Form 1 - instructions for filling out. Legislative framework of the Russian Federation. I. General provisions

dated June 28, 2001 N 46


dated 23.05.2002 N 124, dated 31.05.2002 N 131, dated 25.07.2002 N 158)

The State Committee of the Russian Federation on Statistics decides:
1. Approve the attached forms of federal state statistical observation and Instructions for filling them out and put them into effect:
per annum from the 2001 report:
N 1-TR (yellow) "Information about industrial railway transport";
N 1-TR (mor) "Information on transportation and other activities related to the implementation of the transport process on maritime transport";
N 1-TR (vod) "Information on transportation and other activities related to the implementation of the transport process in inland water transport";
N 4-housing fund “Information on the number of families registered for housing and who have received housing”;
N 1-privatization (housing) “Information on the privatization of housing stock”;
N 1-sewer "Information on the operation of the sewerage system (separate sewerage network)";
N 1-TEP "Information on heat supply";
Instructions for filling out the federal state statistical observation form N 1-TEP “Information on heat supply”;
N 1-water pipeline "Information on the operation of the water supply system (separate water supply network)";
N 1-technology "Information on the creation and use of advanced production technologies";
Instructions for filling out the federal state statistical observation form N 1-technology “Information on the creation and use of advanced production technologies”;
N 1-AE "Information on administrative offenses in the economic sphere";
quarterly from the report for the first quarter of 2002:
N 26-ZhKH "Information on providing citizens with benefits for housing and utilities";
N 65-COMMUNICATION "Information on income from communication services";
N 65-TUB "Information about the services of the main pipeline transport";
periodic once every 5 years from the report for 2001:
N 1-TR (non-pr) "Information on continuous transport";
one-time as of January 1, 2002:
N 1-GLOB "Information on the use of global information networks";
Instructions for filling out the federal state statistical observation form N 1-GLOB "Information on the use of global information networks."
2. Establish the submission of state statistical reporting according to the forms of federal state statistical observation specified in paragraph 1 of this Resolution to the addresses and deadlines established in the forms:
N 1-TR (zhel) - legal entities, their separate divisions, operating in sectors of the economy and having on their balance sheet or leasing locomotives, wagons, railway sidings;
N 1-TR (mor) - legal entities performing transportation, transport-forwarding and other activities related to the implementation of the transport process in maritime transport (according to the list established by the State Statistics Committee of Russia in agreement with the Ministry of Transport of Russia);
N 1-TR (water) - legal entities performing transportation, transport-forwarding and other activities related to the implementation of the transport process on inland water transport (according to the list established by the State Statistics Committee of Russia in agreement with the Ministry of Transport of Russia);
N 4-housing stock - by local governments;
N 1-privatization (housing) - by local government bodies, organizations that transfer and sell residential premises into the ownership of citizens or draw up documents (under contracts) for the sale and transfer of housing; justice institutions for state registration rights to real estate and transactions with it;
N 1-sewerage - by legal entities, their separate divisions that carry out centralized wastewater disposal;
N 1-TEP - legal entities supplying the population and public utility institutions with heat energy and hot water supply;
N 1-water pipeline - by legal entities, their separate divisions that supply water to the population or public utilities - household organizations;
N 1-technology - legal entities, their separate divisions (except for small businesses), creating and using advanced production technologies (according to the list established by state statistics bodies);
N 1-AE - Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, Ministry of the Russian Federation for Antimonopoly Policy and Entrepreneurship Support, Ministry of the Russian Federation for Taxes and Duties, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Property Relations of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation , Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation, State Customs Committee of the Russian Federation, Federal Market Commission valuable papers, Federal Service of Russia for Financial Recovery and Bankruptcy, Federal Tax Police Service of the Russian Federation, Federal Mining and Industrial Supervision of Russia, Federal Supervision of Russia for Nuclear and Radiation Safety;
N 26-Housing and communal services - organizations of housing and communal services and others that calculate and collect payments for housing and communal services, calculate benefits for paying for housing and communal services and have information about the provision of benefits for paying for housing and communal services;
N 65-SVYAZ - legal entities providing communication services on the basis of a license;
N 65-TRUB - legal entities transporting oil and petroleum products via main oil pipelines and petroleum product pipelines;
N 1-TR (non-pr) - legal entities whose balance sheet includes continuous transport installations;
N 1-GLOB - legal entities, their separate divisions (except for small businesses) (according to the list established by state statistics bodies).
3. Recognize as invalid the Resolutions of the State Statistics Committee of Russia regarding the approval of forms of federal state statistical observation and Instructions for filling them out:
dated 05/28/92 N 36 with Amendments dated 02/23/94 N 22 - N 1-TR (unprepared);
from 03.08.98 N 77 - N 1-tr (water), N 65-pipes;
dated 03.08.98 N 80 - N 1-technology and Instructions for filling it out;
from 08/16/99 N 75 - N 1-tr (sea), N 1-sewer, N 1-heat, N 1-water supply;
dated 16.08.99 N 75 with Amendments dated 26.06.2000 N 52 - N 26-ZhKH;
dated June 26, 2000 N 52 - N 4-housing stock, N 1-privatization (housing);
dated 06/30/2000 N 59 - N 1-tr (zhel), N 65-communication;
dated October 20, 2000 N 102 - N 1-AE;
dated 09/07/93 N 173 - Instructions for compiling statistical reporting on heat supply (form N 1-heat).
4. Change the deadline for submitting information established in the federal state statistical observation forms from the 2001 report:
N 4-innovation "Information about innovation activity organization" approved by Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated 02/05/2001 N 9, from September 3 to April 2;
N 2-MP innovation “Information on technological innovations of a small enterprise (organization)”, approved by Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated August 16, 1999 N 75, from September 14 to April 10.
5. To preserve in 2002 without changes the current forms of federal state statistical observation, approved by the Resolutions of the State Statistics Committee of Russia: N 2-tr (zhel), N 4-tr (zhel), N 1-zhel-North (urgent), N 1-metro , N 65-etr (urgent), N 65-MOR, N 65-VT - dated 03.08.98 N 77; N 1-audit, N 1-services (real estate) - dated 03.08.98 N 78; N 1-services - dated 03.08.98 N 78 with Amendments dated 26.06.2000 N 52; N 2-science, N 2-science (brief) - from 03.08.98 N 80; N 1-kh - from 08.17.98 N 85; N 6-ZhKH - dated 08/17/98 N 85 with Amendments dated 06/26/2000 N 52; "Questionnaire for surveying the transportation activities of entrepreneurs - owners trucks" - from 12/29/98 N 136; N 1-TR (vehicles), N 1-etr, N 22-housing and communal services (subsidies) - from 08/16/99 N 75; N 1-cr - from 08/16/99 N 75 with Amendments from 06/26/2000 N 52; N 1-hotel, N 1-rest - from 09/27/99 N 88; N 1-NK - from 03/30/2000 N 30; N 65-zhel - from 05/06/2000 N 39; N 3 -ALK (rights), N 1-advertising, N 22-housing and communal services (reform) brief, N 1-health - from 06.26.2000 N 52; N 1-autotrans (urgent), N 3-autotrans, N 65-autotrans, N 2-tr (pipe) urgent, N 1-motor transport (inspection), N 2-motor transport (selective examination) - from 06/30/2000 N 59; N 7-trauma - from 10/20/2000 N 102; N 10-GA ( urgent), N 17A-GA, N 31-GA (urgent) - dated 04/28/2001 N 32.

Goskomstat of Russia

Form N 1-TP (yellow) - Lost force.
dated July 25, 2002 N 158)

Form N 1-TR (mor) - Lost force.
(as amended by Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation dated May 31, 2002 N 131)

Form N 1-TP (water) - Lost its validity.
(as amended by Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation dated July 25, 2002 N 158)

(as amended by Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation dated May 23, 2002 N 124)

Article 13.19 Article 3
in 20__
OKUD form code
territories according to OKATO type of settlement
1 2 3 4
N lines Unit Total
1 2 3 4
Number of families who received housing and improved their living conditions in the reporting year 01 units
of which families:
02 - " -
WWII participants 03 - " -
of them:
04 - " -
05 - " -
06 - " -
07 - " -
large families 08 - " -
young families 09 - " -
who took part in the work to eliminate the consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant 10 - " -
refugees 11 - " -
forced migrants 12 - " -
Number of family members who received housing and improved their living conditions in the reporting year - total 13 people
Number of families on the waiting list who bought apartments (from page 01) 14 units
Amount of populated area - total 15 sq. m
incl. in new buildings 16 - " -
Area of ​​apartments purchased by those on the waiting list (from page 15) 17 - " -
Availability of uninhabited area - total 18 - " -
incl. in new buildings 19 - " -
Number of families registered at the end of the year for housing 20 units
of which families:
disabled people of the Great Patriotic War, dead military personnel and families equivalent to them 21 - " -
WWII participants 22 - " -
of them:
single WWII participants living in communal apartments 23 - " -
military veterans of Afghanistan 24 - " -
military personnel transferred to the reserve or retired 25 - " -
military personnel transferred to the reserve or retirement 26 - " -
large families 27 - " -
young families 28 - " -
who took part in the work to eliminate the consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant 29 - " -
refugees 30 - " -
forced migrants 31 - " -
Of the total number of families registered at the end of the year 32
in communal apartments 33 - " -
in dormitories 34 - " -
in dilapidated and emergency housing stock 35 - " -
have been registered for 10 years or more 36 - " -

For reference. From page 01, the number of families who received housing, living in dilapidated and dilapidated housing stock (37) ___________ units.

OKEI codes: unit - 642; people - 792; square meter - 055.

(FULL NAME.) (signature)
person responsible for drawing up the form
(job title) (FULL NAME.) (signature)
(contact number
(Date of preparation

Statistical observation in form N 4-housing stock is compiled by local government bodies involved in accounting and distribution of housing, and is submitted to the state statistics body at the place established by the territorial body of the State Statistics Committee of Russia in the republic, territory, region, district, city of federal significance. Local government bodies keep records of families in need of housing and who have received housing, both at the place of residence of citizens and at the place of work, receiving documents from enterprises and organizations that have and provide housing.
1. Information is compiled for the entire territory, incl. in the capital of the republic, the center of the region, region, district.
2. Line 01 provides data on the number of families who received housing and improved their living conditions over the year in houses of the state, municipal, public, mixed housing stock and housing cooperative fund.
The basis for filling out the data are orders for obtaining housing issued by a local government body, or contracts for the transfer of residential premises registered with a local government body.
3. Lines 02 - 12 show data on individual categories of families:
families of disabled people of the Great Patriotic War and families equated to them;
families of participants in the Great Patriotic War;
including single participants of the Great Patriotic War living in communal apartments;
families of military veterans of Afghanistan;
families of military personnel transferred to the reserve or retired;
families of military personnel being transferred to the reserve or retired. This does not take into account the families of military personnel who are discharged or discharged from military service and who receive housing under housing certificates;
large families. Large family a family with 3 or more children is considered;
young families. A young family is the first marriage of people under 30 years of age;
those who took part in the work to eliminate the consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant;
refugees. Refugees are considered people who arrived on the territory of Russia from the former Soviet republics;
forced migrants. Forced migrants are Russian citizens forced to leave their places of residence.
4. On page 13, data is shown on the number of family members of persons who received housing or improved their living conditions by moving out of the occupied area.
5. On page 14, data from line 01 is shown on the number of people on the waiting list who bought apartments.
6. On page 15 the amount of occupied area of ​​apartments is shown as in residential buildings- new buildings, and the area vacated beyond the exit, incl. on page 16 - only in new buildings.
7. Page 17 shows the area of ​​apartments purchased by those on the waiting list, which is allocated from page 15.
8. Page 18 shows the availability at the end of the year of the area of ​​apartments put into operation and vacated in previously built buildings, but not distributed in the reporting year, incl. on page 19 - only in new buildings.
9. Lines 20 - 36 provide data on the number of families on the waiting list for housing and improved housing conditions in houses of the state, municipal, public, mixed housing stock and housing cooperative fund, including by the listed categories of families, place of residence and length of time in the waiting list for housing.

(as amended by Resolutions of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation dated May 23, 2002 N 124, dated July 25, 2002 N 158)

Violation of the procedure for presenting statistical information, as well as the presentation of unreliable statistical information, entails liability established by Article 13.19 of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses dated December 30, 2001 N 195-FZ, as well as Article 3 of the Law of the Russian Federation dated May 13, 1992 N 2761-1 "On liability for violation of the procedure for submitting state statistical reports"
for 20__ year
Present: Deadlines
Form N 1-privatization
local government bodies, organizations that carry out the transfer and sale of residential premises into the ownership of citizens or draw up documents (under contracts) for the sale and transfer of housing; Institutions of justice for state registration of rights to real estate and transactions with it: January 20th Approved
Goskomstat of Russia
dated June 28, 2001 N 46
- to the state statistics body at the place established by the territorial body of the State Statistics Committee of Russia in the republic, territory, region, city of federal significance Annual
Name of reporting organization _________________________________
Mailing address _________________________________________________
OKUD form code Code (provided by the reporting organization)
reporting organization for OKPO type of activity according to OKVED industries according to OKONH territories according to OKATO ministry (department), governing body for OKOGU organizationally - legal form according to OKOPF forms of ownership according to OKFS
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
person responsible for drawing up the form
N lines Unit OKEY code In fact for the year
1 2 3 4 5
Number of privatized residential premises 01 units 642
number of privatized apartments 02 - " - - " -
number of privatized rooms in communal apartments 03 - " - - " -
Total area of ​​privatized residential premises 04 sq. m 055
total area of ​​privatized apartments 05 - " - - " -
area of ​​privatized rooms in communal apartments 06 - " - - " -
Number of deprivatized premises 07 units 642
Total area of ​​deprivatized residential premises 08 sq. m 055
Residential premises sold - total 09 units 642
population (citizens) 10 - " - - " -
organizations (non-governmental) 11 - " - - " -
foreign individuals and organizations 12 - " - - " -
Total area of ​​residential premises sold 13 sq. m 055
population (citizens) 14 - " -
(job title) (FULL NAME.) (signature)
" ___ " ___________ 200 ___ year
(contact number
(Date of preparation

1. Information is compiled for a year.
2. Lines 01 - 06 provide data on the privatization of residential premises (apartments, rooms in communal apartments, separate residential buildings) occupied by citizens in houses of state, municipal, public, mixed forms of ownership of the housing stock.
The basis for filling out the data are contracts for the transfer of residential premises registered with the local government.
3. The sum of lines 02 and 03 may be less than line 01 due to individual residential buildings.
4. Lines 07, 08 provide data on deprivatized residential premises. Residential premises for the privatization of which for one reason or another have been terminated are considered deprivatized.
5. Lines 09 - 20 provide data on the sale of residential premises in state, municipal, public and mixed housing stock.
These lines include only residential premises sold for the first time, when there is a change in state, municipal, public, mixed forms of ownership to other forms of ownership of the housing stock: private property of citizens, private property of legal entities, foreign property of citizens or legal entities.
6. When filling out line 17, you must keep in mind that if payment for housing was made in foreign currency, then it is necessary to convert the cost of the apartment into the ruble equivalent at the rate established by the Central Bank of Russia on the date of the transaction.
price list


Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated June 28, 2001 No. 46



1.1. Statistical form No. 1 -TEP is submitted by legal entities, their separate units(CHP, state district power station, enterprises of thermal and electric heating networks, energy supply enterprises, etc., either on an independent balance sheet or included in diversified production associations of housing and communal services, or on the balance sheet of enterprises and organizations) regardless of the organizational and legal form and form properties that supply the population and public utility enterprises and organizations with heat and hot water supply.

Enterprises that are only heat producers, but do not directly supply consumers with heat, as well as enterprises that supply heat, energy and hot water only for the production and technological needs of enterprises and organizations do not submit a report in Form No. 1 -TEP.

1.2. When transferring an enterprise supplying consumers with heat energy from other departments to municipal property, i.e. under the jurisdiction local authorities executive power (and vice versa), reporting is prepared separately for the period before its transfer and for the time actually worked in new system after the transfer. IN explanatory note The report must indicate from which department the enterprise was accepted or transferred.

1.3. Statistical reporting according to form No. 1 -TEP is submitted at annual intervals within the time limits specified on the form to the state statistics body at the place established by the territorial state statistics body in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

1.4. All report data in physical and in value terms must be based on reliable primary accounting data.

The main requirement when filling out all sections of the report is the reliability of the data.

1.5. The head of the enterprise (organization) bears personal responsibility for the timeliness of submission and reliability of reporting data.

Submission of reports on forms not approved by the State Statistics Committee of Russia or on an increased number of indicators (compared to approved forms) is illegal.

1.6. In the case where the reporting enterprise (organization) serves settlements in urban and rural areas, two reports are prepared separately for urban and rural areas.

1.7. The address part of the form indicates the full name of the reporting organization in accordance with constituent documents, registered in the prescribed manner, and then in brackets - a short name.

On the “Postal Address” page the name of the territory is indicated, legal address with postal code.

1.8. The code part is filled in by the reporting organization in accordance with all-Russian classifiers based on the information letter from state statistics bodies on the inclusion of an enterprise (organization) in the Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations of all forms of ownership and management.

1.9. Data are given in the units of measurement indicated on the form approved form statistical reporting.

1.10. Data pages 01-15, 20, 39 are shown in whole numbers, the rest - with one decimal place.


2.1. The number of heat supply sources, their thermal power and the number of boilers. Pages 01-04 show the number of heat supply sources (boiler houses) put into operation during the reporting year, including those with a capacity of up to 3 Gcal/hour (page 02), from 3 to 20 Gcal/hour (page 03) and from 20 to 100 Gcal/hour (page 04). Data on page 01 must be equal to the sum of data on pages 02-04 or more due to heat supply sources (boiler houses) with a capacity of 100 Gcal/hour or more.

Page 05-08 reflects the number of liquidated heat supply sources (boiler houses) for the reporting year, i.e. written off in the prescribed manner from the balance sheet of the reporting enterprise (organization), including those with a capacity of up to 3 Gcal/hour (page 06) , from 3 to 20 Gcal/hour (page 07) and from 20 to 100 Gcal/hour (page 08). Data on page 05 must be equal to the sum of data on pages 06-08 or more due to liquidated heat supply sources (boiler houses) with a capacity of 100 Gcal/hour or more.

Heat supply sources (boiler houses) transferred to other enterprises or accepted onto the balance sheet from other enterprises (organizations) are not shown as newly introduced or liquidated, but are reflected in the form on pp. 09-12.

Page 09 shows the number of heat supply sources: thermal power plants, district, quarterly, group, local and individual boiler houses listed on the balance sheet of the enterprise (organization) at the end of the reporting year, including those with a capacity of up to 3 Gcal/hour (page 10) , from 3 to 20 Gcal/hour (page 11) and from 20 to 100 Gcal/hour (page 12). Data from page 09 should be equal to the amount from page 10-12 or more due to liquidated heat supply sources (boiler houses) with a capacity of 100 or more Gcal/hour.

On pages 13-15, heat supply sources (boiler houses) listed on the balance sheet of the enterprise (organization) at the end of the reporting year, operating on solid fuel (page 13), liquid fuel (page 14) and gaseous fuel (page 15) are indicated ).

2.2. Page 16 shows the total power of heat supply sources (thermal power of heating boiler installations) at the end of the reporting year, which is determined by the sum of the nominal nameplate capacities of all boilers (power plants) installed in them and is shown in Gcal/hour, including up to 3 Gcal/hour (page 17), from 3 to 20 Gcal/hour (page 18) and from 20 to 100 Gcal/hour (page 19). The data on page 16 must be equal to the sum of the data on pages 17-19 or more due to heat supply sources (boiler houses) with a capacity of 100 or more Gcal/hour.

2.3. Page 20 shows the total number of boilers (power plants) installed in all available heat supply sources (boiler houses) and listed on the balance sheet of the enterprise (organization) at the end of the reporting year, regardless of whether they are in operation, reserve, repair, awaiting repair or downtime for other reasons.

2.4. Length of heating networks. Page 21 shows the total length of all water heating networks (including hot water supply networks) and steam networks in two-pipe calculation, listed on the balance sheet of the enterprise (organization) at the end of the reporting year, including those with a diameter of up to 200 mm (page 22 ), from 200 to 400 mm (page 23), from 400 to 600 mm (page 24). The data on page 21 must be equal to the sum of the data on pages 22-24 or more due to the length of pipelines with a diameter of 600 mm or more.

The length of heating networks is determined by the length of its route, regardless of the installation method, with two pipelines laid in it: direct and return for the water network, a steam pipeline and a condensate pipeline for the steam network. The length of the water network must take into account the length of individual networks used for hot water supply.

On page 25, heat and steam networks that need replacement are reflected (from page 21).

2.5. Production and supply of thermal energy. On page 26 the amount of thermal energy produced per year is indicated, watts. including heat supply sources (boiler houses) with a capacity of up to 3 Gcal/hour (page 27), from 3 to 20 Gcal/hour (page 28) and from 20 to 100 Gcal/hour (page 29) and is determined by what is measured by measuring instruments quantity and heat content of released thermal energy.

The data on page 26 must be equal to the sum of the data on page 27- 29 or more due to heat supply sources (boiler houses) with a capacity of 100 or more Gcal/hour.

2.6. For individual enterprises and organizations that temporarily do not have measuring instruments for systematically determining the production or consumption of heat energy, with insignificant consumption of the latter, calculation methods established by regulatory and technical documents on the accounting of thermal energy and coolants can be used, as an exception. These indicators are determined by calculation based on the fuel consumption produced and the average efficiency of the boiler room. The weighted average efficiency of the boiler room should be determined on the basis of periodic thermal tests.

To determine the production of heat and energy based on the corresponding fuel consumption, use the table below.

Having data on fuel consumption in the boiler room for a year and knowing the efficiency of the boiler room, it is possible to determine the heat energy production by calculation. So, for example, if a boiler house of a plant, which supplies heat and energy to the population and for household needs, consumed 812 tons of Donetsk coal with a calorific equivalent of 0.723 during the reporting year with a boiler room efficiency of 72%, then the equivalent fuel consumption will be 587 tons (812 tons x 0.723), since with a boiler house efficiency of 72%, the production of one gigacalorie will require, according to the table above, 198.41 kg of standard fuel, then the amount of generated heat energy will be 2959 Gcal

Then, from the resulting volume of heat energy production, the heat spent on the boiler house’s own production needs (steam pumps, steam nozzles, blowers, etc.) is excluded.

If heat energy is recorded in tons of steam, then the amount of generated steam is recalculated in gigacalories based on the heat content of the generated steam, corresponding to its average pressure and temperature. So, for example, if a boiler room produces saturated steam at an average pressure of 4 kgf/cm 2, then according to reference books, this pressure corresponds to a heat content of steam of 653.9 kcal per kilogram. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the temperature of the feed water. So, for example, if the feedwater temperature was 10 °C, then the amount of heat obtained with one kilogram of steam will be: 653.9 -10 = 643.9 kcal/kg.

Let’s assume that the boiler room produced 1500 tons of steam in a month at the above average pressure of 4 kgf/cm2 and a feedwater temperature of 10 °C. Then the amount of heat generated will be 965,850,000 kcal (1500 x 1000 x x (653.9 - 10)), or approximately 966 Gcal.

In exceptional cases, when it is not possible to estimate the efficiency of a boiler, it is allowed for low-power boilers (less than 0.1 Gcal/hour) to take the consumption of equivalent fuel for the supply of one giga-calorie of heat on average equal to 200.0 kg of equivalent fuel (i.e. assuming that from one ton of standard fuel, such boilers can produce 5 Gcal of heat energy).

To convert the power of hot water boilers, measured in MW, to Gcal/hour, you should use the following ratio: 1 MW = 0.86 Gcal/hour.

2.7. On page 30, the amount of heat energy received (purchased) from the outside is shown, which is determined according to the invoices of heat suppliers presented for payment based on the readings of measuring instruments (or calculated).

2.8. Page 31 reflects the actual heat consumed for the reporting period by all categories of consumers (subscribers), determined on the basis of data from measuring instruments, and in their absence - in the manner established by regulatory and technical documents on the accounting of thermal energy and coolants.

The total amount of heat energy supplied does not include heat used for the heat supply source’s own production needs (boiler house).

The data on page 31 must be equal to the sum of the data on pages 32 and 36. Page 32 shows the amount of heat energy supplied to its consumers (subscribers).

2.9. On pages 33-35 the amount of heat supplied to its consumers is reflected:

To the population (when the cost of consumed heat is paid by the population, regardless of the form and method of payment) - p. 33;

For household needs (p. 34).

The indicator “for municipal needs” should include the supply of thermal energy to the following enterprises, institutions and organizations: educational (schools, boarding schools, technical colleges, colleges, institutes, universities, etc.), medical (hospitals, clinics, outpatient clinics, first-aid posts, sanatoriums, rest homes, etc.), sports (sports clubs, stadiums, etc.), shopping (shops, stalls, kiosks, etc.), entertainment (theaters, cinemas, clubs, etc. etc.), enterprises Catering(restaurants, canteens, cafes, buffets, etc.), child care institutions (kindergartens and nurseries), orphanages, children's health camps, homes for the elderly and disabled, municipal (hotels, houses and hostels for visitors, etc.), workers and student dormitories, military units, consumer service enterprises that provide non-production types of household services to the population, as well as for the communal and cultural needs of all enterprises, institutions and organizations;

For the production needs of enterprises - page 35.

2.10. Page 36 shows the amount of heat energy supplied to other enterprises (resellers) for distribution to their consumers (subsubscribers).

2.11. Page 37 lists all heat losses that occurred in the reporting year.

The total amount of thermal energy losses is determined as the difference between the amount of heat supplied to the network (including the amount of heat produced and received from outside minus the heat spent on the boiler houses’ own production needs) and the amount of heat consumed by all consumers (subscribers).

2.12. Page 38 shows the average annual book value production capacity heat supply sources (boiler houses), which is determined as the quotient of dividing by 12 the amount obtained by adding half of the book value of production facilities as of January 1 of the reporting year, half of the book value as of January 1 of the following year and the value of fixed assets on the 1st of all the remaining months of the reporting year.

2.13. On page 39 the number of accidents at heat supply sources, steam and heating networks is shown.

2.14. Fuel consumption (in terms of conventional). The consumption of standard fuel and actually for the production of thermal energy is determined according to the log of fuel consumption in in kind and conventional fuel, given by its calorific value.

Conversion of natural fuel into conditional fuel (7000 kcal/kg), as a rule, should be carried out by the enterprise on the basis of periodic determination of the calorific value of fuel in laboratories (in-house or third-party - upon request) equipped with appropriate instruments, and with the mandatory fulfillment of GOST requirements for selection and analysis samples

If it is impossible to directly determine the calorific value of fuel in a laboratory, it is allowed to determine it by calculation based on laboratory analysis of the elemental composition of the fuel or analysis of ash content and moisture using generally accepted calculation formulas and tables of the calorific value of the combustible mass. Thus, if there is data on the lower calorific value of the combustible mass, ash content and moisture content of the working fuel, the lower calorific value of natural fuel (QPJ determined by the formula

If it is not possible to determine the calorific value of the fuel using one of the above methods, you can use the data from suppliers’ certificates. In some cases, with insignificant fuel consumption and the absence of any possibilities for determining the calorific value of fuel, it is allowed, as an exception, to use the average calorie equivalents of converting natural fuel into conventional fuel, adopted by the State Statistics Committee when developing the Calculated Balance of Fuel and Energy Resources of the Russian Federation in accordance with with Instructions for compiling statistical reporting on the use of fuel, heat and electricity in form No. 11-sn, approved by Decree of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated 09/05/94 No. 154, and form No. 11-ter “Information on the use of fuel, heat and electricity”, approved by decree dated 07/21/98 No. 71. (For example, to determine the calorific value of coal, average caloric equivalents are used, taken depending on the basin and location according to the reporting data of Rosin-Formugol.).

All types of natural fuel are converted into standard fuel, as a rule, according to their actual caloric equivalents, defined as the ratio of the lower calorific value of the working state of a given type of fuel to the calorific value of 1 kg of standard fuel, i.e., 7000 kcal/kg.

Calorie equivalent (TO) determined by the formula

where qp is the lower calorific value of the working state of the fuel, kcal/kg.

The conversion of natural fuel into conventional fuel is determined by multiplying the amount of natural fuel by the corresponding caloric equivalent.

Example. During the year, the following quantities of different fuels were consumed, the conversion of which into conditional fuel is given in the table.

Based on this calculation, the equivalent fuel consumption is determined, which is in this example amounted to 1370.3 tons.

On page 50 the fuel consumption (in terms of conditional) is shown for all produced heat energy according to the norm approved in accordance with the established procedure for the enterprise as a whole, and on page 51 the actual fuel consumption.

With the introduction of this Instruction, the effect on the territory of the Russian Federation of the Instructions for the preparation of statistical reporting on the supply of heat (form No. 1 -tep), approved by Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated 09.07.93 No. 173, is canceled.

Department of Statistics of Services, Transport and Communications


Average caloric equivalents for converting natural fuel into conventional fuel

Type of fuel Average caloric equivalent for converting 1 ton of natural fuel into conventional fuel

13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Coals (without briquettes):











Fuel peat - milled for 1 ton (at a conditional humidity of 40%)

Lumpy (at conditional humidity 33%)

Peat briquettes (at a relative humidity of 16%)

Peat semi-briquettes (at a relative humidity of 28%)

Firewood - for 1 dense m3

Natural gas (including associated) - per 1 thousand m 3

Fuel oil - 1 t

Fuel oil - for 1 ton

Wood trimmings, shavings and sawdust - per 1 t

Branches, pine needles, wood chips - in warehouse m 3



No longer valid as of the 2008 report based on
Order of Rosstat dated August 20, 2008 N 200

Federal State Statistics Service


1. Approve the attached Procedure for filling out and submitting the federal state statistical observation form N 1-TEP “Information on heat supply” and put it into effect starting with the report for 2005.

2. With the introduction of the Procedure specified in paragraph 1 of this resolution, Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated June 28, 2001 N 46 regarding the approval of the Instructions for filling out the federal state statistical observation form N 1-TEP “Information on the supply of heat energy” shall be declared invalid.

manager's responsibilities
Federal service
state statistics

The procedure for filling out and submitting the state statistical observation form N 1-TEP "Information on heat supply"

I. General provisions

1. Statistical form N 1-TEP is submitted by legal entities, their separate divisions (CHP, state district power station, enterprises (organizations) of thermal and electric heating networks, energy supply enterprises (organizations), etc., either on an independent balance sheet or included in diversified production associations housing and communal services, and on the balance sheet of enterprises (organizations), regardless of the organizational and legal form and form of ownership, supplying the population and public utility enterprises (organizations) with heat energy and hot water supply.

Enterprises (organizations) that are only heat producers, but do not directly supply consumers with heat, as well as enterprises (organizations) that supply heat energy and hot water only for the production and technological needs of enterprises (organizations) do not submit a report in Form N 1-TEP.

2. When transferring an enterprise (organization) supplying consumers with heat energy from other departments to municipal ownership, i.e. under the jurisdiction of local executive authorities (and vice versa), reporting is prepared separately for the period before its transfer and for the actual time worked in the new system after the transfer. In the explanatory note to the report, it is necessary to indicate from which department the enterprise (organization) was accepted or to which it was transferred.

3. Statistical reporting in form N 1-TEP is submitted with an annual frequency within the time limits specified on the form, in the appropriate structural units territorial body of state statistics in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

4. All report data in physical and monetary terms must be based on reliable primary accounting data.

The main requirement when filling out all sections of the report is the reliability of the data.

5. The official responsible for providing statistical information promptly submits reliable reporting data in Form N 1-TEP.

6. In the case where the reporting enterprise (organization) serves settlements in urban and rural areas, two reports are drawn up separately for urban and rural areas.

7. In the address part of the form, the full name of the reporting organization is indicated in accordance with the constituent documents registered in the prescribed manner, and then in brackets - the short name.

The line "Postal address" indicates the name of the territory, legal address with postal code.

The code part must include a code All-Russian classifier enterprises and organizations (OKPO) on the basis of the Notification of assignment of the OKPO code by state statistics bodies.

8. Data are presented in those units of measurement that are indicated on the form of the approved statistical reporting form.

9. Data in lines 01-15, 20, 42-45 are shown in integers, the rest - with one decimal place.

II. Filling out the indicators of form N 1-TEP

10. Number of heat supply sources, their thermal power and quantity boilers. Lines 01-04 show the number of heat supply sources (boiler houses) put into operation during the reporting year, including those with a capacity of up to 3 Gcal/hour (line 02), from 3 to 20 Gcal/hour (line 03) and from 20 to 100 Gcal/hour (line 04). These lines 01 must be equal to the sum of these lines 02-04 or more due to heat supply sources (boiler houses) with a capacity of 100 Gcal/hour or more.

Lines 05-08 reflect the number of liquidated heat supply sources (boiler houses) for the reporting year, i.e. written off in the prescribed manner from the balance sheet of the reporting enterprise (organization), including with a capacity of up to 3 Gcal/hour (line 06), from 3 to 20 Gcal/hour (line 07) and from 20 to 100 Gcal/hour (line 08). These lines 05 must be equal to the sum of these lines 06-08 or more due to liquidated heat supply sources (boiler houses) with a capacity of 100 Gcal/hour or more.

Heat supply sources (boiler houses) transferred to other enterprises or accepted onto the balance sheet from other enterprises (organizations) are not shown as newly introduced or liquidated, but are reflected in the form on lines 09-12.

Line 09 shows the number of heat supply sources: thermal power plants, district, quarterly, group, local, and individual boiler houses listed on the balance sheet of the enterprise (organization) at the end of the reporting year, including with a capacity of up to 3 Gcal/hour (line 10), from 3 up to 20 Gcal/hour (line 11) and from 20 to 100 Gcal/hour (line 12). These lines 09 should be equal to the sum of lines 10-12 or more due to liquidated heat supply sources (boiler houses) with a capacity of 100 Gcal/hour or more.

Lines 13-15 indicate heat supply sources (boiler houses) listed on the balance sheet of the enterprise (organization) at the end of the reporting year, operating on solid fuel (line 13), liquid fuel (line 14) and gaseous fuel (line 15).

11. Line 16 shows the total power of heat supply sources (thermal power of heating boiler installations) at the end of the reporting year, which is determined by the sum of the nominal nameplate capacities of all boilers (power plants) installed in them and is shown in Gcal/hour, including capacity up to 3 Gcal/hour (line 17), from 3 to 20 Gcal/hour (line 18) and from 20 to 100 Gcal/hour (line 19). These lines 16 must be equal to the sum of these lines 17-19 or more due to heat supply sources (boiler houses) with a capacity of 100 or more Gcal/hour.

12. Line 20 shows the total number of boilers (power plants) installed in all available heat supply sources (boiler houses) and listed on the balance sheet of the enterprise (organization) at the end of the reporting year, regardless of whether they are in operation, reserve, repair, awaiting repair or downtime for other reasons.

13. Length of heating networks. Line 21 shows the total length of all water heating networks (including hot water supply networks) and steam networks in two-pipe calculation, listed on the balance sheet of the enterprise (organization) at the end of the reporting year, including those with a diameter of up to 200 mm (line 22), from 200 mm to 400 mm (line 23), from 400 mm to 600 mm (line 24). These lines 21 must be equal to the sum of these lines 22-24 or more due to the length of pipelines with a diameter of 600 mm or more.

The length of heating networks is determined by the length of its route, regardless of the installation method, with two pipelines laid in it: direct and return for the water network, a steam pipeline and a condensate pipeline for the steam network. The length of the water network must take into account the length of individual networks used for hot water supply.

Line 25 reflects heat and steam networks that need replacement (from line 21).

Line 26 reflects dilapidated networks that need to be replaced (from line 25).

Dilapidated networks are networks that, according to technical inventory data, are worn out over 60%.

Line 27 reflects the length of networks that were replaced during the reporting year.

Line 28 reflects the length of dilapidated networks that were replaced during the reporting year (from line 27).

14. Production and supply of thermal energy. Line 29 indicates the amount of thermal energy produced per year, including heat supply sources (boiler houses) with a capacity of up to 3 Gcal/hour (line 30), from 3 to 20 Gcal/hour (line 31) and from 20 to 100 Gcal/hour ( line 32) and is determined by the amount and heat content of released thermal energy measured by measuring instruments.

These lines 29 must be equal to the sum of these lines 30-32 or more due to heat supply sources (boiler houses) with a capacity of 100 Gcal/hour or more.

15. For individual enterprises (organizations) that temporarily do not have measuring instruments for systematically determining the production or consumption of heat energy, with insignificant consumption of the latter, calculation methods established by regulatory and technical documents for the accounting of thermal energy and coolants can be used, as an exception. These indicators are determined by calculation based on the fuel consumption produced and the average efficiency of the boiler room. The weighted average efficiency of the boiler room should be determined on the basis of periodic thermal tests.

To determine the heat production based on the corresponding fuel consumption, use the table below.

Boiler house net efficiency - in %

Boiler house net efficiency - in %

Consumption of equivalent fuel per 1 gigacalorie supplied - in kilograms of equivalent fuel/Gcal

Having data on fuel consumption in the boiler room for a year and knowing the efficiency of the boiler room, it is possible to determine the heat energy production by calculation. So, for example, if a boiler house of a plant, which supplies heat to the population and for household needs, consumed 812 tons of Donetsk coal with a calorific equivalent of 0.723 during the reporting year with a boiler room efficiency of 72%, then the equivalent fuel consumption will be 587 tons (812 tons x 0.723 ), since with a boiler house efficiency of 72%, the production of one gigacalorie will require, according to the table above, 198.41 kg of standard fuel, then the amount of heat energy generated will be 2959 Gcal:

Then, from the resulting volume of heat energy production, the heat spent on the boiler house’s own production needs (steam pumps, steam nozzles, blowers, etc.) is excluded.

If heat energy is recorded in tons of steam, then the amount of generated steam is recalculated in gigacalories based on the heat content of the generated steam, corresponding to its average pressure and temperature. So, for example, if a boiler room produces saturated steam at an average pressure of 4 kgf/cm(2), then according to reference books, this pressure corresponds to the heat content of steam 653.9 kilocalories per kilogram. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the temperature of the feed water. So, for example, if the feedwater temperature was 10°C, then the amount of heat obtained with one kilogram of steam will be 653.9 - 10 = 643.9 kcal/kg.

Let us assume that the boiler house produced 1500 tons of steam in a month at the above average pressure of 4 kgf/cm and a feedwater temperature of 10°C. Then the amount of heat generated will be 965850000 kilocalories (15001000 (653.9 - 10), or approximately 966 gigacalories.

In exceptional cases, when it is not possible to estimate the efficiency of a boiler, it is allowed for low-power boilers (less than 0.1 Gcal/hour) to take the consumption of equivalent fuel for the supply of one gigacalorie of heat on average equal to 200.0 kilograms of equivalent fuel (i.e., considering that from one ton of standard fuel, 5 Gcal of heat energy can be obtained from such boilers).

To convert the power of hot water boilers, measured in MW, into Gcal/hour, you should use the following ratio: 1 MW = 0.86 Gcal/hour.

16. Line 33 shows the amount of heat energy received (purchased) from the outside, which is determined according to the invoices of heat suppliers presented for payment based on the readings of measuring instruments (or calculated).

17. Line 34 reflects the amount of heat energy actually consumed during the reporting period by all categories of consumers (subscribers), determined on the basis of data from measuring instruments, and in their absence - in the manner established by local governments and in accordance with regulatory and technical documents for accounting thermal energy and coolants.

The total amount of heat energy supplied does not include heat used for the heat supply source’s own production needs (boiler house).

The data in line 34 must be equal to the sum of the data in lines 35 and 39.

Line 35 shows the amount of heat energy supplied to its consumers (subscribers).

18. Lines 36-38 reflect the amount of heat supplied to its consumers:

- to the population (when the cost of consumed heat is paid by the population, regardless of the form and method of payment) - line 36;

- for household needs (line 37).

The indicator “for municipal needs” should include the supply of thermal energy to the following state and municipal enterprises, state and municipal institutions and state and municipal organizations: educational (schools, boarding schools, technical schools, colleges, institutes, universities, etc.), medical (hospitals, clinics, outpatient clinics, first-aid posts, sanatoriums, rest homes, etc.), sports (sports clubs, stadiums, etc.), children's institutions (kindergartens and nurseries), orphanages, children's health camps, homes for the elderly and disabled, public utilities (hotels, houses and hostels for visitors, etc.), student dormitories, military units, as well as for communal and cultural needs of enterprises, institutions and organizations providing housing and communal services;

- for the production needs of enterprises (organizations) - line -38.

19. Line 39 shows the amount of heat supplied to other enterprises (resellers) for distribution to their consumers (subsubscribers).

20. Line 40 lists all heat losses that occurred in the reporting year.

The total amount of thermal energy losses is determined as the difference between the amount of heat supplied to the network (including the amount of heat produced and received from outside minus the heat spent on the boiler houses’ own production needs) and the amount of heat consumed by all consumers (subscribers).

21. Line 41 shows the average annual book value of the production capacity of heat supply sources (boiler houses), which is determined as the quotient of dividing by 12 the amount obtained by adding half of the book value of production capacity as of January 1 of the reporting year, half of the book value as of January 1 following the reporting year year and the value of fixed assets on the 1st day of all other months of the reporting year.

22. Line 42 shows the number of accidents at heat supply sources, steam and heating networks.

Line 43 shows the number of accidents on steam and heating networks, including hot water supply networks (from line 42).

Line 44 shows the number of accidents at heat supply sources.

An accident is considered to be a failure of elements of systems, networks and heat supply sources, resulting in a cessation of the supply of thermal energy to consumers and subscribers for heating and hot water supply for a period of more than 8 hours.

23. Line 45 shows the total number of cogeneration sources of heat and electrical energy(power plants) installed in all available heat supply sources (boiler houses) and listed on the balance sheet of the enterprise (organization) at the end of the reporting year, regardless of whether they are in operation, reserve, repair, awaiting repair, or downtime for other reasons.

24. Line 46 indicates the amount of electrical energy produced by thermal generation plants (kW/hour) for the entire reporting period.

25. Line 47 shows the amount of funds allocated by the enterprise (organization) for the modernization of heat supply sources (thousand rubles).

Modernization (reconstruction) involves performing work on sources aimed at ensuring the production of thermal energy, developing a heat supply system in order to meet the needs of housing and industrial construction, improving the quality of services provided to consumers, improving the environmental situation in the territory of the municipality.

26. Line 48 shows the actual economic efficiency work on the modernization of fixed assets, including heat supply sources, replacement of networks and systems of heat supply and hot water supply (thousand rubles) obtained through the implementation of modernization work during the payback period of the projects.

27. Fuel consumption (in terms of conventional). The consumption of standard fuel and in fact for the production of thermal energy is determined according to the log of fuel consumption in physical terms and the standard fuel given by its calorific value.

Conversion of natural fuel into conditional fuel (7000 kcal/kg), as a rule, should be carried out by the enterprise on the basis of periodic determination of the calorific value of fuel in laboratories (in-house or third-party - upon request) equipped with appropriate instruments, and with the mandatory fulfillment of GOST requirements for selection and analysis samples

If it is impossible to directly determine the calorific value of fuel in a laboratory, it is allowed to determine it by calculation based on laboratory analysis of the elemental composition of the fuel or analysis of ash content and moisture using generally accepted calculation formulas and tables of the calorific value of the combustible mass. Thus, if there is data on the lower calorific value of the combustible mass, ash content and moisture content of the working fuel, the lower calorific value of natural fuel is determined by the formula:

where is the ash content of the working fuel in percent;

- humidity of working fuel in percent;

- lower calorific value of the combustible mass, kcal/kg.

If it is not possible to determine the calorific value of the fuel using one of the above methods, you can use the data from suppliers’ certificates. In some cases, with insignificant fuel consumption and the absence of any possibilities for determining the calorific value of the fuel, it is allowed, as an exception, to use the average caloric equivalents of converting natural fuel into conventional fuel, adopted by Rosstat when developing the "Calculated balance of fuel and energy resources of the Russian Federation" in accordance with the Instructions for the preparation of statistical reporting on the use of fuel, heat and electricity in form N 11-SN, approved by Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated 09/05/94 N 154 and form N 11-TER "Information on the use of fuel, heat and electricity", approved Resolution of Rosstat No. 33 of July 27, 2004.

All types of natural fuel are converted into standard fuel, as a rule, according to their actual caloric equivalents, defined as the ratio of the lower calorific value of the working state of fuel of a given type to the calorific value of 1 kg of standard fuel, i.e. to 7000 kcal/kg.

Calorie equivalent (K) is determined by the formula:

where is the lower calorific value of the working state of the fuel, in kcal/kg.

The conversion of natural fuel into conventional fuel is determined by multiplying the amount of natural fuel by the corresponding caloric equivalent.

Example. The following quantities of different fuels were consumed during the year, the conversion of which into conditional fuel is given in the table:


vano in kind

Average caloric equivalent

The amount of standard fuel,

Moscow region coal

Donetsk coal

for 1 dense m

Natural gas (including associated)

per 1 thousand m

Natural gas

Motor fuel

Diesel fuel

Gasoline (automotive)


Liquefied gas

Wood scraps, shavings and sawdust

Wood sawdust

to warehouse, m


Based on this calculation, the equivalent fuel consumption is determined, which in this example was 1370.3 tons.

Line 49 shows the fuel consumption (in terms of conditional) for all production heat energy according to the norm approved in the prescribed manner for the enterprise as a whole, and line 50 shows the actual fuel consumption.

With the introduction of this Procedure, the previously in force Instructions for filling out the federal state statistical observation form N 1-tep “Information on heat energy supply”, approved by Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated June 28, 2001 N 46, are cancelled.

Department of Trade and Services Statistics

Appendix 1. Average caloric equivalents for converting natural fuel into conventional fuel

Annex 1

Type of fuel

Average caloric equivalent for converting 1 ton of natural fuel into conventional fuel

Coals (without briquettes):


Moscow region









Fuel peat - milled for 1 ton (at a conditional humidity of 40%)

Lumpy (at conditional humidity 33%)

Peat briquettes (at a relative humidity of 16%)

Peat semi-briquettes (at a relative humidity of 28%)

Firewood - for 1 dense m

Natural gas (including associated gas) - per 1 thousand m

Fuel oil - 1 t

Fuel oil - for 1 ton

Wood trimmings, shavings and sawdust - per 1 t

Branches, pine needles, wood chips - in the warehouse

Appendix 2. Properties of water vapor (according to M.P. Vukalovich)

Appendix 2


Saturation temperature

-drinking liquids,

drink of dry saturated
new couple,


tour is intense

drinking liquids,

drink of dry saturated
new couple,

Appendix 3. Enthalpy of superheated steam (according to M.P. Vukalovich)

Appendix 3


Enthalpy, kcal/kg

pressure, kgf/cm

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prepared by Kodeks JSC and verified against:

It does not work Editorial from 12.05.2012

Document typeorder
Receiving authorityRosstat
Document Number343
Acceptance date03.08.2011
Revision date12.05.2012
Date of registration with the Ministry of Justice01.01.1970
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Instructions for filling out form N 1-TEP

I. General provisions

1. Federal statistical observation form N 1-TEP is provided by legal entities supplying the population and (or) budget-financed organizations with heat energy and hot water supply (including organizations leasing facilities for the provision of services).

A legal entity fills out this form and submits it to the territorial body of Rosstat at its location.

If available legal entity separate divisions - this form is filled out both for each separate division and for a legal entity without these separate divisions.

The completed form is submitted by the legal entity to the territorial bodies of Rosstat at the location of the corresponding separate division (for a separate division) and at the location of the legal entity (without separate divisions). In the event that a legal entity (its separate division) does not carry out activities at its location, the form is provided at the place where it actually carries out activities.

The head of a legal entity appoints officials authorized to provide statistical information on behalf of the legal entity.

The address part indicates the full name of the reporting organization in accordance with the constituent documents registered in the prescribed manner, and then in brackets - the short name. The form containing information on a separate division of a legal entity indicates the name of the separate division and the legal entity to which it belongs.

A legal entity enters the code of the All-Russian Classifier of Enterprises and Organizations (OKPO) in the code part of the form on the basis of the Notification of assignment of the OKPO code sent (issued) to organizations by the territorial bodies of Rosstat.

2. A report in form N 1-TEP is not provided by:

enterprises (organizations) that are only heat producers, but do not directly supply consumers with heat;

enterprises (organizations) that supply heat and hot water only for the production and technological needs of enterprises (organizations).

3. When drawing up the form, the completeness of its completion and the reliability of the statistical data contained in it must be ensured.

4. Form N 1-TEP is provided annually.

5. The official responsible for compiling statistical information provides reporting data in form N 1-TEP within the time limits specified on the form to the relevant structural units of the territorial body of state statistics in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

6. Lists of cities, urban-type settlements and rural settlements served by the enterprise are attached to the report.

7. In the case where the reporting enterprise (organization) serves settlements in urban and rural areas, two reports are prepared separately for urban and rural areas.

8. When transferring an enterprise (organization) supplying consumers with heat energy from other departments to municipal ownership, i.e. under the jurisdiction of local governments (and vice versa), reporting is prepared separately for the period before its transfer and for the actual time worked in the new system after the transfer.

9. In the address part of the form, the full name of the reporting organization is indicated in accordance with the constituent documents registered in the prescribed manner, and then in brackets - the short name. The form containing information on a separate division indicates the name of the separate division and the legal entity to which it belongs.

The line "Postal address" indicates the name of the subject of the Russian Federation, legal address with postal code; If actual address does not coincide with the legal one, then the actual postal address is also indicated. For separate divisions that do not have a legal address, a postal address with a postal code is indicated.

A legal entity must enter into the code part the code of the All-Russian Classifier of Enterprises and Organizations (OKPO) on the basis of the Notification of assignment of the OKPO code sent (issued) to organizations by the territorial bodies of Rosstat.

For separate divisions of a legal entity, an identification number is indicated, which is established by the territorial body of Rosstat at the location of the separate division.

10. Data are provided in the units of measurement indicated in the form.

11. Data from lines 01 - 17, 22, 33, 46 - 49 are shown in whole numbers, the rest - with one decimal place.

II. Filling out form indicators

12. Number of heat supply sources, their thermal power and number of boilers. Lines 01 - 04 show the number of heat supply sources (boiler houses) put into operation during the reporting year, including with a capacity of up to 3 Gcal/hour (line 02), from 3 to 20 Gcal/hour (line 03) and from 20 to 100 Gcal/hour (line 04). These lines 01 must be equal to the sum of these lines 02 - 04 or more due to heat supply sources (boiler houses) with a capacity of 100 Gcal/hour or more.

From line 11, heat supply sources that are leased (line 05) or in concession (line 06) are identified.

Lines 07 - 10 reflect the number of liquidated heat supply sources (boiler houses) for the reporting year, i.e. written off in the prescribed manner from the balance sheet of the reporting enterprise (organization), including with a capacity of up to 3 Gcal/hour (line 08), from 3 to 20 Gcal/hour (line 09) and from 20 to 100 Gcal/hour (line 10). These lines 07 must be equal to the sum of these lines 08 - 10 or more due to liquidated heat supply sources (boiler houses) with a capacity of 100 or more Gcal/hour.

Line 11 shows the number of heat supply sources: thermal power plants, district, quarterly, group, local and individual boiler houses listed on the balance sheet of the enterprise (organization) as of the end of the reporting year, including with a capacity of up to 3 Gcal/hour (line 12), from 3 to 20 Gcal/hour (line 13) and from 20 to 100 Gcal/hour (line 14). These lines 11 must be equal to the sum of lines 12 - 14 or more due to heat supply sources (boiler houses) with a capacity of 100 Gcal/hour or more.

Lines 15 - 17 indicate heat supply sources (boiler houses) listed on the balance sheet of the enterprise (organization) at the end of the reporting year, operating on solid fuel (line 15), liquid fuel (line 16) and gaseous fuel (line 17).

13. Total power of heat supply sources. Line 18 shows the thermal power of heating boiler installations as of the end of the reporting year, which is determined by the sum of the nominal nameplate capacities of all boilers (power plants) installed in them and is shown in Gcal/hour, including power up to 3 Gcal/hour (line 19 ), from 3 to 20 Gcal/hour (line 20) and from 20 to 100 Gcal/hour (line 21). These lines 18 must be equal to the sum of these lines 19 - 21 or more due to heat supply sources (boiler houses) with a capacity of 100 Gcal/hour or more.

14. Line 22 shows the total number of boilers (power plants) installed in all available heat supply sources (boiler houses) and listed on the balance sheet of the enterprise (organization) at the end of the reporting year, regardless of whether they are in operation, reserve, repair, or awaiting repair or downtime for other reasons.

15. Length of heating networks. Line 23 shows the total length of all water heating networks (including hot water supply networks) and steam networks in two-pipe calculation, listed on the balance sheet of the enterprise (organization) at the end of the reporting year, including those with a diameter of up to 200 mm (line 24), from 200 mm to 400 mm (line 25), from 400 mm to 600 mm (line 26). These lines 23 must be equal to the sum of these lines 24 - 26 or more due to the length of pipelines with a diameter of 600 mm or more.

The length of heating networks is determined by the length of their route, regardless of the installation method, with two pipelines laid: direct and return for the water network, a steam pipeline and a condensate pipeline for the steam network. The length of the water network must take into account the length of individual networks used for hot water supply.

Line 27 reflects heat and steam networks that need replacement (from line 23).

Line 28 displays dilapidated networks that need to be replaced (from line 27).

Dilapidated networks are networks that, according to technical inventory data, are worn out over 60%.

Line 29 reflects the length of networks that were replaced during the reporting year.

Line 30 reflects the length of dilapidated networks that were replaced during the reporting year (from line 29).

Replacing networks involves carrying out scheduled maintenance work to prevent their premature wear.

16. Line 31 reflects savings from modernization work. The indicator is calculated as the amount of cash income received from the implementation of the project for the reporting period of operation, including cash income from increasing the volume of production of goods, works, services, reducing the labor intensity of work, saving energy resources and materials, etc. During the reporting period, this indicator should not be less than the amount of the initial investment divided by the number of years of payback of the project.

17. Line 32 shows the average annual book value of production capacities (including leased ones) of heat supply sources (boiler houses), which is determined as the quotient of dividing by 12 the amount obtained by adding half of the book value of production capacities as of January 1 of the reporting year, half of the book value by 1 January of the following year and the value of fixed assets on the 1st day of all other months of the reporting year.

18. Line 33 shows the total number of cogeneration sources of thermal and electrical energy (power plants) installed in all available heat supply sources (boiler houses) and listed on the balance sheet of the enterprise (organization) at the end of the reporting year, regardless of whether they are in operation or in reserve , repair, awaiting repair or downtime for other reasons.

Cogeneration sources are gas turbine units that produce heat and light (mini-CHP).

Section II. Production and supply of thermal energy

19. Production and supply of thermal energy. Line 34 indicates the amount of thermal energy produced per year, including heat supply sources (boiler houses) with a capacity of up to 3 Gcal/hour (line 35), from 3 to 20 Gcal/hour (line 36) and from 20 to 100 Gcal/hour ( line 37). It is determined by the amount and heat content of released thermal energy measured by measuring instruments.

These lines 34 must be equal to the sum of these lines 35 - 37 or more due to heat supply sources (boiler houses) with a capacity of 100 Gcal/hour or more.

20. For individual enterprises (organizations) that temporarily do not have measuring instruments for systematically determining the production or consumption of heat energy, with insignificant consumption of the latter, calculation methods established by regulatory and technical documents for the accounting of thermal energy and coolants can be used, as an exception. These indicators are determined by calculation based on the fuel consumption produced and the average efficiency of the boiler room. The weighted average efficiency of the boiler room should be determined on the basis of periodic thermal tests.

To determine the heat production based on the corresponding fuel consumption, use the table below.

Boiler house net efficiency - in %Boiler house net efficiency - in %Consumption of equivalent fuel per 1 gigacalorie supplied - in kilograms of equivalent fuel/Gcal
60,0 238,10 80,0 178,57
62,0 230,41 82,0 174,22
64,0 223,21 84,0 170,07
66,0 216,45 86,0 166,11
68,0 210,08 88,0 162,34
70,0 204,08 90,0 158,73
72,0 198,41 92,0 155,28
74,0 193,05 94,0 151,98
76,0 187,97 95,0 150,38
78,0 183,15

Having data on fuel consumption in the boiler room for a year and knowing the efficiency of the boiler room, it is possible to determine the heat energy production by calculation. So, for example, if a boiler house of a plant, which supplies heat to the population, budget-financed organizations and enterprises, consumed 812 tons of Donetsk coal with a calorific equivalent of 0.723 during the reporting year with a boiler room efficiency of 72%, then the equivalent fuel consumption will be 587 tons (812 tons x 0.723) , since with a boiler house efficiency of 72%, the production of one gigacalorie will require, according to the table above, 198.41 kg of standard fuel, then the amount of heat energy generated will be 2959 Gcal:


Then, from the resulting volume of heat energy production, the heat spent on the boiler house’s own production needs (steam pumps, steam nozzles, blowers, etc.) is excluded.

If heat energy is recorded in tons of steam, then the amount of generated steam is recalculated in gigacalories based on the heat content of the generated steam, corresponding to its average pressure and temperature. So, for example, if a boiler room produces saturated steam at an average pressure of 4 kgf/cm2, then according to reference books, this pressure corresponds to a heat content of steam of 653.9 kilocalories per kilogram. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the temperature of the feed water. So, for example, if the feed water temperature was 10 C°, then the amount of heat obtained with one kilogram of steam will be 653.9 - 10 = 643.9 kcal/kg.

Let us assume that the boiler house produced 1500 tons of steam in a month at the above average pressure of 4 kgf/cm2 and a feedwater temperature of 10 C°. Then the amount of heat generated will be 965850000 kilocalories (1500 * 1000 * (653.9 - 10)), or approximately 966 gigacalories.

In exceptional cases, when it is not possible to estimate the efficiency of a boiler, it is allowed for low-power boilers (less than 0.1 Gcal/hour) to take the consumption of equivalent fuel for the supply of one gigacalorie of heat on average equal to 200.0 kilograms of equivalent fuel (i.e., considering that from one ton of standard fuel, 5 Gcal of heat energy can be obtained from such boilers).

To convert the power of hot water boilers, measured in MW, into Gcal/hour, you should use the following ratio: 1 MW = 0.86 Gcal/hour.

21. Line 38 shows the amount of heat energy received (purchased) from the outside, which is determined according to the invoices of heat suppliers presented for payment based on the readings of measuring instruments (or calculated).

22. Line 39 reflects the amount of heat energy actually supplied for the reporting period to all categories of consumers (subscribers), determined on the basis of data from measuring instruments, and in their absence - in the manner established by local governments and in accordance with regulatory and technical documents for accounting thermal energy and coolants.

The total amount of heat energy supplied does not include heat used for the heat supply source’s own production needs (boiler house).

The data in line 39 must be equal to the sum of the data in lines 40 and 45.

23. Line 40 shows the amount of heat supplied to its consumers (subscribers), including:

to the population (when the cost of consumed heat is paid by the population, regardless of the form and method of payment) - line 41;

budget-financed organizations, which include: educational establishments(schools, boarding schools, technical schools, colleges, institutes, etc.); medical and health institutions (hospitals, clinics, outpatient clinics, first-aid posts, sanatoriums, rest homes, etc.); sports facilities (stadiums, etc.); cultural institutions (museums, parks, libraries, etc.); children's preschool institutions(kindergartens, nurseries); orphanages, children's health institutions; homes and boarding schools for the elderly and disabled; communal institutions (hotels, houses and hostels for visitors, which are on the balance sheet of budget-financed organizations); student dormitories, military units, as well as public utility enterprises and institutions (baths, laundries, funeral service organizations, etc.) - line 42;

Enterprises for production needs (line 43);

Production needs should be understood as the needs industrial enterprises involved in the manufacture of products, processing of raw materials and materials, etc.

Other organizations (line 44).

Other organizations include organizations of the non-governmental sector, trade, catering, entertainment and others.

24. Line 45 shows the amount of heat supplied to other enterprises (resellers) for distribution to their consumers (subsubscribers).

25. Line 46 shows the number of accidents at heat supply sources, steam and heating networks.

Line 47 shows the number of accidents on steam and heat networks, including hot water supply networks (from line 46).

Line 48 shows the number of accidents at heat supply sources.

An accident is considered to be a failure of elements of systems, networks and heat supply sources, resulting in a cessation of the supply of thermal energy to consumers and subscribers for heating and hot water supply for a period of more than 8 hours.

26. Line 49 shows the average annual number of employees in the main activity (excluding part-time workers).

The number of employees of the main activity includes all registered personnel employed in production processes for supplying the population, budget-financed organizations, enterprises and other organizations with heat energy and hot water.

Section III. Energy saving

27. Line 50 shows fuel consumption according to the norm (in terms of conditional) for the entire volume of produced resources. The following indicators stand out: solid fuel(line 51), liquid fuel (line 52) and gaseous fuel (line 53).

Fuel consumption (in terms of conventional). The consumption of standard fuel (standard and actual) for the production of thermal energy is determined according to the log of fuel consumption in physical terms and the standard fuel given by its calorific value.

Conversion of natural fuel into conditional fuel (7000 kcal/kg), as a rule, should be carried out by the enterprise on the basis of periodic determination of the calorific value of fuel in laboratories (in-house or third-party on request) equipped with appropriate instruments, and with the mandatory fulfillment of GOST requirements for sampling and analysis .

If it is impossible to directly determine the calorific value of fuel in a laboratory, it is allowed to determine it by calculation based on laboratory analysis of the elemental composition of the fuel or analysis of ash content and moisture using generally accepted calculation formulas and tables of the calorific value of the combustible mass. Thus, if there is data on the lower calorific value of the combustible mass, ash content and moisture content of the working fuel, the lower calorific value of natural fuel Q(p)_H is determined by the formula:

Ap - ash content of working fuel in percent;

Wp - humidity of working fuel in percent;

Q(g)_H - lower calorific value of the combustible mass, kcal/kg.

If it is not possible to determine the calorific value of the fuel using one of the above methods, you can use the data from suppliers’ certificates. In some cases, with insignificant fuel consumption and the absence of any possibilities for determining the calorific value of the fuel, it is allowed, as an exception, to use the average caloric equivalents of converting natural fuel into conventional fuel, adopted by Rosstat when developing the "Calculated balance of fuel and energy resources of the Russian Federation" in accordance with the Instructions for compiling statistical reporting on the use of fuel, heat and electricity in form N 11-SN, approved by Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated 05.09.94 N 154 and form N 11-TER "Information on the use of fuel, heat and electricity for production individual species products, works, (services)", approved by Rosstat Resolution N 74 of 10/09/2007.

All types of natural fuel are converted into standard fuel, as a rule, according to their actual caloric equivalents, defined as the ratio of the lower calorific value of the working state of fuel of a given type to the calorific value of 1 kg of standard fuel, i.e. to 7000 kcal/kg.

Calorie equivalent (K) is determined by the formula:

K = Q(p)_H ,

Q(p)_H- lower calorific value of the working state of the fuel, in kcal/kg.

The conversion of natural fuel into conventional fuel is carried out by multiplying the amount of natural fuel by the corresponding caloric equivalent.

Example. The following quantities of different fuels were consumed during the year, the conversion of which into conditional fuel is given in the table:

Natural gas (including associated)per 1 thousand m3100 1,154 115,4 Natural gas-"- 100 1,16 116,0 Motor fuelfor 1 t100 1,43 143,0 Diesel fuel-"- 100 1,45 145,0 Gasoline (automotive)-"- 100 1,49 149,0 Kerosenefor 1 t100 1,47 147,0 Liquefied gas-"- 100 1,57 157,0 Wood scraps, shavings and sawdust-"- 100 0,36 36,0 Wood sawdustto the warehouse. m3100 0,11 11,0 Charcoalfor 1 t100 0,93 93,0 Total 1370,3

Based on this calculation, the equivalent fuel consumption is determined, which in this example was 1370.3 tons.

28. Line 54 shows the energy consumption at the rate for the entire volume of produced resources.

29. Line 55 shows the actual fuel consumption for the entire volume of produced resources. The indicator distinguishes: solid fuel (line 56), liquid fuel (line 57), gaseous fuel (line 58).

30. Line 59 reflects the actual energy consumption for the entire volume of produced resources.

31. Line 60 reflects fuel savings for the reporting period (in conventional terms). The indicator is defined as the difference obtained as a result of energy saving measures between the actual fuel consumption for the entire volume of produced resources (line 55) and the standard fuel consumption for the entire volume of produced resources (line 50). The indicator distinguishes: solid fuel (line 61), liquid fuel (line 62), gaseous fuel (line 63).

32. Line 64 displays energy savings for the reporting period. It is defined as the difference obtained as a result of energy saving measures between the actual energy consumption for the entire volume of produced resources (line 59) and the standard energy consumption for the entire volume of produced resources (line 54).

33. Line 65 reflects the costs of energy saving measures. The indicator provides for the enterprise's expenses for the implementation of projects, programs and measures for energy saving, including the introduction of new technologies and the installation of energy-saving equipment during the reporting period.

34. Line 66 reflects savings from energy saving measures. The indicator should reflect the financial savings achieved during the reporting period during the implementation of projects, programs and energy saving measures. Financial savings from the implementation of energy saving measures should be calculated as the difference between the enterprise's costs before implementing these measures and the enterprise's costs after implementing energy saving measures.

35. Line 67 lists all losses of thermal energy that occurred in the reporting year.

The total amount of thermal energy losses is determined as the difference between the amount of heat supplied to the network (including the amount of heat produced and received from outside minus the heat spent on the boiler houses’ own production needs) and the amount of heat consumed by all consumers (subscribers).

From line 67, thermal energy losses in heat and steam networks are highlighted (line 68).

36. Line 69 indicates the amount of electrical energy produced by cogeneration thermal installations (thousand kW/hour) for the entire reporting period.

37. Line 70 indicates the amount of thermal energy produced by cogeneration thermal installations (gigacal) for the entire reporting period.

Control according to form N 1-TEP:

1. page 01 >= page 02 + page 03 + page 04;

2. page 11 >= page 12 + page 13 + page 14;

3. page 18 >= page 19 + page 20 + page 21;

4. page 23 >= page 24 + page 25 + page 26;

5. page 27 >= page 23;

6. page 28 >= page 27;

7. page 30 >= page 29;

8. page 34 >= page 35 + page 36 + page 37;

9. page 39 >= page 40;

10. page 39 = page 40 + page 45;

11. page 40 = page 41 + page 42 + page 43 + page 44;

12. page 46 >= page 47 + page 48;

14. page 67 = page 34 + page 38 - page 39;

"On approval of the Procedure for filling out and submitting the federal state statistical observation form No. 1-TEP "Information on heat supply"

The Federal State Statistics Service decides:

1. Approve the attached Procedure for filling out and submitting the federal state statistical observation form No. 1-TEP “Information on heat supply” and put it into effect, starting with the report for 2005.

2. With the introduction of the Procedure specified in paragraph 1 of this resolution, the resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated June 28, 2001 No. 46 regarding the approval of the Instructions for filling out the federal state statistical observation form No. 1-TEP “Information on the supply of heat energy” has become invalid.

The procedure for filling out and submitting the state statistical observation form No. 1-TEP “Information on heat supply”

(approved by resolution of the Federal State Statistics Service
dated November 11, 2005 No. 79)

I. General provisions

1. Statistical form No. 1-TEP is submitted by legal entities, their separate divisions (CHP, state district power station, enterprises (organizations) of thermal and electric heating networks, energy supply enterprises (organizations), etc., either on an independent balance sheet or included in diversified production associations housing and communal services, and on the balance sheet of enterprises (organizations), regardless of the organizational and legal form and form of ownership, supplying the population and public utility enterprises (organizations) with heat energy and hot water supply.

Enterprises (organizations) that are only heat producers, but do not directly supply consumers with heat, as well as enterprises (organizations) that supply heat energy and hot water only for the production and technological needs of enterprises (organizations) do not submit a report in Form No. 1-TEP.

2. When transferring an enterprise (organization) supplying consumers with heat energy from other departments to municipal ownership, i.e. under the jurisdiction of local executive authorities (and vice versa), reporting is prepared separately for the period before its transfer and for the actual time worked in the new system after the transfer. In the explanatory note to the report, it is necessary to indicate from which department the enterprise (organization) was accepted or to which it was transferred.

3. Statistical reporting in form No. 1-TEP is submitted with an annual frequency within the time limits specified on the form to the relevant structural units of the territorial body of state statistics in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

4. All report data in physical and monetary terms must be based on reliable primary accounting data.

The main requirement when filling out all sections of the report is the reliability of the data.

5. The official responsible for providing statistical information promptly submits reliable reporting data in Form No. 1-TEP.

6. In the case where the reporting enterprise (organization) serves settlements in urban and rural areas, two reports are drawn up separately for urban and rural areas.

7. In the address part of the form, the full name of the reporting organization is indicated in accordance with the constituent documents registered in the prescribed manner, and then in brackets - the short name.

The line "Postal address" indicates the name of the territory, legal address with postal code.

The code part of the code must include the code of the All-Russian Classifier of Enterprises and Organizations (OKPO) on the basis of the Notification of assignment of the OKPO code by state statistics bodies.

8. Data are presented in those units of measurement that are indicated on the form of the approved statistical reporting form.

9. Data from lines 01 - 15, 20, 42 - 45 are shown in whole numbers, the rest - with one decimal place.

II. Filling out the indicators of form No. 1-TEP

10. Number of heat supply sources, their thermal power and number of boilers. Lines 01 - 04 show the number of heat supply sources (boiler houses) put into operation during the reporting year, including with a capacity of up to 3 Gcal/hour (line 02), from 3 to 20 Gcal/hour (line 03) and from 20 to 100 Gcal/hour (line 04). These lines 01 must be equal to the sum of these lines 02 - 04 or more due to heat supply sources (boiler houses) with a capacity of 100 Gcal/hour or more.

Lines 05 - 08 reflect the number of liquidated heat supply sources (boiler houses) for the reporting year, i.e. written off in the prescribed manner from the balance sheet of the reporting enterprise (organization), including with a capacity of up to 3 Gcal/hour (line 06), from 3 to 20 Gcal/hour (line 07) and from 20 to 100 Gcal/hour (line 08). These lines 05 must be equal to the sum of these lines 06 - 08 or more due to liquidated heat supply sources (boiler houses) with a capacity of 100 or more Gcal/hour.

Heat supply sources (boiler houses) transferred to other enterprises or accepted onto the balance sheet from other enterprises (organizations) are not shown as newly introduced or liquidated, but are reflected in the form on lines 09 - 12.

Line 09 shows the number of heat supply sources: thermal power plants, district, quarterly, group, local and individual boiler houses listed on the balance sheet of the enterprise (organization) at the end of the reporting year, including with a capacity of up to 3 Gcal/hour (line 10), from 3 to 20 Gcal/hour (line 11) and from 20 to 100 Gcal/hour (line 12). These lines 09 should be equal to the sum of lines 10 - 12 or more due to liquidated heat supply sources (boiler houses) with a capacity of 100 Gcal/hour or more.

Lines 13 - 15 indicate heat supply sources (boiler houses) listed on the balance sheet of the enterprise (organization) at the end of the reporting year, operating on solid fuel (line 13), liquid fuel (line 14) and gaseous fuel (line 15).

11. Line 16 shows the total power of heat supply sources (thermal power of heating boiler installations) at the end of the reporting year, which is determined by the sum of the nominal nameplate capacities of all boilers (power plants) installed in them and is shown in Gcal/hour, including capacity up to 3 Gcal/hour (line 17), from 3 to 20 Gcal/hour (line 18) and from 20 to 100 Gcal/hour (line 19). These lines 16 must be equal to the sum of these lines 17 - 19 or more due to heat supply sources (boiler houses) with a capacity of 100 Gcal/hour or more.

12. Line 20 shows the total number of boilers (power plants) installed in all available heat supply sources (boiler houses) and listed on the balance sheet of the enterprise (organization) at the end of the reporting year, regardless of whether they are in operation, reserve, repair, awaiting repair or downtime for other reasons.

13. Length of heating networks. Line 21 shows the total length of all water heating networks (including hot water supply networks) and steam networks in two-pipe calculation, listed on the balance sheet of the enterprise (organization) at the end of the reporting year, including those with a diameter of up to 200 mm (line 22), from 200 mm to 400 mm (line 23), from 400 mm to 600 mm (line 24). These lines 21 must be equal to the sum of these lines 22 - 24 or more due to the length of pipelines with a diameter of 600 mm or more.

The length of heating networks is determined by the length of its route, regardless of the installation method, with two pipelines laid in it: direct and return for the water network, a steam pipeline and a condensate pipeline for the steam network. The length of the water network must take into account the length of individual networks used for hot water supply.

Line 25 reflects heat and steam networks that need replacement (from line 21).

Line 26 reflects dilapidated networks that need to be replaced (from line 25).

Dilapidated networks are networks that, according to technical inventory data, are worn out over 60%.

Line 27 reflects the length of networks that were replaced during the reporting year.

Line 28 reflects the length of dilapidated networks that were replaced during the reporting year (from line 27).

14. Production and supply of thermal energy. Line 29 indicates the amount of thermal energy produced per year, including heat supply sources (boiler houses) with a capacity of up to 3 Gcal/hour (line 30), from 3 to 20 Gcal/hour (line 31) and from 20 to 100 Gcal/hour ( line 32) and is determined by the amount and heat content of released thermal energy measured by measuring instruments.

These lines 29 must be equal to the sum of these lines 30 - 32 or more due to heat supply sources (boiler houses) with a capacity of 100 Gcal/hour or more.

15. For individual enterprises (organizations) that temporarily do not have measuring instruments for systematically determining the production or consumption of heat energy, with insignificant consumption of the latter, calculation methods established by regulatory and technical documents for the accounting of thermal energy and coolants can be used, as an exception. These indicators are determined by calculation based on the fuel consumption produced and the average efficiency of the boiler room. The weighted average efficiency of the boiler room should be determined on the basis of periodic thermal tests.

To determine the heat production based on the corresponding fuel consumption, use the table below.

Boiler house net efficiency - in %

Boiler house net efficiency - in %

Consumption of equivalent fuel per 1 gigacalorie supplied - in kilograms of equivalent fuel/Gcal







































Having data on fuel consumption in the boiler room for a year and knowing the efficiency of the boiler room, it is possible to determine the heat energy production by calculation. So, for example, if a boiler house of a plant, which supplies heat to the population and for household needs, consumed 812 tons of Donetsk coal with a calorific equivalent of 0.723 during the reporting year with a boiler room efficiency of 72%, then the equivalent fuel consumption will be 587 tons (812 tons × 0.723 ), since with a boiler house efficiency of 72%, the production of one gigacalorie will require, according to the table above, 198.41 kg of standard fuel, then the amount of heat energy generated will be 2959 Gcal:

Then, from the resulting volume of heat energy production, the heat spent on the boiler house’s own production needs (steam pumps, steam nozzles, blowers, etc.) is excluded.

If heat energy is recorded in tons of steam, then the amount of generated steam is recalculated in gigacalories based on the heat content of the generated steam, corresponding to its average pressure and temperature. So, for example, if a boiler room produces saturated steam at an average pressure of 4 kgf/cm 2, then according to reference books, this pressure corresponds to a heat content of steam of 653.9 kilocalories per kilogram. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the temperature of the feed water. So, for example, if the feedwater temperature was 10 °C, then the amount of heat obtained with one kilogram of steam will be 653.9 - 10 = 643.9 kcal/kg.

Let’s assume that the boiler room produced 1500 tons of steam in a month at the above average pressure of 4 kgf/cm2 and a feedwater temperature of 10 °C. Then the amount of heat generated will be 965850000 kilocalories (1500 × 1000 × (653.9 - 10), or approximately 966 gigacalories.

In exceptional cases, when it is not possible to estimate the efficiency of a boiler, it is allowed for low-power boilers (less than 0.1 Gcal/hour) to take the consumption of equivalent fuel for the supply of one gigacalorie of heat on average equal to 200.0 kilograms of equivalent fuel (i.e., considering that from one ton of standard fuel, 5 Gcal of heat energy can be obtained from such boilers).

To convert the power of hot water boilers, measured in MW, into Gcal/hour, you should use the following ratio: 1 MW = 0.86 Gcal/hour.

16. Line 33 shows the amount of heat energy received (purchased) from the outside, which is determined according to the invoices of heat suppliers presented for payment based on the readings of measuring instruments (or calculated).

17. Line 34 reflects the actual consumed thermal energy for the reporting period by all categories of consumers (subscribers), determined on the basis of data from measuring instruments, and in their absence - in the manner established by local governments and in accordance with regulatory and technical documents on heat accounting energy and coolants.

The total amount of heat energy supplied does not include heat used for the heat supply source’s own production needs (boiler house).

The data in line 34 must be equal to the sum of the data in lines 35 and 39.

Line 35 shows the amount of heat energy supplied to its consumers (subscribers).

18. Lines 36 - 38 reflect the amount of heat supplied to its consumers:

To the population (when the cost of consumed heat is paid by the population, regardless of the form and method of payment) - line 36;

For municipal and household needs (line 37).

The indicator “for municipal needs” should include the supply of thermal energy to the following state and municipal enterprises, state and municipal institutions and state and municipal organizations: educational (schools, boarding schools, technical schools, colleges, institutes, universities, etc. .), medical (hospitals, clinics, outpatient clinics, first-aid posts, sanatoriums, rest homes, etc.), sports (sports clubs, stadiums, etc.), children's institutions (kindergartens and nurseries), orphanages, children's health centers camps, homes for the elderly and disabled, communal (hotels, houses and hostels for visitors, etc.), student dormitories. military units, as well as for communal and cultural needs of enterprises, institutions and organizations providing housing and communal services;

For the production needs of enterprises (organizations) - line 38.

19. Line 39 shows the amount of heat supplied to other enterprises (resellers) for distribution to their consumers (subsubscribers).

20. Line 40 lists all heat losses that occurred in the reporting year.

The total amount of thermal energy losses is determined as the difference between the amount of heat supplied to the network (including the amount of heat produced and received from outside minus the heat spent on the boiler houses’ own production needs) and the amount of heat consumed by all consumers (subscribers).

21. Line 41 shows the average annual book value of the production capacity of heat supply sources (boiler houses), which is determined as the quotient of dividing by 12 the amount obtained by adding half of the book value of production capacity as of January 1 of the reporting year, half of the book value as of January 1 following the reporting year year and the value of fixed assets on the 1st day of all other months of the reporting year.

22. Line 42 shows the number of accidents at heat supply sources, steam and heating networks.

Line 43 shows the number of accidents on steam and heating networks, including hot water supply networks (from line 42).

Line 44 shows the number of accidents at heat supply sources.

An accident is considered to be a failure of elements of systems, networks and heat supply sources, resulting in a cessation of the supply of thermal energy to consumers and subscribers for heating and hot water supply for a period of more than 8 hours.

23. Line 45 shows the total number of cogeneration sources of thermal and electrical energy (power plants) installed in all available heat supply sources (boiler houses) and listed on the balance sheet of the enterprise (organization) at the end of the reporting year, regardless of whether they are in operation or in reserve , repair, awaiting repair or downtime for other reasons.

24. Line 46 indicates the amount of electrical energy produced by cogeneration thermal units (kW/hour) for the entire reporting period.

25. Line 47 shows the amount of funds allocated by the enterprise (organization) for the modernization of heat supply sources (thousand rubles).

Modernization (reconstruction) involves performing work on sources aimed at ensuring the production of thermal energy, developing a heat supply system in order to meet the needs of housing and industrial construction, improving the quality of services provided to consumers, and improving the environmental situation in the territory of the municipality.

26. Line 48 shows the actual economic efficiency of work on the modernization of fixed assets, including heat supply sources, replacement of networks and systems of heat supply and hot water supply (thousand rubles) obtained through the implementation of modernization work during the payback period of the projects.

27. Fuel consumption (in terms of conventional). The consumption of standard fuel and in fact for the production of thermal energy is determined according to the log of fuel consumption in physical terms and the standard fuel given by its calorific value.

Conversion of natural fuel into conditional fuel (7000 kcal/kg), as a rule, should be carried out by the enterprise on the basis of periodic determination of the calorific value of fuel in laboratories (in-house or third-party - upon request) equipped with appropriate instruments, and with the mandatory fulfillment of GOST requirements for selection and analysis samples

If it is impossible to directly determine the calorific value of fuel in a laboratory, it is allowed to determine it by calculation based on laboratory analysis of the elemental composition of the fuel or analysis of ash content and moisture content using generally accepted calculation formulas and tables of the calorific value of the combustible mass, ash content and moisture content of the working fuel; the lower calorific value of natural fuel is determined by formula:

where is the ash content of the working fuel in percent;

Humidity of working fuel in percent;

Lower calorific value of combustible mass, kcal/kg.

If it is not possible to determine the calorific value of the fuel using one of the above methods, you can use the data from suppliers’ certificates. In some cases, with insignificant fuel consumption and the absence of any possibilities for determining the calorific value of the fuel, it is allowed, as an exception, to use the average caloric equivalents of converting natural fuel into conventional fuel, adopted by Rosstat when developing the "Calculated balance of fuel and energy resources of the Russian Federation" in accordance with the Instructions for the preparation of statistical reporting on the use of fuel, heat and electricity in form No. 11-sn, approved by Decree of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated 09/05/94 No. 154 and form No. 11-ter "Information on the use of fuel, heat and electricity" , approved by Rosstat Resolution No. 33 of July 27, 2004.

All types of natural fuel are converted into standard fuel, as a rule, according to their actual caloric equivalents, defined as the ratio of the lower calorific value of the working state of fuel of a given type to the calorific value of 1 kg of standard fuel, i.e. to 7000 kcal/kg.

Calorie equivalent (K) is determined by the formula:

where is the lower calorific value of the working state of the fuel, in kcal/kg.

The conversion of natural fuel into conventional fuel is determined by multiplying the amount of natural fuel by the corresponding caloric equivalent.

Example. The following quantities of different fuels were consumed during the year, the conversion of which into conditional fuel is given in the table:


Consumed in kind

Average caloric equivalent

Amount of equivalent fuel, t

Moscow region coal



Donetsk coal




per 1 dense m3



Natural gas (including associated)

per 1 thousand m 3



Natural gas



Motor fuel

for 1 t



Diesel fuel



Gasoline (automotive)




for 1 t



Liquefied gas



Wood scraps, shavings and sawdust



Wood sawdust

to the warehouse. m 3




for 1 t





Based on this calculation, the equivalent fuel consumption is determined, which in this example was 1370.3 tons.

Line 49 shows the fuel consumption (in terms of conditional) for all production heat energy according to the norm approved in the prescribed manner for the enterprise as a whole, and line 50 shows the actual fuel consumption.

With the introduction of this Procedure, the previously existing Instructions for filling out the federal state statistical observation form No. 1-tep “Information on heat energy supply”, approved by Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated June 28, 2001 No. 46, are cancelled.

Department of Trade and Services Statistics

Annex 1

Average caloric equivalents for converting natural fuel into conventional fuel


Type of fuel

Average caloric equivalent for converting 1 ton of natural fuel into conventional fuel

Coals (without briquettes):



Moscow region


















Fuel peat - milled for 1 ton (at a conditional humidity of 40%)


lump (at conditional humidity 33%)


Peat briquettes (at a relative humidity of 16%)


Peat semi-briquettes (at a relative humidity of 28%)


Firewood - for 1 dense m3


Natural gas (including associated) - per 1 thousand m 3


Fuel oil - 1 t


Fuel oil - for 1 ton


Wood trimmings, shavings and sawdust - per 1 t


Branches, pine needles, wood chips - in warehouse m 3