History of carving. What is artistic wood carving. Geometric wood carving

4.2. On the connection diagram of the subscriber electrical installation, the dispatch service of the Network organization establishes the boundaries of operational management and maintenance.

The diagram is signed by the person responsible for the electrical equipment and endorsed.

4.3. A unified dispatcher numbering of subscriber equipment is established by the Network Organization. Dispatch services of Grid organizations determine the position of the switching equipment of the subscriber electrical installation for normal operation, based on ensuring the reliability of power supply, permissible voltage levels, operation of relay protection and automation devices and compliance with short circuit currents.



5.1. An active electrical installation is considered to be an electrical installation or a section thereof that is energized or to which voltage can be applied by turning on switching devices.

5.2. Entry of Consumers' equipment into the category of existing electrical installations and removal from the category of existing ones is carried out by the efforts and means of the Consumer.

5.3. Applications to remove existing equipment from operation for connecting or disconnecting other electrical installations are submitted by the owner of the existing equipment in accordance with Section 6 of these Regulations.

5.4. Permission to enter into and withdraw from existing electrical installations is issued by the Consumer in the prescribed manner in the form of a telephone message addressed to the owner of the equipment; a copy of the telephone message is transferred to the Network Organization addressed to the chief engineer of the corresponding branch.

5.5. A newly installed subscriber electrical installation can be put into operation only after technical inspection and approval for operation by Rostechnadzor inspections and for compliance with the requirements of PUE, PTE, MPOT for the operation of electrical installations, technical specifications, issued by the network organization to whose networks the subscriber is connected and design solutions regarding accounting electrical energy, agreed with.

Newly installed subscriber electrical installations with voltages above 1000V, transferred to the operational management or maintenance of the Network Organization, must have clear, indelible inscriptions of uniform dispatch numbers and names both on the doors of the electrical installation and on the drive of each switching device and inputs, as well as on the internal walls of the chambers, ZRU, front and internal parts of KTPN for outdoor installation.

5.6. The owner of an electrical installation transferred to the operational management or jurisdiction of the Grid Organization is obliged to provide the latter with a power supply diagram, in accordance with clause 4.1 of these Regulations, and lists of operational personnel, in accordance with clause 3.12 of these Regulations.

5.7. Before formalizing contractual relations for electricity supply, the Consumer and the Grid Organization must establish, according to the Balance Sheet Delineation Act, the boundaries of balance sheet ownership and operational responsibility, as well as the zones of operational management and maintenance of the electrical installation being switched on (see clauses 3.1., 3.2).

5.8. When removing the existing electrical installations of the Consumer from the category on his initiative, the Grid organization is obliged to demand, and the Consumer is obliged to take measures to preserve transit power to the electrical installations of the Grid organization or other Consumers, as well as to ensure compliance of the remaining operating equipment with the requirements of the Electrical Installations Regulations, PTE and MPOT during the operation of electrical installations.

5.9. Liquidation of the Consumer's electrical installation is carried out if there is a letter from him to the Network Organization.

After the Consumer has completed a set of measures to remove the equipment from the “operating” state, the letter reflects the fact of liquidation and the letter is sent to the office for termination of the energy supply contract.


6.1. Equipment of existing subscriber electrical installations with voltages above 1000V may be in the following operational states:

· In operation (under voltage and under load)

· In reserve (automatic and non-automatic)

· Under repair:

Major renovation


Unscheduled repairs

Post-accident repair


Testing (if it is related to the removal of equipment from operation or reserve).

6.2. Transfer of equipment located in operational management or the conduct of the Network organization, from one operational state to another, is carried out at the command or permission of the operational personnel of the Network organization in a planned manner. The frequency of scheduled repairs and tests is established by the PTE of the Consumers' electrical installations.

6.3. To coordinate work on the consumer network and across the network of the Grid Organization, annual and monthly plans for repairs and testing of the Consumer’s equipment, which is under the operational control or supervision of the dispatcher of the Grid Organization, are submitted by the Consumer to the appropriate dispatch services of the Grid Organizations within the following deadlines:

Annual - 1 month before the start of the planned year;

Menstruation - 15 days before the start of the planned month.

In this case, the network organization is obliged to plan for the maximum combination of work with disconnecting the Consumer’s equipment. The transfer of equipment from one operational state to another, regardless of the provision of plans, must be formalized by a prompt application submitted by the Consumer to the appropriate dispatch service, under the operational management or jurisdiction of which the Consumer’s equipment is located.

6.4. Equipment taken out for repairs must have emergency readiness to be put back into operation. The concept of “Emergency preparedness” includes the time required to wind down work, restore the equipment to working condition and put it back into operation.

6.5. Applications submitted to dispatch services are divided into:

· planned (submitted in accordance with the provided plan);

· urgent (submitted for work not provided for in the plan);

6.6. Scheduled applications are accepted within the following deadlines:

· up to 12 hours on the eve of the day of work, if the removal of equipment for repair is not associated with the de-energization of Consumers and the preparation of a network diagram;

· up to 12 hours three days before the work is carried out, if the removal of equipment is associated with the preparation of a network diagram and disconnection of Consumers of categories II and III.

· 10 days before the work is carried out, if the removal of equipment for repair is associated with the disconnection of Category I Consumers.

Moreover, weekends (Saturday and Sunday) and holidays are not included in the stated application deadlines.

An urgent application can be submitted at any time of the day to the duty personnel of the dispatch services of the Network organization.

An urgent application requires an urgent shutdown of equipment due to its emergency condition or defects that have arisen that prevent normal further operation of the equipment.

Equipment damaged and disabled by relay protection and automation during emergency shutdowns is also subject to subsequent registration of an urgent application.

6.7. Applications must be submitted to dispatch services using the following form:

Dispatch number and name of electrical equipment;

Date and time of turning off and turning on the equipment;

Emergency preparedness.

The application is signed by the person responsible for the subscriber’s electrical equipment. The time spent on operations related to the removal of equipment for repair and commissioning of equipment is included in the time allowed by the application. Applications not submitted in accordance with the form and on time will not be considered by the dispatch services of the Network Organization.

Regardless of the presence of an authorized switching request for the removal for repair and commissioning of equipment under the operational control or supervision of the dispatcher of the network organization, it is carried out only upon the command or permission of the dispatcher of the Network organization.

6.8. Applications related to the reconstruction and replacement of electrical equipment are submitted to the dispatch services under whose management or jurisdiction they are, accompanied by diagrams in accordance with Section 4 of these Regulations.

6.9. Orders to turn off or turn on feeders due to arrears in payment for consumed electricity are carried out by the personnel of the Grid organization and the personnel of the Consumer in specified period, followed by a mandatory message c.


7.1. If the Consumer's power supply scheme does not allow repair work to be carried out without limiting the consumption mode, the Grid Organization notifies the Consumer of such work.

7.2. The Grid Organization must notify the Consumer of planned outages related to consumption restrictions at least three days in advance by telephone message addressed to the responsible person indicating the date, time and duration of the upcoming outages.

7.3. The Consumer's consent to disconnect can be recorded in the form of a telephone message, an entry in the operational log, or a mark in a telephone warning message. The absence of objections from the Consumer within the period established by these Regulations should be considered his consent to disconnect.

7.4. Coordination of outages of 0.38 kV overhead lines and 0.38 kV cable lines of category III consumers lasting up to one working day can be carried out on site by the district site foreman electrical networks Network organization.

7.5. If the removal of electrical installations of one electrical network district for repair causes the disconnection of Consumers in another electrical network district, coordination with the Consumers must be carried out by the electrical network district serving the disconnected Consumer.