Which Qued code does the analytical work belong to? How to choose OKVED codes. What is different about the new edition of the OKVED classifier?

The OKVED code is assigned to all enterprises that operate in Russia and needs to be updated annually by the statistical authorities.

What is OKVED: why is it needed?

The OKVED code determines which area of ​​activity it belongs to. this enterprise. This is necessary to register an enterprise or obtain the status of an individual entrepreneur.

The code of the type of economic activity is determined by the legal or an individual independently, but approved by the statistics body.

Based on this classifier, the statistics body keeps records and analyzes the functioning of enterprises in the context of economic activity. The OKVED code is used when registering bank details, in particular, OKPO.

The code is also used when preparing documents and accrediting a company in customs authorities. The presence of a code allows a legal entity to take part in tenders, during licensing and audits by regulatory authorities.

OKVED classifier: coding structure

The classifier consists of 17 sections. OKVED does not take into account the division of enterprises by form of ownership, organizational and legal form, or departmental subordination.

The code does not differentiate between foreign and domestic trade, commercial and non-commercial species activities, foreign and domestic trade.

The classification of activities has a hierarchical subordination. The encoding uses 2-6 characters, but when state registration enterprises must indicate at least four digital characters.

Let us denote each digital character by zero, then the structure of the classifier has the form:

  • 00. – class;
  • 00.0 – subclass;
  • 00.00 – group;
  • 00.00.0 – subgroup;
  • 00.00.00 – view.

The more numbers in the code, the more detailed the activities of the enterprise are deciphered. It is not always advisable to use detailed decoding.

If a company, for example, produces paper products for household needs and indicated coding 21.22, then when expanding production and introducing other types of paper products, the company will need additional registration of this type of activity.

To avoid re-registration, you can specify several directions in the code that may be used in the future.

Based on OKVED codes, a classification of levels has been created industrial injuries and occupational morbidity (32 classes). This classification allows you to receive social payments in the event of accidents at work, and the enterprise to pay contributions in accordance with social insurance tariffs.

The higher the hazard class, the higher the tariff denomination. OKVED data is confirmed annually by financial statements.

If the enterprise refused to confirm or did not confirm the type of activity according to the classifier in time, then the Social Insurance Fund body will perform the coding independently. In this case, the maximum professional risk will be selected according to this species activity according to the classifier, accordingly, social insurance contributions will be higher.

How to choose types of OKVED?

OKVED coding does not imply any liability on the part of the registered entity entrepreneurial activity, including does not contain rights and obligations for legal entities and individuals.

Main view economic activity The company is considered to be the direction that gives the company or individual entrepreneur the greatest income.

Other activities are indicated as secondary. When changing types of activities or expanding production, the enterprise must update the Charter and provide information within a certain period of time to the tax authorities.

When choosing a type of economic activity, you should remember that some of them require mandatory licensing.

Certain types of activities are subject to special prohibitions, for example, an auditor can only perform accounting, and banking activities Only banking institutions can engage in this activity.

When choosing a type of activity, you must first select the industry of production, and then carry out the detailing. As of July 4, 2013, changes to the preparation of documents for registration came into force. According to the new requirements, the OKVED code must contain at least 4 digital characters (Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated January 25, 2012 No. MM V-7-6/25@).

To register, it is enough to indicate one type of activity. The maximum number of directions is unlimited, but it is not recommended to register more than 30 positions. The decoding of each code is not indicated in the statement under the new standard.

Explanation of OKVED by type of activity

No.Document sectionDecoding types of activities
1 01 – 02.02.2 AAgriculture, hunting, forestry
2 05 – 05.02.02 INFishing and fish farming
3 10 – 14.50.29 WITHMining:
4 15 – 37.20.7 DManufacturing industries
5 40 – 41.00.2 EProduction and distribution of energy, gas and water
6 45 – 45.50 FConstruction
7 50 – 52.74 GWholesale and retail trade, repair of vehicles and personal products
8 55 – 55.52 HHotels and restaurants
9 60 – 64.20.3 ITransport and communications
10 65 – 67.20.9 JFinancial activities
11 70 -74.84 KReal estate: operations with it, rent and provision of services
12 75 -75.30 LEnsuring military security and mandatory social security
13 80 — 80.42 MEducation
14 85 – 85.32 NHealth and Social Services
15 90 – 93.05 OOther communal, social and personal services
16 95 – 95.00 PHousekeeping services
17 99 -99.00 QActivities of extraterritorial organizations

This table presents the coding for the main branches of production without indicating the subsections. The code is selected according to the type of activity of the selected industry. Statistical authorities approve the information submitted by the entrepreneur.

If the OKVED code is lost, you can restore it using the classifier, and then confirm it before submitting reports to the statistics agency at the beginning of the year.

When it is not possible to restore the encoding on your own, Rosstat will issue the information again for a fee at the request of the entrepreneur.

To decipher OKVED, you need to find the section of the classifier by the first digits of the code up to the point, then directly in the section find the desired item of the type of activity according to the digits of the code.

It should be remembered that when changing the type of activity, a legal entity must also make changes to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (Unified State Register of Legal Entities).

Private (individual) entrepreneurs make changes to the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs (USRIP). To do this, within three days, the amended data is submitted in the prescribed form to the territorial body of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation.

If changes were not made within the prescribed time frame, the new kind activity will be considered illegal. This entails criminal and administrative liability of a legal entity or individual.

Video on the topic: “How many OKVEDs and which ones should I CHOOSE? How much does each additional OKVED cost?

What is OKVED? Why is OKVED needed? Who issues OKVED? How to choose OKVED?

01. What is Goskomstat Rosstat?

The division of labor began in ancient times. The first professional metallurgists, at the same time traders, roamed the roads of Europe back in the Bronze Age. Each settlement had its own leaders, clergy and farmers. Later, doing something that requires special knowledge and skills began to be called a type of activity.At first the business grew uncontrollably. Over time, a need arose to classify and collect statistical information for each type of activity in order to develop particularly necessary areas of business at the state level, plan and evaluate the development of the economy as a whole. This is how OKVED appeared .

We will concentrate on our goal - OKVED (statistics code or Rosstat code), where to get it and what it is needed for.

02. What is OKVED and why is it needed?

OKVED stands for “All-Russian Classifier of Activities” (hereinafter referred to as the Classifier). Now the OKVED 2014 classifier is in force (OK 029-2014 approved by order of Rosstandart dated January 31, 2014 No. 14-ST)
The classifier is used for:

  • classification and coding of types of economic activities declared by business entities during registration;
  • definitions of basic and additional types economic activities of business entities;
  • development of normative legal acts relating to government regulation individual species economic activity;
  • implementation of state statistical monitoring by type of activity over the development of economic processes;
  • preparing statistical information for international comparisons;
  • coding information about types of economic activities in information systems and resources, the unified state register of enterprises and organizations, other information registers;
  • meeting the needs of public authorities and management for information on types of economic activities when solving analytical problems.

The classifier is used for the purpose of statistical accounting and analysis. With his help government bodies figure out who they control. The codes “contain neither the rights nor obligations of business entities.” It is the main, but not the only document in its field. Some inspection bodies or partner organizations require more detailed information, and they use their departmental classifier. Then businessmen are required to provide additional information about their activities.

OKVED uses a hierarchical classification method and a sequential coding method. The code consists of two to six digital characters and its structure can be represented as follows:

XX. - Class;

XX.X - subclass;

XX.XX - group;

XX.XX.X - subgroup;

XX.XX.XX - view.

The OKVED code is the number of your type of activity according to the All-Russian Classifier of Types of Economic Activities.

What does OKVED affect? Lately, his role has been increasing. The code is used when calculating the tax burden, it is used as a guide when issuing licenses and self-regulatory organizations, carrying out customs operations, it is used to calculate insurance premiums, and it is strongly recommended that it be strictly observed when using a particular taxation system. Business owners independently determine the types of activities that correspond to one or another OKVED code.

03. Where can I get the OKVED statistics code?

The code is selected from the already mentioned All-Russian Classifier of Types of Economic Activities OK 029-2014. The names of the sections of the classifier correspond to the field of activity, and the subsections - to the raw materials used. In accordance with international practice OKVED does not take into account: form of ownership; organizationally - legal form and departmental subordination of economic entities; territorial coverage (domestic or international trade), commercial or other activity.

Let's give an example. Let's say you plan to make margarine. This activity relates to manufacturing, which corresponds to section C of the classifier. Since margarine is a food product, we go to class 10 “Production of food products” and look for the required code. It will be 10.42 - Group “Production of Margarine Products”.

Important! To select codes, use only the above-mentioned classifier. The tax inspectorate has the right to refuse state registration if the codes are selected from the inactive All-Russian Classifier of Types of Economic Activities.

04. How to get statistics codes. Where to see them

We read carefully. Companies registered before 2013 received a separate notification from Rosstat with a seal and signature on a form containing all statistics codes, including OKVED. Later the codes were divided.

OKVED codes began to be indicated in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities extract. They are not included in the statement automatically. First, the company goes through the state registration procedure and indicates its types of activities in the Charter and Application for Registration. You can write as many codes as you like; there are no legal restrictions. After state registration, the regulatory authority issues an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs with the selected codes (the ones you indicated in the application). Thus, we receive OKVED during company registration. They can be changed by submitting a corresponding application to the regulatory authority. You can view OKVED codes in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities extract using any service, for example the tax service.

Other statistics codes, since we have already talked about them (about them below), remained in the Rosstat notification. The notification of the statistics agency has become electronic and is posted on a special service. To view statistics codes, use the free Rosstat service. Enter your TIN and view the received data in the open window. To download them on a sheet, click "Export".

05. What are other statistics codes - OKPO, OKATO, OKTMO, OKOGU, OKFS, OKOPF

In addition to OKVED, there are several more codes that are assigned and indicated in the information letter mentioned above by Rosstat.

  1. OKPO code(All-Russian Classifier of Enterprises and Organizations) - used to uniquely identify an economic entity on the territory of the Russian Federation. Must be indicated in accounting documents.
  2. OKATO code(All-Russian Classifier of Administrative-Territorial Objects) - is intended to unify the address and has a length of 2 to 8 digits according to a three-level system: First level - constituent entities of the Russian Federation (republics, territories, regions, etc.) Second level - cities, urban-type settlements . The third level is village councils, intra-city districts, etc.
  3. OKTMO code(All-Russian Classifier of Administrative Municipal Entities) - intended to determine the territorial affiliation of an economic entity to municipality.
  4. OKOGU code(All-Russian Classifier of State Authorities and Management Bodies) - indicates the owner of the enterprise.
  5. OKFS code(All-Russian classifier of forms of ownership) - from the name it is clear that the classifier determines forms of ownership. In OKFS, forms of ownership are classified depending on the type of owner. For example, property owned by a municipality is municipal property and so on.
  6. OKOPF code(All-Russian Classifier of Organizational and Legal Forms) - classifies business entities according to the method of securing and using property, as well as the goals of their activities.

All of the listed classifiers are needed by the state to form information resources, property management, forecasting economic processes. From a technical point of view, they ensure compatibility of government databases.

Information resources are generated by statistical bodies based on data provided by organizations and individual entrepreneurs. The scope of reporting depends on the size of the business entity (large, medium or small) and on the main type of activity.

06. Responsibility for work without OKVED

The law provides for mandatory notification of the registration authority about the change/addition of a type of activity no later than 3 (three) days from the beginning of its implementation.

Direct consequences of working without OKVED - fine:

The Unified State Register of Legal Entities contains the following information and documents about a legal entity (individual entrepreneur) codes according to the All-Russian Classifier of Economic Activities. Entity And individual entrepreneur within 3 (three) working days they are required to report changes in information to the registration authority at their respective location and residence (Article 5 of Federal Law No. 129).

Late submission of information about a legal entity or individual entrepreneurentails a warning or the imposition of an administrative fine on officials in the amount of 5 (five) thousand rubles(Article 14.25 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

Indirect consequences of working without OKVED - unreliability:

  • Tax authorities may refuse a VAT refund on the grounds that the state register does not have an OKVED code corresponding to the activity within which the deductions are claimed. The courts reject this argument - assigning OKVED to a taxpayer does not deprive him of the right to conduct other types of activities. And the tax benefit (VAT) is justified;
  • If a different OKVED code (retail) appears in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, but it was not maintained, the company was not registered as a UTII taxpayer, the tax authorities can fine you for failure to submit a tax return and block the account. And vice versa, if a company operates under UTII, but the types of activities are specified differently, then the tax office may fine you for failure to submit a declaration under general taxes. This kind of behavior is unreasonable, but it happens;

  • An activity that is not properly registered is an unreliable company.

Let us add that in practice such fines are very rare. The fact is that this offense does not last. You can be fined for it within 2 (two) months from the moment you were supposed to inform the tax office about the emergence of a new type of activity (Article 4.5 of the Administrative Code). How can you determine when you started your business? To do this, in order to identify this offense, it is necessary to carry out control measures by determining the actual type of activity. We recommend not to abuse the situation and notify the registration authority in a timely manner.

Changes in information about types of activities are entered into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities in the same way as any other changes. To do this, fill out an application in form No. P14001 and submit the application to the registration (tax) authority or the unified registration center at the location of the company. If you need to reflect a change in activities in the charter, then proceed in the same way as when amending the charter.

Firmmaker, 2011 (updated January 2019)
Evgeny Morozov
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must correspond to the digital codes of the OKVED classifier and have at least four characters.

Classifier OKVED-2

The OKVED classifier or reference book is a special document developed by Rosstandart. Until 2017, three editions of the classifier were in effect at once, which sometimes led to errors in the selection of OKVED codes and refusal of state registration of individual entrepreneurs. Since mid-2016, the OKVED-2 or OK 029-2014 (NACE Rev. 2) classifier, approved by Rosstandart Order dated January 31, 2014 N 14-Art., has been used to register individual entrepreneurs and legal entities.

Use only the current edition of the classifier from reliable sources! If you indicate the type of activity according to OKVED from an inactive OKVED edition, then you will receive a refusal to register an individual entrepreneur.

OKVED-2 consists of 21 sections, lettered in the Latin alphabet. Each section is divided into class, subclass, group, subgroup and species. In an application for registration of an individual entrepreneur, the digital code according to OKVED must be four, five or six digits. Let's look at an example of how to choose an individual entrepreneur type of activity.

Let's say a future entrepreneur wants to set up a stall to produce and sell fast food. In the classifier, this line of business has group code 56.10 and the characteristic “Restaurant activities and food delivery services.”

The group with the OKVED code 56.10 includes a subgroup with the code 56.10.2 (Activities for the preparation and/or sale of food ready for immediate consumption on the spot, with Vehicle or mobile shops), and in it, in turn, a code of the form 56.10.24 “Activities of market kiosks and food preparation stalls.”

If you indicate in the application the OKVED code for individual entrepreneurs of four characters (56.10), then you will be able to engage in other types of activities included in this group:

  • 56.10.1: Activities of restaurants and cafes with full restaurant service, cafeterias, restaurants fast food and self-service
  • 56.10.3: Activities of restaurants and bars to provide food in railway dining cars and on ships.

If you enter in the application P21001 only the type of activity with code 56.10.24, you will not be able to open it summer cafe or a restaurant until you report the new code to the tax office. Excessive detail is not needed here, so we recommend indicating the type of activity of the individual entrepreneur in the format of a four-digit code.

Please note that some areas of business are not available to an individual entrepreneur. For example, in order to sell strong alcohol, open a pawnshop, engage in microfinance or insurance activities, you must register commercial organization(LLC or JSC).

How many OKVED codes can you choose?

When registering an individual entrepreneur, the types of activities that are included in application P21001 are not limited. Sheet “A” holds 57 codes, but if this is not enough for you, then you can fill out the second and third sheet “A”. Typically, applicants indicate 10-20 codes to describe related areas of business.

The mere indication of multiple codes when registering an individual entrepreneur does not affect anything. In reality, there is no need to carry out all the chosen directions, submit separate reports or pay more taxes. But there’s also no point in trying to enter as many OKVED codes as possible, just in case. Later, an individual entrepreneur can always add types of activities by submitting a special form P24001.

One of the OKVED codes, according to which the maximum income is expected to be received, must be selected as the main one. The main code is important when choosing a tariff for employee injury insurance. The higher the risk of injury at work or occupational disease, the higher the rate of contributions established by law.

Certain types of activities must be licensed, i.e. obtain mandatory permission to engage in them. If a licensed type of activity is in the codes you have chosen, this does not mean that you need to immediately issue a license. It will only be needed when you actually start this business.

How to choose an OKVED code

When ordering an individual entrepreneur registration service, professional registrars will select codes for you. But if you are willing to spend a little time and effort, then it is not at all necessary to contact a lawyer.

Application P21001 is a simple document to fill out; you only need to indicate the passport details of the future entrepreneur and the direction of business. The OKVED classifier is freely available in legal reference systems, free services for preparing registration documents, and other sources. The main thing is to pay attention to the fact that the OKVED directory you found was approved by order of Rosstandart dated January 31, 2014 N 14-Art.

Some sources have a built-in search form using a classifier, but you can also use a regular page search. Enter the word you are interested in in the search bar and examine the search results.

For example, you want to open a store, which means you need to enter a request. Next, from the proposed options, select only those that are suitable for your activity. Or you can do it differently - open section G (Wholesale and retail trade) and inside it go to the groups of codes that interest you.

Collections of codes by type of business

We analyzed which types of activities are most often chosen by novice entrepreneurs. Usually this is retail trade, transportation, various types of services, agency activities, beauty salons. Activities on the Internet are also popular with individual entrepreneurs: information business, website creation, electronic commerce. All these areas of business do not require significant financial costs and involvement at the start more workers.

To help you choose codes, we have made a selection of the most popular types of activities among entrepreneurs. The codes are indicated in accordance with the OKVED-2 classifier.

OKVED code Kind of activity
Activities on the Internet
47.99 Other retail trade outside shops, stalls, markets
47.91.1 Retail trade by mail
47.91.2 Retail trade carried out directly using the information and communication network Internet
47.91.3 Retail trade through Internet auctions
62.02 Advisory activities and work in the field of computer technology
62.01 Computer Software Development
63.11 Data processing activities, provision of information hosting services and related activities
63.91 Activities of news agencies
58.13.2 Publishing newspapers on electronic media
58.11.2 Publishing books, brochures, advertising booklets and similar publications, including publishing dictionaries and encyclopedias on electronic media
58.11.4 Publishing atlases, maps and tables on electronic media
62.09 Activities related to the use of computer technology and information technologies, other
Retail trade
47.11 Retail trade primarily in food products, including drinks, and tobacco products in non-specialized stores
47.19 Other retail trade in non-specialized stores
47.25 Retail trade of beverages in specialized stores
47.41 Retail trade in computers, peripheral devices and software in specialized stores
47.43 Retail trade of audio and video equipment in specialized stores
47.52 Retail trade of hardware, paints and varnishes and glass in specialized stores
47.42 Retail trade in telecommunications equipment, including retail trade mobile phones, in specialized stores
47.59 Retail trade of furniture, lighting fixtures and other household products in specialized stores
47.71 Retail trade of clothing in specialized stores
47.21 Retail trade of fruits and vegetables in specialized stores
47.22 Retail trade of meat and meat products in specialized stores
47.23 Retail trade in fish, crustaceans and molluscs in specialized stores
47.24 Retail trade of bread and bakery products and confectionery products in specialized stores
47.29 Retail trade of other food products in specialized stores
47.54 Retail trade of household electrical goods in specialized stores
47.73 Retail trade medicines in specialized stores (pharmacies)
47.75 Retail trade of cosmetics and personal hygiene products in specialized stores
47.72 Retail trade of footwear and leather goods in specialized stores
47.61 Retail sale of books in specialized stores
47.62 Retail sale of newspapers and stationery in specialized stores
47.79 Retail trade of used goods in stores
49.32 Activity
52.21 Support activities related to land transport
52.29 Other auxiliary activities related to transportation
49.41.1 Transportation of goods by specialized vehicles
49.41.2 Transportation of goods by non-specialized vehicles
49.41.3 Cargo rental road transport with a driver
Catering and hotels
56.10 Restaurant activities and food delivery services
56.21 Activities of enterprises Catering catering for special events
56.29 Activities of public catering establishments for other types of catering
56.30 Serving drinks
55.10 Operations of hotels and other places for temporary accommodation
55.20 Activities to provide places for short-term accommodation
55.30 Activities to provide temporary accommodation in campsites, caravans and travel trailers
Beauty Salons
96.02 Providing services to hairdressing and beauty salons
96.04 Sports and recreational activities
96.09 Providing other personal services, not included in other groups
68.31 Activity of real estate agencies on a fee or contract basis
69.10 Activities in the field of law
69.20 Activities to provide services in the field accounting, financial audit, tax consulting
70.22 Consulting on issues commercial activities and management
79.11 Activities of travel agencies
79.90 Other booking services and related activities
95.21 Repair of electronic household appliances
95.22 Repair household appliances, home and garden equipment
95.23 Repair of shoes and other leather goods
95.24 Repair of furniture and household items
95.25 Watch and jewelry repair
81.22 Other cleaning and tidying activities of residential buildings and non-residential premises
97.00 Activities of households with hired workers
74.20 Activities in the field of photography
74.30 Translation and interpretation activities
85.41 Additional education for children and adults

OKVED2, currently in force in the Russian Federation, came into force on February 1, 2014. OKVED2 was adopted by Order Federal agency on technical regulation and metrology dated January 31, 2014 No. 14-Art. When registering, a Legal Entity or Individual Entrepreneur independently determines the types of activities of the organization, according to the All-Russian Classifier of Types of Economic Activities. According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, organizations are required to notify the registration authority of all changes in their activities. Current OKVED of organizations are contained in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities/Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs and are also available on our portal. OKVED is one of the important elements when checking a counterparty. The types of activities must coincide with the actual activities of the company. Inconsistency of OKVED with the activities of the organization, the presence large quantity specified by OKVED with absolutely different types activities may be one of the factors in determining a company as a “fly-by-night company.”

On the CHESTNYBUSINESS portal, you can find out for free the new OKVED of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs, and obtain complete data from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities / Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs.

The data on the portal is updated daily and synchronized with the nalog.ru service of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation*.

You can search and check OKVED by INN / OGRN / OKPO / Company name for free.

To search, use the search bar:

Please note: in connection with the entry into force of new OKVED2, from January 1, 2017, the previous editions of OKVED were canceled. The Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation, without the participation of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs, ensured the introduction of appropriate changes on the types of economic activities in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs. Thus, it is not required to independently bring into compliance with OKVED-2 OK 029-2014 (NACE Rev. 2) information on the types of economic activities of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs entered into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs before July 11, 2016.

Approved and put into effect by Order of Rosstandart dated January 31, 2014 N 14-st. Since February 1, 2014, OK 029-2014 (OKVED 2) has been in effect. OKVED 2017 includes a list of classification groups of types of economic activities and their descriptions. The OKVED code consists of two to six digital characters, and is structured as follows:
. XX. - Class;
. XX.X - subclass;
. XX.XX - group;
. XX.XX.X - subgroup;
. XX.XX.XX - view.

A transcript of OKVED can be obtained on the website of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation.

We wish you a fruitful comfortable work on the portal using the OKVED2 search for Legal entities and individual entrepreneurs!

* Data from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities / Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs are open and are provided on the basis of clause 1 of Article 6 Federal Law dated 08.08.2001 No. 129-FZ “On state registration of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs”: Contained in state registers information and documents are open and publicly available, with the exception of information to which access is limited, namely information about documents identifying an individual.

After reading this article, you will receive complete information about what OKVED is. Why is it needed and what does it affect? You will learn the structure, main sections of OKVED and how to determine which code is suitable for a future or new area of ​​business activity.

Registration of an individual entrepreneur or organization always begins with the selection of an OKVED code, since without it it is impossible to engage in economic activity. And the first difficulty that a future entrepreneur faces is that he does not understand what this 5-letter abbreviation means.

The second difficulty lies in not knowing why OKVED is needed and what it affects. More about all this below.

What is OKVED: deciphering the abbreviation

OKVED is an all-Russian classifier of types of economic activity, part of the national standardization system of the Russian Federation and developed by the Ministry of Economic Development.

This classifier is used in the Republic of Belarus, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and other countries.

When registering a business, an individual entrepreneur or organization must choose a code suitable for the future type of activity. Regardless of whether an individual entrepreneur is registered or, for example, entity, the codes for them will be the same. That is, the classification of an organization is not affected by the form of ownership.

OKVED is divided into 17 parts, groups, subgroups, types and classes. They will be discussed in detail below.

Why is OKVED needed and what does it affect?

The classifier is needed for statistical accounting and reporting on certain categories of economic activity. That is, with its help, all types of businesses are grouped. This helps the tax office determine the taxation system for a specific activity.

To understand why OKVED is needed, you should find out the main functions that it performs. These include:

  • Regulation of taxation of certain areas of economic activity.
  • Economic analysis of enterprises and entrepreneurs within the state.
  • Collection of information about business entities for further statistical recording.
  • Unification of data in state registers and directories.
  • Assistance in drawing up regulatory documents to control the activities of organizations and entrepreneurs at the state level.

The code is used when opening a bank account, details, and makes it possible to participate in tenders. It is indicated in contracts for the provision of services and other documents related to the activities of an entrepreneur or organization.

That is, classifier codes allow regulatory authorities to monitor all areas of economic activity, obtain data for statistics or solve analytical issues. And tax authorities, using a classifier, determine the taxation system for a particular business in accordance with legislative acts.

It is worth noting that OKVED affects:

  • tax burden;
  • size of the authorized capital;
  • licensing;
  • belonging to a particular industry;
  • direction of activity.

Structural features of the classifier

The OKVED directory contains many codes. For convenience, they were structured in digital coding.

For clarity, symbol"Y" will be taken.

YY.Y - subclass

YY.YY.Y - subgroup

YY.YY.YY - view

For even greater convenience, all classes are grouped into sections.

Main sections of OKVED

Sections are indicated in Latin letters:

A. Agriculture and forestry, hunting.

B. Fish farming, fishing.

C. Mining.

D. Manufacturing industries.

E. Production, distribution of water, gas and electricity.

F. Construction.

G. Trade, repair of cars and household appliances.

N. Restaurant and hotel business.

I. Transport and communications.

J. Financial activities.

K. Real estate transactions.

L. Public administration and ensuring military security.

M. Activities in the field of education.

N. Provision social services, work in the healthcare sector.

O. Communal and social personal services.

R. Work in the field of providing housekeeping services.

Q. Activities of extraterritorial organizations.

How to choose OKVED for your business

When a person registers an organization or decides to become an individual entrepreneur, he is required to indicate in the application a classifier code that will allow him to legally engage in the chosen activity.

You can select several codes at once, one of which will be the main one, and the rest will be additional.

For example, if an entrepreneur retails food products, this will be the main economic activity. And additionally may be the wholesale sale of non-food products, clothing, equipment or the opening of a cafe.

On initial stage When registering an enterprise, you can select several codes at once, even if the activity will initially be carried out using only one. This is done by organizations that plan to develop their business by expanding the services provided.

You can also always exclude old code or add new one.

To choose the right code you need to perform a few simple steps:

  • determine what specific activity the entrepreneur or organization will engage in;
  • find in the directory OKVED required section and subsection;
  • select a class, subclass, group and type of economic activity;
  • finally decide on the code and include it in the application for registration of an individual entrepreneur or company.

It may happen that there is no suitable code in the OKVED directory. Then you should select “Other services”. But it is better to first consult with a specialist.

When registering a business, the application indicates all selected codes that will be simultaneously registered with the organization or individual entrepreneur.

How to change or add new code

If an entrepreneur or company intends to engage in additional services, then it will be necessary to add a new code suitable for future activities. To do this, you should go to the authority that previously registered the organization or individual entrepreneur and submit an application to add a code addition.

If you need to change the main code, you will need:

  1. Decide on the new OKVED code.
  2. Make changes to the charter of the enterprise (if there is one).
  3. Write an application to change the code.
  4. Notarize the signature.
  5. Pay the state fee.
  6. Submit necessary documents to the tax office.

Upon completion, the entrepreneur will be issued documents confirming the code change and its registration. Only after this can you engage in new activities.

It is best to seek legal advice before adding or changing code. Otherwise, ignorance of the basic intricacies of these procedures may result in troubles and audits by the tax inspectorate.

Responsibility for carrying out activities not in accordance with OKVED

During audits, the tax inspectorate checks how legal business transactions were. If it is discovered that income has been received from services that were not specified in constituent documents and are not added to them, then all income received from these services will be withdrawn from circulation and confiscated.

There is no other punishment for carrying out activities not in accordance with OKVED.

If an entrepreneur chooses the wrong code during registration and his business does not match it, then he will not face any fines or punishments. It will be enough to change the code.


When registering a business, specifying the code is a mandatory procedure. You can select the appropriate code using the OKVED directory.

Enterprises and individual entrepreneurs have the right to carry out activities under several codes at once. In this case, one code will be the main one (the entrepreneur determines it himself), and all the others will be additional.

Carrying out economic activities is punishable by confiscation of income received from services not provided for in the constituent documents.