How a dunno did good deeds. Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov. All the Adventures of Dunno in one book How Dunno does good deeds

Finally, Button couldn’t stand it anymore and asked:

Tell me, Dunno, what fly bit you today? Why are you so boring?

“No fly has bitten me yet today,” answered Dunno. - And I’m boring because I’m bored.

That's how I explained it! - Button laughed. - Boring because it's boring. Try to explain more clearly.

Well, you see,” said Dunno, spreading his hands, “in our city everything is somehow not as it should be.” There are no, you know, miracles, nothing magical... It’s just like the old days! Then at almost every step you met wizards, sorcerers, or at least witches. It’s not for nothing that fairy tales tell about this.

Of course, not without reason,” agreed Button. - But there were wizards not only in the old days. They still exist, but not everyone can meet them.

Who can meet them? Maybe you? - Dunno asked with mockery.

What are you, what are you! - Button waved her hands. “You know, I’m such a coward that if I met a wizard now, I probably wouldn’t say a word out of fear.” But you could probably talk to the wizard, because you are very brave.

Of course, I’m brave,” Dunno confirmed. - But for some reason I still haven’t met a single wizard.

This is because courage alone is not enough here,” said Button. - I read in some fairy tale that you need to do three good deeds in a row. Then the wizard will appear in front of you and give you everything you ask him.

And even a magic wand?

Even a magic wand.

Look! - Dunno was surprised. - What do you think is considered a good deed? If, for example, I get up in the morning and wash my face with cold water and soap, will that be a good thing?

Of course,” said Button. - If it’s hard for someone, and you help, if someone is offended, and you protect, these will also be good deeds. Even if someone helps you, and you say thank you for it, you will also do well, because you should always be grateful and polite.

Well, in my opinion, this is not a difficult matter,” said Dunno.

No, it’s very difficult,” Knopochka objected, “because three good deeds must be done in a row, and if at least one bad deed comes between them, then nothing will come of it and you’ll have to start all over again.” In addition, a good deed will only be good if you do it selflessly, without thinking that you are doing it for any personal gain.

“Well, of course, of course,” Dunno agreed. - What a good deed it will be if you do it for profit! Well, today I’ll rest some more, and tomorrow I’ll start doing good deeds, and if all this is true, then the magic wand will soon be in our hands!

Chapter two


The next day Dunno woke up early and began to do good deeds. First of all, he washed himself properly with cold water, and did not spare soap, and thoroughly brushed his teeth.

That’s already one good deed,” he said to himself, drying himself with a towel and carefully combing his hair in front of the mirror.

Toropyzhka saw him twirling in front of the mirror and said:

Good, good! Nothing to say, very beautiful!

Yes, prettier than you! - Dunno answered.

Certainly. We need to look for a beautiful face like yours!

What you said? Whose face is this? Is this my face? - Dunno got angry and hit Toropyzhka on the back with a towel.

Toropyzhka just waved his hand and quickly ran away from Dunno.

Wretched Toropyzhka! - Dunno shouted after him. - Because of you, a good deed was lost!

The good deed really went to waste, as he became angry with Toropyzhka and hit him on the back with a towel. Dunno, of course, committed a bad deed, and now it was necessary to start the whole thing all over again.

Having calmed down a little. Dunno began to think about what other good deed he could do, but for some reason nothing practical came to mind. Before breakfast he had not come up with anything, but after breakfast his head began to think a little better. Seeing that Doctor Pilyulkin began to pound some kind of medicine in a mortar, Dunno said:

You, Pilyulkin, keep working, keep helping others, but no one wants to help you. Let me give you some medicine for you.

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How Dunno did good deeds

The next day Dunno woke up early and began to do good deeds. First of all, he washed himself properly with cold water, and did not spare soap, and brushed his teeth thoroughly.

That’s already one good deed,” he said to himself, drying himself with a towel and carefully combing his hair in front of the mirror.

Toropyzhka saw him twirling in front of the mirror and said:

Good, good! Nothing to say, very beautiful!

Yes, prettier than you! - Dunno answered.

Certainly. We need to look for a beautiful face like yours!

What you said? Whose face is this? Is this my face? - Dunno got angry and whipped Toropyzhka on the back with a towel.

Toropyzhka just waved his hand and quickly ran away from Dunno.

Wretched Toropyzhka! - Dunno shouted after him. - Because of you, a good deed was lost!

The good deed really went to waste, as he became angry with Toropyzhka and hit him on the back with a towel. Dunno, of course, committed a bad deed, and now it was necessary to start the whole thing all over again.

Having calmed down a little. Dunno began to think about what else to do a good deed, but for some reason nothing practical came to mind. Before breakfast he had not come up with anything, but after breakfast his head began to think a little better. Seeing that Doctor Pilyulkin began to pound some kind of medicine in a mortar, Dunno said:

You, Pilyulkin, keep working, keep helping others, but no one wants to help you. Let me give you some medicine for you.

Please,” Pilyulkin agreed. - It's very good that you want to help me. We should all help each other.

He gave Dunno a mortar, and Dunno began to grind the powder, and Pilyulkin made pills from this powder. Dunno got so carried away that he crushed even more powder than necessary.

“Well, nothing,” he thought. - This will not interfere with the matter. But I did a good deed.”

The matter really would have ended quite happily if Dunno had not been seen doing this by Syrup and Donut.

Look,” said Donut, “Dunno, apparently, also decided to become a doctor.” It will be fun when he starts healing everyone!

No, he probably decided to suck up to Pilyulkin so that he wouldn’t give him castor oil,” answered Siropchik.

Hearing these ridicule, Dunno got angry and swung a mortar at Syrupchik:

And you, Syrup, keep quiet, otherwise I’ll hit you with a mortar!

Stop! Stop! - Doctor Pilyulkin shouted.

He wanted to take the mortar from Dunno, but Dunno wouldn’t give it back, and they began to fight. During the fight, Pilyulkin caught his foot on the table. The table overturned. All the powder fell onto the floor, the pills rolled into different sides. Pilyulkin forcibly managed to take away the mortar from Dunno, and he said:

Get out of here, you bastard! May I never see you here again! How much medicine was wasted!

Oh you disgusting Syrup! - Dunno swore. - I’ll show you more, if only you come across me! What a good deed wasted!

Yes, the good deed was lost this time too, because Dunno didn’t even have time to complete it.

It was like this all day. No matter how hard Dunno tried, he could not do not only three, but even two good deeds in a row. If he managed to do something good, then immediately after that he did something bad, and sometimes some kind of nonsense came out of a good deed at the very beginning.

At night Dunno could not sleep for a long time and kept wondering why he could do this. Gradually he realized that all his failures were due to the fact that he had too rude a character. As soon as someone joked or made some harmless remark, Dunno immediately became offended, began to scream and even got into a fight.

Well, nothing,” Dunno consoled himself. - Tomorrow I will become more polite, and then things will go smoothly.

The next morning Dunno seemed to be reborn. He became very polite and delicate. If he turned to someone with a request, he always said “please” - a word that had never been heard from him in his life. In addition, he tried to serve and please everyone.

Seeing that Rasterika could not find his hat, which he constantly lost, he also began to search throughout the room and eventually found the hat under the bed. After that, he apologized to Pilyulkin for yesterday and asked him to allow him to grind powder again. Doctor Pilyulkin did not allow grinding the powder, but gave instructions to pick lilies of the valley from the garden, which he needed to prepare lily of the valley drops. Dunno diligently fulfilled this order. Then he cleaned the hunter Pulka's new hunting boots with wax, then began sweeping the floors in the rooms, although that day it was not his turn at all. In general, he did a whole bunch of good deeds and kept waiting for a good wizard to appear in front of him and give him a magic wand. However, the day ended, and the wizard still did not appear.

Dunno became terribly angry.

Why did you lie to me about the wizard? - he said, meeting the next day with Button. “I tried like a fool, I did a whole bunch of good deeds, but I never even saw a wizard!”

“I didn’t lie to you,” Knopochka began to justify herself. - I remember exactly that I read about this in some fairy tale.

Why didn't the wizard appear? - Dunno advanced angrily.

The button says:

Well, the wizard himself knows when he needs to appear. Maybe you did not do three good deeds, but less.

- “Not three, not three”! - Dunno snorted contemptuously. - Not three, but probably thirty-three - that’s how much!

The button shrugged:

This means that you probably did good deeds not in a row, but interspersed with bad ones.

- “Interspersed with the bad ones”! - Dunno mimicked Knopochka and made such a face that Knopochka even backed away in fright. - If you want to know, yesterday I was polite all day and didn’t do anything bad: I didn’t swear, I didn’t fight, and if I said any words, it was only “sorry,” “thank you,” “please.”

“I haven’t heard these words from you today,” Knopochka shook her head.

Yes, I’m not telling you about today, but about yesterday.

Dunno and Button began to think about why everything turned out this way, and could not come up with anything. Finally Button said:

Or maybe you didn’t do these actions selflessly, but for profit?

Dunno even flared up:

How is this not selfless? What are you talking about! Helped the confused girl find her hat. Is this hat mine, or what? Pilyulkina collected lilies of the valley. What benefit do I have from these lilies of the valley?

Why did you collect them?

As if you don't understand? She said it herself: if I do three good deeds, I will receive a magic wand.

So you did all this to get a magic wand?


You see, but you speak disinterestedly.

Why do you think I should do these things, if not for the sake of the wand?

Well, you should do them just like that, with good intentions.

What other incentives are there!

Oh you! - Button said with a grin. “You can probably do good only when you know that they will give you some kind of reward for it - a magic wand or something else.” I know that we have children who even try to be polite only because it has been explained to them that by being polite and pleasing they can achieve something for themselves.

Well, I’m not like that,” Dunno waved his hand. - If you want, I can be polite for nothing and I can do good deeds without any benefit.

After parting with Knopochka, Dunno went home. He now decided to do good deeds only out of good intentions and not even think about the magic wand. However, it’s easy to talk - not to think! In fact, when you want not to think about something, you must only think about that.

What are you reading there that’s so interesting? You should read it out loud.

Dunno just wanted to say: “If you want it so much, then take it and read it yourself,” but at that time he remembered the magic wand and thought that if he fulfilled Pulka’s request, he would do a good deed.

“Okay, listen,” Dunno agreed and began to read the book out loud.

Hunter Pulka listened with pleasure, and he was not so bored with cleaning his gun. Other short children heard that Dunno was reading fairy tales, and also gathered around to listen.

Well done, Dunno! - they said when the book ended. - It was a great idea of ​​yours to read it out loud.

Dunno was pleased that he was being praised, and at the same time it was very annoying that he remembered the magic wand at the wrong time.

“If I hadn’t remembered the stick and agreed to read the book just like that, I would have done it with good intentions, but now it turns out that I read for profit,” thought Dunno.

This happened every time: Dunno did good deeds only when he remembered the magic wand; when he forgot about her, he was only capable of doing bad things. Of course, to tell the truth, sometimes he still managed to do some very tiny good deed, without at all thinking that he was doing it for the sake of a magic wand. However, this happened so rarely that it is not worth mentioning.

Days, weeks and months passed... Dunno gradually became disillusioned with the magic wand. The further he went, the less often he thought about her, and in the end he decided that getting a magic wand was an unattainable dream for him, since he would never be able to selflessly perform three good deeds in a row.

You know,” he once said to Button, “it seems to me that there is no magic wand in the world, and no matter how many actions you perform, you will only get a bang.”

Dunno even laughed with pleasure, because these words turned out to rhyme. The button also laughed, and then said:

Why did the fairy tale say that you need to do three good deeds?

This fairy tale must have been deliberately invented so that some stupid little people would learn to do good deeds,” said Dunno.

“This is a reasonable explanation,” said Button.

“Very reasonable,” Dunno agreed. - Well, I don’t regret that it all turned out this way. In any case, it was useful for me. While I was trying to do good deeds, I got used to washing my face with cold water every morning, and now I even like it.

Hall and the scene is decorated with the scenery of the Flower City: 3 houses, a vegetable garden, large flowers.

Guys, today I will tell you interesting story about the short little kid Dunno, who lived in the Flower City with his friends: Znayka and Knopochka, Vintik and Shpuntik, Doctor Pilyulkin and the artist Tube. In general, he was a good boy, but he very often committed rash acts that led to misfortunes and quarrels with friends. Today my story is about how Dunno learned to do good deeds. And this is what came of it!

Dunno comes out to sad music and sits on a bench. Singing “A Song about a Grasshopper,” Button comes out and stops next to Dunno..

Hello, Dunno!(Dunno does not answer)Dunno, good afternoon!

How kind is he? I'm not feeling well today and I'm very bored.

Maybe you feel bad because you haven’t wished it on anyone today good morning, didn't say "hello"?

Hello! - you tell the person.

Hello! – he will smile in response.

And he probably won’t go to the pharmacy,

And you will be healthy for many years.

Well, sorry, Button. Hello! And I’m bored because no miracles happen in our city.

But I read in one fairy tale that you need to do three good deeds, then a Kind fairy and will give you a magic wand...

To do miracles?

Yes, miracles.

What is considered a good deed? If I get up in the morning and wash my face with cold water, will that be a good thing?

Of course that's good! But if it’s hard for someone, and you help; if someone is offended and you protect them, these will be very good deeds. Even if someone helps you, and you say “thank you” for it, you will also do well, because you should always be grateful and polite.

Well, this is not difficult!(waves his hand and runs away)

Wait, where are you going? What a fidget, he didn’t even say goodbye!

The rest of the short people come out of the houses and line up in a row. Conductor Znayka is ahead.

So! Let's start rehearsal!

Performing “Good Song” by Protasov

Dunno enters

What are you doing here?

We teach a song about politeness, friendship and kindness.

And I also decided to make friends with everyone and do only good deeds.

Let's see how you do it!(everyone leaves)

Who should I help?(walks around, lost in thought)

A screen house with hospital decorations unfolds. Pilyulkin stirs the medicine.

Hello, Pilyulkin, what are you doing?

I mix the mixture and add flowers.

I save everyone from disgusting actions.

I have a potion for laziness,

A syrup for sadness, a pill for lies.

If you suddenly get sick,

I will cure you instantly - just tell me.

Can I help you? I really need to do a good deed!

OK then! Pick three daisies from the flowerbed for laughter and three bells for success.

Dunno collects all the flowers in a flowerbed.

Finally, I will now do a good deed. There is more Narva - and the flowers will act better.

He brings flowers to Pilyulkin, who sadly shakes his head

What have you done, Dunno! I tore off all the flowers in the flowerbed!

So, did I do the wrong thing and I didn’t do a good deed?! And I tried so hard! Well, never mind, I'll try again!(Leaves)

The screen house unfolds - the workshop of Vintik and Shpuntik. They sit in a children's pedal car and sing a song.

You and I are driving, the two of us are sitting behind the wheel.

Don't yawn around, all the guys are waving to us.

You need to drive carefully: field, river, road sign.

Everything is running towards us - don’t look around!(are going)

Cog, turn right!

Shpuntik, there's a ditch ahead!

The traffic light in the distance is on: the light is green - the path is open!

Cog, slow down! Looks like the tire is flat!

They get out of the car and inspect it. Dunno approaches.

Hello, Vintik! Hello, Shpuntik! What happened to you?

Well, the tire is flat!

Let me help you pump it up. I really need a good deed! Please!

Well, try it!(Leave)

Now I’ll pump more, and the action will be better.

The sound of a bursting wheel is heard (bursting a balloon)

Well, what have you done? The tire burst, but we don’t have a spare one. They push the car into the garage.

Eh, again a good deed failed. What else could I do good? Need to think…(Leaves)

Sineglazka, Button, Galochka and other girls come out.

Performing "Rhythmics"at the choice of the music director

Once you've danced, it's time to get to work!

There are many beds in the garden: carrots and lettuce.

Every day we come running and water our beds.

We promise you guys, the harvest will be rich!

Hi girls!

I want to work with you, I’ll bring some water,

And I will treat the flowers with cold water.

He runs to the well, brings water and pours it on the garden bed and the girls. They squeal and shake themselves off.

Dunno, you broke all our seedlings! Leave!

The girls go to the house. Dunno remains.

Well, again it didn’t turn out to be a good deed. You try and try, but nothing works!The button comes out.

Hello, Button! I wanted to do so many good things today, but nothing worked out for me!

Good deeds should be done not for oneself, but for others. Then a miracle will happen.

So! Now I understand everything!

Dunno takes the necessary attributes. All the characters go out to their houses.

Pilyulkin, this is for your medicine.(gives 3 flowers)

Thank you, Dunno! Now that's what we need.

Cog! Shpuntik! Here's a new wheel for your car.(gives back the wheel)

Thank you, Dunno!

Girls, help yourself. (holds out a basket of fruit)

Thank you, Dunno! (Kisses on the cheek on both sides)

Well, here's another! What tenderness! Let's dance better.

They perform the “Imaginary” dance of the muses. Rachmaninov

(at the end, they go to their houses, except for Dunno)

I did so many good deeds today, but the Good Fairy never showed up. Perhaps these are all fairy tales.

The Fairy enters, dressed as an old woman with a basket and a stick in her hands. The dog Bulka runs in, barks at the Fairy, who throws the basket and waves it off with a stick.

Bulka, go back! You can't scare people!(takes the dog behind the house and returns, the Fairy is about to leave)

Wait, grandma, you left your basket! Take it! Did my dog ​​bite you?

No, I didn't bite. I see you are a good boy. He protected me from the dog, brought my basket, found out if the dog had bitten me. You have done three good deeds.

Yes?! I didn't even notice! I wouldn’t be at all surprised if I meet the good Fairy today.

And you've already met her!(takes off cape)Dunno, you deserve a magic wand. She's yours.(gives) Now you don't have to do good deeds. After all, a magic wand will fulfill your every wish!

Thank you! (gets ready to leave, thinks about it, comes back and gives the wand to the Fairy)Thank you, good Fairy, but now I don’t need a magic wand.


After all, if you do good deeds for others, and not for yourself, then you yourself become a bit of a magician. And I liked it!

Well, Dunno, I’m glad that you understood this! Goodbye!(Leaves)

Goodbye! (Runs into the house)

This is how wonderfully this interesting story ended!

All the characters come out.

The song “Everything happens in childhood” is performed! Dobrynina.