participating in elections to the district youth parliament, choosing class and school activists. It is also very important for us to study now legal issues electoral process in order to be ready in the future for such a necessary state matter as elections. We, future voters, need to understand now why our voice is so important too. We must form an active life position, which in the future will help us not just exist in our country, but live, create, striving to make Russia a strong, powerful state that is respected by all other states and countries. A state in which it is easy, free, convenient, joyful to live for every person who is a citizen of the Russian Federation, great Russia!

Essay “My choice is my future”

We in this country are responsible for everything!

We constantly choose something and someone. We choose friends in life, a leader in the class, a captain in the team. We choose a profession, a place where we will study and work.

But I want to talk about a completely different choice - these are elections on which the fate of an entire country, a republic, a people will depend.

Coming of age is the age when a young person receives the right to participate in government affairs, since, according to the Constitution of the Russian Federation (Article 60), a citizen of the Russian Federation who has reached the age of 18 receives the right to vote in elections. And the future of Russia depends on how he uses this right.

In my opinion, the idea of ​​the importance of elections should be formed from childhood. We all went to the polls with our parents when we were children. I remember how mysterious and enigmatic that strange booth seemed to me, where adults took turns entering with an extremely serious look and leaving with such a face as if they had made an unusually important decision. Now I understand that the serious appearance of adults during elections is by no means artificial, but this is a thoughtful step. Awareness of the importance of the decision you have made creates a responsible attitude towards your own actions.

Why is it so important not to make a mistake in choosing? What do we need in our life? To have a good life, children to be happy, people to be happy.

What opportunities do we, children, have to develop diversified? Our opportunities are great, develop and develop. If you want to master the piano, go to a music school, if you want to become athletically developed, go to a sports and recreation center, carving, go to the Tavlin Art School of Arts, dancing, of course, go to the House children's creativity. And how many competitions and olympiads!

I am very glad that I live in our native village of Kochkurovo - this is my small homeland. I really want our beloved village, region and republic to continue to change in better side. I am happy that the villages are improving. Recently I read in the Zarya newspaper about the miracle Palace in the village of Semiley. You can see from the picture - beauty! I hope that we will also have a cultural and leisure center in Kochkurov. I am also very pleased that beautiful, new houses are growing next to my school, everything is being improved, roads are being repaired, everything is clean. And people began to change, probably thinking about the future.

I care about our future. I, like the Little Prince from the fairy tale by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, want to see my planet clean, healthy, without baobabs. And for this, I think, it is necessary that all people, starting with us children, give a piece of their hearts for a common cause, be united, so that there are no wars or terrorist attacks.

What to do to make sure everything goes well? Who does it depend on? Of course, from me, from you, and most importantly, from the person who leads or will lead us people. This is the president of the country, the Head of the Republic, the region, and deputies. I believe that if people choose a worthy person, then there is hope for the future.

When the time comes, I will make the right choice. Who will I vote for? For the honest, decent, smart person, with understanding regarding the problems of the people and taking an active part in resolving them. And, I think, we need to choose not someone from the outside, but our own person, a person dear to us, a person who knows all the problems of the village, region, people. After all, people are different and candidates are different. Some people promise, as my grandmother says, and don’t keep their promises. And the other one is his own, will understand the pressing issues in his own way and will be able to solve them. What do I mean by this? Only one thing: we have an example of our chosen one. He definitely belongs and supports the region, and you need to look up to him!

This should be my choice, because this is my future!

And agree with the neighbor’s choice,

But then don’t scold that government,

That she was chosen by your neighbor.

Go to the polls and don't let others vote for you!

Starting from the sixth grade, we study the school subject “Social Studies”. I learned a lot of useful and interesting things here. It turns out that from birth we have rights: the right to life, to education, to treatment, economic rights - this is to vote and be elected.

Each of us has the right to choose. And from childhood we choose: who to be friends with, how to dress, how to study, what to eat and what to drink. But some believe that this limits their right to choose. They don’t think that this terrible job, with a meager salary, is their choice, a boring life is also their choice. Many people like to blame the authorities, forgetting that they were the ones who did not go to the polls at the time.

Who are these people to whom voters, without hesitation, put our destinies in their hands: frankness, responsiveness, mercy?

The topic of the essay, I admit honestly, caused me difficulties. My choice is my future? What do I know about elections? How to choose the only one who will look in the same direction as you, think about the people, first of all, and not about yourself, as my teachers say.

My parents discuss for a long time who to choose, who to vote for, what qualities a people's representative should have. Honesty - yes, openness - yes, responsiveness - yes, but the most important thing is pride in your people, fear of not living up to expectations. Sometimes deputies promise so much, but in the end they are just empty words.

In their childhood dreams, boys often imagine themselves as brave, like Timur from Arkady Gaidar’s story “Timur and His Team,” helping lonely old people; merciful like V.G. Korolenko’s Vasya, who is not afraid of other people’s unfair rumors; inventive like Vasyutka from Victor Astafiev’s story “Vasyutkino Lake”, brave like Petya Rostov from the novel “War and Peace”. This is probably how my chosen one should be, the chosen one whom I would confidently support in the elections, with whom I would go into “battle” and on holiday!

Years go by. We are growing. Soon it will be our turn to decide how our parents, our grandparents will live: whether their old age will be calm, quiet, peaceful, whether they will start working as cleaners in order to somehow make ends meet while on a well-deserved rest. Our time is coming soon, and we will try to ensure that the ship is confidently led by the Man from our dreams.

Republic of Mordovia

Essay topic

My choice is my future

7th grade student

Kochkurovo 2015

Municipal budget educational institution"Kochkurovskaya secondary comprehensive school»

Kochkurovsky municipal district

Republic of Mordovia


My choice is my future

7th grade student

Head: teacher of Russian language and literature

Gerasimova Valentina Fedorovna