How ostriches rush. Features of the reproductive system in ostriches. Factors affecting egg production

An ostrich egg is not only a natural product that can feed an entire family, but also a very important product. Creating ideal conditions for birds is the key to success and a constant large harvest of fruit. In this article we will talk about the egg production of ostriches, as well as how much a product such as an egg weighs.

Some farmers prefer to breed not only ordinary ostriches, but also Australian Emu, cassowary birds, and Nanda (South Africa). The period of egg production and the number of these bird species have much in common. But there are some nuances that should be taken into account and taken into account. For example, how many degrees should it be in the room where ostriches are flying or what the weight of the largest fruit in history was.

Females begin laying eggs at about two years of age. In rare cases, an African ostrich may begin to lay eggs when it is one and a half years old. At approximately this age, females begin to bear unfertilized membranes. Female Emu mature in the 40th month, and Nandu can become fertile when she is 2.5 years old.

Nature has it that these birds lay eggs twice a year: in winter and autumn (except for female Cassowaries, which lay eggs in August). How long will it take the female to replenish her clutch? The duration of this period is approximately 2 months. That is, if birds began laying eggs in February, the last offspring can be expected at the end of March. In autumn, ostriches lay in the same rhythm, providing farmers with offspring or fresh eggs.

Ostrich fruits can be of different colors: from white (African ostrich) to dark green (Emu, common cassowary) and yellow-golden (Nandu). The maximum harvest per season from one female can be up to 80 pieces. It happens that an ostrich does not have any offspring for a whole season in a row.

It is worth noting that these flightless birds never fly the same way from season to season. You shouldn't expect Nandu to lay 60 eggs because that's how many embryos there were last February. The egg production of ostriches of any variety can be affected by weather, nutrition (in particular, the lack of vegetables in the diet), housing conditions and other factors.

Good offspring are obtained from those birds that have the opportunity to eat grass with roots and swallow small pebbles. Birds that have sufficient space to move and live freely gain weight faster, which also affects egg production. In addition, this indicator is affected by the temperature of the room in which the ostriches are kept. How many degrees should it be in the pen for the bird to feel comfortable? Approximately from +16 to +20 C.

Stress affects how often birds lay eggs. If you breed ostriches and decide to transfer them from one premises to another, then be careful. Usually birds are very nervous in such situations and can bear less than that. important product like ostrich eggs. In such cases, you need to introduce an anti-stress diet consisting of an increased amount of nutrients. How many days before transfer should the birds be fed with a double dose of vitamins? About two days.

Do you want your pets to breed viable ostrich chicks and have high egg production? Then you should take care of adding herbal meal to your diet. It is especially important to give it to females in winter. During this period of time, the food of adults should consist of 5-7% grass meal. Ostrich chicks will need 3-5% of their diet.

The weight of ostrich eggs varies from 450 g to 1800 g. How many shelled chicken products can one ostrich creation replace? It turns out that there are approximately 40 pieces.

The African ostrich lays her future cubs in a common nesting hole. The parameters of the eggs of this species of flightless birds are as follows: the length of such a creation varies from 15 to 21 cm, and it weighs no more than 2 kg (with rare exceptions). An ostrich egg has a shell thickness of slightly more than 0.5 cm. One female ostrich of this species lays from 40 to 80 eggs during the productive season (it lasts from March to October).

Large nests are where Nandu ostriches lay their eggs. Typically, such nests can contain a clutch of 5-7 females. One clutch can contain from 15 to 40 products in a dense shell. The incubation period is approximately 1.5 months.

A female Emu carries an average of 11 to 20 eggs. She does this daily or once every three days. The shell of such embryos is approximately 1 mm. How much does such an ostrich product weigh? It can hold a maximum of 900 g. In addition, clutches with eggs weighing 700 g have been observed. All mating results of Emu birds are added up to clutches. The total clutch can contain up to 25 eggs.

The female common cassowary lays her greenish eggs in a nest of moss and leaves. A clutch can contain up to 6 eggs, the weight of which does not exceed half a kilogram. If the eggs are hatched correctly, the chicks of this bird appear in September.

Here are some facts about ostrich fruit that might surprise you:

  1. The largest product demolished by an ostrich was recorded in China. It weighs 2.35 kg with a diameter of 18.67 cm.
  2. The height of hatched chicks is 12 cm with an average weight of 500 g.
  3. Very often, females become very aggressive during the mating period and after the birth of their offspring (this is especially true for Emus).
  4. There are fewer calories in ostrich fruits than in chicken fruits.
  5. This product is a record holder for sodium and selenium.

In the video you can see how much protein and yolk is in a product such as an ostrich egg.

What weight do ostriches weigh?

An ostrich egg is still considered exotic for many. But things could change soon. Today there are ostrich farms in almost all countries. Many farmers breed these large birds. Soon ostriches will become quite familiar birds to us, and their eggs will appear on the dinner table.

How the female rushes

Female ostriches begin laying eggs at the age of two. Although in the first year egg production is not as strong as in subsequent seasons. These birds live up to 70 years, but you cannot count on egg production throughout their entire life, since ostriches often lay eggs only for the first 30-35 years. In winter, females do not lay eggs; this process occurs during the warm period. During the season they are able to lay up to 60 pieces. They do not lay eggs every day, but with breaks that can last more than a week.

In order for ostriches to lay eggs well, they need to create suitable conditions. Large space, availability of food and fresh grass, comfortable temperature - all this ensures regular laying. IN good conditions a female can hatch several dozen ostrich chicks in a year. When a bird is poorly maintained, it often happens that there are no offspring at all.

How an ostrich rushes (video)

Several females can lay eggs in one nest. Then they take turns incubating the eggs, sometimes the males replace them. The incubation period lasts more than a month. The chicks break the shell with their feet. The cubs hatch already sighted and with thick down to avoid freezing. After a few hours they stand up and can follow the adult birds. After hatching, the male usually takes care of the young.

Ostrich farms will not surprise anyone today. And if earlier they were focused on excursion options, today these farms have started producing eggs, meat, down and leather. Therefore, it is not difficult to buy an ostrich egg. But is it worth eating this delicacy? And what are its valuable properties?


Ostrich eggs are laid by the largest birds on the planet - African ostriches. It is not surprising that the weight of the egg (depending on the age of the female) can be from 1100 to 2100 g. The color of the shell is usually white, but may have a slightly yellowish tint. It is smooth, without roughness, but very porous.

Interesting Facts:

Attention! The product can be stored for no more than 3 months. Therefore, do not make a purchase in the middle of winter or in the spring - it will obviously be spoiled.

Beneficial features

This is a valuable dietary product because it contains a low level of carbohydrates. The main vitamins in its composition: A, K, B2, B3, B9, B12, PP. Also rare but very useful is the amino acid lysine.

Attention! This product contains absolutely no sodium. Therefore, it is especially important for the diet of people with arthritis, neuralgia and a tendency to gout.


Attention! If you are allergic to chicken protein, then there is a high probability that this delicacy is also prohibited for you.

How to buy a quality product

This product is an expensive pleasure. Therefore, your purchase must be reliable and safe. It is best to do this at an ostrich farm, where the owner can provide all the quality certificates.

Old specimens cannot be distinguished by the color or condition of the shell. How can you make sure that you are buying a truly fresh product? Important point- this is the absence of an air chamber and layer inside the egg. It appears only as a result of long-term storage of the product. Shake it. If you hear characteristic gurgling sounds, then you should not buy such a product. It's definitely not fresh.

How to cook properly

To avoid the risk of salmonellosis infection, the shells should be washed in soapy water before use. The cooking time depends on the consistency of the product you want to achieve.

  1. To soft-boil, you need to keep it for 50 minutes.
  2. To hard boil, you need to keep it on the stove for 70-80 minutes.

The washed egg is placed in cold water and boiled in a metal or enamel pan. If you want to use the product for frying, you need to drill a wide hole using a drill, and then use a special knitting needle or a long wooden stick to mix the egg contents and pour into a container or frying pan.

Storage rules:

  • 90 days.
  • In the refrigerator at a temperature of 0 to 10 °C.
  • Do not freeze!

Original omelet recipe

Chicken eggs can easily be replaced with ostrich eggs in any of your usual dishes. The only difference is that you will replace three dozen at once! Therefore, preparing such a delicacy can be for a very large family or for a feast. You can use it in baking, preparing egg rolls, biscuits, which, according to classic recipes, require at least a dozen chicken eggs. And, of course, you can cook luxurious exotic scrambled eggs or an omelet.

To prepare, take the following products:

  • 1 medium sized ostrich egg.
  • 1 glass of milk.
  • 5 tbsp. olive oil.
  • 5 tbsp. l. heavy cream.

  • A large bunch of herbs (basil and dill are most suitable).
  • Green onions in large quantities.
  • 2 bell peppers.
  • 3 tomatoes.
  • 75 g flour.
  • 200 g hard cheese.
  • Spices.

How to cook?

Advice! Housewives will love the option of making an express sandwich. A boiled ostrich egg can be cut into rings and placed on toasted square slices of bread. Spread the bread with cream cheese and sprinkle the egg with herbs. The sandwich will look very original!

An ostrich egg is a valuable and low-calorie product. It will help diversify both your usual diet and the holiday menu.

Peking omelette: video

An ostrich egg is an exotic food product that has a high price on the market. In cooking, only table specimens are used or those that were laid by young females; fertilized ones are carefully protected so that healthy ostrich cubs hatch from them. Ostrich eggs are used for cooking in elite restaurants and for breeding poultry on farms.

An ostrich egg is an exotic food product that has a high price on the market.

An ostrich egg has a strong shell, so it is used to make artistic items that are engraved and used to create paintings or portraits. Many farmers study for a long time how often this exotic bird rushes and study the behavior of female ostriches. The laying period begins in March and lasts until October. During this time, one female is capable of laying from 40 to 80 eggs. Some may be even more productive.

The weight of one ostrich egg depends on the conditions of detention, nutrition and care. Thus, offspring will appear in spring and autumn, and only the Cassowary breed lays eggs once a year, in August.

Eggs differ in the following parameters:

  • form;
  • color;
  • size.

It all depends on the breed of birds, their habitat and where the clutch is located. One egg weighs between 0.4-1.8 kg and its volume can accommodate from 25 to 40 chicken eggs. Weight ostrich egg sometimes reaches 2-3 kg, although there are also record holders - more than 18 kg. It has a very strong, albeit rather thin shell. It is difficult to break it, and it takes a lot of effort to do it.

An ostrich egg has a strong shell.

Ostrich eggs can be of two colors - black or dark green, light yellow (with a pinkish tint). It all depends on what kind of plumage the ostrich has. The darker the color of the bird, the darker they will be and vice versa. The peculiarity is that you can get the required number of copies only in the warm season. During this period, the yolk acquires a rich yellow color, and the white becomes transparent. The white is the main mass of the egg, and the rest is the yolk. Most of the specimens obtained are incubatory, the rest are used in cooking.

Ostrich egg (video)

Laying frequency

At the beginning of the laying period, ostriches lay frequently. The female lays eggs in several stages, from which ostrich chicks may then emerge. At the beginning of the egg-laying period, the bird is able to lay alternately from 10 to 30 eggs. This is done every other day, and then there is a pause that lasts until the beginning of September. In spring there is a very high probability that the eggs will be fertilized (about 90% of ostrich fruits). At the end of laying, this percentage decreases significantly, so the cubs hatch only from the early “fruits”.

Female production lasts from 25 to 35 years, so one pair of ostriches can be a valuable investment for breeders for a very long time. A baby ostrich is highly prized, and experts make sure that the baby ostrich is healthy and kept in excellent conditions.

The female lays eggs in several stages, from which ostrich chicks may then emerge.

The shelf life of whole eggs is very long, which is due to the strong and durable shell. If you place an ostrich egg in the refrigerator, it can be stored for about six months. Broken or slightly damaged fruits can be stored for no more than three days, but the entire contents must be poured into a container and covered tightly with a lid.

Cooking methods (video)

Factors affecting egg production

Firstly, it is influenced by the fact that different breeds of ostriches are kept together. In this case, birds may have similar living conditions. But the offspring will be affected by minor fluctuations temperature regime, the warmth of the ostrich's home, which is very important for egg production.

  1. Firstly, a comfortable temperature for keeping these majestic birds is considered to be one that will constantly remain at around 16-20ºС. It is not recommended to change the ostrich's home before laying; this will negatively affect the female. She will be worried and will not be able to concentrate on breeding.
  2. Secondly, you need to take into account the height of individuals, their weight and other body parameters.
  3. Thirdly, the conditions of detention and the way the ostriches lay play an important role.
  4. Fourth, the birds must eat well. If ostriches eat grass along with roots, swallow pebbles small sizes, then the offspring will be numerous and of high quality.
  5. Fifthly, the birds must have complete freedom of movement, which will allow them to gain weight. This is one of the key factors for high fertility and egg laying rhythm.
  6. Sixth, at the beginning of spring you need to add vitamins, microelements and other useful substances to your diet.

It is also worth adding so-called grass flour to your food, which will increase fertility. It is important to provide such food not only to adults, but also to chicks. Experts advise increasing the amount of grass meal in the diet of ostrich chicks to 5% of the total amount of food. Birds should always be kept in calm conditions. If they are frightened, then the egg production of ostriches will be stopped.

Females begin to lay eggs at the age of 1.5-2 years. Effectiveness depends on the breed and climatic conditions. For example, the Emu ostrich is able to lay eggs only in the third year of life, the African ostrich - at 1.5 years, and the rhea - at 2.5 years. Their eggs are rarely fertilized and are therefore suitable for consumption.

In order for birds to breed, they need to create the right families. Typically an ostrich family consists of two females and one male. Laying lasts two months, starting in February and ending at the end of March. There are cases when in one season the female brings a large number of offspring, and next year it may not appear. The same goes for uniformity. One year a female can bring, for example, 60 pieces, and the next - half as much.

It is almost impossible to predict what the result will be in a particular season. Even experienced breeders cannot predict exactly what kind of offspring they will produce or how many eggs will be sold. The more stable the living conditions, the calmer the bird will feel. And then it will be possible to get almost the same number of cubs from year to year.

The size of the ostrich egg has always been impressive. How impressive it is in size is judged by the fact that it can feed the whole family. By collecting ostrich eggs, it is possible to make a good profit for the family budget. To do this, you need to know the frequency of birds laying eggs and what contributes to a positive result.

Ostrich eggs are a profitable product

What influences the laying frequency of ostriches?

It happens that farmers breed ordinary ostriches together with Australian ones, called Emu, as well as cassowaries, Nanda (South African).

They have many similarities during the time of insanity. But it also has its own characteristics that must be taken into account:

  • heat temperature of the home during the egg-laying period;
  • what is the possible weight of the largest fruit.

Ostriches that eat grass with roots and swallow small stones have good offspring. A bird that feels freedom of movement increases its weight faster, which has a positive effect on the laying rhythm. Room temperature is of great importance for the proper development of birds. Ostriches feel comfortable at a temperature of +16-20 degrees.

Stress has a negative effect on the laying frequency of ostriches. When moving ostriches to another room, you should be careful and not rush. Birds are worried in this situation, which negatively affects egg production. To prevent this from happening, increase the amount of beneficial substances that work as antidepressants.

How many days should birds be given increased amounts of vitamins and microelements? Usually - two days.

In order for ostriches to produce healthy chicks with resourceful egg production, it is useful to add grass meal to their food. It is very important to give it specifically to females in winter period. The diet of adult ostriches at this time should consist of 5-7% grass meal. For chicks – 3-5%.

Ostriches should not be frightened, otherwise they will stop laying eggs.

When do ostriches start laying eggs?

If we say, when ostriches begin to lay eggs, the process of egg production is expected after two years of their life. Sometimes, the African ostrich lays eggs even at one and a half years old.

Initially, individuals bring unfertilized egg shells. So, Emu ostriches mature only in the fortieth month. But Nanda becomes fertile after 2.5 years.

But for fertilization, it is better to stick to the optimal (already proven) option - one male and two females.

How many times do ostriches lay eggs in a year? All birds lay eggs twice a year - in winter and in autumn. The only breed of Cassowary lays eggs once a year - in August.

Replenishment of the clutch by individuals occurs over the course of two months. Starting laying eggs in February, the final hatch is expected in late March. In the autumn, ostriches lay in their usual rhythm, and farmers receive chicks or eggs.

An ostrich lays eggs for two months

How many eggs does one individual lay?

Fun fact: Ostrich eggs come in different colors. So, in the African breed they are white, in the Emu they are dark green, in the Nandus they are golden-yellow. How many eggs does an individual lay? The largest number of fruits per season for one individual is 80 pieces. But there are exceptions when the female does not give birth to offspring the entire season.

An important feature is that ostriches do not lay eggs evenly every season. So, if Nandu had 60 embryos in the previous period, there is no need to expect the same result again.

The main factors affecting egg production:

  • climatic conditions;
  • food quality;
  • conditions of detention.

Ostriches lay unevenly, and it is quite difficult to predict the number of eggs

Characteristics of eggs

The shell of such a fruit is extremely similar to porcelain, therefore it is used in artistic direction. A variety of products are made from it and painted or engraved.

The eggshell is surprising in its large size and it is fairly light, but is highly durable. Such a shell is difficult to break. Its color scheme is associated with the color of bird feathers.

Stately, dark-colored Emu ostriches lay dark greenish eggs, white-gray birds are stockier, but bear picturesque pink-yellow fruits.

The yolk has a rich yellow color. To hard-boil an ostrich product, it will take 1 hour and 15 minutes.

The eggshell is surprising in its large size, but it is quite light, but durable. It's hard to break. The color scheme of the eggs is associated with the color of the feathers of the individuals.

Proud Emu ostriches with stately necks and dark colors lay dark greenish eggs, white-gray birds are more squat and bear beautiful pink-yellow fruits.

The yolk has a rich yellow color. To prepare hard-boiled eggs, cook for 1 hour and 15 minutes.

Only one egg is taken to prepare one dish. But, often this is a lot, so you can cook it in parts, and store what’s left in the refrigerator for no more than 2-3 days. Due to the good strength of the shell, ostrich eggs can last up to three months.

The ostrich egg is highly durable and you can stand on it without fear.

How does the number of eggs depend on the type of ostrich?

People often wonder how much an ostrich fetus can weigh? This figure ranges from 450 grams to 1800 grams. How many chicken eggs replace one ostrich egg? The quantity is impressive - 40 pieces.

The African ostrich likes to deposit fertilized fruits in a common nesting hole. The characteristics of these eggs are as follows:

  • egg length 15-21 cm;
  • weight reaches two kilograms;
  • thick shell exceeding 0.5 cm.

How many fruits does an African ostrich produce?

During the season, she brings from 40 to 80 eggs.

Nandu ostriches lay fruits in large nests with a clutch capacity of 5-7 females. How many eggs can one clutch have? There are from 15 to 40. The incubation period is 1.5 months.

But the female Emu produces from 11 to 20 testicles. How often does an emu lay eggs? It happens every day, but it happens once in three days.

The thickness of the egg shell is 1 mm. How many grams will these eggs weigh? The largest weight will be 900 grams, but there may be 700 grams. After mating, Emu ostriches lay their fruits in clutches containing up to 25 eggs.

A cassowary egg weighs about half a kilo.

Cassowary ostriches have green fruits. Their nest consists of moss and leaves. Up to six eggs can be in a clutch. They weigh no more than 500 grams. With proper incubation of the fruits, chicks appear already in September.

Amazing facts

Some amazing facts about ostrich eggs:

  1. The largest ostrich egg was recorded in China, weighing 2.35 kilograms with a diameter of 18.67 cm.
  2. Only the hatched chicks were 12 cm tall and 500 grams of weight.
  3. During the mating stage and after the birth of chicks, females become quite aggressive. Emus often express themselves this way.
  4. Ostrich eggs are lower in calories than chicken eggs.
  5. This product includes great amount selenium and sodium.