What is the best way to increase revenue in the shoe industry? Where to start to increase sales in your business? Don't place cakes next to herring

Businessmen working in the trade sector are not always satisfied with the level of sales. Low sales lead to lower profits, and often this even leads to closure of the business. But there is no need to rush. Now we will consider effective options for increasing store sales.

Reasons for poor sales

First you need to find the root of the problem. There are 5 common reasons:

  1. Low quality product. People buying a product Bad quality, will never return to the store again. Moreover, they will also create anti-advertising through word of mouth.
  2. The product is not in demand. Maybe the consumer is simply not interested in this product.
  3. Location. If the store is located on the edge of the city, then the low level of sales should not be surprising.
  4. High prices. The inflated cost of the product will also scare off many buyers.
  5. Bad service. Poor attitude towards customers on the part of staff will negatively affect profits.

If the problem does not concern these points, then you can proceed to familiarize yourself with five ways to increase store profits.


This is the most powerful weapon in the hands of marketers. People love discounts. Even if they don’t need the product, they will definitely buy it, since it is sold at a discount. This is pure psychology and the primitive instinct of man. Even the usual inscription “discount” will have an effect. But not all sellers give a real discount. In other words, they leave the price the same, but write on the price tag that there is a discount.

In addition, the promotion period can be limited so that there is motivation to buy here and now, because a person, considering a future purchase, may change his mind. Don’t forget about the system of cumulative discounts for regular customers, this will allow you to link a person to your store.

2 products in 1

You can increase sales by stimulating consumers to purchase several products at once. Often sellers combine 2 products into 1. For example, shampoo (200 rubles) and soap (50 rubles). They need to be packaged together and the price set, for example, at 300 rubles. This works especially well during the holidays when people buy gift sets.

"Rare Goods"

You can create an illusion rare goods. This method is often used for mass marketing. For example, “Only from November 1 to December 1, we will sell fashionable fur coats from new collection" This will encourage the buyer to make a purchase as quickly as possible in order to grab something rare and unique.

"999.99 rubles"

Everyone will agree that 59.90 rub. visually it seems less than 60 rubles, although the difference is only 10 kopecks. The consumer may understand this, but subconsciously does not take it into account. It seems to him that the product is inexpensive, and he buys it. An excellent example of advertising a new taxi service: “Boarding from 49 rubles.” It seems like it's "forty-something", but in the end it's no less than other services. Although most clients will choose the first option.

To the fore

This option is more suitable for selling stale goods. Any product will find its buyer, and this has already been proven by practice, it’s simple, sometimes it takes a lot of time. Sellers shorten this period by placing stale goods in the most visible place. Roughly speaking, they force the product on the consumer. Large hypermarkets operate on the same principle, where every little thing is located at the cash register. People, standing in line, involuntarily pay attention to various chewing gums, chocolate bars, etc.

You may have noticed that you are more likely to buy products that are at eye level. Likewise, products for children are placed on a lower level where they can see them and ask their parents to buy them.

Combine these methods and the store's profit will increase

If the store is located well, it has good service, and the product High Quality, then these 5 ways to increase sales will definitely work if you combine them; in addition, you can try using viral advertising. These marketing tricks have long been known, but novice businessmen simply do not use them. And in vain, because with their help you can quite realistically increase profits in the store.

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Despite great amount Large and small supermarkets in our time, kiosks still continue to occupy a leading position in trade. Their number is always large near metro entrances, on the territory of entertainment complexes, in residential areas of the city, etc.

This creates enormous competition in this area of ​​business. The situation when there is a queue at the neighboring kiosk, and only a few buyers approach you, is familiar to many. This article will tell you how to avoid this and how to make your kiosk stand out from others and, as a result, be more profitable.

Idea No. 1. Flag

The height of all kiosks is usually small. But this does not mean that yours should be like that too. It's very easy to transform it with a flag. Attach a two- to three-meter pipe to the roof of your kiosk. Or better yet, several of these in all corners.

Hang any banners, flags or even sails with your logo (if you have one) or brand name on them. You can also attach lanterns in this way, the glass of which will again have inscriptions and logos. And don’t forget to decorate such flagpoles with garlands – and not only for the New Year holidays.

The glow above your kiosk will always attract customers in the evening and at night (if you are open 24 hours a day, of course).

Idea No. 2. Information about promotions

Nothing attracts customers more than promotions, sales and gifts. Unless, of course, you have a kiosk of the “everything for 10 hryvnia” type, then place shields made of wood, plywood or iron on its facade and sides. And stick posters on them with text like “Promotion! 30% discount!”

Such posters can be ordered from any advertising agency at a very reasonable price. In this case, it is not at all necessary to indicate which product the discount is offered for. The main thing is to attract a buyer, and in one minute he will see all your products and understand everything.

Naturally, in the window of your kiosk there should really be a product with a promotional price - everything that has an expiration date, goods with damaged, dirty or faded packaging, and so on.

It is advisable to change the terms of promotions at least once or twice a month, for example, “Buy this and get this as a gift.” There are a lot of options here.

Idea No. 3. Fortress design

This idea will be especially beneficial if there are refrigerators with drinks and several tables for visitors near your kiosk, and the area around is fenced with a small fence. Make towers and battlements from plywood, foam, or other materials.

Install them on the kiosk, refrigerators, fence (if there is one). On them, on the kiosk itself and on the refrigerators, stick an oracle with an image of a stone fortress. The result will be a cute mini-fortress that will attract visitors. And customers sitting at the table will be able to relax pleasantly, enjoying the spirit of the Middle Ages.

Idea No. 4. Imitation of a carriage

The idea is like an imitation of a fortress. To implement it you need to do high quality photo a railway passenger car, or a fragment of it, covering one or two windows. This photo needs to be adjusted in Photoshop to the dimensions of your kiosk so that the kiosk window coincides with the window of the carriage.

Then you order an oracal with your photo printed and paste it over the kiosk. For a better design, make wheels out of plywood or foam, attach them to the bottom of the kiosk and stick a film on them with the image of real carriage wheels.

Inter-car couplers can be made on the sides of the kiosk. But if this turns out to be too difficult for you, then simply cover the entire kiosk with an oracle depicting fragments of the carriage. Train travel enthusiasts will absolutely love your kiosk.

Idea No. 5. Main product layout

Place a huge mockup of the product on or near the roof of the kiosk, from which you receive the bulk of the profit, for example, a large hot dog or a bottle of beer. This model is made from any lightweight material. It is best if this miracle is backlit. In this case, visitors can easily find you in the dark.

Original kiosk designs

The profitability of a grocery store depends on many factors, primarily on sales volumes, the quality of work of your employees, and location point of sale etc. How to increase revenue in a grocery store - for this there are effective tools that take into account these and other factors.

How to increase revenue in a grocery store

How effectively a particular business operates, in our case, a grocery store, shows its profitability and profitability. The amount of profit depends on revenue and costs.

There are two ways to increase revenue:

  1. Increase the price of products sold.
  2. Start selling more in quantitative terms.

Both options can lead to increased revenue. However, in reality, the first option is practically impossible to implement. Any store, regardless of specialization, is forced to exist surrounded by competitors. Therefore, it will most likely not be possible to increase revenue by increasing prices.

It is possible to increase revenue in a grocery store by raising prices only if the elasticity of demand for the products sold is extremely low or completely close to zero, that is, this demand practically does not change - no matter how you raise the price, people will still buy in the same volume .

This can happen, for example, if there is only one store and is located in a hard-to-reach area, where residents are literally forced to buy products at the prices offered.

In the current conditions of tough competitive environment a more realistic way to increase revenue is to increase sales volumes in the physical sense - in pieces, etc. There are effective ways and tools for this.

For example, the Business.Ru program will allow you to control sales, receive detailed analytics of the assortment and the history of the movement of goods in just a few clicks!

How to increase sales in a grocery store: 15 ways

1. Reduce the price.

It was said above that increasing the price is unlikely to increase revenue and sales. However, you can increase sales, on the contrary, by lowering prices.

If you slightly reduce the price of popular products, it is quite possible that people will come to you, not your competitors, to purchase these particular products.

The apparent decrease in cash flow due to lower prices will be compensated by volumes. That is, more than low prices in quantitative terms, they will buy more, respectively, total amount your revenue will increase.

Price reductions may not be permanent and are often not necessary. Sometimes it is enough to carry out promotions to temporarily reduce prices, for example, to hold sales of certain products at reduced prices, sales according to the “3 units of goods for the price of 2” scheme, etc.

The increase in revenue will be temporary - for the duration of the promotion. But at the same time, visitors and customers may develop a habit of coming to your store.

One type of promotion is a seasonal price reduction, which also leads to an increase in revenue. For example, sales of winter clothes and shoes in the spring at a discount, sales of last year's clothing collections in clothing stores, sales of vegetables and fruits in the fall at low prices, etc.

2 . Move to a more accessible place - Another one effective method increasing sales in the store. More people mean more purchases, which means more revenue. But in conditions of high competition between stores, finding a place with greater traffic is quite difficult.

The entrepreneur needs to constantly monitor where such places may appear, such as shopping malls are built where there is good traffic.

3. Convenient navigation in the store.

The more comfortable it is to move around the store, the more often customers enter it, the greater the sales and revenue.

4. Sellers always available who are competent and can advise the buyer on products in a timely manner.

5. Current price tags, informative and originally designed.

6. Properly stocked shelves– this is already work related to merchandising.

7. Possibility of delivery under certain conditions. For example, free shipping to the house if the purchase amount reaches a certain level.

8. Possibility to pay for purchases by non-cash method(using bank plastic cards).

9. Installation of ATMs of popular banks in the store, as well as electronic payment systems.

10. Rent out free space in the store or sublease for various kinds of kiosks, for example, selling magazines and newspapers, flowers, or for shoe repair shops, locks, etc.

11. If the store space and other available resources allow, organizing a children's room or playground in a store.

12. Expanding the range, upselling. A buyer will come to your store more often if he buys in your store what he usually buys in several stores.

For example, a person will become your regular customer if, with daily bread and milk, he can buy, for example, confectionery, toothpaste, etc.

13. Discount cards. This is also a way to increase customer loyalty, make them your regular customers and increase your revenue.

Instead of discount cards there may be savings cards. This is when some bonuses accumulate on the buyer’s card, the volume and quantity of which depend on each purchase. The buyer can later use these bonuses to pay for future purchases.

A type of savings cards are cards that have the so-called “cash back”, in English this means “cash return”. This is the same as bonuses, only money is returned to the card from each purchase.

For example, on a card with 10% cash back, when purchasing for 1,500 rubles, the buyer will return 150 rubles. The buyer can use this returned money for further purchases.

Discount cards, cards with bonuses or cash back, as well as other events with discounts lead to customers coming to you more often, buying from you more often, and recommending your store to their surroundings. As a result, your revenue grows.

In the service for automating grocery stores Business.Ru, you can fully implement a loyalty system, set up discount and savings cards, as well as cards with a validity period. These and other features are combined with a clear interface that allows you to perform complex operations in a couple of clicks!

14. Coalition.

This is when you team up with other stores and do one promotion together. Therefore, it is “more interesting” for the buyer to come shopping to one of the stores of your common coalition. Examples of coalition activities are bonus cards retail chains(“Piggy Bank” and others).

15. Reviews.

In the modern information society, any negative that may happen in your store will immediately end up in in social networks. This will negatively impact store traffic and revenue.

Therefore, an entrepreneur needs to work with customer reviews. This work should be carried out in two directions: firstly, to prevent negative reviews, and secondly, to stimulate positive reviews. This will also lead to an increase in your sales.

Many of the above ways to increase revenue also apply to narrower objectives, for example, increasing the conversion of store visitors into buyers or increasing customer loyalty.

This is not surprising: both increasing conversion and increasing loyalty are aimed at solving one common problem - increasing store revenue and increasing the efficiency of its work.

The above methods of increasing revenue must be applied when the most effective ones have been created for each method. current conditions, for example, seasonal discounts.

The entrepreneur must also constantly monitor his financial condition to find out which ways to increase revenue and in what cases are most effective. Most likely, an entrepreneur will need to use these methods in combination, and some tools for increasing revenue must be used on a regular basis.

Comprehensive trade automation at minimum costs

We take a regular computer, connect any fiscal registrar and install the Business Ru Kassa application. As a result, we get an economical analogue of a POS terminal like in a large store with all its functions. We supply products with prices in cloud service Business.Ru and let's start working. For everything about everything - maximum 1 hour and 15-20 thousand rubles. for the fiscal registrar.

When talking about how to increase revenue in a store, you first need to understand the factors influencing it.

There are a huge number of reasons affecting revenue, Of course, their nature and strength depends on the focus and activity of the business, so in reality they may differ slightly.

However, it is possible to identify global factors with a single, universal model that also fits the realities of the store’s business processes.

For convenience, we divide them into 2 categories:

  1. internal;
  2. external.

The second group is, rather, of an introductory nature, helping to form an understanding of the external, superficial influence exerted by the state and society.

Particular attention should be paid to the first group, since the leader, who is responsible for the development of the store and, accordingly, the growth of revenue itself, is able to independently shape these factors.


Factors related to input resources:

  • Investments.
  • Equipment.
  • Volume of human resources.
  • Technology and know-how (e.g. self-service system, accessibility for disabled people).

Factors associated with production processes– business structure:

  1. Personnel: career growth, motivation, relations of production education.
  2. Use of buildings and equipment, maintenance, development.
  3. Raw materials and energy resources.
  4. Working methods.
  5. Organization systems and management style.
  6. Feedback: measurement, analysis.

Factors related to product sales:

  • Production volume (the total number of products sold - store turnover).
  • Product range (breadth of product selection).
  • After-sales service (retaining existing customers through low-cost operations - more on that below).
  • Product price.
  • Package.
  • Technical excellence of products.
  • Availability of goods at any time, in the required quantity.
  • Guarantee system.
  • Market share.
  • The company's image in the eyes of consumers.


Cycle business activity and structural changes:

  1. Business conditions, competition.
  2. Structural shifts between economic sectors.
  3. Change in capital structure.
  4. Demographic and social changes.


  • Land: availability, price.
  • Raw materials and energy resources.
  • Access to finance: external investment.
  • Labor force: supply and demand, education, flexibility, mobility.

Government Policy:

  1. Fiscal and tax policy.
  2. Education and training (secondary and higher education levels).
  3. Policy of smoothing cycles (stabilization of the economy in the country).
  4. Policy in the field of improving business efficiency (simplification of processes related to document flow and reporting).
  5. The politics of structural change.

Ways to Increase Profitability

  • Recalculation and optimization of initial resources (raw materials, energy, employees) - reduction of unwanted, useless expenses.
  • Increase in average check- this indicator is very important and is calculated simply - you need to divide the amount of purchases over a certain time by the number of receipts. By changing it to positive side, you can significantly influence the store’s revenue as a whole and increase it. For this purpose, the use of “cross-sell” is suitable, that is, cross-selling, when it is additionally offered to take something else in addition to the main selection.
  • Customer Lifetime Value (LTV)— moving away from the paradigm that many more new visitors will come to replace the old ones, focusing on cooperation with regular customers.
  • Expanding the store’s assortment (number of product units)— by pushing its boundaries, it becomes possible to reach as large an audience as possible.
  • Product cost— providing the store with goods from manufacturers and dealers with more favorable conditions/discounts often allows increasing revenue by reducing purchasing costs.

How to increase the income of a grocery retail outlet?

Now, after familiarizing yourself with the reasons that affect revenue, let's figure out how they should be used for the benefit of the store. From all sorts of options Let's highlight the most significant and effective techniques and build a chain.

For clarity, let’s choose a simple goal: to increase the revenue of a regular grocery store.

  1. Digitization of store results.

    First of all, you need to understand why revenue remains unshakable. Outstanding entrepreneurs in any situation recommend relying exclusively on real numbers, and visualizing them, in turn, using simple and clear diagrams.

  2. Increasing attendance.

    Effective ways to do this are ordinary discount cards and discounts - a fairly common practice for grocery stores, which allows you to increase income due to an increase in the flow of customers.

    Thanks to the introduction of discount cards, customers will have a more positive attitude towards the store, preferring to make purchases with some savings on their money.

    As for discounts, they can be organized within certain time periods (for six months, a week, a month, a day, only in the morning or evening), among a specific segment of buyers (housewives, pensioners, adherents of a healthy diet).

    Reference: Research conducted by psychologists suggests that the minimum discount threshold perceived by the audience is 15%. This must be remembered, since more ascetic figures will remain unappreciated.

  3. Increase in average check.
    • Duplication of the most popular product at additional points of sale of the store.
    • Offering customers various bright little things in the checkout area; you can focus on creative packaging to manipulate the buyer’s emotions.
    • Formation of ready-made sets from the most popular goods, or from leftovers that have been in the warehouse for a long time.
    • Integration of promotions: holding competitions with pleasant gifts for those who collect the specified amount in their check.
  4. Saving resources.

    To eliminate the leakage of money, you can replace inactive employees in the store, who do not bring benefits to the company, with more productive ones. And sometimes it is more profitable to deal with employees on a one-time basis, rather than keeping a specialist on the team who occasionally solves single problems.

    Another option for saving is to calculate the costs of rent, electricity and maintenance of this or that equipment and search for alternative options.

Interesting video

What ways to increase sales in a store are there? A key issue in many consultations. We all think that there is a miracle remedy called “Huge Sales”, which works immediately after its use and immediately increases the store’s revenue. At the moment, this tool is not available to us, so let’s try to figure out how to increase sales from a common sense point of view. In order for the store to sell more, in my opinion, we can do only two things:
1. Sell more people, that is, increase the flow
2. Sell for a larger amount, that is, increase the average check

Let's look at each of the directions one by one.

Increase the number of customers and frequency of purchases

If we follow the path of increasing the number of purchases, we will begin to work as a store marketer. How to make more net purchases than in the previous reporting period?

We can attract more people to the store. According to retail statistics, at least 1 out of 10 people who come in will definitely buy it. In many stores this statistic is higher. This means that if not 10 people a day, but 50, come to me, then the number of purchases I will have will not be 1, but 5.

To increase store traffic, I can use various techniques:

  1. Place “stops” (advertising materials designed to stop a person and direct him to the store) on the shopping “path” next to stores. Surely you have an understanding of where people most often walk around your store. This is where the “stop” should be placed. This advertising material is designed to make a person remember the existence of the store and go into it.
  2. Provide advertising of an informational and stimulating nature. We can talk about our store through the appropriate channel: glossy magazines, directories, radio, TV, advertising in places of residence, on the Internet, etc.
  3. I especially recommend using cross-events, that is, joint promotions with someone. The key idea of ​​the joint event is to attract a new flow of customers to the store from its partners. For example, an office supply store is conducting a cross-promotion with a nearby office center, distributing discount coupons on the territory of the office center. Additional people come to the store, attracted from the partner - the center. Or, for example, a clothing store holds an event together with a popular jewelry store aimed at sharing traffic. In a clothing store, upon purchase, they give you a bonus and a catalog for jewelry; in a jewelry store, they give you an invitation - a flyer to include in your clothes. These events allow you to capture targeted and more loyal target audience, and at minimal cost.
  4. Place advertising media at the “border” of the store’s coverage. Each store has its audience reach, that is, where people are willing to travel or go to your store. For example, for a grocery mini-store, the coverage area will be several neighboring houses, since no one will run for bread and matches at a distance of 15-20 minutes. For large store outerwear, selling exclusive brands, this distance will be no more than the area in which the store is located. Thus, you can outline a circle - the operating area of ​​your store. Moreover, within this circle one can distinguish 1-2 zones based on warmth - the frequency of appearance of people from these zones. The smallest circle is the warmest zone, usually these are people living nearby, in houses adjacent to the store. These are people who are very comfortable stopping by on their way. The next circle is the average heat, this is your work coverage, on average it is several stops/paths to the store. This is the bulk of buyers. It is on the border of this circle that you need to place advertising in order to gradually expand the coverage of the territory.

We can also take the path of increasing the quantity, that is, the frequency of purchases of current customers. There are two key areas of work in this block:

a) Increasing the frequency of purchases by your audience

b) Increase store conversion

To increase the frequency of purchases by your audience, we will work with the store’s customer base.
Each store’s customer base is divided into customers who buy our products as often as possible; main mass and "ballast".

The first type is active and loyal customers. Our store is “first on their list” when a need arises. This means that when a buyer needs to buy, for example, shoes, he will go first to our store, and then, if he doesn’t find it, to all the others. These are our favorite clients. The share of such buyers is 20-30-40% of the total audience.

The second share is the bulk, they buy from us from time to time, and can “change” the store depending on the assortment, price offer and convenience of purchase. For example, if a buyer needs to buy shoes, he will first go to another store where there is a sale or he has a special love for the assortment, and then it will come to us.

The third part is people who buy from us rarely, by chance. These are visitors, or not our target audience.

To increase the frequency of purchases by the majority of customers, we can use a loyalty program and one-time promotions. A loyalty program is a system of activities aimed at retaining and encouraging customers. For what? Because retaining customers is CHEAPER than attracting new ones. There is another pattern - 20% of buyers bring 80% of the profit. These customers can be encouraged to come back even more often and buy even more.
Our program must solve several problems:

  1. stimulating regular customer requests;
  2. increasing the frequency and amount of purchases;
  3. formation information base about clients;
  4. formation of a positive image of the company in the eyes of the client;
  5. Attraction of new clients.

I recommend using the mechanisms of cumulative discounts or bonuses, with the possibility of paying for purchases with accumulated bonuses, with several levels of participation and the possibility of targeted incentives. For example, program X, where there are 3 levels of bonus cards (7-12-25% of the purchase to the account), with the ability to pay up to 50% of the purchase with bonuses, and the possibility of receiving additional bonuses for specific actions, including the purchase of more than 3 items.

The second way to increase the number of purchases is to increase store conversion.
Conversion is the ratio of those who bought to those who came, that is, the number of receipts to the number of store visitors. There is a common idea that conversion should strive for 100%, but even a figure of 50% will be quite acceptable for many stores.

It is important to understand why conversion may be low? Most often there are two reasons: poor merchandising and ineffective work of sellers.

Errors in merchandising are incomprehensible or inaccessible display of goods. When the buyer cannot understand the logic of product placement, find the desired position on his own, try/try on/feel the product. Either the store’s merchandising is too inexpressive, there are no accents and there are no flow brakes. Customers walk through the store without stopping to make a selection. Correcting the layout is a simple matter; we will not dwell on it. It’s easy to check this reason - go out into the hall and try to choose something yourself, without the help of sellers; or better yet, ask someone who doesn't buy from you to select the product themselves. And then ask for feedback - What is convenient? What's not?

The ineffectiveness of sellers lies either in the inability to start a dialogue with the flow of buyers - and the flow leaves without buying; or in the inability to bring the sale to the cash register - in closing the deal and dealing with objections - and the flow leaves without purchasing. Here you can only help by training sellers, preferably in trading floor with real customers and writing them cheat sheets (that is, work standards) with written phrases. From experience I can say that the main reason for this behavior among sellers is the reluctance to be intrusive, we read the fear that they will send; therefore, this disease is “cured” only by gaining new positive experience. Therefore - to the hall!

Sell ​​for a large amount

But you can solve the problem of increasing sales in a fundamentally different way. You can leave the customer flow at the current level and work on increasing the amount of purchases. The check amount can be increased either by selling more pieces or by selling more expensive products in the line.

The easiest way is to increase the quantity of goods purchased. This task is achieved in merchandising: duplication hot commodity at additional points of sale, placing small items in the cash register area, creating displays in sets.

The main role in expanding the check is for sellers, because they are the ones who offer to buy something else. In order for salespeople to expand the check, they need to be taught this (this is one of the most problematic blocks of sales technology) and rewarded for the desired behavior. In teaching technology, speech cheat sheets come to the fore - what and how to offer? Motivation includes internal competitions and promotions (see June newsletters)

Also, sellers are quite capable of offering and selling first of all the most prestigious (expensive) product in the line of analogues. This does not mean that you should “sell” a person a product that is not his needs. This means that when the buyer’s request is clarified, then usually 2-4-6 product units with similar characteristics suit him. And these positions can be arranged by price, from highest to lowest. So the seller should start showing/telling from a more expensive position, moving downwards. Or start with a cheap one, and offer a more expensive second position. Everything usually depends on the seller’s ability to coherently and beautifully explain the difference in price, the so-called added value of the product. The added value of a product is additional benefits for which the buyer is willing to overpay. They need to be found and commented on. This will also require work with staff, for example, mini-trainings on the presentation of expensive goods in the morning.

So let's summarize:

  1. To increase sales, we sell to more people and increase the average purchase amount.
  2. Our tools for this are: external marketing activities, store merchandising and increasing staff efficiency.
  3. The way to get started is to analyze the work of your store and understand its weakest point, the “hole” into which potential sales flow. Small stream? Low % of loyal customers? Low purchase frequency? Small store coverage? Low conversion? Low average bill? Ineffective placement of goods in the hall?

By comparing all the data, you can create an action plan to increase store sales.