Photography as a hobby... Another hobby of mine is photography, film or digital.

Types - film and digital, color and black and white: equipment for photography

In fact, any person strives to realize himself in some way: in work, in family or in a hobby. The latter can be very diverse - someone collects stamps, someone knits, and someone takes photographs. IN last years The passion for photography began to gain momentum again, probably thanks to the development of technology in this area.

Capturing the world around us is quite interesting activity. Another question is that the quality of pictures is sometimes far from ideal - after all, few people have an idea about the correct lighting, composition, contrast, brightness, focusing and the like. But today this gap can be filled by visiting special sites dedicated to photography.

What is photography?

Photography is photography, a process that allows you to capture a moment for centuries. In scientific terms, photography is the transfer of an image of an object onto paper or digital media using light and physical and chemical processes.

Film or digital?

First, film photography appeared, created using photographic materials on which photochemical processes are carried out. Then came the turn of digital photography - electronic, produced using electrical charges. Debates about which cameras are better are still ongoing. But you need to understand that digital photography differs from film photography not only in technology, but also, so to speak, in ideology.

If for film cameras the main result is the photograph itself, the print on paper, then with digital photography the origin is a digital graphic file. But to believe that a digital camera, due to its modernity, is better than a film camera is a mistake. Yes, the optics used in them are of higher quality, but other things being equal, the objective quality of the film is always higher.

Features of digital photography

Digital photography gained its popularity due to the following advantages:

  • the ability to control image quality at any stage (which is completely excluded in film cameras);
  • savings on paper and film - after all, we only print good photos, and the memory card can accommodate itself quite a large number of pictures;
  • the ability to change photo parameters after taking a photo;
  • no need to digitize slides for wider use.

Color or black and white?

Photographs come in color and black and white, and each type has its own disadvantages and advantages. Black and white photos emphasize the composition and subject of the frame, so creating such a photograph requires more art than colored. But, of course, where it is important to convey color and tone contrast, to build a play of color in the environment, black and white photography loses ground to color photography.

Optional equipment

In order for your hobby (and for some it then smoothly develops into profitable business) was successful, purchasing a camera and a bag for it is completely insufficient. It all depends on the direction in which your hobby is organized: you specialize in portrait photography, group photos, you like to photograph events, or you take aerial photographs. Each type of photography requires its own specialized equipment, which may include: additional lenses, lighting (special flashes or a stationary lighting system), protective and polarizing filters, a tripod, macro rings and some other equipment.

Printing photos is also an important step. Photos from film cameras are so complex and delicate process that only a separate article can be devoted to its creation. Printing photographs from digital media can be done in several ways: on our own on an inkjet or sublimation printer, or in a darkroom (which can also be amateur or professional).

What you choose depends on your capabilities. But know that your hobby can open up new, unknown facets of life to you, and if desired, it can easily develop into real art, highly valued by your and not only those around you.

Nikitina Ksenia

I have several hobbies and it’s very cool! While some of my classmates are bored in the evenings, I am doing my favorite activities: English language, gymnastics or photography. I'm desperately short of time. You can talk about each of these hobbies for hours, but in this presentation I talk about only one of them - photography.



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goals Relevance: photography can become a favorite pastime not only for me, but also for other guys. Goal: self-realization and self-expression. Subject of research: photography Hypothesis: people who have a favorite hobby are much more confident in themselves than those who do not. KSENIA

Man has always been drawn to beauty, and man has tried to give form to the beauty he has seen. In poetry it was the form of the word, in music beauty had a harmonious sound basis, in painting the forms of beauty were conveyed through paints and colors. The only thing that man could not do was capture the moment. For example, catching a breaking drop of water or lightning cutting through a stormy sky. With the advent of the camera in history and the development of photography, this became possible.

For me, photography is a diary. The story of my life in people, events, moods, views on what is happening.

By photographing I try to understand, capture, feel all the complex emotions that people experience at different moments in their lives. Photography is a good hobby. By taking up photography, you can discover completely new facets of life. To catch the elusive flap of a butterfly's wings or a menacing lightning bolt, to capture the tender gaze of a mother - this is worth taking pictures for.

Children occupy a special place in my photographs. They are so interesting to watch that you just want to capture them in your photographs. Children do not know how to hide their emotions and they are so natural, not feigned, that I definitely pick up my camera.

What is photography to me? It seems to me that this is a language in which you can communicate. Clear to everyone, accessible to everyone. With their help, I try to convey the emotions that I experience myself.

And emotions arise from literally everything seen. And I really want to leave many moments in my memory. This is where the camera comes to the rescue. I am lucky that every year my parents and I visit different countries. As a souvenir from all the corners where we visit, I bring great amount photographs. Cities often have their own unique "charm" or even "soul", something that sets them apart from other cities. The best cityscapes always convey this individuality, this spirit, although this is not always an easy task. My parents and I love to travel and our friend, the camera, is always with us.

In this photo you see the Pyramid of Kukulcan on the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico. Tourists often remember the Egyptian pyramids, but little information can be found about the Kukulkan pyramid. Its beauty is not at all inferior to the Egyptian pyramids. The length of the sides of the pyramid is 55 meters, and its height is 30 meters, with 365 steps leading up, symbolizing the days of the year. Every year, on the days of the spring and autumn equinox (September 23 and March 21), you can observe a unique spectacle of the “feathered serpent” - the shadow from the stepped ribs of the pyramid falls on one of the stairs. At the same time, it seems that a snake is crawling along it, up in March and down in September. The end of the staircase, in keeping with this effect, is topped with a stone snake head.

Sometimes we look for beauty abroad and don't notice the beauty around us! But our hometown Saratov is no worse! Look at these wonderful photos of your hometown!

I am sure that it is beauty that encourages justice, kindness, mercy, moral purity and harmony with the world around us. Closely interacting with beauty, a humane person is formed, with a beautiful, living and creative soul.

I really like to watch nature. There is a very good saying by Ansel Adams. “Not everyone believes in painting, but everyone believes in photography”

According to some, a photographer is a lazy or failed artist. I completely disagree with this. Without creativity and the ability to see beauty in everyday things, it is impossible to become a pro.

Photographers must be patient on the one hand, and have quick reactions on the other. For example, a photo hunt can last several hours. Sometimes, in order to capture an interesting pose of an animal, a rare bird or insect, you need to lie motionless or sit in an uncomfortable position somewhere in a swamp or sit in a tree. Such expectations will definitely be rewarded with unique photographs!

It would seem that it could be easier than becoming a photographer. Just this: buy an expensive high-quality camera and shoot, shoot everything. But such reasoning is quite naive. Being a photographer is not so easy and safe.

Amateur photography is more likely not even a hobby, but a call of the heart, a state of mind. When I started taking photographs, I began to look at the world around us a little differently than everyone else - reverently and with great love!

I think the best photo is the one I'm yet to take. KSENIA

It’s hard to believe, but photography came into our lives quite recently – in the last century. During all this time, cameras have become part of everyday human life.

Before the advent of this wonderful device, it was possible to save an event or capture a portrait in memory only by drawing it. People who are captivated by the play of color or fleeting phenomena in nature could only convey these moments with the help of paints and brushes. But with the beginning of the development of the technical process, inventions began to appear that would help a person without artistic skills to convey some moment.


Photography can become a hobby for anyone. You just have to make an effort and begin to gradually learn and practice this art. Over time, it will become clear how joyful this activity is for an amateur and whether it can become something big, for example, a profitable business.

This activity will help you take a break from everyday life and see something new in the ordinary. And many photo cards will give you great memories. Moreover, as a hobby, this is not a very expensive pleasure, because apart from a camera, essentially nothing else is required. But there are hobbies for which you have to dedicate entire rooms with underfloor heating.

You can photograph anything - nature, events of loved ones, individual photo sessions for friends. In any case, it will give you a lot of positive emotions.

Equipment selection:

Regarding the camera, then those who decide to buy their first camera should start with the most ordinary digital one. This, of course, is a budget option; even a schoolboy can afford such cameras. One of the advantages for beginners is that such devices do not require constant setup. Therefore, he will be able to concentrate on choosing the angle and all the beautiful things that surround the amateur photographer.

Such cameras are very compact and convenient; despite their simplicity, they take pictures with good quality. Therefore, a particularly original and beautiful photograph can be successfully printed in good form.

When a beginner takes original and interesting photographs, he should think about more expensive equipment. SLR Cameras They require mostly manual configuration; you will have to work hard to learn all the nuances. But once you learn how to operate a camera, you can confidently take photographs in any lighting and in any environment.

Thanks to good quality Taking pictures from such a camera, you can start making money from your hobby. But we should not forget that the most important thing in a photographer is his talent and originality of style. It doesn’t come right away, but trying to do something unique speaks volumes.

How to become a famous photographer:

Almost everyone who has been involved in photography has thought about how to become famous photographer. Even if the photographer has enormous talent to be noticed need to constantly show it to the public. Participation in world competitions or an exhibition, which can be very expensive - all this can bring enormous popularity or simply strip it to the skin. But who wouldn’t take risks for the sake of their favorite pastime?

In addition to the mentioned opportunities to become more famous, there is another option - Internet. This is especially suitable for those who need to promote themselves in their city. In a photographer's blog or group potential clients will be able to discern the style and features of the photographs. After all, everyone has their own tastes and you can’t please everyone.

Earning money from photographs:
For those who want to earn money quickly without interrupting small photo shoots, there is. By developing in this direction and establishing yourself as a good specialist, you can earn good money.

But you shouldn’t try to make money on it right away. The main thing in photography is to enjoy every shot.

photo from the archive of Viktor Sedov

Photography for a child can be much more than just pictures for Instagram. Having become seriously interested in photography, he will be able to immerse himself in the wonderful world of photography, develop his creative abilities and technical skills. How to turn a passing passion for photography into a serious hobby?

Many mothers are looking for a hobby for their restless children, so that their children do not sit day and night in front of a computer screen or run around the yards, knocking out their knees. Photography can be one of the most interesting and developing hobbies for them.

Children learn how to use a camera and the rules of artistic photography much easier and faster than adults. And teaching a child how to use Photoshop is a mere trifle. The modern child, from childhood, is faced with various electronic devices and therefore masters them very simply and quickly. Therefore, photography can become a fascinating activity for him, allowing him to master a lot of new knowledge and skills.

Let's first talk about how to get children 7-10 years old interested in photography.

Photography as a hobby: where to start?

Give your child a simple camera. In any case, such a gift will arouse interest and a desire to “click” everything around. But whether this will develop into a hobby or just become a hobby for a couple of weeks is up to you.

Yours the main task– don’t discourage the desire. Ideally, the photograph should “hook” the child. And after he likes the process of pressing the button and the appearance of the picture, you will gradually be able to guide him, point out the shooting modes, right choice camera settings, and then smoothly move on to the layout and construction of the frame.

An important rule: “don’t rush and don’t push.” In my teaching experience, many parents like to tell their children what to photograph, and children perceive this as pressure. Photography is not a compulsory school subject, like reading or arithmetic, and it should always be treated as a pleasant and useful, but not obligatory, pastime. Ideally, you need to give your child complete freedom to choose what and when to shoot. If he wants, he takes pictures; if he doesn’t want, he doesn’t take pictures.

It is best to take a camera with your child for a walk. Let him photograph whatever he likes or is interested in.

photo from the archive of Viktor Sedov

When to direct the process

So, the first stage has been passed: for a couple of weeks now, your child has been constantly stopping while walking in search of a good angle, and at this moment you are waiting patiently (by the way, this is a very necessary skill, especially with frequent stops).

Now you can not only review together what happened, but also select those shots that the child considers the most successful. The main criteria are that the photo is not blurred or overexposed (so that there is no technical defect that catches the eye).

Simply put, you just need to copy all the photos taken during the day to your computer, and then make a selection. Copy the most successful photos to a separate “Selected” folder (at the same time, teach your child the simplest operations with files and folders).

First, you need to evaluate photographs according to the “quality-poor quality” criterion and only then introduce the “artistic-non-artistic” criterion (in other words, we leave only visually “beautiful” photographs).

photo from the archive of Viktor Sedov

Photography as a hobby: developing artistic taste

I can congratulate you: the hardest part is over. The child is seriously interested in the process of photography.

Now it’s time to focus on the child’s artistic development. One weekend, go to an art exhibition together. For children 7-10 years old, the Tretyakov Gallery on Lavrushinsky Lane is best suited. Choose a room with paintings that are clear in terms of the plot. The work of Ivan Shishkin, for example, is always understandable to both children and adults. Its landscapes, reflecting all the beauty of Russian nature, will not leave anyone indifferent.

Older children (12-14 years old) will be more interested in the works of the Impressionists or Expressionists, which can be viewed in the Gallery of European and American Countries (not far from the Pushkin Museum).

Do not overload your child with information; watch no more than 4-5 rooms. Otherwise, the pleasure of a joint cultural program will turn into hard labor. After the gallery, be sure to discuss which paintings the young photographer liked best.

photo from the archive of Viktor Sedov

When should you take a photography course?

If your child is already 12 years old, he himself will tell you that he wants to study. And it is from this age that I recommend acquiring a more or less serious and expensive camera. If a teenager becomes seriously interested, it is unlikely that he will quickly abandon his chosen hobby.

Another thing is children younger age. I would recommend choosing a specially adapted children's photography course for them, and it must be individual. The teacher should be a specialist in working with children, and not just in photography. University students and ambitious young people are not suitable here. We need someone who can find a common language with the child and not scare him away. Let classes last 2-3 hours, but be sure to include practice and breaks for tea and discussion of work. It is advisable for the teacher to come to you, this will allow you to study in a familiar and comfortable environment.

Enjoyment of the process of photography is the main thing in teaching children photography. Keep this in mind and I hope photography becomes more than just a hobby for you and your child.

How many of us are there who admire professional work photographers who look and think: “Talent!!! I wish I could. Is that really possible on my soapbox?!” So I’ll tell you a story, my story, about myself as a “talent”. It all started when my MCH (young man) decided to take up photography. I bought a camera, they gave him books (luckily his birthday was just around the corner), he played around for a couple of months and gave up. No, he did great (here, for example, is my photo in his performance), but there was no opportunity to do it often in order to develop his skills. And then, without hesitation, I took the “toy” from him, connected my friends - “models” and began to study. At first it didn’t work out very well, I’ll be honest: sometimes it was crooked, sometimes askew, sometimes the angle was not right. But then I got the hang of it, a lot of ideas appeared, a lot of thoughts, and my friends were only happy - a free photographer, whom you don’t even need to be shy about (usually models get embarrassed and it takes time to free them up)

Then I read books, looked at professional photos - this is necessary in order to understand what you would like to achieve, so to speak, set a goal for the future; what style do you like, understand what you like best: portrait photographs, landscapes, still lifes, etc. I dug into all sorts of photo editing programs and was surprised at how simple it all was. Of course, I can’t say that I’m a super photographer - I have to learn everything and there’s no limit to perfection. But judge for yourself: I realized for myself, here’s what you need to take photography: 1. Desire 2. Models that can handle fire, water, snow, and rain... 3. Look at the world as if through a lens ( I’m on the bus on my way to work, I look around, at people’s faces, and imagine what kind of photograph might turn out) 4. The presence of “malicious” critics is absolutely necessary. When someone makes comments, you yourself understand the mistakes and try to avoid them in the future. 5. And most importantly, any camera. Is it true. Whether it’s a phone or a super DSLR, it’s all the same. The main thing is all of the above, and the camera is practically the last thing. If you have not decided to immediately receive huge amounts of money for your work. I decided for myself that I would remain an amateur. Because if you receive money, you will have to photograph everyone who pays. And even if you’re too lazy to edit photos or you’re just not in the mood to work today, you still have to - or you’ll lose your income. And so for your soul and your friends - how nice it is when everything gives pleasure. And sincere thanks with signatures on VKontakte: “Thank you to Yulia for making me feel like a model. “Great photos”... This is the most exciting thing, that’s when you want to create...