I want to work in the prosecutor's office. How to get a job in the prosecutor's office? All stages of conquering the world of justice. Is it easy to get a job?

The question of how to get a job in the prosecutor's office worries the minds of many lawyers. Firstly, this place is quite prestigious, which has a positive effect on a person’s social status. And secondly, the prosecutor allows you to live a completely prosperous life. But getting this position is very difficult. Especially if you don't know where to start.

Planning our future wisely

So, if a person is seriously thinking about how to get a job in the prosecutor’s office, then he needs to immediately set himself up for the long haul and because, unfortunately, in our country it doesn’t happen any other way. Of course, with the exception of those cases when this issue is resolved thanks to family ties or large financial investments.

But the good news is that even without cronyism, a person can quite safely get a job in the prosecutor’s office. The main thing is to build the right plan action and strictly follow it. And here is an example of what it could be:

  1. Get a quality education.
  2. Save your reputation.
  3. Make useful connections.
  4. Find a suitable position in the prosecutor's office.

Choosing a university

The basis of this profession is Therefore, you need to find a university that can provide it. However, you should remember that the reputation of the educational institution can work both in your favor and vice versa. For example, graduates of Moscow state university have a much better chance of getting a prestigious position than students of the same

Naturally, studying at a prestigious university costs more, and the requirements there are higher. However, in this case you need to understand: the end justifies the means. In addition, the efforts invested in training will sooner or later bear fruit.

Crystal clear biography

Another important point regarding how to get a job in the prosecutor's office. Without an army, a person can still apply for the position of prosecutor. But as soon as he ruins his reputation with any illegal act, that’s it - the doors of this organization will forever be closed in front of him.

Therefore, it is so important to stay away from all kinds of troubles. You should also remember that during employment, the backgrounds of all close relatives will be checked. And if one of them has a criminal record or is under investigation, then the chance of getting into the prosecutor’s office will be zero.

Finding useful connections

It is unacceptable to talk about how to get a job in the prosecutor's office with the help of cronyism, since this method is illegal. But at the same time, no one forbids a person to make useful connections and acquaintances. After all, friendly relations are the sacred right of every citizen of the Russian Federation.

So, during your studies you can meet many interesting people, most of whom will achieve certain career victories in the future. And it will be very helpful if one of them puts in a good word for you in front of their superiors. Naturally, such friendship is hard work. But the truth is that in the harsh world of justice, without such connections it will be almost impossible to survive.

Finding a job

A young specialist must be clearly aware of the fact that he will have to go through all the circles of hell before he can get the position of prosecutor. Moreover, he will already encounter the first difficulties at the stage of searching for a suitable place of work. After all, free vacancies come across very rarely, especially if you look for them only in your region.

Therefore, you need to take care of how to get a job in the prosecutor’s office in advance. This can be done quite simply. So, during your studies you should sign up as a volunteer assistant in the nearest department of this organization. Even if this position is not paid, but after completing good impression for management, a person has every chance of full-time employment upon completion of the internship.

If there are no vacancies at the local prosecutor’s office, then you need to look for a job in another city. Fortunately, on the official website of the Russian Prosecutor General’s Office there is an open list of available positions. After looking through them, you can find the district that suits you and submit your resume with documents there.

How to get a job at the prosecutor's office for a girl

If we look at this issue through the eyes of the law, then there is not much difference between women and men. And yet, how a girl can get a job in the prosecutor’s office worries the minds of many ladies. Well, there are only a few things we can recommend here.

Firstly, you will have to tame your feminine impulses and become a real stone lady. After all, in this world emotions are unacceptable, especially those that can show you as weak.

Secondly, you need to be prepared for the fact that most of your colleagues are men. Consequently, you will have to constantly prove to them that the girl is capable of working with them on equal terms, or even better than them.

And thirdly, don't be afraid to use your charm. After all, if nature has awarded women such a trump card, then it would be stupid not to use it.

Most law school graduates dream of working in the prosecutor's office. However, it is extremely difficult for a young and inexperienced specialist to get here, since vacancies in this institution appear extremely rarely, and there are always many people who want to get a job.

Noticeably easier to pass competitive selection excellent students whose educational institutions have a special agreement with the local prosecutor's office.

Such candidates are accepted for available places out of turn. In rare cases, people who have not completed their studies and continue to study without interrupting their work activities are accepted for the position of investigator.

Future employees of the prosecutor's office can search for available jobs through the personnel department of the relevant local institution.

If we are talking about law school students, you should find out in advance whether there is an agreement between this educational institution and the local prosecutor's office on hiring graduates or students. But, as mentioned above, in most cases, only persons with excellent academic performance have such privileges.

In view of these difficulties, it is best to start in the first year of study to increase your chances of finding a job.

It should be noted that there are often not enough employees in prosecutor's offices, especially in interdistrict institutions that are less prestigious in the eyes of graduates. But the selection conditions for vacant positions will be quite strict here too. For example, a person with a non-core education will not be accepted here.

Features of recruitment to the military prosecutor's office

As for military prosecutors' offices, the candidate must not only have a specialized education, but also be a career military man or have completed military service. Non-military lawyers can also apply for a vacant position, but their chances of getting hired are low.

In addition, girls are not accepted for these positions. It's connected with special requirements to employees of this military department. Military prosecutors deal with cases of lawbreakers in the army, so they must know all the nuances of the service first-hand (the employee must undergo military service).

Requirements for applicants

Basic requirements for applicants for vacant place listed in a separate Federal Law about the prosecutor's office.

His article number 40.1 puts forward the following requirements for both sexes (men and women):

  • citizenship;
  • having a higher legal education (for prosecutors and investigators) or third-year study at a specialized university at the time (for assistant prosecutors and investigators);
  • studying at a state educational institution or an institution that has appropriate accreditation from the state;
  • absence of health problems, confirmed by medical documents;
  • compliance in moral and psychological qualities, revealed as a result and ;
  • possession of all necessary professional skills.

For military prosecutors, in addition to meeting the requirements listed above, the applicant must complete military service or serve for some time under a contract. It is for this reason that female applicants are eliminated when selecting candidates. Few girls serve in the army and at the same time have the specialized education required by the terms of employment.

In addition, this Federal Law lists the obstacles that prevent a candidate for a position from obtaining a vacant position.


  • lack of citizenship (applicant);
  • the presence of partial or complete incapacity established in court;
  • injunction to serve in government institutions, imposed on the candidate temporarily or for life;
  • having a criminal record (including a suspended sentence) or administrative penalties;
  • the presence of a disease that interferes with service according to the conclusion of medical specialists (for example, nervous disorders or diseases of the musculoskeletal system);
  • the presence of immediate relatives already working in this institution and occupying a subordinate or superior position in relation to the vacancy for which the applicant is applying;
  • refusal of the applicant to provide written permission to process personal information related to state secrets (the person is a holder of secrets and cannot disclose certain information);
  • the presence of close relatives of those convicted or on probation.

Verification and Testing

The main method for admission to this department is verification psychological and personal qualities every applicant for a vacancy.

The use of various social questionnaires is widespread, for example, the American MMPI (Russified SMIL) or the Cattell questionnaire, which allows you to create a psychological portrait of the applicant.

Testing of this type allows you to simultaneously identify the maximum number of psychological components.

For in-depth research of a specially oriented focus, the methods of Leary, D. Holland, CAT and others are used.

The testing also includes various questions related to professional skills and knowledge. They are selected depending on the position for which the person is applying. For example, for positions related to office work, knowledge of the relevant instructions drawn up for work in the prosecutor's office can be tested.

It should be noted that competitive selection does not always take the form of testing. Sometimes only an interview is conducted. And if tests are still included in it, find out in advance everything concerning professional knowledge and skills is impossible (they are constantly changing).

Required documents

The applicant must submit to the personnel department of the institution in which there is vacant position, a package of documents consisting of:

  • from an identity card (passport);
  • from the received diploma of specialized education or certificate from the place of study (for students);
  • from a document confirming the absence of a criminal record (issued by the local branch of the Ministry of Internal Affairs);
  • from a certificate from a dispensary confirming the absence of infectious diseases;
  • from documents (from a special conclusion and a certificate of a unified form).

It is also important educational institution, where the applicant studied. Preference is usually given to people from prestigious state universities. Specialist specialization (criminal or civil law) is especially welcome.

Employment procedure

The first step on the path to the coveted position is obtaining an education in the field of jurisprudence. And for applicants for vacant positions in the military prosecutor's office, it is necessary to serve for some time in armed forces and have positive results at the place of service (the requirement is relevant for men).

To study, you must choose a state university that has a law department, or an institution with state accreditation. For example, in Moscow it is prestigious to study at Moscow State University, Financial University, RUDN University, Moscow State Law Academy, Institute of the Prosecutor's Office (here the competition for admission is somewhat lower).

And to become a military lawyer, you will need to enter the Military University. One of the main requirements for its applicants is military service in the armed forces. If there is no compulsory service due to age or deferment, the candidate must undergo military training at the military department of the university.

A successful prosecutor must have a thorough knowledge of criminology, administrative code and criminal law.

At the next stage, the applicant collects everything Required documents and submits them to the personnel department of the local prosecutor's office. Attached to the documents. Positive recommendations from current employees, including police officers, will provide the candidate with an additional advantage.

  • Personnel department employees check documents for compliance with real facts, and the employee responsible for hiring new employees preliminarily evaluates the applicant’s candidacy.
  • If the candidate is satisfied, the applicant is sent for an interview. In most cases, to determine suitability for service, psychological tests. After successful completion, an additional interview is conducted. Its purpose is to identify professional skills, personal and business qualities candidate. The interview can be conducted either by the immediate supervisor of the institution or by the personnel officer responsible for accepting applicants for vacant positions.
  • If the candidate passes the interviews, he may be sent to medical checkup(only if it is absent!). In particular, it is necessary to submit certificates of absence of drug addiction (from the ND) and (IPA).
  • Upon completion of the selection procedure, the applicant is added to the staff and sent to undergo

A prosecutor is a person with a legal education who represents the prosecution in legal proceedings. The profession also requires registration various documents, visits, in some cases, to places of investigation, consideration of civil complaints. If the complaint has a strong basis, the prosecutor has the right to open a case on it.

Not every person can become a prosecutor. He must have certain qualities. Analytic mind will allow you to quickly understand the matter and compare everything correctly, logic will simplify the work. The person must also have a significant amount of responsibility. The ability to fill out papers and keep them in order will not be superfluous. And the main thing is honesty. This quality presupposes a position. There is no place for prejudices, unnecessary thoughts or pity. The prosecutor must be honest, because he represents the law.


  • Depending on the type of person who occupies this position, he can receive a lot of useful connections. But it is not always the case. It’s not about the profession itself, but about how sociable, sociable and lucky a person is. Some people work tirelessly for years and don’t even hear a thank you in return, others, after working for just a few months, become famous throughout the entire district, and then the country, the world. It all depends on the case, but it is quite possible.
  • Prosecutors are very smart people . This is a respected profession and people usually trust them completely. If lawyers represent a client – ​​separate individual and can even defend a criminal, then the profession in question acts on behalf of the law, only it and nothing more. If evil or unlawful intent was seen in any case, the prosecutor is obliged to expose it and force the perpetrators to answer.

  • Prosecutors' salaries are very high. Enough for all necessary needs. But in order to get it, you first need to get a job - this is the main pitfall of the profession.
  • Although finding a job as a prosecutor is not easy, there is a demand for the profession. It’s just that not everyone is accepted for these positions. This is due to the fact that not everyone has enough education, experience, or personal qualities.
  • The profession provides promotion by career ladder . But there are not many levels of advancement and the competition is very high; a weak-willed person will not be able to “survive” here.
  • The prosecutors have quite normalized work schedule. You have to stay late after the end of the working day only in rare cases, if you come across a difficult case or if you need to submit some papers on the case. But during the working day they have a lot of work. It is impossible to call a profession “free”.


  • Not every person will be so legally seasoned as to be able to become a prosecutor. The profession requires full knowledge of all the nuances of the law. It takes a long time to study, and you need to know a lot. In addition, it is important to navigate in different areas, and not just in law, in order to quickly delve into new cases.
  • To become a good prosecutor you need to be very sociable and have public speaking skills. This not only helps in court, but also allows you to find a common language with people of different social classes.
  • The profession is very dangerous, because it is quite closely related to the detection of various serious crimes and criminals. The problem is that these same criminals are often very influential people who can, if desired, “take it out” on the prosecutor. That is why only very confident and strong individuals who are difficult to intimidate and whose decisions are not influenced by anything other than the law should choose such a position.
  • You cannot get a job as a prosecutor right away. Before this, you need to work for some time as an assistant. Depending on the assistant's skills, a promotion can be expected for years and not everyone waits for it.
  • Competition is very high. Only a few students find work in their profession. This is due to the lack of jobs.
  • Stress will be as familiar as breakfast in the morning. The work is very difficult emotionally and psychologically. So it is recommended for people who are stress-resistant, with a healthy, strong psyche, and also physically strong.
  • Yes, the prosecutor presents the truth, but it does not always lie on the surface. Sometimes, if he did not investigate the case well or did not fully understand it, he may end up making an unjustified accusation. A good lawyer, of course, will be able to refute it, but in this case the prosecutor needs to be able to accept his own mistake, if not publicly, but at least for himself. The problem is that many prosecutors are overconfident, which later affects their health.
  • There is career advancement, but it is very slow and requires considerable perseverance and patience.
  • Prosecutors have influence and are respected, but not everyone and not always. It is believed that the law is on their side, but this law does not help everyone. At all times, there has been corruption in various professions, including this one. So among average citizens there is a very unpleasant opinion about prosecutors who, if they want, can turn a blind eye to the law that they represent. So you shouldn’t hope for universal love.
  • Prosecutors can spend months working on paperwork without a specific case. Paperwork is not suitable for everyone; it has a significant impact on your health.


Working as a prosecutor involves a significant amount of responsibility and a lot of physical and emotional stress. Representatives of this position have to deal with different people, influential and not, rich and poor, and therefore the ability to communicate is always important.

A good prosecutor has a number of advantages. These include high salaries, positive connections, and stability, which, for example, lawyers cannot afford. If a person wants to become a prosecutor, he must understand whether this is his profession, because not everyone can do it. The ability to think logically, communicate, speak and defend the truth, and learn is not given to everyone.

On the Day of the Prosecutor's Office, former employees of the department shared with PASMI their memories of methods of working with the population, “caste division” and principles of career building. First and last names have been changed at the request of former prosecutors.


According to former employees of the supervisory department, in some regions it is quite difficult for an outsider to even get into the district prosecutor's office - they need either connections or money.

“I was lucky, I got a job in the mid-2000s, when it was still possible to come to the personnel department of the prosecutor’s office and, having proven my qualifications, start working. I don’t undertake to talk about the situation throughout the country, but here, in the Volgograd region, this is hardly possible now.”

“I was hired by the city prosecutor’s office on the recommendation of the deputy city prosecutor, who selected young employees after practice. It’s interesting that a few weeks before his recommendation, I myself sent my documents to the HR department. But when I came to apply for a job with a recommendation from my superiors, the personnel officers did not have my file. That is, the folder with my documents was simply thrown into the trash or disappeared..."

“To join the prosecutor’s office as an ordinary employee, you must either be from a prosecutor’s family or have good connections, or, as I heard, have at least 800 thousand rubles in the stash. I myself joined the prosecutor’s office without cronyism or money, having a university diploma with honors. But, despite his desire to help people, he didn’t last long...”

Leave or stay

According to former employees Prosecutor's office, few remain to serve until retirement. Most either leave at will, or quits due to “renewal” of personnel. According to people who have worked in this system for several years, we're talking about on the rotation of personnel within the framework of the requirements of a particular superior. And those who are not suitable are either fired or not hired.

“Now they are trying to get rid of people who have worked for more than five years. They are recruiting university graduates. Moreover, in addition to the so-called insiders, the selection is also based on intellectual level - the lower, the more convenient it is for the authorities. Therefore, I would not count, at least in the near future, on a long career in some regions. You can transfer a little later to another region, republic or to the Prosecutor General’s Office.”

Artem Volkov, 6 years of work experience:
“In the seven years that I have no longer worked in the prosecutor’s office of our region, there has not been a single decent person left there. With the exception of one or two who decided not to take the initiative, not to interfere, in order to calmly work until retirement. Those who work there are, at best, mediocrities or completely lacking initiative. Why this body exists, I don’t know.”

Elena Molotkova, 11 years of work experience:
"They don't need thinking people, they just need typewriter: for reports, acts of response, so that the “sticks” develop and inflate reporting. And in some regions this can happen along the entire vertical - from the chief prosecutor to the district one. If someone is not happy with this situation, but has a desire to work in the prosecutor’s office, then the ideal option is to transfer somewhere to the North, because at least the pay is higher and there are more benefits.”

Career rise

Do it for real successful career In the prosecutor's office, according to those surveyed, it is very difficult for an “outside” person. Even if you are a “faithful soldier of the system” and unquestioningly carry out all the instructions of the leadership.

Regina A., work experience 8 years:
“A promotion is possible if you are quiet, calm, without initiative, do not try to achieve real results in your work and portray well a personnel unit that does not represent anything. And those who plow and work hard remain at their not very high level.”

Elena Molotkova, 11 years of work experience:
“If a person doesn’t have any connections, then sooner or later they will try to remove him. We need relatives and patrons. Outsiders - they are not needed, because people not from the system have a completely different outlook on life. They may, for example, disagree with how the authorities treat ordinary citizens. People like us may not find common ground with influential leaders, and therefore are not needed.”

Mikhail Tumanov, 3 years of work experience:
“Those who are silent all their lives, at least they are not pressed. Most main principle a long-term career and some growth - no problem. And under no circumstances contradict management, even if their demands are illegal. If you misbehave once, they’ll dump you.”

Working with the public

The attitude towards citizens' statements in a number of departments, as former prosecutors say, is irresponsible. And the reason for this may be either a banal reluctance to work or lack of professionalism.

Elena Molotkova, 11 years of work experience:
“A lot of things are being done not just carelessly, but simply incorrectly. There were cases when they gave answers without making acts of reaction. This happened here... they might not respond to the population’s complaints at all. But they turn a blind eye to all this, because everyone knows who the father of this outstanding employee or employee is. And if you’re not with the system, then you get out of there.”

Artem Volkov, 6 years of work experience:
“They send wrong cases to court without delving into the essence. Even those in which there is no crime. But prosecutors sign the report and send the case to court - that’s how they rule statistics. Supervision over cases is carried out formally, because dismissed cases have a bad effect on their statistics, they are pushed into court by any means. In a number of cases, they try to lock defendants who are at large into cells in order to negotiate minimum sentences with them in exchange for admitting their guilt in court. These are all real cases.”

Working with business

According to respondents, official statistics have nothing to do with reality. Prosecutors may not respond to complaints from businessmen or simply carry out orders from management.

Mikhail Tumanov, 3 years of work experience:
“In my law practice, I was able to recover from the state the amount that the client spent on my work and other expenses. According to the law, this money had to be recovered from the official, through whose fault the state pays compensation. In the regional prosecutor's office, our appeal indicating a specific official, whom the court found to be wrong, was forwarded to the city one. From city to district. And the district said that it saw no reason to require the official to make payments to the budget. And that was the end of it."

Regina A., work experience 8 years:
“The rights of entrepreneurs are often violated. And they respond to requests from ordinary citizens with replies - go to court with claims. What do they get paid for? I don’t know how it is in the regions, but in our country satisfying a complaint was considered the very last thing. Rarely did anyone really work.”

Elena Molotkova, 11 years of work experience:
“The response system is not transparent. Employees know that managers are involved in some kind of fraud and protection. And the leaders are not shy about giving instructions... They told me directly: “Forget everything you were taught. Everything you know is of no use to anyone.” And this was said, as a rule, using obscenities.”

Revenge on the guilty

Management's attitude towards disobedient employees is worse than towards an ordinary citizen. Even a little disobedience can result in career ruin - at best, and in the worst - prison.

Regina A., work experience 8 years:
“Whoever works in the prosecutor’s office has no rights. Everyone has always talked about this and continues to talk about it. Therefore, if it is necessary to attract an employee, then he is attracted without asking whether it is legal or not. There is no law within the system. I worked recklessly, I didn’t expect that they would do this to me. Helped people. When I got to work, I felt like the most happy man in the world. As a result, it turned out that this honesty and equal treatment of both rich and poor was not welcomed. My boss told me this before I was kicked out.”

Artem Volkov, 6 years of work experience:
“Many people are afraid to quit. A prosecutor I know was charged with a criminal case only because, against the wishes of his management, he wanted to transfer to another area. His colleague from his own prosecutor’s office initiated the case. The unofficial reason is that he tried to go over the head of his superiors. Even if you want to stay in the system, but violating the wishes of the one who is higher, you become disliked by the system.”

Working conditions

Former employees of the prosecutor's office say that even with paperwork in the department, not everything is fine. Consumables, cleaning costs and transportation costs often fell on the shoulders of workers.

Mikhail Tumanov, 3 years of work experience:
“From time to time, former colleagues complain to me that they buy paper for their printers themselves. I know that the offices in the regional prosecutor's offices are repaired at their own expense by the employees themselves. What else should they do when the wallpaper falls off? You can’t ask for repairs - there’s corruption, they don’t allocate money for this, so they chip in and fix it.”

Regina A., work experience 8 years:
“We even bought household chemicals for the cleaning lady. And due to the nature of the tender, January was always the month when there were no cleaners. And we chipped in from our money to pay the cleaning lady. And when we complained, they told us: “You already get a good salary.” Everything related to internal documentation was done on used sheets of paper. We disassembled documents intended for destruction and re-run them through the printer. But the funny thing is that I bought my work computer with my own money! I was given an antediluvian “computer with a TV”, which only began to figure something out by lunchtime. Well, I went and bought myself a normal computer. In principle, we were not provided with equipment. And we refilled the cartridges at our own expense.”

Artem Volkov, 6 years of work experience:
“The entire department of the prosecutor’s office had only Zhiguli cars, which periodically broke down. For this reason, we went to the regional center - 300-400 kilometers away - in our cars. Of course, no one paid us for gasoline, Consumables Same. The prosecutor asked us, and we folded. And when there was not enough money for gasoline, they asked people from remote settlements in the region to come themselves to get answers. They even made it into stamps for letters.”

There is such a profession - to monitor order and compliance with procedures. It is very useful and attracts many because it consists directly of the ability to apply knowledge and laws in practice. However, not everyone can come into this industry from nowhere. It would be a mistake to assume that the profession of a prosecutor obliges him to judge and render a verdict.

Despite this, in the specifics of this work there was a lot that was unusual, unique, and not like other work. It is impossible to read the brochure “How to get a job in the prosecutor’s office” and instantly become a specialist, since not only maintaining law and order is very important here, but also the ability to work with people. Prior experience as an investigator is highly preferred. Frankly speaking, this is a service for a person with nerves of steel and a stubborn character.

Main professional features

Those who are already thinking about joining the service are always wondering: is it possible to combine professions? The prosecutor is the face of the rule of law, so you cannot work in this position and at the same time conduct parallel economic activity, as well as business. In addition, certain personal qualities are necessary, especially considering that the prosecutor holds all the important papers in the case. This means that everyone interested in violating the procedure will look for approaches, put pressure on moral aspects and propose various workarounds, including illegal actions.

The prosecutor's office hires applicants with a healthy and strong psyche, who are able to withstand difficulties and not give in to pressure. The prosecutor is not a judge, he does not make decisions, but if the procedure is violated, you can appeal the entire procedure. So to begin with young specialist with a legal education can only be hired as an assistant. You shouldn’t consider this a special success, because this doesn’t mean further promotion at all, but it will definitely give you the opportunity to show your talents. professional quality at the beginning of the journey.

Why are many people attracted to this profession and what is so tempting about it? It's simple - it has always been considered prestigious, and also provides a good income and social security upon retirement. And what is more important is to work with your head with a deep knowledge of the laws. But the difficulty is that many people want to get a job in Moscow, where it is quite difficult with such vacancies and very big competition. There is no need to rush into refusing to enlist in military service. district center or on the periphery. They will accept you here even without experience - it is important that the person has knowledge and wants to learn. And getting a promotion in a small town is much easier and much faster, having worked as an assistant for only a short time.

To enter the military prosecutor's office, education alone is not enough - you also need to serve in the army. The military prosecutor works according to the military regulations, and not the Civil Code; there are completely different requirements and responsibilities. However, in other respects, joining the service occurs in the same way as in the usual case - you need to find a place where recruitment is taking place and submit documents. The quality of education plays a direct role here. However, there are other career options available.

Let’s say, if you didn’t manage to get through the competition for your coveted job, you can look in other areas where the competition will be less. During interviews, in-depth knowledge of law and the Criminal Code will be useful, for which you need to be prepared. The girl should remember that this line of work involves close cooperation with representatives of different walks of life, so internal hardening and tenacity of character will help to achieve her goal. Alternatively, you can apply for the position of a voluntary assistant in order to have time to establish yourself as a serious employee. After all, if law is your favorite activity, then why not.

If all these qualities are already quite developed, this still does not mean that serving the law is the only the right way. You will have to pick up a lot on the fly, but the main thing is to develop the right qualities. No one can work with a person who does not know how to control himself and does not have knowledge of the law and articles of the Criminal Code. A hot-tempered and principled person who is unable to make contact will also not be able to hold on to his position.

Basic requirements for the applicant’s character:

  • restraint - the prosecutor does not have the right to react sharply to any manifestations of aggression, pressure and provocation;
  • communication skills - the ability to work with representatives of different layers, decision general issues And
  • finding compromise solutions is the key to career advancement;
  • memory - the prosecutor, like his assistant, must remember a lot, since there is simply no time to look for clues during procedures.

A little about the stages of applying for a position

To get into the service, you need to obtain an appropriate legal education at one of the state universities in Moscow and submit documents to the body where the recruitment is carried out. Considering that a constant clash with crime is inevitable, not everyone will choose this path, because for some it is easier to become a physics teacher, for example. But serving the law always means prestige and respect.