How to hire a social worker from social security. It's not your problem. Denial of social services at home

Youth and physical capabilities, unfortunately, do not last forever, and each of us, at a certain stage in life, begins to realize that due to advanced age or state of health, we are no longer able to bear full responsibility for ourselves.

In such situations, social services for caring for pensioners provide significant support. They take on part of the concern to improve the quality of life of older people who need additional care and attention. Social services provide care for the elderly on the basis of documented facts.

Where to contact

Female nurse is taking care of the senior woman

Often, finding themselves in a state of helplessness, lonely old people are forced to deal with difficulties on their own, as a result of which the question arises - how can a pensioner hire social worker?

If you are a person who has retired due to old age and understand that you need additional care, and there is no one to turn to for help, there is a way out. Social assistance at home for pensioners with benefits (and without benefits) is provided free of charge. To register, you should contact the social service at your place of registration. Provided that your health condition does not allow you to visit in person, your representatives (close relatives) can do this for you, or you can submit an application through the government services portal.

Information on how to register a social worker for a pensioner can also be obtained from Pension Fund employees.

When considering your application, social service staff will determine an individual program of support that is appropriate for you (taking into account your needs and the extent of your limitations). If you need medical care at home, a suitably qualified employee will be assigned to you.

The application review period is 10 days, after which you will be asked to sign an agreement and shift some of your worries onto the shoulders of social workers. The contract period is automatically renewed every year, so you don't have to worry about suddenly being left without support. Serving pensioners at home is a guarantee of providing timely assistance in any direction.

To complete the contract, you need to provide:

  • passport;
  • certificates of income of your family members (living with you) for the last 12 months;
  • conclusion of the IHC.

Documents confirming the level of income are critical when setting payment for the provision of social services. Disability and other medical restrictions must be documented.

Look at the picture to apply for a social worker:


Help at home for pensioners includes all the necessary measures to maintain the life of older people. Depending on your level of disability, social worker assistance can range from simply going to the grocery store to carrying out hygiene procedures. The responsibilities of social workers in caring for disabled pensioners are to provide assistance based on a qualified medical approach.

The most necessary measures to maintain your quality of life will be carried out within the time frame established by the contract and will determine the cost of the services of social workers for pensioners (if necessary).

Here you need to understand that if you live together with people who can easily take care of you themselves, social assistance may look on a somewhat truncated scale. It is to clarify such circumstances that the commission reviewing your application will try to make the most optimal decision to determine the range of necessary services.

Social workers for pensioners are assigned completely free of charge if we're talking about O:

  • trips to stores and pharmacies;
  • cooking;
  • payment utilities;
  • assistance in creating and filling out documents;
  • escort to medical institutions;
  • assistance in household matters.

If you need more serious help, then it should be noted that each region has its own specifications regarding payment for social services. Taking into account the fixed interest rate and your income, it is better to stipulate the cost of social worker services for pensioners when drawing up an agreement (especially for disabled pensioners).

Get a job as a social worker?

The work of social workers is truly hard work. A person who decides to become a social worker must have a certain set of qualities and have a fairly stable psyche.

Even the closest people often cannot find a common language with their elderly. Work pressures, personal problems and the degree of responsibility for the well-being of loved ones contribute to circumstances in which it is not always possible to show tolerance and compassion towards elderly relatives.

It is the social worker who is the person who is able to provide the most favorable living conditions for citizens in need of care. The only thing that is required from a social worker is an appropriate state of health. Registration at dispensaries of all directions is a restriction on employment in social assistance services.

Social assistance at home for elderly people in Russia in 2020. Basic concepts, types of support, procedures for providing assistance and other issues on the topic will be discussed in the proposed article.

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In our state, absolutely every citizen of retirement age has the right to receive social support in situations of emergency. This is expressed in medical care, assistance from social security authorities, etc.

What it is

Social assistance is the provision of a variety of services to older people that they themselves are not able to receive. There can be many reasons for this. Disability, health problems, old age, etc.

Thus, we can understand that social assistance is the state’s concern for older people. There are many legislative projects in Russia, both at the federal and regional levels, that regulate the provision of assistance to people.

Important Concepts

What types of support are provided for elderly citizens?

Due to physiological characteristics, elderly citizens are the weakest group of the population. Therefore, they require maintenance, assistance in performing certain actions, etc.

There are several main types of social assistance available to the population:

  • assistance in everyday matters at home due to lack of health;
  • single people are provided with inpatient services in boarding houses, boarding schools, etc.;
  • day hospital facilities that provide care during the day;
  • provision urgent services various types one-time;
  • providing advice and social assistance from government officials social protection etc.

To implement data by type of support in Russian Federation There are special territorial centers that provide assistance to certain categories of the population. These organizations also resolve issues of identifying older citizens who require social support.

Who can count on her

The following categories of the population can count on state assistance, expressed in the provision of assistance to a citizen by a social worker:

  • citizens of retirement age;
  • citizens with disabilities (regardless of age);
  • participants and disabled people of the Second World War.

An employee of a territorial body must provide all possible assistance to Russian citizens if they do not have the opportunity to independently conduct their life activities.

Current standards

Submission Issues state support elderly people are regulated by the following acts:

  1. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of January 29, 2000 No. 115 “On measures to improve the living conditions of the elderly and disabled”;
  2. Federal Law of July 17, 1999 No. 178 “Legal and organizational basis for the provision of state social assistance to low-income families, citizens living alone and other categories of citizens”;
  3. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 15, 2014 No. 296 “On social support for citizens.”

Basic moments

Citizens with disabilities, including older people, cannot fully take care of themselves. Sometimes they need help with the simplest things - nutrition and hygiene. In such cases, the state provides support in the form of social workers who provide care to the citizen.

Great importance is attached to the health of the citizen in need of help. For this reason, the social worker should first of all help the elderly person in obtaining medical care and in the implementation of proper hygienic care

What is included in this type of government support?

Social assistance at home includes the following types of services:

  • help in household(household management, catering and entertainment);
  • assistance in purchasing necessary goods (food, household chemicals, medicines);
  • assistance is provided in lighting the stove and delivering drinking water;
  • assistance in cleaning and repairing an apartment or house;
  • assistance with utility bills;
  • accompaniment to places of recreation and sanatoriums;
  • assistance in calling medical care at home.

In some cases, assistance in obtaining higher education and registration can be added to this list. necessary documents and provide support in resolving legal issues.

In St. Petersburg

Law of the city of St. Petersburg dated December 21, 2010 No. 719-166 “On additional measures of social support at home” provides a list of services that are provided to older people in given subject.

These include:

Another benefit provided in St. Petersburg is a one-time payment for travel on a social taxi


In Moscow

Submission Issues state aid in this subject are established by Moscow Law No. 34 of July 9, 2008 “On social services for the population of Moscow.”

According to the resolution, persons with illness (lasting more than 30 days), disability, old age and other reasons can count on state support.

The social worker's responsibilities will include the following:

  • purchasing necessary goods;
  • catering and feeding;
  • assistance in cleaning and repairs;
  • in case of living in a private house, heating the stove and delivering water;
  • payment for housing and utilities;
  • assistance in writing letters;
  • assistance in ordering a taxi (social);
  • assistance in visiting cultural events;
  • medical assistance, assistance in maintaining hygiene;
  • legal and educational services.

Many of the services on this list are paid, and not every citizen can afford them. However, for certain categories of the population they are provided free of charge.

The procedure for providing social assistance at home to elderly people

The list of social services provided at home is established at the legislative level. The most popular of them are the delivery of food and other goods, payment of housing and communal services and psychological assistance.

Recently, homeschooling and computer literacy services have become increasingly popular..

People of retirement age established by law, as well as disabled people of any age, have the right to receive social assistance.

Photo: conditions of social services at home

A social worker is obliged to provide the required assistance in cases where a citizen cannot independently provide for his or her life activities. The Social Assistance Commission has the right to refuse to provide support.

This may happen under the following circumstances:

  • mental illness of a citizen;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • drug addiction;
  • infectious diseases (tuberculosis), including sexually transmitted diseases;
  • lack of available social workers;
  • lack of place of residence of a citizen.

Where to go

To receive government support, a citizen needs to contact any of two organizations at his place of residence:

  • regional comprehensive center;
  • social service center.

To receive social support, it is enough to contact one of the above institutions with a package of required documents and a written application. This procedure can be performed by the person interested in help or his close relatives.

After submitting the application, the commission decides whether to provide a list individual services for a specific citizen. After this, the social support program is transferred to the social worker for review.

The application review period is ten days from the date of application. After the decision is made, an agreement on the provision of social services is concluded.

List of documents

When contacting the territorial social authority, the employee will be provided with a form to write an application for assistance.

When applying, a citizen must provide the following list of documents:

  • citizen's passport and its copy;
  • a document giving the right to receive social support (for example, a certificate of disability);
  • power of attorney (if documents are submitted by a family member or someone else);
  • registration document;
  • medical report and rehabilitation program (if available);
  • certificate of income of a citizen.

How do you pay

An agreement on the provision of state support is concluded between a citizen and a territorial body. It is valid from the date of signing until the end of the year.

After the onset of the new year, re-registration is not required - the contract is automatically extended until either party decides to terminate the services.

In accordance with the conditions, the social worker will have to visit the citizen every day or a certain number of times a week. The necessary support is provided by the state free of charge or with a small payment.

I would like to get help from a social worker. As I get older, it becomes more and more difficult for me to take care of myself. My relatives are also elderly and even if they wanted to, they wouldn’t be able to help me. So far my neighbors are helping me out, but I can’t constantly ask them, for example, to go to the store or pharmacy. Explain what kind of help a social worker is obliged to provide to his ward and am I entitled to such a service?

As they said in the Social Sphere Complex of the Moscow government, you can arrange such a service in special commission district comprehensive center or social service center based on a medical report. The social worker must visit his ward at least twice a week, by agreement on a permanent basis or temporarily (for a period of one to six months).

The following beneficiaries are entitled to receive home assistance:

1. No queue:

    disabled people and participants of the Great Patriotic War and those equated to them;

    single city dwellers over 80 years of age and single disabled people over 70 years of age;

    disabled combat veterans;

    lonely and lonely elderly and disabled city dwellers who are unable to live and care for themselves and are deprived of outside care, help and support.

2. First of all:

    spouses of deceased participants and disabled veterans of the Great Patriotic War and combat veterans who did not remarry;

    citizens exposed to radiation as a result of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and equivalent to them;

    rehabilitated persons and persons recognized as victims of political repression.

Please note: beneficiaries living in families receive social (socio-medical) services if household members cannot provide them with help and care for objective reasons (according to Moscow Law No. 34 of July 9, 2008 “On Social Services for the Population” city ​​of Moscow"). For example, this could be a long-term illness (more than one month), disability, retirement age, remoteness of residence from a citizen in need of care, frequent and long business trips and other circumstances.

Social services may be denied if the beneficiary is a bacterial or viral carrier, chronic alcoholism, quarantine infectious diseases, severe mental disorders, active forms of tuberculosis, venereal or other diseases requiring treatment in specialized healthcare institutions (according to Federal law No. 122-FZ of August 2, 1995 “On social services for elderly citizens and the disabled”).

The responsibilities of a social worker include:

    purchase and delivery of groceries, hot meals from neighboring trading establishments, manufactured goods and medicines for the ward at his request. In this case, the following rules apply for one-time delivery (according to the norms of maximum permissible loads when lifting and moving heavy objects manually, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 105 of February 6, 1993): for one person - no more than 4 kg, for a family of two people - not more than 6 kg, for a family of three - no more than 9 kg;

    cooking (heating food, peeling raw vegetables, slicing bread, sausage, boiling a kettle), feeding;

    assistance in repairing and cleaning the apartment;

    water delivery, heating stoves, assistance in purchasing fuel (for those living in houses without central heating and (or) water supply);

    handing over items for washing, dry cleaning, repairs and their return delivery;

    payment for housing and utilities (taking meter readings, filling out receipts, visiting housing and communal services organizations, unified cash settlement centers, paying fees);

    assistance in writing letters, as well as delivering books, purchasing newspapers and magazines, subscribing to newspapers and magazines;

    assistance in ordering a “social taxi” (a special taxi at a reduced rate for beneficiaries), as well as in visiting theaters, exhibitions and other cultural events;

    socio-medical and sanitary-hygienic assistance (care taking into account the state of health; assistance in conducting a medical and social examination, if necessary - in hospitalization, hospital visits, accompaniment to medical institutions; psychological support; assistance in obtaining vouchers for sanatoriums resort treatment (including discounted ones), as well as dental and prosthetic and orthopedic services);

    assistance in obtaining education and (or) profession for disabled people in accordance with their physical capabilities and mental abilities, as well as assistance in finding employment;

    legal services (assistance in the preparation of documents, excluding cases of preparation of documents affecting the interests of third parties; assistance in obtaining benefits, free help lawyer, pension and other social benefits, including in the preparation of documents for refusal of “ social package» in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation;

    The social worker, whose job responsibilities will be discussed further, is hired and dismissed by the head of the CSO. Withdrawal from the state is carried out in accordance with the procedure established in articles 77-81 of the Labor Code.

    General information

    Persons who have:

    • higher;
    • initial professional;
    • secondary special education.

    Persons who do not have training in their specialty may be involved in activities. The people who are to be served are called wards. Persons acquire this status when applying to the Veterans Council, Central Social Security Center or Social Protection Committee, as well as when a social worker identifies those in need of care during a special round. Persons in their care who have completely lost the ability to self-care are sent to a nursing home.

    Social worker: responsibilities, employee salary

    A CSO employee can carry out certain instructions for his wards. They may not be included in the list of responsibilities of a social worker, but they arise from the general meaning of his activities. Its essence is to provide support and assistance to lonely people and disabled people. For example, an elderly woman has difficulty moving due to serious health problems. A social worker can take her to a bathhouse, after which the person will feel better and will be able to take care of himself. The day of a CSO employee begins with a phone call to his wards. The responsibilities of the social worker include finding out the instructions that need to be carried out and the list of necessary products. All information is recorded in a special notebook for each ward. At the end of the year, based on an assessment of the employee’s performance, he is assigned or not assigned a rank. In the first case, among other things, he can count on a salary increase. After another three years, the premium will be 10, and after five years - 30%.


    The following categories are established:

    • Fifth category. It is assigned to an employee who has a professional (primary) education. However, there are no requirements for his experience. Also, category 5 are employees with complete secondary (general) education. In this case, they must carry out activities in their profile for at least three years.
    • Sixth and seventh categories. To obtain this category, an employee may have professional higher education. In this case, there are no requirements for his experience. An employee may also have a specialized secondary education. In this case, he must remain in the state for at least three years.
    • Eighth category. It is assigned to employees whose work experience is at least five years and they have a higher education in their specialty.

    Important points

    IN functional responsibilities A social worker's job includes providing everyday services to people in need of help. The CSO employee is directly subordinate to the head of the department, deputy director, and head of the center. The employee needs to know regulations and laws at the federal, local and regional levels, etc. regulations related to the regulation of its activities. A social worker, whose job responsibilities are contained in the relevant instructions, is responsible for his activities before the law. He must comply with the rules of the CSO, know the norms and regulations on labor protection, industrial sanitation, safety precautions, and fire protection. An indispensable condition for the high-quality execution of tasks is compliance with the requirements for organizing consumer services for the elderly and disabled. The employee needs to know the basics of the psychology of the wards and master first aid techniques.

    Basic instructions

    IN professional responsibilities social worker includes:

    • Provision of services that are included in the list of state-guaranteed services.
    • Compliance with the visiting schedule.
    • Identification of citizens in need of service and support.
    • Conducting a survey at the enterprise among employees.
    • Participation in the preparation of documents for employees who need it.
    • Informing employees about their responsibilities, rights and conditions for the provision of services.
    • Maintaining confidentiality in relationships with wards.
    • Execution of orders and instructions from the management of the Central Security Service.
    • Coordinating your activities with your superiors.
    • Timely warning of the onset of disability.
    • Petition for allotment financial assistance employees who need it.
    • Filling out documentation in accordance with business management recommendations, making timely additions and changes.
    • Participation in the public life of the CSO.

    The rights and responsibilities of a social worker are regulated by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.


    In case of violation labor discipline The employee is subject to the provisions of Art. 419 TK. Timely execution job responsibilities a social worker guarantees effective assistance to people in need. This attitude towards one’s activities has a beneficial effect on the atmosphere within the team, the ability to work and the interests of employees. The duties of a social worker must be performed conscientiously and clearly. In many ways, not only the general condition of the ward, but also his life often depends on the timeliness of assistance.

    Defining Criteria

    To perform the duties of a social worker, it is not enough to have certain skills or knowledge. An employee must also have certain personal qualities. Formed moral and moral beliefs, objectivity in assessing the problems of the ward, honesty, tact, justice, attentiveness, creative thinking, sociability, adequacy of self-esteem, tolerance, humanity, willpower, kindness, patience - this is not the whole list of qualities that should be endowed Social worker.

    Methods used in activities

    The responsibilities of social protection workers are not only to provide the necessary assistance to those under their care. To carry out their activities most effectively, employees are required, in accordance with the Instructions, to develop and implement various methods that allow them to study problems in more depth and detail and select the optimal means of solving them. Thus, a social worker in a school, whose responsibilities are related to helping children, must act, among other things, as a consultant and, in some way, a teacher. Using an educational approach in his work, the employee gives recommendations, teaches demonstration and modeling of correct behavior, uses role-playing games, establishes interaction between student and teacher. The responsibilities of a social worker in a hospital deserve special attention.

    In this case, a great responsibility rests on his shoulders. A person in medical institution, requires maximum sensitivity, care, and help. In this case, the social worker not only fulfills his duties in serving the ward. He also plays the role of a supporter or mediator in overcoming personal disorganization and apathy in cases where it is not possible for a sick person to do this on his own. The facilitative approach is aimed at explaining the situation, encouraging and focusing on mobilizing the mentee’s existing internal resources. During the recovery or rehabilitation period, this is of fundamental importance. There is also an advocacy approach to the activities of a social worker. In this case, the employee acts as a representative of the ward or a group of people in need. In this case, the duties of the social worker include, among other things, assistance in putting forward arguments and selecting justified charges.

    Employee capabilities

    The rights and responsibilities of a social worker are two categories that are closely related to each other. Using his powers, an employee can effectively carry out his activities, the purpose of which is to provide timely assistance to those in need. The rights of a social worker are established in Articles 1, 379-380, 353-369, 209-231 of the Labor Code. Also, its capabilities are defined in the collective agreement and the rules of the CSO. In the process of performing his activities, a social worker has the right:

    • Involve loved ones and relatives in providing assistance that goes beyond the scope established by the Instructions.
    • Receive information from clients about their health status and relationships with other family members.
    • Use the client’s personal data when filling out the necessary documentation.

    International practice

    Summarizing all of the above, we can conclude that the basis of the activities that a social worker performs are responsibilities. Ukraine, Russia and many other countries are taking part in a large-scale humanitarian program to eradicate poverty, provide primary education, and provide stable support for the most disadvantaged segments of the population. As the experience of foreign countries shows, the need for a multifaceted, comprehensive social work especially high during periods of crisis. At these moments, there is a significant deterioration in the well-being of the majority of citizens. Ukraine, like Russia, has experienced such periods more than once throughout its history. However, the governments of these countries always strive to eliminate emerging problems. A special role in the implementation of this task belongs primarily to the social protection service.

    Role of the State

    In the issue of providing citizens with real assistance, the state today takes a side, secondary position. At the same time, a social worker, on the one hand, serves people. It helps to overcome one or another specific problem. On the other hand, he is also in the service of the state. Power through CSO employees reduces social tension. To put it bluntly, the state, using a social worker, “calms down” the needy population. In this case, the employee is in sufficient difficult situation. Due to duty – professional and human – a social worker acts primarily in accordance with the principle of humanism. At the same time, he is responsible for the execution state task to maintain balance in society.


    To perform his duties most efficiently, a social worker must possess various skills, abilities, and knowledge in such areas as psychology, medicine, sociology, and others. Only in this case can he be considered a worthy implementer of the set state goals. The skills and knowledge that a social worker possesses, in combination with his individual qualities, must be assessed using appropriate methods. Analyzing the results, correcting shortcomings, and filling in missing information will undoubtedly contribute to a more effective performance of one’s duty. The desire for improvement is manifested not only in the desire to acquire more extensive practical experience and theoretical knowledge. Of no small importance is the improvement of personal qualities, overcoming shortcomings, especially those that negatively affect his activities. Individual qualities employee act as the basis for successful interaction with the ward and are considered an integral condition of his professional suitability.

    If suddenly a person needs the help of a social worker, then initially he should independently contact the Social Assistance Center (CSC) at his place of residence.

    List of required documents

    When applying, you must have the following package of documents with you.

    1. Passport and its copy.
    2. A health certificate issued by a local doctor.
    3. Certificate from pension fund about receiving a pension.
    4. A document confirming the presence of registration (a certificate indicating with whom and where the pensioner lives).
    5. Certificate confirming disability, if any.

    After all documents have been confirmed, a social worker will be assigned to the applicant.

    WWII participants and disabled people, as well as those equivalent to them, are accepted without a queue; people who live alone at the age of 80 (disabled people over 70); disabled people injured during hostilities; single citizens recognized as disabled and deprived of support and outside care.

    The priorities include:

    Single spouses of military veterans, disabled people of the Great Patriotic War;
    - victims of radiation exposure due to Chernobyl tragedy, as well as those equivalent to them;
    - victims of political repression.

    Beneficiaries living with their family will receive help from the social center only if family members are recognized, have reached retirement age, or the person in need is left alone for a long time.

    List of required services

    When applying to the Center for Social Assistance, a person signs an agreement to provide him with social assistance. Social services must guarantee the fulfillment of the following obligations:

    1. Help with home repairs and cleaning.
    2. Cooking and feeding.
    3. Assistance in the delivery and purchase of food, manufactured goods and medicines (up to 4 kg).
    4. Replenishing water supplies, firing the stove.
    5. Handing over the clothes of the person in need for dry cleaning and delivering them back.
    6. Help with paying utility bills.
    7. Delivery of literature, assistance in writing letters.
    8. Providing social and medical assistance.
    9. Assistance in obtaining education and employment.
    11. Assistance in organizing funerals and preparing documents for funeral services.
    12. Legal assistance – preparation of personal documentation.

    If a person in need experiences exacerbations and is admitted to the hospital for day treatment, then the social worker is required to visit the patient twice a week. Also, if a person is bedridden and requires constant medical care, then the social assistance center is obliged to assign a person with a medical education to him.

    The services listed above are included in the mandatory list of services provided by the social center. Anything additional required will be paid separately.