Guaranteed supplier, non-price zones. Supplier of last resort, non-price zones Register of guaranteed suppliers of electricity Rostov

Document's name: (as amended as of January 30, 2015)
Document Number: 152
Document type: Resolution of the Moscow Regional Energy Commission
Receiving authority: REC Moscow
Status: Active
Acceptance date: July 13, 2012
Start date: December 11, 2012
Revision date: January 30, 2015

On the list of guaranteeing suppliers of electrical energy and their areas of activity in the city of Moscow

The government of Moscow


About the list of guaranteeing suppliers electrical energy and areas of their activity in the city of Moscow

Document with changes made:
Resolution of the Moscow Regional Energy Commission dated January 25, 2013 N 12-ee/1 (for entry into force, see) (Bulletin of the Mayor and Government of Moscow, N 7, 02/05/2013);
Resolution of the Moscow Regional Energy Commission dated January 30, 2015 N 6-ee (Official website of the Mayor and Government of Moscow, 02/04/2015).

Due to changes in the borders between subjects Russian Federation the federal city of Moscow and the Moscow region, approved by Resolution of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation dated December 27, 2011 N 560-SF, on the basis of Federal Law dated March 26, 2003 N 35-FZ “On Electric Power Industry”, Basic provisions for the functioning of retail electricity markets energy approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 4, 2012 N 442, Regulations on the Regional Energy Commission of the City of Moscow, approved by Decree of the Government of Moscow dated December 12, 2006 N 963-PP, Regional Energy Commission of the City of Moscow


1. Approve the list of organizations that were previously assigned established by law Russian Federation on the Electric Power Industry procedure, the status of a guaranteeing supplier of electrical energy, in accordance with Appendix No. 1 to this resolution and the boundaries of their area of ​​activity assigned to the relevant organizations in the prescribed manner, in accordance with Appendix No. 2 to this resolution.

2. This resolution applies to relations that arose before the entry into force of this resolution, from July 1, 2012.

3. Recognize as invalid the resolution of the Moscow Regional Energy Commission dated October 20, 2006 N 43 “On obtaining the status of a guaranteeing supplier of electrical energy and coordinating the boundaries of the areas of activity of guaranteeing suppliers in the city of Moscow” (as amended by the resolutions of the Moscow Regional Energy Commission dated March 17, 2011 No. 19; dated September 14, 2011 N 74).


Appendix No. 1. List of guaranteed suppliers of electrical energy in the city of Moscow

1. Open joint-stock company "Mosenergosbyt".

2. Limited Liability Company "Energosbytholding".

3. Open joint-stock company "Oboronenergosbyt".

4. MUP "Trinity Electric Network".

Appendix No. 2. Boundaries of activity zones of guaranteeing suppliers of electrical energy in the city of Moscow


Boundaries of activity zones

Open Joint Stock Company "Mosenergosbyt"

Administrative boundaries of the territory of the city of Moscow, with the exception of territories corresponding to the areas of activity of LLC Energosbytholding, OJSC Oboronenergosbyt and MUP Troitskaya Elektroset

The clause became invalid on October 1, 2012 - Resolution of the Moscow Regional Energy Commission dated January 25, 2013 N 12-ee/1. (on entry into force, see paragraph 3 of the resolution of the Moscow Regional Energy Commission dated January 25, 2013 N 12-ee/1).

Document's name:
Document Number: 152
Document type: Resolution of the Moscow Regional Energy Commission
Receiving authority: REC Moscow
Status: Active
Published: Bulletin of the Mayor and Government of Moscow, N 68, 12/11/2012
Acceptance date: July 13, 2012
Start date: December 11, 2012
Revision date: January 30, 2015

This document is amended on the basis of the order of the Department of Electrical and Electrical Regulations of the city of Moscow dated November 14, 2017 N 256-TR from the moment the guaranteeing suppliers PJSC Mosenergosbyt and MUP Troitskaya Elektroset meet the requirements specified in paragraph 2 of this order, but not earlier than January 1, 2018 .

electric power industry

The Ministry of Industry and Energy yesterday submitted to the government a draft resolution on the rules for the functioning of retail electricity markets during the transition period of reforming the electricity industry. The department hopes that the document containing lists of potential “guaranteed suppliers”—energy sales companies that consumers will choose to provide electricity without a competition—will be adopted by April 1. Otherwise, as early as April 2, a wave of lawsuits from regional energy sales companies competing for consumers is possible.

“The X-hour is coming, when delays in adopting a resolution can cause negative events: many organizations will have problems due to the lack of rules,” said Vyacheslav Kravchenko, director of the department of structural and tariff policy in natural monopolies of the Ministry of Industry and Energy, presenting the draft document yesterday. If by April 1 it is not clearly defined what a supplier of last resort is and who can claim this status, then competitors will begin to fight each other by filing lawsuits."

Definitions of a guaranteeing supplier of electricity and potential candidates for this title are present in the draft resolution: the corresponding list takes up one and a half pages. The procedure for appointing a guaranteeing supplier has also been fixed: he will be selected through a competition. However, this clause will come into force only after the end of the transition period. The Ministry of Industry and Energy is not yet ready to say how long it will last. “I think we won’t hold these competitions in the coming year: people need to get used to the document, we're talking about about actually new rules, we need to adapt to them,” explains Vyacheslav Kravchenko.

During the transition period, consumers will choose their own guaranteed electricity suppliers. The supplier has no right to refuse to provide the service to the consumer. “The supplier of last resort is obliged to conclude an agreement with any consumer who contacts him within his area of ​​​​operation,” says the explanatory note Ministry of Industry and Energy to the draft government resolution.

There is no clear opinion as to how profitable it is for a sales company to become a supplier of last resort. “A guaranteeing supplier does not have as much profitability as an independent one, but its business is more stable and there are fewer risks in the market,” says the head of the information policy department non-profit partnership"Administrator trading system“Sergey Pikin. “He has some priorities when purchasing energy on the market and paying for it, there are guarantees that he will not go bankrupt,” continues Vyacheslav Kravchenko. Let us note that organizations that will receive the status of a supplier of last resort during the transition period will be allowed to combine the transmission and sale of electricity until its end.For all others, starting from April 1, combination is prohibited.

The benefits of the status, apparently, will depend on the specific region. “Where consumers pay, it is profitable to be a guaranteed supplier, but where they pay intermittently, it is unprofitable,” explains Sergei Pikin. “In any case, the most important thing is to build a payment system.” In his opinion, small and medium-sized consumers, mainly housing and communal services, will resort to the services of guaranteed suppliers. Large enterprises will continue to give preference to independent suppliers. “Large sales companies operating in the wholesale market can offer more interesting services, for example, a post-payment or prepayment system, that is, they are more mobile,” says Sergei Pikin.

The hundred-page document, which took two years to be approved by the Federal Tariff Service, the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade, the Federal Antimonopoly Service and the Ministry of Justice, must be approved by the government before April 1.

Kommersant will continue to monitor developments.


In connection with the change in the border between the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the federal city of Moscow and the Moscow region, approved by Resolution of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation dated December 27, 2011 N 560-SF, on the basis of Federal Law dated March 26, 2003 N 35-F3 “On the Electric Power Industry”, Basic provisions for the functioning of retail electricity markets, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 4, 2012 N 442, Regulations on the Regional Energy Commission of the City of Moscow, approved by Decree of the Moscow Government of December 12, 2006 N 963-PP, The Regional Energy Commission of the City of Moscow decides:

1. Approve the list of organizations that were previously assigned, in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation on the electric power industry, the status of a guaranteeing supplier of electrical energy, in accordance with this resolution, and the boundaries of their area of ​​activity assigned to the relevant organizations in the prescribed manner, in accordance with this resolution.

2. This resolution applies to relations that arose before the entry into force of this resolution, from July 1, 2012.

3. Recognize as invalid the resolution of the Moscow Regional Energy Commission dated October 20, 2006 No. 43 “On obtaining the status of a guaranteeing supplier of electrical energy and coordinating the boundaries of the areas of activity of guaranteeing suppliers in the city of Moscow” (as amended by the resolutions of the Moscow Regional Energy Commission dated March 17, 2011 No. 19 ; dated September 14, 2011 N 74).

Appendix No. 1
to the Regional

dated July 13, 2012 N 152

guaranteeing suppliers of electrical energy in the city of Moscow

1. Open joint-stock company "Mosenergosbyt".

2. Limited Liability Company "Energosbytholding".

3. Open joint-stock company "Oboronenergosbyt".

4. MUP "Trinity Electric Network".

Appendix No. 2
to the Regional
Energy Commission of Moscow
dated July 13, 2012 N 152

Boundaries of activity zones of guaranteed suppliers of electric energy in the city of Moscow

N Name Boundaries of activity zones
1. Open Joint Stock Company "Mosenergosbyt" Administrative boundaries of the territory of the city of Moscow, with the exception of territories corresponding to the areas of activity of LLC Energosbytholding, OJSC Oboronenergosbyt and MUP Troitskaya Elektroset
2. Limited Liability Company "Energosbytholding" Balance sheet limits electrical networks owned by JSC "Russian Railways" by right of ownership or other legally located within the administrative boundaries of the city of Moscow
3. Open Joint Stock Company "Oboronenergosbyt" The boundaries of the balance sheet ownership of electrical networks located within the administrative boundaries of the city of Moscow, owned by right of ownership or on another legal basis to organizations under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and (or) formed in pursuance of Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of September 15, 2008 N 1359 "About open joint stock company"Oboronservice", to which power receiving devices of organizations subordinate to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and other consumers (legal entities and individuals) are technologically connected
4. MUP "Troitskaya Elektroset" The boundaries of the balance sheet ownership of the electrical networks of the municipal unitary enterprise "Troitsk Electric Network" of the Troitsk urban district

Document overview

In connection with the change in the boundaries of Moscow, a list of organizations that were previously assigned the status of a guaranteeing supplier of electrical energy and the boundaries of the area of ​​activity assigned to the relevant organizations were approved.

Guarantee supplier

Guarantee supplier (abbreviated as GP) of electrical energy - commercial organization, obliged in accordance with Federal law dated March 26, 2003 No. 35-FZ “On Electric Power Industry” or voluntarily accepted obligations to conclude an agreement for the purchase and sale of electrical energy with any consumer of electrical energy who has applied to it or with a person acting on behalf and in the interests of the consumer of electrical energy and wishing to purchase electrical energy.

The status of a guaranteeing supplier extends to a certain territory, according to the register.

LLC "RUSENERGOSBYT" has the status of a Guarantee Supplier within the boundaries of the balance sheet ownership of the electrical networks of JSC "Russian Railways" in the territory of the following constituent entities of the Russian Federation:

      • The boundaries of the balance sheet ownership of the electrical networks of the Astrakhan branch of the Volga Railway of JSC Russian Railways (starting from the inputs of the Tyagovaya-1 substation and the Tyagovaya-2 substation).

      • The boundaries of the balance sheet ownership of electrical networks of OJSC "Russian railways» in the territory of the Vladimir region, to whose networks are connected consumers subject to service by RUSENERGOSBYT LLC, limited to points of supply of electrical energy and power, in accordance with Appendix No. 1 to the resolution of the department of prices and tariffs of the administration of the Vladimir region dated October 18, 2006 No. 23/1 (with changes and additions).

      • The boundaries of the activity zone are defined in Appendix No. 1 to the Resolution of the Regional Tariffs Department of the Administration of the Volgograd Region dated October 12, 2006 No. 15/2 (as amended and supplemented).

      • Within the boundaries of the activity zone corresponding to the boundaries of the balance sheet of the electrical networks of the East Siberian Railway - a branch of JSC Russian Railways, excluding the points of supply of electrical energy (power) to retail market on the territory of the Irkutsk region, defined in Appendix No. 1 and Appendix No. 3 of the order of the Tariff Service of the Irkutsk Region dated July 20, 2015 No. 168-spr, and including the points of supply of electrical energy (power) on the retail market in the Irkutsk region, defined in Appendix No. 2 orders of the Tariff Service of the Irkutsk Region dated July 20, 2015 No. 168-ref.

      • The boundaries of the balance sheet ownership of the electrical networks of JSC Russian Railways, to which the power receiving devices of consumers (legal entities and individuals) are connected, subject to service by the guaranteeing supplier - RUSENERGOSBYT LLC, within the administrative boundaries of the Kirov region, limited by the delivery points specified in the annex to the decision of the board Regional Tariff Service of the Kirov Region dated April 26, 2013 No. 14/9.

      • Along the border of the balance sheet ownership of electrical networks owned or otherwise legally owned by JSC Russian Railways, as well as power receiving devices of consumers (legal entities and individuals) connected to the networks of JSC Russian Railways, subject to servicing by the guaranteeing supplier LLC RUSENERGOSBYT, located within the administrative boundaries of the Kostroma Region, limited to delivery points, in accordance with the appendix to this order of the Department of Fuel and Energy Complex and Housing and Communal Services of the Kostroma Region dated March 14, 2013 No. 17.

      • The boundaries of the balance sheet ownership of the electrical networks of JSC Russian Railways, limited by the delivery points specified in Appendix 2 to the order of the Committee on Tariffs and pricing policy Government of the Leningrad Region dated October 13, 2006 No. 100-p (as amended and supplemented), with the exception of the area of ​​activity of the guaranteeing supplier OJSC Oboronenergosbyt (North-West branch).

      • Within the boundaries of the balance sheet ownership of electrical networks owned by property or other legal basis of JSC Russian Railways, including consumers in the territory of the Moscow region, whose power receiving devices are technologically connected to the specified electrical networks, with the exception of consumers whose power receiving devices are located in the territory of the Moscow region and technologically connected, including indirectly through power receiving devices, electrical energy (power) production facilities, power grid facilities of persons who do not provide electric energy transmission services, to the power grid facilities of Russian Railways JSC, limited to delivery points in accordance with Appendix 7 to the Order Ministry of Energy of the Moscow Region dated January 30, 2015 No. 05-r.

      • Power supply to consumers of the Murmansk region, whose power receiving devices are technologically connected to electrical networks owned by right of ownership or on another legal basis of JSC Russian Railways, and sections of railways located on the territory of the Murmansk region - branches of JSC Russian Railways (without subsubscribers), within the boundaries balance sheet ownership of the specified electrical networks and sections of railways, with the exception of the boundaries of the area of ​​activity of OJSC Oboronenergosbyt.

      • Within the boundaries of delivery points in accordance with Appendix No. 2 to the decision of the Regional Tariff Service Nizhny Novgorod region dated January 29, 2015 No. 4/6.

      • Within the boundaries of the balance sheet ownership of JSC Russian Railways at the delivery points specified in the annex to the order of the Orenburg Region Department for Prices and Tariff Regulation dated November 29, 2012 No. 01-04/41/1, corresponding to the GTR PRUSGD38: - order of the Orenburg Region Department for Prices and tariff regulation dated September 17, 2013 No. 59-e/e “On amendments to the Order of the Orenburg Region Department on prices and tariff regulation dated November 29, 2012 No. 01-04/41/1; - Order of the Orenburg Region Department for Prices and Tariff Regulation dated 02.25.2014 No. 20-e/e “On amendments to the Order of the Orenburg Region Department for Prices and Tariff Regulation dated 09.17.2013 No. 59-e/e.

      • Within the boundaries of the balance sheet ownership of electrical networks owned by property or other legal basis of JSC Russian Railways and providing power supply to consumers in the territory of the Republic of Karelia, the power receiving devices of which are technologically connected to the specified electrical networks, limited by the delivery points specified in Appendix 1, with the exception of the zone activities of the guaranteeing supplier OJSC "Oboronenergosbyt" (as amended by the Resolution of the State Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Prices and Tariffs dated October 15, 2013 No. 233).

      • Within the boundaries of the balance sheet ownership of the Kuibyshev Railway - a branch of JSC Russian Railways on the territory of the Republic of Mordovia (as amended by orders of the Ministry of Energy and Tariff Policy of the Republic of Moldova dated 02/21/2014 No. 7, dated 03/06/2015 No. 8).

      • The boundaries of the zone of activity of the guaranteeing supplier of electrical energy LLC "RUSENERGOSBYT" on the territory of the Republic of Khakassia are the boundaries of the balance sheet ownership of electrical networks owned by the Krasnoyarsk Railway - a branch of OJSC "Russian Railways" on the right of ownership or other legal basis and located on the territory of the Republic of Khakassia, with the exception of area of ​​activity of the guaranteeing supplier of electrical energy OJSC Oboronenergosbyt.

        With the exception of the following delivery points in Abakan:

        1. 10 kV power line from support No. 5, 10 kV overhead line feed. RP-1-TP-300 to RU-10 kV TP-149. TS-10/0.4 kV TS-149. CL-0.4 kV from RU-0.4 kV TP-149 KRPT-3*16 + 1*10 mm2 80 m long to distribution board-0.4 kV ICTs, technical school on the street. Piryatinskaya, 10.

        2. 10 kV power line from support No. 5, 10 kV overhead line feed. RP-1-TP-300 to RU-10 kV TP-444. Power transmission line-0.4 kV from TP-444 to RU-0.4 kV TP-148. TP-148. CL-0.4 kV from RU-0.4 kV TP-148 APVB-3 x 120 + 1*35 mm2 50 m long to DP No. 1, then with A-70 mm2 wire 180 m long to DP No. 6, then blind tapping with wire APR-500 (3 x 50 + 1 x 16) mm2, 15 m long, to distribution board-0.4 kV KNS-1 on the street. Koshurnikova.

        3. Power line 10 kV from support No. 5, overhead line 10 kV fid. RP-1-TP-300, up to RU-10 kV TP-149. TS-10/0.4 kV TS-149. KL-0.4 kV from RU-0.4 kV TP-149 ASB-3 x 35 + 1 x 16 mm2 150 m long to RP-0.4 kV well No. 2 on the street. Piryatinskaya.

        4. 10 kV power line from support No. 5, 10 kV overhead line feed. RP-1-TP-300 to RU-10 kV TP-266. TS-10/0.4 kV TS-266. KL-0.4 kV from RU-0.4 kV TP-266 2APVB-3 x 120 + 1 x 50 mm2 length 2*100 m to the distribution board-0.4 kV of the Palace of Culture of Railwaymen on the street. Piryatinskaya, 20.

        5. Power line 10 kV from support No. 5, overhead line 10 kV fid. RP-1-TP-300 to RU-10 kV TP-266. TS-10/0.4 kV TS-266. KL-0.4 kV from RU-0.4 kV TP-266 2ААШВ-3 x 16 + 1 x 10 mm2 to РШБ-0.4 kV administrative building of the stadium on the street. Piryatinskaya, 20A.

        6. Power line 10 kV from support No. 5, overhead line 10 kV fid. RP-1-TP-300 to RU-10 kV TP-300. TS-10/0.4 kV TS-300. CL-0.4 kV from RU-0.4 kV TP-300 2ААШВ-3 x 150 + 1 x 50 mm2 length 2*340 m to distribution switchboard-0.4 kV fire station and hotel on the street. Koshurnikova, 9B.

        7. 10 kV power line from support No. 5, 10 kV overhead line feed. RP-1-TP-300 to RU-10 kV TP-266. TS-10/0.4 kV TS-266. CL-0.4 kV from RU-0.4 kV TP-266 APVB-3 x 70 + 1 x 35 mm2 205 m long to ASU-0.4 kV store on the street. Piryatinskaya, 18, further from the upper jaws of the input switch in the ASU-0.4 kV store KL-0.4 kV AVRG-3 x 16 + 1 x 10 mm2 25 m long to the distribution switchboard-0.4 kV automatic telephone exchange on the street. Piryatinskaya, 18.

        8. Power line 10 kV from support No. 5, overhead line 10 kV fid. RP-1-TP-300 to RU-10 kV TP-266. TS-10/0.4 kV TS-266. CL-0.4 kV from RU-0.4 kV TP-266. Stadium lighting (right wing), st. Piryatinskaya, 20A.

        9. Power line 10 kV from support No. 5, overhead line 10 kV fid. RP-1-TP-300 to RU-10 kV TP-300. TS-10/0.4 kV TS-300. KL-0.4 kV from RU-0.4 kV TP-300 AVVR-3 x 35 + 1 x 10 mm2 to the lighting masts of the left wing of the Lokomotiv stadium (2 masts). Stadium lighting (left wing), st. Piryatinskaya, 20A.

        10. 10 kV power line from support No. 5, 10 kV overhead line feed. RP-1-TP-300 to RU-10 kV TP-266. TS-10/0.4 kV TS-266. KL-0.4 kV from RU-0.4 kV TP-266 2AVVG-3 x 50 + 1 x 16 mm2 length 2*80 m to ASU-0.4 kV garage (lighting and electric heating) on ​​the street. Piryatinskaya, 20A.

        11. 10 kV power line from support No. 5, 10 kV overhead line feed. RP-1-TP-300 to RU-10 kV TP-444. TS-10/0.4 kV TS-444. CL-0.4 kV from RU-0.4 kV TP-444 to support No. 1, support No. 1, then OHL-0.4 kV with a 4A-50 mm2 wire 560 m long to support No. 15, support No. 15, then KL-0.4 kV AVVG-4 x 35 mm2 6.5 m long to RShch-0.4 kV brake testing point UPTs on the street. Piryatinskaya, 10.

        12. 10 kV power line from support No. 5, 10 kV overhead line feed. RP-1-TP-300 to RU-10 kV TP-444. Power transmission line-0.4 kV from TP-444 to RU-0.4 kV TP-148. TP-148. KL-0.4 kV from RU-0.4 kV TP-148 APVB-3 x 90 + 1 x 25 mm2 30 m long to support No. 1, then VL-0.4 kV with wire A-50 mm2 540 m long to supports No. 15, support No. 15, then KL-0.4 kV AVRG-3 x 25 + 1 x 16 mm2 15 m long to the distribution board-0.4 kV hostel on the street. Piryatinskaya, 12.

        13. From connection to support N 33-1 VL-10 kV feed. 23/35-210, through RLND-10, including RLND-10 on support N 33-1, VL-10 kV to support N 33-6 and MTP-41 with A-50 mm2 wire 300 m long. MTP-10/0 .4 kV N 41 s power transformer 100 kVA. From switchgear-0.4 kV MTP-41 power line-0.4 kV to ASU-0.4 kV coastal pumping station, st. Vyatkina.

        14. From connecting cable lugs, including cable lugs, in RU-0.4 kV TP-202 KL-0.4 kV 2AVRG - 3 x 50 + 1 x 25 mm2 length 2 x 110 m to VRShch-0.4 kV police station on the street. Vokzalnaya, 9.

        15. Transformer substation 10/0.4 kV N 351 with power transformers (2 x 630) kVA. From RU-0.4 kV TP-351 KL-0.4 kV AASP - 4 x 25 mm2 110 m long to ASU-0.4 kV administrative building track distance along the street. Vokzalnaya, 8.

        16. Transformer substation 10/0.4 kV N 494 with power transformers (2 x 630) kVA. From RU-0.4 kV TP-494 KL-0.4 kV AVVG-3 x 95 + 1 x 35 mm2 2 x 60 m long to ASU-0.4 kV of a residential building on the street. Stofato, 20. From the upper jaws of the input switch in the 0.4 kV ASU of a residential building on the street. Stofato, 20, KL-0.4 kV APV-4 (1 x 25) mm2 50 m long to ShchVR-0.4 kV office and classroom on the street. Stofato, 20.

        17. From connecting cable lugs, including cable lugs, in RU-0.4 kV TP-365 KL-0.4 kV 2AVVG-3 x 120 + 1 x 50 mm2 2 x 350 m long to ASU-0.4 kV residential at home on the street Vokzalnaya, 28, further from the ASU-0.4 kV residential building on the street. Vokzalnaya, 28, KL-0.22 kV AVVG-3 x 10 mm2, length 12 m to RShch-0.22 kV ticket group premises on the street. Vokzalnaya, 28. From the ASU-0.4 kV of a residential building on the street. Vokzalnaya, 28, with APV-4 x 16 mm2 wire, 75 m long (in a vinyl plastic pipe) to the distribution board-0.4 kV of the premises "Technical PD" on the street. Vokzalnaya, 28.

        18. From connecting cable lugs, including cable lugs, in RU-0.4 kV TP-157 KL-0.4 kV AVVG-4 x 50 mm2, 170 m long, to RShch-0.4 kV administrative building on the street. Pushkina, 78; from connecting cable lugs, including cable lugs, in RU-0.4 kV TP-157 KL-0.4 kV AVVG-4 x 35 mm2, 180 m long, to RShch-0.4 kV extension on the street. Pushkina, 78.

        19. Transformer substation 10/0.4 kV N 494 with power transformers (2 x 630) kVA. From connecting cable lugs, including cable lugs, to RU-0.4 kV TP-494 KL-0.4 kV 2AASHVB-3 x 70 + 1 x 35 mm2 2*155 m long to ASU-1-0.4 kV residential at home on the street Stofato, 9. From the upper jaws of the input switch in the ASU-1-0.4 kV of a residential building on the street. Stofato, 9, KL-0.4 kV AVVG-3 x 35 + 1 x 16 mm2 38 m long to the distribution board-0.4 kV library on the street. Stofato, 9.

        20. From connecting cable lugs, including cable lugs, to RU-0.4 kV TP-15A KL-0.4 kV 2AAB-3 x 95 + 1 x 35 mm2 2 x 80 m long and 2APVB-3 x 70 + 1 x 35 mm2 length 2 x 80 m up to RU-0.4 kV TS-15, TS-15 RU-0.4 kV.

        21. From connection to support N 42 VL-10 kV feed. 23/15-278 via RLND-10, including RLND-10 on support N 42, VL-10 kV to support N 42-4 and TP-620 with AC-50 mm2 wire 130 m long. TP-10/0.4 kV N 620 with a 63 kVA power transformer on the street. Khlebnaya, 6. RU-0.4 kV TP-620.

        22. KL-0.4 kV AVVG-4 x 16 mm2 30 m long from connection to support No. 9, VL-0.4 kV fid. RTP-7A/f.2 to RShch-0.23 kV - backup power. supplying the VOKhR building with a video surveillance system (in the area of ​​the bridge over the Abakan River).

        23. From connection to support N 70 VL-10 kV feed. 51-278, including connections, tapping with AC-95 mm2 wire 10 m long to RLND-10 on support N 70-1, RLND-10, support N 70-1, then KL-10 kV AABL-3 x 120 mm2 240 long m to RLND-10 on support No. 1, RLND-10, support No. 1, from support No. 1 with an AC-95 mm2 wire 10 m long to RU-10 kV KTP-706. KTP-10/0.4 kV N 706, located on the street. Depovskaya, 1, with a 250 kVA power transformer. RU-0.4 kV KTP-706.

        24. From connecting cable lugs, including cable lugs, in RU-10 kV TP-365 cell N 9 KL-10 kV AABu-3 x 120 mm2 170 m long to RU-10 kV TP-142, then KL-10 kV to RU-10 kV TS-143 (note: from cell No. 9 RU-10 kV TS-365 there is a backup power supply to TS-142, TS-143, the main power supply to TS-142, TS-143 through distribution network 10 kV from cells NN 24, 36, 10, 3 RU-10 kV PS N 22 "Zapadnaya"), TS-10/0.4 kV N 142 with a 400 kVA power transformer, TS-10/0.4 kV N 143 with power transformer 250 kVA.

      • The boundaries of the balance sheet ownership of electric networks, limited by the delivery points specified in Appendix 4.1 to the order of the Tariff Committee of St. Petersburg No. 88-r dated 10/18/2006 (including amendments and additions): 1. JSC Russian Railways, to whose networks connected consumers (legal and individuals), subject to servicing by LLC "RUSENERGOSBYT", with the exception of the area of ​​activity of the guaranteeing supplier JSC "Oboronenergosbyt" (branch "North-West"). 2. JSC Lenenergo at supply points where RUSENERGOSBYT LLC acts as a buyer of electrical energy to compensate for losses in electrical networks.

Non-price zones

RUSENERGOSBYT LLC is an energy sales organization in non-price zones on the territory of the following constituent entities of the Russian Federation:

Information on hourly sales volumes of electrical energy (power) produced at each qualified generating facility, the delivery points of which are located in the area of ​​activity of the guaranteeing supplier, for each purchase and sale (supply) agreement of electrical energy (power) for the purpose of compensation for losses, concluded with the manufacturer electric energy (power) in the retail electric energy market, producing electric energy (power) at qualified generating facilities operating on the basis of the use of renewable energy sources, the volumes of which are confirmed by a certificate issued by the market council, indicating the name of the corresponding producer of electric energy (power) and the network organization that entered into the specified agreement.

LLC "RUSENERGOSBYT" in the territories of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, in which the Company has been assigned the status of a supplier of last resort, does not have contractual relations for the purchase of electrical energy (capacity) with electricity producers on the retail market, carrying out production at qualified generating facilities operating on the basis of the use of renewable energy sources , the volumes of which are confirmed by a certificate issued by the market council.