We make large winter farm greenhouses. Production and construction of industrial farm greenhouses: projects, drawings and photos. How I became a successful farmer in retirement

They differ from the usual ones in their larger sizes, they use heating systems, which makes it possible to obtain several harvests in year. Greenhouse buildings occupy a significant area and, as a rule, have a large height.

Such structures can be multi-tiered and multi-story. For conditions Far North greenhouse buildings are being built with walls made of permanent building materials, in which only artificial lighting is used.

Large, fully equipped with electronic tracking systems and technology, greenhouse buildings are built in Holland.

The useful area of ​​such structures is several thousand square meters.

These are real indoor plantations.

The cultivation of vegetables, berries and flowers here is carried out not only in soil, but also using methods hydroponics.

Then the plants are planted in a synthetic porous material resembling glass wool.

This material is supplied with minerals and water, selected individually for each crop. This technology makes it possible to obtain very high yields.

For Dutch greenhouse complexes Special equipment is produced for heating, watering, irrigation, and fertilization.

In such buildings, a multi-tier heating system and a heated floor are installed; the heating system provides for the generation and supply to the premises carbon dioxide, which is needed for plant metabolic processes in daytime. supplied to customers all over the world.

Russian enterprises mastered Western technologies for the production of industrial greenhouses.

Russian products cost farmers and individual customers a lot cheaper imported, in addition, local enterprises that produce farm greenhouses make them adapted to the weather conditions of the regions.

Large volume industrial greenhouses allows you to grow plants on racks, hanging pallets, using several tiers. The number of “floors” depends on the height of the plants. Done in greenhouse buildings artificial lighting, allowing plants to receive more light in early spring and late autumn, as well as winter.

REFERENCE: Industrial greenhouses have a large area, large volume, various types of heating and lighting.

Industrial greenhouses - photo:

Serially produced models

Large enterprises in all regions Russia develop standard designs for conventional and industrial greenhouses. They have created a series of projects and offer the buyer big choice products.

REFERENCE: when designing industrial greenhouses they are used SNiP 2.10.04-85

What types of industrial greenhouses are there? There are several types of professional greenhouses for the farmer:

  • tunnel;
  • multi-tunnel with gallery;
  • block multi-span;
  • garden centers.

Among farmers and owners of personal plots, the most popular are farm tunnel greenhouses. The series is developed by manufacturing enterprises based on existing building codes and regulations in Russia.

Greenhouses industrial scale are produced under film and polycarbonate, they are used in the design different types frame. The cross-section of greenhouses can be arched, “Gothic”, “with straight frames” and “straight reinforced walls”. The width of the greenhouse building varies within 3.5-12 meters.

Farmer Series

Industrial greenhouses "Farmer" designed in compliance SNiP 2.10.04-85, they are intended for the industrial cultivation of vegetables, berries and seedlings. The frame of the farm greenhouse is assembled from a galvanized profile with bolts.

Arc-shaped trusses are tied together by straight beams. The cross-section of greenhouse buildings is semicircular (arched) or pointed (“Gothic”).

Dimensions of industrial greenhouses "Farmer":

The height in various models of the series is 3-4 meters. This allows you to grow both tall and short-growing crops by placing the seedlings on racks.

Greenhouses of this series are mounted on any foundation or on the ground in which racks are dug. The width of the structure is from 3.5 to 7.7 meters. The basic kit includes double-leaf gates, which are mounted at the ends of the greenhouse building. At the buyer's request, additional ventilation vents can be installed.

Greenhouses covered transparent cellular polycarbonate. The customer can choose the thickness of the polycarbonate - 6 mm (recommended), 8 mm or 10 mm. The polycarbonate is fastened with special “polyclip” fasteners, and the covering material is attached to the end walls with corner brackets. In the greenhouse "Farmer" vegetables can be grown year-round.

Where to start construction?

  1. Choosing a location.
  2. Selection and preparation of the project.
  3. Materials.
  4. Greenhouse heating.

Selecting a location

To get the most out of your investment, you need to have the right orient the building.

IMPORTANT: The best orientation of a long greenhouse building for areas located south of latitude 60°- from North to South. In the northern regions of the country, it is recommended to orient greenhouse buildings from west to east.

The construction of industrial greenhouses begins with the selection of a site. It should be as much as possible smooth(a slight slope of 0.04% is allowed). If hurricane winds occur in the region, provision should be made for the construction of additional shields and fences that will reduce wind speed. They will also protect the building from inflatable snowdrifts.

During melting snow and heavy rains, water should not accumulate on the site, which will flood greenhouse and destroy the foundation. Before starting the construction of industrial greenhouses, you should think about the water supply. The soil must be fertile, besides, to obtain good yields, it is necessary to provide for the use soil mixtures, natural and artificial fertilizers.

Selection and design of the project

Before building a greenhouse, the farmer and the owner of a private farmstead need to decide what he will grow in the summer and winter seasons. As a result, it will be compiled drawing of a farm greenhouse, as well as a list of requirements.

Experience shows that when building a critical structure that will serve for years, it is better to rely on specialists. In specialized companies, the customer is given a choice of dozens of ready-made projects that correspond to his wishes. Here you can buy a ready-made greenhouse in disassembled form and mount it on the foundation. Typically, businesses offer installation services.

Projects and drawings of industrial greenhouses:


How to build industrial greenhouse? In order for the greenhouse to serve for many years, it must be mounted on foundation. The foundation allows you to securely fasten the structure, prevent the penetration of atmospheric water from the outside, and protect the crop area from weeds.

Any type is suitable for small industrial greenhouses foundation- on piles, block, point, slab, brick. For large greenhouses, a concrete foundation is usually made; timber is less often used.


For farm and industrial greenhouses they use durable frame arched or gable shape. The frame is assembled from a hat profile, from profile pipe or from a corner.

The hat profile frame is installed quickly and easily, but this design can't stand it weight of heavy snow. If you decide to build farm greenhouses from a profile pipe, then the frame can be welded. The pipe has a round or square cross-section. This design also cannot withstand heavy snow weight.

The best thing is the frame from the corner(angular profile). It is assembled with bolts, without welding, the profile is galvanized and can serve for many years. This design can withstand the weight of snow up to 100 kg per square meter.

The frame is fixed to the foundation. For strength, use anchor bolts or pre-fixed studs. Such fastening will provide sufficient rigidity And strength, while the difference in the heat capacity of building materials will not contribute to the loosening of the structure in extreme heat and frost.

The frame can be aluminum. But the aluminum structure will be deform exposed to winds and heavy snow.

Winter industrial greenhouse - project:

Covering material

The following are used as covering materials:

  • cellular polycarbonate;
  • glass;
  • polyethylene film.

Cellular polycarbonate

Currently, the most popular covering material is cellular polycarbonate. It is easy to install, is reliable during operation, and is not destroyed by accidental sharp impacts. This material will not be broken even by strong hail.

Foreign industry produces cellular polycarbonate of varying thickness (from 3.2 to 25mm) and structure. For small winter professional polycarbonate greenhouses, material with a thickness of 3.2 to 6 mm is used. Transparent polycarbonate is usually used for greenhouse buildings and greenhouses. The light transmittance coefficient depends on the thickness of the sheet and ranges from 62% before 83% .


The light transmittance of glass is high ( 88-92% for glass of various thicknesses). Greenhouse structures can be glazed with both window and greenhouse glass, which is much stronger. Dutch industrial glass greenhouses are covered with a special type float. This glass is cast into ready-made molds, which increases its strength.

Polyethylene film

Film Industrial greenhouses have been used for a long time, but this material has a number of disadvantages. The film is difficult to secure without damaging it. Winds stretch the film, it begins to inflate and tear, which is why it has to be replaced. Arched farm greenhouses under film, which are located in areas of strong winds, have to be covered annually.

Film farm greenhouses - photo:


For heating in industrial greenhouses in winter they install solid fuel, electric, gas boilers and liquid fuel boilers. They heat the water, which circulates through pipes running along the contour of the building and under its floor, fills the radiators. Thus, both the air and the soil are heated.

Industrial greenhouses can be heated by supplying warm air from heating electrical appliances. The room heats up very quickly, but after turning off the equipment the temperature quickly drops. In this case, the soil does not heat up.

Can be used to heat farm greenhouses infrared heaters PLEN. Heater panels are mounted under the ceiling; during their operation, mainly the soil, plants and structural elements are heated, but not the air.

Infrared radiation works just like the rays of the sun. Excess heat enters the air. This type of heating for industrial greenhouses Expensive, but very effective, plants thrive in infrared rays and produce large yields.

IMPORTANT: In industrial greenhouses with heating, there must be the same temperature at all points in the room.


Industrial greenhouses allow you to get large yields in a small area. The quality and quantity of grown products depends little on the weather, which makes agricultural technologies for greenhouses increasingly popular.

Useful video

Watch a very interesting video about the manufacture of industrial greenhouses:

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The UKF building is designed for the Customer, for his region, for his volume of raising poultry, animals, for the volume of the greenhouse for growing herbs.

To speed up construction and reduce its cost, the building is designed with flat foundations, without going into the ground, as the military usually does.

Ask a question, make a request can be found at: [email protected]

The building is divided into two parts along the longitudinal axis. On one side live animals (goats, sheep, rabbits) or poultry, on the other side green food from grain is grown.

Sprouts from grain reach a height of 15-18 cm in 10 days, the greens become juicy, they do not yet contain lignin, but they contain soft dietary fiber, vitamins, growth substances, and various sugars in a liquid state.

Greens are sprouted on racks in pallets. Watering can be different, at the buyer’s choice: from a hose, water mist, drip irrigation. The shelving is five-level to save space and leave room for growing vegetables, berries, and herbs. Biomass during grain germination increases 5-7 times in 10-12 days, that is, the cost of feed decreases sharply, to about 2-3 rubles per kilogram of green feed.

Why are the animal (poultry) room and the greenhouse under the same roof? Yes, because they help each other.

Birds and animals produce ammonia and carbon dioxide in the process of life, and these gases, in turn, are necessary for plants to eat, this is foliar nutrition. At the same time, the oxygen that plants produce is necessary to speed up the metabolism of animals and birds.

Animals and poultry are kept on a deep bedding of straw (sawdust), which, after use, is placed in bags in a greenhouse for the maturation of vermicompost. During composting, future vermicompost releases additional heat, which helps maintain the temperature in the UCF.

The building is convenient in that it can be built as short as the money allows, and then continued by adding several more spans to it, necessary to increase the number of livestock or production.

Heat savings occur due to the fact that part of the roof is warm, and part (in the greenhouse) is transparent, covered with polycarbonate. Additional heat comes from composted bedding in bags.

For additional heating in the winter months, a thermochemical furnace is installed to burn manure or droppings; the furnace is heated once every 8 hours.

For understanding - area in 300 m2 allows you to hold 600-700 turkeys, or 1200 broilers, or 100 goats or sheep. The second 300 m2 will be under the greenhouse. The entire UKF in this case will be 12x50x4 m in size (project “Krepysh”).

The “Baby” project (3+3) x 12 x 3.3 m provides 2 rooms of 36 m2(the area can change due to the length), which allows you to grow 150 chickens, or 70 turkeys, or 12-15 sheep. In addition, it is possible to divide the room for animals and poultry into several compartments for separate keeping various types. For example, 5 sheep, 50 chickens and 20 turkeys.

The cost of building materials per 1 square meter of UCF is approximately 2 thousand rubles (excluding the cost of construction). The payback period for the building ranges from 1 to 2 years, depending on which markets the farmer enters and what he sells.

The following UKF projects are available:

In the premises, if necessary, the following are designed: a staff room, a warehouse, sanitary facilities.

Business ideas using the Universal Complex for Farmers in Stories

How am I retired? successful farmer became.

If someone had told me a few years ago that I would become a farmer, I would have laughed in my face. How can I, a city dweller who has lived in the city for 63 years, suddenly become a farmer? What nonsense... But my pension is small, and I still have a lot of desires, so I started looking for extra work. So, in our country, people hire people not based on their intelligence, but based on their age....

Three “heroes”, green garlic and dry sprouts.

“Bogatyr” is such a UKF - a universal complex for farmers with a width of 18 meters. Half is for turkey, half is for a greenhouse where poultry feed grows. You can grow no more than 2 turkeys on one square meter, so do the math. Not enough money for me. I have decided to build another house for myself. And I began to think about how I could further increase profitability...

Low prices for industrial greenhouses will allow beginning farmers to open and experienced farmers to develop their business.
The arched frame is made of a special powerful galvanized profile and consists of arched trusses connected to each other by purlins and end structures.

Dimensions of industrial greenhouses "Volya":

  • Width – 4.2m, 4.5m, 5m or 7.5m;
  • Height – from 3 to 4 m;
  • Any length, multiple of 2.1 m. Minimum length 4.2 m;
  • The largest dimension of the frame parts does not exceed 3.1 meters.
Greenhouse frame for farms assembled using bolts and nuts. The covering (cellular polycarbonate) is attached to the end walls using corner brackets, the top using special “polyclip” fastening profiles. The recommended thickness of cellular polycarbonate is 6 mm; at the request of the customer, the thickness can be increased to 8 - 10 mm.
The structure for year-round use can be installed on a pre-prepared foundation or on the ground with the foundation posts buried. The basic configuration of industrial greenhouses includes swing gates and a door on both sides. At the buyer's request, side windows are installed for ventilation.
In the future, the customer can install electric fans for forced ventilation in the upper part of the end walls of farm greenhouses. It will provide any required volume of air exchange. Year-round greenhouses from the Volya company are thought out to the smallest detail!

Simple installation of an industrial greenhouse "Volya"

The sale of industrial greenhouses is not the final service for buyers. The VOLYA company offers turnkey installation and supervision services for Farmer greenhouses. The composition and cost of construction services are individual for each order, and are carefully agreed with the buyer. Supervised installation services, with installation work for the assembly and installation of structures for farms include:
  • practical and theoretical training of customer personnel;
  • general technical and technological control over the progress of work;
  • quality control during work performance.
Installation supervision is necessarily accompanied by a specialist visiting the place of permanent operation of the greenhouse for farms. Farm industrial greenhouses are designed for growing vegetables, fruits, and herbs in large volumes. These designs differ from country greenhouses in their larger size and good functionality. Farm greenhouses are suitable for rural farms and agricultural industry. They are distinguished by multifunctionality, versatility and excellent technical parameters. They are used for developing a greenhouse business, and not for use in summer cottages.

Farm industrial greenhouses: features

A farm greenhouse is a permanent structure, which comes in two types: semi-industrial and industrial. These are convenient prefabricated structures that have clear advantages over other structures. Let's look at the features of farm greenhouses:
      1. The presence of a foundation, strip or tile. The base can withstand heavy loads, ensuring the strength and reliability of the entire structure.
      2. The reliable frame is made of steel profiles, additionally treated with zinc solution. Pipes with rectangular and round cross-sections are suitable.
      3. Polycarbonate with a thickness of 8 mm or more is used as a coating. It has high thermal insulation, flexibility, and is able to withstand strong gusts of wind and snowfall.

Winter farm greenhouses

Greenhouse complexes industrial use can be used both year-round and seasonally. For example, winter farm greenhouses are only suitable for the winter period. They are equipped with powerful high-tech systems that allow crops to be grown at subzero ambient temperatures. Advantages of winter greenhouses:
      1. The high-quality steel frame and impact-resistant polycarbonate can withstand even severe frosts and can be used in the North. Complete tightness, which creates an optimal microclimate for crop growth even in winter.
      2. Good light transmission. Polycarbonate has excellent throughput sun rays. This allows you to significantly reduce lighting costs.
      3. Additional equipment for manual lighting adjustment. Allows you to increase the light inside the greenhouse if it is not enough in winter. Low thermal conductivity ensures more uniform heat distribution within the complex. Heat is equally conserved in all areas of the structure.

Turnkey farm greenhouses

Impotek Corporation designs, manufactures and installs turnkey farm greenhouses. We use modern, proven technological solutions that allow us to produce high-quality products. Advantages of greenhouse structures from the company "Impotek"
      1. A modern greenhouse complex is developed taking into account climatic conditions and is intended for year-round cultivation of crops.
      2. The presence of ventilation, heating and lighting systems creates optimal conditions for growing and increases productivity by 30%.
      3. High quality greenhouse film with light filters allows us to produce structures at competitive prices.
      4. Payback of all costs for the acquisition of the complex within one year.

Construction of farm greenhouses

The construction of greenhouse complexes for farms can be divided into several stages:
      1. Choosing a place to build a building.
      2. Choice finished project or developing an individual one.
      3. Selection of materials.
      4. Installation of additional equipment.
The site for the construction of a greenhouse complex should be as level as possible. When building in harsh climatic conditions, care should be taken in advance to install fences that can protect against wind and snow loads. The future farmer should decide what crops he will grow during the year. Depending on this, a drawing is made or an option is selected from ready-made projects. The foundation is an important part of the greenhouse structure; it helps protect it from flooding and weeds. For small structures, any type of foundation is suitable, but for large ones it is better to choose a strip or concrete one. Most often, for the installation of structures, a galvanized steel profile is chosen as a frame. It is durable, reliable, and does not deform under the influence of precipitation. For the coating, two-layer cellular polycarbonate is used. As additional equipment, heating, lighting, and ventilation systems are installed, which help create optimal conditions for year-round cultivation of crops.

Covering material for greenhouse complexes

The following is used as covering material:
      1. Glass.
      2. Honeycomb carbonate.
      3. Polyethylene.
Cellular polycarbonate is the most common material. It is durable and reliable, can withstand heavy loads, and is easy to install. For small structures, carbonate with a thickness of up to 6 mm is suitable, for large ones - from 8 mm. The light transmission of this material depends on the thickness of the sheet and can reach 83%. Both greenhouse and window glass are suitable for glazing greenhouse structures. The light transmittance of glass is higher and reaches 92%. Film polyethylene is a fairly common material for greenhouses, but it has several significant disadvantages. It is difficult to install without damage; strong winds can damage the material.

Heating of industrial greenhouse complexes

To heat industrial greenhouse complexes in the cold season, gas, electric boilers, boilers with solid or liquid fuel are used. The latter heat the water, which passes through pipes installed around the perimeter of the structure and under its floor. Thus, it is possible to heat the air and soil. Another option for heating industrial greenhouses is special electric heating devices. The room warms up very quickly, but after turning off the electrical appliance, it cools down almost instantly. It should be noted that the soil does not heat up. Infrared heaters can be used for farm greenhouses. They are mounted under the ceiling; their operation heats up the soil and plants, but not the air. These devices work on the principle of solar rays. Infrared heaters the most expensive among similar equipment, but at the same time the most effective. They have a positive effect on plants, increasing productivity.

Buy farm greenhouses

Impotek Corporation offers to buy a farm greenhouse that meets state standards. You can choose a ready-made design in our catalog or order a design unique model greenhouse We sell a large selection of products:
      1. Block farm greenhouse. Suitable for use in any climatic conditions, can be used throughout the year. The block structure consists of a series of tunnel greenhouses.
      2. Tunnel greenhouse. Designed for farms and households, it allows you to add additional sections to achieve the required structure area.
      3. Multi-row greenhouse. It is a tunnel greenhouse with a gable roof, which are interconnected.
      4. Arched farm greenhouse. Suitable for year-round use. It has a special design in the form of an arch, due to which it transmits light well.
Greenhouse structures from Impotek are equipped with everything necessary for functioning throughout all seasons:
      1. Ventilation, heating, lighting systems.
      2. System for pressurizing air into the interfilm space.
      3. Technologies: climate control, irrigation equipment, water treatment.
      4. High-quality coating: durable two-layer film with reflective filters.
The company "Impotek" has own production, thanks to which you can profitably buy farm greenhouses. Our product prices are lower than those of our competitors. We offer you agricultural consulting services - assistance in running a greenhouse business, as well as further maintenance of greenhouse complexes and work on their reconstruction.

Farm greenhouses made of polycarbonate are protective structures for large farms. All year round, residents of megacities, small towns and villages have the opportunity to buy fresh vegetables and herbs in supermarkets, and on holidays on any day of the year they can give any flowers. All this wealth helps to grow an agro-industrial complex, even in the middle of winter, equipped with many similar greenhouses for sowing a variety of vegetables, flowers, herbs and other useful vegetation.

Various agricultural crops are grown in them in huge quantities.

They are reliable and suitable for use in almost any climate.

Farmers are especially pleased with the opportunity to grow vegetable crops in all weather conditions. They are built from very durable material that is resistant to strong winds and frosts.

Features of polycarbonate greenhouses:

  1. Very simple design , allowing you to quickly disassemble the greenhouse, move it to a new location and reassemble it.
  2. The frame material is very durable, able to withstand large changes in humidity and temperature. Plantings inside greenhouses are not cheap (especially when it comes to winter period) and their death would entail great losses.
  3. A heating system that allows crops to ripen in the coldest time. Heating system pipes are most often laid in several lines and levels.
  4. The greenhouses are equipped with automatic and manual watering systems. Due to large volumes of planting to an ordinary person It will be very difficult to water.
  5. Artificial lighting. This detail is very important in the northern regions.
  6. Greenhouse finishing material has low thermal conductivity, due to which the constant temperature and humidity necessary for plants are maintained.

Such greenhouses can be used not only for agricultural purposes, but also for other purposes. The second indirect purpose can be very different: for a swimming pool, for warehouses and storage facilities, workshops, even a garage. This is possible due to the strength of the structures and the ability to support any temperature regime and conditions.

Polycarbonate greenhouses "Farmer". In order to make the most efficient use of the money and time spent on growing large volumes of crops, they use greenhouses of different shapes and volumes, with their own for each species grown.

Standard range of sizes of greenhouses used:

  • Width (m): 5; 7.5; 10; 12.
  • Height (m): 2.8; 2.8; 5; 6.
  • Length: minimum - 10.5 m in 2 m increments.

Often the length of such a greenhouse can be tens of meters. The frame is made from profiled steel pipes with thick walls, which makes structures stronger, more stable and durable. The pipes are fastened together using bolts and nuts.

Advantages of farm greenhouses

Greenhouses trademark"Farmer" have an arch-shaped roof and vertical side walls. Greenhouses of this form have many advantages:

  1. Aerodynamics. Strong winds seem to flow around this form of greenhouse without destroying the structures.
  2. Durability and stability to loads from above (vertical), such as excessive snowfall or sudden hail.
  3. In such greenhouses you can grow crops of any height, including very high ones.
  4. Tightness. The covering is made with sheets of transparent material of large sizes (2.1x6 m and 2.1x12 m), there are few joints. Thanks to the use of seals, heat and necessary moisture are retained.
  5. Greenhouse structures are beautiful and aesthetically pleasing and will fit anywhere.

Advantages of industrial greenhouses made of polycarbonate

Polycarbonate has higher strength than silicate glass. It has a small specific gravity. Sheets of panels are many times lighter than similar ones made of glass, while being stronger.

High light transmittance. Thanks to good light penetration inside, high-quality and uniform illumination is achieved throughout the day.

It is stable in chemical and biological properties. Does not react with anything, does not react to any liquids, is of no interest to animals and birds, does not rot, does not deteriorate. Environmentally friendly. The material contains oxygen, hydrogen and carbon.

The material is non-flammable, which eliminates the possibility of fire. It tolerates an increase in ambient temperature up to 150ºС, so it can even hold back fire from the outside for some time, slowly melting. Viscous material. It will not break if hit by a heavy object.

Retains heat well. Greenhouses are made of two layers of polycarbonate, and the air between them serves as an additional heat insulator. Polymer plastic is very flexible, which increases the strength of the entire structure.

Industrial greenhouse Farmer (video)

Gallery: farm greenhouses (15 photos)

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