Department of Industrial Economics and Enterprise Organization. Department of Industrial Economics and Project Management. Special projects of the department

The Department of Economics and Organization was created in the 1945/46 academic year and has deep traditions of scientific and pedagogical activity. Currently the head of the department is prof. Dan. V.D.Sekerin

Doctor of Economics, Professor Vladimir Dmitrievich Sekerin (major specialist in the field of innovation management, author of textbooks, guidelines, monograms and more than 250 scientific articles). Since 2015, according to the results of studies based on the RSCI, it has been included in the “Golden” and “Nuclear” ratings of academic activity and popularity of Russian economists.

Teaching staff:

The Department of Economics and Organization has highly qualified teaching staff. The department employs: four professors, sixteen associate professors with doctoral and candidate of science degrees, as well as experienced specialists working as senior teachers and assistants. The successful work of the department is ensured by a staff of specialist educational and support staff.
The department has two equipped computer classes that meet all standards for conducting the educational process, a specialized audience, and the institute’s computer center is also available to students.

Preparation process:

Training is carried out on the basis of leading industrial enterprises and organizations of the automotive industry, with which the university has established stable creative ties (Moscow Specialized Vehicles Plant LLC, State Scientific Center of the Russian Federation Federal State Unitary Enterprise "NAMI", OJSC MIZ, OJSC NPO Vympel, Federal State Unitary Enterprise " MMPP “Salyut”, AMO “ZIL”, etc. The knowledge acquired by students during the training process enables graduates to become highly qualified specialists.

Additional training opportunities:

Students are given the opportunity to intern at various universities in the countries Western Europe such as: University of Osnabrück (Germany), University of Bremen (Germany), Poly Technical University Turin (Italy), Vilnius Technical University (Lithuania), etc.

Objects professional activity graduates of the department are: enterprises of industries National economy; design organizations; research institutions; educational institutions; organs government controlled And local government. Graduates are prepared for the following types of professional activities: organizational and managerial, economic planning, design and economic, financial and economic, analytical, foreign economic, scientific research, educational. Personnel prospects: leading industrial enterprises and organizations of the automotive industry (Sollers OJSC, Hyundai Motor Company, PSA Peugeot Citroen, Mitsubishi Motors, State Scientific Center of the Russian Federation FSUE NAMI, MIZ OJSC, NPO Vympel OJSC , Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Research and Production Center for Gas Turbine Construction "Salyut" and others), objects of the country's banking structure.

The department is recruiting students for the field of study 03/38/01 "Economics". Profile: "Commercialization of scientific and technical developments." Form of study: full-time (4 years). Graduate qualification: bachelor. After completing a bachelor's degree, it is possible to study for a master's degree in the field of study 04/38/01 "Economics". Form of study: full-time (2 years). Graduate qualification: master's degree.

The department was organized in 1949 under the name “Industrial Economics and Organization of Production.” Due to the need effective management development projects Russian economy, when the Higher School of Economics and Management was organized, the department was named “Industrial Economics and Project Management.” From 2000 to 2015, the department trained more than 2,500 specialists.


Associate Professor, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Certified Management Specialist IPMA projects Level D


(4 years - Full-time training, 5 years - part-time)
Entrance tests: mathematics, social studies, Russian language

03.38.01 “ECONOMY”

  • Project finance, economics and industrial organization
  • Project finance, banks and business ( Recruitment stopped in 2017)

38.03.02 “MANAGEMENT”

  • Project management

(2 years - full-time study; 2.5 years - part-time study).
Entrance tests: testing, interview

04/38/01. "ECONOMY" ( Recruitment stopped in 2017)

  • "Economic support project management development of enterprises";
  • “Financial and economic support for sustainable development management.”

04/38/02. "MANAGEMENT"

  • Project management for the development of enterprises and organizations

The department trains bachelors of economics and management in the field of management industrial enterprises, as well as project management. These areas of training are extremely relevant for the economy of our industrial Ural region.

Project manager is one of the most sought-after positions in the labor market. You will learn to optimize the process of working on a project and control every stage of it: from the distribution of roles in the project to assessing its final effectiveness. The knowledge and skills of the department’s graduates are always in great demand by modern enterprises.

The department’s master’s program is aimed at training professionals in the field of effective project management of the development of socio-economic systems from creation and development own business, to solving the problems of technological renewal and reorganization of large enterprises, organizations and authorities. The relevance of solving these problems is obvious both for ours and for developed countries, since without projects there is no development. This is why specialists in the field of project management are in demand and highly paid both here and abroad, and this is why the attention of the government and business of our country to project management as a profession has recently increased sharply.

Examples of the universality of bachelor's training are the topics of their graduation papers, with employment at certification sites:

  • Trubetskoy Sergey “Development of a project for creating a business incubator Chelyabinsk region"(supervisor L.A. Bayev, professor, doctor of economic sciences);
  • Ponomareva Elena “Implementation Project electronic document management on the basis of OJSC Sberbank of the Russian Federation, Chelyabinsk branch No. 8597" (headed by Dzenzelyuk N.S. associate professor, candidate of economic sciences);
  • Popova Anna “Development of a project for the economic development of JSC Makfa by expanding the range of products (headed by Pravdina N.V. Associate Professor, Ph.D.);
  • Smirnova Elizaveta “Increase Project economic efficiency activities of OJSC ChelPipe through the reconstruction of workshop No. 2 (head L.A. Baev, professor, doctor of economic sciences).



Championship in project management among students of secondary schools and secondary vocational schools for the Cup of the Governor of the Chelyabinsk Region. The championship has been held annually since 2009. During the Championship, participants gain new knowledge and skills, develop and defend specific projects. Based on the results of the Championship, the most talented graduates of schools and secondary vocational education in the city and region enter SUSU. The total number of participants is more than 1200 people. Some of the projects have been implemented. Participation in the Championship of department students as project supervisors provides them with leadership experience project teams. The best curators receive the Presidential Award of the Russian Federation.

Open All-Russian championship in project management among youth (18 – 30 years old). It is held under the auspices of the youth project management association Young Crew SOVNET, opened on the basis of the department by the Chelyabinsk branch of this association. Members of the championship winning team receive certificates as entry-level project management professionals and the right to participate in the European youth project management Championship Young Crew IPMA.

In collaboration with the Ministry of Economic Development of the Chelyabinsk Region and the Regional Engineering Center of the Chelyabinsk Region, the department regularly conducts advanced training and professional retraining courses in the field of project management, at which, in addition to specialists manufacturing enterprises and entrepreneurs, heads of departments of the Government of the Chelyabinsk Region and South Ural State University are trained.


  • Klimova Tatyana (2015) - head of the financial and economic department. PJSC "NPO Android Technology", Moscow, Magnitogorsk,
  • Kozlova Anastasia (2014) - financial consultant. Deloitte Finance Consulting Team, London.
  • Evgeniya Prolubnikova (2015) - deputy manager, project manager. State Budgetary Institution Innovation Business Incubator, Chelyabinsk.
  • Konstantin Shchagin (2015) - Deputy Director for Development. LIME Capital Partners Inc, (Russia, Poland, South Africa, Mexico).

Earlier graduates achieved higher positions:

  • Leonid Isenko, (2005) - Director of the Regional Engineering Center of the Chelyabinsk Region, Chelyabinsk
  • Kozitsin Alexey, (2010) Managing Director of the block information technologies, PJSC "Sberbank", Moscow.
  • Meshkov Boris, (2005) – director of technological connection OJSC Fortum (Ural-Siberian region)
  • Elena Novikova, (2010) Director of Oil-Service LLC, Chelyabinsk

The history of the department begins in 1936, when from Kazan State University the department of industrial economics was allocated. The Department of Industrial Economics has become one of the leading departments of the Kazan Financial and Economic Institute and has always been distinguished by its multidisciplinary nature, uniting industrial economists, production organizers, Trudoviks, managers, technologists and lawyers. It produced wide-ranging specialists who are now successfully working in various sectors of industry and the entire national economy, holding positions from ordinary economists to managers at various levels.

Currently, the department graduates according to the profile "Economics of Enterprises and Organizations" and according to the program "Economics and organization management". The total number of students in the department is more than 150 people.

The department's teaching team consists of 30% of whom are practicing scientists who combine practical work in large companies with teaching. The department is staffed with highly qualified specialists. Teachers of the department constantly improve their professional and qualification level by undergoing internships at large enterprises, organizations and in government institutions, studying at advanced training courses, methodological seminars, trainings, business games.

In 2012, the Department of Production Economics became the winner All-Russian competition"Best Economics Department - 2012".

Main advantage Department of Production Economics is to build a system of practice-oriented training, in which students solve current problems of the department’s partner enterprises, and during the period of practical training they develop skills and abilities to solve real problems of enterprises and organizations

Achievements of the department

1. Our graduates currently work in government agencies and enterprises in Moscow, St. Petersburg, and in all regions of the Russian Federation in the status of economists, managers, analysts, enterprise and business leaders. Among the graduates there are candidates of sciences, university teachers and others. educational institutions. More than 80% of defended diploma projects have certificates of implementation at enterprises.

4. Scientific developments in the areas of project management have been introduced into industry, lean manufacturing, planning, management (management), business process reengineering.