Results of the competition I draw a spring mood. Position. Important organizational points

Question: Hello, dear Ekaterina Gennadievna! In May 2015, my daughter was expelled from St. Petersburg State University from the 2nd year, 4th semester, at will. The reason for expulsion is illness. Unfortunately, the academic leave was not issued. Now, after treatment and recovery, she has re-enrolled in the same direction - “Clinical Psychology”. Is it possible to re-credit some non-core disciplines (for example, philosophy and mathematical statistics) and how to do this?
Unfortunately, information on a specific situation in the Order of the Vice-Rector for educational work dated 05/21/2010 No. 1075/1 “On approval of the Procedure for re-crediting learning outcomes and study periods” (png 05/21/2010 No. 1075/1) I did not find it. Sincerely, Tueva Irina Ivanovna

Answer from the First Vice-Rector for Academic, Extracurricular and Educational-Methodological Work of St. Petersburg State University Ekaterina Gennadievna Babelyuk:

Dear Irina Ivanovna!

In accordance with Article 34 Federal Law dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On education in Russian Federation» the student is granted an academic right to credit by the organization that carries out educational activities, in the order established by it, the results of mastering by students educational subjects, courses, disciplines (modules), practice, additional educational programs in other organizations engaged in educational activities. This standard corresponds to the provisions of Chapter 13 of the rules of study for the main educational programs of higher and secondary vocational education at St. Petersburg State University (hereinafter referred to as the rules of study), which allow the results to be counted at the initiative of students on the basis of the student’s personal application. The results of mastering and periods of study are counted in accordance with the procedure established by the order of the authorized official.

According to the procedure for crediting the results of mastering and periods of study at St. Petersburg State University, approved by order dated June 2, 2016 No. 4372/1 “On making changes to local regulations St. Petersburg State University in terms of the procedure for counting the results of mastery and periods of study,” you have the right to submit to the First Vice-Rector for Academic, Extracurricular and Educational and Methodological Work an application for counting previously obtained learning results as the results of mastering the educational program of St. Petersburg State University.

The decision to count previously obtained learning results as results of mastering the educational program is made based on the results of the educational and methodological examination of your documents.

More detailed information You can find information about the implementation of such an offset.

In addition, you have the right to apply for accelerated training. In accordance with paragraph 2 of the temporary procedure for providing accelerated education to students of St. Petersburg State University (hereinafter referred to as the procedure), approved by Order No. 2031/1 dated March 31, 2015 “On approval of the temporary procedure for providing accelerated education to students of St. Petersburg State University,” the decision on accelerated education may be accepted for students of St. Petersburg state university by main educational programs higher education from among the persons who submitted documents on previously obtained level and/or qualifications or on mastering part of the educational program.

According to paragraph 6 of the procedure, the training of persons in respect of whom a decision has been made on accelerated training is carried out according to an individual curriculum provided to the student in the manner established by section 2.6 of the training rules.

More detailed information about the procedure for developing and providing individual curricula students of St. Petersburg State University can be found in the order dated August 6, 2015 No. 5907/1 “On approval of the procedure for developing and providing individual curricula to students of St. Petersburg State University.”
