How to equip a warehouse? Equipment and technical equipment of the warehouse. Peat and coal storage

A properly organized warehouse is one of the most important and powerful links in the chain of operation of a business related to cars, be it a car shop, a service station or a wholesale warehouse. You can consider an auto parts warehouse as a separate business; basically, it allows you to reduce the costs of storage, maintenance and other expense items of a larger structure.

Due to the rapid movement of goods, the warehouse makes it possible to accelerate the turnover of capital investments. The key point the organization of a warehouse is the movement of goods, not their storage - this principle is extremely important in planning and determines the overall efficiency of the warehouse.

modern Class A auto parts warehouse

There is no unambiguous classification of automobile spare parts warehouses, but it is possible to identify the main groups, which makes it possible to more accurately approach the problem:

  • Warehouses of central offices;
  • Warehouses official dealers and unofficial representations;
  • Warehouses of chains selling auto parts;
  • Warehouses of auto parts stores;
  • Spare parts warehouses for repair shops (service stations)

Understanding which of these categories a warehouse falls into is one of the main points in the entire warehouse setup.

Selecting the size and location of the spare parts warehouse

The size of the future warehouse is determined by the type of activity and the planned turnover. For small businesses in the field retail auto parts, warehouses at service stations and repair shops do not require huge premises, so the optimal solution would be small prefabricated warehouses made of light reinforced concrete materials. Such warehouses can be built in both “warm” and “cold” versions.

Two main materials are used for cladding - SIP panel and profiled steel sheet. The panels are good for “warm” type warehouses, where the desired temperature is maintained in winter. Corrugated sheeting is suitable for warehouses without heating.

For a small warehouse, a successful ready-made solution may be.

For larger projects, for warehouses of retail dealer networks or official representative offices, you can also use ready-made solutions, for example:

example standard solution warehouse from LMK

The building elements are made in industrial conditions from steel sheet materials, which ensures high precision. The design is characterized by significant strength and resistance to fire, wind and seismic loads. At the same time, the structural elements occupy a minimum area, which allows you to increase the usable area of ​​the building. In some cases, the area used expands by 20%, which simplifies the question of how to equip a spare parts warehouse.

The main advantage of such structures is the price. The average cost of 1 m 2 of warehouse is from 2,500 rubles.

Organization of loading and unloading area

The warehouse area consists of three main zones: receiving, storage and delivery. To optimize the operation of a spare parts warehouse as much as possible, it is necessary to correctly set the incoming and outgoing flow of goods. For incoming traffic, the warehouse must be equipped with convenient access roads, warehouse gates and platforms for convenient loading and unloading of goods.


The wrong approach is to organize the incoming flow from an area adjacent to the warehouse when the warehouse is located as part of a larger station. If the warehouse is not on the ground floor, it is recommended to install a freight elevator.

For convenient and prompt acceptance of goods, it is necessary to provide a “bridge” between the floor of the warehouse and the side of the truck that delivers the products to the warehouse. For this purpose, special dock levelers or dockwellers are used:

In the case where the warehouse is part of a city or regional representative office of the brand, the outgoing flow should be divided into 2 parts - exit to the repair and maintenance area, and delivery to the client area, where direct sales are carried out. There is no retail in the central representative office, and all the accents of the warehouse are shifted.

example of unloading area equipment at a VW parts warehouse

By analyzing these flows, you can choose the most convenient location for a warehouse on the station territory. After this, the dimensions of the warehouse are determined. To do this, the required warehouse volume, frequency and volume of replenishment, and the speed of internal processing of goods are taken into account. There are also deeper components - assortment, seasonality, etc.

Design of goods placement in a warehouse

When planning a warehouse, you must be guided by the following principles:

  • Maximum convenient placement of spare parts;
  • Reducing the time it takes to receive products from storage;
  • Reducing the time it takes to receive goods and place them in the warehouse.

When taking these principles into account when deciding how to store spare parts in a warehouse, situations often arise that good idea for one task contradicts another. Here is an example of a well-designed area for storing goods in an auto parts warehouse:

Diagram of the correct placement of shelving in an auto parts warehouse (source

The storage area can be divided into the following parts depending on the groups of warehouse items:

Body parts

This group includes hoods, fenders, doors, bumpers, etc. To store them, vertical racks for storing spare parts with adjustable dividers are used. On average, one part takes up 20 cm from the width of the rack. Some parts can be nested inside each other, such as plastic fenders and bumpers. When choosing the size of this part of the warehouse, you should focus on the general direction of the station’s operation.

For example, dealers’ work is aimed at simple and quick repairs, so the number of stored body parts is small. If the question is how to open a warehouse for auto body parts, then this part of the warehouse will occupy a large space.

Tires and wheels

This product group requires special conditions. In many auto centers these conditions are not met - rubber products are stored in stacks or folded in a herringbone pattern. During long-term storage, this leads to deformation of the rubber at the points of contact with supporting structures. Recommended.

special racking systems for storing tires and wheels

For ease of storage, the racks can be equipped with additional elements, primarily dividers. This allows you to place not only tires, but also other auto parts on one rack. The number of wheels varies significantly depending on the type of warehouse. IN regional offices brand can contain up to 500 sets at a time.

Fuels and lubricants

The peculiarity of their storage is the requirement in a separate storage location. In practice, a partition is simply installed that shows a separate room. Liquids are packaged in 200 and 60 liter barrels, as well as smaller containers. If work is carried out with trucks, then the required number of barrels increases by an order of magnitude. For storage, it is recommended to use racks with grates; this simplifies the removal of smudges.

Attention. If you plan to store flammable liquids in a warehouse, a mandatory step in arranging the warehouse will be the installation

Spare parts of medium and small dimensions

They are packaged in boxes, and there are no problems with them when it comes to how spare parts are stored in the warehouse. In the average center there are 2-3 thousand items of small-sized spare parts. It is quite convenient to use containers with internal dividers for them.

Automation of spare parts warehouse

This stage of the business plan concerns large warehouses of wholesale dealers and large representatives with a premises area of ​​several thousand square meters. However, small businesses that plan to expand will also be interested in knowing about new technologies used to automate logistics processes in auto parts warehouses.

Most important means automation is a warehouse management system. It determines the optimal routes and locations for placing products. The effectiveness of such a system is best seen when working with big amount nomenclature. The management system allows you to reduce to a minimum the costs associated with processing goods, the number of warehouse employees, and minimize errors associated with human factor and speed up the order processing process as much as possible.

How to save space in a warehouse when storing auto parts?

  • If the turnover in your warehouse has increased and the number of product items has increased significantly
  • If your employees spend a lot of time selecting orders
  • We need to expand the warehouse, but I want to save money and not invest in the construction of new space

Consider an example that allowed us to reduce the storage area in a warehouse by 75% (from 2000 to 500 sq.m.)

For questions regarding the construction and design of warehouse premises, please contact us via the feedback form

Reliable and safe storage of products is an important condition for its successful sale. Expansion of production or search for a new niche in the market makes it necessary to more practical arrangement of existing warehouses and the creation of new racking systems.

Commissioning of warehouse premises and proper organization Their work allows us to significantly increase trade turnover, ensure the safety of products, and create the most suitable savings conditions for each category of goods. Before you start equipping warehouses, you need to familiarize yourself with their varieties and choose the best option. There are hangar, closed and open spaces, the useful space of which should be planned depending on the type of product placed in them.

Warehouse rules

When starting to organize a warehouse, it is advisable to determine its functional purpose and carefully calculate the dimensions of the required racking system. When drawing up a project, all significant factors must be taken into account - the building area, the necessary sanitary conditions, the dimensions of stored products, the planned work budget. It is worth paying attention to the performance characteristics various types shelving. The most common option is shelf structures used to accommodate retail product, as well as products in metal or plastic containers.

The rack can be stationary or mobile. Another popular type is pallet devices designed for storing standard and specific types of goods. You can set up a warehouse by installing prefabricated racking systems, among which it is customary to distinguish cargo, mobile and universal options. The structures are made from stainless steel, high quality assembly makes them as reliable and stable as possible.

When equipping a commercial warehouse, you need to take care of the availability of parking and convenient access to the building - listed factors affect the productivity of the enterprise, speed up document flow and facilitate inventory management. The installation of prefabricated structures is especially popular today. It is advisable to entrust their installation to specialists from organizations providing warehouse arrangement services - the MTO company is one of the most reliable. Experienced professionals can not only install shelving correctly, but also give recommendations on organizing work and more efficient space planning.

Rational use of useful space allows the placement of racks, shelves and counters of suitable dimensions. Among the most convenient are gravity racking systems, which are used to place cargo on special roller tracks. The devices are suitable for storing large volumes of goods; they are actively used in the pharmaceutical, chemical and Food Industry. The presence of interrack aisles allows the operation of a warehouse equipped with gravity structures to be optimized. When thinking about how to properly arrange racks in a warehouse, you should not forget about the choice of lifting and transport equipment (ladders, tables, platforms) that facilitate the placement of products. When organizing the work of a warehouse, it is advisable to pay special attention to the compliance of the racks with safety requirements. The structures must be strong and stable, correspond to the height of the room and the dimensions of the stored goods.

Equipment for storing goods.

Equipment in this group is divided into the following subgroups:

For stacking and storing packaged products;

For storage of bulk and bulk products;

For storage of bulk products.

Racks and pallets are widely used for stacking and storing packaged cargo.

Racks are divided into universal and special according to their purpose. Universal racks are used for storing various food products in containers or on pallets. Special racks are used to store certain goods.

Pallets are devices designed for forming cargo packages, stacking and transporting products. They are universal in their use. The use of pallets in warehouses creates the necessary conditions for the comprehensive mechanization of loading and unloading and internal warehouse operations, reducing labor costs, more effective use area and capacity of warehouses.

Storage of bulk and bulk products ( table salt, granulated sugar, etc.) are carried out in bunkers and bins.

Bunker devices are specially equipped containers for temporary storage of bulk and bulk cargo. They can have a capacity from 20 to 100 cubic meters. m or more. Bins are places fenced off by a vertical partition for pouring bulk products. They may have cells formed by internal partitions.

Liquid cargo (vegetable oils, milk, etc.) is stored in reservoirs (tanks), as well as in barrels and cans. Tanks are often made of steel. They can have a capacity of 5, 10, 25, 50, 75, 100 cubic meters. m, equipped with hatches for measurements, cleaning and repair, as well as devices for draining and filling products and for air release.

For the storage and transportation of liquid cargo, specialized vehicles and containers with a gross weight of 30, 20, 10, 5 and 1.25 tons can be used. Their use is economically beneficial, as it allows for maximum mechanization and simplification of operations associated with the storage and transportation of liquid cargo.

Lifting and transport equipment. Application of handling equipment in warehouse technological process helps facilitate heavy and labor-intensive work, speeds up loading and unloading operations, and reduces transport downtime.

Lifting and transport equipment is classified according to the following main characteristics:

Functional purpose;

The principle of frequency of action;

Type of cargo being processed;

Types of drive;

Degrees of labor mechanization.

According to their functional purpose, the equipment is divided into three groups:

Lifting machines and mechanisms;

Transporting machines and devices;

Loading and unloading machines, trucks.

Lifting machines and mechanisms include cranes, freight elevators, winches and electric hoists.

Cranes are designed to move loads in vertical and horizontal directions.

Freight elevators are intermittent lifting devices for lifting and lowering products. Their carrying capacity is from 150 kg to 5 tons.

Winches are used for vertical (lifting winches) and horizontal (traction winches) movement of loads; they are available with manual and electric drives. They can have traction forces of up to 1 ton.

An electric hoist is an electrically driven mechanism for vertical and horizontal movement of a load suspended on a hook. Horizontal movement is carried out along a suspended monorail track. It is controlled using a push-button mechanism, it has a lifting capacity of 0.5 and 1 t and is designed for a lifting height of cargo from 4 to Yum.

Transport machines and devices include conveyors, gravity devices, cargo transport carts, electric tractors and electric cars.

Conveyors (transporters) are continuous transport machines. Depending on the design features, they are belt, plate and roller. They are used for horizontal and slightly inclined movement of bulk and piece goods.

Gravity devices include gravity conveyors and vertical descents. The load with the help of these devices moves under the influence of its own gravity.

Cargo transport trolleys are used for horizontal and slightly inclined movement of goods. They are electric and manual. Electric trolleys are used to move goods over a distance of up to 1 km. Hand carts are produced on three or four wheels, their load capacity is up to 1 ton. Cargo transport carts with a load capacity of up to 50 kg are used to move individual lightweight loads.

Stacker trolleys with a manual hydraulic drive for lifting cargo allow for multi-tiered storage, stacking in racks and moving cargo in industrial containers. Carts may have a lifting platform or lifting forks.

Electric tractors are used for horizontal movement of trailed trolleys and container equipment on wheels. The total weight of transported cargo is up to 1500 kg.

Loading and unloading machines - forklifts and stackers - are designed to perform loading and unloading operations, intra-warehouse movement and storage of goods. Forklifts are divided into electric forklifts and forklifts.

Electric forklifts are floor-mounted, trackless, electrified vehicles driven by an electric motor powered by batteries. Their main working body is the forks, which serve to pick up the load, lift it, transport and stack it. They are produced with a lifting capacity of 0.5 to 5 tons, and a lifting height of cargo from 2.0 to 5.6 m. Electric loaders have high maneuverability.

Auto-loaders are powered by an internal combustion engine, and therefore are used to perform loading and unloading operations in open areas.

Their carrying capacity is from 3.2 to 10 tons, the lifting height of cargo is up to 8.2 m.

Electric stackers also belong to floor-mounted trackless transport vehicles. They are used to perform warehouse work in enclosed spaces with a hard and even floor covering. They are used for working in cramped conditions when stacking goods in high tiers of racks. Their carrying capacity is 0.8; 1.0; 1.25; 1.6 and 2 t.

When equipping warehouses with lifting and transport equipment, the following is taken into account: arrangement of warehouses; range and dimensions of products to be processed; volume of loading, unloading and storage operations; machine performance; warehouse operating hours.

Weighing, measuring and packaging equipment.

Depending on the design, scales used in warehouses are divided as follows:






In addition, scales are divided into the following types:




Commodity (platform);

Tabletop (ordinary, dial, electronic). To equip warehouses, mobile and stationary platform scales are most often used.

Mobile floor scales are used to weigh cargo weighing from 50 kg to 3 tons.

On scale-weight scales, the mass of the load is determined by summing the mass values ​​of the overhead weights and the scale readings. They are low productivity. To determine the mass of the goods, it is necessary to carry out a calculation. At the same time, they are simple in design, reliable and have a relatively low cost.

Scale and dial scales are easy to use. Stationary platform scales are designed for weighing large loads. Their mechanism is mounted on a special foundation. In this case, for weighing cargo with a vehicle, truck scales with the largest weighing limits of 10, 15, 30, 60, 100 and 150 tons are used.

To weigh cargo along with wagons in warehouses of wholesale warehouses, wagon scales are used.

More and more widespread electronic balance new generation. Currently in Russian Federation Several hundred models of such scales are produced (from tabletop to automobile and carriage scales). They are durable and reliable, and can be designed for any operating conditions. Weighing time is only 2-3 seconds. The scales have maximum service functions.

At enterprises wholesale trade and warehouses, various packaging equipment is used.

According to its purpose, it is divided into equipment for filling and packaging groceries (automatic dispensers, mechanized production lines) and equipment for sorting, packing and packaging potatoes, vegetables and fruits (semi-automatic scales and lines for filling and packaging).

Automatic scales are used to pack granulated sugar and cereals into paper bags in portions of 0.5 and 1 kg. Packaging of sweets, gingerbreads and others food products produced using an installation for packaging in bags made of polymer film. The portion weight is determined on an electronic scale.

For the production of double paper bags, packaging and packaging of granulated sugar in portions up to 1 kg, automatic machines are used with a permissible dosing error of each portion within + 1.5%.

The industry produces machines for filling and packing granulated sugar, cereals, table salt and other bulk goods into bags made of polymer film in portions of 0.5-1 kg.

For packaging and packing of products, mechanized and automated production lines can be used.

In mechanized lines, almost all technological operations are performed using machines controlled by personnel. Such lines include automatic scales and automatic stackers of packaged goods in containers and equipment. The mechanized line has a capacity of up to 3000 bags per hour with a portion weight of 1 kg.

Automated production lines are equipped with a set of machines that automatically perform all technological operations. They are used for packing and packing granulated sugar and cereals.

Special machines are used for packing vegetables, fruits, and potatoes in cotton and polymer mesh bags. Their productivity is 1200 bags per hour with a serving weight of no more than 3 kg.

For automatic packaging of vegetables, fruits and potatoes in a polymer mesh, machines are used with a capacity of 780-1200 bags per hour, depending on the weight of the portion.

There are also mechanized production lines for packaging and packaging potatoes in a polymer mesh, as well as carrots in plastic bags etc. Their productivity is 600 servings per hour with a potato serving weighing 3 kg and a carrot serving weighing 1 kg.

Trade equipment is divided into the following types: commercial non-mechanical equipment (trade furniture), measuring equipment, cash register equipment, refrigeration equipment, handling equipment, packaging and packing equipment.

To perform various operations related to acceptance, storage, preparation for sale, display and sale of goods, stores use non-mechanical commercial and technological equipment (furniture for retail premises). One of the main functions of commercial non-mechanical equipment is to ensure the technological process at a commercial enterprise.

Furniture, being the main type of equipment of this enterprise, represents slides, hangers, packaging equipment, counters, showcases, racks and other products necessary to carry out the basic trading operations. A correctly selected set of furniture allows you to:

Rationally organize the trade and technological process;

Mechanize heavy and labor-intensive operations;

Expand the range of products;

Maximize the use of area and volume of retail and warehouse premises;

Reduce product losses;

Introduce progressive forms of sales;

Increase the level of trade services, labor productivity of trade workers, and the efficiency of trade enterprises;

Improve the aesthetic design of retail premises.

Furniture used in commercial enterprises is divided according to the following criteria:

1) functional purpose - for display of goods (showcases, stands), for display and sale of goods (slides, hangers, counters), for display, transportation, temporary storage and sale of goods (container equipment), for settlements with customers (cash registers ), for storing goods (racks, stock shelves), for checking the quality and preparing goods for sale (tables for rejecting goods, packaging goods), for providing additional services to customers (fitting booths, tables for packaging goods, counters for selection baskets and customer bags , bedside tables for check scales), etc.;

2) place of use - in the sales areas of stores, in premises for receiving, storing and preparing goods for sale, in utility rooms;

3) installation method - wall-mounted (installed around the perimeter trading floor), island (installed in the center of the hall), wall-mounted and built-in;

4) product profile - specialized and universal; specialized furniture is adapted for a specific group or type of goods (walls for fabrics, bakery products), universal furniture is suitable for different groups of goods;

5) material of manufacture - metal, wood, combined, using metal, wood, glass, plastics and other materials. Metal furniture parts are made from round and rectangular pipes, rods, wires, angle steel, sheet steel, and aluminum. Zinc, enamel and other coatings are used to finish their surfaces. Wooden parts are made from lumber, chipboards, fiberboards, and plywood;

6) structures - non-removable, collapsible, folding, collapsible, sectional, universally prefabricated. Permanent furniture consists of parts interconnected by permanent connections. Parts of prefabricated furniture are connected using bolts, screws, brackets, hooks and other detachable connections. Folding and collapsible furniture have parts with hinged joints that allow them to be folded, thereby reducing the size of the furniture and the volume it occupies. Sectional furniture consists of separate sections. A section is a finished product equipped with the necessary parts: shelves, drawers, brackets, etc. Sections are installed separately or connected to other sections. In this case, blocks or lines of any length are formed. When connecting sections in a line, fewer support posts are required, which reduces the weight of furniture and the costs of its purchase and installation. Universal prefabricated furniture consists of standardized legal materials, from which you can assemble furniture of various functional purposes and sizes. Using a combination of various parts, as well as a combination of various devices for displaying goods, you can create a wide variety of types of furniture for organizing trade in all groups of food and non-food products;

7) completeness - piece products and sets of furniture. Factories commercial equipment are produced as separate products upon orders trade organizations, and furniture sets. Sets are a group of products with different functional purposes and the same architectural and artistic design;

8) the nature of production - experimental, serial and mass. Experimental furniture is made in non- large quantities to identify the advantages, disadvantages and needs of trading enterprises. Serial - produced in larger or smaller batches (series) based on the results of manufacturing and testing of experimental samples. Mass furniture is produced in large quantities over a long period of time without changing the design.

Furniture for trade enterprises is subject to operational, economic, ergonomic, aesthetic, sanitary and hygienic requirements.

Commercial refrigeration equipment is a refrigerated device designed for short-term storage, display and sale of perishable goods in retail establishments. It is one of the links in a continuous refrigeration chain and is represented by refrigerated chambers, commercial refrigerated cabinets, refrigerated display cases, counters and display counters.

Commercial refrigeration equipment used to equip stores is divided into the following main groups according to purpose:

For storing goods (refrigerators, cabinets, closed counters);

For display and sale of goods (open counters, showcases and display counters);

Demonstration equipment (display cases, display cabinets).

By temperature conditions, maintained in a refrigerated container, refrigeration equipment is usually divided into low-temperature (for frozen products) and conventional (for refrigerated products). In low-temperature equipment, goods are stored at a temperature of -18°C and below. Chilled products are stored at a temperature of 0-2°C.

Refrigerating chambers have a collapsible design. They are installed in store warehouses and food is stored in them for 3-5 days. Refrigeration chambers are produced in two types: KHS (for chilled products) and KHN (for frozen products) with a refrigerated volume of 6, 12 and 18 m3. Shelves are used for storing food, and hooks are used for hanging carcasses. Some refrigeration chambers are designed for storing goods in container equipment.

The refrigerated compartment of the refrigerator compartment is assembled from standardized insulated panels forming the walls, floor and ceiling. The panels are connected to each other at the assembly site with special ties. The outer cladding of the panels is made of sheet steel, the inner cladding is made of sheet aluminum. The space between the facings is filled with polyurethane foam. One or two (depending on the chamber model) refrigeration machines are installed on the ceiling panel of the chamber.

Refrigerated cabinets are installed at the seller’s workplace or in the warehouses of small stores. They have built-in refrigeration units. They are produced in two types: SHH (medium temperature) and SHN (low temperature). They may have different capacities of the refrigerated chambers, different cooling capacities of the machines and a different number of doors. Refrigerating cabinets ШХ-0.40М are distinguished by these characteristics; ШХ-0.80М; ШХ-0.80У; ШХ-0.71; ШХ-1.40, etc. The refrigerated compartment of refrigerated cabinets is assembled from pre-fabricated panels of two metal claddings, the space between which is filled with thermal insulation made of polyurethane foam. Removable lattice shelves are used for storing goods. The engine room occupies the top of the cabinet. In refrigerated cabinets the temperature is maintained from 0 to 8°C, in low-temperature cabinets - down to -18°C.

Refrigerated display cases are used for displaying and selling chilled and frozen products. For short-term storage, display and sale of pre-cooled and packaged gastronomic products in self-service stores, refrigerated medium-temperature display cases VHS-2-3.15 and VHS-2-3.15 VM are widely used. For the sale of refrigerated goods from container equipment, refrigerated display cases VHS-2-4K, VHS-2-4KM1 and VHS-2-4KVM are used.

To place goods in display cases, there are refrigerated compartments in which the temperature can be maintained from -2 to 6°C or 0 to 8°C. Products are laid out on sheet steel shelves, aluminum sheet trays or in container equipment.

The refrigeration supply for display cases, depending on their model, is carried out from a refrigeration unit located in the engine room of the display case, or a refrigeration unit installed outside the display case, in the engine room of the store.

Refrigerated counters are designed for short-term storage, display and sale of chilled gastronomic products in supermarkets. There are medium-temperature (MCS) and low-temperature (PHN).

Self-service stores use open counters with air curtains. The most common models are PHS-2-2.5; PCN-2-2.5; PHS-1.25; PHS-2-2, etc. The refrigerated compartments are maintained at the same temperature as in refrigerated display cases. Refrigeration units are located in engine rooms counters or in store machine rooms.

Products in refrigerated counters are laid out on removable lattice shelves or placed in cassettes or baskets (in closed counters).

Refrigerated display counters are used for short-term storage, display and sale of refrigerated products. The design of this type of equipment provides for the presence of two refrigerated compartments - a counter chamber and a display case. The counter chamber is designed to store a replacement stock of perishable goods. The display case displays goods intended for display and selection by customers.

Equipment for storing goods.

Equipment in this group is divided into the following subgroups:

  • -- for stacking and storing packaged products;
  • -- for storage of bulk and bulk products;
  • -- for storage of liquid products.

Racks and pallets are widely used for stacking and storing packaged cargo.

Racks are divided into universal and special according to their purpose. Universal racks are used for storing various food products in containers or on pallets. Special racks are used to store certain goods.

Pallets are devices designed for forming cargo packages, stacking and transporting products. They are universal in their use. The use of pallets in warehouses creates the necessary conditions for the comprehensive mechanization of loading and unloading and inside warehouse operations, reducing labor costs, and more efficient use of the space and capacity of warehouse premises.

Storage of bulk and loose products (table salt, granulated sugar, etc.) is carried out in bunkers and bins.

Bunker devices are specially equipped containers for temporary storage of bulk and bulk cargo. They can have a capacity from 20 to 100 cubic meters. m or more. Bins are places fenced off by a vertical partition for pouring bulk products. They may have cells formed by internal partitions.

Liquid cargo (vegetable oils, milk, etc.) is stored in reservoirs (tanks), as well as in barrels and cans. Tanks are often made of steel. They can have a capacity of 5, 10, 25, 50, 75, 100 cubic meters. m, equipped with hatches for measurements, cleaning and repair, as well as devices for draining and filling products and for air release.

For the storage and transportation of liquid cargo, specialized vehicles and containers with a gross weight of 30, 20, 10, 5 and 1.25 tons can be used. Their use is economically beneficial, as it allows for maximum mechanization and simplification of operations associated with the storage and transportation of liquid cargo.

Lifting and transport equipment. The use of lifting and transport equipment in the warehouse technological process helps to facilitate heavy and labor-intensive work, speeds up loading and unloading operations, and reduces transport downtime.

Lifting and transport equipment is classified according to the following main characteristics:

  • -- functional purpose;
  • - the principle of frequency of action;
  • - the type of cargo being processed;
  • -- types of drive;
  • - degree of labor mechanization.

According to their functional purpose, the equipment is divided into three groups:

  • -- lifting machines and mechanisms;
  • -- transporting machines and devices;
  • -- loading and unloading machines, trucks.

Lifting machines and mechanisms include cranes, freight elevators, winches and electric hoists.

Cranes are designed to move loads in vertical and horizontal directions.

Freight elevators are intermittent lifting devices for lifting and lowering products. Their carrying capacity is from 150 kg to 5 tons.

Winches are used for vertical (lifting winches) and horizontal (traction winches) movement of loads; they are available with manual and electric drives. They can have traction forces of up to 1 ton.

Electric hoist is an electrically driven mechanism for vertical and horizontal movement of a load suspended on a hook. Horizontal movement is carried out along a suspended monorail track. It is controlled using a push-button mechanism, it has a lifting capacity of 0.5 and 1 t and is designed for a lifting height of cargo from 4 to Yum.

Transport machines and devices include conveyors, gravity devices, cargo transport carts, electric tractors and electric cars.

Conveyors (conveyors) are continuous transport machines. Depending on the design features, they are belt, plate and roller. They are used for horizontal and slightly inclined movement of bulk and piece goods.

Gravity devices include gravity conveyors and vertical descents. The load with the help of these devices moves under the influence of its own gravity.

Cargo transport trolleys are used for horizontal and slightly inclined movement of goods. They are electric and manual. Electric trolleys are used to move goods over a distance of up to 1 km. Hand carts are produced on three or four wheels, their load capacity is up to 1 ton. Cargo transport carts with a load capacity of up to 50 kg are used to move individual lightweight loads.

Stacker trolleys with a manual hydraulic drive for lifting cargo allow for multi-tiered storage, stacking in racks and moving cargo in industrial containers. Carts may have a lifting platform or lifting forks.

Electric tractors are used for horizontal movement of trailed trolleys and container equipment on wheels. The total weight of transported cargo is up to 1500 kg.

Loading and unloading machines - forklifts and stackers - are designed to perform loading and unloading operations, intra-warehouse movement and storage of goods. Forklifts are divided into electric forklifts and forklifts.

Electric forklifts are floor-mounted, trackless, electrified vehicles driven by an electric motor powered by batteries. Their main working body is the forks, which serve to pick up the load, lift it, transport and stack it. They are produced with a lifting capacity from 0.5 to 5 tons, a lifting height of cargo from 2.0 to 5.6 m. Electric loaders have high maneuverability.

Auto-loaders are powered by an internal combustion engine, and therefore are used to perform loading and unloading operations in open areas.

Their carrying capacity is from 3.2 to 10 tons, the lifting height of cargo is up to 8.2 m.

Electric stackers also belong to floor-mounted trackless transport vehicles. They are used to perform warehouse work in enclosed spaces with a hard and even floor covering. They are used for working in cramped conditions when stacking goods in high tiers of racks. Their carrying capacity is 0.8; 1.0; 1.25; 1.6 and 2 t.

When equipping warehouses with lifting and transport equipment, the following is taken into account: arrangement of warehouses; range and dimensions of products to be processed; volume of loading, unloading and storage operations; machine performance; warehouse operating hours.

Weighing, measuring and packaging equipment.

Depending on the design, scales used in warehouses are divided as follows:

  • - fatty;
  • -- scale;
  • -- scale-weighted;
  • - dial;
  • -- semi-automatic;
  • -- automatic.

In addition, scales are divided into the following types:

  • - carriages;
  • -- automobile;
  • - cranes;
  • -- commodity (platform);
  • -- desktop (ordinary, dial, electronic). To equip warehouses, mobile and stationary platform scales are most often used.

Mobile floor scales are used to weigh cargo weighing from 50 kg to 3 tons.

On scale-weight scales, the mass of the load is determined by summing the mass values ​​of the overhead weights and the scale readings. They are low productivity. To determine the mass of the goods, it is necessary to carry out a calculation. At the same time, they are simple in design, reliable and have a relatively low cost.

Scale and dial scales are easy to use. Stationary platform scales are designed for weighing large loads. Their mechanism is mounted on a special foundation. In this case, for weighing cargo with a vehicle, truck scales with the largest weighing limits of 10, 15, 30, 60, 100 and 150 tons are used.

To weigh cargo along with wagons in warehouses of wholesale warehouses, wagon scales are used.

New generation electronic scales are becoming increasingly widespread. Currently, several hundred models of such scales are produced in the Russian Federation (from tabletop to automobile and carriage scales). They are durable and reliable, and can be designed for any operating conditions. Weighing time is only 2--3 seconds. The scales have maximum service functions.

Wholesale trade enterprises and warehouses use various packaging equipment.

According to its purpose, it is divided into equipment for filling and packaging groceries (automatic dispensers, mechanized production lines) and equipment for sorting, packing and packaging potatoes, vegetables and fruits (semi-automatic scales and lines for filling and packaging).

Automatic scales are used to pack granulated sugar and cereals into paper bags in portions of 0.5 and 1 kg. Packaging of sweets, gingerbreads and other food products is carried out using an installation for packaging in bags made of polymer film. The portion weight is determined on an electronic scale.

For the production of double paper bags, packaging and packaging of granulated sugar in portions up to 1 kg, automatic machines are used with a permissible dosing error of each portion within + 1.5%.

The industry produces machines for filling and packing granulated sugar, cereals, table salt and other bulk goods into bags made of polymer film in portions of 0.5-1 kg.

For packaging and packing of products, mechanized and automated production lines can be used.

In mechanized lines, almost all technological operations are performed using machines controlled by personnel. Such lines include automatic scales and automatic stackers of packaged goods in containers and equipment. The mechanized line has a capacity of up to 3000 bags per hour with a portion weight of 1 kg.

Automated production lines are equipped with a set of machines that automatically perform all technological operations. They are used for packing and packing granulated sugar and cereals.

Special machines are used for packing vegetables, fruits, and potatoes in cotton and polymer mesh bags. Their productivity is 1200 bags per hour with a serving weight of no more than 3 kg.

For automatic packaging of vegetables, fruits and potatoes in a polymer mesh, machines with a capacity of 780-1200 bags per hour are used, depending on the weight of the portion.

There are also mechanized production lines for packing and packaging potatoes in a polymer mesh, as well as carrots in plastic bags, etc. Their productivity is 600 servings per hour with a potato serving weight of 3 kg and a carrot serving weight of 1 kg.

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A huge number of firms, enterprises and companies need warehouse space. Depending on the specifics of the work, such a room may have completely small sizes however, at the same time fully perform their direct functions and responsibilities. Quite often, people do not know how to properly use all the free space in the room, which is why they have to buy or rent large warehouses for the appropriate money. To make your task easier and run your business economically, you need to learn how to properly optimize space in your warehouse.

Where to begin?

First of all, you need to approach this problem correctly and wisely. To do this you need to create small plan or a sketch regarding objects and things that should be in the warehouse. In this case, you need to take into account the specifics of the operation of this warehouse and the frequency of imported/exported items. A well-designed project will help take into account all these factors and suggest the main aspects of the equipment of such a place. Before starting all work, it is necessary to take into account all aspects of the project, namely financial side warehouse owner, square footage and specifics of future use.


Often, any warehouse consists of a huge number of shelves and racks different designs and heights, as well as the availability of special lifting equipment. If the warehouse is very small, and the items stored in it are packed in small boxes or bags, then you can refuse the equipment. When optimizing such a room, you should also take into account the width of the doorways and the possibility of vehicle access for further loading or unloading of goods. If you do not take into account all these points at the initial level, you can get significant losses and a significant loss of time in the future.

In the warehouse you need to allocate a small space for receiving goods and packaging them. This will make life easier for warehouse workers and will not create congestion right at the entrance. To do this, you need to allocate special areas with large tables that will have free access. In the warehouse itself it is best to use metal racks and shelves, as they are the most practical, versatile and durable. They are best suited for those rooms where there is very little space and high ceilings. This way they will allow you to use the maximum amount of space, turning it into a comfortable working area.

Technological innovations

Before equipping a small warehouse space, take the time to learn about the latest technological innovations that will allow you to equip your warehouse more comfortably and conveniently. Currently there is great amount various building modules, mounted mobile structures and devices that will help hang a huge number of different objects, things and goods in their places. This facilitates efficient and correct storage, and also does not take much time for further use at the right time.


To create a proper and convenient warehouse, you must take care of its safety. To do this, you need to ensure the correct ventilation system, change the wiring to prevent fire, and take care of slings, fasteners and other elements that carry a serious and important load. All these measures will contribute to fast and efficient work in the warehouse, even if it has small storage parameters. Proper equipment and proper planning are the key to long-term operation of this premises in the future.