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In order for a poor student to somehow survive in this cruel world, it is not at all necessary to be the child of rich parents or work around the clock as a dishwasher. Here are some completely legal and real ways to get a good amount of money even with minimal grades in your transcript.

Method 1: social assistance

If your parents are classified as underprivileged, you can ask for social assistance. Such payments are provided by the university, city, state, and sometimes even charities.

State social scholarship

How many: 2227 rub.

How often

How fast: immediately after the certificate from the social security authorities is ready.

On a note!

Read in more detail the provisions on who and in what cases has rights to this type financial assistance, you can and here you go.

Some are luckier than others, and they, having only C grades in their records, are entitled to a social scholarship. Who are they?

  • Disabled people,
  • Orphans,
  • Victims of radiation disasters,
  • Veterans.

Those who belong to the low-income category can also count on a social scholarship.

For registration of all necessary documents should contact the relevant MFC or department social protection. After the income is calculated and the life circumstances of a particular student are assessed, the authority will issue a corresponding certificate for the university.

A student who lives in a dormitory and does not receive any income other than an academic scholarship in the amount of 1,500 rubles can be recognized as a “low-income person living alone.” In this case, the social service will definitely ask whether the student received financial assistance from parents or other relatives and friends, and if he received it, in what amount. But somehow these data should not be confirmed by documents.

Be prepared to provide the following documents to the social security authorities:

  • Passport,
  • Certificate or certificate of registration in form No. 9 or No. 3,
  • Certificate from the university with information about the course, form and duration of study,
  • Certificate of ownership of property,
  • Evidence that you have rights to benefits (death certificate of a parent, certificate of his or her serving a sentence, certificate of disability, etc.),
  • Certificate of income.


The social scholarship is issued for a period of one year from the date of issue of the certificate. That is, if the certificate was issued in April 2017, and the student submitted it only in September, then the social scholarship will be paid from September to May of the next year. IN next year You will have to go through the process of collecting and submitting documents again.

Don't worry that you don't know all the intricacies of a social scholarship. The university will definitely advise you, because university employees constantly monitor the relevance of laws, standards and regulations, and will certainly advise you on whether you have rights to such benefits.

It is better to find out the latest news in the dean’s office - they will definitely tell you about all the ways to receive financial assistance from the state

Increased social scholarship

How many: equal to or greater than the increase to the subsistence level.

How often: every month for one year.

When to serve: at the beginning of the semester.

Only specialists and bachelors of initial courses (first and second) can count on such assistance, and only if they have earned a regular scholarship with their grades.

Another required condition– one of the parents belongs to the first group of disabled people.

And finally, only good and excellent students can apply for such a scholarship.

On a note!

The final amount is calculated by the university. However, it should not be higher than the student’s income up to the subsistence level per capita (this standard is established by the state). For example, in the fourth quarter of 2016 it was installed living wage of 9691 rubles. It was considered this way: if the academic and social scholarship amounted to 1485 And 2228 rubles, then if the student wins a competition for an increased scholarship, its amount will be no less 5978 RUR.

A more precise amount is determined by the university, having previously considered the student’s educational program, his course and the size of the scholarship fund.

Material aid

How many: no more than 12 social scholarships.

How often: every month for one semester.

When to serve: by decision of the university.

Here the criteria will be much broader than for the payment of social scholarships. For example, a university pays for a financial scholarship from its own “pocket”, and pays once a quarter, and minimum size is not stated anywhere, so often the size of the scholarship will depend on how many students will have to be assisted in this quarter.

This type of assistance can be provided to students whose parents are divorced, students with children, or those who are seriously ill and require expensive treatment. In these cases, you will need to provide the university with copies of receipts for medications or the child’s birth certificate.

On a note!

Some universities give cash gifts to their students for weddings, and in some it is customary to pay travel home and back for out-of-town or foreign students.

Program "5+"

On a note!

How many: 3500 rub.

How often: every month for one year.

When to serve: from 10.06 to 10.09.

A student can count on this type of scholarship only if he studies without C grades, and at the same time belongs to the category of low-income people. This scholarship is issued by the Creation charity foundation. Here a selection is carried out among students over 21 years of age. The foundation loves excellent students, participants in various conferences and Olympiads, competitions, and sports competitions. Only achievements over the last two years are taken into account.


As part of this assistance, it will be necessary not only to prove the family's low income, but also to write a letter-essay telling about the student, his family, his interests, hobbies and dreams.

In addition, you will need to collect the following package of documents:

  1. Statement.
  2. A certificate of academic achievement certified by the university seal.
  3. Copy of the passport.
  4. Certificate of being under guardianship and trusteeship or other documents providing benefits (for people with disabilities, foster families, refugees, etc.).
  5. Certificate in form 2-NDFL on the income of all family members/certificate of family poverty.
  6. Extract on family composition with original stamp.
  7. Award certificates, certificates, medals, diplomas for the last 2 years.
  8. Photo.
  9. Motivation letter.

Method 2: participation in the sports or cultural life of the university

Universities love to compete with each other. AND The best way to do this - sports competitions or amateur performances. At the same time, the university management will not spare any money to those who support the image of the university. Therefore, play football, go to a drama club - become the dean’s favorite!

On a note!

An increased state academic scholarship can reach 10,000 rubles, and in some universities – 30,000 rubles (St. Petersburg State University, for example).

The amount of the scholarship may change each semester, depending on the number of applicants, their achievements and the size of the fund. And there are universities in which the amount of such a scholarship is fixed and does not change.

Community Service Scholarship

Want to more money, lead an active cultural life within the walls of your university. Provided that your activities are successful, the university will notice and, more importantly, celebrate your achievements.

Take part in different events educational institution, shine them in in social networks, take part in the creation of student newspapers, etc.

If entertainment is not your thing, you can devote yourself to science. Volunteer to assist in scientific conferences. Even just handing out badges will help show you in the best light.


Before you start leading active work, check with the commission what documents will need to be provided.

Scholarship for creative activity

Creative activity is participation in public exhibitions, performances, competitions and, of course, winning them.

On a note!

Be sure to ask for certificates of participation in all events - they will be your proof of your active creative path. If there are no certificates, draw up a document in advance and ask the organizers to certify it with their seal.

Follow the news of your university - often it itself suggests what you can do to receive material or non-material rewards. For example, participating in an international competition to create a packaging design or writing an essay on a world-famous work.

Sports Achievement Scholarship

Well, everything is simple here - you need to participate and win in socially significant sports competitions. The degree of significance of the competition is determined by the university itself.

Method 3: be an excellent student and publish scientific works

Those who study “excellently” have a high chance of receiving a presidential scholarship of 20 thousand. In addition, such students are encouraged by many other organizations: the Ministry of Education, regional authorities, banks with numerous charitable foundations and, of course, the universities themselves.

On a note!

In some universities, the scholarship is increased immediately after a flawlessly passed exam.

Increased academic scholarship

There are 3 ways to get PGAS:

  • Pass all subjects with “excellent” marks in two sessions in a row;
  • Win a competition in a competition of projects or experimental design works;
  • Win thematic competitions (for example, the Olympiad).


Achievement results will only be valid for one year.

Government and Presidential Scholarship

Government scholarship amount: up to 5000 rubles.

Presidential scholarship amount: up to 7000 rubles.

How are payments made?: monthly throughout the year.

Charitable Foundation and Company Scholarship

Depending on the scholarship program you choose, you can apply for scholarships of different sizes - 6,000, 10,000 and even 15,000 rubles.

If your scientific work is good, it can attract the attention of those interested in research. For example, the work of young ecologists is monitored by the Vernadsky Foundation, economists and energy workers by BP, oil workers by Lukoil, and female programmers by Google. In general, there are stakeholders in almost every field who are willing to reward young minds with scholarships.

To participate in the competition, it is enough to prepare the same package of documents - publications, certificates, diplomas. And since the selection here is not so strict, some only need to participate in conferences, and not necessarily win them.

Well, depending on the chosen fund, the package of documents may vary slightly - find out in advance.

Method 4: Win the business game

The business game is the path for brave and charismatic young people. Management will evaluate the ability to work in a team, as well as leadership skills and creativity.

There are many such scholarships, but we recommend that you carefully read the program of each fund. If you are only interested in money, you can fly. For example, there are scholarships, the receipt of which only requires payment of travel to the venue of the game and back. There are also those who don’t give money, but help you get an internship.

Potanin Foundation Scholarship

Scholarship amount: about 15000r.

How are payments made?: monthly until graduation.

This foundation pays scholarships to full-time master's students. They don't look at grades.

The selection will need to go through 2 stages. Correspondence students will have to fill out a form and write 3 essays (by the way, they will help you with writing an essay, but you can read how to do it yourself) - motivational, popular science and on the topic of the 5 most memorable events of your life.

The application is filled out on the website of the selected fund.

To participate, you must provide the following documents:

  1. A copy of your higher education diploma.
  2. Letter of recommendation from the supervisor.

Actually, in the second round there will be a business game itself, from the beginning to the end of which your teamwork abilities, leadership skills and creativity will be assessed.

Scholarship "Consultant+"

Scholarship amount: about 15000r.

How are payments made?: monthly during the semester.

This scholarship is awarded to those who are very familiar with the system and are able to use it to solve a legal case. Universities organize competitions among first- to fourth-year students of the faculties of law and economics.

Maximum allowable scholarship amount

So, with all the scholarships available, let's see what is the maximum amount you can receive as a student.

Let's take as an example an average student living in a dormitory, receiving a scholarship of 1,500 rubles, studying with the highest grades, publishing in scientific journals and even received several grants for his research, is a member of the university club “What? Where? When?" and passes the GTO standards. So, look here:

It turns out that such a student will be able to receive 60,313 rubles every month. Not sour, right? But next year it will be necessary to refuse the social scholarship...

In the meantime, you are collecting evidence for the state and various funds, We We will be happy to help you keep your studies in order.