History of the development of engineering. Lectures - History of engineering in Russia - file n1.doc. The Birth of the Engineering Profession

Our Earth has entered a period of renewal, and you are already feeling it. However, the renewal of the Earth is impossible without the renewal of each of us - you feel that amazing changes are happening to your body and spirit. The line between the material and spiritual world is becoming thinner, and every moment we are getting closer to finding our Divine essence.

And in order for these changes to happen faster, we need to discover new possibilities within ourselves. Open and believe in them - and our new strength and faith will begin to work miracles.

With every step we move away from Darkness and closer to Light, and on this path it is necessary to extend a helping hand to those who have not yet realized the true essence of what is happening. And then, with the help of our Heavenly mentors, we will be able to overcome this path and open the door to a wonderful new world - the world of Divine Love, Light and joy for everyone!

This book combines two books of Kryon revelations. The lessons and exercises set out in the first part help us discover new sources of power, learn to control the energies of the Universe and take the path of unity with all of our Divine family.

The second part helps prepare your body and soul for the moment of quantum transition, which will sum up all the trials that you have overcome over the past millennia and will give each of us the opportunity to step into the renewed world of Divine harmony.

With love and endless care for everyone now living on Earth, Kryon sends us its messages. Open your soul to his words, let the Divine Spirit into your heart and you will feel the approach of a new happy life.

Part 1
Messages that will determine your destiny

We live on a renewed Earth

Here are new messages from Kryon, intended for people in the conditions of a renewed Earth.

This part of the book will talk about the tasks that we all now face. Tasks related to the changes that are taking place on Earth at an unprecedented pace. Changes that are not noticeable to everyone, but, nevertheless, more than real.

Have you noticed what is happening in the world? Have you noticed what is happening to all of us - and to each of you?

I am not talking now about external events of physical reality, which may sometimes cause confusion and even fear in someone. Those who know how to look further and deeper, those who see not only the physical, but also the spiritual essence of what is happening, will understand me.

We can all be congratulated on what is happening in the world and with each of us: quite recently, literally just now, we have crossed the most important line, crossed the milestone separating the old world from the new. We, together with our Mother Earth, have stepped beyond another dimension, making a giant leap in our vibrations. We already live in another world, on another Earth! And if most people do not see this, it is only because of the imperfection of the organs of perception and too strong adherence to the old, familiar image of the world.

We don't see what's literally in front of our eyes! We do not see the Divine radiance spreading around. We do not see the beautiful pictures of true paradise gradually opening up to us behind the rising curtain. We don't even see ourselves as we truly are: magnificent shining beings of Light.

This is how Kryon sees us. This is how our entire heavenly, Divine family, of which we are rightfully a part, sees us. This is how we are – spiritual beings, whose nature is the Light and Love of God. And only of our own free will did we take on human form, doing this for the sake of a great experiment on planet Earth - an experiment, as a result of which we transferred the energies of the material world to higher vibrations and gained the long-awaited unity with God.

But people are still in the illusion of materiality. We, who have made great changes, still do not see them - and continue to live as if nothing has changed. We live in a new world as if it were still old. And sometimes we cannot understand why we fail to achieve our goals, why light still does not come into our lives.

Light is ready to come into our lives - but we need to let it in ourselves. So that we can cast aside the illusions that make us believe that we are still living in darkness. So that we can see: there is Divine light around us, which just needs to open the doors.

Kryon, like other Divine entities, came to us because thanks to the efforts of people, the veil between the human and Divine worlds became thinner. Kryon came to gently and carefully help us people follow the path of Light and build new earth- a beautiful planet filled with energies of heavenly bliss.

Now that we know who we are, when the vibrations of the Earth and all of humanity have risen to never before seen heights, the time has come to act. We simply cannot remain on the sidelines any longer; we must not be mere observers. The earth is now like a giant construction site, where a new wonderful future for all humanity is beginning to be built. And each of us is called to take part in this!

Believe me, you can do more than you think. We all have a habit of underestimating ourselves. But now the time has finally come to learn about your true capabilities - about the hidden power of man that Kryon so often talks about. The time has come for this hidden power to become apparent!

Time does not wait, the time has come to act - to help ourselves, the Earth, and all humanity to survive these very difficult times safely and with dignity.

Kryon says that we have already emerged victorious from the struggle between darkness and light, we have already advanced into the Divine dimensions of reality and thereby saved both ourselves and the Earth from destruction. There will be no end of the world - and what many people take as its harbingers are, in fact, manifestations of the difficult process of transformation of the Earth and humanity. Our return to our true, Divine essence is sometimes painful. But we have the power to smooth out all the unpleasant moments as much as possible and arrive at a new quality of the Earth with minimal losses.

If you want to help yourself, the Earth and all of humanity, join the big family of Lightworkers, and get involved in general work- the most remarkable and most important work that has ever been carried out on Earth.

Do not be afraid of anything - your Heavenly family is always with you, they help you, guide you, guide you, protect you.

And if only you express a desire to do the work of Light, contributing to the unification of humanity with the Divine Universe, your request will be instantly heard, the knowledge and strength necessary for this will come to you, you will transform yourself and your life, filling it with Light and Love, you will be among the first the ranks of those who are now realizing humanity’s long-standing dream of Heaven on Earth.

If you feel like you’re at a dead end, don’t know what to do, if you’ve lost your sense of the meaning of existence, now is the time to get out of the dead end and find everything you need for a happy life full of high meaning.

Kryon invites us to urgently focus on eleven tasks that must be solved in as soon as possible. These tasks are also eleven guidelines that help you get on the right path in life. By performing these tasks, you will avoid many mistakes, overcome many obstacles, and you will be able to gently, calmly, without shocks and crises, move into a new quality for yourself and the whole Earth.

The state of affairs on the entire Earth depends on how each of us passes this path! Starting with changes in ourselves and our lives, we contribute to the fact that there will be fewer wars, crimes, man-made and natural disasters on Earth. And each of us will find what humanity has dreamed of from time immemorial - a true paradise on Earth.

And another recommendation regarding practical exercises, which accompany each of the eleven tasks. Think of them not so much as exercises for which you need to set aside some special time, but as a habit that needs to be formed so that it becomes a natural part of your lifestyle. These exercises are not exercise that you can do twenty minutes in the morning and then forget. This is, if you like, a way of being, a way of thinking. You can return to these exercises whenever you want: on the way to work, during a break, before bed, while playing sports or relaxing. Let this not be a duty, but a constant “background” of your life, no matter what you do. Alternate these exercises as you wish. But it is important to pay attention to them daily. You will see how efficiently they will work.

I wish you the most pleasant impressions, insights and miracles that will certainly happen while reading this book.

Problem 1
Grounding Energy
You hold in your hands the golden key to the golden world

Hello dear! Kryon welcomes you to the new Earth. Pictures of paradise lie all around you. Some of you - very few - may see them. Most of you feel them, although you don't see them. You feel that the energy has changed - it has become cleaner, lighter, more transparent. If only you could see the true beauty of what is happening the way we see it... But you are still hindered by the illusion of a veil over your eyes. The veil is already so thin that it is practically non-existent. And only the ghosts of the old, bygone world, flashing before your eyes, make you believe that the veil still exists.

If you look more closely, you will see: everything that seems real to you - your hardships, suffering, troubles - is actually crumbling like houses of cards. They are like a cartoon that may pretend to be real but isn't. And only yours own strength and energy creates this illusion of reality. You pay too much attention to these problems - and thereby pour life into them. You share your power with them - and now the “cartoons” come to life and seem like life.

Dear ones, this is not real life! True life lies in the majestic Divine energies that create an earthly paradise around you. Finally let them into your reality!

I'll show you how you can do this. Instead of continuing to feed old energies with your power, you can transform and ground them. In this way, you will either neutralize them or turn them into something else - into positive energies that will begin to better influence you and your life, creating what you desire.

You know: everything that happens to you is determined by the energies that you let into your life. Moreover, you yourself determine the quantity and quality of these energies. You color them with what you call negative and positive. And even if negative energies created by other people enter your life, you have the power to transform these energies, color them differently or neutralize them.

Thus, everything that seems not very good to you in your life, you can transform into something better - by transforming the corresponding energies for this. And as a result, better events will begin to happen in your life compared to what is happening now.

You may ask: Kryon, how do we transform energies? Where is this tool, the mechanism for their transformation? I will answer: this tool or mechanism is you yourself. You can transform energies only in one way: by passing them through yourself. And then, having passed through you, they go into the Earth - they become grounded. They ground themselves, becoming Light, and thus giving the power of Light to Mother Earth, who will immediately share with you the multiplied powers in gratitude.

To let energy pass through oneself means to accept it, not to throw it away, and to experience what this energy brings. Energy can cause one emotional reaction or another in you. The energy can cause laughter or tears, pain and suffering. There is no need to be afraid of this. Pain and suffering are also something that you must accept and transform. And then, believe me, even pain and suffering will seem sweet to you! Because only a living person on Earth can experience them. These are unique experiences given only to people. This is a sign that you are a Spirit operating in a living human shell. Pain and suffering, as an attribute of the great journey of the Spirit on Earth, can also give pleasure to the Spirit. Especially when pain and suffering are successfully transformed into Light and grounded. This gives you great satisfaction as Spirit, because in this way Spirit fulfills its task on Earth. And this gives you, as a person, the key to changing your life. If you are trying to change the events of your life and you are not succeeding, approach from the other end: change the energies! Accepting, passing through yourself, transforming, grounding... Then events will begin to change on their own - you will not need to put any effort into it!

If you don’t just accept what is undesirable for you, don’t just let it pass through you, but also do it with gratitude... Your ability to transform darkness into light increases many times over! When something happens to you that is undesirable for you, tell yourself about it directly. There is no need to convince yourself that black is white. Don't fool yourself into thinking that everything is actually going as it should. Admit to yourself: yes, everything is not the way you want. Yes, something unwanted is happening. This confession may bring tears to your eyes, may cause an outburst of emotions. Dear ones, this is the beginning of transformation. Admit to yourself that this is really happening to you - and do not be afraid of the mental pain that this recognition may cause. And then - be grateful. Be grateful to these unwanted events for teaching you a stronger lesson. Be grateful even for this pain, which allows you to feel so alive!

Gratitude and love are the keys to transforming darkness into light. Do this - and then send these energies to the Earth. Ask the Earth to transform them into light or neutralize them. Thank the Earth for this. You have grounded the energies. This means they will no longer negatively impact your life. You have eliminated the very source of this unwanted influence.

Be attentive to all the energies that come to you. Be aware of your surroundings. And as soon as something comes to you, ground it!

It's within your power! And no one will do this for you. Get started right now! In your hands is nothing less than a golden key to a golden world.

There's nothing so bad that you can't turn it into good

You may think that this is a dirty job - something like disposing of unnecessary waste. It's like you're picking up dirt with your bare hands to do the cleaning. But if you are full of Light and Love, if your weapon is gratitude, and your goal is the purification of energies in the name of heaven on Earth, then you will not get dirty. These impurities will not affect you, because they will be transformed only by your touch, and not even by physical touch, but by the touch of your intention. So no matter how dirty this work may seem at first glance, it is not waste disposal at all. It is the alchemical process of transforming darkness into light.

Don't be afraid of failure. Turn to the guidance of your Divine Spirit - that part of you that has never left your Divine family. This process can only be understood through practice. Don't try to understand it theoretically. Try it! It is difficult to explain in words the subtleties of the process of transformation and grounding. But in reality, you will feel and intuitively understand what and how to do. Your Spirit and your angelic helpers will help you. And then you will taste all the sweetness of this process. And then you will understand what delight covers the creator who transforms the world according to his will.

Everything is in your hands, dear ones! You are blessed for this work. A wonderful work of alchemical transformation of reality, the creation of paradise, a golden world on Earth.

Whatever comes to you - fear, anxiety, irritation, depression, resentment, grief - do not ignore it, but do not give these energies power over you. Accept, pass through yourself, transform, ground! Even if you see troubles, tragedies around you - or troubles happen to you - be courageous, do not let these energies take over you, and yet do not hide from them, take them, accept them, transform them! It's up to you whether you stay with your troubles or transform them into something more attractive. It depends only on you what you do with the energies coming to you - you allow them to control you, or you yourself take power over them in order to transform them into light or at least neutralize them.

Understand: there is nothing around you and in your life that is so bad that you cannot transform it into good! It is a gift that you have received from God. So use it, do not let this gift disappear in inactivity.

Do you understand now that it depends only on you how you live, and what is more in your life - light or darkness, suffering or joy?

Light energies can also be grounded

But not only pain and suffering, and everything that you call negative, you can ground. Your task is to ground light energies. This is called creativity. This is called your contribution to the enlightenment of the Earth, to the construction of heaven on Earth. Because the more light energies you ground, the more light there will be on Earth, around you, in every grain of matter, in every molecule and every atom. If you look with spiritual vision, you will see - or feel - that there is a lot of light around you. Divine light comes to the planet continuously. This is what you sometimes call grace that comes to you from heaven. These are flows of energies of Light and Love of God. But without you - without your participation as people - these energies will never become part of the Earth. You must pass them through yourself and ground them. Because only you – people – have the ability to transform matter. A spirit that has never been embodied in a human body cannot do this. Kryon cannot do this. This cannot be done by your angelic helpers and mentors. Because they don't have the access to matter that you have. Only you are in direct contact with the material world, being part of it, being at the same time the Spirit. That's why we say that you are unique beings! No one else in the Universe has such properties.

You became part of the material world precisely in order to transform matter. To conduct the Divine light through oneself and root it in matter - to ground it, thereby giving matter the properties of Divinity, raise its vibrations and enlighten it with the Light and Love of God.

How do you do this? How can you enlighten the material world? In any way in which you can connect matter with Light and Love - or, in other words, express Light and Love through material means. You can simply write down on paper those bright thoughts that the Spirit dictates to you. You can write about those sublime states that your Spirit experiences. You can simply smile at someone and thereby express the Light of your Spirit in material, physical embodiment, and in addition, transfer these light energies to someone else. You can tell someone about your joy, or sing, or dance, conveying your state in movement. All of this is the material embodiment of the energies of the Spirit, all of this is the materialization of spiritual energies, all of this is the enlightenment of matter. When you express the energies of the Spirit through your body, with the help of certain physical actions, you ground the energies of Light and thereby enlighten and transform the Earth.

You have no idea how much love we are sending you right now. Oh, dear ones, your powers of perception are not enough to see and accommodate all our love! You are extraordinary, you are magnificent, you are worthy of admiration. Bear the title of Human with pride. We are immensely proud of you.

With endless love,

Posted here for free eBook Path to Eden the author whose name is Garlock Dorothy. In the ACTIVE WITHOUT TV library you can download the book The Path to Eden for free in RTF, TXT, FB2 and EPUB formats or read online book Garlock Dorothy - The Path to Eden without registration and without SMS.

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OCR Larisa_F
“The Path to Eden”: AST; Moscow; 1998
ISBN 5-237-00678-7
Young Maggie had a mysterious gift of communicating with animals, which was the reason to declare the timid beauty a witch. It’s scary to even imagine what fate awaited her if it weren’t for the meeting with the fearless tracker Lightbody, who became everything for Maggie - a friend, protector, husband. But on the way to a happy life, the newlyweds face many dangers and difficult trials...
Dorothy Garlock
Path to Eden
The legend begins -
Missouri, 1811
Chapter 1
Jason Pickett was fascinated. No, I'm fascinated. No, I'm bewitched. He forgot about everything in the world. Sky, earth, forests, fields, rivers - the world ceased to exist for him. Only there, ahead...
She was standing by a tree. Goddess... Forest fairy... Fragile, slender... Now she will notice him and disappear into the green foliage. Her blue skirt seemed like a cloud: a movement of her leg would take this little princess to the heavens. Her face, which she wanted to admire forever, was framed by luxurious blue-black hair. Jason felt as if this heavenly creature was beckoning him.
The horse snorted - and Picket came to his senses.
“Damn, what a beauty,” he muttered. – With such a companion you can do a lot of things.
Jason imagined what would happen in New Orleans if such a beauty appeared there. All the men would do is stare at her. Then it would not be difficult for him, Picket, to beat even the best players at cards. The girl by the tree is his path to wealth.
Jason Pickett was leaving his brother Jefferson's farm today. He decided to go alone, and leave his wife Kelly and two sons with his brother: Jefferson would take care of them.
Jason worked (or rather, thought he worked) for Hartley Van Buren. A week ago, it turned out that the owner was an agent of Aaron Burr and that they only needed Picket so that his brother would not report Burr’s betrayal. Burr entered into a secret alliance with General James Wilkinson, the ruler of the Louisiana Territory, and with his help wanted to seize these lands. But Burr's plan failed, Hartley Van Buren died, and now nothing kept Jason here, in this God-forsaken wilderness.
The picket languished with melancholy in this outback. But now, as a reward for his torment, fate gave him a real treasure. This girl in New Orleans will make him a fortune! The stories about the beautiful Maggie turned out to be not fiction. Jason immediately realized that it was she in front of him.
The girl was alone. Come and take it.
Jason jerked the reins so hard that the horse reared. He cursed quietly and tried to calm the animal, and when he looked again in the direction where the beauty was standing, there was no one there. Jason became annoyed and pulled the bridle with all his might. The animal twisted in place in pain.
Jason figured Maggie couldn't have gone far. Most likely she was now watching him from behind some bush or tree. "We'll outsmart you, beauty." He smiled and dismounted. Then he began to walk around the horse, patting it affectionately and quietly saying something, at the same time carefully watching the edge of the forest. The fish will definitely fall into his net.
Jason pictured Maggie in a green dress with a full skirt that would further accentuate her tiny waist. Hair should be pulled back into a bun and decorated with a ribbon. It is in this form that she will appear before the eyes of the Orleans rich. The girl will return him a hundredfold everything he has to spend to get her. Now the most important thing is to restrain yourself, not to lose your head, not to pounce on her like a hungry dog ​​for a bone. Jason slowly turned his head. Maggie was walking straight towards him. Suddenly she stopped and froze, like a doe sensing danger.
“Hello, Maggie,” Jason smiled. “It seems you scared my horse.”
He glanced at her and immediately looked away. When the girl was so close, it took incredible effort for him to restrain himself. He tried to distract himself, listened to the sounds of the forest: the trees rustled with leaves, a nightjar called in the distance, and closer the jays began to quarrel with the thrush. Jason had almost calmed down, and then the girl spoke:
- Why did you hurt your horse?
Picket's mouth was dry. The blood boiled in his veins. Never before had any beauty aroused such strong desire in him. “Stop, stand! - he said to himself. “How can you take her to New Orleans if you are ready to take possession of her right now!”
Maggie walked up to the horse, pulled its muzzle towards her and began to whisper something in its ear. The animal immediately calmed down.
“Damn you, witch! Why did you come? I would wander through my forests and not show myself to people!..” - flashed through Jason’s head. And at that moment Maggie looked at him. Her eyes were emerald green - as if precious stones sparkled between her thick and long eyelashes. "Witch! Witch! Witch!" Jason felt like he was losing control of himself.
- Why are you looking at me like that? – she asked.
Jason would have been glad not to look at her, but he couldn't. He would like to jump on his horse and rush away from this place, but his willpower left him. For the rest of his life, he is now a prisoner of the forest fairy. With her gaze, her voice, her movements, she called Jason, promised him unearthly bliss.
- I like looking at you. You are very beautiful.
- I know.
- How old are you?
- I'm not little anymore. – The girl smiled coquettishly. – Maybe a thousand, maybe two. Guess for yourself. - And she laughed loudly.
Like a bell, Jason thought.
“I never doubted for a minute that you were an adult,” he said. -How old are you, anyway?
She did not answer and, humming something under her breath, began to walk around the horse.
- Carefully! She might kick! – Jason suddenly became afraid for the girl.
The nymph laughed.
And then Pickett remembered where he had already seen such a smile: in a painting in one of the richest houses in New Orleans. Some artist painted a portrait of a girl he saw in a dream. They said that the painter never parted with his creation and did not agree to sell it for any money. All over the world the master searched for a living embodiment of his brush, and when he despaired of finding it, he committed suicide.
“It’s a pity for the artist. It turns out he was looking in the wrong place.”
The girl from the picture was here, next to Jason. Damn it, he will still fight this witch. He will definitely bring her to New Orleans!
- He will lie down, I tell you! Jason repeated.
- She won't hurt me. Do you see?
Maggie gently tugged the horse's tail and patted its rump and hind legs. The animal stood completely calm.
God! He had never seen anything like this in his life. If she beckons, any man will follow her to the ends of the earth.
The beauty quickly turned around, while her skirt rose slightly. All Jason saw were ankles and tiny moccasin-clad feet. A new wave of feelings overwhelmed him. Jason wanted to become her dog, to lick her feet and to be stroked and caressed by his owner. “Stop! - his mind screamed. - This is the spawn of the devil! She will destroy you! But the captive of the lovely fairy brushed aside these thoughts. He wanted to possess the charming mistress of the forests at all costs.
- Do you have a horse?
- No.
- Do you want it to be?
- No. I like running.
-Can you dance, Maggie? Jason asked with mock nonchalance.
- I can.
-Will you dance for me?
- No.
- I'll give you something nice.
“I don’t dance for pay,” she snorted.
- I did not mean that. I just think that this beautiful girl like you, there must be many beautiful things.
“Damn, what nonsense am I spouting!”
- I do not need anything.
– Where did you live before coming to Missouri? “It seemed to Jason that if he kept quiet, Maggie would disappear and he would never see her again.
- In Kentucky.
– Have you been to cities larger than St. Louis?
– I don’t like cities. The people there are bad. Evil.
- Evil? I didn't notice something. Ordinary people.
-Women hate me. In Kentucky they called me a witch and wanted to set our house on fire. We managed to escape.
"Witch! Witch! Witch!" – Jason was pounding in his head.
-Are you really a witch? - came out of his mouth.
- Don't know. – She shrugged. “As soon as I looked at a man, he would leave his wife, his children, his home and follow me. Sometimes I took revenge on women who offended me or my parents. I took their husbands away.
Jason understood perfectly why the men followed her. He still had control of himself, but he felt that he was losing his head. The thirst for possession of this heavenly being became unbearable. The blood was boiling. My head was burning.
- Maggie, come with me to New Orleans. There you will have many beautiful silk dresses. Men will bow at your feet and give you jewelry. You will begin to bask in luxury. Let's go.
– Why do I need jewelry?
- Well... you will become even more beautiful. – Jason took the ring off his finger. - This is a good stone. Very expensive. Do you see how it shines? “He turned the ring and the stone sparkled. - Do you want to get it? “Jason didn’t really understand what he was saying: desire took over him completely.
– I don’t like it.
- It is very expensive.
- I do not need money.
- But it's beautiful. Look now. The color is the same as your eyes. With this ring you will look like a princess. No, for the queen...
“But I don’t want to be like the queen.” Jason still didn't understand what happened to him.
His mind went blank. There was not a single thought left in my head. Picket rushed at the girl and grabbed her.
“Then what the hell do you want?” – he growled furiously.
Maggie tried to break free, but couldn't. Jason pulled her towards him. He was breathing heavily, his nostrils flared, and there was a frantic look in his eyes.
Maggie hissed and scratched like an angry cat, struggling to free herself from his grasp. She tried to bite the man, distraught with passion. He didn't even feel pain. Then Maggie let out a long, piercing whistle - but the next second Jason pressed his lips to hers. With one hand he squeezed her back arms, and with the other he forced her jaws to unclench. His tongue began to greedily caress the sweetness of her mouth. The girl managed to turn away and whistled again. Jason barely paid any attention to it. Breathing hoarsely, he threw Maggie to the ground. She hit him painfully on the back, and he slapped her in the face.
Jason didn't know what he was doing. He has ceased to be Jason Pickett, he has turned into a wild beast ruled by instincts.
He lifted Maggie's skirt. She wasn't wearing anything underneath. There was a dark triangle between his legs, and the “savage” dug his fingers into it. The girl squirmed, trying to free herself. She whistled again. Jason slapped her hard across the face again.
- Stop it! – he growled, impatiently releasing his flesh, filled with desire.
Maggie continued to struggle.
- How good you are! Wild cat. Stop struggling.
Jason leaned his whole body onto Maggie. The girl tried to whistle again, but he covered her mouth. His fingers were sweaty and sticky. He whispered in her ear, splashing with saliva:
- Oh, you unbroken... horse. Now... now... we will be... good... Well, well... Quiet... Stop twitching, they tell you!
He spread her legs with his knees. Clutching the engorged flesh with his hand, he sought the entrance to her fragile, desperately writhing body.
Suddenly something hit Jason in the back. His arms weakened and he fell onto his side. Something warm and wet came out of his mouth. A foot pushed him in the chest, and Jason rolled onto his back. From his feet an icy cold crept throughout his body. He felt chilly, chilly...
- Help...
Jason saw a strange creature above him - a dark face, a wild expression in his eyes, a wolfish grin.
"Witch! Werewolf!" “And Jason Pickett was gone: the knife left a bloody trail across his neck.
Baptiste Lightbody looked with disgust at the man he had killed. Light was in the grip of such an all-consuming rage that he could hardly resist chopping Jason into small pieces. He spat on the ground.
- Pathetic dog! - And he spat again - in the face of the dead man.
After wiping the knife and hiding it in his belt, Light turned his body onto his stomach and pulled out a thin steel blade from his back. And then he rolled Picket onto his back again and left his face and private parts exposed, as if to make his death as insulting as possible.
Light turned to Maggie, and she threw herself into his arms. Not a word escaped her lips, not a tear came from her eyes. Baptiste picked the girl up in his arms and buried his face in her tender neck. She felt how his body trembled, with what desperation he pressed her to him.
- It's all over. “Everything is fine,” she whispered in his ear. – I knew you would come. Iwaited for you.
- Mon Dieu, my baby! – Light put Maggie on the ground and carefully touched her face. His fingers gently touched the abrasions. He cursed in French. “What did that bastard do to you?” This dirty beast? He... Were you his?
Maggie shook her head, and Light pulled her closer to him again.
- Oui, ch?rie. You are an extraordinary woman, my little one.
His voice trembled slightly with tenderness. Baptiste began brushing dirt and leaves from her dress and hair. Then he began to examine his beloved’s face. Anger burned in his dark eyes.
“I would like to kill him not just once, but a hundred times!” Maggie ran her fingers along the wrinkle that lay between her stern eyebrows.
- It's okay, Light. Do not frown. Forget.
- How did you know that I was going this way? She smiled slightly. Her lips were swollen and it was painful to move them.
“I called you, Light.” I knew you would come.
“You knew that I would come,” he repeated quietly and tenderly kissed her broken scarlet lips. -You were waiting for me. Mon Dieu, my treasure! I need to protect you well. I really care about you!
He cupped her face with his hands and began to kiss the abrasions again.
“Do you like being with me, Light?”
– I really like it, my beauty.
She laughed: softly, melodiously and happily, and her laughter was the best music for him. Maggie hugged Light tighter and pressed herself against him; joy filled his heart. Baptiste kissed his beloved on the head and gently stroked her silky hair.
“Don't be such a fool again, my angel,” he said softly. – When you are alone, you should not come close to men. After all, you know how they all look at you.
- He hurt his horse.
Maggie stroked her lover's cheek. He turned his head and kissed her palm. The girl smiled. Looking at her, Baptiste could not help but smile.
Maggie loved this man. Although his copper skin and straight black hair above his high forehead betrayed his Indian origin, he spoke his affectionate words in French and generally spoke with an accent.
“Come on, my treasure,” Light said quietly. - We have a lot to do. But first I have to tell my friend that I killed his brother. And then I need to tell your father that I’m taking you with me to my mountain.
- To your mountain? Where is she, Light?
- In the west, ch?rie. I saw her in a dream. Tall trees grow there and the water of the streams shimmers in the sun. And at night the stars burn so low that it seems as if you can reach them. This is a land of peace and quiet. There are no people there. I want to climb my mountain, build a strong house and live there all my life.
“Will you take me with you, Light?” I dream of going to a place where I can dance and sing whenever I want. And people won't say I'm weird. I dream of going to a place where no one will find me except you, Light.
Maggie stood on her tiptoes and kissed him on the cheek.
Light looked into her eyes for a long time. He had been irresistibly drawn to this magical creature from the moment he first met her. He's used to living alone. His wife died and he didn't want to love anyone else. But this little forest fairy quietly entered his heart. When they looked at each other, it seemed to him that the girl was looking into his soul. His heart forever belonged to this pure, innocent creature. From now on, he will always protect Maggie.
“You are my woman, ma petite,” Light said. - Let's go to. First to Jefferson, and then to your father.
Chapter 2
– Isn’t this Light riding Jason’s horse? Jefferson Pickett asked as he left the house.
Jefferson's friend, Will Murdock, narrowed his eyes as he watched the horsemen approach. Light was indeed riding Jason's horse, and Maggie was sitting astride Light's mare.
The horsemen arrived. Light dismounted, threw the reins to Will, helped Maggie off her horse, and turned to Jefferson:
- I killed your brother.
Jefferson and Murdoch were petrified. Light stood with his legs wide apart, and it was felt that he was ready to repel the attack. Maggie came over and hugged Light. Jefferson looked into his eyes to the best friend, and gradually the words spoken by Light began to reach his consciousness.
Jason is dead!
Light killed him!
“I know you, Light,” Jefferson said slowly. “You wouldn’t have killed him if you didn’t have a good reason.”
“I killed him when he attacked my woman.” I threw a knife at a stranger, but I cut Jason Pickett's throat. “Lightbody spoke quietly, but there was anger in his voice.
– He raped... Maggie? – Jefferson looked at the girl. Her face was bruised and her cut lip was still bleeding. But even if Maggie had not been standing next to Light, if Jefferson had not seen her face, he would have believed his friend. Metis never lied!
- I was on my way to see you. In the forest I heard her whistle. He tried to take her. – Light’s voice trembled with rage.
Maggie stroked his hand soothingly. Baptiste looked at her and, smiling tenderly, drew her to him.
“I'm really sorry,” Jefferson said. “I didn’t know Jason was capable of this.”
“It lies over there, on the road to St. Charles.” I didn’t want to get my hands dirty on him in order to take him to you.
- I understand. – After a short silence, Jefferson took a deep breath. “I’ll go tell his wife.” And then we'll go get him.
“I’ll tell madam myself,” Light responded.
- No, my friend. I will do it. Jason was a bad husband. Now Kelly is a free woman. – Jefferson put his hand on Light’s shoulder. - One more thing. Hartley is dead and the Burr investigation is over. Tom left the wallet for you. Thank you for your work. What are you going to do now, Light?
“I’m going west and taking Maggie with me.”
- The road will be dangerous.
– Oui. – Light jumped onto the horse and put Maggie on his back.
– Will we see you again before we leave?
– Oui. – And Light galloped away.
It was dawn when Light rode up to Gentry's farm on his mare. In the lead he led another one. He had a flintlock rifle under his arm, a tomahawk hanging from his belt, and the handle of a hunting knife protruding from under his left gait. On his head is a leather hat with a low crown and small brim.
Maggie was waiting for him in the yard with her parents. The girl put on a thin suede shirt, leather trousers and moccasins. In her hands she held a package tied with a thin strap.
After greeting Gentry, Light took Orlan, Maggie's father, aside.
-Have you changed your mind? Are you still leaving? “Orlan knew very well what the mestizo would answer, but he asked because he didn’t want to part with his daughter.
– Oui. I am a man of the forests, monsieur.
– Why don’t you like the forests here?
- Monsieur, we have already talked about this. There are no people there on my mountain. And no one will offend Maggie. Or do you think that she is happy here, where she is hated?
- No.
“I will love her and protect her, monsieur.” I swear to you this.
-Will you marry her?
- We will make a vow.
Maggie was afraid that her father would change his mind and not let her go. When the men returned, her father put his hand on her shoulder and said:
“If you still want to go with Light, I give you my blessing.” He will be a good husband to you. He swore it. Mom and I are letting you go. Go to new lands... - Then his words got stuck in his throat. - And... may the Lord be with you.
- Thank you, Pa. – Maggie kissed him on the cheek.
- Listen to your master, daughter.
- I will, pa. I am now a Light woman. I go where Light goes. Don't worry about me, ma. “She kissed her mother on the cheek. - He will take care of me. I'll be fine with him.
Light threw a blanket over the filly's back and sat Maggie on horseback, tying her bundle to the belt that wrapped around the filly's rump. Then he jumped on his horse and they rode away from the farm.
Maggie turned to look at her parents one last time. Her eyes were shining and there was a happy smile on her face. Waving her hand, she shouted:
- Goodbye, ma! Goodbye, pa! Farewell! Farewell!
The day was gentle and warm. A light breeze played in the tops of the tall trees. The rays of the sun penetrated through the thick foliage and fell in reflections on the carpet of fallen leaves. A marten slid ahead and disappeared into the bushes. It was quiet. Only the branches crunched under the horses’ hooves and the tree crowns rustled faintly.
Maggie was filled with joy. Her heart sang. She drove and whistled a cheerful song. It seemed to her that the first day of her real life had come. Previously, she did not live, but only existed. She and her husband are traveling to undeveloped lands for wide river. The girl was not afraid of the unknown, because Light was nearby.
She goes home to Mount Laita.
Her husband turned around and smiled at her.
When they drove out into the clearing, the sun showered them with its rays. The breeze stroked Maggie's cheek and lifted the edge of her straw hat, as if it wanted to say: “I like your hat. Give it to me." The girl inhaled with pleasure the aroma of green fragrant herbs and the wet smell of the river.
They stopped at the top of the hill. To the west could be seen the road that the Missouri River had carved through the dense forests. It was noon. Maggie jumped off her horse and walked up to Light. The half-breed looked seriously into her face raised towards him, full of joyful expectation.
“I brought you here, to this place of God, so that we can make vows, ch?rie.” I promised your father that we would get married. Here I will swear my love to you. For me, this oath will become the most sacred.
“Are we getting married here, Light?”
- Yes, ch?rie. But if you want, we will go to St. Charles and be married by a priest.
- No. Let's get married here.
Light took the hat off her head and threw it on the ground. His own flew there too.
Pressing his hand to his heart, the mestizo looked into Maggie's eyes.
“I, Baptiste Lightbody, take you, Maggie Gentry, to be my wife.” I vow to honor, cherish and protect you as long as I live. – He fixed his gaze on the sky. - God is my witness.
Maggie listened, and her heart sank - so solemnly did Light pronounce these words. From their first meeting, she knew that this moment had to come. Light was her soul, her mate, her other half.
- Are we husband and wife now? Is it true? How's ma and pa?
- Yes, my treasure. I vowed to love and protect you. You and I are one. And we will be together as long as we live.
“Forever and ever,” said Maggie. “Me too, Light... I promise to love and obey you and be a good wife.” – The girl raised her head to the sky. - God is my witness.
They looked into each other's eyes. Nature was their temple, the wind their priest, and the sun and clouds their witnesses. Light pulled Maggie closer to him.
- From this day on, ch?rie, as long as we are alive, we will never part.
- We will never part! - she responded.
The girl hugged the ranger. He kissed her reverently. And for the first time in his life, Light felt scared - scared from the thought that he could lose his beloved. No, no one will ever take her away from him. He will protect his treasure like a fragile flower. He will fight for her until the last drop of blood. As long as he lives, no one will harm her.
“Are we going to sleep together, Light?”
– Oui, my beloved. Every night.
- How good!
She pressed herself closer to him.
– We will have our wedding dinner here. Annie Lash gave us pie.
Maggie clapped her hands.
“And mom gave me hard-boiled eggs, corn cakes and some sugar for the trip.”
For the first two nights, Light only caressed and kissed his young wife, trying to restrain the tremors of passion so as not to frighten her.
Maggie loved being with him, clinging to his strong, warm body. Never, never had she felt so protected as in her husband's arms.
On the third night, when they lay on the grassy bank of the river, Maggie rolled over on her stomach, looked into Light’s face, and ran her gentle fingers over his forehead, nose, and lips.
“Don’t you want to be with me, Light?”
- Oh, ch?rie. I doubted... Do you know... Maggie laughed:
- Of course I know. I saw them sleeping together.
- Mon Dieu! Where?
– When we stopped near St. Charles. There were a man and a woman in the forest. She lifted her skirt and he pulled down his pants. I looked at them. Then I thought that I wouldn’t like this. And now I want to be like this with you. “She took his hand and put it on her stomach. - What do you want, Light?
- My baby!
Laughing, Light turned her over and began kissing her, over and over again.
Closing her eyes, Maggie gave herself entirely to the feeling. In the universe of passion, neither time nor space existed. It was only when Light stopped kissing her that Maggie returned to the real world. The girl shook her head and reached for her husband’s lips.
Light slowly pulled down her pants and took off her shirt. He was shaking. He pulled Maggie tightly to him and kissed her deeply. Then he began to slowly caress the girl’s breasts.