Where can I get 100 million rubles? How to make a million dollars from scratch? Earn a million by trading, examples

It is not very often that the murder of a crime boss can turn into a huge scandal, in the center of which are leading political figures of two countries. It would seem, what can criminal boss Maxim Kurochkin, Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko and the leader of the A Just Russia faction in the State Duma of the Russian Federation, Alexander Babakov, have in common? As it turns out, there is a lot in common. The death of Maxim Kurochkin from a bullet fired from a sniper rifle by an assassin put everything in its place. Ukrainian newspaper "Ukraine Daily" conducted her own investigation, the results of which may also be interesting for the Russian audience.

Until 2004, Maxim Kurochkin was considered one of the leaders of the “Luzhnikov group” (or as it is also called the “Izmailovo” group). This organized crime group is currently headed by the legalized “authority” Mikhail Voevodin and the famous politician, one of the leaders of A Just Russia, Alexander Babakov. In 2004, the paths of the Luzhniki team and Maxim Kurochkin, who effectively oversaw their “business” in Ukraine, diverged. Voevodin-Babakov see the prospect of Viktor Yushchenko, while Maxim Kurochkin gives preference to the Party of Regions. Alexander Babakov, already a deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, begins to finance Our Ukraine. After the presidential elections, the Voevodin-Babakov bet worked. Their tandem received carte blanche to actively invest in the Ukrainian economy. Ex-Minister of Transport Evgeny Chervonenko is trying to “get” the Luzhniki team to sea ​​ports, allegedly with the approval of Viktor Yushchenko. At the instigation of the Luzhniki members, through ex-Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Yuriy Lutsenko, the head of the Ukrainian Interpol bureau, Kirill Kulikov, was appointed.

“Luzhnikovites” get two access to the President at once. The first - through his brother - Peter Yushchenko. The second, through the presidential godfather, who oversaw the personal security of the President - Pavel Yaroshenko. To all this it is necessary to add Alexander Prityka, the current vice-mayor of Kyiv for housing and communal services. Previously, he worked for PIB (close to Peter Yushchenko) and oversaw VSE Energy International NV, which owns several regional power companies. Actually, it was through Peter Yushchenko that Alexander Prityka received the position of vice-mayor, representing BYuT. Prityka himself probably got into BYuT thanks to Evgeniy Giner, a partner of Alexander Babakov, who in turn is Alexander Feldman’s partner in the Barabashevsky market in Kharkov.

Maxim Kurochkin, who “bet on the wrong ones,” moves away and goes out of business. At the same time, his share is estimated at 200 million US dollars, but they are in no hurry to settle accounts with him. Maxim receives 100 million, and at this point the Luzhniki team forgets about the calculation.

At this time, through Yevgeny Chervonenko, the Luzhniki members began to work with the representative of the Jewish Confederation, Mikhail Spekter, who often presented himself as an adviser to the President of Ukraine Viktor Yushchenko. In 2004, he was the representative of a presidential candidate in Russia. It is Mikhail Spektor who oversees the business of the Luzhniki members in Ukraine. Among the curators, Nikolai Lavrenko and Anatoly Zommer also stand out. Alexander Babakov himself in Russia begins to work with Igor Sechin - Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration Russian Federation. This is how, in fact, Viktor Yushchenko got his channel to the Kremlin.

Since the presidential elections, Voevodin-Babakov’s business has been gaining momentum in Ukraine. Attempts to enter the country's energy market are beginning. With the help of the Luzhniki members, it is possible to resolve the 2005 conflict around RosUkrEnergo. In exchange for this, the doors are opened for the group’s work at Ukrainian regional power companies.

At this time, the conflict around the Dnepropetrovsk "Ozerka" begins. However, despite all the importance of this market, it is obvious that this business could not have become the reason for Kurochkin’s murder. In the conflict around Ozerka, Kurochkina played on Voevodin’s side, apparently hoping to eventually receive another 100 million from his estimated share in the once-common business.

However, in a conflict with Privat, Maxim came across the Privat “roof” in the person of ex-Minister of Internal Affairs Yuriy Lutsenko. According to Vlasti.net, the service of such a “roof” cost 20 million US dollars. Kurochkin, who by that time had already dotted the i’s in business with the Luzhniki members, and even received 50% of his share, “falls” between the Luzhnikov’s and Lutsenko’s millstones, and is ultimately chosen as a “scapegoat.” Due to his hot-tempered character, back in 2001, Kurochkin came into conflict in Moscow with the local authority “Baton”, who was soon killed. Obviously, the criminal struggle that flared up after this high-profile murder led to the fact that Kurochkin, after returning to Moscow, feels in danger and decides to sit out in Ukraine, although he knows that he will be arrested immediately upon arrival in the country.

After Kurochkin's arrest, the Luzhniki members pay Ukrainian security forces to keep him in custody. “Payment” was also carried out through “Adviser to the President” Mikhail Spektor. In the end, Kurochkin realized that his “imprisonment” in Ukraine was started only for the purpose of removing him from the business and non-payment of his share. He begins to blackmail his former business colleagues, promising to reveal all the “black” and “gray” schemes of the group if something happens. The sniper shot provided a kind of guarantee of their non-disclosure and removed the problem of paying a share of $100 million.

Last update: 03/03/2020

Reading time: 12 min. | Views: 6335

Welcome readers of the online magazine “RichPro.ru”! Today we’ll talk about how you can earn a million (1,000,000) rubles or even dollars in a month or a year and what options are possible for this.

After studying the article from beginning to end, you will also learn:

  • Is it possible to earn a million from scratch in Russia;
  • What ways will help you earn your first million;
  • Where can you earn $1,000,000?

In this publication you will find real stories and examples, as well as advice for those who decided to make a million without investment .

Studying the article is useful for everyone who has not yet made a million and does not yet know how to do it. Don't forget the saying "time is money". So don't lose it and start reading right now.

About how to earn a million in a month or a year and who earns $1,000,000 - in our new issue

(million) rubles or dollars for 1 day, week, month, year? 💰

Many people dream of earning a million rubles or dollars behind short term . However, not everyone understands whether this is real.

In fact, it is quite possible to earn that amount. However, for this there must be already existing options - running business, expensive real estate, high-paying job or even just communications .

Also, those who have unique talent or famous name . This concerns For example, famous football players, actors, singers.

Naturally, not everyone has these advantages. However, even in their absence, you shouldn’t despair: it’s quite possible to earn a million. You just have to keep in mind that you will have to spend more time and effort on this. But all your efforts will definitely pay off many times over.

💡 If you are not one of those who are afraid of difficulties, start working. Simple calculations allow you to understand that earning about 100,000 rubles per month, you can already get a million in 10 months. And this is quite real.

Of course, you can earn huge money much faster. However, we we do not recommend use fraudulent schemes or engage in crime. Therefore, in our article we will only talk about honest and reliable methods. They will definitely help you earn a million, even in about a year.

TOP 8 options on how you can earn your first million

2. Where and how to earn your first million from scratch in Russia - 8 possible options 📋

Actually make money billion and it is almost impossible for an ordinary person in Russia not to deny themselves anything. This requires serious initial capital, as well as connections. The situation with earnings is different million or even several.

First of all In order to achieve financial well-being, you will have to change - reconsider your own habits, beliefs, and attitude.

When some work has been done on yourself, the desire to earn your first million will inevitably appear. Naturally, at this moment the question will arise how to do this. To earn a million, you will have to learn not only to reason, but also to actively act. Below are TOP 8 options for earning 1,000,000 in Russia .

Option 1. Hired work

Among those looking for ways to make a million from scratch, the idea of ​​working for hire is usually not popular. However wage experienced specialists in megacities are often significantly higher than the profit of an entrepreneur in the provinces.

Of course, finding a well-paid paid job is not easy. A number of conditions will need to be met.

To earn a decent income, you must:

  1. become a highly educated specialist who is in demand on the labor market;
  2. carefully build a career, choosing the most promising and highly paid ones from a large number of offers.

Today, not only management personnel can boast of the highest salaries, but also specialists in the field programming , accounting department , lawyers , dentists , realtors real estate sales.

Provided they have certain experience, a serious attitude towards work, and employment in a large company, they can earn several million a year.

Option 2. Own business

In search of a way to make a million, many people pay attention to the opportunity to start their own business. Financial experts confirm that this is one of the few options that can bring hundreds of percent per year from the funds invested in the business.

It should be remembered that it is unlikely that you will be able to make money from scratch this way. In any case, you will have to invest money in creating your own business.

Of course, there are areas that allow you to start a business with minimal investment. Moreover, a new entrepreneur can count on free financial support from the state. However, in order to obtain it, you will have to develop and submit a high-quality one for consideration by the commission.

When choosing the direction of your own business, experts recommend first of all paying attention to mini business ideas . They allow you to get started with minimal investment at home. The only thing you need to do is evaluate your knowledge and skills.

Almost everyone has the resources necessary to run the following types of business:

  • cosmetic and major repairs of residential and commercial premises;
  • providing small household services in the field of electrical and plumbing;
  • equipment repair;
  • services of a private driving instructor;
  • making custom cakes;
  • cleaning services;
  • tutoring;
  • consulting services.

Method 5. Earn money at home

Earning a million is possible even for those who live in small towns and do not have initial capital. To do this, it is enough to organize your own home business.

Professionals advise start your own business in an area with which you are familiar. The greatest success is achieved by former employees who have managed to gain serious experience in their professional field.

It is also important to ensure that the chosen area of ​​activity is in demand. Today the greatest success can be achieved lawyers, teachers, pastry chefs, photographers.

The choice of options for creating own business those who have free space for this. Many successful businessmen started their business in a garage.

The following types of companies can be opened in the garage:

  1. car service;
  2. furniture workshop;
  3. production of building materials, paving stones, paints and other products;
  4. dry cleaning or laundry;
  5. for cleaning feather pillows;
  6. growing mushrooms and herbs;
  7. production of breakfast cereals, herbal teas.

If you choose a business that you like and is in demand among residents of nearby areas, it will be quite possible to earn a million. Of course, this will require some effort.

Method 6. Investments

Many who have free money are thinking about how to make money with it. Most often, the decision is made to put capital in the bank on. However, the profitability of this option leaves much to be desired.

In fact, there are many ways to invest money that allow you to make good money in a fairly short time.

It should be understood that a higher ⇑ level of return is associated with a higher ⇑ level of risk of loss of invested funds. Therefore, when investing, it is important to choose the optimal ratio of these two indicators for yourself.

The table presents the most popular investment instruments in order of increasing risk and profitability.

Table: “Profitability and risk levels of various investment instruments.”

Investment instrument Risk level Profitability
Bank deposit MinimumLow
Precious metals LowLow
Bonds LowAverage
Stock AverageCan be quite high
Currency ElevatedHigh
Private lending Very tallMaximum

An important principle of this income generation option is that the investor must have a good understanding of the chosen financial instrument. In this case, you will be able to earn a million or even more quickly.

Newbies who have necessary knowledge are absent, may partially or completely lose the invested capital. However, there is an opportunity that can significantly reduce⇓ risks - transfer money to trust management professionals. In this case, from the owner Money you just need to find an experienced manager who can wisely invest money with maximum profit.

📣 By the way, access to modern financial exchanges is carried out through brokers providing online trading services. Therefore, it is important to carefully consider his choice. One of the best is this broker.

Method 7. Earn money from freelancing

This income option is very popular all over the world. In Russia, they are still treating him very warily. Meanwhile, he allows you to earn a million by offering your services to those in need. However, it should be borne in mind that serious experience and knowledge in a certain area will be required.

Among the advantages of freelancing are:

  • there is no need to waste time on the road to the workplace;
  • the ability to independently plan your working day;
  • absence of demanding superiors, the freelancer decides for himself when and what to do.

However, despite serious advantages, this option also has tangible flaws . First of all, they are associated with instability of earnings. There is no guarantee that orders will arrive evenly throughout the month; you may be left without income for an indefinite period of time.

It is precisely due to instability that experts recommend first using freelancing as a source additional income. Only when you have built up a large client base can you quit your job and devote yourself entirely to what you love.

Method 8. Own website

Not everyone knows, but it allows you to quickly make a million creating your own websites . This kind of work requires the ability to create resources, select and write high-quality content, and promote a finished website. If such skills are not available, funds will be required to pay for the services of specialists.

You don't have to have a lot of experience to start making money this way. Beginners can create websites on free templates, purchase inexpensive texts on exchanges to fill them out. Of course, such a resource cannot be sold at a high price, but you can practice basic skills and learn a lot from it.

This concludes our issue.

If you have not yet managed to earn your million, may you be able to do so in the near future!

If you have any questions, comments or additions on this topic, write them in the comments below. Don't forget to also share this material with your friends on in social networks. See you again!

We all want to earn a million dollars, preferably from scratch and as quickly as possible! How realistic it is to become a millionaire in a year, month or week - we’ll look at it in detail in this article.

Hello, dear reader! Alexander Berezhnov is in touch.

The schemes for making a million, which will be discussed below, have been tested by ordinary people with average abilities, they all work 100%. The article is compiled in the form of an overview of ways to earn money with which you can get such an impressive amount.

From the article you will learn how today you can earn your first million rubles from scratch in 3-5 months using several working methods.

Go ahead, friends!

1. Is it possible to earn a million dollars in a day/week/month/year?

This is quite possible if you already have the necessary resources, for example, a running business, real estate, high post or good connections.

Also a resource for make quick money million may be your name (reputation) or outstanding talent.

For example, if you are a famous football player, actor or singer.

But what if you don't have any of the above benefits?

In this case, earning your first million will require more time and effort from you, but it will pay off many times over.

If you are not afraid of these difficulties, then go ahead!

Let's count together. For example, earning 200,000 rubles per month, you will earn 1,000,000 rubles for 5 months.

Big money can be made much faster, but I don't think you're going to rob a bank or commit fraud. Therefore, this article will only talk about legal and reliable ways to become a millionaire, even if not in one month.

2. Five proven ways to earn your first million rubles

The models for making a million described below are used by leading Russian and foreign experts in personal finance management, businessmen and investors. Among them:

  1. Robert Kiyosaki- legendary American investor, businessman, expert in the field of personal finance management, author of the world famous financial game "".
  2. Bodo Schaeffer- foreign speaker, successful businessman, author of books on financial literacy and achieving success in life.
  3. Sergey Zmeev- Russian millionaire, business psychologist, expert in the field of personal finance.

Also, in the review of ways to make big money, I will use techniques successful entrepreneurs Russian-language Internet.

So, let's move on to the methods themselves.

Method 1. Earn 1,000,000 rubles using the Internet

As you know, now only a lazy or completely dormant person has not heard about Internet millionaires and the great opportunities for making money on the Internet.

Today on the Internet you can actually earn your first million in a few months, and there are several ways to do this:

  • social networks (VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Twitter, Instagram);
  • selling information and knowledge;
  • making money on online games;
  • building a business on the Internet;
  • earnings from promoting affiliate programs;
  • creating your own website and making money on it.

Already interested? Then just read my article. There I talked about how you can make money on games, on social networks, on selling information from 50,000 rubles a month and gave examples real people who are already doing this. I personally earn some of them now.

Take and implement these methods to create your own wealth.

Method 2. Create passive income and take out a loan against it

If you are interested in the topic of money and finance and want to become a millionaire, then you are probably familiar with the concept of “ passive income».

It is this tool that we can use to get our cherished million.

For the average person, you can earn a million rubles in this way in about 1 year.

Here's the gist:

You create a small passive income (20,000 - 30,000 rubles), legalize it, for example, by registering as and take out a bank loan against it.

For such passive income, they will give you 1,000,000 rubles in installments over several years.

What does this look like in practice and in what ways can you create passive income?

Passive income can be created in several ways, but we will look at 3 of the most realistic ones:

  1. Rent out existing property. The simplest and surest way if you have this very property.
  2. Create an information site on the Internet. This method is suitable for people who have good computer skills and want to develop in the field of Internet technologies. Having created a website, you will need to bring it to good traffic and place advertising on it, which can bring in from 10 to 50 thousand rubles of passive income every month. How to make money on your website was described in our article “”.
  3. Become a distributor of a good network marketing company. This method is suitable for energetic and sociable people. Some people underestimate the amount of income that can be earned here. In some cases, they amount to hundreds of thousands of dollars per month.

With such an income, you automatically become a ruble millionaire, and even a dollar millionaire is just around the corner. With persistence, you can reach $1,000 in passive income in the network marketing industry in about 1 year.

If you still have an official salary, then in combination with such passive income you will easily be given a loan of 1,000,000 rubles from the bank, and your passive income will gradually pay off this amount.

So it turns out that you earned a million rubles this year.

Method 3. Make money by selling your knowledge

If you know how to do something well, then why not make good money from it. You can sell your knowledge different ways. This method generally applies to the sale of information on the Internet. After all, you will pass on your knowledge and skills as valuable information to interested people.

You can teach via Skype, conduct live training, or package your knowledge and sell it as your own training course.

I already wrote how to make money by selling knowledge in one of the sections of the article about ways to make money on the Internet. Be sure to read this article, because it can change your whole life and help you earn the coveted million.

In each of the methods described in this article, I give real examples, brief descriptions ways and real people who have already improved their financial position with the help of internet business.

Method 4. Create an asset and sell it for a million

This method is a logical continuation of method No. 2. If you already have an asset in the form of your account in a network marketing company (your personal number that the company assigns you upon registration) or your own website that generates profit, then you can sell the account or website as ready business.

In this case, the estimated sale amount of such an asset is calculated using the formula:

Your monthly passive income * 24 (two-year payback period).

For example, if you receive passive income from your website (business) or as a distributor of a network marketing company in the amount of 40,000 rubles (about $1,000), then multiplying this amount by 24 we get 960,000 rubles.

So you and I have become millionaires once again.

Method 5. Make a large intermediary transaction

You can earn big money either in several parts or at a time.

Sometimes this requires a confluence of favorable circumstances, but as they say, those who are lucky are lucky.

The fifth method is suitable for people with clear entrepreneurial abilities who understand the principles of business functioning and know how to negotiate.

The easiest way to earn 1,000,000 rubles is by making an intermediary transaction worth several million, and your treasured amount will be the percentage you receive for the work done.

  1. Look for a major investor for any developing project;
  2. Look for a buyer for an expensive business or real estate.

In the first case, you find a project that requires large investments and agree with its leader that he will give you a percentage of a million rubles if, for example, you attract investments worth ten million.

In the second case, you find the owner enough big business or real estate and also agree with him on the percentage if a buyer is found for their investment property.

By the way, almost all people earn more than one million rubles in their lives, some total amount All of their salaries are more than a million dollars, but oddly enough, the vast majority need money all the time and are often in mortgage and credit bondage.

The above ideas can serve as a good basis for you to increase your income and savings. Here everything depends on the specific person.

For some, all these methods may seem too complicated, but the fact is that most people work almost their entire lives for money and by the time they retire do not have even a couple of thousand dollars in savings.

So it’s up to you to decide whether to invest a year or two of your time to become a millionaire or continue to live the dull life of an ordinary person.

3. And 10 more ways to earn big

In the next portion of ways to earn a million, everything is quite simple with one caveat - you can earn a million using them, but they are not suitable for everyone.


In general, hired work makes it possible not to live, but to exist. Satisfy minimal material needs, pay off loans and save pitiful crumbs for a rainy day.

The only opportunity to earn a decent income as an employee is to bring profits to your employer that are many times greater than your salary.

This is possible in several cases:

  • working for a large and profitable company that is not interested in employee turnover (example: Microsoft, where over 8,000 employees became millionaires through corporate options alone);
  • you are a top-level professional (top manager of a multinational corporation, leading computer security specialist in a large IT company, etc.);
  • you are a “hen” laying “golden eggs” for your employer (world-famous models in agencies, contract stars of cinema and show business, developers of products in great demand).

Own business

Own business is too vague and multifaceted a concept to reduce it to a single denominator. Where one will earn a hundred million, the second will make a profit on a bottle of water without gas, and the third will completely go broke. It’s worth starting your own business in order to really make money from it only if you have a developed “commercial spirit.” This can only be verified experimentally. No master classes, trainings from “gurus” or books “How to pick your nose and earn a billion” will help. Keep in mind, you will have to work hard. So many. Anyway.


You can earn a million from royalties. But for this, the subject of copyright must be in demand. If you are not a brilliant designer or programmer, not Paul McCartney or Stephen King, you shouldn’t even try. The method is only suitable for those who can create something needed by millions of people.

Consulting services

89% Russian market consulting services occupy IT consulting (59%), financial management and valuation (18%), legal and tax advice (12%). In this area, incomes often far exceed average level, but making millions is quite difficult. To sell information at a high price, it must:

  • was exclusive;
  • brought the buyer a profit many times greater than its cost.

Show Business

Competition in show business has long been the talk of the town. To get to the top of the creative Olympus, neither stunning vocals, nor a chic model appearance, nor artistry at the level of world-famous actors will be enough. However, if you don’t have one, or the other, or the third, you shouldn’t even try.

Selling goods/services on Avito

On Avito you can sell anything, from your old washing machine and coin collection to pets, goods ordered on AliExpress and exclusive knives self made that your neighbor does. As in the case of your own business, a lot depends on whether you have a “commercial spirit” and luck. Perhaps you are motivated by the fact that an impressive group of users successfully make money on Avito. Many even manage to earn a good income without investing a penny. For example, selling third-party apartment renovation services and receiving commissions from construction companies for this. Making a million is difficult, but it is possible. Go for it!

We have a detailed overview of this method in the article “”.

Your own online store

An electronic store is a special case of your own business, which, unlike more traditional commerce, does not need large quantities hired workers, office and retail areas and associated costs. However, you will still have to invest money, albeit not such large amounts. You can earn a million. And two. And even ten. All in your hands!

Wholesale business

To successfully sell goods wholesale, their cost must be lower than that of competing wholesalers, and the products themselves must be in demand by the consumer. The best price is given by the manufacturer. It is optimal if it is you yourself. Anyway wholesale business requires considerable investment and is unlikely to be suitable for beginners. However, if you manage to “get back on your feet,” you will be able to earn a million or more.

YouTube channel

A thousand views on YouTube on average bring 0.7-1.5 dollars in profit. You can calculate on a calculator what income will be from 500,000 impressions, five million, ten. All that’s left is to attract crowds of users to your channel. And here, as they say, who studied what. Try it. In any case, you have nothing to lose. And yes, it’s best to show YOUR videos to avoid problems with copyright holders of video content.

successful marriage

Hundreds of thousands of people dream of connecting their lives with the owner of a decent fortune. Alas, there are not enough millionaires for everyone, and the search for “rich Pinocchio” is reminiscent of a lottery in terms of results. But this does not mean that you have no chance. Just keep in mind that the more often you meet wealthy people, the higher the likelihood of a successful outcome. Catch millionaires in their habitats!

4. What to do if you don’t have rich parents and a good inheritance - 7 recommendations from financial experts for earning a million dollars

Not everyone grew up in a Rothschild or Rockefeller family. Maybe this is for the better. But when you become a millionaire from scratch, you will proudly tell everyone that you made yourself.

This principle is especially valued in America, where children, upon reaching adulthood, leave their parents' home. There it is not at all customary to “sit on the neck” of parents and it is believed that a person should achieve everything himself.

If you also want to learn how to become a millionaire from scratch, then read the recommendations of millionaires and financial experts on making a million dollars.

You should immediately understand that this path usually takes years, even with the right and systematic actions.

  1. Always save some money whenever you receive income. This will help you form good financial habits and free up funds for investing. Save at least 10%, then gradually increase this amount. This is also done to ensure that you have a minimum financial safety net. Typically, such a cushion assumes that you have money on which you can live without working for 6 months. After all, almost all attempts to earn money entail certain risks, including financial ones.
  2. Be frugal and don't make impulse purchases. If you look at all the things you bought for Last year, then don’t be surprised that, having become unnecessary, they made you poorer by several thousand rubles or dollars.
  3. Improve your financial education. Many people now have average and higher education, but not in one educational institution don't teach financial literacy. And this is not surprising, because teachers themselves often live by extorting money from students or simply survive on their small salaries. To understand how money works, we recommend that you read the book series “Rich Dad Poor Dad” by Robert Kiyosaki and the book “The Path to Financial Freedom” by Bodo Schaeffer.
  4. Strive to have multiple sources of income. Most people get paid by working at a job, but what happens if they get fired?! Think every day about how to receive your total income from different sources.
  5. Create assets that generate passive income. Even if you spend most of your time making money on running costs, regularly do actions that create a money generation system for you that brings passive income.
  6. Create a successful environment. It is always easier to achieve success in a team of like-minded people than to go through this difficult path on your own. Your goal-oriented friends can become your support and think tank to generate ideas for making money. If your environment does not share your aspirations and declares that this is all nonsense, if possible, refuse to communicate with such pessimistic people.
  7. Don't waste your time. Time is our most valuable asset. If you manage your time correctly, you can earn your first million dollars from scratch much sooner than you think.

    There is one wise expression on this matter: “Rich people differ from poor people in what they do in their free time.”

Even if you don't have much money yet, do money activities that help you become richer. Work on your security, don't have fun and don't waste your money.

Strive to make your money make money again, make money work for you - that's what millionaire Robert Kiyosaki says.

5. Conclusion

If you apply at least some of what is described above, you will undoubtedly become a millionaire several times faster than if you went to your cherished goal by trial and error.

Now on the Internet there are a lot of instructions and courses on how to make a million in different ways. Some argue that the main thing here is the idea.

But this is far from true, because each of us produces a huge number of ideas every day, and when it comes to their implementation, many find thousands of excuses.

We wish you to earn big money as quickly as possible, because as you know, the hardest thing is to earn your first million, and then everything will go as usual.

And remember that all millionaires accept the law of 100% responsibility, which states:

“Everything that we have and will have, the whole life of which we live or will live depends on ourselves. We do not blame anyone for our failures and difficulties and are responsible for achieving the success of our lives.”

Earnings from views (surfing) - detailed instructions for beginners how to earn your first $1 dollar online

There are no instructions that describe and lay out how to make a million. Even Robert Kiyosaki, who is accessible to everyone, will not write them together with Donald Trump.

Creating and applying such instructions is by no means a guarantee of a million-dollar monthly income. After all, the biscuit recipe is also the same. But the biscuit turns out differently for everyone. Some people like to add cinnamon, others bake it longer. Extracting a million from the world's cash reserves into your own wallet is difficult technological process, and new items will always appear in it. Therefore, you need to look for or create a system that will work in any conditions, under any circumstances and where you need it.

Do you want to earn a million a month from scratch and without preparation? You are doomed to abandon your idea. The reason will be the usual disappointment. If a woman earns millions from floral design, this speaks of colossal experience, deep theoretical knowledge and an endless stream of creative ideas. This takes about three years in total. There is such a concept - “fortune”. But only a few of the cohort of millionaires felt its meaning in their lives. To become a famous actor, you need not only to study at a university with high level accreditation, but also look for ways to promote your talent. A million is not the smile of a Cheshire cat; it won’t appear out of thin air.

How long does it take to earn a million rubles, say, a month? Without additional effort, but purely theoretically. The issue concerns not only us.

The Economist magazine, after performing a series of simple calculations, was able to predict the situation in some countries. The basis was the average income of the breadwinner before taxes. The USA comes first. You can become a millionaire here faster than anywhere else on the globe. Which is not surprising - according to IMF forecasts for 2014-2019. The USA will remain in first place in terms of living standards. A million dollars in America is 20-25 years without savings and restrictions. A hopeless future awaits fathers in Romania. There it would take them 350 years to make a million! This is 3.5 times the average life expectancy. What kind of million per month can we talk about?

There are obvious flaws in the statistics. It takes into account only the income of a working man; nothing is said about women’s material contributions to the development of families and third-party sources of income that everyone is trying to acquire.

This information should not drive you astray, but lift the veil of reality before you.

A million just like that

You have no idea what creating a business is, a business plan for you is a dark forest with wolves, and you want to receive millions in royalties without leaving the stove or the computer. I wonder where to make a million. The following list of ideas may help you. But, honestly, these classes will not bring you more than 100,000 rubles a month.

  • Create a travel agency.
  • Go into network marketing (related to products that have gained a foothold in the market, but have not yet become boring to domestic users).
  • Insurance (you will cooperate with the bank and offer its services).
  • Game on the currency exchange.
  • Tutoring.
  • Sale of own hand-made products.
  • Rewriting and copywriting.

Or Ivan Tavrin, who collaborates with Alisher Usmanov (a lot depends on the environment!). When he was 34, he became director of the Megafon company, which belongs to Usmanov. Do you know why? At the end of 2012, he successfully bought back the company's shares in the amount of $155,000,000.

Vyacheslav Mirilashvili will soon become a billionaire. Of course, if you manage several profitable companies, earning a million dollars a month is easy (he is the head of the development holding PetroMir and game center"Conti")

How to become millionaires

A person who is ready to take responsibility for his life and his world will never plunge into making abstract plans like “one day I will become cool.” For a strong person, inspiration and motivation will not be replaced by thinking “how to make a million without doing anything.”

The personalities of Russian millionaires are multifaceted, but some qualities are found in almost everyone. These include higher education, knowledge of the foreign exchange market, developed management skills and conscious actions.

Earn a million: 7 components of success

  • Niche. What did you want? By the time you reach your first million-dollar milestone, you'll have to make repeated choices. The advice may seem banal, but take on what you love with all your heart. Build a business where your eyes shine. Then your employees will also glow with enthusiasm.
  • Talent. It doesn’t matter if you’re planning to open an umbrella business, sell sky lanterns, or open a computer programming school, note that even random niches require skills and abilities.
  • Capital. The universe is abundant. floating your bread on the waters, be sure that someday it will return to you with oil. To make a million, be prepared to lose a little less.
  • Patience. When starting to make your first million in your business from scratch, be prepared to wait. Be patient.
  • The ability to appreciate people. The coolest insight can be captured by having a team of advanced experts in their field. Each of them will bring their knowledge to your business. No matter what abilities you have, you are not able to know and control everything.
  • Internet. Customers who are interested in your service or product are waiting on the Internet, and your website is being created and built there. effective advertising. The Internet is your driving force, so you will also need
  • Time. Free from work. You are going to earn a million rubles competently, and not by curbing three work schedules at the same time. You can work several jobs, but even a highly paid part-time job will not turn into a million-dollar earnings at the end of the month. Big money will require ascension to new level. You remember the famous phrase of R. Kiosaki: “You earn money in your free time from work”? This axiom excludes non-stop work 24 hours a day.
  • Franchise. Current franchises are hidden not only in fast food stalls. You can look for a profitable option in the fashion clothing market. The amount of the initial investment contribution will be 70,000 rubles - 105,000 $.
  • Slowness. Do not wait until you decide to take action, do not hope that the best moment for this will come - it will not come. But there will be a persistent feeling that they want to poison your life. Leave your doubts for another time.
  • Fear. Any result is the result of your specific actions. If you don’t like the result, change your actions and behavior until you achieve what you want.
  • Typical behavior of a “rich” person. Namely: uncontrollably spending money where you could save a lot. Let's reveal a little secret: a millionaire also does not live in grand style, because he knows true price earnings.
  • What you definitely won't need

    In any case, 1 million – rubles or dollars, it doesn’t matter – is the result of consistent actions, supported by knowledge. Famous actors, TV presenters, and politicians also won’t earn that amount in a month. They can get so much for the project as a whole, and it would take a lot of hard work for it. But when there is an established system and the habit of looking for the most rational way, millions will come to you steadily, regardless of the amount of time spent on work.

    Trading is a sure way to make good profits. Setting up an online store does not require large investments. You can trade at home. The easiest and most profitable way is to resell goods from Asia. These are clothes, jewelry, gadgets, etc.

    When purchasing in bulk, you will significantly reduce the cost of items so that the markup on them ranges from 100-200%. In parallel with the store, it is worth developing and promoting communities on social networks in order to sell products through several channels.

    After six months of active work, it is possible to achieve a net income of one hundred thousand. Some of the best shopping sites include: alibaba.com, aliexpress.com, milanoo.com, made-in-china.com.

    2. Profitable specialty or position

    Such salaries are received by managers of middle and senior management: heads of departments (advertising, trading, production, etc.), top managers, directors. To obtain such a position, you need extensive work experience and deep knowledge in the chosen field. At the same time, young and ambitious people should not be afraid to propose their candidacy and prove that they are suitable for this vacancy.

    There are many profitable and in-demand professions that a person can master without education. Among highly paid specialties: programmers and application developers on iOS and Android, web developers and web designers, good advertisers and sales people, interior designers, engineers, chefs, real estate agents, blue-collar workers (like qualified builders or welders).

    Options for girls with training as a manicurist, hairdresser, makeup artist, cosmetologist. For example, the cost of wedding or evening makeup starts at $40, and it is possible to receive about 4-5 clients per day.

    3. Franchise business

    One of the most simple options Where to earn 100,000 rubles a month is to purchase a ready-made business. This eliminates the need to plan the organization of the business yourself, plus you are acquiring an already promoted brand.

    This could be a cafe fast food, clothing store, toy store, fitness center, etc. The amount required for purchase is from $4,500. Acquisition large enterprise will allow you to earn a lot from the first month.

    4. Own business

    The best business ideas that will allow you to earn 100 thousand rubles. per month: grocery store, construction and repair company, beauty salon, private kindergarten, gym, cafe and dining room, tattoo parlor, manufacturing enterprise(timber, crumb rubber, fuel briquettes etc.) After payback, the business will be able to bring in good money.

    5. Work in the event sector

    Current specializations in this niche:

    • Photographer and videographer (weddings, corporate events, video shooting);
    • Event host;
    • Decorator;
    • Rental of lighting and sound equipment.

    For example, a presenter is able to start earning money with virtually no investment. Relevant skills required good publicity and useful contacts in the event sphere. The popular presenter's fee starts from $350 per evening. For photographers and videographers – from $400 for a full day. And it is possible to fulfill from five orders per month.

    Lighting and sound equipment requires considerable investment to purchase, but pays off in less than six months with constant employment. Such services are in demand at weddings, corporate and city events.

    6. Transportation

    This includes freight and passenger transport. Having only one car (truck or minibus) in your fleet, you can make a good profit.

    Services truck or a minibus for a trip start at $20-25 and depend on the stated time or mileage. It is profitable to rent cars for a wedding procession or a limousine. Profit – $12-60 per hour.

    7. Vlog

    A way for creative individuals who know how to stand out. The income of popular video bloggers easily exceeds 100 thousand rubles. per month due to direct advertising (various brands, other channels, films, etc.) and due to the number of video views (for example, through AdSense) and clicks to the advertiser’s page.

    Popular Topics: travel, reviews of films, gadgets, games (as well as walkthroughs of games - let's plays), beauty blogs, various experiments and educational channels.

    8. Your own website

    An Internet site allows you to earn thousands of dollars a month with the right approach. The main investments are intellectual. It is necessary to select a relevant topic, fill the portal with interesting and “catchy” content, and work on SEO promotion.

    “Top” but also the most competitive topics: business and work, beauty and health, psychology and relationships, cooking, real estate, cars, applications and games.

    Bulletin boards are very profitable, but you have to work hard to break through in a highly competitive environment.

    Ways to earn income from the site:

    1. From direct advertisers on your topic (stores, agencies and other companies);
    2. Contextual, teaser, banner advertising.

    In the first six months to a year you will need to work hard to ensure attendance, only then can you count on large incomes. The number of unique visitors must be at least 5-10 thousand people per day for good advertising revenue.

    9. Forex and binary options

    Exchanges are the place to earn 100,000 rubles a month if you have trading savvy, analytical skills and a fair amount of composure. The initial amount for trading is $5-10; if the outcome is successful, the deposit can be multiplied several times. Therefore, to receive one hundred thousand rubles you will need to invest more than ten dollars.

    Choose reliable brokers with a good reputation and high performance profitability. For Forex trading they usually choose Alpari, Alpha Forex, Forex4you, to make money on binary options— GT Options, OptionFair, IQ Option.

    If you don’t know how to trade and don’t want to risk money, invest in PAMM accounts and mutual funds. Professionals will be able to manage investments and increase your capital. By dividing your investments into several funds, form a portfolio of securities, stocks, and currencies. This minimizes risks, and the total income can reach one hundred thousand.

    10. Watch

    Those who want a decent amount of money can look for job vacancies not on the Internet on a rotational basis. Not every specialty will be so highly paid; forwarding drivers, engineers, electromechanics, surveyors, welders, etc. are “priced.” Try to get a job in oil and gold mining companies. It's hard work, but it pays well.

    Also, elite Moscow mansions often require live-in staff. They can count on a salary of 100 thousand home cook, nanny, nurse.

    11. Daily rent of an apartment, house, office

    If you have your own apartment, house or commercial real estate, then they can be profitably rented out daily or even hourly (office). The rental price depends on the city. If you make good repairs and bring the property to the status of luxury apartments, then you can realistically have 100,000 rubles per month.

    12. Selling training courses

    Selling your own knowledge (sewing and cutting, dancing, handling skills) will allow you to quickly reach large sums. computer programs etc.) You can sell video courses and electronic manuals online or do tutoring at home.

    These are the main methods, 100 thousand rubles per month. In any case, you need to invest in your own training, start a business, or invest funds to increase them.