The head of Alibaba in Russia will leave the company. New representative office of Alibaba in Russia Alibaba contacts

, owner of a B2B web portal The headquarters is located in Hangzhou . The main activities are trading operations between companies according to the B2B scheme, online retail trade. In 2012, sales volume on two group portalsAlibabaamounted to 1.1 trillion yuan ($170 billion). The company operates primarily in People's Republic of China (PRC), and as of the date of historical initial public offering of shares (IPO) September 19, 2014 market valueAlibabais $231 billion.
Today I will tell you about the office of the largest company in China and show you a photo.
For those who have visited Google offices before, I can say that Alibaba’s office is no worse, probably even better.

The heart of one of the largest Chinese corporations, which has conquered the whole world and become almost another symbol of the Celestial Empire, is located in the city of Hangzhou, the capital of Zhejian province (company founder Jack Ma was born there). As it turns out, a giant company that earns hundreds of billions of dollars a year and risks becoming the absolute leader in online commerce in the near future has an office that is far from small, and even with a futuristic design.

Here, as on the main online platforms of the Alibaba Group, there is everything, or almost everything, not only for successful work, but also for good rest, leisure and even creative realization.

Almost any large Chinese corporation can boast of its own feng shui expert, without whose consultation not a single construction of particularly important places for the company, of which the office is certainly one, is completed. The advice of these specialists is necessary, they believe, in order to protect themselves, their employees and, most importantly, their business. Design mistakes can be costly, China is confident. Thus, the builders of the first Hong Kong skyscraper have already made a feng shui miscalculation by constructing a building that is too reminiscent of a cigarette, which, according to all the laws of ancient teaching, should sooner or later smolder. In order to avoid such trouble, a swimming pool was built on the roof of the skyscraper... It is not known for certain whether Alibaba used such advice, but there is no doubt that in the company’s office every little detail was taken into account and everything was done for the convenient and productive work of employees.

So the “heart” of the Alibaba Group corporation consists of 7 buildings connected to each other by a network of passages. Now let's take a look inside, what's going on within the walls of the giant's huge office ecommerce?..

Walking through the huge halls of the company at lunchtime, you can look into the post office, pay your bank bills, shop for dinner in the store, and, of course, have a snack in numerous canteens and cafes. Moreover, among the most popular eateries here is the famous Starbucks. Agree, not every large company can afford such proximity and service for its employees. The prices in the two canteens operating on the office premises are quite affordable. Lunch costs employees a reasonable 12-15 yuan.

Moreover, employees pay here using a regular electronic pass, which is also an electronic wallet. It, in turn, is linked to a personal profile in the company’s own payment system, Alipay. No other types of payments are used on the company's premises.

As a rule, in front of the office, on the street, there are very few people. Here they either work or improve their education. Once a quarter, certifications are held for employees here, so there is no time to chill out and get bored in the company.

The working day here, as in most Chinese offices, ends at 18-00. But hurry to leave your workplace is not accepted here, especially since if it is necessary to stay late and work beyond the norm, but as compensation the cost of dinner at a local canteen is returned to the employee. And for special hard workers who prefer to work both day and night, folding beds are provided.

Flowers are a mandatory attribute of the Ali office. Useful, beautiful and cozy. You can pamper yourself with the contemplation of freshly cut plants; fortunately, there is also a flower shop nearby.

Office romances are not that uncommon here. Without interrupting your work process, you can prepare a surprise or go on a date to a cafe. Moreover, starting a love relationship is not only not prohibited here (the main thing is to inform the supervisor about emerging feelings in a timely manner), but is also encouraged in every possible way. So, once a year, the corporation holds a Mass Wedding Day. Photos from the annual corporate event decorate the walls of the corridors of the central office.

Right here family photos happy employees. The mental state of employees is also important for the company.

And a couple more “wedding” photos, from which you will definitely be charged with positive energy!

Old Chinese wedding traditions are also observed.

A lot of attention is paid to corporate spirit here. And wedding day is not the only holiday here that brings together all the employees. So the corporation's annual talent show is held at the stadium to accommodate everyone who wants to see this truly grandiose performance.

Throughout the year, employees select and rehearse numbers so that they can then perform on the big stage and receive their share of applause and glory from their colleagues. Down with office clothes!

By the way, there is no dress code as such in the Alibaba office and never has been. Here you don’t have to wear a strict gray suit, shirt and tie. It is enough to observe the standards of decency and etiquette. Showering around the office in shorts in the summer is quite acceptable here. The management is not against it, but some “neighbors” do not always like this. So one of the Beijing offices received a complaint from a company located nearby about the clothing being too “loose.”

There is a place in the corporation’s office that is jokingly called “God’s room,” where all transactions carried out on Alibaba Group’s main trading platforms around the world are tracked, and in real time. You can see everything in full view: who, where and how much is spending their money at a given second of time. To process such an amount of information every second, powerful server equipment is required, which Alibaba Group can only boast of.

Alibaba Group also has its own bonus system. So each department competes for a special award, which is given for good results and productive work. Typically, employees do not share it, but spend it on improving their corner of a huge office complex. As a rule, they do not limit themselves to buying a coffee machine, preferring, for example, to diversify their workdays with vigorous rhythms.

Meanwhile, Alibaba is very strict about who receives what and from whom as a gift. Each gift must be sent for inspection special commission, which already evaluates him according to a scale of value only known to them. This is another way to combat corruption in an individual company.

Office of company founder Jack Ma. Although, to be honest, it’s difficult to call this space an office... In general, see for yourself.

You are most likely confused by the sight of a black horse in the middle of your office. There is nothing surprising here. The fact is that Jack's surname, Ma, which is often found in China, is written and translated as “horse, horse.”

In the office there is a place for both Chinese and Western culture, which look harmonious together.

The shelves and floor are lined with photographs of memorable moments, caricatures and portraits of Jack.

Negotiation zone. Please note that in the office of Ma Yun (the real name of the Chinese entrepreneur) there is a lot of greenery, just like in the open spaces. According to the teachings of Feng Shui, plants perform a responsible mission indoors. If placed correctly, they bring idyll, harmony, peace and balance.

All 7 buildings of the Alibaba Group headquarters can not only satisfy almost all the needs of employees, but also become almost a home and living environment for them. This is a mini-city named after Ma with gyms, shops, cafes, its own reading room and souvenir shop. Here people meet, get married, break up, find friends. This is where they earn money and this is where they spend money. Most of their life is spent here, but, apparently, not the worst.

P.S. Finally, let's take a look at Ma Yun's first office and his old business card. A moment of motivation.

It was in this residential building in Hangzhou, in an apartment of 150 square meters, that Alibaba's first office was located.

Young Jack and an old business card.

Rapid development rates are observed in Russian Federation, and around the world, a company from China called Alibaba Group. This organization notes constant development, and therefore becomes more and more influential in its country. The management notes that it is on the territory of the Russian Federation that many requests are made to their online store, which is called AliExpress. This forced them to create special cooperation between countries. Since now, Alibaba Group has been officially developing in Russia.

Mark Zavadsky was appointed to the position of official representative of the store. He has already made a statement that the company has created a website and is now available to customers under the name (RU) LLC. Registration was successfully completed on May 15.

The main goal of this process is maximum interaction with government agencies and services on the territory of Russia. Also, this will allow you to closely communicate and collaborate with representatives who previously started working. As the representative notes, there are quite a lot of them.

From this interaction, figures emerge that 10% of the company’s turnover clients live in the Russian Federation. Almost every month there are approximately 15 million Russian clients. These figures significantly exceed users from Russia, who are clients of their closest competitors eBay and Amazon. The benefits from such cooperation are noted not only for the company, but for the residents of the country.

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Mark Zavadsky, CEO of the Russian subsidiary of Alibaba Group, will leave his post in May. He was the first employee of AliExpress in Russia and was responsible for the localization of all services. A top manager from China may take Zavadsky’s place

Mark Zavadsky (Photo: Grigory Sysoev / RIA Novosti)

The CEO of (RU), the Russian subsidiary of Alibaba Group, Mark Zavadsky, who also holds the post of development director of the AliExpress marketplace in Russia and the CIS, part of the holding, will leave the company in mid-May, a source in the e-commerce market told RBC. This information was confirmed by RBC and Zavadsky himself, noting that he was leaving due to at will. He declined to comment further.

“We don’t give reasons, this is Mark’s personal decision. But the company notes his many years of contribution to the development and localization of AliExpress,” an Alibaba representative told RBC.

Zavadsky’s responsibilities will be distributed among employees of the Moscow office for some time, Alibaba clarifies. As a source told RBC, the acting general director one of the Chinese top managers of AliExpress will become a company in Russia.

Manager career

Mark Zavadsky was born into a family of orientalists and graduated from the Institute of Asian and African Countries at Moscow State University. In 2004, he moved permanently to Hong Kong, where he worked as a correspondent for RIA Novosti and Expert. He is also the creator Hong Kong company Asia to Go.

Zavadsky got into AliExpress by accident, thanks in part to his knowledge of the language. In one of his interviews, Zavadsky said that he was not specifically looking for a job in e-commerce or AliExpress, but it so happened that he “appeared to be in place there,” and his “desire to change things turned out to be very much in the spirit of the company’s philosophy.”

Since September 2014, Zavadsky has been working as the development director for AliExpress in Russia and the CIS. In May 2015, the owner of AliExpress, Alibaba, registered an official representative office in Russia to expand its business. Zavadsky became the CEO of (RU). That same year, Alibaba founder Jack Ma visited Russia.

In addition to AliExpress, during the four years of Zavadsky’s work, one of the main brands, Alibaba, was introduced to the Russian market, which specializes in goods in the middle and higher price segments. Russia became the first country outside of China where Tmall began operating. In addition to online trading, AliExpress is also developing offline trading on the Russian market. Russia is the only country where AliExpress has stores, and in July 2017 the company thought about opening here. In April 2017, Alibaba Group also announced its own payment service Alipay in Russia, which is supported by all the group’s main platforms.

New Chinese leader

Chinese companies traditionally prefer to employ Chinese management in local markets; Zavadsky’s appointment in the Russian market was an exception, says Ivan Samoilenko, managing partner of Business Communications. “The Chinese company tried to understand the essence of the Russian market and hoped for Zavadsky’s lobbying efforts. Now we see that this mission can hardly be called completed. Alibaba was guided by the average bill and the profile of its Russian user, so a Chinese manager was put in charge, who will control financial flows and the development of the service in the Russian Federation,” he says.

The arrival of a new manager, no matter whether he is an expat or not, is always fraught with the fact that the business process will change, adds Irina Zhilnikova, head of the HeadHunter press service for the North-West.

Mark Zavadsky is a talented entrepreneur and effective development manager, who was hired to create a “business from scratch” in Russia, says Artur Shamilov, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Top Contact HR Group. “Russia is a very important market for Alibaba Group. It is not easy for a Russian manager to work with a Chinese company, even despite knowing the language. Zavadsky managed to build Alibaba’s business in Russia and attract partners, everyone got what they wanted, and it was time to move on. International companies sometimes hire foreigners to start a business in a regional market, and then put a representative from headquarters in charge of them in order to establish more effective integration and regular management with the central office. This is a natural process,” he notes.